Flesherton Advance, 16 Jul 1914, p. 8

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July 16 1914 THEFLESHERTON ADVyNCE BUSINESSCARDS WB. WKIGHT. TELFOKD & McDONALD Barrlitur. 8ollcitor, ice. Offlcoe, Qrey A Bruct Block, Uwvo Hound. Standard Kank M)ock, KlMberlon.lSatunJavB). W.H. Wrigbt. \V. P. jVlford J .. J. U. McDoul'J.L. U U. SOCIETIES AO W lueett on (be lat Honda) in aon iDoatb, ID tbeir loage room ClavUjo ball FleUerton, at 8 p.m. M. W., W. J. Hellauiy : Bee., C. H. Munibaw; Km.. U. J.Sproule. VnltlDe brethf B InTlted PINCE ARTHUR LODQB, No. SSS.A.F.* A M. ineett in Hit Maioulcball. Arm K block, PlMberton, every ll inocn Be<.r*.ary. Friday OD F. meet* in v evening rOUKT.TLF.hHKKTON. M. 1. a F ** Clayton Hlock the ltt WBt*M. each month. Viiitlnp Kortr bearMly (Some C. K. G. Hellan.y ; K. B., <i. 'rr.; PletS* pall'due* to">iD. Bee. before tbe flrt a* of tbe uiODtb. Ordination Service On Sunday morning, July ', the Iti. Rev. D^vid Willmius, n.ji., the Lord Bidiop of Huron, nude Mr. Abbot, Deacon, St. Georges church, Clarksburg, and ordained K v. T.H.L. Young Priest. As this wi the first time *uch a service Iml been ln-M in Grey county, needless to 8y the large congregntion followed every feitture with reverent atttiuion. The charge to the cand dates and to ihi . IK 1 1 :.! i"ii was delivered by the Rev. Jauiee Ardill. rector of St. George's church, )*en Sound, who based his re,. 1 North fM'.OSl.N FhlENOfi-Flrtlierton W CboD Krirudi m*eu ID Clayton hallnr.t ai.d third Wnlueadav of each month 8 p. J-av amnitii to the He<-order on or before tc.nm.uyof e*cb month, fbiel Councillor T. Hla*el:K*corder W. H. Bout. RUDD UATHK*.VS, . auc'.ioner or tne county ol Ory. Gooc' nrrvice at reasonable made t Tbe Advance, o 08 Markdale. Licenced Irey. Go rate*. Dales can be MEDICAL .. Ofliee and renidence-l'eter t., Fletberton I f OTTKWKLL f Vttcriuary Surgeon 3radoate o! Ontario Veterinary rwid.Lce - ieond door outb we. k^y itreet. Tbii itreet rani -outb Kre<bytrian Cbnrcb. DENTISTRY Dr E C MURRAY L. a. K., dental bonoi graduate of Toronto b"uier)t> and Hova! College of Dental Surgeoni ot Ontario. Gtiatlojiiiniiteredfor teetb extraction C'fl.re at reiuleiice, Toronto Street. Hesherton LEGAL" , fCAB. UANEY A hKNIlY-HanrlUeri.. *-> rto)ieitOTii,eJc.-l. B. Lucan. h. ** - r - ; Kcy K. r. : W. D. Henry, H. A. Offices. ToroDtn i*t -j Tiadorn Hank Klrtf.. phone uam 141i: Markdale I.ucai Mlock. I'bone 2 A. Branch office at Dundalk open every Batorday. BrsixEss CARDS UULUJUGH 4 YOUNG UU itackeri Markdale oral banking builu . Money loaned reasonable rate* Call OD UD. murks on John 20 chap,, '.'! v. In his address to the people- the eloquent preacher w&rned ihe laity thitt they must assume their share ,,f the reeporisibility in the work of the-christwn church, which IK " a congregation of faithful men, in which the true word of God is preached and the sacrament* du'y ministered ac- i . / A v * O 1 c.irdmu to Christ 'H . ' r i p , M , in thnnt* *" >- The Vote by Wards Jaiuiesou llamage DURHAM 00 East &J West 120 Jamieeon's majority, 136. HANOVER 1 Nortli 103 L South 120 3 l.;:: Jamirson'g majority, 140. Dt'NDALK 1 75 JamiesonV majority, 26. NEUbTAPT 1 54 Jamiesou's majority, 6. NORMAN BY Alsfeldt, Ct> to Christ's ordinini-e, in those on thmg that if necessity are requisite to the same." 3 Neustadt Wanl CO Hampden 55 5 Hlyth's 4U In the second place he addressed tin- 1! McPhee's 19 candidate!. He reminded them cf thej? Robinsou'a CO (solemn vowt which they were about to Jamieson's majority, 309. 5un>e and exhorted them as preachers! GLENELG. not to be to'i profound, and as leaders to I Ritchie S direct one and all, even th-ise who oppose 2 Glen themselves, into the way of salvation. The Litany ;ts snid by Rev. Kural Dean Reilly, of Chatsworth, after which the Lord Hislmp i. :_ n the couio>union service. Rev. T. H. L. Young read the Epistle and immediately after Mr. Abbot 75 85 40 38 G-2 : Markdale J AlcKenx-ie's ~> Township Hall Jamieson's majority, 81. KOBEMONT I Allan's 73 L Droinore 39 60 40 65 76 90 80 49 48 35 Si 12 21 23 21 16 5 25 24 Dtlcl'HAlL. I.ic*neJ Auctioneer for tbe County of Grey. Trmt moderate aud tit action gnarauteed. Tb arru(!*u)ent . i l&tct of lv> can be made a*. Tun ADVANCE often, heiidence aodl'.O., Ceylon. Telepbooe Otllitlt Cll' II Dec. C.07. KAITTIflO. Llceoied Auctioneer foi .be conotiM of (irejr and hiiucor. Ptnu an. I Block lalei a apecialty. Term* jDCxlrrate etittectlou guarantied. Arrange- BMtB for date* may be made at Uie Adviuce oft**, or Ceotraltelernoneofl.ee J-evemhau) or by edJrMwins me at Fvrbau>, Dot. Bull For Service I'ure I H IM| Khun horn hull, Kmpernr, WM:!", I >r service on lot KIT, W.T. S.K., A::, in. -11 Teri.il fl..'0 for vjradeK, $:i for thoroughbreds All cow* Kerveal munt be paid fur. Mar. H. Wuit!'.', Proprietor. DIVISION COURT 1914 FLKSIIEKTON AND DIXDALK Flehurtx>n ....... ........... Apri 15 Dundalk ...................... June 17 Fltshert.m .................. Oot. 14 Bull For Service Ki i -i:rice. -Hiruii llully N >. 'i4i'J. AVierdeen An^ii', on lot .'!4, Dili e HICUSH- iun, ArtrmvHM. 'IVrini. -YI.O*' if |Jiii<l b-f.)rr lt Jail. 1!M.").- \V. .1. Mii^fe. May l.*> i'.i"\u I : OK si k\iu Alwi n^istere'l Vnrkshiru U mi, AN 145*1. Tenimfl. HK.NKV IK H,M A X 1,'it 40, Cull. 4, Arteineaiii, I'onlii* i'.( tf('iin:ir Bull for Service Pun: bred Hhnrthrn bull, Ali-vilei-n K)M.- .\'Mi'l for HWivico on bit L!l, S.S. K.. A.l-lm-li. Term's 1 Ml for '/rail (. 1'mv CI.WH &', Illl. 1'nri; lire'l Titimwor'h li.ii/ f.ir on tho all >v>- lot . Terms $l.*><! for ill iiiiiomls. HIM*! be 1 1 ii' I for. fiSopt \V. .1. Mi'atU Farm for Sale I., I Kl.l to !:!., Rut linck Kin.-, Ait QintBia C'Mititininu l.'tii tin,'-, m-mly nil oll'iir.'ll. '.Ill llllli'M flOIII I' I' -ii. -I 'nil. fivi! from Markdxlo. Uond orchard, li.nm-. lunk Inni and other buildingx; utiibk (un- well watered, go- id well, uitulml', etc. Apply i. u I'trim in .l.u .1) A. llnlloy 1 June I ''I i was made Deac-ui. Then the Rev.Abbit read the U.wpel, after which Rev. T. H. 3 Holsteien Young was ordained 1 '>. 3 Mt. Porest 41 An imprrMive featur.s of the ecavicejti Drury's 45 was the laying on of liamls, nnc only by P.amage's majority, 17. BENTINCK 24 :>8 TRAP FISHING. Point Ple Has an I nusiml Pisca- torial imluMtry. Fishing, UK generally understood, means sitting on a muddy creek bank on a warm summer day, with a pole, some bait in a tin can and a lunch basket. The fish themselves are mere Incidentals, aa one rarely has expec- tations of actually landing anything larger than a sucker. To most peo- ple, In short, fishing is rather more of a recreation than a remunerative occupation. Pole-fishing and tolling are prac- tically the only methods of capturing fish with which the average angler Is familiar. He may have heard of net, lake and deep-sea fishing, but they are pretty much of a mystery and too far removed from one's sphere of life to be of Importance, anyway. Right here in Ontario, ho.v- ever, there is a method of fishing that ought to be of Interest to every Cana- dian, and It is doubtful if very many people have ever heard of It. It might almost be called land-fishing, for there are no poles or hooks or nets or boats, or any of the paraphernalia usually associated with fish and fish- ing. The method Is what Is known as the trap system, and the trap is a mareh, of several thousand acres ex- tent, on Pelee Point, that long piece of land ihaj. runs out Into Lake Erie down at the western end, near the Essex and Kent border. Years ago the whole of Pelee Point was one huge marsh, but about twelve years ago the Government drained a part of It and left only the deeper parts for the ducks, muskrats and carp which had taken possession of it as .- ;i natural haven. .,' The trap Is built around the idea ' ;i ( that tisb will fight a current. In the sprinfe of the year large schools of U1 6. 5c the Hit-hop but by .11 tbe Pi iesls present and the delivery of the IJiblo to the newly cidained, with tbe solemn . liu > (J ar k S mtion " take thou authority to preachy n utton the word of Hi nl holy fbtcptinentN where thou shall thereunto." and to minister the in the congreguion.jj Camp. Cjiners be lawfully appointedjG Lamlash |7 Louise 50 79 52 7(5 04 The choir, uudfi- the able leadership of Mi*, ribrecht, readily lead ihe response and also rendered U musical |vortion in (HUM Klmwood 81 Jamieson's majority, 18(5. PROT< >N K :n It 84 84 U carp roam tbe lake coast In search of keeping witli the deep solfiariity of this'l Ccdarville service. Many visitors were prei-ent from out- hundre.1 i M-MU from tbt paii^hcK of Heathcoie, Kairmount and Duncan. Tlie Kev. Aliltot i licensed to the par- ish of 1> 'i HIM Ik mi I Mai well, while Rev. T H. L. Young will remain in ehrge of Heathcotv. In ihe evening Bishop Williams pre*chd to MCOttil lrge congregation and continued (evpnteon church rni-m- lin-o. Thus the co'igregnlinn, as the Itishiip i i-ii.iuil.'il them, witnessed that dny the two-fold ordination of the chris- linn chnrch lirqt, the ordination of the cl -rgy by the laying mi of hands, and secondly the ordination nf the laity, also \>j tho laying on of hands. 2 Hopeville Swinton Park 4 Ventry Separate School 8 Pioton Station Ramage's majority, 'j ART EM ESI A 1 (Grange Valley 2 Fleslierton ward 3 I'roton Station 1 Ceylon 5 Priceville 6 Vandeleur 7 Engeiiia 8 Portlaw Steer Estray to I lie premises of Iho tin'lersinii- C'l about tli middle- of Juno one 2-veii- u'il Kin i. The . ii. i i- n .|'i.-si i-il to prove projte ty, pay tx|> -uses and take the s.uni; w.ty. D. Iti.HKins, Lmly Rank. 12 34 41; i-> 4t; 17 24 80 40 38 44 47 28 80 !4 47 at 20 6 Jaiiiit-son's majority, 12M. KLHSHEHTON 68 Jamieson's majority, 32. Durham II mover Norman by i'.ilenol'' 'I Then He Subsided. novrr s:nv s-isrh :i \rnin:in In nil Bentinok I'roton Ailc'nusia You nrc- never F.cslicrton 1I.V life." Rill(l |t|l<!-.. liitMlnl \vltli ;lli\ lli'nu " "1'i'iipli- \\lin Uiii'vv tin* mini I took Torn l. n- 1. Mini " n , .U'. I Mix. II . fliink. in tin* c-iintnir.i. Hint I inn wisily satis ivd." Liverpool Mi-n-nry. JamiesoD Ruinage 130 140 2(1 6 305 HI li 16(5 ( 123 !)-2 a stream or marsh In which to lay - i.-'d eggs. They find tbese streame by coming In contact with tbe cur- rent of fresh water rushing out Into tbe lake, and by nature they turn and rush up tbe stream as far aa they can go, wblcb Is not very far some- times, on account of tbe many dams man has built on nearly every stream of any slz.e In tbe whole of older Canada. Tbe principle Just desribed Is utilized in this huge fish trap. In constructing tbe trap several yeare i ago tbe first operation was to run a ! line of polea across tbe natural Inlet ! to tbe marsh on which to string a ojil wire net each spring. In order that ' i tbe fish enticed In could not escape. [* Tbe next was to dig a ditch four feet 5 wide from the marsh to tbe lake. A water-wheel Is situated In the concrete main which leadc frum the lake to the marsh, and is used to cre- ate the current of water which leads the fish to think they have come to another stream. It Is operated by a steam engine In a bouse next to the wheel, and when It looks like a good day to pump a few thousand Qsh Into 1(51 the marsh tbe steam ie turned on, >(,i and the wheel begins to send a cur- ' j rent of water, four feet wide by three deep, out Into the lake. In a short 8 time tbe Qsh find It and rush up tbe 61' i current, under the wheel and on Into 26 the marsh. Oftentimes tbe ditch will ijjj! become full of flsh. and many will flop ^; out on the ground. When the day's work IB done the water gate at tbe marsh end of the ditch is closed, the 1 wheel stopped and operations are over until the morrow, when the 201 wheel Is started again and a few thousand more pumped In. Carp are tbe principal flsb caught, as they are the only breed that do well In the semi-stagnant water, so catching op- erations are stopped at the end of the carp run, and the owners leave their catch for a month or two, until the price of flsh rises, and then they are caught again as easily and under the same principle as they were caught from the lake. J. C. Inman In Tbe 103! > 211 Toronto Globe. Lightning Drew Picture. The ability of llgbtnlnR to draw pictures was demonstrated recently at the home of Mr. J. J. Armstrong, of Toronto. JamteBOu'd total majority, I0\fl.| Walkerton u Mil.lnny holel Primitive Printing. In ninny nf Iho mnirixlerU 1 * of Tibet nd Sllu-rbi the IliiililliNt pionka still i Mint In I lie IIIIIIIIH-I- uliMi hns lieeti .kei-|.rr, iippi-iiruil before, Mii^istr.ite Rob. i:nifl<-il flown from ufticnitlon in jieii jKicliiirdsoii nl Wiilkerton mid wns tinun ?riitlon. Mov:ibli. i.vpo Is not used. Iml |$.-,(i ,,,,,1 0(IN , H f ,, r ^\\\t, *'i<-li i .!;! IN i in iril u;>"ii a solid .111,1 ulock.- London Mall. llqUi r cuiivK-ti.iii handed out in Walker Good Help '"" '" st WlC ' ( ' thus .sluiwing tlmt LicciiM \-| s |t, )p _Po you help your mother !' nfl l ll>L!l " r White is successfully pmse flic llonsc\vork. Stelln? Stellil : ciiling llu< infrini(eiiieiitii tif the lii|iiorlnw llvi'l-Vi-s, nin'niii; I help mostly in thin dwnici. ''"> t'tf l'i|Mor tl This wits tin- lifu (low when a storm commenced to gather und hurried wltb her work to complete it before seeking shelter in- doors. Presently she came Into Mrs. Armstrong and stated that there wns a murk of her band on tbe window and that she could not clean It off. An examination showed that the en- tiro hand from the finger prints to the wrist bud been Impressed on the glass, and hea\y rubbing, both from Inside and outside fulled to remove It. Seen In a dim ligb the picture is very plain, but loses some of Its bril- liancy in strong sunlight. iy k*cphiK out of lier wny. Chicago Sews. l \|ii..i< i tif Vukon. Mr. Thomas Marllndtilo In bin re- book, "HuniiiiK In thp Upper Yukon." just published, remarks: to A H'nuiifu lady who cnnu! into Kdvlim Among tin Since her remarkable performance Walk.-.- of the heroine's role in "L'Armore on mi Tue.lny hvl i.ithur eiuliitrrai.-.g| du Tre lie," Montemezzi's ninster- I he ., stnua her,, thai P ' et> ''' '" > " rl8 a f<>W &K ' ' >ar ' 8 '.x penance on 60 Y2AR8* EXPERIENCE "It will Mirprlso. most peoplu know that tho first prospector to 1 *,-, cross it -nil the coast to the head waters of tho Yukon rhor was one George Holt according to the report of (icorgo F.H.S. ^ ',1'OHi' M t 1 " i''n if iiinpiiiiy which wns my llotrt." in the pent biiUNn, Tuesday niijli', hud uttVri'l In tho in -i one whu discovered " iVguy " of t.hu IVtf of My Htmit on ihe Micel. Seeing it str:m<ru :uiil t- ,-P M Dawsoii C.M.Q. LliO | lMC ,ive l,,ly proiuan.ding tlio pi.voment by all odds the moat fauiouB 1 surve>or, and naturalist Canadian sr-leiitlsfs. Holt's Journey wns made In 1878, HO that at the present time the abort spare, of thlrtv live years only dlvld..,; this now well known territory from *'"' '"" 1 n music critics lire now hailing a Cana- dian woman as one of the greatest of operatic singers. Known to the operatic sun- as Mine. L,ou! Kdvlna, a native of Van- couver, she wns Miss Marie I.ouiso Luclenne Juliette Martin before mar- riage. She first married James Dux- ton and now in private life ts Hon. Mrs. Cecil Kilwardes, sister-in-law of many concluded ihilt sle WHUthu blossom Lor j Kensington. She has two daugh- they were looking for, und uiNliinij up hi-r Imiilly hhiiuled " You are IV^uy o 'iRAOC MARKS DCMIONI COPVRIGHTS &.C. > nv.Mif 9 onrflnff A Kknlrb and rto^rrtnit m muf 31. i IT ji" .-fi'tiu Dtir oiunlMii fr wfifllhrr ar Inre* lion I* probuM? piile ( n'>l0t (' .nimuiili'd. ttonmirleltrcnnadeiitfnl. HANDBOOK uu I'Xenu tni f.,-H. tMrtt<N( aireiirf for Aonirliig palenlH. I'ul.'iiH taken Ilinmiili lluna .V to. n ..!. Iftelal nnttct, without cbamo, !u tha Scientific flnterican, A handomelf Ultutrattxl wneklj. Ijr,.t cir- liaiinn at aur nrleiuinr Journal, 'leriui for Hold i., the oblivion In which li wus Involvt'il prior lo that year. "The. Intrepid C.eorge Holt was afterwards murdered by Indians at IV- Pii! of My litnrl." 1 it ileup ii-.| iniulo ."in.- i-. in- iiili- llmt Iht-y had opl ui-iiil the c-nh. I'hi-ir lio|ms j;rw HS hor eniSimissuu-nl iui'ir MM! , mil slu' soon \VM .surroiintlfil ters Murle Hrldw Kdwardes, who Is '111 yours old, and Luclenno Sibyl Tho fu-t ih|| arace K ' hvurtlt ' 8 ' 10 years - ^fc- > -_. .. - I .lin. -MI. ni (jrous. population Is now ovof Cook's Inlot, Alaska, In IKKTi, seven i 1 ')' reuUr inoli all vocifni-misly sluml- years after his successful Journey i lu , t | m t H|IC wis from ocean to river." This ships have Ontario year seven additional town- been added by tbe On- The IVi< of Theii HI-HI I." She WUH linitlly leH'iu-d I men who saw l hut n nustitkn iiiHiUi, but it WHH not ant 1 the 11 a Ur hid IKH-II fully explained to her tlml she could 1m convinced lliat (licie tarlo Government to tho area of Al- gonquin National Tark, making the L , -, total acreage of this great .pleasure ! ""' '" whlll lo1 " f llllU y ' ie "l >l0 retort over two and acre*. a half million " IU >' l ""'"'l l"e in \Vll(orton.- Itriice ^ - lli'i.il'i itnd TinifN. 72,311), according to the official cen- sus. The first count gives the total number of persons ir. tho city who bavo registered as 72,315, but there are a few coming every day. I-ast year the official result was given out as 67,241) and this year's census will show approximately from an Increase over The largest per- 5.000 to fi.100 of d'lii of last year. centage of Increase has been found on the southslde of tbe river al- though thfi, has been a decided In- crease on tbe north side. Prize Sale At Ceylon We are giiiiig prizes to the Urgest purchaser of Roods at our store, during the lust 10 days, June, and the month of July, commencing June 2!>tb. For full particulars see poster in store. We will ats nuke it worth your while to buy here without prizes, as you will RC a few proofs below. Black cat shoe polish, 12.-. per bottle. 'i tins inuHtard for -> Evaporated milk, 8c. per can. Furniture polish, 8c. per hot'le. .!u ni i i stove polish, larye and good, 3 for 25c. Kmp-eRch oc >lfes, reg. 40e. and 50e. per l*j , for :j.3j. Spe.rmin* eum, 2 reg. 5c. pkgH. for 5:. See our big 2- r )c. broom We have a go.xl supply of Paris Green in 1 Ib. an 1 i Ib. pkgs. Hinder twine, best makes at close prices. Apronx, Gingham and Duck, reg. 15c for 13?. per yd. Dress qouda atsma big reduction during this prize >*le. JAMES PATTISON&CO. ^L-^S--^-.^ Harvest time Is a busy time Then why take chances with unreliable im- plements ? Use the Massey-Harris or ( 'ockshutt lines, stop worrying. The use of these lines en- able you to handle your work economically and quickly, and may be had on short notice by leav- your order with, D. McTavish - - Agent FLESHERTON, ONT HARDWARE! . Don't forget we handle a fine line of Austria China- -also Edge line and sprig white Por- celain and decorated glass. (iiiaranteed pure English paris green. Cald well's calf meal. Paints, Oils, window glasses and builders supplies. Frank W. Duncan FLKSSHKI^TON, ONT II 1! !!!! II ijii II I II i I ! Flesherton Tin Shop I have jiust placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelware and Ajjatwnre for domestic use. Call on me and ^et your supplies. Eavetronghing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- | [ Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces, i! i L Issra D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON # ONTARIO.

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