August (i 1014 THE F L E S H E K T O N ADVANCE /icoberton impendent t new>|>a|ier, publinheil every ....., at th' office, Ceilingwood Street, ,'raherton. Bubeoripttoo price $1 per annum 'ten paid in advince ;8l.5.l whru not so l*id IvertiUinfr ratM 'n application. Circulation 1,100 weekly. ../ M, TliurBton- Bdltor Flcherton-vw/7) Baptist Church U. C. Kerr, Ptor. Phone :':< R- - Sunday School 10 a . m Service at 11 a m. Subject, Why il" mm Sin.; by tl.e 1'aator. Osprey Council )aprey Council met it' t-'evenham on Saturday, July 1*. "h all the mem- bers present. The minutes of the 1ml meeting weie reexl and conlirmed. Communications, accounts, etc., weie received as. f-ll ": John McKiimor, claim of $.'W for sheep killed by dogs; TO PaOTECTJIIISINESS Canadian Government Stand* Behind the Banks. Hon. W. T. White Announces That Ihe Dominion Stand* Ready to !>-in- Dominion Motes Against Securities Deposited By the Banks Banking Houses May Make Payments In Note*. OTTAWA, Aug. 4. After a cabi- net meeting last evening, Hon. W. T. White, Minister of Finance, issued the following statement: "Having regard to the world-wide financial crisis which has developed upon the outbreak of hostilities In Europe, and In vie-/ of the action of the Imperial Government for conserv- ing the financial and commercial in- terests of the United Kingdom, the Minister of Finance announces on be- half of the Dominion Government, that while It is not probable that * J iiiniumiBi w a ******************** CHICAGO, Aug. 3. War develop- ment!!, joked provision prices down almost us bard today as wheat had been temporarily rushed up en account of tlie excitement over the first out- break of hostilities. Losses In value of provisions at the end of trading rar. from 57% to $1.75, as compared with Saturday night. Stoppage of lard exports to Europe was immediately re- ported, coupled with the tightening of finance. Corn fell with provisions, the September delivery closing S 1-8 cent* down. Other options of corn dropped only Vic to 5-8c. Wheat declined ' - noteg to Bucn amO unt as may be ne- a ry against securities deposited to iyc net, and oats 5-8c to TORONTO UKA1N MARKBT. Wheat fall bushel $1 00 to $ Barley; bushel 62 Pea*, bushel 80 .... OaU, buahel Rye. bushel :.. Buckwheat, bushel ....070 071 TORONTO DAIRX MARKET. 25 27 on o 2 Butler, creamery, Ib. a- Butter, creamery, solids claim fl4f..r sheep killed b, <!.; a ry against securities deposited * J n an Tprtc r rerdii Rose ' / the banks and approved by the advanced 30c 0PM Bound Hosp.t.l Minister of Finance." actlr* demand fro Millar, cBr. -- _ ., Butter, separator, dairy.. . -' Kggs, new-laid 24 _LL" MONTREAL GRAIN MARKBT. MONTREAL. Aug. J. There wan quit* an active demand from local and ouMKM ouyeri for coarae grains and In conae-- auence the tone of the market for oJ* today was atrong with prlc HO to lo per bushel higher. Brtok buslna wa In car lots. Dawion; Children's Aid Society soliciting agrant;l>. Winter*, account <-f $ for tile; T. Wilton, with pathmasters c-i tificate of having performed his statute labor for 1!U:<; Alvin Musselman.nsUing to have. - !0li siderotd opjned; Albeit Arnott and others a^kiiiR to hive towi - line of Artemesia and t >.<prey opened between I'entre line -i'il South lice; Albert Arnott with pa'hmastei-'s certiH- 'cate thai he had perform d his atat. labi r for year I'.'l:; . Chas. McCutcheon apply ing to have a ditch on the South line opened. Orders wera isMK-d on ih TretfUin r to pity; T. Wilton, refund "f >tlu'e labor. $>; A. Arnott, refund of statute labor, *?..; Jhn Morri'on -md John It n Kod -n<l Hi <!.; e u-li . The clerk Minister of Finance. "The Minister of Finance further announces that the Government baa authorized the chartered banks of Canada to make payments in bank notes Instead of gold or Dominion notes until further official announce- ment In that behalf. This action will 8OU rces. a course now being fol- lowed by all the Kadlng nations of the world. "The Minister further announces wht per barrel under that the Government has authorized the chartered banks of Canada to Is- sue excess circulation to an amount not exceeding 15 per cent, of their combined, unimpaired, paid-up capi- tal and rest or reserve fund from this date until further official announce- ment. 'Any necessary special legislation will be obtained at Ihe next session ot Parliament. "The Minister further announces that the Government is prepared, If " necessity should arise, to give every instriictt-d i" no'i'y other possible assistance in order to prevent ny avoidable interruption of stable business conditions, and for this purpose it will not hesitate to use to the fullest extent all existing powers, and to ask further powers from Parliament if that course should seem necessary or expedient. When the Cabinet rose at 10.40 o'clock last night the Prime Minister ' further an- active denuind from local and country buyers for car Iota, but mlllera will not sell anything except for delivery within 10 day*. AH llne of mill fd eccept bran were atrong st an advance of fl per ton with a good demand. The but- ter market continue* atrong and prtci are (teadlly working upward under % good demand for local account and for ahlpment to the weat. At th auction sale today finet creamery sold at 2Sc. Cheese wa* quiet, but firm. Bgga ac- tive and firm. Dreaaed hogs 23c per 100 pound* higher. Ezport* cheese for th week 87,162 boxes compared with 71,40t for the correipondlng week la*t year. Total ahlpmenu of cheese *lnce May 1 to date wer SO.I33. agalnt 640,187 box*) for th same period la*t year. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. See our Window Display THIS WEEK A Large Assortment of Hand Painted Nippon China, just unpacked beaut i ful ^ood s large Variety of Different useful Aiticles all Reasonably Priced, from l">c. to $'2.50 each Preserving Season is Now on Jem Jars, all sizes Jem Jar Rubbers Rarowax for sealing Granulated Sugar HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS Th'iiiKi'ii. I in >l niilif i.l. service ruinnrtee, *L'.:>I MIU who is no* ,-.,iii ii. - .- n'. sent to tl e H 'Use <>f U'fugeal Markdah, 1 . The Iteeve, l>.-pii'y Keete and J. H. Muirhead were |.p lint ed :i d puUii- n lo meet a deputation from AilfineM t" consider the opening of the to*nlin iijulh of the Outre line. The Coiiiinihiioiier of )iv. N". ' l * allowed to rxfiend f-'"0 l>eiiii/ balance if approbation made in I!MU wilh a Kiim- oient amount to complete the ditching i-f J'dh siderad, con^. 1 ami -. ^. f- ! Council iidjourned to meet ;i> Maxwell tin Sutu'dty, Aug. Hth. Tho. Scott, Clerk. nouncement to make. He had receiv- ed no news from the Imperial Gov- ernment. Yesterday was a day of Found in a Well Mi lluifh, ..f iliis, losl a such as the capital had never seen before. The report of Sir Kdward Grey's speech in thp British Commons was read with profound Interest and It was felt that now It was only a 'matter of a very short time, perhaps only a matter of hours, before Bri- ONION STOCK YARDS. TORONTO, Aug. 3. Receipts ol live stock at the Union Yards were 139 cars, comprising 2862 cattle. 701 hogs, 726 sheep and lambs and 377 calves. Butchers' Cattle. Choice steers Hold at $8.5U to 18.80. and one extra choice load brought J 1 ' this Is lOc higher than at any previous market. Load* of good at $8.25 to $8.50; medium to good at S7.50 to 18.15: common l> me- dium at $7.25 to ';..'>; Inferior, light steers and helfem at $'-. to (7: choir cows at 16.75 to 17; good cows at 16.25 to I6.5D; medium cows at $5.50 to $f; common at $4.75 to $3.25: .tuners at $3 to $3.75: bulls at $5 to $T '.". Stockera and Feeders. Steers, VUU to ''" Ib*.. are worth $7 to $7 25; steers. 700 to 800 Ibs., T6.JO to $T; utockera, $5 60 to $6.25 Milken and Springer*. r.ecelpla ot milkers and aprlngerc weru not latga and reported as ranging each. Veal Calves. Receipts wi-i.: very light, and prlcoa verv fl-m ('turn-* ralves. $1') to $11: good i.l-..- $li to $10; medium. $8 to tg.uu; common at *. lo $, interior eaal- ern calves, J.1 to 16.50. Slieep and Lambi. Receipts were moderate ami tain would !)< invoVvocl In the Kuropean struggle and Canada's part would !> lo take her place by Bri- tain's side. There were conferences among the Ministers yesterday morn- Ini; and the Cabinet met both after- notwithstanding a diluent KC'Ucli by ad- >dotli-rise not no i race of llie I until onud.iy lust e,-k he Jvi-iled Ins farm in Euphiasi.-i, which is v.-ican', > hen hi) Huspicion was aroused \>y a "Mi: odor and on l.> ik m-^ into the wj 1 t .und the lost coll. The well was near iheboiuoand w" covored l>y a linlc 1 uilding. The colt had in some in nun i . -t thriiiiuh the do T and the well cover- (? (jave way, letting it lown lie-id hrst nito Mime MB ten feel of wnter in the ten i-Kjt well. The lowering of thu water liter on in the eaon exposed a p riion the iini.c il and in this wty the -il< m u'.-irm was gitvn and tli-- mystery solvi-^. S'andaid. by cable during the. day. A number of Important steps wen taken yesterday in preparation for price* were again from $45 to > ' Joseph Ciitlies, 60, who h already | cerved L'r) years fr vatious ofteuses, w. s H Bnntford given nine uioi.ths in the Centril Prison for the thrft -f a watch. \ i 11011 t" the Ctn4di.n Xatimiul Ex- hibit : n, Toronto, th s yer will hive the opportunity of sing , hydro-aeroplane hVlits. Arringemeuth have been made wlicreliy \V. A. Deal, will fly his machine d.ii'y, t-tarting fmrn the like and citcl- 'mj ovtr the Exhibi'ioii Giound*. These ttinlits will lu given HI various intervals duiine the af let noon, but one will be I eld at the fixed h .ur of six o'clock every d-v. A sufficien 1 he'iht will be maintairi- cil over the (frnunds thnt in ceofcci- dent i here wiM be time nd r.-oni toglidts out MIT Ilia water before d^cending. Farm For Sale UNI aiTrs, 1} mile-* from Flesherton. liii.i.1 buildint!*, ea-y terms. FOR A 3 DAYS' FREE TRIAL Of the 1900 Apply .1OIIX WUIiiHT. l-'k-sherton. again firm Sheep. light, sold IIIIK. OIHVp, 1>K II I, ul" nt $6 to $6.25; heavy cwe.i and ra .* at *4 to $4. SO; l:nir.i nt $9 lo $10 for good in choice, and $7.5D In ( for culls. Hog*. HMelptl were llglit. but prices were not uny higher, and quoted at $9 to $9.W fed .ni'i watered and {U.45 neighed it car*, and IN.75 to $8.80 f.o.b. cats. MOXTKKAL LIVE STOCK. MONTRE.U,, AUK. 3. At the Montreal Stock Yards > t>ml ninrket rerelptH of live stock for the week ending Aug. 1 were 1700 cattli-, :> .sheep and lanibs 245U h"K .Hi. i 10'IU calvt<8. The supply on the market fur xulp this niornina; was 1400 cuttle. Tamworths lor Sale Itotli sex nearly ready for breertinp. Trio* right lor quick !.._ ^ _ R , MS .. ,. Gravity Washer S. Hemphill, $20 and Costs Kor liein^ drunk and disorderly in 'he 'i >cl option iniiiik-ijulily iif Artemesia, tliree inenitwrH uf i. construction KIIIIH working .tt Koenia- McManus, Soil nd ISurns were arrested iieur Vunde'- vur on Thursday niuht l-t hy t nnst-.ib i- Mc<'uleheii, who assisted Iiy Insi.ecicr Hnlbert, In ought the town and .l-i-'i i In-ill in I!M coop fur Ihu null' \|i|n'.iiii.'j befmc MnyUllMte Arinitlun-.i MI Kridny morning they were foiuiil ;;uil- <y ind lined $20 and costh. As they were unable to pay their tine.", and to uiv* the police lime tn capiiirii it fnutth iiieuiber of the ganu -itii Itnlim >vh. in i he 1 1 M claimed li.ul i|i;.l;.-,l them with iiii-.- I . .it I.-- of ln-k--> they wero ikunin placed in i li" hick-up. In the afternoon Constable M. < 'u>. I . i. tuc'k l;m n- with Jiim to Kugonia to i'U'titify the Iialinn, M>ut were unsucccenful in locating him I' iidi\ evening Ilie i..i.-.i, m of the ci- -it ruction (jnng came to t"*n nnd paiil he tines, amoun'iiiij in 'ill to fT.").!!!!, und the three men were given th<-ir liberty. .SUndatJ . An American exchu ige tell.-, of novel church cor.iribution b.x. It is the in- vention of an iniiii. If a (icrt..iii drop i (|liirter (ir more there is a -ili-iii'r . nicklesouudt a whiaile, and n penny fir"8 a bUnk c irliidjjp. If one pretend* lo be asleep when the box is pissed, '* iiwakonshim within w*tchnnnV rattle ittul > koU.ik takes hia picture. Mr. Matthew?, of Hillst'urg, has h;en vd mail cnrrk-- OUT -i daily route u Spiinu'- directior. l)i" nhecp and lambn. 1101* mend inn crisis These included h " s ttnfl 7()0 calves. , ,IIM Owing to the offerings of cattle h..w l.recautionary measures to protect tie |n(f H|1 B llu . reaBO of ,, v r 500 nea(1 COI1I . linancial system of the country, t e IMre(1 w | th tllia ,| ny wee k, the trade establishment, of a aystejn of censor- openeil up very <iulet this morning on Khln m. IM.IIII.- u chief censor and n account of the fact thut drovers were i ' . , ,1,1.. ..i "rm In their vlewa and buyers showed representative in each Ol the cablt ^ ,,, , ,,,,, off llll(1 await devel . lires. the placing of the shipping , )lmlellU which action on their part. passitiK up and down the St. Law- however, did not seem to discourage sell- rence under military supervision, e r to any great extent, aa they were well and the callinK for volunteers from aware of the fact that all the stock dna ,. would be wanted after the short runs of ex-navy men to man r , hc pa!)t , wo weekg and )n ronsei|uenc Niobe. the demand Improved later In the <lay There was a report here last nishl and a fairly active trade was done. The that the Government was negotiating feeling wa not no strong as a week ago. r .l,r.,.. tireTil but prices were maintained In most cases. for the purchase of three Die.d. Th[ . I (1( , m . l|ul for 8tock for . n i pl , lellt t o noughts now being built in Hrlll n , he j juffa | market was fair, and several shipyards for Turkey and Chile. car | ua ds were purchased. The supply of They would be ready in six months, good to choice sieera was more plentiful. I'arliunent would be. called to vole ^^^"^^'^VioaiU o/'gouTsteeni ! thj money lo pay for them. channel! hands at $8.25, and mixed lots ] \avul Uerniits W anted. of common stock at $5.50 to $6 per 100 j OTTAWA, AUK. 4.- The Canadiat ^.nds. The demand for canning stock | nrval service department Is lookiiu tor recruits for service at Halifax George J. llesbarats. deputy mlniste.i aud comptroller of naval service the announcement that th CHEAP FARM FOR SALE 8l.'400 tvroiity-fiuit hundred ilnllars wi'l buy the west half of lot No. '-' i.ncl part of the North we>t quarter of No. 1, mi the 4'h con. of Kuplirama, iiui'iiiii- inu .tUut I'J.'i :M.VM. There is .-u|.p. setl t.> IH! ninety acres cleared, lh:l>iliuice k>ood lu.rdwo id bush mtple, ln-icli nntl i-lin. 'I hero is on th* pruperty a frame I. -.use and kitchen, n fritmu Inn', straw h use with ttone toundiitn under it, alK- wood shed. Hrivinsj shed, piK \>vi\ and hen hou*'. Theie aie alh'i two or- cliiids on the farm urowini; dilterert ] km. Is of fruit apples. [)ers, pluui, j uhrni'x nnd imp. Thif farni _ is well frnctd wiih wire nd patent IrBUPR. ll freH from frost. It is also we 1 watered with water in nearly every hVld. Thure i: never- fnili Hi! upriiv^ within 4I> yards of tin' h use This fami IK wi Inn one mile of the thriving Jill^e of Kimhorlcy. h'oi further pai-ticulii's apply to- .IAMKS STl' A 111, Ktmberl.-y P < l^'l (t um , Ba|( , 8 ()f cow . WKre millle , to 1425, and bulls at $5 to |5 25 o pounds. weeks continued the miiln feature of th .. _ . Biluation. I'rlcen today scored a further naval service department is prcparec Bdv ance of 25c in S5c per 10U poundi, rerruit Iti( . r( , nlu| ,, le The trade keen eniiU | r> - was active. with naval men which la attrtbuttd to the strong .-.h-erooa ratltiK services at llalitax, the mei lo be enrolled as naval volunteers .^per*. e . and to serve just when called out ,,,,, of selected lots nt $ ( 85 lo ^^ "' The ,|,.partnienl particularly desire, nt $ to $s, and . UB a 1^.*. to $n p.. men who havo served in the Uritist ""^^ture'"?^ Hrnan,at mark... navy, pensioners or reservists whc wng (h( . 8tronKe r feeling In aheep. and have not been callad by the Adtulr .,,11-eH advanced 50c to 75c per 100 pounds . lowing to the good demand fur aupplies Uy - and the smaller nfferings for the season. Manitoba Offers Men. , n flict B0me ,,f the leading butchers WINNIPEG Aug. 4.-Prem,,..|..d tha, e-n at ^.-e ****** Roblin issued Ihe following stat*- * JJ", 1 ^ f J^ r SI made at $6.50 f m>nl early yesterday: , 6 ,- inn pounds. The tone of the mar- At a meeting at Oovernmenl kl -t f l)r lambs was also ' House to-night It was decided, in thi '-l'"'"-^ "" ernt of the mother country becom JJ" * l *' ing involved In actual hostilities, tc , v nrgani/.e and equip a battalion ol infantry 10.000 atrong, and offer il through the proper channels at Ot . , . tawa lo the home authorities, as 8 j',|' M . Texas steers. $6.40 10 $7.75; sluek- slight evidence of Manitoba's ap e r* and feeders, 15.30 to $8; cow_s and precla.ton of beln K a part of the Ilrlt ,.. T- ' : Balvea ' 7 - w tu igh Empire." * liogs Receipts 32.000. Market lower. Col Steele, D.O.C. for this district i^ht jg.2:, to $8.75; mixed, $7_.85 to 8.5&; say i there will be no difficulty It heavy. $7.70 to $8. 40; rough. $:;o to $7.80; rafsing 10,000 men from this diatric- PlB T to $8.6; bulk of | W . $8.20 to alone. F.or -ml H.,R.r CJo Tp. MONTREAL, Aug. 4. Flour and sugar prices have, gone up. A bulletin received yesterday after- noon states that the Hour mtllere H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. ALSO A line ot Ready-Made Clothing Which we put nit erat ions in free of shaiL'e, if required. Isep Agent For :- Washing machines. folding bath tubs, wind mills,pump5, pipings water tanks ,Beatty water bowls, steel stalks and stanchons, litter Car- riers, hay carriers, slings, forks and tracking, McCormick Binders, mow- ers, rake loaders, tedders, drills, cul- tivators, harrows, Chatham wagons, Mount Forest buggies, and Frost wire. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Te ,. n ctt ivei waa ac- , vat firm prices. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. ,...,^,50 Aug s.-fattic-Uecelpta r) yl)(( Mar 'u Pt weak. Beeves, $7.1" '' Sheep RocctpU 10.000. Market Hleady. Native^ $ M Kronen Socialists for War. r.VRIS, Aug. 4. At a mass meet- sa ing o( Socialists held yesterday, it uivi- advanced the prices by HO cents was unanimously resolved that they a barrel, owing to the increased de- 8no uld do their duty to defend their mand from wholesalers and retailers. coun iry and to attempt no reprisals .Sugar has made an advance of 10 tor t h e kniins by Raoul Villain last cents per hundred pounds for the j,- r i f ; a y o f Joau Jaures. th- Socialist same reason. leader In the Chamber of Ucutitlea. I I: ANADIAN PACIFIC NKW LIMITED ' TRAINS 'THE CANADIAN" Between VOSTUKAL - TORONTO - DETROIT- CHICAGO, Via Canadian Pacific and Mi. In, '. Central Railroads. vin MIOHIIIAN CKTNRAL (MCANTIC S'l KKI. Tl'HKS between Windsor and !><- trnit. Iivavinit Montreal H.4."> a. in.; Toronto li lllp. l^-tfit 12.IV) a.m.. aim | Cln'raijii 7. 4"> in. daily FXmally good ser- vice letnrniiiR. Through KU-ctric EqutpHMBt TORONTO WINNIPEG VANCOUVER Toronto-Yancouvrr Kxpresw No. I! lea\i-s Toronto "i..Vi \i. in.dailv. Vancouver Toronto K.\iircH Xo.4 arrives T'-nuito 11.4."> a.m.daih . Maiiiu-lut Kv|>re-s X<>. 7 leaves Toronto daily except Sunday Vt.M ]>. in.. :iu-iv ing \Viiini|>eK dpocnd day. Ontario Kxpress No. S Ipavet Win ipeg 'l' 2"> f. > and aniu-s -it Toronto :i.l.'i p. m. daily except Tuesday. I'jrtieulais from Cii.aiiati Vaciftc AKiuta or write M. Ci. Mflll'HV, V.\'.\, C.P.Hy., Toronto. The Right Suit .... .... For the Rigt Season Your next suit will he a fall or winter suit, and if you want anything "in A Tailored or Semi-Ready Suit, it will be to yout advantage to leave youroitler with. C BLAKELEY Sole Agent for the Semi-Ready Clothing Standard Bank Block, Fleslwton Steer Estray Cmne to the premises r.f ed about the middle of June uno 2-year- old steer. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take the same away. D. KOBKRTS, Lady Bank . Farm For Sale Lot 17 - 1, first targe N. D. R., O- prey 100 acte- , W) cleared, balance hard- wood bush. Good builu'uigs, brick hoiisp. email orchard. Will be sold on easy terms. A batg.iii!. Who will pick it .up? Ed. Hillock, Pi op , Proton station, i R. R. No. 2. 1 July t.