Flesherton Advance, 30 Jul 1914, p. 1

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'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." - PRLN-CIPLEb NOT MEN.' 34 No. 5 Flestierton, Ont., Thursday July 3Q , 1914 W. H. TflDBSTOM PKO W oil e house Doings Intended For Last Week Haying is the order of the day tmong our men folk, while the fair sex are pick- ing berries, which are -i i>ountiful crop. Mr. Honey, who was expected to take charge of this circuit, refused to take the work and the Rev. Mr. .Marshall is now with us. He occupied the- pulpit on Sunday afternoon and preached a very instructive sermon. Miss Elith Lawson, who has finished her four years' course in tiainiog for nurse in Toronto hospital, is holidaying at her parental home beie. Mrs. Robert Wiley i; visiting friends in Owen Sound. Mrs. Ernest Morwood spent the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hawkins. Eppinu. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cherry and chil- dren visited the former's parents near Thornbury on Sunday. Miss Mary Birch is visiting her sister, Mrs. Victor Bowes, at Strathnairn. Master Ivan Donnelly is holidaying with his cousin, Elmer Gilray, Eppiug. A number of our young people attend- ed the garden party at Epping on Friday evening. All repoit a good time. We offer congratulations to Mist Rena McNevin who passed the Entrance Exam- ination, also to Misses Ella McArthur of the same place and Louie *Viley of River- dale, who were successful in the. recent Nor- mil Exams. Louie speat her early .school days ip our academy here, and all am pleased to hear of her success. Ell-i was a pupil in Sligo school, one school-section north. Aaron Birch had a successful bain raising on Monday last. Edgar D.innelly had his ankle badly pruned, aud received a general shaking op by a scaffold on which he was standing, while engaged at his cement work, giving way aud giving him a nasty fall to the ground below. We hope for * speedy recovery. " Mr. and Mrs. John Pickering have rented their farm to Mr. Robert Brown, and purpose moving in the near future to their old home in Sunnidale. Mr. .ind Mrs. ElijahGtlbertof Kimberley spent a day recently with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel \Viley, Jr., the laltcr's sister. This Week's Item Hat her damp weather for haying. Miss Ell* Wilc-.ix of Toronto is visiting wltb her brother-in-law aud nieces, Mr. James Lanktree and family. Miss Winnie Tracey returned to To- ronto on S.ituid iy after a month's visit with friends hereabouts. A large number of the old and young folk of our burg havo been over viewing the sights at Eugenia. Miss Elsie McNovin of Kimberley spent the week end with friends here. Messrs. Herb, and Elmer Wiley of Kiverdale accompanied by their sisters, Misses Lou and Olive, were visitors with Mr. aud Mis. Samuel Wiley recently. Mr. Aaron Bitch, accompanied by Miss Ella Wilcox. visited over Sunday with the former's sister, Mrs. Victor Bowes of Stiathnairu. (Quarterly sacramental service will be held in the New England church next Sabbath, the Kimberley congregation uniting with New England. Ou the fol- lowing Monday afternoon the Official Hoard will meet in Eppiug church. Miss Edna Fawcett spent Sunday with Duncan friends, J. J. Cherry of Thornbury is the uest of his son, Joseph, and family. Harold Hutchiusou is engaged at pres- ent with Mr. Jolm Buskin. The trustees of this school section have engaged Miss Lou Wiley of Riverdale as teacher for the coming term. We wish LJU every success. We are sorry to report Mr, Will Ward aot as well again. Miss Gladys Bridge of Markdale was thf guest of her fiiend, Miss O.ueenie Bowes.the p.t week. Mrs. Snider ol Woodford spent the past two vteeka with her sister, Mrs. Kirkpatrick. Mr. Alwyn Fawcett returned to Detroit wwek before last aftir a foitnight'a visit under the parental roof. Mr. Ernest Morwood made a business tiip t0 Thornbury on Saturday. Amaranth council is raising f lO.OOO by debenture to assist farmers in drain ing their ft-.-ms under provisions of the Aot lately passed by the legislature. Vandeleur Happenings Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Hutchinson and two children, of Markdale, visited the j hitter's father, Mr. Win. Cullis, the be- j ginning of the weejt.- Mii. \V. G. Hutchinson of Toronto is spending * couple of weeks with her father-in-law, Geo. Hutchinsou, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Warliug drove to i Meafurd Saturday week to visit thoir I daughter, Mrs. Xeely, returning Monday following. Miss Xesbitt of Caledou is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. A. Johnston. Miss 1 n i s-:.ith of Markdale was a visitor at Geo. Warliug's last week. Mi.-s Annie Graham of Chatham is holidaying at the parental home in the Valley. This week will see haying about fin- ished. The crop is below average. Mrs. Amos Smith of Meafoid spent the past week with her parents, Mr. and MM. S. Gilbert. Misi Mary Bell of Toronto and Mrs. Pye cf, Flesherton are visitor* at Mr. Geuriie Wright's. Miss Colemau and Miss Phronzie Car- son of Toronto are holidaying at Mr. Wes. Carson's. lowing to rain the Sunday school pic- nic which was to have beeD held la-i Thursday was postponed until next Thursday, weather permitting. Mr. Hircourt Ready of St. Marys and Miss Kate Davis of Orillia are visiting the litter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Davis. Miss S:uith of Caledou is visiting her cousin, Mrs. J. J. Mt.gce, and other friends hereabouts. Miss Jennie Collins of Toronto u spending her holidays as the he me of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. riutchinson. Dundalk Mr. Alfred Uutchinsou of Mount For- est has purchased a ditching machine which he expects to use during the sum- mer in the townships of Proton and Egiemont. This should prove a great opportunity for the farmers in the vicinity of l>'.iiiJ ilk. as- it will enable them to overcome the question of labor, which is one of the great difficulties in connection with drainage work. The usual charges made by all machines are .S5c. per rod for a 8 ft. ditch with other depths in propor- tion. Thomas Brooks, section man ou the C. P. R. here, met with a very painful accident :he other day. While helping to unload ties floin a car at Corbetton, a number of pieces fell from the pile onto his foot during the shunting of the car. The foot was badly bruised and some of the ligaments were torn. Mr. Brooks vill In laid off duty for soinu lime by the unfortunate mishap, Wm. R. Morrow, of this place, who is employed.wiih a bridge gang on the Mus- koka branch of the C. P. R., had a very close call while on duty ou Wednesday of last week at Severn Falls, near Bala. There is a sharp curve through a rock cut approaching the bridge on which the g-*ng was at work and they did not notice the Winuipeu Express till it was almost on them. Mr. Morrow had the longest distance to tun to safety. In trying to make the end of the bridge he stumbled and fell. His knee-cap was displaced and he was unable to go farther. As his last chance for life he lay on the track outside the steel rail, and let the train pass over him- Fortunately no project- ion from engine or cars touched him, and be is congratulating himself on his escape from death. His injury was attended to at Bala, and he arrived at his home here on Thursday. He moves around the house with the use of crutches. -Herald. Mr. Elmer lludd, north of town, had an experience of a very unusual nature, and that might easily have been more disastrous. Ill fact the real wonder is that be escaped with as little injury as he did. He was driving along in a luiguy and leading a horse behind. Mr. F. H. Silk was coming along in his automobile, and the led horse took a- notion to get into the buggy with Mr. Budd, who just threw himself to one side in time to avoid having the animal on his head. As it wan, the horse's front feet landed on Mr. I'.mU s legs, bruising thorn badly, and its hind feet found a resting place vn the back of the rig. Mr. Budd lost UQ time in tumbling out of the buggy to safer Muiiomidmgs. The vehicle was badly smashed and Mr. Budd is congratulating himself that he enuie off an safely as he did. Sheltmrne Economist. Kimberley Budget A beautiful rain on Monday last. Mr. and Mrs. John Garlmtc of Cull- ingwood visited at Henry Cargo's during the past, we, i\. Mr. G. MeKenzie of Colin rne. <>nt., made a business trip to our burg one day last week with a view of buying up the apple crop in this section of tin- Beaver valk-y. He predicts a great future for the fruit industry in this part with proper transportation facilities. Mr. Dalton Loughecd and sister, Belle, of the 10th line, Cullingwoi.nl, visited at J. II. Fawcett's one day last week. Mr. George ('ruikshiink and son, Clar- ence, of Heathcote, were callers here recently. Win. MeCluug while cutting hay last week came upo,j a whole colony of garter snakes. Win. nuide war on them and succeeded in killing 21. Billy says he wasn't seeing snakes, ,>ilher, aud it wasn't a good day. Win w. mill have been ;t capital fellow to have Imd in the Garden of Kden. Mis.- Elizabeth Bnrkettof r.oiivar.I'.i.. is visiting at M. R. Hammond's. Frank Wliitteiiiore of Toronto visited at K. J. .Stuart's on Wednesday and Thursday last. UL-V. Dinwoodie occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church on Sunday evening la.st anil preached an excellent .sermon. Mis. Jas[>er Stuart aud children are visit in-,' friends in Shelburue. Mr. and Mrs. Win. McKnight of Dun- can visited with the lalter's sister. Mrs. J. M. Fawcett, rejciitly. Mr. Joseph Laugtree visited friends in town one day last week. The hydro-Electric surveyors who have l>ecn in our locality the past two or thiee weeks left for Port Elgin on Thursday last by C. P. R. from Saugeen Junction. Thomas Wallace of Chippewa. i>nt.. visited the past week with his brother, DonaKl. Mrs. Thomas C!iwii and children of Barrie are visiting with the former's imnhcr, Mrs. Alex. Fawcett. Ceylon Mrs. Colemau, Mrs. Craig and babe of Owen Sound, are visitors at Mr. (i. Coil- Miss Magxio Ferguson, Toronto, i spending her vacation under the parental roof. Mis* Elln Whittaker, who has been in Toronto for smue time, arrived home last week. Noah Piruic, Toronto, ha moved his family into Mr J. Cairn s residence. Mrs. Joe Hemphill and babe and sister who have been visiting fn-nids here for a furt M igh t 1 _lijjvft.v>ji4*H'jl lyjjjj-nio. J. W. Cuslinie, Toronto, U a visitor at R. Cook's. Misses Len.i and Muriel Leg.- visiting Durham friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. Rands and :' children returned Friday from a two weeks' visit hi Toronto. Miss Lilly Bmwn and brother, Rob, are visitors at S. Homphill's. Mr. J. English of SmghampUm called on friends in town Friday last. The Scientific American, summing up an article on the influence of the moon and planets on the weather, says: We have every reason to believe that neither the planets nor the inuou can have any appreviable effect on the weather, because they furnish so little heat upon which all weather changes ultimately depend, and this belief is fully supported by weather records. The belief, still to be found in all countries, that the planets ami the moon do affect the weather never had any scientific basis whatever; it is only a rem- nant of the many superstitions generated and fostered by that other and greater superstition, aatroloey. S. R. Henderson FLOUR and FEED Is giving splendid satisfaction. We also keep Fresh Groceries in stock and are paying highest price in cash for all kinds of Farm produce. Bring us especially your E'.-RS and Poultry. S. R. HENDERSON - Fleeherton Eugenia Paragraphs IXR. BTJRT Specialist In dUcMeg ol the Mrs. Wood'nirn and Miss Bceeroft have taken up their abode in the pretty cottage opposite the Presbyterian church. The Misses Latinier of Toronto gate some beautiful selections on violin and or-jan in the Methodist church last S,il,. bath evening. Roy McMillen of *iughaniptou is as- sisting Jacob \Villi:iins iii the blacksmith shop this summer. Miss P. Lawrence of Kimberley visited Mis- Ida Thompson recently. Mr. T.urrie Munsliaw is vi^itin-,' his |>arent.s heie at present. Miss E. Latimer .-tnd cousins, Vera and Marjorie Latiuier. of Toronto. visited friends at Griersville the pan w.-i-k. Miss Millie MeMulleii is vising friends in Manitouliii. The W. I. will meet at the home of Mrs. Adam Smith on \Vi-l., Am:, 5, at '2 o'clock p.m. Mrs. J. PiHiley of Toronto is the g.._ of her sister. Mrs. ii. Campbell. M>- .l.mic < 'arson is home from tin- city "H a visit, Miss yneenie Kaitiini; of Fcvcr-ham Wiis the guest of Allie Williams recently. Heathcote Mr. James Lougheed and daughter o Toronto are visiting witli friends here. Mrs. Johns of Collinsjwuod is visiting with her sistes, Mrs. S. Davidson. We are sorry to report that Mr.Morley Owens had the misfortune of getting his thumb Vine broken while helping at Mr. David Pien lice's barn raising. The A. Y.P. A. have commenced prac- ticing fcr the annual district picnic which will be held here in September. J. H. Gardner is spending a fortnight ou h s farm at Kocklyn, attending the ' hay harvest. Col. Rorke of Thornbury held service in the Heathcote Augelican church on Sunday, in the absence of our clergy, Rev. Mr. Young. Pleased t<> see Mr. G. H. Cruickshank out again after his surious accident. i Miss Elsie G.uduer spent Sunday wiih her cousin. Miss Florence Gardner. Mr. Charlie Heatheringtou, who has been helping Mr. J.L. Whit.; in his mill, li.i.s m.ncil io Markdale last week. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office-130 10th $t. Weit, Owen Sound At the Revere house, Markdale, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to a 12a. m DucKhlk,lst Wednesday of each month.. Jewelry Fleshcrton Planing 'And Chopping Mills I am now prepared to do chopping every day in the week except Sundays and every week in the year. Bring along your grists. Our .sash and door factory is always at your disposal for anything you wnt in our luie- planing, matching, e'c. Floor ing, sash and doors, and all house fur- nishings supplied promptly and at ies- imable rales. <!e-. es'n.iatei. A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. \JLT A W .T\. Jeweler 1LESHERTON, ONT 1000 Bushels of Oats, 200 Bushels of Seed Fall 3^C WHEAT At the Flesherton Grocery, W. BUSKIN I i Maxwell Berry-picking is now the order of the d-y, aud by the looks of the full pails coining out of the patch, we think the season must be a favorable one. Mit-s Alice McCalluui of Ueuir.a.acci m- panitil Vy h-.-r two nieces, the Mis -us McCallums of Edmonton, Alra., are vis- at th former's parental home on the 4thYlYic- ^- f Misses May aud Maggie Stock, Torou- | to, are spending the holidays at their parental home. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Kadgero spent Sunday with Mrs. Dan Cameron. Mr. J. L. Morrison, Hopeville, spent Sunday at his paiental home. Mr. George Burke, Toronto, visited with friends in this locality. Charles Stafford spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Win. Wright. Glad io report Mr. Albert Heron is recovering from his (-..juries received while working at Eugenia. Mr. John Mutftt spent Sunday at Mr. Robt. Feuwick's. Born- to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hin- dle, July '."2, a sou, still born. Mis i Rose Osborne has returued from Owen Sound hospital, where she has bei-n for some time. Miss Ida Osborno is visiting with friends in Chatsworth. Miss McKinnon of Orillia is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Hugh McLean. HOT WEATHER SHOES As I have some lines of summer shoes to clear out at reduced prices. Women's Patent pump* and Patent and (inn metal -< V;<'ii;.il with buckle mi. Women's D.MH;,,);, <>\f,, r ds with .) ind I i-ydets, <i.-.,-s :t, 4 A 4.V Clearing at jl.W. / A lot of children's low *hoe.s .md pump, clearing at S> cts. a pair. If in need <.>t a good trunk or suit case.we have a nice %ssi>rtment ' " Thos Clayton. New Grocery Store , . , R. Irwin Proprietor A full Hue of staple groceries just placed iu slock. Fruit of all kinds in their season. Ice cream terved at all hours. Wright's old Stand Strain's Block FLESHERTON You'll Want to Look Right SOME of these evenings you'll w;iiit to look "just right," and you know as well as we do, that there's nothing like a well-tailored blue or black serge suit. They're right at night. The proper caper always ! Let us take your measure for a Hol.berlin-inade. all wool serge. The kind that wont fade, or get rinty. To-day is the day to order. $20.00. S.J. BOWLER Sole Agent for the Hobberlin Tailoring.

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