Flesherton Advance, 9 Jul 1914, p. 4

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r/' Julv 9 1914 THE FLESHEKfON ADVANCE Ttt K. (f tc&hcrton Cl&imncc An independent newnpaix-r, jinMinhetl every "iiiraday at th 11 office, Cotknffwood nl. ,7hertou. Subscription price 41 POT mom. 1B paid in advance ;91.5J when not > rt '. IvertUinp rte on Application. ('ircalalloii 1,100 weekly. W M. Thuraton. Rdltor Obituary Fall Fair Dates Mrs. Miry Ann Sc >tt, widow of the ' late Samuel Scott of the township of ( A list of the dates has t-een prepared Osprey, died on Mondxy, June 22, at i by the Provincial Department of A'zricul- the home of her son, Thomas Scott, Me- i ture, and includes those in tin* district jFlesherton Methodist Church Rev. James Dudgeon, pastor. Sunday July . r >, 1!M4. Sunday, 10 a. in. Class Meeting. Sunday Services 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Pastor will preach at loth service*. Monday eveuinR Epworth League at 8 m. Thursday evening Pr>vr Meeting. Baptist Chu rch R. C. Kerr, Pator. Sunday School 10 a . m. Service nt 1 1 a m. lotyre. Mis.Scott was born in Kuulmid I on April 17, 18:12, and emit to Canadi* ] with her parents when only one year old. j Hr parents settled in the townahip of i M-ukhmn, in the County of York, after- ; wards moving to the adjoining township of Whitchurch. On beint> married she moved to the township of Scott in the c >unty of Ontario and afterward to the township of Georitina in the county ! of York, and in the year 1884 moved to the township of Osprey, her family con- sisting of hve sons and one daughter. T wo sons died- Wesley J. in 1802, and which are as follows : FLESHBUtt'ON Sept. 20, M Alliston Oct. 1, 2 Barrie Sept. 21-23 Beeton Oct . 5. Bradford .Sept. 23-25 Clarksburg Sept 22, 23 Cullingwujd Sept. 23-2n Cookstown . . . .- Sept. 29, :tO, Oct. 1 Dundalk Oct. 8, 9 Eln-vule Oct. 5-7 Mai Wale Oct. 13, 14 Mealord Oct. 1, 2 tl Statement of Votes Centre Grey Election, June '29, 1914- Geo. Mbery I B. Lucas Euphraeia No. 1 7 30 No. 2 ><' 55 No. 8 !i '.!! No. 4 37 42 No. 5 2'.' 75 No. <> !'. 33 No. 7 15 60 No. 8 >> 77 No. 9 40 26 1 210 Majority for Lucus, '217 Holland No. 1 Hn No. -2 4i N.I. :) L'o No. i _- No. 5 -J- No. fi -J',t Majority for Luca- T.'J. Ospic-y No. 1 No. -2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No.O No. 7 No. H 32 21 2ti 1 178 Majority for Lrcas 17G St.ViuccutNo.l '21 No. '.' : No. 3 :': No, 1 C.7 No. 5 -^ NO. i; '< No. 7 41 No. M lo No. 'J 15 Majority for Luc:i> 17. <.'olliugwood No. 1 C No. 2 .'> No. 3 I! No. 4 18 No. :. Ill No. !'. No. 7 -2r, No. w -Jl N... 9 U No. 10 -is No. 11 17 No. \-i r, 248 Majority for Lucas 1^4, Tliornbury No. 1 5 No. "2 No. 3 86 42 73 tit I- :' H -1 R8 29 i I si 41 : . 25 (0 H' 1 HO 50 tr, 29 84 19 22 11 14 18 52 2-2 49 44 9i) 10 11 IV72 18 5 34 Newmarket Oct. (18 John A., known a* Dr. Scott, late of j ( )ri j lilt Sept. 17-1'J Maxwell, in 1911. The surviving family Oro Se(jt 15 are : Th.mias and Nelson of Osprey, mi. :.! of Kaiuloopa, H t,., and Mrs. ohn Doubts of Osprey. Mrs. Scott was always a healthy, strong woman until bout two months previous to her death, when dropsy, old aye and natural decline apidly completed the term of her life. 'wo brothers also survive her Frank Foote of the county of Essex, Ontario, low W years of age, and Thomas Foote >f Whitchurch township, now 84 years of Mrs. Scott's remain* were interred i tge. n the Itadjeros cemetery on June '-'4. A Mean Man Mry Ann Bristow of CoUinRWood ad- vertises her husband in the Kiiterpri/.e in the following terms : "Notice is hereby given that 1, Mu r y Ann Bristow. am married I" the meaner mill in America. He never gives me any money to keep huii.-e with, or clothe the children, mid what money we use (s'ricrly for neceoNiiie.-) we make out of enus and butter from my own hens mid L-OWS. My husband has now publicly by the above advertisement, fi-i-biddeii the to give me anything on credit, 1 ncxet pledged hi> name for any debt to any person for any purple, ind l:i> adxertis-.'incti: i- Dimply t'.-r the! purpoie of endeavoring to shame me in' the eyt- of the public." Ceylon Owen Sound Oct. 7-9 Rocklyn Oct 6, 7 Shelburne Sept. 29, 30 Toronto (Canadian National), August 28 September 12. Our Clubbing List The following prices re for strictly paid in advance subscriptions only. \Ve have no accounts with other papers. Plefihertou Advance $ I 00 Youths Companion . 2 00 Toronto World, daily 3 00 Toronto Daily News 150 Weekly Globe . 90 Mail-Empire 75 Family Herald & Scar 90 Toronto Star 1 50 Farmer Sun . . 90 Farmers Advocata 1 50 Weekly Wit.iess 90 Saturday Niijht 3 00 Home Jourcal 90 Poultry Iteview 40 Hod and fiun magazine 90 MORTGAGE SALE < >F Valuable Freehold Property i Cook itsii&ted ln-pi-ct. i A\ i. MI-.' .n. <i Owen H6 Majority for Lucas 82. Markdale 49 Majority for Luea.- !i:t . Meaford No. 1 -2!) No. 2 71 No. 3 65 No. 4 47 No. 5 4!) No. 6 41 Majority for Lucas 88. Total majority for Hou . 8'J. 141 40 98 01 tiO 50 I. D. Lttcas, gouud Uit week to nmke i raid in ''.- Hi -w.'i.d. when :i large ijuautity <-f lii|iior Vt AS M'i/.tri.. Mi-. .1. !.n M I.- < u. O.mu-cuciit, Ni.r- f..|k, ai.il Mr.-. <;.- >. Mitchell of Ton-lit", .ux- viMtins: .it Mi. F. i':iun>'. Mi.-- N.'-M (.'. lliiiv 11 i* tpemlina a fortnight with Owen Sound fiioml--. Kid ^limrt of Kiuil>erli-y h.-is unified n, 1. 1 |nrti:.-rslii|i with In-* brother (.-. r.:'' here in the butcher busmen. .MI.-K Kihel lU'i.neU <f Allen Pin k is \i'itir,'.: IHT paiento. Mrs. E. Kmb'jry (-f Ti'ivntu spent n c<-ii|i!o ct ilny-i with l.er bi other, It Conk. Mrf. Archie McPhatter and two chil- dren >f ((won Snund ;ire \i.-itin Ler iiH-'li-.T, Mrs. Wright. AnJy Kennedy left Monday to attend the funeral of his cu-iii. Mr.-i II. Tucker ;m-l (on, Hubert , of Pii-b-y. mo vi-itiny their many here . I! (' . k and Mii.s Millie iniii Master I'ecil and 'Jladys Cushaie (-pent Siinday with ftiends near Vniney. Sum Chislett :u .1 Percy McLund hnve returned from the city. I "inler I he power t sule cmit'iined in n certain mortgage, which xvill bo pro- duci'il at the tune of sale, there will be .>'<lil by public auction at tho Dominion Hotel, Collin>t\vood Wed., July 29th. 1914 At tho In >ui of 'J p. ii'., by!!. T. Foulis, Auctioneer, the f'trm .lescnoed MS the west half of Lot Number Eight, Conces- sion Thirteen, Township of Osprey, in tho County of (irey . On the said laud is erected a comfort- :iMi- lUvrlbii 1 .' li'in-" .uiii a ii-.i.' birn. Terms of Salr : Ten per cent, of the purchase money on the day of sale and the remainder within thiity dny theie- after. For further parlk-uhrs address tin- vcndur's solicitor, W. T. ALLAN, Cullin^xMii d. Dated July 2nd, 1914. Accidentally Shot Meafurd, July C. Robert Kavle, it young man, 25 years of age, who lived wear here, WHS accidentally shot and in- atantiy killed while driving crows Hiray from the premises. Members of the family heard a shot near the. house Mt about 5 o'clock in the morning, and, going out, found Robert lying dead. The charge had entered his stomach. He had gone out only a few minutes before to hoot at the crows. A widowed mother oi.d brothers survive. Heathcote Held Over Lust Week Kvery person rejoices over tliu beauti- ful shoKeis we have hud. The yeathcote Women'.-. Institute met at the home of Mr.s. Allen Boyd <>n Wed- nesday last. Master Freddie Vicker.s visited with his 'ii r. '. t >! .1,1.111 Gardiner, Sunday. Charles Fothergill of Iteaverdale |>aid a business visit fo Heathcote recently. Mise Alice and Victoria Vickers vi- ited with their friend, Mis.s Haxel Parks, the latter part of the week. School closed MI Friday last for the summer vacation. Mis.-. I )yment, teacher of No. I Col-' lingwood and Kiiphrasia, hai resigned, to the regret of the pupil*. Mr. and Mra. Frank Buwer and family of Toronto are visiting with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Baker. Miss Kathleen Reid ia visitiug with friends at Epping. SJI'.AI.KI) TKNDI I!S ml.lrr-iMl to Mm nil- ih'isi^ I. ninl i-nli'iM-'l " TfinliT tni J'u hi i '- I'.uitilinL'.lturliiirin.Oiit 1 " \\'i!l In- ivrri\, t at lliii" nlllcn until 41*. M., nil Moluluv. July -J i. 11)14. for tlio oonktruotlon ot ibBnUdlng inoi tixnt'ii. I'lanii. v|ic.|..iiiMti.iii anl lonii of contract nun h B.-BU n,nl forma of tuinler obtained ut tin' cilllcrs of Moan -. KuKii'i'ii Clark. Arcti ti'Ctf, MWBM Koiniil, Oiit.;*Mr. ThoD. ll.i^tmu , cli-ik cl Winks. I'ostnl Station K " YOIIKH St.. I'.nnni" ' tint ro^tiuantur, Uui hum. Out., unit at thin Deimitmout, I'lii'Hons l^iiflui in^ life notihuil that tonilpr* will not bo eoiiHiduruil nnltiMft uia^lu on dii> ).i mi i t foniiH i|.|.| ;. I. ami hli;iu>(i \vith thuir in t n,i 1 -n;!!!!! in r -. htutiiiK their occupations nn<l pUkOOT ofrMldanee, in timruso ot rtrnin, the iniiiiii hi^iiatiiru. tht) n itiii.'ni ill*, occupation. ninl jiluiM! of resl'lt-iico of each mutuber of tlit- tlrin must l>u fjivuu. Kach tender iiiust lie accouipiiniftt by an a< i-.-S'ti .1 i- 1 n ! in on a .-n.i 1 1 n . 1 I Hi iii.. pavabli-t > tliu urilnr Of tllu Honorable thci Minit>" ol 1'i.liiii \VorkH, .'.|:.u ', to I--M in. ]in cent, of tlic amount of tliu tt'iidi'i-, whirti will bo forfeited if tliu i>orson tfii.l.-i i nt: douliuuH to filter into n contract \vlicn callutl upon to do HO, or full t. 1 "n, i>ii : i iir work contracted for. If tho ten tier In- not acci'iited thu clieijue will bo returned Tim Department does not bind itself to ac- cept tliu lowest or any tender, Hy 01 Icr. H. C- DKSItlK HKKH. Sucretai-)-. Di-partnijiit of 1'nMic WOTb, Ottawa, June -'7. 11110, XuwHpapei'K will not bo paid for tliiH advrr ti-finoiit if they insert it without authority ( roni tho l/e|iiutimmt. U.1740 ANADIAN PACIFIC F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. MIDDY WAISTS & NORFOLKS Some stunning styles just in white duck white pique tan linen trimmed and' piped in colors new belt and new sleeve effects $100 to 2.25 FANCY CREPE WAISTS A shipment of stylish little waists- -34 to 42 bust-no two alike-just fresh from the makers. All good designs. $1.00 to 2.25. FANCY DRESS <& BLOUSE SILKS A fresh assortment of silk crepes and fancy silks, some in waist lengths, some in dress lengths, no two patterns alike, all the latest season's patterns and colors, width, 30 to 40 -inci.es $1.00 to 2.25 a yard. WHITE FOOTWEAR White canvas pumps, white canvas colonial shoes.white canvas button boots, white Buck shoes. All sizes $1.25 to 4.00. LISLE & SILK HOSIERY black, white, tan and other shades, plain and fancy, fine sheer quality, reinforced toes and heels 15c. to $1.00 a pair. STYLISH UNDERWEAR Our special satin Messaline skirt comes in all the leading colours,pacldy,apple,3axe, tan^o, rose, grey, pink, navy, tan, brown, brick Special value $2.50. Novelties in fancy wash goods in this week, very pretty good^reasonably priced. Mid-seoson novelties in our Millinery Department. New flowers, new shapes,new braids. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS NI:W LIMITED TRAIN Between SERVICI: MONTREAL - TORONTO- DKTRO1T- CHtCAOO, Yin Caiisdinn Pacific and Central Kuilrouds. A Woman Preacher At the Hamilton district conference held lit Woodstock, Mrs. James Hyde of Brantfoid, wlio is to be stationed at Tobermory, at the head of the Hruce paninul, was ordained into the Metho- dist ministry by Hev. H. 8. Crews, pres- icleii f nt' I he Confeienca. Alliston Im.-. had much good luck with its domestic water supply. A now well sunk a t. w days ago turned out well ami it WAS decided to drill another one. The shaft WAM sunk some distance and work suspended for ftunday. On that day the prcsiure from below burnt the obstruc- tions and a heavy si roam came pouring out of the mouth of tin- shaft. To-day i) is .. mi.- clear and an experiment in lifiiiL' inii.lu to see if the pres&ure is suf- ficient to force the tlow into the [esorroir. It is estimated that this lucky strike is producing from silly to seuMity.live- gallons per minute. via MICHIGAN PKTNKAL CKJANTiC S'l KKL TI'IJKS bftwifti Windmir und |)p- troit. Luaving MoiUrenl S.4"i u. in.; Toronto i. In i> in., arriving l>etr"it I'J.IlTi n. in,, and Moi'i. 7.4f) a. in. daily I p 1 1 1 . : . .ml Kr- ...... i in nun' I i.i. n i I.I .!!,. I '.|i.l|.|.n nl TORONTO WINNIPEG VANCOUVER Tdnintii-V'aiimiivcr Kxiirww No. 3 leaves Torontn f>.5fi p. m.daily. Vancouver Turonto r ! i No.4 arrives Toronto 11.4Ti u. in. daily. Manit<>ba Kxpress No. 7 leaves Toronto dully iwcvpt Sunday I" -" p. in., ariixinff Winnipeg . . i ml day. Ontario !. |.i. . No. M leaven Win i|n>: !l 25 |i. m. and arrives 'it Toronto .">. 1."" p. in. daily except Tuesday. I'articnlais from Canadian Pacific Aututa or write M. n. Ml'ltFHY. D.V.A, C.P.Ky., Toronto. SPECIAL Announcement To the Ladies of Flesherton And Surrounding Country. Summer is arriving in all the splendor and glory of her now robes. "With her comes the usual round of summer pleasures picnics, garden partie-. mot- oring driving, fishing, camping, etc. All the ladio- must be attired in suitable garb to <l3 her honor, and .so we have anticipated your wants and pat in a new stock of Summer Millinery, Dress Goods, etc. We have Hats for all occasions beautiful Lace Dress Hats, pretty Dres- den and plain white Outing Hats, also hats and scarfs for motoring and driv- ing Tin- prices will suit all pockets $1 and upwards. We have not forgotten the little ones, either, but have pretty lutsand bon- nets of all kinds for them. Before purchasing elsewhere come and see our collection. Whether you buy or not you will be cheerfully waited upon. The Men alst- have been remembered and we are prepared to show them all the latest stales in shape and color of the season's hats. What we have not is not worth getting. We will be ready by the end of the week to fill all your fresh Fruit and (Jurden orders, all at the lowest prices. Orders taken for Hanging Baskets, etc. Ripe Tomatoes, Green Onions, Lertuce, Celery, Pines, Tomato Plants, Asters, Foliage, Geraniums. FLOUR AND FEED Five Roses, Purity, Body Builder ; Bran, Shorts and Chop. Paid for Produce Highest Prices W. L WRIGHT, GENERAL MERCHANT B - Flesherton i H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. FOR A 30 DAYS' FREE TRIAL A line Which of -ALSO Ready-Made we put alterations charge, if require!. Clothing in free of Isep Of the 1900 Apply to Gravity Washer S. Hemphill, Any nii'ice to i)U!tah or set aside the inn- .n any |i.n ; thereof inuHt lit) nmde within threo months after the hist pub- lication of i In- notice anil cuiiiot bo in. Hi.' thereafter. Diittd tho eleventh dy of ,Iune, 1SM4. -THOMAS Sl'dTT, Clerk. Tamworths for ?ale Holli Bex nearly reacly for breudmg. 1'iices rlgbt for quick ale. QUO. W. ROSS Unwell P. VM K FALL TERM opens Sept. 1st at 9 OWEN SOUND, ONT., 34 Successful years IPoaitiona (lunranteed to lirnduiites. Large Staff of Specialists. C. A. FLKMINCJ, F. C. A., Agent O-D FIiKMINO OWEN SOUND Principal. \ Secretary.^ - ONTARIO H For :- Washing machines f folding bath tubs,windmills,pumps,pipings water tanks, Beatty water bowls, steel stalks and stanchons Jitter Car- riers, hay carriers, slings, forks and tracking, AlcCormick Binders, mow- ers, rake loaders, tedders, drills, cul- tivators, harrows, Chatham wagons, Mount Forest buggies, and Frost wire. Satisfaction Guaranteed.

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