Flesherton Advance, 30 Jul 1914, p. 8

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July 30 1914 THE FLESHERTON ADVyNCE BUSINESSCARDS Death From Matches WH. WRIGHT, TELFORD Barrister, Kolicitom, Ac. & McDO.NALD . i nil. -I-. Orev A Uruci block, MWUII Bouud. Standard Hank Mock. Klenherton. (Saturday*). VV. H. Wrigbt. W. I', -i'elford Jr.,J. C. McDonaH.L. tv. .11. DOGS IN ALASKA. Carry Crest Loads Over Snow Would Not Hold a Man. Dogs are surely the renl thing That for "inushiug" in the cold country. To my SOCIETIES AO \V iueet> ou tbe lait Monday ID aob inoi,tn. in tbelr lodge room Clayton-Khali Fleenerton, at 8 p.w : W. J. Hi-Ham v i Hec,, C. M. W., W. J. Hullauiy ; Kec,, u. H." Munshaw: Fin., It.' J, Hproule. VultiDK brethno Invited PRINCE ARTHUR LODGE, No. SS3.A.F.& A U. uieata in the Uanonlc ball. Arm 'trouR'H ltlock,Klenerton, every Friday op cr before the lull mocn T. Blakuley W. it.; Cha.lluuliaw, Secrelary. COURT FLEbHERTOX. 99fl, I. 0. Clayton'B Block the last \Veduen< each month. VUltiiw Korett I. 0. F. meets in idav evening ^ heartily Icoiue'C. U., (i. Bellamy ; K. B., (!. Cain.*; D Sec , \V. Uuakio. Plea** pay duet to Fin. Bee. before the t av of tbe uioutb. a weak snow crust where a man CHOSEN FKIESDS-Flesherton lo l u . c ,'i r . Chown Frieud. meett i" Iyton .Uallflrat r.d tlilr<l Wednesday olen-li month 8 p. > Menient9 to tfie He. ordar on orbjlor. ttt Urn .UyoJ ecb uiontb. Chief Councillor T. BUkelev;H*corder W. H. Bunt. RUDD MATHK-VS. Mrkdle. tucMoneer lor tue county of kervice at reaacuable made at The Advance. ratet. u09 Licensed Goo* 1 Dttea 'c*n be K CA aa MEDICAL g Ont.Phyiician, Borueon etc once Peter t., Fletherton THERMOMETERS. Difference In Principle Between tht Fahrenheit and Centigrade. Tbe difference in tbe numbering of the Fahrenheit and tbe centigrade thermometers Is a difference in princi- ple, that between circular measure and tbe neat simplicity of the decimal sys- tem. When Fahrenheit bad found that his thermometer was capable of giving him a means of measuring beat the necessity for a scale presented Itself. He was able to establish two Constanta freight behind them, and 500 or COO: of temperature-that at which a mix- pounds is a fair load ou poor trails. [ ture ot ga)t an( j BDOW me ]ta at one end Campbell, who lives i| uite near, ha-1 her' A peculiar thing Is that a twelve foot, ot the scalei tunt at wn ich water bolls attention attracted by .heir screams, bud** twenty-two to twenty-four inches, nt sea Ieve | establishes the other. Evl- . 'wide, with runners two and one-quar- ,j erjtl y w jth some reference to the fact thought ftt hrst that they were only play- i. i,.,.!.^ ...1,1., i^nrlni? n loud of fiOO 1 ,J . . . l(?r 1 11C (lira lUtr, Ucilllllg U IUUU UL WVi thnt ijj cirCUlflT IllGUSUTG ID6 rDUXimUID im?. Then -she saw smoke rising from to goo pounds, will not sink through! distanee poss |bl e to measure from one the little one's clothes, and knew tlmtj a snow crust that will not bear a man.| polot (,, another Is 180 degrees, he xoinetliiiiK was wrong. She rushed ovtr; This occurs because two winners two gca]ed jgo equal parts between these but by that time the flames had done an <l one-quarter inches wide and two )lmltg He scaled the thermome- Wlulu playing in the yard at her home !>.'52 llth Avenue Eist, Monday afternoon Kdna Cotton, ayed live years, dau^hteij of Mr. W. A. Cottou, was so terribly] burned tlu.t she died a few hours later.j ol them 'weigh less than 100 pounds. How the accident happened is not known;: an( j t uey distribute their weight over but it i) thought he had ot hld of | their four feet, so that they can trot match, had lit it and let it fill dress. The b'rst sign of nnythio amifs wus when she ran screaming to sister with her clothing a mass of flumes. The older girl, who is only nine years old, could do nut liini.'. Their aunt, Mrs. Qn ,, level> gmootb , rnl | ten dogs can trot along with a ton of their work . The child's clothing w completely burned off her, exct-pt welvc feet 1 "B K |v " ar ter below his freezing point to Its read- ' bearing on tbe crust. This, coupled mg on a wlnter day colder a _.,.,. ... Inotlou tuat keeps the slod o]dest lnnnbitant could remember to couple of slips around the neck and urni* passing over all the time, accounts for have experienced, and here be estab- 'b Jp OTTKWELL Veterluary Burgeon aradaate ol Ontaiio Veterinary College rwideuce second door outu wert.on fc.ry itreet. Tfali ttreet rJni outb Presbyterian Cboren. DENTISTRY Dr. E. C MURRAY I.. O. B.. dental surgeon LODO, graduate of Toronto University and Roval College of L)eutl Stirseoni of Ontario, Gw admi.inUUjred lor toetto extraction Office at reiidene*. Toronto Street. KleaSerton. and *he was ,i muss of burns from htttd the remarkable fact 1 nin speaking of. n sue( j jjj g zero jj c hanced to be 32 to foot. Mrs. Campbell dil what she One of the greatest dangers In degreeg below hls freezing point could for the surterer, and sentatonu- "uiusbiug" is encountering water un- The centlgrade on tbe other harjdi for Dr. Howey.wnoorde.ud her removal U ^^ e ^ w J\ t . h !, r ^l?J^7^ ; establishes its zero at freezing to the hospital. There everything possi- ble was done; but the khock, coupled sunk away from under the ice. with the effect of 'the burns, was too the most dangerous of all, and often much for her to witlntimd, and the pai-s- when it happens a, man is frozen to death before be can get to shelter or (.-B. S. c<l away early Tuesday morning. She was quite conscious almost to the moment of her death, and suffered very lilule U.S. Advertiser. THE STUDY OF WORDS. LECAL' KANKY & hKNttY-narrl.ter., LV'AB, doltaltorf.eK. I. H. Lucas Kan.y. K. f. ; W. I). K. C.; W. F,. Henry, It. A. foronio. Wfr'J Tiadct. Hauk Kldg.. l>houe n;.u 141ZjMarkd.leI.uca. Hlock. Phone 2 A. Hraticli ofllce at Duudalk open every Saturday. BUSINESS CARDS 1 CULLOUGH & YOUNG ' hanken Markdale atral banking butineia. Money loaned reatooable ratti Call on us. DMd'HAH.. 1-icfuteJ Auctioneer for the Co'intyof <ry. T*ru moderate an. I tit action guaranteed. Tbe arrangements f. 1 lat> of aalei. cau be made a*. TBK ADVANCK cffict ln-Kidenct and I'.O., Ceylon, Telephone Dec. O.U7. W Hia Golden Rule*. A Toronto banker bangs op tlies* golden rules of conduct: "Have something to say. "Say it "Stop talking." application. They mnke no allowance for the necessities of conversation nor for tbe helpfulness of Intercommunica- tion. They recall with their taciturn sug repro- any time and therefore obvl- ote tbe necessity of maintaining on of- ficially sealed standard, as must be the paclty. New York Sun. Facta Versus Fancies. Richard Le Galllenne was sympa- thizing with a young writer whose book of poetry had beem refused by twelve publishers. "Real lovers of poetry," said Mr. Le It's a Helpful Scheme to Use Your Dic- tionary Every Day. Writing an article, "Treasure In Books," in the Woman's Home Com- panion, Laura Spencer I'ortor gives the following excellent advice about | Gallienne, "are unfortunately becora- Tbese are line rules for special occa- the advantages to be gained from the in S rare. Too many people nowadays Elons and places, but not for general study of words: are like tnc "The study of words-It may sound to you a dry Wilng, yet I promise you It Is not; very fur from It. "And this brings me to suggest that the ha bit of one of the great writers of gestion the golden rules that hung over stu< ij j n g carefully from a good diction- the desk of a western mine owner: "State your business. "Shut up! "(Jet out!" Cleveland Plain Dealer. Judge was recommended by a Petic friend to read Shelley. Tbe great man of the law said he supposed he ought to read a little poetry, and, baling heard so much of Shelley, be would try him. "'And what do you think of It?' said his friend to the Judge after he had 7M. KAJTTIXti, LIcenMd Auctioneer loi tbe countiei of lirey and Simco*. Faro, aoil Stock ale a specialty. Termi ajoderate. tatitfactloo guaranteed. Arrm;e- BThaiu I set'"" "f tr.ick, and Uncling si-me H!X Tho Wh le syphoning iM-ilmn it Forest ( i-iiu-i- man shallowed the fumes -ind enditnyeied his life. Pneumonia and! pleurisy developed immediately. Tirir-'l iy of 1 1 week was observed as wreck day oil. this line of the C. I'. K. In the MM. rum.; a height train tried to take to the tieliU lictwoen Laurel and Crombie, and cuceeedtHl in I.MI my up it ary flve words eacb day Is one fromj which we might all of us get a good I deal of profit. Or take a good book of ! waded through a few pages of 'Eplpsy- synonyms, for instance, and lenrn f rom ' chldlon.' 'Isn't It beautiful?' It each duy five words somewhat slml- 1 '"Well, well-ob. yes. I daresay Jt lar, comparing and weighing carefully is.' said the Judge. 'But what I want the meanings and values of them. i to know is when are we going to get at "Xotlce the degrees of force in the; the facts?' "Washington Star. following: To dislike, to bate, to loathe. to detest, to ubhor. Kadi note struck Is a little stronger, higher, we might say, like an ascending crescendo scale. The Supreme Court. The supreme court of tbe United States Is supposed to be strictly nou- So to instruct, to teacb, to educate, are political, free from all parties and eacb quite different In meaning, with i above all parties. It was designed by a great .nicety of difference. So, re- the fathers of the constitution to act buke, reprimand, censure, blame, are as the "governor." or "flywheel," of but or by a*iriiinB UJB at Keversliaui. Ont. Bull For Service Pure bred shorthorn bull, Kiu|*Tor, N..VI", f jr .servioe <.n lot Hi", W.T. S.It., Artemeciii. Tenns 81.50 for j-'isdes, #:i for thorough brads. All CUWH KuiM'nl must be paid for. Mar. H. ^'Iii4, Proprietor. cars completely into the ditch. in inin,' po-sentm Irani- exchanged cuuiM 11 -, mail nnd hHgga^e t the Ncenc of the wreck. Tnen the paieiiger tritin on itt* way to < 'wen Kuinid citme to jjrief ubove Markdale. The eni{in>! and tender left thu mill, entirely and were overturn- ed. The |.i-^rn^i-i ; i i'.t|iril with a sevcic all of one color, snade8 (|f , noilulnK So too ml8for . tune, calamity, disaster; so, weak, feeble, decrepit, mid wbut delicate dif- of how different! " r system of government, maintain- ing justice ami right In the midst of tbe wrangling factions nnd clashing In- terests. Aceording to the theory, tbe ference between fame and renown or supreme court is to know nothing but feminine and womanly uud woman- ish." DIVISION COURT 1914 FLKSIIKKTOX ANU 1H M>.U,K ton .................. Apri 1"> oii ................. Aui<. U'ti .................. Oct. !* up. Iml (in n ,ui William the constitution nnd the laws thnt are niiide In pursuance thereof and in ev- ' ery matter that Is brought up before It Kindness of the Boss. '" hold the balance even, regardless of Little Tommy, who wiis about knee everything else.-New York American, high to n half pint, was employed by a busy broker. One afternoon tbe bro- the iiverturncd .-..I., and badly tut and hruiM'd. The i-ngiiifer L-M'!||-(| un- liurt, iillhough lit- Ktayed with the engine until after it had toppled over inlo ;he Hull lor Service F'-i M-I-VHV. IJu.'M Holly No. Aberdeen Anu"i'< <"> :<)t '** ion, Artemesin. Terms. fcl,UO if paid r,i'f.,ri- lit Jan. lill.V- W. J. Masjce. May 15 BOAK FOR SERVICE Alv> ivaihtered Yorkshire boai, AN 145.S1. Teiniill. HKNKV IIOLMAN Con. ->, A'iinirjii f^U'' 1 "" '' " signaled Tommy to draw near. "Tom my," said tbo boss, digging down Into his Juiuis, "hero's a fifty dit.-h, aftiu- which he crawled out through] * chunk of silver. Take it and bus- the c ib window. Th wrecks nm.lc a He off to some vaudeville show." busy time for tl.o West Toronto ami , ',7"""" y !' , VC J7 " 1UCb ; Sir '" gr " te ; wl' Owen S,,....d Huxiii.ri.-H ...d w,,.i-ki,,jj fully r "P">i lomniy. freezing fast } rivvts. They bud HIH Inn* in good Khape at an raily hour Friday morning.- Kcn on tit. Bull for be 'ce hied nhorthorn bull, A K.OOO for service on lot Lll, S.v for grilles. Pure bred I'ure lirod Taunwor'.h ho for service on the above lot. Terms $1.00 for all animals. Served] muH be |nirl for. fSept \V. .1. Meads ArtemeHia. Termi fl.TiO Canadian National.^ ^Exliibition 1] K A C K Yl <:AR Farm for Sale Lot i:H) to 1. (_', Kast Itack Line, Art- Un8J* containing 1.10 acres; nearly all cleared, .!'. mileH from KleHherton, live from Mir'kdale. Good orchard, hmue. Inn k 1. 11 n iiul o< her buildingx; - 1 ... k farir well watered, go.id well, windmill, etc. Apply on prommea to Jacob A. Holley 1 June I'M I eo vcAitr EXPERIENCE niaklr uctrulo our opinion fr wh.i'h" f in (DTentVm ! FTObsblr naMntebUi.'Coaimunle*. America's < ,i r.i i rst Livestock Show / I ' > Of \l-.liuil.n I III r^ I v lii i, 1 .-; by the Provinces (n 1 'oinillioll I ,o\ i-I llllM-ll I Indies Grenadier GuaTZ" Jiand Dragoons' Musicul Klde Atito-Pvlo Matches < n< us and Hippodrome Dozen Shown In Single Hour Roy Scouts' Review Canada's Riilgent DoK Show to the coin. "That's wh.it I call being was to . some good to a poor kid." gowf !" "Don't think thnt I'm being good to you," was the quick rejoinder of the boss. "I want you to lenrn a now tune. I cuu't stand the one you've been whistling for two months any longer." Kschange. got bis b'ull on one occasion so near the hole that to play It was. as It appeared to him, superfluous. So he simply tip- ped it In with the toe of his boot. caddie revolted lustanter, threw the clubs nnd looked horrified, he found words to speak It "Hang It, me lord, Water Power. Fe^~w"ouKi ex|ici (o find '>v con- nection between a modern hydroelec- tric plnnt nnd n prayer. The connec- tion Is Indeod remote, but not uudls- covernble. The first application of wa- ter power to nii-.-liMi in-ill purposes wus in...:,- by r.'M.iiir i priests when they employed the energy of running streams; to tho work of turning prnyer wheels. That, then, may be said to constitute the origin of the application Hr Goodness. Brldey My wife Is a very good cook. Wise Get out! iler mother told me she was just taking her tlrt lessons when you married her. Rrldey Ex- actly. She was good enough not to continue her lessons on me. I'hlladel- phla Press. Not to Blame. "My desir, there's too much caloric In this soup." "There! I told tbe cook you would rnther hnve !t "3<1 > Parsley." -Baltimore Amerlcnrf, BABYLON (ireateat Oriental Spectacle ever presented on Continent Paintings from Kngland, Scotlund, United States and Canada Kducatlonal Eihlbits Goods in Process of Making Athletic Sports Aero-Hydroplane Flights Grund Water Carnival Famous Band Score of other Rands Dozen Band Concert* Dally Chesapeake and Shannon Biggest Mldway'ever Peace Year Fireworks International Peace Tattoo 10 Rand* 400 Muaiclans 9 1914 Sept. 14 TORONTO Smartness. When people who think they are tnan's"Fa- 8lunrt raeet Pcl>le whom they recog- bors. the foreshadowing of the greatl " ft8 smarter than themselves they Industrial development now In progress for the harnessing of the world's wa I Mil them "disn; themselves reeable." Detroit terfnlls, rivers nnd streams. "you cou Sure of Herself. iJblnk," nskcd the widower, as yon would IfV love my cllll lreli "Oh. yes," replied ^0 your own?" en. "i think 1 should ntfi 0118 m " ld " them renlly ttnin If they were^J f r because I shouldn't have to worry v fc, much about them If, they got hurt or Were slck."-Chlcago Ilecord-Elerald. Not. "Shall wo marry, dtirllng. or shall we knot?" was the short nud witty line an nrdeut lover dtapntched to tbe Idol of his heart. Bt't, where the strangeness of the matter conies In, the girl replied: "1 shall not. Vou tuny do us you please." Mslieious Hint. "Can you tell me where I ntn most likely to get n good collection of fulry tales?" "Ask any ainrrled rpnn."- Baltimore ' American'. g. ..CJCT -TTJP- Hospitality. The appetite of the guest was a keen one, and he wus doing full jus- tice to tbe excellent dinner provided by bis host. The little daughter ot tbe house watched him open mouthed for awhile. Then dually she smiled ou him brightly and said: "Oh, I do wish you were here to din- "livery day I" 8 fc-xit beamed with satisfaction. DO you, .., denr? Wh r he ,. quired. "Because," came th unexpected re- V " t I... l-n l|.,ki. '* I ... . . . ; I . ply. there won't be nnylhiu eat tomorrow." London Tit-Bits. to Rude Boy. ' Miss Flirt-Jack told me Inat night that I was bis very life. Her Brother >Tnck will soon flnd out bow uncer- tain life IB. ItoBton Discipline. "How do you get your constituents BO thoroughly accustomed to implicit reliance on your word?" , "Well," replied Senator Sorghum. "l| made 'eui understand at the outlet that If they didn't accept my state- ments they'd have to listen to a long itrlug of 8tnUstlc8.-WashlDgton Post. Effort. "He never spanks bis son, does he?" "No; he's an efficiency crank," -,_ "What's that got to do wltn Itr "He says tbe upward stroke Is lost motion, "-Houston Post. f ~y v- ^" This Week Only $1 /T Made-to- d*4 1 i*Your Measured 1 i s O///s from the famous *Slot>6erlin Sanitary Bailor THERE IS NO EQUAL VALUE SOLD ANYWHERE IN CANADA CHOICE OF FIVE HUNDRED PATTERNS to n't, and delivered within a week, or specitl rush orders may, for an additional dollar.be delivered in fcrey-eight hours! When we say "Buiiranteed to tit," we mean tL.tt, if it is not ab- solutely satisfactorily, it does not cost you a cent. SOLE AGENT for HOBBERLIN TAILORING JAMES PATTISON&CO. Ceylon's Busy Store -i-^,^ Harvest time Is a busy time Then why take chances with unreliable im- plements ? Use the Massey-Harris or Cockshutt lines, stop worrying. The use of these lines en- able you to handle your work economically and quickly, and may be had on short notice by leav- your order with, D. McTavish - - FLESHERTON, ONT Agent S! A Golf Outrage. J.H.IM was not ,o lucky, l-;n- pinned I..- ker WMS sitting at his desk trying to The Earl of Wemyss wns on n Fife collect his thoughts us well as some fc'o'f course on one occnsion accomp- colu when ho suddenly looked up nud panled by an old caddie. Ills lordship HARDWARE ! Don't forget we handle a fine line of Austria China -also Edge line and sprig white Por- celain and decorated glass. (luiiranteed pure English paris green. Caldwell's calf meal. Paints, Oils, window glasses and builders supplies. Frank W. Duncan FLBJSHEJ^TON, II Flesherton Tin Sho| I have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelvvare and Agatware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. D. McKILLOP CHWSTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON 4? ONTARIO. .,. ...

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