Flesherton Advance, 30 Jul 1914, p. 7

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&UAKD AGAINST CHOLERA IWFANTUM Cholera infantum Is one of the moat fatal ailments of childhood and during the hot summer rnuiiths Vhousands of little lives are lost by its ravages. The beat way to guard against it IB to give the baby an occasional dose of Baby's Own Tablets. Tie Tablets never fail to regulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach, thus preventing ch,jl- era infantum. diarrhoea, dysentry and all other stomach and bowel complaints. They are sold by medicine delers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ~ . IRELAND FEEDS THE BRITISH. Export* More Meat to England Than Any Other Nation. Under the head of "Ireland, the t Provisioner of Britain," the Irish Industrial Journal gives an inter- esting analysis on the subject of the food supply of the Islands. This THE VOODOOS OF CUBA. Belief That Their 111* May Be Cured By Cannibalism. Cannibalism In Cuba sounds pretty strong, but It exists here just as truly as It does In darkest Africa, says the Do Long Breaths Hurt ? DANGEROUS PLEURISY ALWAYS BEGINS THI3 WAY. Speediest Cure Is Nerviline. oo IL uucn in ua.Ln.r_BL Ainca, aajra tun Havana Post. Cannibalism means the , Ouch, that stab-like pa n In the side eating of human flesh by other human ? a hot knife blade In the ribs! beings, and the voodoos In Cuba do | Probably got overheated-cooled too Just that, aa the case of the sir-year- fast now there la congestion, tight- old boy killed at Minaa Camaguey is ness^sucli^ soreness you can't draw a evidence. The cannibals of Cuba do not place their victims on a spit and cook them barbecue fashion or roast them like J a single Instant, turkeys in great pans, as they do in Af- 1 Quickest relief will come from a vlg- rica. but they do eat the hearts of their rous rubbing with Nervllme. Thla victims If they get the opportunity, as fusty old pain, reliever will fli you up the evidence brought out In the Cama- i n no time will take away the conges. guey trial demonstiates. This ev l- i tlon-make you welljust as it d!d Mr. dence shows that the voodoo woman . Samuel St. Johns, of Stamford, who ; Mercedes Recio told Juan<Hno, the fa- i says: "In running to catch a train i ther of the small negro boy whom he j last week I became much overheated. ; Instructed how to kill the white boy. ! ! P ut U P ( th t" 1 window and rode; that the whites had never done any- that way in order to get cooled off. In j thing for him, that he was bowed and j an hour my side was so full of pain thing for him, that he was bowed and an hour m m or pa v ^ bent now with rheumatism from carry- i and my breathing hurt so much hat I V \r ! i*i__ i___ i..n__ i fhrmeht I had Dneumonia. I alwavs : * x vuub u\sn FT 111* ill^UlLJOl.!^ 11 J LiJUlV.O.lIJ~T_ _.*_ A Ing ammunition during the revolution, I thought I had pneumonia. I always . and the whites had reaped all the beue- "JT ^ line in r-.y grip, and at des 1 INTENSELY ITCHY long breath. This is the beginning of Pleurisy. Pleurisy is far too serious to neglect fit of his work and had given him no- thing in return. tlnation I rubbed zny side thoroughly three times. TSie warm penetrating : There is only one thing that will f ect was soon noticeable and I quick- ; Between Fingers. Spread to Tips. Would Swell Up, Itch and Burn. Did Not Dare Put Hands in Water. Cuticura Soap and Cuti- cura Ointment Cured. Carman. Manitoba. "A breaking out between my fingers waa the flrat trouble. It ' was very Itchy and spread to my linger Upa affecting the nail*. It fine appeared In watery blisters and they Were so intensely Itchy I scratched them and ; let the WatT OUt malfing surea. .They would swell up. it^ and burn and finally the nails would loooen and fume off. I spent many aleeplena nights. I did not dare to put my bands In water except to wash them. ' I kept using ointments. cure you," this black female fiend told the old man, "and that Is the heart of a white child. Eat of the heart of a got relief. Nervillne, I consider, saved me from a serious Illness." Any sort of a cold can be quickly \ Ointment, but was not cured. Sometimes theremcdleewouldhelpallulebutlwaanot Colonel Fiset enjojs the honor of having been made Deputy Min- ister by special legislation of Par- liament. He wa& given this office in December, 1906, when he was only thirty-two years of age. He was not a member of the civil ser- vice, and consented to accepl office only on the condition that he was allowed to retain his rank in the permanent force. For these reasons, it was necessary to deal with bis appointment by special legislation. He retains not only his rank in the permanent army, but retains also his pension in that body So to-day a professional soldier is the permanent civil head of the \ Canadian militia. Francis A. Car- man, in Star Weekly. ,fr NEST IN BOOKCASE. Robin Knew a Thing or Two and Hatched Its Brood. A correspondent of the Scotsman ' tells of a robin which recently chose a novel site for its nest. After hav- ing been frustrated twice in an at- POTTED MEATS- Full flavored and perfectly cooked make delicious sandwiches. The child's delight. The picnicker's choice. Everybody's favorite. FOB SALE is little understood, for the import- 1 white child and you "will" iU"cured" "broken up with Nervillne, which Is a! ance of Ireland as a provider has The Recio woman wanted the blood ; marvel for reducing Inflammation, for - -.-- i *.,. 1< f\\rin tr />!-! n arac Mnn in r n m3 r n f.ifi t *i n H of the little victim, too, because she j relieving congestion in the throat and thought it would cure her of tubercu- cheat, for curing stitch in the side. losle, and she told Pino to get the lumbago, neuralgia, sciatica or rheu- not been adequately recognized ev- en by Irishmen themselves, and the methods of organization, transport- ation marketing and* distribution remain unadvanced and unimprov- ed, despite the great increase in the trade. Yet Ireland has a wider I was. The little negro then invited the i range of agricultural products than white boy to go with him and eat man- ' DEPUTY M1MSTER OF MILITIA j vw>0( uii'j Cii*^ LV1U 1 lllkj \.*J t- L >** , ., . , , . heart for himself. He then instructed , matism Nothing more soothing or his son how to kill. He told him that ! Powerful. The oOc. large family size "from the Jugular vein you can get the the most economical. Small trial most blood," and showed him where it I * lze 2oc - at dealers everywhere. attacked his victim and for fear he might escape had first cut off his legs. He then cut the jugular vein so he the then any other country supplying thejB * 3 - H told the judge how he had British markets. In n>.at Ireland leads all other countries for value of export to Great Britain. The vaJue of Irish meat of all kinds exported to and retained for consumption in Great Col. Eugene Fiset Was Man of War From Boyhood. Cuticura Soap and Ointment and seut for them and before I had used them half a dozen times I noticed an improvement. By washing with the Cuticura Soap and ap- plying the Cuticura Ointment frequently I was cured in three months. " (Signed^ ML Florence E. Sanderson. May 20, 1913. For more than a gen jration Cuticura Soap and Ointment have afforded the moat eco- nomical treatment for affections of the skin and scalp that torture. Itch. burn, scale and destroy Bleep. A single set la uften sufficient. Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment ara tuoa in different rooms, it ! selected a shelf in a wall-bookcnse in the dining-room, half-filled with j ornaments. Behind these it piled up ; a large nest, mad* entirely of , withered leaves, dry green moss. . and a little hay. The nest was oom- pleteu in less than three days. Then the robin disappeared for a week, but it did not desert its hom 1 and within a fortnight five eggs .were laid and dulv hatched, the; H. W. DAWSON. Vlaety Colbornt Str<% Toronto. IF YGf WANT TO BL'Y u!'. bklLL Fruit. Stock. Grain or Dairy FaJ '5 1 ; rlt H. W. Dawson. Brampton. or J '-"olborne St.. Toronto. W. St.. Toronto. KSWSPAPEaa FOB SAM. GOOD WEKi.Y in LIVE TOWS l-N York County. Stationery and Boon Business In connection. Price only M.OUO. Terms liberal Wilson Publlsa- 71 West Adelaide heart so his father could eat It. a man of war from his youth can oo uis lamer couiu eai n. , , , r . - . . .. r~ This horrible practice Is due to the If long service is any justificati. Britain in 1912 was $85,000,000, and densest Ignorance. These voodoos do : for promotion in the militia, he is was greater than the value from i not k111 from Passion or for money, but ! abundantly qualified. He went in- 1 any other country. It is encourag- ing to read that'lreland is rapidly because they are so ignorant that they j t o camp with his regiment at. the think it will do them good to get the | f ten He Cumes ot a m il- hlnnn nr fno noart r\f n TL-nito pnilH ! . blood or the heart of a white child, i " , ,, f p increasing her export of goods for ; Such ignorance reflects no credit on l r tar fa , tner l. He is the BOQ of ] consumption. In 1904, when re- ; Cuba. There are at most only a few I J- B- H. riset, of the Canadian , cords were first kept. Ireland's ex- j thousands of these voodoos or cannl- ports of food and drink amounted bals in Cuba, and If foreign^misslon- to 880,000,000. In 1912 they had ad- vanced to $115,000,000. This shows an improvement of nearly 50 per cent in the short space of eight years. It is apparent from these figures that the development of Irish trade is mainly a question of sympathe- tic production, organized marketing Unproved transportation, handling, and advertisement. On the whole, the future of Ireland is bright and arles have been able to convert the savage tribes of Africa from their can- nibalism, surely the government ought to be able to do the same here. Will QuicKiy Cure Aqy Sour Stomach Relieves Fullness After Meals. Senate. His father was Lieut. -Col- onel of the 89th Regiment of Ri- mouski, and he took his son with him to camp at the age of ten. Eugene Fiset went as a bu- gler, and his first taste of military | life decided his fate. He was caught j with the military spirit. He loved , the life he stayed with it. At six- teen he was provisional second lieu- j tenant in his father's regiment ; in five years he was lieutenant; and three years after that be was ma-jor. "When I was working Around the He is now full Colonel in the per promising, and the next ten years > farm last winter, I had an attack of In- 1 m anent force of the Dominion, and : eiould see the Green Isle one of nammatlon." writes Mr. E. P. Dawklns. , h qua lj ne d for the rank of Sur- ' of Port Richmond. "I was weak for a p , long time, but well enough to work un- ' geon-oenerai. til spring. But something went wrong i Colonel Eugene Fiset, D.S.U.. with my bowels, for I had to use salts j has an active service record, of or physic all the time. My stomach] which no soldier need be ashamed. | kept sour, and always after eating He went out to South Africa with i the most prosperous and progres eivo countries of Europe. l ,|. KITCHKNKR'S STORY. "East and <>! Do Occasionally Meet. He Said. There was a young woman, a ' there was pain and fullness, and all the symptoms of intestinal Indigestion. Nothing helped me until I used Dr. Hamilton's fll\9. Instead of hurting, like other pills, they acted very mildly. ^ pronounced brunette,'' said Lord a 'n| seemed to heal The bowels. I dfd Kitchener of Khartoum, "who came | not require large doses to get results Out to Cape Town disguised as a with Dr. Hamilton's Pills, and feel so lady nurse, her object being to keep her eye on her husband who held a billet under General Forrestier- glad that I have found a mild yet cer- tain remedy. To-day I am well no pain, no sour stomach, a good appetite. . Refuse a substitute for Dr. Hamll- lable to digest anything. This Is a whole \\alker at the base. Later on he , lot of gcod for one n , e diclne to do. and was unfortunately sent to the front, I] can gay Dr. Hamilton's Pills are the where still more unfortunately, he I best pills, and my letter, I am sure, was forthwith picked off by a wan- proves it." dering Mauser bullet. The widow was such a victim to the luxury of junrestrained grief that it was ob-j or TUB" Catarrhozone Co., Kingston. ; *erved her raven locks turned am- ber in a single night. Thus." ad- W1NDFA.LI.S FOR KING. Southport Lady Left 51.000 for I'se of the I'rown. Southport's (England) intestate his Lordship with a malicious grin, "East and West do occasion- ally meet. The stricke-n widow on 'the Ganges puts ashes on her head as an indication of her bereavement and the widow from the banks of the Thames applied peroxide of hy- drogen as an advertisement of her uncontrollable sorrow." PRIZE FOOD. Palatable. Kronoinical. Nourishing. A Western woman has outlined i for , hi f ma J estv , d ^ s f have ,; control over all estates which re- spinster. Miss Amanda Cooper, has provided the crown with one of its greatest windfalls. Her fortune of 61,080 will be paid to the trea- sury "for use of the king." The phrase is no empty form of words, says the Sheffield Telegraph. the pme food in a few words, that from personal experience. M.T" i After our long experience the first Canadian contingent ; and book, send puet-caril to Potter D~i* * Chem. Ojrp., Uept. D. Boston. C. 3. A. South Africa till the war was over and returned to England with Col- onel Otter. He was on the field in every important action in which j the Canadians participated, includ- ing Popular Grove. Dreifontein. Hout Nek. and Zand River ; and for j his bravery at Paardeburg and in awarded the Distinguished Service j Order, which was bestowed upon him by Earl Minto on Paardeberg Day, i903. Colon*! Fiset inherited not only a love for the army, he inherited alsoj a love for the science o Aescula- J piue. His father had been a militia surgeon before him: and the young j man followed enthusiastically in. the parental footsteps. He obtain- j ed his early education at Rimouski College, and thence went on to j Laval University, where he gradu- ; ated in l-'.w at the age of twenty -.j two. with the title of Bachelor of' Medicine. It was as a medical man ' that he served throughout the South African campaign, and on hi way back to the Dominion he took spec- ial courses in London and Paris in the treatment of the eye, ear, nose ' and throat. He is thus well quali- ! fied to serve hi* country in a civil career as well as in the militia. Appointed by Special \-\. incubation and feeding the young. A window was left open and it was amusing for the next fortnight watching them busily occupied in supplying the nestlings, first with flies and insects and later with worms, while butter stolen from the table was an irresistable luxury. Four weeks from the date when the robin began to sit. the feedglings were out of the nest, and after twenty -four hours in thc house they were able to fly to shelter out-of- doors, and were soon lost to sight. /"1AJJCER. TUMORS. LUM1 J S. I us before too late. Dr. Bellnuin Medical Co. Limited. Colllngwood. '.Jnt Ideal Arrangement. "Mr. and Mrs. Turkins seem to get along well together." "That is -due to their superior teamwork." What do you mean !" "She lays down the law and he carries it out." lsr\'t This Romantic ? Two toea lor<i by four corns for fir* vars and sentenced to die by fire appli- cations of Putnam a Corn Ex: ';!<: >r K TOU want to care corns. Putnam* ! U on IT thin try this oainlew remedy. Be. at all Stlaari s X-lalmaat Carts Colds. Etc. Showed Iler Skill. "My wife ;s one of the best mana- gers in the world. " "I heard her saying the other day that she didn't believe there was an- other woman a!i\o who could man- age y.ju." THIS CO I' PI. E JIST CAN'T DIE. Thn-c Attempts at Suiridi- by M. und Mini-. Blin Fail. Tragic though their intentions ap- parently were, a married couple named Blin have cau**d amusement to the townfoik of Bar-sur-Aube. France, by the re<u':t* vf their re- peated attempts tu commit suicide. Blin started by trying to hang himself in the cellar, but the rope was not strong enough and ht? was deposited on the door. Mme Blin. deeply affected by her husbaud sact a horse with a HDP > <H! curable ring-bone (or Kf>. Oirml him '.'.h 1.00 worth of MIXAHD S LINIMENT and MOIE DERO*:E. Hotrl KtfDer. St. PhUlinee. Que This Way Out. "Have you any opening here f.-r me! askfd the asvrtive young man. "Yes." announced the manager. "It's right behind you." militia bears the impress of Colonel lried suffocation y gas Anticipating Him. uliiiiHaa tvonn jtftj>r V.i ro nien repairing the main stopped uie iting the tragedy Tom Do you know what I am go- at this new failure. in * to buv . v for - vour birthday Col. Eugene Fiset. D.S.O. vice, and in 1903 he was appointed Director-General of the Medical Service, and the service was put on its present basis under his super- vision. He entered upon these du- ties with the rank of Lieut. -Colonel but a year later became full Col- onel of the Permanent Army Medi- cal Corps. He still ho'ds this rank although he has been seconded for duty on the civil side of the militia, and on July 23, 1913, he became qualified by service for the rank of Surgeon - General, which corres ponds to Major-Gen.<'i-al tt ioui tin . well. Blin fol- lowing, but there was barely three ; feet of water in the well. After ' several hours their whereabouts were discovered by neighbors who hauled them out. Licty No only I'm *ure it will be ething new stylish and elegant awfully expensive. You dear, reckless boy. you ! YOU OWN DllUUISr HILL fr 1.1 :'r slurlu-* K.vc Ku<-<ly fur Rm. Wf i " he was thrice mentioned in the des- patches for bravery under fire. (.'<>'. onel Fiset be it known, is not onlv ' cn>wn in wn nce a milita man . he is also without re . geon . and ifc wa$ as a euccorer of vert to of their latives. If these crown windfalls | the wounded that he won his honors , are estimated over a long course of on the veldt. The first OOMMM Grape-*, uts, I cannot say enough : veMs it wiu b<J ound ^^ ^ on which he WM uientione<1 in the .n its favor \Venave used this g^^ t amount has several despatches was the first dav at tood almost continually for seven , tiinM t^ exceede j. Paardeburg. The incident it "thus On two occasions the treasury has i told in the official report sent home raked in estates of no less than by Colonel Otter : "The company stretcher bearers exhibited great pluck, and five of them were among the wounded ; j three were wounded in carrying Capt. Arnold from the firing line, the stretcher on which he was be- >Ca >f-' A j "\\e sometimes tried other ad- vertised breakfast foods but we 200 ,ooO-one from a Cheltenham invariably returned to Grape-Nuts man j n 193^ as the most palatable, economical i una tic in 1964 the other from a and nourishing of all. "When I quit tea and coffee and began to use. Postum and Grape- Nuts, I was almost a nervous In recent, years the most remark- able instance of the crown's luck was 150,000 in 1903, from the es- tate of the romantic recluse of wreck. I was so irritable I could Folkestone, Captain George Lind not sleep nights, had no interest in life. "After using Grape-Nuts a short time I began to improve and all ing made a special object of atten- . tion by the Boer marksmen. In i these ailments have disappeared During 1913, ninety-seven e- and now I am a well woman. My i tales were reported to the King's two children have been almost rais- and lord treasurer's remembrancer ed on Grape-Nuts, which they eat as having fallen to the crown in say Anthony Wilson, who changed j connection with this incident I must his name, cut himself adrift from n^ the courage displayed by Sur- thc world, and allowed his posses eions to take care of themselves three times a day. "They are pictures of health and have never had the least symptom i Scotland, among them being that of Dean William Halt of Dundee. Thf amount received in r aspect of of stomach trouble, even through estates during the year w%-> 13,655. the most severe siege of whooping | Receipts on account ^of treasure cough they could retain Grape- Nuts when ^ els * Tr Grape-Nuts fo se ^ rape-uts food has saved doc tor bills, and has been, therefore, most ecenomioal food for us." Name given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor. Ont. Head "The Road to Wellville." in pkgs. "There's a Reason." ETI t<S > boT IstterT A n.w on* appear* from tim to Uin*. ai* ulD. tru. arnd fail 01 trove were 12 17s. 6d. "Willie," remarked Mr. Slimon, ''didn't you go to the trunkmakers yesterday and tell him to send round the trunk I ordered t" Willie -"Yes." Mr. Slimon "Well, here is the trunk, but no strap." "Willie -"Yes father, 1 knaw ; 1 told, him. I thought you hadn't better ha\c n\ strap." Capt Fisefc, who. when the stret-f cher on which Capt. Arnold *j being brought to th r* r was stopped a short diste from the firing line by ti* woundjpg of c>ne of the h<wfers, went forward and attended to Capt. Arnold, and subsequently assisted as bearer iu bringing him to the rear Capt Fiset also attended to many of the wounded under fire during the day.' Gazetted a* Major. For th act of bravery, Capt. Fiset was given promotion on the field of battle, and on March 1. 1900, only a few days after Crvtije surrendered, he was gazetted as Major of the Army Medical Service iu the Imperial Army, the rank, which he held throughout the rest of the campaign Lit stayed in Delays Sometimes Expensive Business or social en- gagement just a few min- utes for lunch can't for service, had quickly? Post Toasties with fresh berries or fruit and cream. They will be served immediately, they are nourishing and taste mighty good, too. Sold by Grocrs everywhere! Cana Han Vewtum C*ral Co.. Ltd.. Windsor, iljit A Rt-ady An>wi-r. The Sunday school teacher was talking to her pupils on patience. She explained her topic carefully, and, as an aid to understanding. ifff gave"each" pupil a card bearing tho picture of a bc>y fishiag^ ' Even 'pleasure. " she said, "requires tfcr* : exercise of patience. See the boy fishing he must sit and wait and wait. He must be patient. " Hav- ing treated the subject very fully she began with the simplest, most practical question : "And now any little boy tell me what we most when we go fishing?" swer was quickly sh. voice "Bait '.' .^^^^ nsnt Cures Ditmrr just Eye Comfort. Write fur Bou* of the by mul.Fr**. Mi.- ..* K} Etcmoljr Cu.. Cl The average woman can bluff al- most any man, but when it comes to bluffing some other woman woU that's another s:ory. Ape Works as Sailor, orang-outang as an able seaman heaved the lines that made the steam- ship Canada fast to her berth when i she arrived at Boston the other day 1 from England. Attired in a sailor suit, the animal, which the captain says is his best hand, hit the pier on the first try with the thin rope by which the dock hands draw in the cable. Then he saluted the captain. The orang- outang dined at tht> head of the crew's table, and eats with a knife and fork. "Tommy. " said an irate mother. ; "if you don't behave yourself I'll, give you a gvod whipping." "Well, i j that'll be a change, anyway." re- | 'plied the little fellow. "All the! other whippings I ever got from you were bad." acher, affcr on the story o! ' concluded by there any little who would like to ask ion about the lesson 7" Little Susie looked puzzled for a moment and then raised her hand. "A question. Susie'" asked the teacher. "I would like to know." said Susie, "if the angles have wings, whv did they have to climb UM hae ladder r The teacher thought for some mo- ments, and then. looking about the class, asked: Is there any little boy who would like to answer Susie's question !" To-day's best is worth more to- <J;i\ than tomorrow's better. DODDS KIDNEY PILLS_ "He is the most tenderhearted man I ever saw." "Kind to ani- ' mals ?" *'I should say so. Why. when he found the family cat insist- ed on sleeping in the coal bin he , immediately ordered a ton of soft ' coal . ' ' 'I'd rather have mon"y than beauty.'' ''You girls always want what >ou haven't got." 123 THE* ED. 4 EM-'U.

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