fiOW TO OBTAIN : GOOD DIGESTION fie Stomach Must lie Toned and ; Strengthened Through the Blood , The victim of indigestion who wants to eat a good meal, but who knows that suffering will follow, fends but poor consolation in pick- 4 ing and choosing a diet. As a mat- -Jer of fact you cannot get relief, by cutting down your food to a starva- tion basis. The stomach must be Strengthened until you can eat good, nourishing food. The only- Fay to strengthen the stomach is to enrich the blood, tone up the nerves and give strength to the stomach that will enable it to di- Jgest any kind of food, is through *a fair use of Dr. Williams' Pink *Pitls. The one mission of these %)ills is to make rich, red blood that reaches every organ and every 4 nerve in the body, bringing renewed health and activity. The following 'case illustrates the value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in curing in- .digestio,n. Mrs. T. Reid, Orange- ,viJle, On*., says: "I have much pleasure in testifying to the relia- "bility of V* Williams' Pink-PiUs. For several years I had suffered .greatly from stomach trouble. Sev- ^eral doctors prescribed 1 for me but 'their medicine did not help me. Af- ter every meal I would suffer great .pain, and would often be attacked .with nausea. I grew weak and had almost lost all hope of recovery. *At this juncture I decided to try .Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which were recommended to me. In these ^pills I at last found the right medi- cine, and I am once more in good .health. I have much pleasure in sending you my testimonial in the *hope that it will encourage some suffering persons to try this sure remedy." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or will bo sent by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. AMSTERDAM'S DIAMOND MEN Ten Thousand Earn From $120 to $6 Weekly. The diamond trade of Amsterdam is in the hands of seventy firms, employing more than 10,000 work- men. About 1,700 are cleavers and cutters, and 4,700 polishers, etc., the rest being engaged about the offices and in other work. These workmen are composed of 5ve classes, in the following order, as to the amount of wages receiv- ed : Cleavers, polishers, turners, cutters and sawyers. Polishers and turners receive about the same wages. Certain cleavers get as much as $120 a week. From this maximum wages grade downwards througn the other classes to $6 and 8 a week for sawers. It is the task of the cleaver to ' split diamonds. Cutters take off the rough sharp edges and corners ^and determine the general shape *of the stone. Polishers polish the stones and make their facets. Turn- ers turn the diamonds around in 'the apparatus that holds them so Hhat the facets may be made, each ,fine diamond having from fifty-eight to sixty-four which cannot be clov- en, or which it is more profitable ^to saw. Sometimes a stone is cleft and the parts then sawed, but very Binall stones cannot be sawed. The Amsterdam diamond work- ers maintain a compact organiza- tion for their protection. No one ran learn the trade without the consent of this organization, and only children of workers or of jew- piers are eligible to become pupils. The waiting list always contains thousands of names. As a general thing pupils pay for instruction, sometimes as much as $2,000 for cleaving, payable in in- stalments. In the case of polish- ers and turners there is a special school, the instruction fee being from $120 to $150. REMARKABLE 1 FEAT OF SURGERY In every country there are count- less thousands of persons going through life crippled, simply be- cause a fractured bone has been badly set. Whenever there has been a con- siderable displacement of the brok- en bones, the oid-fashioiied splint treatment is useless to restore the ) proper shape of the limb and its functions. Dr. Ernest W. Hey Groves, pro- ! fessor in the Royal College %E Sur- , geons of England, has perfected a system of mending bad fractures by | means of screws passed through the bones with plates or nuts at the ends to hold the screws in position and hasten union of the bone by pressing the fragments together. "The old-fashioned method of setting a broken limb by splints or plaster goes back to prehistoric times," says Professor Groves. "It is almost everything that is bad. It does nothing to reduce the deform- ity, it al'lows enough movement be- tween the fragments to cause great callus excess, it keeps the patient in bed or inactive for the longest possible time, it does everything that can be done to make the mus- cles waste, the tendons adhere to their sheaths and the joints to be- come fixed. And it conceals the prospect of all those evil results be- neath the covering of the elegant bandaging, so that they are not apparent Until Too Late For Beinedy. "One good feature the method has, which, unfortunately, with many outweighs its evils. It is easy for both patient and practi- tioner at the time. Perhaps one hour is given to fixing the arm on any angular splint or to putting the leg into plaster, and then noth- ing more has to be done for a month or two, except for the pa- tient to enjoy his convalescence and the surgeon to come and chat to him abouWhe weather from time to time. Hence, it is that the me- thod which goes back to the Pha- raoahs seems likely to flourish for many a generation to come, so long, in fact, as watchful waiting is the most popular motto of the day. HIRffYKWIR COMPLEXION With CUTICURA SOAP And Cuticura Ointment Their use tends to prevent pore clog- ging, pimples, blackheads, red- ness, roughness and other un- wholesome conditions of the skin. Cuttcura Soap and Ointment re aoid throughout the world. A liberal sample of each, with 32-pm booklet on tfie cans and treatment of the akin and ealp. oent poet-free. Address Potter Drug * Cluaia Cars.. Dent. UK. Boston. U. 8. A. of the body before the occurence of the full bony union. "I use plates of soft steel, nicfcle- plated, which vary in length from two to 4% inches, in thickness from one thirty-second to one eighth inch, and width from five sixteenths to one half inch. Sometimes, espe- cially in the case of a thigh bone, a flat plate is more convenient, but usually a curved plate not only lies more snugly, but gives greater strength. In some cases in the hu- snerus (arm bone), at the lower end of the hin bone it is most conveni- ent to make two incisions, one at each side of the limb, but else- where the whole operation is done through a single incision, must be of ample length." which CHINESE TELEGRAMS. Difficulties of Sending Them Have Been Overcome. It might well seem impossible to send a telegram in a written lan- guage that has no alphabet but is made up of a vast number of char- acters, no two of which are* alike. Not only is the Chinese language The Value. Apart from the utilization of its kernel for copras, over 80 distinct and separate methods have been found for the utilization of the oo- coanut, with its fibre covering and its .products-, the most important concern f x.dstuffs. Every year about eight thousand million nuts are cultivat-J; of this quantity 50 per cent. are consumed in the Ea,<t and elsewhere as food, 20 per csnt. are transformed into oil for use the same regions, a-nd only about 30 per cent, find their \ ay to the European and American markets. C'ocoanut oil, of course, is ussd on a colossal scale for the manufacture of nut butter, margarine, soap, candles, and lard, and also as an illuminant and a lubricant. The coir or fibre sheath which envel opes the hard shell of the nut is used for rope' cordage, and cables. composed of several thousand ddf- 1 plaints of that GUARD BABY'S HEALTH IN THE SUMMER The summer months are the mo&t dangerous to little ones. The com- i Delicately flavoured Highly concen- trated. H. w ferent characters, but there are so many dialects spoken m China that i dysentry, there are more than a hundred ways of pronouncing each charac- ter, although the written language is uniform throughout the country. How is it possible to send a tele- gram in such a land and such a lan- guage 1 The difficulties" have been very ingeniously overcome, and it is i now easier and less expensive to send a telegram in- Chinese than in French. ed and the fragments reduced so exactly to their relative position that the joint surface is Perfectly Restored. which are infa-ntum,. diarrhoea and! come on se quickly j DAW8OV, linty Colborna Street, Toronto. IF YOU WANT TO BL'Y OR .SELL A Fruit. Stock. CJrain or Diary r"arm. write H. W. Dav/son, Brarapton. or SO Colbcrne St.. Toronto. H. W. DAWSOtr. Colborne 8t.. Toronto. STOCK SALESMAW. WANTED FOR BEST Oil proposition yet ALBERTA organized. that often a, little one is beyond aid ! A pp L y f , or i )a '- tir u 1 " r g Jp.. w - " Leitch. j *". Hunk of Ottawa Building, Montreal. before the mother realizes he is p.y. really ill. The mother must be on her guard to prevent these troubles, ! or, if they do c.;me on suddenly, toj f* D WEEKLY IN LIVE TOWN cure them. No other medicine ia of &** " SEWSPAFEBS FO* SAZ.Z N IN Boole Price only _ _ . . _. . *J j *i^_ *WUG VT- **\_ i o v,' "-/ ni In every telegraph office in China 25 ^^ a box from The Dr there is a dictionarj-, or spedal ! liams Me d icme Co., Brockville, ... such aid to the mother during hot'* 4 - 00 ?- Terms liberal. Wilson Publish. weather as is Baby's Own Tablets. | T.fron?'"""' ' West Adelaid * Slreet - They regulate the bowels and sto- j : ^ === mach and are absolutely safe. Sold | by medicine dealers or by mail at MISCELLANEOUS. code, in which the written charac- ters are listed and numbered. There are places for 9.999 characters, but a number of spaces are at present blank ; they can be filled with char- In this position they are held and acters when that becomes neces- transfixed by a long drill from side to side, and into the hole so made is passed a long bolt which is 3-32- inch to one-eighth in<h thick, ac- cording to the size of the bone. The head of the bolt carries one plate and another plate is passed over its opposite end and secured tight- ly by a nut when the projecting end of the bo-It is cut off. "It is important that the bolt Magic "Xerviline" Ends Stiff Neck, Lumbago Any Curable Muscular or Joint Pain is Instantly Relieved by Nerviline. GET TRIAL BOTTLE TO-DAY. You don't have to wait all day to get the kink out of a stiff neck if you rub on Nerviline. And you don't need :o go around complaining about lum- bago any more. You can rub such things away very quickly with Nervi- llne. It's the grandest liniment, the "There may be some who think my words a gross exaggeration, for they say that many a case has done well by the splint and plaster treat- ment. This is quite true, and it is this that makes the whole difficulty. If every case treated by a splint became maimed or lame for life no argument would be needed to con- demn the method. Possibly the majority of patients treated by it get a finally good result. But this good result is not because of the treatment, but rather in spite of it that is to^say, splint treatment is not treatment at all, except in a negative sense of the word. It is treatment only in the sense that the bed is treatment for enteric fever. Every broken bone, the fragments of which are not much dispaced, will, if protected from further injury, heal, but when the fragments are displaced the spint or plaster will do nothing to re- store the proper form to the bone, and they also increase the function- al loss due to adhesion of muscles and joints. "The only fractures that do well with the splint treatment are those in which the displacement of the fragments is trivial, and in such cases prolonged splinting is quite unnecessary, except in the form of A Movable Splint, only to be used during exercise and taken off when in bed and for massage." Professor Groves pointed out that all methods of healing bones by screws and bolts should provide for holding the connecting link firmly in the original position. *'No metal nail or screw dtiven into a bone," he said, " can re- main tightly in position and resist a displacing force for very long un- less it hokls the bone by a broad flange. The most simple way of providing this broad grip is by us- ing a bolt and is secured by a nut and washer on the opposite side. "Such a device has for a long time been advocated by Professor Delage of Brussels, who has de- signed a very useful set of appara- tus for carrying it out, and has published many clases illustrating its use. No doubt this method is exceedingly efficient, particularly in the fixation of fragments at the articular ends of the long bones and in certain very oblique frac- tures of their shafts. Bwt its ef- | should be made of soft iron, so as to make this latter proceeding easy. Then the other ends of the plate are bolted to the shaft of the bone after an accurate reduction of this part of the fracture. The plates are only one-sixteenth inch tiick and being of soft iron they become bent to fit the contour of the bone. The application of the second bolt so as to pass through the holes ready made for it in the plates must be done by means of a special drill guide. "In the elbow this operation is somewhat difficult because of the close neighborhood of the ulnar and musculospiral nerves, and be- cause there is only one spot where the articular end of the humerus can be transfixed without entering the coronoid or olecranon fossae (depressions in the bone that must be kept free). In the ends of the femur and tibia which form tho knee joint the method is easy be- sary. The sender of the telegram writes his message in the ordinary man- ner. The operator knows the num- bers of most of the characters. If there are any of which he is ignor- ant, he finds them in the catalogue. Each number is composed of four Morse numerals; for example 5913,- TO E>SIRE PURE MILK. Federal Department of Agriculture Takes Action. The Dominion Department of Ag- CAMCER. TUMORS. LUMPS. ETC., Internal and external, cured with- out pin by our home treatment. Writ* us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medicttl No Employer's Liability. Clerk Mr. Brown. I should Hko to ask you for a raise in my wages, I've just been married. Employer Very sorry, my dear man. but I can't help you. For ac- cidents which happen to our em- 0013.0414 signifies Yuan bbih-kai. , An order in council has been pas- the name of the present o the , ge<1 Chinese repubhc. It follows, then. riculture has taken steps to assist | ployee8 outsi d e of the factorv we - the campaign now under way m! are - not responsible. many cities and towns throughout Canada to insure a pure and whole- j some milk supply, and to'prevent the sale of milk from tuberculous ! cows. that the ten Morse numerals wi! ' serve to telegraph 9,999 different .1 ^r^rta^eguIaHon' of mHk Chinese characters. T . ,,.\c. a A ,1,,,, r u Death Nearly Claimed i\ew Brunswick Lady Was Restored to Her Anxious Fam- ily When Hope Was Gone. St. John, N.B., Dec. 15th. At one time it was feared that Mrs. J. Grant, of 3 White St., would succumb to the deadly ravages of advanced kidney trouble. "My first attacks of back- ache and kidney trouble began years ago. For six years that dull gnawing pain has been present. When I ex- erted myself It was terribly intensified. If I caught cold the pain was unen- durable. I used most everything, but nothing gave that certain grateful re- lief that came from Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. In sales. Minard Liniment Corel Distemper. Hard itu Manager. "The head of our concern decid- providing for Federal inspect- j ** to have everybody un dergo an Federal compensate,] T for ' **X . examination and appor- cattle wliere municipal- t ", tta J?b accordingly ' 'How did it i/urn out!" "The office boy won the manag- manager couldn't jruw ui muiunuLQ tuia ouiitfrciui. ia- 1 ., . > r .L *< e \ stead of being bowed down with pain. ! che opinion of the Minister of Ag- It is specified that the city', or town must first provide for licen- < J "' *? ., sing all milk vendors, for clean and ' >a sanitary dairies, for the prohibi- tion of the milk sales within two years of the first test of the cattle of any dairy unless a clean bill of j health is shown, and for ^he a p- | Mlnard's Liniment Co.. Limited. Dear Sirs. Thin fall I Kot thrown on pomtment 01 a municipal .nspector. i a fenee and hurt my Che8t very bil<1 , On fulfillment of these conditions | J- cou ' d not work and It hurt me to ... , j , ' breathe. I tried all kinds of Liniments and on application bem^ made by aM ,j lnev du me no good. the municipality to the Veterinary Director-General, Federal Inspect- ors will be aent to make tuberculin tests. Any diseased cattle are to be slaughtered, and compensation to owners is to be allowed at the i rate of one-third the value if de- j stroyed as a reaction at the request of the owner. No compensation is to be paid to the owner unless, in One bottle of MINARD'S LINIMENT, warmed on flannels and applied on my bna-.t. cured me completely. C. H. COaSJhBDOlt Itns--'.vay. DlRby Co.. N.S. cause there are very large surface-s appetite, sleep soundly. Lost proper- 1 sible in carrying out ftr transfixion, and these surfaces ties have been Instilled into my blood i tions of the inspector as to disin- f as pos the instruc- are uncovered by any important J cheeks are rosy with color, and I structures. j thank that day that I heard of so grand "In bad cases of fractures close' 4 medicine as Dr. Hamilton's Pills." fection, etc. Consoling. "You':i pardon me,'' said Prof. Debore. "I'd no idea I had been talking so long."' "Oh. you haven't been talking long, professor," said some one, trying t-c be polite, long.' "It on'y seems to the ankle joint this method i Every woman should use these tfills THOUGHT IT WAS SUICIDE umarar. liniment CUM. Q*ig*t in cow* of the greatest uti'itv It i* nh '< re 8 ularlv because good health pays, ' ' 1 1 A. \u ab "!and it's good, vigorous health that sohitely e-ssential that the proces- . comes to all who use Dr . Hamilton's ses of the tibia and the fibula (long leg bone) should not only be accur- ately replaced, but that they should be so firmly fixed that they will not yield when the pressure of the body weight is upon them. I show the ankle of a laboring man who was treated by one of the most up-to-date methods of non-opera- tive methods, viz.. that of imme- diate massage with early move- ments. "It will be seen that although the end of the fibula (small leg bone) has united very firmly at the shaft, the callus has yielded before the body weight and the socket of the ankle joint become permanently de- formed, so that unless it can be corrected the patient has an ex- treme talines valgus (splay foot). Mandrake and Butternut Pills. What He Needed Most. Ragged Rogers De lady in de next house give me a piece of home- made cake. Won't you give me somethin', too ' Mrs. Spiteful Certainly. I'll get you a pepsin tablet. His Chance. "I believe." said the beautiful heiress, "that the happiest mar- riages are made by opposites." "Just think how poor I am !" ar- gued the young man. MAPLE SUGAR SOI VEMRS. On Dominion Day last year everv which will incapacitate him from j passenger who entered a dining car 'of the C.P.R. received a maple sugar maple leaf enclosed in a little box with a minia-ture Canadian ordinary work for the rest of his life. "It is in the bones of the leg that julckest to penetrate, the speediest to: ., . ase muscular pain of any kind. | nciency can be still more mcreas- One twenty-flve cent trial bottle of . an* 1 lts sc P e extended if the Nerviline will cure any attack of lum- tago or lame back. This has been a thousand times, just as it In the case of Mrs. K. J. Grayden, if Caledonia, who writes: "I *vouldn't think of going to bed with- knowing we had Nervillne in the 'louse. I have used it for twenty odd /ears and appreciate its value as a hraily remedy more and more every ly. If any of the children gets a tiff neck, Nervlline cures quickly. If Is earache, toothache, cold on the >est, sore throat, Nervillne is always jiy standby. My husbaud once cured .tiiiself of a frightful attack of lum- go by Nerviline, and for a hundred transfixing bolts be used to fix me- tal plates on opposite sides of the bone. It will be convenient to de- scribe the technique I have adopt- ed, first for fractures of the articu- lar ends, and, secondly, for frac- tures of the shaft. "It is in the elbow, knee and ankle that these fractures are most common and the most difficult to treat. There are two main things to be accomplished first, the fixing of the broken fragments together, and then the firm attachment of the mended articular end- to the shaft this method is of the most value, because in this situation we have to laments that turn uy in a large fam- of the bone. !y Nerviline Is by far the best thing I "In the case of the knee and the Dfhave aliouf. you." ' elbow the ioint cavity must be open- Ensign and a copy of "The Maple Leaf For Ever." In the United aim at a union which is not only i States each particular fruit, such as Arm enough to withstand great j th<? orange, has its day. and the muscular strain, but one which is C.P.R. idea was to identify the strong enough to bear the weight Canadian National Holiday with ___________.__._.^^ ! this typical Canadian product. The Quebec Government was much in- terested in the idea and decided to elaborate it cm a still more com- prehensive scale, Quebec being the province most intimately connected with the maple sugar industry. In- deed, the higher standard of purity noticeable in commercial maple sugar is largely due to the enlight- ened efforts of the Quebec Ministry for Agriculture, which directs three schools for educating farmers in tho best methods of tapping, distilling and producing the augar. Thi'i year, therefore, the Quebec Gov- A prominent merchant was discover- ed a few days ago brandishing a razor at midniKht. His wife called for as- sistance, but found her Hubby was only i'urins his corns. Far better not to risk blood poisoning use I'utnum' Corn Extractor. 25c. at all dea: TS. Important to Know. Mrs. Lubberty Here's some pills, Murty. thot Mrs. Hogan was afther sindin' over for yer. She says they'll aither kill or cure yer. Lubberty (who is ill) Begorra. did she say foorst? is which thev would do Christian Counsel Little Sister "Oh, mamma, Georgie has just upset the tea ta- ble and broken my dolly an' all your nice dishes." Little Brother (badly frightened) Old "Does your husband ever say inythinjr. about his mother's cook- ing i'^' "No; but he say's tilings abuut my cue^'.isc that hi.s father used i.> say about; h: mother's cooking." Minartl's Liniment Cure* Diphtheria. Obliging. "Have you obliging neighbors?" "We have. They are obliging us to mve by the infernal racket they kick up nights." 101 R OWN DttLGGlST Will TEIL YOU Try Murine Eve Remedy for Red, Weal;. Watery Eyos ami Granulated Eye. i, Is; Nu Smarting- jtiRL Kye Comfcin .'Write for Buok of the Eje by uiaii Free. Muri^e Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. Freddy's father had been giving but don't let's be mad:" Minard'* Liniment Cure* Colds. Etc. "Yes, mamma, an' let's be sorry, ', nin1 lessons in politeness, but, hard- ly dared hope that the seeds of his teaching had taken root. One day, hearing noise cu.ning from the nur- sery, he investigated, and found Freddy pounding his little brother. "I'm surprised. Freddy," said his father, sternlv. "that vou should hurt, your little brother. Don't vou know it is very cowardly to strike one who is smaller than yourself;" "Yes." replied the Rushed l"p-slair*. An Irishman discovered a part of the woodwork of a chimney on fire. He rushed upstairs to his master, and announced ; IP alarm- ing intelligence. A large kettle of water was on the fire. "Why did- n't you put out the fire (" be asked. "I can't, sorr." "Why, vou idiot, pour the water upon it.'' ''Sure. it's hot water, sorr." culprit, meekly, "but when you thrashed me yesterday I was too polite to mention it.'' No Rooms Loft. "My dear," said the young hus- band, "did you speak to the milk- man about there being no cream on the milk!" "Yes; I told him ahoufc it this morning and he explaih ED. 7. issue a? ernnvwit itself has taken in hand ! factorily. I think it quite, i credit the Maple Day idea, and is itself j^ jji m) too." providing maple sugar souvenirs to "What did he say?" passengers served in dining cars on -He said he always filled the jug all Canadian lines, following tho so f u n that there were no room on C.P.R. example ^ e ^ p f vr cream!" r> i* amBuk is the t>est* remedy known for sunburn, heat, rashes, eczema, sore feet, stings ana blisters. A skin food ! All Dnwtoi and 5tof.-?f.'