Flesherton Advance, 9 Jul 1914, p. 1

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/Icsljcrton TBUTB BEFORE FAVOB." - PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' VOI 34 No. '2 Fleshier-ton, Ont., Thursday July 9, 1014 W. H. THURSTON EDITOB .11.. J I'l.O Dominion Day In Flesherton Flesherton chinnicled another success- ful Dominion Day cHebfation on Wed- nesday of last week, although Jupiter F'lnvius tried hard to keep the crowd aw.iy. While the a<|intic sports were going on a .smart shower uf rain fell and the whole afteru-iun was threatening, though no rain actually fell, and the temperature was very comfortable. The aquatic apmt.s were tcarcely so "iici.-essful as last year, is the coldness of the water kept many competitors from joining in the fun. The greased po!e was a failure it was too greasy anil no one succeeded in capturing the Hag. The tub race was won by Harry Frost, '_Frank Thurston second. The goose was caught by A. Ball and the awiraining race was won by the same young man, with II . Crawford second. There were four com- petitors in thiii. The afternoon sports on the .-iRritul- tural grounds were witnessed by quite ft lirye crowd. The hor.se racing wis not up to very much, in fact was rather a source of disappointment, at the events were not well tilled. These resulted as follows ; 2. 40 Trot or Pace 1 Comet (.Joe Ac- fcon), 2 Sidney H. (J. Hunter), :! Darkey D. (J. Minorgan). Named Race I Roy Hunter (Thomas McCalby), 2 Maud Wilkes (8. Wright), :l Wd (C. Dulrick). A baseball game was scheduled be- tween Mavkdale and Dnndalk teams for a good prize, but Duudalk only showed up about half strength and sume players had to he requisitioned here to make up the team. As a consequence Markdale had u real walk-over, winning the game by .i score of 27 to W. The football match between Fevemham and Fleshetton clubs was a good exhibi- tion of the gunie and resulted in a victory for the home team by 1 to 0. The 100-yard race was won by W. Whiicuker, wrh Mark Wilson. Jr. 2nd. The tug-of-war was captained by W. Boyd for the West arid Malcolm Mc- Donald for the Kast. The former was victorious The concert at 11114!.! . given by . com- pany of Owen Sound young people, was well patronized, and some of the talent was considered very ^ood, while tome of it was very mediocre. The order at the c mcei t was execrable, owing to the ab- sence of a chaimmn, and oue man had to be put out deforu a reasonable degree of order uould be secured. We felt sorry fur the perf inner* und also for the good name of th ton. The proceeds of the day WITJ a.s fol- !ows : Concert $UI:~].<JO, Oate S-'.M.tH), other receipts about $40. Victoria Corners H-ild Over L-wt VWk Mrs. Hicks of Clinton is visiting her sister, Mrs. LodloV. Max Biinnon has "one to till a posi'.ion in I Mini !-. We were sorry lo bid furewell to our leudier, Miss Walker, who ban taught at No. 4 for over three years, *nd has won the love in. I respect of I mli pupils and , ..ii :.t. Miss McComb is ulsn leaving Proton after three years successful teach- ing in that school. Mr. Win. Uinwoudie, who has been t iUiii'4 the work on the Kugema circuit for the past year, preached veiy instruc- tive seimon on Sabbath day us his (un- well. His successor is to he Rev. Jones. This Week's items Mm. Win. Heard and son. Win., visited the uncle, Win. Mejrd of Keppel, over Dominion Day, also in ( >wen Sound. Miss Elda Karstedt visited In i chum, Miss Min Heard. One of our young men hied him nway the o'her diiy and returned with a rubber lired bugjjy. Wonder who will go riding in that '! Mr. McCutcheon itnd wife and Mr. Gordon McCutcheon and wife, are visiting at: Mr. James Best'*. Boru To Mr. and Mrs. ->>-. I'arks, Haugee i Junction, a sou. We were pleased to hear Mr. Junes, our new minister, who addrcaad the children and parent on Sunday at In is tioge. Mr. JontiN is * very enthusiastic and earnest man tod w* >r tor* he will do justice to himself next Sunday when be praacbM Um sermon lo the Orange- D of Proton and wbat is known an Eugenia Paragraphs As your cor. has been written to to explain where the construction work is now going on I tike this means of reply- ing. No. 1 dam is 20UO feet long, start- ing from the 00 acres known as Georgian Bay property, across to Adain Smith's bush. The water will cover about 1800 acres of land . This contract is handled by the Aniherson Construction Co. of Montreal and Boston. Dam No. 2 runs across Robert Gouoe's field at Campbell's cornel into Mr. Turner's uush. This com r.ict is handled by the Hyland Con- struct ion Co. of Toronto. Leading up to the rest of the work the canal comes first, starling at the Black Creek bridge, on the 10th, tunning through J. Arm- strong's lot into Turner's bush., ending at the headgates. From there it is piped down through Turner's into 1/Uiiiinrs to the serge tank, and from there it is steel piped down over the recks to the power liou.se at Henry Weber's. No. 1 dam is to be hollow concrete, No. 2 M to be a nud dam. Report of promotion examinations for Eugenia school : Sr 3 to Jr 4 E Purvis, H Huney, M Park, N Williams. Jr :5 to Sr 3 M bauey, G Wilson. M. McMullen, Teacher. A little depository of books in Italian, French, Swedish and English has l>een secured and will b ready in a day or two for sale and distribution at Eugenia. Books in other languages will be secured if required. >n Saturday, July 4, probably the moot closely contested baseball game of the snason was played on the Eugenia diamond. At the end of four innings the game wts caJled on account of dark- ness, the score being ti-4 in favor of Kimbtrley . MarriedIn Winnipeg, on Wednes- day, June 24, Miss Stella Alby of Perry, Ohio, to Mr. Perry D. Carruthers of Winnipeg. Mr. and Mrs. McCrone and daughter' Margaret, of Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Williams over the holiday. Miss fcli/.ilirt h Shaw returned to To- ronto after spending a few Jays with Mr. and Mi . Robert Campbell of the V ill. y. Mr. and Mrs. Munshaw motored over to fShelburne and brouht back their son, Laurie, lo spend a few days with them. Miss Edmii Willi,i'iis of Philadelphia is enjoying i In; shelter of the parental roof for a few days. Mrs. Henry Feuwick has been indis- poKtd for the past few days. Mi>s Whitford of Walkerton is the guest of her cousin, Mr.--. K A. Graham. Mr. Frank .Mc< Jee has taken a poai- tiuii ax clerk in Mr. Hill's store. Miss Ufoi-gina Smith is spending a few weeks ,vith her patents here. Portlaw Kail wh.-ai is thought to be .1 total failure on account of Ihe severe frost on June 20lh. home of .Mr. and Mrs. Atchie Fisher has bi'en brightened by the arriv- al of a little boy. Mr. and Mis. Kdwtrd Haney of Tor- onto are visiting nidi telatives on the Contre line. Mr. J. H. Watson lias purchased Mr. Geo. ChapmMi's farm. .Mrs. McNally,Sr.,and gran: laughter of TorontJ, are visiting at Mr. W. M. Mc- Nally's. Mr. and Mrs. E. Montgomery and family motored from their home in Tor- onto, and vHi'i'il with M.-.M -. relatives and old neighbors. Mr. rhmrot.i. lias opened out a tlock of general merchandise in the corner store. Mrs. Marshall of Toronto is viiiting with Mrs. J. W. Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. Middle). m and Mi A. N uli n of Toronto tre visitius? utthe home of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Shier. Rev. Mr. Jouos occupieJ Mou.-.t /ion pulpit for the first i m 1 ist. Sunday, and croi'ed* very favorable imptension. The Hi.Bmiiei Aisinaboitt ran on a rock at Cove Klami last week and is now in dry dock al Cullingwood undergoing repairs. The damage!) were quite ex fcenmvx. Kimberley Budget Mr. and Mrs. John Gibson of Flesher- ton visited with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. McClung. The new pastor, Re\r. Mr. Marshall, occupied the pulpit in the MethodUt church on Sunday morning last and preached an excellent sermon. The Misses Monroe of Embro, Oxford county, visited at Mr. James Stuart's a few days the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hugaid and family of Clarksburg visited at the Trav- eller's Home one diy last week. Our new blacksmith. Mr. Bridge of Toronto, is doing a rushing business. Miss Carrie Marshall of Shelburne is visiting with her cousin, Mrs. Jasper Stuart. James Knott of Ravenna visited at M. Hammond's recently. Mrs. Oliver Irwin and niece, Miss Susan Fawcett, of the Park House, Flesherton, were calleis in our burg one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Hush Knott ..f Mark- dale visited friends in this vicinity on Sunday lat. Quite a number at tended I lit; Dominion Day celebration in Thornbury. Among the sports was a nine inning Iwsttbali game between our boys and that town's speedy nine, resulting in a victory for the ho. m- team, I he score being 10-!l. T. Connor of Thornbury refereed tbe game and guve mighty poor satisfaction, he siding with his own team all through the game Batteries Fnwcett and Lttitch, I ..--!:. mid Leslie. Mr. and Mrs. Walking of Winnipeg are visiting friends in our burg. The latter was formerly Miss Maude Hill of this place. MIKS Bee McGowan of Durham is vis- iting this week with Mrs. Geo. Proctor. Misa Ella Lawrence visited fiiends in Thoinbury during the past week. Mr. Charles Si uait is on a business trip to Guelph. Kimberley Promotion lxams. Jr _' (o Sr i Carl Carruther<, Cecil Kawceli, Viola Kawcett, Kldn Lawrence, Ha/el Mcl'onnell, Kuth Myles, Pearl Reid, Ralph Stafford, RiymouJ Stafford. Recommended Thompson Kerguson. Sr 2 lo Jr. :i Annie Burritt, Bruce 'arruUiers, lluHsel Ellis, Wilbur Ellis, Myrtle Si ,i|,,,,|. Gordon Ward. Rcrom- nended Harvey '.>rnii. 1.1, Hattie (Taw- cett, Miiton Hutchinson, Klla Ward JrIJtoSr :! -Edith Hn.n, Myrtle Fawcett, Arno!d Lawrence. Uocom- nended Clarke MoConnell, Thomas 'ornlield. Srltlo Jr 4 Daioy Bishop, dene Waller. ilieotumeiidt-d Boss Ellis, Hay.el Wallace. Those who failed in one t-xam. only are recommended. K. L. Patterson. W. H. L Me, Teachers. Died of Blood Poisoning After ; coni|i.iratively shurl illness Dr. lames Airili, one of ChnUworth's most .n-iimiuent citizens, died on Friday, .Iiinu . A little over thruu weeks ago he sustained a slight injury to his foot, ,-iinl ilood poUouing -.levelopfil, niid io spite >f all that cou'il be done it grew worse until death relieved his sufferings. Dr. Airtli, wlin was in his 44th yenr, was l>orn in Waterloo county. While he was still a hoy the family nuved to the vicin- ly of I'oit Kluin. He attendtd school there, and alter itradnating from I he nigh school ho went to the Ontario Vet- erinary College, from which he graduated n ISM. The s:nne year he opened an ortice in Chits worth, and soon became well and favorably known in the nciglr i. i h.nxl. both in a skilful surgeon and as an importer and brawler of high clns horse*. He was also interested in the firm of Ualbraith A Aiith, which for several years rail a sawmill in Chalt>worth and at the time of liis death owned a sawmill in tho village. He took an active part m municipal and educational affairs, being for four years reeve of hat$worth, an<l was also one of ihoso who wore in stiumentul in establishing the high school Iheie. He leaves a wife nd two chil- dren. -Advertiser. Fire desti-oyed William Dic'x's foundry at Holt, .11 early Saturday morning, The building and contents are a complete Ions. The tin* tai ted ic (he moulding shop. and giuvd great headway before it was noticed, fhe Kw i (wrtUHy coverwl by Toronto Line North Vegetation is thriving since the recent mins. Mrs. Mclntyie and children of Toronto spent a few days with the former's brother, R. Richardson. Miss E. M. Lever, teacher at Duncan, is home for ihe holidays. We otter congratulations to Glenn Davis, who was successful in his high nchoul examination. Road work was completed in this vi- cinity on Satuiday last. V<-"iiM In dittoes ol tbe Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office-ISO 1 Oth st. West, Owen Sound At the Rflvere house, Markdale, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to a 12a.ni Dundtlk.lst Wednesday of each month.. Flesherton Planing "And Chopping Mills I am now prepared t<> do chopping every day in the week except Sundays Miss Jennie McNab and little Miss ' and every week in the year. Bring along Irene Henry of Creemore visited friends here recently. Will Mathewson and son. Russell, of Ban-head Mills, visited with his brother, Fred, recently. Deer .-iro getting i|iiite common. A buck and doe, with to little fawns, hive been seen several times during the last week or so in our locality. Misses Lily and Letitia White, west back line, vit-ited a few days with their cousins, the Misses Laver. Mr. Kn-il Brown has sold one of his horses for a good sum to the buyers. Eighth Line Osprey Mr;. C. Brackenbury and t *o daugh- ters of Depot Harbor are visiting with Mrs. F. Spoff'ord. Wo arc sorry to report Mrc. J. C. Madden on the sick list at present. |We hope to hear of her speedy recovery. Mr. and Miss Kenny of Dundalk vis- ited with friends here recently. Mrs. Wm. Benson and two children are visit MIL; Portlaw friends. your grists. Our sash and door factory is always at your disposal for anything you want in our line planing, matching, e'c. Floor ins, sash and doors, and all house fur- nishings supplied promptly and at ieas- onable rains. Get estimates. T. Blakele , Prop. Febn 13 ly Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT Shelburne Master Ko Ferguson, son of Mr. and Mrs. K. A Ferguson, Second avenue, took a tumble downstairs a few days ago ami had a bone in bib arm broken. Mr. Andrew McWhirtor, who live* with hi> son Gilbert at Keldon, and is 8tf years of age, had In--, hip fractured liy a kick from a cow. The hip has had to be placed in a plaster paris cast. \\lirn Mr. Leslie H U! and Ilia sister, Miss Annie, were driving home from town Thursday evening last, their horse I to-ik fright at some rigs returning from a Primrose gut-den party, and swerved t"' one aide, landing them in the ditch, wiih I the buggy on top of them. They got ; out from under x*fe!y.hut while Mr. Hall | was holding the horse by thu head while i it was being loosened from the rig, his right iinn \VHH wrenched nut bruised n> bully that lie will not have the use of it for a c.iupK- of woi-ks yet. Kc.>nomist. Markdale Mr. anil Mrs. (',. M. Lninl baveietuin- j ed to town, the former airain benm in the I omploy of MesM-. .). & W. Boyd. Mr. Weinman, of Mlenlieim, lus b.>en \ ongngvd as principal of Mnrkdale Hijjli | School siul Miss Allison, of Turont'i, as ! assistant. Miss liiisa Magi-e, sister of MCSM-. James ami John Mngee, of Kimberley, died nt her home on Uitndas St., Toronto, on Sunday, a^eil 411 vimis. Mcmoi-rlmce of the stomach was thecMise of death. The body WH.S brought t-i Markdale on Monday and interred in the public Ceineli'i-y in the ultrni.ioii. -Stniidard. PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR STRAWBERRIES AND CHERRIES AT ONCE With the Flesherton Grocery, W. BUSKIN, Fleaherton. Walkerton A valuable horse belonging to Mr. . Leslie Rudolph here got tangled in the i hilter and hanged itself in the stall on ' Siturday nielli. The animal was dead when diseovered the fol'offing niornint;. A local merchant, who went on Monday afternoon to gather up the boxes at tbe rear of his store so that the boys would- n't bum i In in on the honh'res on election j night, discovt red a hiixe wasp's nem in one of the boxes, and foxily left it for the kids to take. As expected, a big hoiiiMv was lit on the street, when it became known that Mr. Cargill ws elected, and the Leys in their search for i fuel 'o keep the bluze going, ciine upon { the joke box and were conveying it in pomp to the fltmei when the was)* | emerged and lit on them, nausing a howl m I i-.'iMfi in (he i-anks that listeueu awfully as if the White Hopes were in pain. Herald nd Times. There is a rumor that the Dominion lections will be brought un the latter part of Octobw or first of November. FAIR EXCHANGE IS NO ROBBERY Bring your Eggs and trade them for a pair of boots. In men's boots we have them in light and heavy, suitable for the spring trade Ladies wear patent,grm Tnet- tal and tan.either lace or but- ton, also a nice assortment 'in pump, colonials and strap shoes. Custom work and repairing as usual. Thos Clayton. 1 You'll Want to Look Right SOME ot these evenings you'll want to look " just right," and you know as well as we do, that there's nothing like a well-tailored blue or black serge suit. They're right at night. The proper caper always! Let us take your measure for a Hobberlin-inade. all wool serge. The kind that wont fade, or get rusty. To-day is the rtay TO order. $20.00. S.J. BOWLER Sole Agent for the Hobberlin Tailoring.

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