Flesherton Advance, 20 Aug 1914, p. 4

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August 20 1914 HIE K LR- 8 HER ION ADVANCE Death of Willianl /lCGl)lTtOn . An independent n.-w-]. .I..T 'Xrton SubbcripUoi, priced iwrammm ' Wednesday" Augurt r.tl, in Ibe after inn paid in advHiice ;$1.5J when not go pan! Mvertiiinirratei on application. CircuUtion n.>on, :it two o cli CK, ill ihe |i-is,.n . I A. ta.lep.nd.at n.w.|..|r. nnUialwd rv.ry ' A "'IM""-n > W'l* i !* .iintday at th 1 " orfic. Colllngwood Stwei, pioneer of tirey County i- nt e red int 1,100 weekly. \V II I l.u, -.1. .11- Editor Mr. William l'..n ;i . < f Miukd.tlc, n . .!!' v nil e years a d five months. He Fletherton-ww/7) Baptist Church II. C. Kerr. Pastor. Phone :M R. -' Sunday School 10 n . m Service f II . in. Flesherton Methodist Church Rev. James Dudgeon, pislor. Sunday Aug It). 1!M4. ~ p. in Service s UBUlt. Sunday. 10 a. m. 'laM Meeting- Pastor will preach .it b uh service*. Monday evening Epw -irlli League ntt Osprey Council O.prej Council mot at M.ixwell on S*turd.y, Aug. Ki. Member* nil pr*- ent. Minute* of lat meeting and of a gpecial meeting held July 'J1, to consider the report, plans, protile and assessment of the townt-h'p engineer on a drainage scheme on the Centre line, were revl n 1 adopted. OommiiniMtiona, accounts, etc., were teceired fivm : Th* County Clerk, statement uf county rt'cs : The 1'edltr people, with price list f..r culvert tile ; James I'otti, Awessor, acct. $14.00, for service c(|iul.7.ii!i! thu-e union chol st-c- OFF FOR L1TIERP Brussels Is No L ngor Tsr-atDl( For Belgian Oo>jrnmar-t. GERMANS 13 Ml LES Arrival of Herman C<wlrjr II *" re, Near the Capital, > Slgl For oinYiaN to WltMi * to8-<er- PUce German * iolil I.T, ai i>l Officers Are ConMent* Declares WUH born in Ti>mi>'e .Sliainho. NVexford,Irelnd,Mrch 7th l*io. Whei he wns sixteen yeaifc of a^e his father d.ed, and mother nii dini'y moved ic i .-, i-li. lettliuu in Ke:ii[iville. In i he C'l-n? to M irktl-ile. whioli -i-i at lhl tim- called Canubua. Mr. DungUs* c.intracti-d f.jr an. I Imilt iii-my of ihe tiisi lmil.linx> erecte-1 ihrouih the tlistrid. He look the c-'iitr i.'l for the fii-.it bridge over the liver -if Birrli^id M-lls: lsi built the house on tlie lieniun haiiivB'end now uccujiied t.y Mr. Hirry Sluw. 11. BRUSSELS. Aug. is. 8 The Belgian Government Is leavlneng at oucre tot Antwerp, the Oerniai n advance ha,v- Ing rendered Brunei 8 untenable as the seat of Goveromeeiit. The fact that the ta^utborllles have decided to quit thli oclly stow* tbat the Germans have a. .dvanceil Boaae- what at least. Bruis^sli uaayBO- on be occupied by the Invat^Kers. For the past two days the G r- mans have been wms*m.c\ng He 1 eft ol the allies with tbeplsao ofdrlr IDS It back from the delea ice ofBrissels, They apparently have succeeded. One of the lastde= apatchei out ot Brussels admitted t__:bat a German cavalry force had adv -wed as tf ar as Wavre, 13 miles Iro in the Belgian capital, but had beenm repulied af ter a skirmish which vwwas declar d to have been unlmportao Toe B War Office declared traciat Brutse lg Ian s taad lions; Win. .). Adair, regarding drain j re!urn-d t.. No. :<; Municipal World. at. 15.40, | I" >""""l debenture fornu and c.illec ors' roils ; Owen Sound hospital, account f MW 10, keep of Hone I>.IH.M : TlmniiH Scot I, i.-. C.u-itj i i 18">8. wr'neie not been in danger, but this aavpp>ar- ently was not true. Midway bet ween BesrtiBseUanci v ni- werp, Belgium's lnip=:ortanl pcrt. Is the city of Mechlin, To the w est ol Brussels is Louvaln, ~ the report d lo- cation of the Belgian ters. A German adva nnil oiumenced f^rniini. aels. ,, ,1 4 u i It In 1874 ke nu.v.l b-u-kj to Markdnle, where li- ha resided ever biuce. The devuoed w is a nieuitier of the church army keaO quar- nce midway be- tween Brussels and Louvaln north- ward, in the dlrectl^wn of An would not be a mrcaprlsinj de. ment in view of Ibe e news ihskt the Belgian Government f-*t ijullllng Br- us- account, $1N. service regarding deben- tures forS. S. No. r. ; J. & W. Bnyd, account $;i .U5, cvni.-ni b.igi not returned; J.-iin \V. Tyson, c'.ui n f..r sheep killed by do,!*, 14 ; Kicb-n.l Dividsmi regard- ing the impounding of n dog ; JWph Ktiex, asking to have a ditch constructed on the Outre linn ; trustees of ecvernl school bectioiiH, hNtement of amounts required ; Standard It ink, Klo-iheiton, statement of O.ptcy'.-. account; ElepOlt of road and bridge committee regarding proposed deviation road on ToWullDB Artemesia and hole on Kith side road, con. X; Report of Koid and lir.dge C -in- mittee regnrding ihe opening of townliue AtU-im-su aim Oi-prey between Centre and South line ; A. L. Sin th proposition Ui construct road <! 'iOth sidi-road in con. ^ :md :t. N'luth ; a|.phc.ition from t''io T.-leplione CoiiiinisHioiiera for imtue of debenturei for $700.<HI to extend the Order* were ittued on th.- Treasurer 10 pay Ji Im Thompson, liwin Morrinon ;i-id J. K. Muirhi-ail *'.'.">0 .;ich, service on r"d and bridg'? committee oil Town- line A. and O. s mth ; <)en Sound Hos- pital, *10^ 10, keep of Hose Uiiwrnm i J. W. Tys'Hi ?4.00 and .Inl.n McKinivm '^2 tMi, sheep killed by dog< ; Membi-i A council J2.r0 each, special ineutiiiK to lie charged to drm No. :' ; Municipal World Acct. $Ti.40 ; Thus. Scott *1H 00, iJ.-b ntureit S S. No. b ; Jus. Put's i\4 H), service e<|irili/.iiu ''. S. S. The KeporlN of the K'>ad and KriJitr L'ommiileo rej|iiidin^ nritters on thf Townline ,-f Artemwia and I (sprey were idopted, each report recommending jo:nt iction with Artemes.it council. By-!w No. .V.I'J was piHted ml ipting it-port c f engineer an to drainage scheme .n tha Centre line and providing for the --.in; of debenture* for $2777 ">0 for |t)yeiuiil <( interes', the estimated .jolt <;f said drain. V.y 1 -w No. !'.". was t i,..,-.l providing fir the ifcBUi-of debenttiie* for ti'lephmie i for $700, lit l> ' for 111 years. England, and a very fuitliful .-ittenditn'. In p.dtici he wi.> iihraunch <J'iiinen p ativH. A ineiin.riiil service wunhell in Chriii expected Iha^ t the Leg the Oove -rntneiil tc^ A.nt- worp, but the Frenc- -h Mlnlile r ^rlll remain here, sendlnc3 tbe Coucasellor to Antwerp to keep lr=i touch wt tb the Chinch at 2 W SuiurJny afternoon, ecu ducted by the Kector, K,, Mr. Ho.ford, as-iisted by Rev. Cirsbam. Ihe ii.embcis of Miirkdile A. O. L". W. L.<IK-, in Belgian Government. The Soir says tin news which arrived noon, which is confln at accord Mngf to Monday after- med bylb War brlll i ant | y attack. The locallo of the eanga.ge- which Mr. Uoual:uras eliaiter me,, -ment is not mention ed. , A special corrt'piiidpnl, wtao for her, MMnded tl.e fui.eial m . b.,Jy " | Bevera { daytt bas tat _, , , b eO*rr.n acti.sted in the buriul (iirvice it tbenrvi>. jj ne8 | Q Belgium, iBamd whose Iden- The | i.ll beaivis wore Messrs. J . W. Kind tlty, for obvious mk^Mona li rt ot re- Win. Liens, I'. McOollnugh, F.fd Su vealed. says that Ib bringing up from , Angu. P1.S ad T, M,i,h,.s. Srt^OJW. limits, K >iik-i Ins wid .r, Mr.Oounl iss U sur-!lncomprehenlble e Geiiuac3s are vi i, him; to the a of ii'ii:i '. an :nbt'r olm?n. ar- rived by foiu sitiisniid three dau^lre.s, vi/.: W .1. b.m^'asi uf MeJicin* Hit. tlllery, horses andHL=_ipl)liei, The spirit of Ihe may be expressed In Altii., K. A. Di)iioti-.-', Mathesin; H. L.German cavalry prlv D.iu^l-is*. <if MirWne: A. C. D.xiglass Vancouver; Urn. w. X. Hi^ket, and MINH. Miniiio l).u;Uss iMark-lal,-, aim Mra. A. Hill. S-,kt ..-lirw in. dl "Our officers luvo must march until t us to stop. They fe take a thous:unl it: Eighty From Grey County men, lio-we-ver, Hie word M of t ate, ailolBuws: lold in Ifciat we he wlilitl? t *>lls have lold us lo mis lo kS 11 one man: so wo are ID. afraid. We an afford to lone a nilllli_jun w luw t_ h>- i'n- Umjr lose thousaiidi. \\'i- iniist- M :ikc tbe enemy baft, r. _ at hsl_ U enl- tate." Tim Orinans an' Hie only Kajro- peana who haveliwir n vUurout=ly ap- Hit- casto sy^sjtem ol(covrn- Thcy are able iiroiiirly t: o trill The liiti of thomi volunteering for si- vicu with the lir.-t C uiiuliaii cm.tingiMit were Oump'oted TllBlday ui^hl and Inr enormous masses, fc*;vi'ry flprwua hi w.'iuled to 'I taru;nl iusirudions an to'prepared. and Is on Hie imri-ti until / v.lrtorlons kllb'il or iirdi'ii'J I i tiall. tbe iiiovo ure now henij awaited. Oreyl!"* 1 ' , ', H . TI,O i'.,r.,,.. ,iu' ojifi n anil u^en a By In w No. 504 was |s^d levying T.'UM for county rate At It one tenth mills; *41IHI .Wl lor grant to schools ut 4 mid seven truth mills ; $.'07.H for lown- Inji piirpo<ex t 4 and eig'it tenth mills, lUn the various amouiils iske<l for aud leqiiired liy the schoi.l hoard", schn lebenturet, driiuage and teUphoiie de- beittuttfli By law No. &!l.'i vm pawi-.l aji|ioinliiiK 'olIectoM of lax.-s hi* follows: .luniu Klliott for north half and W. S. liikli lor south htlf. The Comiiiifcuioiier of Uiv. No. t, n 1'ived ! Hjiecinl grant of |100.>0 fur the I'M >y r.iad, said amount l.etng grantfd li i |!|;i and ii" 1 spent. The Council ndj-iurnrd to meet at Mix well "ti Si'jit. oth next, ujion liicli <l.l.o the Drainuui' f mil < f Itevision will Am heM. SCOTT. Clerk. The Hermann . Kn;lity no( g( , em to the r lllle>- . Illll4tloll , o far , unty's showing i< gmd one. Kn-iny not g( , em to l)e ,,, la- .|| prifii^-e )iir- men, incliiilinq rive otficei-M of the Hist barltics. as already Jtluruwl, l>- ill on hive been accepted ...il I,,>H-<| hy the --annot tell whtlhP2EJ-iuUlildo *- h" Medical Olhcers and fully ,< m-iny f^wtowliS S iffered theinsi-lves, but fur v iri'>us ic ISOI.M (jj erma u otllctT aald: "We look Llt'S* * a wk *" lll>n we thought It ould lake t uoo inonthw. without Inl nsinKOiir h-avy siege artllb-ry Into MBmrllon. W "e lia Invaded Hflginm uiitll weart- \vi tlilu yards of the capllal tei'll. \V tiw exposed outside llie=s town lail of Strassburg. in AlHCMB.tUllFtafefcifc * have captured from (lie iniifli vi xinl- ed artillery of Km* re. The ma snos nt the could not be an The numbers fi 'in the Jitlertrnt ree g point!" ure:-- Oweii SiunJ 10 MeafnrJ 'JO Hanover T> MaikdaU- l:i Clarkslmr- - MnjurOldhun Medieal Uflii>r of tho Sl'ntiUtary ' st, UN I In; wi i. \ery Inny mm on Mon-jUermttii Kmplre, lmper I'M. a i will Illll)-^' III' l:i ;i I i- : mil o i!i.-,i.u - tbt- i.iili .'il:i 'Hi vig -i tlic alter has i-rushwIItT ici'iu'inle.-m It a. Ib wejt. ial s|ilril ol lli J tlu-yare bLunil diy and'IWd.iy. 1 IK examination WHS K> overcome t Im l,e=adly unltt-d ami , mixed peoples li o roin|iuse in mot rigid, rcqairidg t(nt iha '""'^l'" lrooI13 of (,,.,,. wii.ed tli all lea." pliy.tirially sound in every itMpect. The: Germany iiiiibiulil edly Is ccaur ting slitfbteHt defnt. eit'ti tlmu-h it mulil on the slowness ol I iuialalu f na Xlni; not under orJiii .ry OirOUUl.Unce Hflect ier Wlir Pivparallor-^n amll-fl the health of iho [>;>\ cant in any way. w.ii Nutlioient bir l.iiu fim tlic run- tingent, in wliii h mini I. nt picked men mil bo Ukt-n. KVJII )et ii is ly 110 IIK'IW ct-itain ilmt nil : hose who hve bt- MI p isied will le taken, as nrmy of them are 111:1 ti^il nun and the niimarr ifd will Law tirat oil in. til nil are chorea, wln-n imtrried men wiihout f:iiiilis wi 1 D* t,kcn. With tlu' number h<> fcave volunteored froii thu varioiH i d nibifiil^tf uiiro married men will uo point', it is vurj linn t' of tliu iiveii chuncu. Mr. C. Dii-l.i-l, nf LI-HI Neu-<tndl, i-. t-trut-k by i (itnd Trunk i-\tr,i i 11 Sun tay, us lu win criming with his le.iin river Bnffinao's oroMingi onu mih- north of Neustadt. The ln.,'j) biully <lam- m<id Hinl Mi. I)|eb.-l wi.sbiidly hint. An'oiiia Not>r, a French risseivi.st, . .i dol -nl : -r" 1 )' w nndoil hy n MMitinol in Muirre*' !i ider-t he did not In the number frmt>wen Bound N e included ono Frencliniilli and t*o Kin> aiiins while llaiiii.'er's <|ii(>ta in, liuli H OIK (1 -11111111. Tlu- ntliersiirtf t.'in tiliina and Mritish-buin. M my li ive wean active service, thi list Intlttdittg inniitxi "f S"ii h veterans. <>.dur forJihobiiUMtion i'l \< be giteii next week -Advuitiser. F. R W. H1CKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Get Ready for The Pickling Season ('ider Vine<iar Wliite V\' ine Vinegar Mixed Pickling Spice Allspice Cloves Ginger Red Fepper Nutmeg Mace Cinnamon lllack Pepper Wliite Pepper Turmeric Curry towdcr Mustard seed Celery seed Carraway seed . Cayenne Pepper Jem Jars Jem Jar Rubbers Parowax HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS Voters' List, Municipality of the Township of Artemesia. in the County of Grey. Notice is hereby xivi'ii tliat I have trinriinitteilor delivered lothe persons mentioned in Sect l< 'iiH H ncl ! of the Ontario Yocers' \.il Act, 18H7. and the miiendnien's therein, the copies requited tu le ) triin*niitted or delivered of the Lilt, untie pursuant to said Act, ofiill persons a(i|idiriiiu !> thf Ust revised Assc-stnent K'll <-f the said Munk-i|wlity I to be entitled in vote in the Munici|whty at elections for Members of the LeRis- htive As-.Miibly nd at Mini'cival elect i.uis. and that sinl|I,i-t was Hist posted up ir. my oltice t KWiertun -n thu 8th dy .f Aiii!U*t.l l .'14.iiMl veinaiii.H there for inspection. Ele.--orri'cilld upon to exHiaiine mid I.i-t. mid it auyj omission or i -t her errors an> perceived therein to lake inum-dmte pnci-ediuifN ' IIHXC the said errors correct el aconrdinn to Uw. \\ . .1 ItKI.LAMY, Clerk of Arteiiiesia Klet-liertoii, Aujunt lltli, 1914. Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Otliet) and Residence- 4IW !th St. Kst Owe n Stitind, O'lt. llnu is 'Jin I'J n.m., l.:iD U> 4.30 |>.m. to 't* p.m. Other hours hy H^pointuient. FOR A 30 DAYS' FREE TRIAL Of the 900 Apply to ; ; . Gravity Washer S. Hemphill, . Agent A Business Schoo That nucces.sful ftli'M.l whnse v- ruduiitiM ncciiiiy pr.'ininei.t |(>- . t ions from t ho Ailnnt. o, rt -opens for the FA 1. 1. TKRM to tho ^ioinl fur five c.itiilng 'it once to COLLINGWOO1) BUSINESS COLLEGE . E. Hwki*s.. - Principal id, (inii-i<>. For :- Washing- ma chines folding bath tubs,windmills,|>unips T pipings water tanks, Beatty ^vater bowls, steel stalks and standions, litter Car= riers, hay carriers, slin^, forks and tracking, McCormick Binders, mow- ers, rake loaders, tedders, drills, cul- tivators, harrows, Chatham wagons, Mount Forest buggies, and Frost wire. Satisfaction Guaranteed. ' ' i u i in/. i Will I- -liiler t'|ii tul - MKXIilO C'l'V, rWiu. in. - Tke bank* of the r:i|illil wlilclirlna^cd last Tbursdny probably will i.'-oK.i-ia la- day. The question o( a tin- uk.tliig medium la caiiBlim tome ime-asi ness In business divln, At |iriw-ii tour distinct Issues ol litsank tules are be- ing paud In ordlDUMCy bUlllBHB Ir aiis- actlona. To-morrow hailit~~n tllart^~d L na- tional holiday. In lionnur ollli t-titry Into the capital o! thu main .oiiy ot the Constltutlonalla t army anxl <Jen. Carranza. the ne f^provistonaai 1'rcsl- dent. Klaborate |n ri'pualiim; ; tiavi; been made for Iho T ni't^pllon of (!MI. Carranza and his (i_ _>rcea, ami th e In- auguration of tlicu ew rtijlin*- . Tamworths for Sale Kotli nearly read) tor broedinp. l'rlcc CHE4P HARM H)R SALE S 400- tuenty-fi.ui hundi-fd dnlUi-H ill buy thf w.-st half of l<vt No. i and |iai-C oftht'Si'ilh west (|iwrti.T uf Nu. 1, all on the4-li con. of Kuphntsin, cuntain- ing annul lift oeie. There is 8up|ii>sed to !< nmoiy ncr*-.-* cleared, thm ImUnce iioiti harrtwDi d Uush maple, Iwcch and I'hu . '1 hen* i nil the urnp-rty a frame li-iUHi* and kitchen, a fininu Iwrn, straw hoase witli ftoiie IcumlHtuni unilor it, als.> wooJhlitfd. driving shod, pit! pen an. I henhuiwv*. 'Tlu'ieine also two or- ohtrdsi.il th^ f-kriii urowing diB'orciit kiurfs of frui-. tipnlt'S |ieri. phi ill", chf nii-s iiuJ urpes. Thw frin is well I'euctd wi'h wire ml |a'ent fnciu((. Is fre*= liom frost. Ins also well watered wit Ii water in i.e.vly e\ery held. There i,* neverfiiilinst prills' within 40 yards of t lie h use This farm is wiihiii one! mile of the tl.rtving village of Kimlwiley. For further piwtiooliM pph to-.IAMLS STl'AUT, Kimlierley 1'. <>. ISi'pt Full I'ny r'i> MONTHKA'l,, Allf ly hold to thu conl tr.oller Cole yeslrtd employea who Iw to go to the fronU rSoldli'M_ ;. 1 S.--"l alr-ong- ntlon,"Bw.ld ('nn- iy, "llwl sill <ivlc e their sa tutitloii id fi>;hlilv e coun- try's bnttlo should r-mc nil allov-^eil full pay by the corporaillon. Il is prob- able this will h.'il.'i jH.I' ln;ii. \>y Ihe Hoard of Control parnnil Illy CL^ouincll. Only half-pay has b ecu vole I 30 fur." V. H.\C!rn|i] ES-'or Jliil.il ^i. BOSTON, Aug. 1, - 1.. .\ ';![ nicntof more than 600.0W U'.ah'l) of stnlr. to England: In lip llrliiili tea. >ii'ir> will bo made frwi_ II; . \v\ t- c! -- tiu preteot week, tt. ALEXANDER .MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont. FasMonable Tailoring Seasonable Good.s, first class Workmanship. ALSO A linii of ReaJi -Hade The Right Suit For the Right Season Your next suit will be a fall or winter suit, and if you want any th ing hi A Tailored or Semi-Ready Suit, it will be to your ad van t ages- to leave your order- with. C. BLAICE1LEY Sole Agent for the Semi-fc eady Clothing Standard Bank Black, Flesbtrton ' , Steer Estray Farm For Sale Cu>e to tl.c jMoniises of ll.e uiiiliTMiiii l.u! 1 . 1 *, lii-sf rarge N. D. R., C>J cd aVout the middle of June one 2-jer-ji)rey-U lOncro*, '.'( nleJHd,bAllO94 hard- (dd steer. The owner is requwuftd to. foodhnmh. flind buiW'iig,bri<}k Which wo pt thartfe. if Clothing ! l ov * t the Kimertway. in fiee uf expenses n- B. ItwBKKTs, LiiJy I'.iak. \Vlll 1'H Hllid ItTniS, A I'.'iiifiin. NVho will |>ick it ii .' K 1. Hilfick, Prop , 1'cotcn atation, 1 July tf ill

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