Flesherton Advance, 9 Jul 1914, p. 5

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July 9 t9l4 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE ESTABLISHED t78 OF 6ANA1DA ENDING money to any point in Canada, the United State* or Europe ' safe, economical and expeditious when this Bank's drafts and money orders are usd. TORONTO" FLESHERTON BRANCH CEO. MITCHELL, HBH Branches lo t Durham nd Hirruton. Manager. C. P. R. Time Table. Trains leave Flesherton Station as olio ws : Going South Going North i 7.43 a. in. 11.41 a.m.! 4.17 p.m. 9.12p. m. j The mails are osed at Flesherton &> ollows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoou mail south us 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p.m. the previous ev'g- VICINITY CHIPS Mrs. Edwards is visiting her mother, Mra. A. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs- O. W. Phillips visited Collingwood friends on Sunday. Mr. R . Thompson of Powaasen called on friends here lust .-.. Miss N'innie Orr of Toronto in the guest of Wins Shirley Murray. Masters Roy and Kenneth Thurston of Toronto are \isiting relatives here. Mrs. William House of Elora spent the first with her sister, Mrs. Howard. Miss Laura Henry has returned from her duties in Peterboro. Miss ( klessa Walter is spending few weeks with Thornhury friends. Mr. We*. Breen, accompanied l>y his mother, visited Irs s'atei, Mrs. H. V. Gauilin. near Hoat'icote, last week. Dr. T. Henderson and family, Tin-on- j to, came up last week for a months holi- day. Miss Brown, milliner at F. G. Kar- stedt's, has returned to her home at Ravenna. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Holland and Miss Swifter left last week to spend two j weeks at Jackson's Point. Mrs. A. Harpell, Mrs. J. C. Miller: and Miss Pearl Henderson ot Toronto ' upent the qoliday in town. Miss \Vilma Down of Hatherfnn spent i a few days last we* k with her aunt. Mrs F. G. Karstedt. It is requested that all accounts again- st the Dominion Day committee be in the hands of the Secretary by July l">th. Mrs. C. \V. Bellamy returned Monday \ from St. Catherines, whore she spent the | past three weeks with her sister who was ill but is recovering. The Dominion Day committees are requested to meet in the town hall on Thursday evening, July lt>, to wind up the business. H. S. White, Sec. Mrs. Miles Thistlethwaite returned last week after visiting a month with her daughter at Brighton. She was accom- panied by her little sjrandsoo. Oshwell Whitteii and his mother and | sister motored up from Toronto last ! week and are renewing acquaintances in this section. Mr. Will Meldrum of Bonito, Man., joined his wife here last week. They leave to-day (Thursday) ta visit friends at Grand Valley and elsewhere and will return west about the middle of August. Mies Gladys Cornfield returned from Harbord Collegiate last Saturday. She was accompanied by Miss Olive Bryson, who will spend her holidays with Mr. j and Mrs. Cornfield. Mr. S. Shunk has purchased the hand- some brick residence on Collingwood . street from Mr. Jeff Thistlethwaite, and occupied by Mr. John Thistlethwaite. Mr. Shunk and family will move thereto as toon us they can gee possession. Mr. W. P. Crossley left Saturday to viait friends on thy Manitoulin Island. He will be joined there by Mrs. Crossley, who has been in the Weet for some months, and both will return home together. Mrs. Joseph LeGard of Toronto, who is visiting friends here, called in on Sat- urday to square up accounts, and incideo- | tally informed ua that she has been a ! continuous subscriber to The Advance almost since ita first issuc.orover 33 years. We hope she may live to read it for an- other 33 years. Constable Cook recently captured a case of liquor at the station addressed to a gentleman at Eugenia who repudiated the stuff and failed to appear at the Magistrates case Friday evening when Messrs. McMullen and McTavish had the matter up. The liquor was < f course, confiscated. The result* of the (Entrance Examina- tions have not come to hand at time of going to prec, hut are expacted by every mail. Among ihe visitors from Toronto for Dominion Day we noticed the following: Dr. Richardson, Joe and Fred Armstrong Harmon and Joe Radley, Pearl Radley W. Bentham, Mr. and Mrs. Wight, A. S. Thurston, Jos. Legard.W. Poulter, J. Galloway, Walter Legnrd, wife and two children. Miss Hulse, who has taught in the high school here for the past year, hits thrown up her engagement. Her place here will be taken by Misa Hilda H. Smith, a graduate of Toronto I'niver- sity. She holds an interim high school assistant's certificate and a Strathcona certificate in physical training. At the recent session of County Coun- cil Flesherton's assessment was jumped ten thousand dollars from 9125,000 to $135,000. The assessment of the town of Hanover has been increased from $575,000 to 371)00,000, C'hatsworth from 9100,000 to 8115,000 Neustadt from $115,000 to $150,000. Markdale from $258,000 to $275,000. The following pupils of Miss Plewes were successful in passing their music examinations in connection with the To- ronto Conservatory of Music. Primary Rudiments Muss Irene Wilson, Miss Swilscer. Elementary piano Mary Me- Mullen. Junior Vrcn! Miss Switx.er and Miss 1. Wilson. Much credit is due theiv teacher. How is your fall wheat.' One gentle- man informs The Advance that his Held appears to be (..tally barren. While llio straw is lon, the heads contain no grain. Ihis he attributes to the recent heavy frost. Later Since the above was in typo we luarn that all the fall wheat in this district is in a simijar condition to this tield referred to and will have to bo cut for fodder. One gentleman in the south east of the township hus twenty acres that will have to be cut for fodder. Al- though fall wheat is not raised as a gen- oral crop here now, many farmers raise a few acres, and it means a big bulk loss. Public Library subscriptions are now only 50 cents to the end of tha library year, Feb. 1, l'J15. About fifty splen did b'j'iks on Agriculture, Domestic Sci- net-, Fiction, etc., also books for boys and girls ; books on Att, the Apiary, books for moral and spiritual uplift, will be on the shelves this week. Five dol- lars' worth of these were a gift of the Women's Institute. Thank you, ladies. Let ^us ^ali; help in making Fleshcrton an educational centre. We have splen- didalmost unequalled public and high schools, good churches. Lend a hand to keep the public eye on Flesherton. There was a spectacular fire on the street Saturday evening, when D Mc- Tavish 's new Ford auto was nearly de- molished through carelessness in hand- ling gasoline. It was about 0.30 when Fred McTavish drove up in front of F. G. Karstedt's store to fill his gasoline tank. Fred Karstedt proceeded to till the tank by the light of a lantern, when there WHS a flash, and in u moment the whole machine was a mass of flames. A nearby sand pile came in handy as a means to quench the flames, but this was not done until all the upper works and one tire had been burned. The damage will amount to somewhere in the vicinity of $200. It was a dearly bought lesson for the young men, but they got off eas- ily as neither of them suffered any injury. Teamsters Wanted Tenders Wanted on frieghting rate per ton mile, Flesherton to Eugenia Falls, six mile haul. About 4000 tons cement, lumber and reinforcing steel,etc. Ambursen Hydraulic Construction Co. of Canada (Limited), Eugenia P. (). Acknowledgements The Ladies Aid of the Muthudibt uhuich beg lo acknowledge donations towards their building fund as follows: Mra. E.Shaw, Fred Armstrong, Miss Emma Armstrong, Mrs. Morrow, Mrs. Will Ben- tliam, Mr. M. Beuthain,MU Edith Sheppard, Walter Leffard, Dn Murphy, Toronto ; Mrs. J. Thompson, Mrs. G. Brown, Markdale ; Miss, Ina Bvattie, Porcupine ; Mrs.Ueo. Host, Proton : Mrs. Jas. Ashdown, Owen Sound ; Tlim. Bonthum, Chataworth : Mrs. J. Me- Cbelland, Embro ; M : -. A. Allen, Toledo ; Mrs. Crane, Owen Sound ; 0. Luted, Winni- peg ; Mr.;. R. Shaw.Iaona Head ; Geo.Wick- eas, Colorado ; Bob Cornfield, Weyburn ; Mra. A. Rowe, Crystal City, Man. ; Mrs. A. Sinclair, Utopia ; Mrs. Purdy. Vancouver ; Rev. Hariy, Whitby ; Miss Hopkins, Sault 3te Marie ; Dr. Ern. Armstrong, Cobalt ; Mrs, Andrew Bentham, and Mrs. Fred Shep- pard, West Toronto ; Mrs. Tom Wilcock, Kvgiua ; Mrs T Defoe, Mrs V Vv right, Joe Armstrong and Mrs Vasey, Toronto ; Mrs Jan White, Chatsworth ; R Thompson, Po- wasaan ; Miss Blain, Sault Ste Marie ; Ken- dl Mitchell, Chicago ; Mrs Jo Blakely, Mrs Murphy and Mrs Brown, Flesherton; Mr Montgomery, Humber Bay. Total receipts $73.04. Maxwell Mr. Kennedy of Chatsworth visited with his cousin, Miss Ida Osborue, last week. Mrs. (Dr.) Roszull is visiting at her parental hcme. The Messrs. Wilton and Harry field re spending the holidays at theit paren tal home. Mrs. Brack en berry and childuu of Depnt Harbor are visiting at Mr. Fied Spoffird's. Misa Viekers of Lions Head is visiting with her cousin, Miss Bertha MuCallum. Miss Fisher of Rock Mills spent Sun* d^y with her siater, Mra. Marshal Ker- ton. The Ladioj Aid will meet at Mrs. Robt. Morrison's on Friday. Ju'y 10, at 2. p. m. James Paton Killed James Paton, who moved hum this township to near Guelpli last spring, was killed on Tuesday . t Ihis week by a kick from a horse. Mr. Paton wis widely aud uvora'niy kiu.wu throughout this county as the owner i;f fine stock h< nea. No particulars are to li-uni. We rrgret to chronicle tin- death this Morning of Harry Grisby, J i prosperous young farmer in the township of Norman- by. about a mile and a half south of town. He was 27 years of age, and hud beer, ill of pneumonia only two weeks. Seven yours ago he was niarric d to Maria Morrison, who with three small children mourn the loss of n kind husband and father. He was a Methodist iu religion and also a member of the Orange Order. He was a very industrious v-un s ' man, highly esteemed in the community uul honest in his dealing* with all men. In- terment takes place on Saturday after- iiiiiii to Maplewoud cemetery Odds and Ends ARTICLES FOR SALE For Sale Cheap younu driving mare about '50 pounds, or would exchange for good driving horae about 1100 pounds.- Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesli- orton. Jan. ^'2 A fresh Kiln of lime just burned at Eugenia. Any one wanting any apply to J. H. Duckett. Two Jack Screws to rent. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. For sale or rent A frame and Metal Clud !) roomed house, frame stable ;;ood water and garden. Silas Shunk. Good house and lot for sale iu Fever- sham. Will sell reasonable. Apply to \V. KnitthiK, Fevorslmm. Lower School Examinations At the Lower School Entrance to Nor- mal examination, held here, eighteen pupils wrote, fifteen of whom were rec- ommended, and fourteen wern ouccess- f M|, as follows : Zella Bontham, Clar- ence Dudgeon, Florence Bunt (h), Don- ald McVicar (h), Lily McPhail, Mary McArthur, Murray Legate, Lena Legate, Marion Knox, Glen Davis, Emma Whit- taker, Winnie Seeley, Elmer Wright, Odessa Walter. Legal Blanks For Sale R. J. Sproule keeps constantly on hand aud for sale cheap a full stock of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills and all other legal blanks. Any requiring such will rind it to their inter- est to give him a call. For sale cheap and on easy ; MUS, Lot 13, con. 11, Osprey, 110 acres. This is a tirst class farm and in a good state of cultivation. Good bank barn r.ml new frame- dwelling. Apply to R. J. Sproule Flesherton, For Sale A few egg vacs in prime or- der, suitable for soft water tanks, or watering cattle. Also a good, second hand set of double harness. M.Scully Co., Flesherton, Ont. Two burner blue flame oil stove, ex- ce'lent condition, cost $7.50,will sell for $3.60. Apply at HIM oflhe. Pair good pliera found Owner can luve them at this office. MISCELLANEOUS Wanted large second hand box heat- ing stove, must be cheap and on reason- ably good condition. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. Jsn.22 $2000 privnte funds to loan on farm mortgage security at lowest rates of in t crest. Apply fl. J. Sproule, Flesherton. Ili-mv M. Douglas will stand his Hackney Stallion, Anlispator (Imp.) at the M .uk lull' U> >us'! stables for a few weeks on and after July 1 1. HILL flARKDALE. Special July SALE It has always been the policy of this store to meet all competition. No matter what the circuniatauoes are we are here to aerve our cuHtomors' best interests, and by adopting this policy we have built up a business, and a confidence that no matter what you may be led to believe you can do elsewhere, the tact remains that HILL'S can best serve you. This week we have put the knife in deep on many lines. COMFORT SOAP 7 bars for 25c. LADIES' FINE SHIRT WAISTS Reg SI. 25 and 1.50 lines for 98c. Reg 81.00 and 1.15 for 78c. GREEN and BLACK TEA 85c. Pkgs. for 29c. CHILDREN'S PRINT WORK DRESSES In good quality print for 25c. Men's FineSocks IQ L ' sle ana< Fine Mocha Yarns 25 and 35c lines for 19c. WHITE SWAN YEAST '6 pkgs for 5c . MILLINERY! MILLINERY! All Trimmed Millinery now at half price JELLY POWDERS Reg lOc, 1 pkg3 for 25c BOOTS and SHOES Ladies' Fine Oxfords $2.00, 2.25 and 2.50 Hues for 81.48 per pair EXTRACTS Reg lOc, i bottles for 25c Fine Oxfords and Slippers Ladies' & Girls'. Odd lines, values up to 81.50 for89c MEN'S HEAVY DERRY OVERALLS 85c and $1.00 values for 69c. MEN'S FANCY SHIRTS Assorted lines, reg $1.00 and 1 .25 for 59c FINE LACES AND INSERTIONS iuj-i Values 5 and lOc a yard, clearing at 3c. Children's 2 and 3 piece suits Ptincipally in Tweed?, odd lines. Reg 1 .7.1 "and 3.00 lines for *t.'2!l MEN S FINE NECK TIES In a largo variety of colors, regular 25c aud36c Hues for 15c. SPECIAL Sale of Men's Suits for $7.85 25 Men's Fine Worsted and Tweed Suiu. all sioM iti the lot, Si).50,810.50 aud 812.00 Suits for 17.35 Many other Lines at Greatly reduced Prices HILL BROS, MARKDALE What About -THAT- Baby Carriage Regular Price $5.00 to $14.00 Greatly Reduced NOW Verendah Chairs ! N > is the time to purchase your Verendah Chair*, "n sale f"i $6.50 a Pair Nothing Iik<! them for <',,ml\>rt W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER 'PHONE 23 R2 Flesherton Ontario. School Children's Eyes.,,:;";; Bull for Service i-i'iiuhbre'l Anu'iiean Inc.; llere bull lor service on lot l.M. ilmi W. T. iiiid S. U., AiU'ini'-^. Trims | | obh. I"HN ADAMS. Tr i.. Many lives have been ruined through neglected eyestrain i in childhood. The eyes of every child should be examined. We have made a special studv of this branch | of optics, and "guarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong.' Pure Bred Holstein Bull Changeling Prince Joe Uii'i'ix C _ Butter Boy out of Tidy Alibekrrk Princess Josephine. Tin- .jroaU 1 !-! butter making atrfcin known. Term "i : MTV ice -fcl.Mi fur grades, 85 |iun- !>rt- i. CK". MI -UK A si.X. Pr,,pj.. HEREFORD BILL FOR SERVICE The undersigned h:-.ve a pure Ined Hereford bull fc;r .service "ii lut 171. 'ird W.T.S.H.. Aiteir.tsm. Terms 8:5 for puw bred*, $1..">0 for iji'ules. All cows served must be imd tor. -T. & J. WATSON. 1 mar 14 Tenders Wanted Tenders will bo received u|> to June 20, for the tnou'inn of a frame building at the school house, Sec. No. .'i, 1- feet square by 7 feet high. .Specifications Flesherton. Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Give Enlire Satisfaction L.U'NDKY Basket closes Monday niijht, delivery Friday eveni-ig. cuii be had from the undersigned, or any of the trustees. The lowest or any ten- j CLEANING and DYEING \Ve are der not necessarily accepted. | mgetits for Parker's Dye Works Clothes Alf. Harrison, Sec. | cleaned and dyed, feather* rejuvenated. Flesherton, May IH, I'.) 14. T FISHER, - - PROPRIETOR Bull For Service Thoroughbred .Shorihurn Bull, " Hill- cioet (nivi'iin'i. No. wr>4tirt, for service on lot 27. con 14. Ai'temesia. Terms 91.50 lor grades, 8.! for thoroughbreds. -ALEX. CAHH1 THERS. BULL FOR SERVICE The thoroughbred shorthorn bull Field Marshall '.Hwi-.ti will be for service on lot 17 ( >, L'. S. R. Artemesia. Terms *1 . Au K ->A.S. STINSON, Prop. Or, J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Office and Residence IIJO, 10th St. West Owen Sound, Out. Hours 9 to 12 a.m., 1.30 to 4.30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment. R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. Agent for the Cockshutt Plow Cos Full Line of Farm Implement*. Wagons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleigha, and Gasoline Engines, Melotte Cream Separators, Baker Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Pipe Fittings always on hand. Bealty Bros', of Fergus, Barn Tracks, Litter Carriers and stable fittings. Cockshutt and Frost & Wood Repairs always on hand. Wareroom Wellingon Stree. Ontario. Winter Term from January 5ih at COLLINGWOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE Attend this big, Succebbful School of business trnining and let us help you into something worth wh.le. Free catalogue on request. Enter any time. T. E. Hawkins. Principal Collingwood, Ontario. HE mm. Carefully Corrected Each Week Wheat $1 00 lo 1 00 Oats 40 to 40 Peas 91 12 to 1 12 i Barley 55 to 55 'Hay $15 00 to 15 00 Butter 18 to 18 Eggs, fresh HI to 10 Potatoes pei bag 1 00 to 1 Ot) Geese 12 to 13 Ducks 1 5 to 15 Fowl 11 to 13 Chickens 13 to 18 Turtcoys 18 to 20 Teacher Wanted Protestant Apply stating ((Ualirications ( mil experiences. Salary $t>00 per annum. I Uu'ies tu commence 1st of September. j Apply to W. G. Jamiesori, Secy. -Treas. I S. S. No. 8, Artemusia, Maxwell P. O., R.R. No. 1. We Want Now A GOOD SALESMAN For every town and district where we ac a not represented. Fruita are bringing high prices and nur- sery stock is in demand. MAKE BIG MONEY NOW by tk- in an agency. BEST TIME for can- vassing is during the Summer months. EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY Free equipment Exclusive territory Hivhest Commissions paid Write for full particulars. Stone & Wellington Konthill Nurseries TORONTO - ONTARIO.

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