Flesherton Advance, 20 Aug 1914, p. 1

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1 SUtoonce TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." - PRISCIPLESJ NOT MEN. 1 WI 34 No. 5 Flesherton, Ont., Tliuvsclay, August 'JO 1014 W. fl. TECRSTON EDITOR uid PhC Men Not Wanted In West This Year To the Editor of The Advance : Dear Sir, Please allow me f-pace to reply to an advertisement whioh apueir- } cd in your valuable paper of the nth inst. This called for and offered special ntes to 15,000 laborers to harvest tl.e crops in the western provinces, while the trouble with the western provinces at the present j moment is that there is not enough woik for the men who are alieady hcie. In Calgary alone, on Aug. M, 12<)i| men who were employed by the ci'y, were laid </l * irk, and that a ju -t * s.miple of wh-it is happening in all tin- citi<s ind towns of the western provinces. The only hope for thete men is to get | wii'is on the farms, as all city wirk and coc-'iuction of all kinds has closed down becouse of lack of funds to carry on the work in the prtsnt crisis. If ihe men <vho ate already here cannot jd employment, what is to become o { - t v .e 15 000 men who come from Ontario expecting to find good times here 1 am sending a clipping from to-night's paper which voices the opinions > f the western people. The clipping leads is follows : " Unless conditions improve materi- ally, tbere will not I <^ inythm^ like em- ployment surH :ienl for the needs of Cal- gary's laboring class this coming fall md winter. The sooner this fact is under- lit ><,d and faced by those whom i' will iuot closely fleet, the better. Miuh the ci'y will have to do, bit much as it does, its sum total of effort will not be enough. To so plan their limited pro- gramme thaa it will be nios' effective i- tb ditn'cvlt task of the coinmi>s:oiiei, and a task in which they deserve the sympathy and support of all citizens." Homing to see thin i>i the next Usue of The Adv-jnce, which is always eaynrly lead l>y wes-ern subscribers, -DAVID A. MoLKOD. 'J'-. r i H'.th ave., Calgary. Aug 10. Ceylon Mr. and Mrs. Collinsi.n lett Wednes- day last to visit the former i brother in Michigan. Mrs. M. Ferguson left Friday for H few weeks' with friends at C.dedon. Mrs. Patti&on and little daughter, Gladys, spent the pust wte'< visiting her b . hers in I'n/ton. Miss Campbell, Feversluui, spent a coup'e of dajs last week at S. rJeniphiU's. Mrs. <5eo. Stewart and children have returned home after spending a week with Thornbury friends. Miss Lena Legate left Saturday to U tend Model School at Hanover. MUs Helle McLeod Ufr Saturday for Toronto after spending a pleasant fort- night with her mother here. Miss Millie Binuie, Proton, visited the pact week with her uncle, J. ('ibs n. Mrs. Will Sargent, Pott Dover, visited a coup'e of days with her nisier, Mrs. 1. Suruen', hole. Miss Kate Appleburg, Toronto, is vis- iting her mother, Mrs. X. Pivnic. D. Wilson, Crecmore, is visiting hs daughter, Mrs. Wilson McMullen. Mn>. J. McMillau leaves this week to visii her sister at Owen Sound. Rev. Mr. Curry, Keverslwm, exchangd pulpits with Rov. KI-IT Sunday and gave a very instructive address. On Saturday morning alwut 5 o'clock Mr. Joseph Cairns passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrc. 1). D. Me- Lachlin, where he has been confined to his room for the |ast year. Deceased was in his 75th year. Twenty years ago he purchased the t^ue^n's Hotel here, DOW occupied by James Radley. Three years ago he retired from public life and was preceded by his wife two yeai-j and three months ago. The funeral took place Mondny iifteru >ou to Fleslierton Cfinc'ery, Rev. Mr. Keir conducting the service ut house and grave. Several wiiMths wore placed on the casket, one from Ceylon friends and one from L. I), L. (S8;$, ot which elect ased was at one time a member. He leaves one son and one daughter to mourn his loss (jeorge of Qle.nella, Manitoba, and Mrs. l>. D. McLachlan . Priceville Jottings The firmers have be^n busy in the harvi.sc fields during the past week, and the weather his been rather wet for good harvesting. A number of people were complaining that the hot weather w*s ripening (he grain too quickly, and the grain would be livht, but we have seen a large number of fields in the viciniiy.and the outs ar.d birley are plump, well tilled grain. We have seen some fields of oats here at least *0 of the heads contained nothing but smut, th's disease and noxi- ous weeds are evidently on the increase. The Oovermm nt Judge was in this section lift week inspecting the oat fields i hat were entered for prizes in the Price- v il'e Agr I Society, and we understand that the prize winners will be as fo'lows 1st, 0. Konold ; 2nd, \V. J. Meads ; :5rd, A. S. Muir ; 4th, D.-n Campbell : ~ch, llobt. Kiiox. We have not seen the scare cards yet, tut expect the report from the Department in Toronto, in a few days, and then each competitor's score will be published. A gloom w is cast over this vicinity on the 7th, when a> message came saying that Peter Mclutyre was killed by the contraction train near Woodstock. It seems that this youof man was on a don- key engine, going out to work near Woodstock, and in sonif way was thrown .r! t: '. several c^rs ran over him. His re- mains were brought home on the night train of the Kth . The funeral on Mon- ti. iv the 10th, to the west end cemetery was attended by a large number of people. Peter van ihout &2 years of aye, nd the youngest son of Dr. Mclutyiv, V. S. of of Price* ille. His remains now rest in the well cared for plot bo.de hit) mother. who predeceased him a few years a^o. '1 he to cement piei* for the new Kin- cardine street lu-Mge are tbout completed and ready for the irou work. Rev J A. Lietce lud about three weeks' holidays and he ind Mis. Leece r<rtui tied home two weeks ago. Tin two Sundays ihat the pastor waa absent his pulpit WiiH tilled, first by Rev. J. A. Mathesm nd next by Mr. . Robertson, who has been principal of our school for the past year. Mr. K. has made i host .if friends here since hu came, and ihey are very Sony that he is about to leave- NVe hope that as soon as the white- washing at St. Helena, mentioned in the Advance last week, is dry, and the bed chain bei aired, that tho ^imperial guest may be speedily ushered in. Durham A son of Mr. Mclntyiv, veterinary, of I'ricoville, was killed near Woodstock by falling from a donkey engine, when a n -mi run on-i- him. The remains were brought to Priceville, where interment took place Monday. He was 2H years of age, and unmarried. ScMiie months ago, we copied ui art- icle from an Independence Kansas paper, announcing ihe death uf Mr. H. H. Karr, a former superintendent of the cement works heif. It was only a day or two :i'4" we It in nod fiom Mr. K. Mdiowan that the report was unfounded and that Mr. Farr is '|i:iti3 well, mid residing in Cleveland. Walkerton Jos. Kuhl of Carriek wa* brought to gaol here on Saturday charged with try- ing to set fire to his mother's barn. On account uf his actions he was examined as to his sanity and was found to be mentally detanked. He is at present lying in gsol here awaiting the curutng of an attendant from the London acylum, to which institution lie will !>e taken A number of Hydro-electric surveyors have uiade Walkerton their head-<|uart- eis duriug this week. These men are eu^age-l i i liyiiig out the right- of. way of a power line fiom Ku^enia Falls oe- \ 'K.I Durham, to Wan-ham The line wil! touch Durham, Chesley, NYaJkertoa, Formosa, Teeswater and NVinghaur- Telescope. S. R. Henderson FLOUR and FEED U niving splendid stisf ictioii. \V\> !so keep FresH Groceries Rev. Thomas MeKee, 4 wtu, as iimpe*'- ill3 stock ,,a are paying hi^h.-st price in or uf publ:c schools in South West Sim- i ca. h f'-r oil kinds if Kami produce, cce from 1881 until lo-st year hon he was ; Bring u especially your KJRS and retired, diol at North Hijt, at an udvar.c- Kimberley Budget The recent heavy rains have delayed harvest operations in this vicini y. Miss Annie Magee of Toronto is re- newiug aci|uainUnce-i in our vicinity. Mmes May Hutchinson and Ina Ach- eson visited at F. Gott's, Kpping, during the past week. The pastor. Rev. Marsha!!, occupied the pulpit in tlie Mcthodi-t church on Sundny evening. Hw address was lis- tened to with interest )>y a large congre- gation. Mr. \Vm. Stuart is visiting friends in Flesherfon at present. Mr. and Mrs. David Lawrence of Paris, ( nt., are visitim- at Mr. K. Faw- celt'a of " iMlverupH.k Fur.u." Mrs. Henry Fawcett and son, Her- mann, of Clarksburg, visited at the Travel'er'* Home during the past week. Miss Millie McMuilen of Eugenia U visiting with her sister, Mis. Jasper Stuart, this week. Frank NVhittemore of Toronto spent a couple of days rishiog in the old Heaver la-t week, but did not succee 1 in landing many speckled beauties. Miss Vent Brooks of Clarksburg visited the past week with her cousin. Miss El vie Bishop. We are glad to report Geo. McConnell on the men 1 aftei his recent illness. Miss Maude Fawcett is visiting friend;; in Clarksburg. .M'-s Maude Plewes left for Hanover on MoiuUy to !tcuJ Model ~.-li- .:. Mr. James Magee vitittd tiiends ut Salem one d.iy last week. Klwood Biack of H*rka*ay visited the past week with Master Hadden Hulch- A fmme barn b.>liiiiging to [R D. F*w- cett. East Mounta'u, was struck by lightning early Tuesday morning and burned to the ground. Artemesia Council Artemeeia Council met on M uiday, Aug. 10, all the >neml>-.-r present, the Ueevu in the cha.r. Minutes of last meeting were read and -jon finned. The following communication? were presented and read : Luca, lliney it Henry, letter re Kobert Graham's road devia- tion ; N.i.u- Tiaynor, report and descrip- tion of deviiilimi, town line O.spivy and Arteinetia. con. in . J. K. J uniesun, ap- plication for appointiiieut as collector. Bylaws 7*2, to fix price to be paid for jjravel ; TH;!, t levy rates fur 1!M4 : and ~$4, t ) appoint collectors, were intro- duced. Nos. 7H2 and 7*4 were tinal'y passed, iho Utter with tint n.iines of Arch. McDonald. S. Gilbert. .1 . K. Jamieson and Frank ('bard as collect ois No. 7'So" was held r.ver until nett meet- ing. Cameron Aldcori)- -That the .n-c-uint of W. H. Tbursion, *SL'.:?4, for printing voters' list, advertising aud s^tionery, be paid -Carried. Brown Graham That Judge Suth- erland's account for holding Judge's Court ol Revision, $7.3T>, be paid Crrid. Aldcorn -Cameron- -That Mr. J. I. Gralum's report of expenditme in \Vi-rd '2 be receive I and he lie paid -">. 11 commission on f 33 1.1*2 expended Carrie). Graham Aldcorn That Thi>mas But- ler IK- paid $'! for removing stone from road, and *?1.0."> for giavel put on road, the service having licuu rendered in liUi Carried. C.inieron Brown That the following .! urn's for g ,i\ el certihed by overseeis be paid : C. Mc'.'ufclieou 9!'.3), <5eo. 'Jlurk i*".ti<l, Wm. Swanlon $i. Wm. Fisher *!t..-)0, Geo. Snell *2, D. iSiiiims 8'2.l, <:. II. Cairos $3. 4l, Jog. Watson Jr. *8.50, FiedFodlar SlT.liO, l>. Me Mill MI >i :"- Mrs. Jtmieson fl" 7", Jos H. Watson *oV.Hl, James Mi'ne *!>, Henry Williams JS.r-4). J. Doocrofi .<.. 70. C. McMillan $o.SO Carried. Council adjourned. PortUw Mount '/. on Ci'iurcb *iiJ .S.ind-ty schcol 1>R. BURT 5pecialin in disiaiti of th Eye, Ear.Nose and Throat Office- 130 10th it. Wett, Owen Sound At the Rvere house. Markclale. 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to a 12a m r\.__ 111. T .*. \\r j.. i held their annual garden pufy ..n \Ved uesday evening of last we^k :it the Lome of Mrs. Taylor, Sr. Thire was a Urge gathering and a thoroughly eniojable ! rhursdii y tac h month from 8 to a 12a ro ti-.. wa, spent. A ,,od pr.-^-a,,, was j Dui " J ' lk ' lst VJnesday / each month . rendered consisting of short addres.se sl.y the pastor ai.d Mr. Camplell, solos by: Miss Stevens and Mr. Jones, instrument- al mus'c by the Fourth line on licstia j f f and choruses by the choir and Su-.d.y Afl(l school. A refiohnteiit ten', did a rush- ' T , _ I am now preparea to do chopping figures are not to every day ill the week eicept Sundays Jewelry o every ay n te wee except undays lnn-1 but the proceeds Wuu'd am.*iiit to and every week in the year. Brin-; along a good round sum. v ur grisis. \\hile Mr.J. W. Lyom was returning Our sash an-I cloor factory is always t from Mount '/.i- >n garden party with a }' our disposal tor niiyt hina you w<nt in t fam-ly l-nd, which i. cludd h.s !'" line planinsf. niHtching, ec. Floor :,,) -\f vi u n *i- ill'.'. sa*h and uo.ip>, and all house fur- m-hw, Mr. M.wh ,11 ,.f To-onto, nil|hillgH slIp| ,)i M l promptly i,,d at ieas- the pole of the vehicle run thr-.u^h ihe onable nues, Cet estimate*. neck yoke descending/ a hill. neck yoke descending/ a hill. Thib caused the horse-i to run away. Mr. M irr-h.i 1 thii.kinj that he could st,,p tha team, jumped out, and by *o doing sustained :i compound f.acfii-e of one of his l.'-s. The lest of the puity s'ay< d with the vehicle ai:d, al-lKugh tlie next f>w mill utes were excitii g in the extmne, Mi- Lyons soon su:ccaeded i.i getting t 10 lior*e under c-mtiol and pi evented what ni'Kht have been a more serious accident. Dr. Kosy.vll w.is promptly on hand in re- sponse to a phone call, and after tempor- ary attenti m advised the sufferer's re- moved to Torniru for hospital tr.atinen' which was done the fo|li<wiui; morning. Master Fred CornliuJil ,jf Toronto who has l>ea visitinv here was takin very ill 1*->1 week. Dr. Carter Ih-in; in attend- ance. He has Utely so far leoiven- 1 to be able to ivturn hom . Mr. Orr and dauy'iter and Dr. Hen" dfi'soii of Toronto were nuests i;f M: . \V. A. Morton lately. Robert and Art. Watson left last week for Mar |i;is, Sa.sk. MB. Ami MOB uf Tur> nto is visitiny with her son, W. ;. Another little boy has taken up his abode at thahome of Mr. au.l Mrs. t 'dell. Mr. J. L. Wood of Toronto is visiting with friends.. n Uie Centre line. U,v. F. Campbell, wife and family. ,., Mayle, are visiting cinmiK their many friends here, who ure pleased to see them and to .si-o Mr. Campbell aud sons o far ' recovered from their 'icd.lent caused by a collision wiui an auto la-t autumn. Miss Deliner Pedlar of Toronto is via- inn,' her grandparents, Mr. ind Mrs S. I' A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT 1 car Western Oats 1 car Five Rose Flour Bran, Shorts and feed flour. At the Flesherton Grocery, W. BUSKIN ConvjratuUti.iiis to Mis, i iladys Vf lui -, who recently passed w.th honors her Nofinal Kntrance ex-iiii:nati<'ii. Miss Aleti Jamics in of Toronto is vis- itinx her uncle a:iJ .unr, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Jamies. n. Mrs. t;e..ri,- McNally of Tuniilo is visiting nt llr \V. H. Mi-N.iily's. Mrs. K. \Vlii t<-n and daughter, and Mrs. Muir of Toronto, are the gui-s's of Mrs. J. W. Lyons. Miss Harbarx Napier lenves this wc k for her parental home in Saskatchewan. 1 HOT WEATHER SHOES As I have some lines of summer shoes to clear out at reduced prices. ed age. Poultry. S. U. IIKNPKRSON FVsherloi. Tiio works f t>htf Misso/ llrris Co. are to bo closed down. John R. .Vchinsoii of Cornwall d-.eJ of blood poisoning following upon tho breaking of his aim a week ago while i-ranking his automobile. The Government will legislate in Parliament this werk empowering it to 'ake convrol >! food supplies to prevent und'ie (.nhtiiicing <f prces. Toronto Line North Gejrge Council of Toronto visited -i feiv days with U. Sw.nton. Miss liooine uf Wareham vis ted her | cousin, Mrs. Albert Stewart, last week. ' \Ve are p'eased to report W.Uiuwoodie able to be out again after his illness. He is now visiting with his sister. Mrs. A- Wickenc. Miss Lulu Carson o: Vandeleur .spent a few days last week itl\ Mis. (ieorge. Swanton. .Miss Bessie Stewart of Toronto is holidaying with her cousin, Miss Amanda Stewart. Miss Lilian fritcliard and niece. Miss Marjory Laidlaw, und Miss Ethel Hull, of Toronto, also Mis Ethel Art'ey of Maikf'ale, spent a few d.i)s with Mis. R. lUcli.-irdsson. Miss t^iicenie Kaittinu of Kevershan and niect. Miss Leila McKeown of l>un- ,'in. ils > Miss Allie NV'illianis of Kusenia, visited wiih Miss Klva Levet this week. Miss Leila will remain to spend a few days with the Misses Gladys, Ida and Oertie Level-. We are sony to icport Mr. b'red Mt!\cwsim ill with liimbayo, but hope , for a spee<'y rocoveiy. Miss Xelii' H.-l-tm' i' "Tlie Onks," Vande'eur, is visiliui; with her sun'. Mrs. \V-.ii. !>:uiton. L} ill Muhewson and brother. Wa)loo. visited wi'h then- nnc o, Th'.s. . n Sr itioo. ^o:nt"i's Patent pumps and Patent and 'uin niKtal -Colonial with buck.'r i n. Wumsu's Dngela Oxfords with .i nail t ijrkis, MWS.", 4 V 4A. .'<'triii-_' at #1.'K>. A lot of chj!i:reo's ]. s!:..es and pump,sf!eannu at Ml cts. pair. If in need i'f a y.-od trunk or suit ca.sp,we have a i.ice istu on ! .in.! . Thos Clayton. Youll Want to Look Right SOMK of these eveniugs you'll want to luck "just right." and you know as well as we do. that there's nothing like a well-tailored blue or Mack serge suit. They're right at night. The proper caper always! Let ns take your measure for a Hohberlin-made. all wool serge. The kind that won't fade, or get rusty. To-day is the flay to order. $20.00. S.J. BOWLER Sole Agent for the Hobberlin Tailoring.

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