Flesherton Advance, 30 Jul 1914, p. 4

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Julv :H) 1014 THE F L E S H E K J O N ADVANCE THK AJt taiUprudent newspaper, |iublinhed every iUuraday at th 1 ' office, ColliiiKWood Street, jlamherton. Subscription price $1 INT uiiiumi, ken |>id iu advance ;$!'.' whvii not mi |iil '. Ivertiiiinfr rat nn application Circulation I 1,100 weekly. | W K. XUuraHon- Editor Fleshcrton- Methodist Church Rev. Jaraea Dudgeon, pastor. Sunday Aug '-' l'.U4. Quarterly Services CommencinK t 1.0 a. in. with Ffllowhip services follow- ed by Regular service and S-icriment of the Lord's supper. All applicants for Baptism will please O inniunic.t" ni'h pastor befmeSnbhath next. 7 p. m. Service is usual. Sunday, 10 a. m. Closi Meeting Pastor will preach at both servicet. Monday evening Epworlh League fit 8 p. MI. Thursday evening Prtyer Meeting. Baptist Church R. C. Kerr, Pastor. Plione : R. 2 Sunday School 10 a . m. Service at 11 a tu. Subject, Why d<. mm Sin.; by the Pastor. Riverdale Mis* Winnie Tracy of Toronto, re- turned home on Saturday, after spend- ing her vacation with fiiendn on First Avenue Fast, Mr. Elmer Kagt-1 & Co. were recently engaged stone crushing in nur burg. The Riverdiile sawmill resumed opera- tions on Thursday, after being shut djwn for several day, owing to a damaged shaft. A number from th : s vicinity look in the claisical ice cream <>oci.-tl at Harkaway on Friday evening. Say, Bill, who's your friend T Mi-.-- Euphemia Stepheni->n, who I. as been engaged in town during the past month, retuined home "for keeps" on Saturday. Mi it. Ward and daughter, Mrs. Shadier, of Gait, leturned home on Tuesday, after a week'* sojourn with friends in our burg. M. -. . Louie and Olive Wiley visited (it Wodchouse on Wednesday. Cordial congratulations ore extended to Miss Louie Wiley in the absolutely magnificent result of her recent Normal exams. Mr. Duncan Mclntosh ha attached a ready-made .summer kitchen to his residence. Mr. and Mrs. W. Irwin vUited friend* in Proton Init ^week. We notice by a number of local Control Measures For the Army Worm The army worm it> a btout.nmooth-bod ied caterpillar, blackixh or brownish in color, with two yellowish Htrip8, tinned with red, fclong each bide. When full grown it is about 1 .' inches long. The The adult IN a moth which lys tier eggs chiefly on nr.i.v, in low I iml -. The cater- pillar* themselves never Uy p^gg or pro- duce living youi.g Tim fuuiite food plants are grasses, tiumthy, oats, corn ami millet. When food becomes scarce the worms move in enormous numbers in search of new feed ing grounds. As the pe.st is bein^ reported from numeroub counties, every farmer should examine his fields from time time to see if they are being attacked. If the in- sects have become dittrilmted nil over the tield liefore being noticed, the wisest course will be to cut the crop nt once if it is t mini by or grain nnd cure for iny, but if it is com. itcatter lightly through the I'n-M a poiton mixture, raadu of 1 Ib. t>f parii green mixed thoroughly in -'."> Jbs.of l.i .in. '1111; then moisten with watei, Sweetened with molasie*. Make the Inixture just moist rn'.u^h to fall through the lingers like sawdust- not sloppy. If the crop is threatened <: attacked t.i'y in pirt, dig a trench immediately in front of where the worms are. In the t-aie where the crop is purtly attacked, it *vill be found advisable to cut a nwiilh i lii.ni!li the grain, and ritke thin olf bc- *<re tha trcnuh is dug. The trench is often unvatisfitctory, especially in cUy ill, if it is not properly made. It should be at leant 1H inches deep, in clay soil, with a straight clean line towards the T'.p to bu protected. Post-holes at li't<t IK iitchei deep, in clay toil, with a straight clean tide towards the crop to be protocted. Post-holes at least a foot in depth niunt be sunk every lii fe t in (lie l>ottom of ili" trench. In sandy soil tlie I rench works excellently, but in clay -n.il as mi to heap up the loose earth on U"' '.nip Hide i i^bt iilonx tin* trench. The null pin tides of earth loosen and cause the fliinliiiii; worms drop. Hence in clay <>r much soil it may be advisable to scratch the face of the wall lightly with a garden rake. Do this also nfter rain. When the worms are unable to climb the wall (hey will pass lengthwise through the trench, and collect in t!ie pout-holts, where they may be killed by crushing or other means. In digging the trench ploughs umy be used, but the balance of the work xliould bu done with spades to insure a clean deep trench. Wheietur the worms are fouiri, prompt Action M very important. That Kidnapping Story Mi. (.'. W. Norton, Inspector of tl e liii'ln n Aid Society for Peol and Duf- t.-rm Counties, wan in town Saturday and Monday inveitigiitiog (|IH Elsie Hunter kidnapping story. After getting lie >-hnes the girl wore whilo away on the I '.ili, ('hief Marshall drove the Inspector <mt I.) W. K. Island's place on the Centre I;. i*l I 1 1 ..in a point of M Mr. Island's hey tracked the girl through the, fields to the Lako and buck again by the route which she said sho had taken when ro rurning to town. The footprints showed conclusively that she had walked ' > the lake unarcompanied by any person, und had gone out in the water of her own accord. The girl is now nt work an usual at Mr. Walker's. Steps may be takou t.i make, her n ward of tlm Sin-iety, which iv. mid ilii'ii be in a iio.M.lii.n l<> tunic after her welf-ire. l>riu -villi' limner. Singhampton Mr. Wilkinson of Ne-vinailet ha- Wn re-engaged u piincipil of the public school, l.iii the vacancy in the junior room cjusecl by the resiicna- tion of Mis* Grucu Clark i Hawkeatone has not v.it been filled. Two candidates, Myrtle Service and Kldon McLean, from this achool wrote on the entrance examination and both passed. They will attend the < '. .11,,, wood collegiate institute. The new arrangement of the Metliodiat circuit gives this place service every Sun- day evening. The pastors are Revs. Morris and Ftrock. The Presbyterian pulpit is vacant owing t} the resignation of Rev. W. C. Mercer owing to ill-health. Services nre held every Sunday afternoon. It is understood that several miiiieters are yet to be heard before n call if extended. Mr. Mercer n in Toronto at present and later may leave for the Old Country. Services in St. Paul's Church every Sunday, alternate morning and evening. Next Sunday they will be held in the evening. Miss Owen of Toronto fs visiting with Mr- HeppinsU'l. Mr. O'Brien who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Taylor left for Port Aithur a few dayc ago. Miss Dusson left for her home in Eng- land a few days 1130 after visiting with journals that the hay crop is very poor Mf A , fred Bl . anch she gpent , month in sow localities. However hay in this here and made ma , iy warm fri( . n(K vicinity it a splendid crop, and is, I . _ generally speaking, estimated at two Of tons |ier acre. Raspberries, is the word in this vicinity at present, and a number of our citizens N( , tice js hpreby ?iven that His Honor have been on berry picking expeditions the Judge of tho County Court of the Kimberley during (he past week. County of Grey, will hold a Com t of Re- vision to hear and determine all appeals properly made from the decision of the Court of Revision of the assessment roll for I'.'l I. on Friday, the :'.!-' day of July, 1914, at five o'clock p.m. All persons interested are requested to take notice and govern themselves ac cordiuuly. W. J. BELLAMY. July 20, 1!U4. Township Clerk Fall Fair Dates to We understand that owing to inclement weather at a critical period, the huckle- berry crop if it total failure Puthmasters- Cutting, Erskme and Irwin, have accomplished the annual statute labor, nnd deserve much credit for the very judicious work executed in their divisions. Electrician Walker, has Leen em-aged repairing disabled plumes during tho post week. If the present favorable conditions prevail, corn harvesting will be a A list of the dates bus been prepared laborious accomplishment this fall, as to by the Provincial Department of Agricul date n number of our scientific agri- tnre, and includes those in this district culturahsts have c >rn measuiing six feet ; which are as follows : 111 len ' th - FLESH KRT< >S Sept. 2, :< Feversham Oct. 0. 7 Durham Alliston Oct. i, 2 j Barrie Sept. 21-2? Miss Carrie McKeclmie, an estimable : Beeton Oct . 5. I young woman about 'M years of aj<e, died i Bradford Sept. 2:t-2; last Thursday after an operation for al>- Clarksburg Sept 22. ?< domiiml trouble, performed a few days Collingwu.id Sept. 2:t-2t! previously. The deceased liaU been ail- Cookstuwn Sept. 2!t, 30, Oct. 1 ing.and it was thought the trouble might t Dundnlk Oct.. 8, 9 be in the appendix. An operation was Elrr.vale Oct. 5-7 decided on, and it wax discovered that MarkJale Oct. l:t, 14 cue of the intestines hud telescoped and >i , Mualord Oct. I, 2 portion was cut away. For a time there seemed to In- improvement, but :i relapse set in and death resulted, notwithstand- ing the best of medical attendance and the care of a skilled nurse. Jim McLachlan shot hi* pet bear Jack \ on Friday l-ist, or ral'ier, be hadn't the ' hemt to do it himself. The bear w.is sent here from Cochrane over it ' year iti>o, when ijuite young, and grew | up to be i|uite u pet with the family. He seemed to bo perfectly harm- j less and neither Mis. McLachlan, her d*Ughttr ( Dor any members of llm family had any fear of an attack. Ho was very playful, l.ut if loose, had no hesita- tion in vusifcrnii t!u' neighbors, must of wj^d^ilidn't feel exactly comfortnU* in Mr. 1'iiHn - company. II i>ot to be <t big fellow, and thouyh not at all vicous there waa a vague suspicion in the minds of ninny that his wild animal natiiru might show itself when least suspected. Rather tlinii cause injury In anybody, or perhaps loss of life, the animal was i-hed on Friday. Chronicle. Newmarket Oct. U 8 Orillia. Sept. 17 1! Oro Sept. 15 Owen Sound Oct. 7-9 Rocklyn Oct. I'., 7 Shelbimic Sept. 2!>, :> Toronto (Canadian National), August 28 September 12. List, Iol4 Broke jail at Durham Durham, July 2<i. Placed under arrest Thursday night on a drunk and disorder- ly clitri>, Ken I'inkeiton, a local you'h, .--. .|..-.l liandcutl'ed from the lock up here early yesterdiy morning. On Friday he appeared for tritl before Magistrate Tel- ford, nnd with a previous shady record waa sentenced to three months hard labor nt Owen Hound. By that nvoiiinit the pris'iner had almost cut n hole through l.i - cell floor, and when ho was tn in moved to another he made a dush ! for liberty, but was quickly caught ami Imndcullrl. During the night 1'inkerton smashed the window, white an ouuide iiccomplice with :in I i n..-ii M mil, n bout down one of the iron I ars, making n 0-inch aperlure.to which the priaoner hail climbed handeutrud itnd si|ueezd through after removing his shues. Al li. a. m. Constable Putti^rew appear- ed to remove his prisoner by the morning train to Owen Sound, and titt dinoever- ed the empty coll. Two sets of. foot trucks urn- traced through the fields to tho mill diini bridgBtbul tho whcieiilxnils of th* escaped youlh has nor yet l>e*n asceii.-iii ed. Municipality of the Village of Flesher- ton in the County of Grey. Notice is hereby given that 1 have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in Sections S nnd !> of the < >ntnrio Voters' List Ajtjjffi7. and the niiieiulmeii'^lRtrolhY Hie eopii'S re.|iiired to be-.oj fraiiRinitU'il in- delivered of the List, in i.i. pursuant t. said Act, of J I persons np|Niring by the last revised Assessment Roll rf I he said Municipality to lie entitled to vote in the Municipality nt elections for Members of the Legis- lative Assembly <m<l at Municipal elect- ions, und that sitid List w.is first posted up iii my ottion at Flesherton on tht- 27th dy of July. I'M I. itnd remains there for inspection. KIcrloiH are cnllml upon tn examine said List, and if any omission nr other errors are perceived (herein to Hike immediate proceedinys lo huvu the said eirors corrected according to law. \\. H. Till KSTON. Clerk of Flesherton. Flesherton, July2lli, HU4. ^ FALL TKHM f^ V opens Sept. 1st at (^^c/^Z^%^ M ^ ^ 0\VKN SOl'ND, ONT., sT 1 IM Successfu! yours fSl'iii'.inii> ( iininintet'il to (intiliintr.H. 9c l.'u-e SiiitViif Speoinlisti. ^- m S ' A. FLKMINd, F. C. A., Is Y & W I'l'inoiual. ,jf X0'l> FLKMINO Secretary. JC K OWEN SOUND - ONTARIO S rv F. H. W. HICKUNG FLESHERTON ONTARIO. CLEARING PRICES Women's and Child rens Summer Footwear. SEE OUR WINDOW DIS- PLAY THIS WEEK. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS i . . . . H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham Ont. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. A ling of --ALSO Ready-Made FOR A 30 DAYS' FREE TRIAL Of the 1900 Clothing ! Which we put alterations in free of charge, if required. Isep MORTGAGE SALE -OF Valuable Freehold Property Apply to Gravity Washer S. Hemphiil, : I n. in the power of sale contained in .1 certain mortgage, which will be pro- duced at the time of sale, there will be sold by public auc'ion ar the Dominion Hotel, ON Agent For :- Washing machines, folding bath tubs,windmills,pump5,piping5 Wed., July '29th, 1914 1 water tanks, Beatty water bowls, steel stalks and stanchons, litter Car- riers, hay carriers, slings, forks and tracking, McCormick Binders, mow* ers, rake loaders, tedders, drills, cul- harrows, Chatham wagons, Forest buggies, and Frost wire. Satisfaction Guaranteed. At the houi of 2 p.m., by Q. T. Foulis, Auctioneer, the rum iescriDed as the west half of Lot Nunl>er Kiifht, Conces- sion Thirteen, Township of Osprey, in the County of ftrey. On the s.-iid land is erected a : n able dwelling house and it trim,- I -it n. Terms of Sale : Ten per cent, of the purchase money on the day of sale and i In- remainder within thirty days there- after. For further particulars address the vendor's solicitor. - -\V. T. ALLAN. CollingwiHxI. Dated July 2nd, l!14. ANADIAN PACIFIC NEW LIMITED TRAINS "THE CANADIAN" - Hot Wee II MONTRKAL TORONTO- DKTROIT-! CHICAGO, Via Canadian Paciti* and' Mi. In ; in Central Railroads. I vin MICIIICAN OKTNRAf, li-Iti ANTIC ) 31 RBL TUBB8 b*tw*M Windt or ami Dr. I Unit. Leaving Mniilivnl ->.('. u. in.; Ttvnwto ' ii lop. in., arriving |)>-ti"it ll'.ICi a.m.. nmij Cliirai;ii 7.4."> a. in. iluily Kip'ally >;IM>I| srr- 1 \iue ii'lurniii.'. 'l'lir..ixli KK-ctrii- K.|iii>>ai-iit TORONTO WINNIPEG VANCOUVER Toroiito-X'aiu-oio i*r Kxprt'!*.-* No. .'J ^.n. 'roi-ontii .">.">.'> p. m.ilailv. N'uneiiiiviM- "TViniiito K\preH No. 4 arrives Toronto M.4?> a. in. daily. Maiiitolm l-'.\pr, > N,. 7 leaven Toronto lilv M-rpt Snn.l.'\ M..." i. m., i:ii,in^ \Vllilii|irj; eci-nd day. Oiitarin Kvjirvss No. X leaver Win i|H-({ ! l!f> p. in. ami arrives nt Toronto 1 p. iu. iltiily .- \.'.'|..- V>ii.-iLi\ r.n u. !.;-. ft-ow k'nuadian Paoiftc Atitntu or write M. O. MUIIPHY. D.l'.A. C.P.Hy.. Toronto. Our Clubbing List Th following prices re for strictly pai.l in ndvance subscriptions only. We have no accounts with other papers. Flesherton Advance f I (id Youths Companion 2 00 Toronto World, daily 3 00 Toronto Daily News 1 50 Weekly Globe . !K) Mail-Kmpiru 76 Family Herald * Star 5(0 Toronto Star 1 50 Farmer Sun ill) Fanners AdvoostJ 1 Weekly Wit.iene Saturday Nii(lit S 00 Homo Join-rid !>0 I'.uiliry Heview 40' Kod and (inn nvistazino !>0 50 1K1 Have You Ever Worn A Semi-Ready Suit? If you haven't, freext- on to one AT ONCE ami be with the \Vdl Dressed people. Purchase Now These Beautiful Well Tailored Suits which range in price from $18 to $40 C. BLAKELEY Sole Agent for the Semi-Ready Clothing Standard Bank Block, Fksberton Steer Eatray Farm For Sale Came to tho premwes of the under^n-' Lot 17 - 18, tiret cangd N. D. R., O- ed about the middle of June one 2-year-: prey-HX) acres, ttO cleared, Ixilaric* hard- old steer. Iho owner ia requested to wood bush. Good huilduig,btick ht us. prove propmty, the $:uneawy. pay expenses nnd take D. KOBKRTS, I.aJy B;ink . small orchard. Will he sold on easy term*. A bargain. Who will pitk it up.' Kd. Hillock, Prop., Proton station, p if v., o R. R. No. 2. 1 July tf

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