^ ,' TfiUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLED NOT MEN. 1 W34 No. 11 Flestierton, Ont., Thursday, September IO IQ14 W. H, THDBSTOM KDITOB aud I'l.O East Grey Fair Is Withdrawn A week or so ago the government sent out a notification to agricultural societies to the effect that owinir to the war HQ government judges would be sent out this j'ear mid the^ government grant would be cut in half fo next year. ,The Drpartment expresse-i lie hope that the directorates would act "w : sely" under these circumstances. As a result of tin's communication the direct-irs of East (Jrey fair decided on Monday t vening _to trim tail in order to weathei ihe cornice squall by withdrawing the fair this year. All members will be euriied over in good standing for next year and the prize lists, which have already been forwarded to members, will hold good for next year and should be carefully preserved. East Grey fair is not alone in this matter, us some ftirs announced three weeks ago that owing to conditions they would withdraw their fain this year, and it is expected that after receiving the government announcement many others will do likewise. This decision has not been reached through any present financial stress, but simply as a safeguard for the future wel- fare of the society and with a view to making next year's show a greater success than ever before. The directors "will work to that end and hupe for the en- courageinemand co-operation of members uml the general public. Walkerton Uu i it.- tn McLaughlin, who was sent up by Magistrate Tolti>n last week on throe charges of In-faking into and burglarizing K. J. Matin's general store in Teeswater, mealing Kogei Cl tney's hone in Chcpstotr and carrying a revolver and billy about, tliMileii guilty before Judge Klein here Friday mid was sentenced to eighteen months in the Central Prison, Toronto- George Rutherford of Toronto was up In-fore Judge Klein here on Tuesday rooming last charged with foiging a chtt|ue for $10 on Hubert Ferguson o' Chesley and caching it at the Royal Rank in 101 in v iiml. The prisoner, who is a clerk in a Toronto store, pleaded guilty to the offence, and claimed that while visiting in Klmwood he hud been imbibing too largely of bo.ize _!tnd committed the lived while under the inHuence . -r lii|um- The judge remanded linn to jail until Wednesday, when he let him off on sus' [ifndeii sentence, the prisoner having a wife and family to provide for. which wis hrgely rcspoiiMble for the leniency khown. \\hile the (J.T.R. train was steaming into (Juelpli on Thursday afternoon and running nearly fifty miles an hour. Con- duclor Mitchell, who runs through WuU- erton, lept from the speeding train and hopping over a fence grabbed a runaway horse which was tearing down the road with n two-SBnted democrat containing four frightem-d, screaming ladie->. The conduct. if win dragged a considerable I'isiain-i- but eventually stopped the hone and saved the women from it most serious, if not i it.il accident. On returning to the train, which had stopped and backed up to the scene ay;i n, tho conductor wns _- \>-n a rousing cheer by the passengers, amongst whom was Judge Klein of Walk- .it.iii, who ruse in his sott and led'lhe vocal volley that greeted the plucky trainman when he appeared. Our townsman, Mr. Barney Scheerer, who a stalwart Canadian ^ierman, has been rcutiving through llie \Valkeilon poslottice copies uf the Kice Press of I, in. -"In. Nebraska, a seditious German publication which is seeking by trenchant articles and liery appeals to stir up i lie Germans against (' rent Britain and her allies iu the present war. Barney is thoroughly aroused- not against the Britiski people, but against the [iiiblisli of the Lincolu rag who could presume that he would stomach such stuff ui.d lebel against a Hag that has <;i ven him and other Oauadian (Jermana a greater freedom tbau they could ever kuow under the iron rule uf the military crazed Kaiser. Ana rt suit Barney thinks that a ban should be p Jt on thu Lincolu pub- lication audits further citculation through (In: mails of Canada stopped. Like most *:, -DS of (Je'-man descent here Barney believen that the Kaiter is entirely in the ttrous; in the present wr, and would like to see Britain and her allies successful in their great laudable stand I'm- thu freedom Mitl deruic cy of th-; world.- Hcrnld mid W ode house Doings The air begins to feel quite fall-like. L linn- Day was duly observed in our school, but otherwise our citizens seem- ed to labor as usual. Mr. (Jeorae Hutchinson of Kimberley uccupied the pulpit in our church Sunday afternoon in the absence of our pastor, Rev. Marsh-til, who is holidaying. Messrs Stanley and Willard Wiley Client part of last weak at the Toronto Exhibition. Mesdamcs John Picketing and Jos. Cherry are visiting with fiiendg at Thorn- bury and also the lattsr's sister, Mrs. Clark of Clarksburg, who is very 111. Mr. Robt. Dale of Brain pton is visiting his brother-in-law, Mr. Fred Birch. Mr. John Parker, of Flesherton, was a visitor with Mr. ..John Buskin and fam- ily over Sunday. Mr. Jos. McOullough of Markdale is engaged buzz-sawing for Messrs. William and \V. T. Wiley at present. Mr. Hi! Abercrombie has engaged a young man from Guvlph to take charge uf the blacksmith business here. Misses Elsie and Rena McNeviu of Kimbeiley sp^nc Sunday with fiiends here. Mr Jacob Longheed returned from Florida recently, where he went in view of a future bcme, owing to his health. I!.- is much pleased with the outlook and is anxious to part with his possessions here at once and return to that fair clime. We will 1/t.- sorry to lose him and Mrs I, in-lit. -.1 but for his benefit {we xvish them a prosperous future. Miss I-;, i Harris of Kimlierley ca!led on friends here last week. Mr. Sim Wiley visited his brother-in- law, Mr. W m . Buchanan, at Vandeleur, who we u.- pleased to know is recovering from his painful accident of a short time ago. The Epworth League held a social evening at last weeks meeting. Wed' nesday evening of this week will be .-"ii-.-.-Mi ','. meeting, when it is expected a nnuihi'i- of new members will be en- rolled. Mr. ni'i Mrs. John Lawson, Miss Nancy Wiley and Mr. Aaron Birch are VIMI in... friends at Caledon East and will alsn attend the Toronto Exhibition. Dundalk Dr. McNeil, of Chicago, with hia wift and twochildren visited with his sister Mrs. Martin, Shrigley, List week. The Doctor, who is an old Price ville boy, usually visits every summer in this locality. This year he motored from Chicago and m-i'lc the complete trip with- out mishap of any kind nor. even a punc- ture. Joseph I Inn). lull met with an unfor- tunate accident on Saturday while at work on a cement crossing at Vonge and Main st reels. A Bulgarian workman, who cou'd not understand Knglish, was driving stakes with a sledge hammer under ins'ructions from Mr. lleniphill. Thw lutter had just given orders lo cease ban. inuring and had placed his hand oil anoth.'i' stake cl<ie by when down c<imt's the hammer crushing the bones of ilia thumb badly. Herald. Durham Mr. Robert Burnett his opened up a general store in I he old Standard Rank stand, M -lnt yi-.- Bl'ick. We have heard mora farmers kinking about the incrense in the price of te.t than wo heaid of the increase iu (he price of hogs. Almost $111) has s > far been subscribe! to the Red Cross for the comfort of (he wounded soldiers. A nineling, under the auspices of th Red Cross, was beld Tuesday ,-tfternoo .i.i i it was decided that the ladies meet each day in the Armory to soiv and maki comforts for the soldiers. They pin-pone getting one sliipmont off by September 15, as the need is very urgent. On Suturdiy last the furniture factmy owing to depression in business, causec by the war, decided to reduce the num- ber of employees. A few were laid off permanently, and others for this week, and perhaps longer. The factory is still runnmu live tltys a week und the manage- ment will furnish as much employment as possible during the present crisis. They may be forced to make reductions, but will try to act as cautiously as pos- ible and with the most careful considera- tion. Chiuniclw. Kimberley Budget The merry hum of the threshing ma- chine is now beard once more in uiir vi- cinityWin. Wyods' machine on the x-.tllwy road south and Tommy Gilray'* on the 4th line north. W. Moore and a party from Meaford motored over to our burg Monday, re- urning the same evening. R. L. Fawcett of Smith's Fulls is vis- ting this week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fawcelt of the Traveller's lome. Your correspondent, with I>ith Law- ence, had * pleasant visit with Mr. Harry Thompson of the E*st Mountain eeently. Harry is on ot those whole- souled, big-hearted fellows that are mot with but seldom in a lifetime. Here's hut his shadow may never grow less. Amos McClung and lady friend. Miss Myers, of Chesseville, visited at the for- ner's parental home the past week. M-s. K. J. Stuart is visiting at present with friends iu Alliston and Toronto. Gordon Les-li'-, our public school prin- cipal, was hurriedly summoned home m Monday to attend the bedside of his sis- ter, who is very low with lyphoid. .1 ,iin. - Fawcett of Clarksburg is visit- inir this week with his brother, mine host Fawcett of the Traveller's H'mie. Mrs. Henry Ellis and son, Mervyn, if Powassen, are visiting friends in this vicinity. John Buchanan of Fleshert::n visited he past week with friends here. It was Mrs. Mason of S.in Fran, cisco, California, who w.is viriting with her brother, Joseph, lat week, ilot Mrs. Robert Ferris as was reported . John Manarey of Beiverdale was caller in our burg on Monday last. James Cornfield of Tortlaw visited with his cousin, Wm. J. Cornfield, a couple of days this week. Maxwell Miss Alice Mi-iUHum has returned to the West after a month's visit with her parents here. Rev. \V. Dinwooily will occupy the Methodist pulpit .Sunday evening. llev. Ros/.ell and wife, accompanied by tin- hitter's brother and wife, mot ired from Buffalo ami spent a few days with Dr. Ros/.ell la-tt week. Dr. Row.ell and wife motored as far as Toronto wild them and took in the exhibition. Miss liessie Wright of Toronto spent u few days at her paren'al homo. Miss I.la <>sbornn left last week fur < twen .Sound, where she h.-n secured a position as milliner. Miss Dolly Mclntyre of Dundalk visit- ed at W. H. Guy's lust week. Miss Anderson has again resuin.nl her duties at the school here. The W. I. of this place held a sewing bfe Ust Friday ami donated a large box of clothing for the so'diers. The piesi- dent de'ires to thank all tlit^e who so !oy. ally und promptly helped to till tho box. Mark dale The telurn basel all ma'c'i between Mirkdate ;uid Uundalk was pluved here on Friday, resulting in a lie, tight a The Dundalk boys wished to return home on the evening train, ^so tht'ie was in t sufficient time to play another innii.gs 10 break the tie. The marriage of Miss Blanche Luc a Mii"pborson to Mr. Leonard Hla.-kbuin of Toronto, is being celebrated in Christ Church at two o'clock this Wednesday afternom. Rev^ ' H. Hosford, B.A., Ree-or, official insr, assisted by Revs. J. A. Robinson and F. Parke. Afterwards a reception will be held at, the home of Hon. I. B. and Mrs. LUCOH. Mr. and Mrs. Blackburn will reside in Toronto. Taking fright at a fleet of moioi-cyclef, Councillor Noble's horse made a sudden bolt, wh le out driving on Sunday after- noon and landed in a wire fence, where it became entangled and had to be un harnessed before it could rise. The acci- dent happened between Mrs. G. M. Haskett'.s and Oswald Walker's and with Mr. Noble in the buggy were his four- year-old sou and Misses Belle \l.-l\. .- and Katie Murdoch. Boih ladies und the little !ad jumped when the hone bolted. Mr. Foble was ilin.ivn over tho dash- board and Limb .1 on the opposite s'Je of the fence. No one was hurt, but tho buggy and harness were slightly damaged. Tlie party was fortunate, indeed, in escap- ing serious injury. Standard. Eugenia Paragraphs The liiand Cosmopolitan Picnic held in the grove by the Kugenia ladies was a (fraud success, showing the fiiendsbip and good feeling to the strangers who aie among us this year. A b.untiful tab'e WHS spread which all seemed to thorough- ly enjoy, Xhf concert in 'h Preslytr- < iftn church on Tuesday evening passed | jff' very favourably. The Pastor, Rev. McYic.tr acted as chairman. The pro- gramme was as follows: -Opening chorus '. by choir; inst.umoii'al, mouth organ, by j Cariuthers' hoys and .sister, Muriel accompanist, which was highly applauded; dui-.t by Misses MacTavishand Loveland; song by Mrc. HogUnd in Swedish en- titled the Swet-t By and by; instruinent- tl music by Messrs. Haws and C-trnea Williams; <|iiai tetta by choir, "Just Be 'ore the Battle, Mother;" duet by Misses X. Wickeiis and Alice Williams. The Lilian band favoird tlie audience through mt with several selections, which were sure a treat; a's>o sung songs in Italian; .Mrs. Holland also gave * solo in Swed- ish, accompanied hy the guitar. Little Hilda Williami sang a solo in lur sweet childish voice. As usual a'. Kugenia a very pleasant evening was spent. Pro- i-i:ed-i .iver $.'!0.00. Not so many are attending the Ex- hibition from here this year, as we have one every day, people coming from all - over to see the sightt. No car litre i.r entrance tickets required. A young man set-in his young lady home safe frjin the conceit on TuesJiiy evening un bitting her Kuod-bye, to rs- capetheteais.it parting, turned away. He then notic-jJ across the way in the! store a strange light. On investigating 11.! t .und the contents were atiru and! riised the -tltrm, audsn.'ii it was . irn.-'i .-.I with little tl-tmage done. Miss Al.ce Will ams aMcnded the millinery i ptming in Toronto und is staying a while for exhibition. Mrs. 11. (.'itmpbell, Mrs. Fred Jameson, Miss M. Mc.Mullen and brrher Russell, iii.l .Mi-K K. Lilimer have gone to the! exhibition. Visitors in town for the holiday were: Mrs. Will Purvis und son Willie, Mr. and .Mr*. James Purvis of Toronto, at Mr. K. Purvis', and Jti-k Ricbdale at Joe- Williams'. The weather appears very much like fall at present. Mom Sept. -', to Mr. anil .Mrs. Alex. Cameron, a daughter. Mrs. Webb and children uf ' )wcn Sound are the guests of Mis. U. H.-ir.ey- Thu Mu'hodist Sabbath school sent to Fred Smith at Val Cartier our soldier boy, a pocket liible ami address us a token of reineml. ranee from home. The Presbyterian ladies are sending a cholera bell, scarf and it housewife. No doubt Fretl will appreciate ill -se tokensof respect Weall hope and tin-t that lie will soi.n b home again. Toronto Line North in disiaiti of ihe Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat Off ice- 130 10th (t. West, Owen Sound At the Rovere hou.se, Markdale, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to a 12a.m Dund<ilk,lst Wednesday of each month.. Flesherton Planing 'And Chopping Mills I am now prepared to do chopping every day in the week except Sundays and every week in the year. Briny alon._- your grists. Our sash and door factory is always at your disposal for anything yon want in our line- planing, matching, e'c. Floor ini;, sash and doors, and all house fur- nishings supplied promptly and ,il eau- unable rates, (Jet estimate!. Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler L.^ keley ' PrOP ' KLESHERTON, - CNT You Can Get Any quantity of Sugar, Tea, Flour and Feed, At tlie Flesherton Grocery, W. BUSKIN HOT WEATHER SHOES As I have some lines of summer shoes to clear out at reduced prices. Women's Patent pump! nnd Patent and <;un mrtal - ( 'o|..niul with buckle tin. Women's U.mgola Oxfords will) .! ,ind fyelelf, -iy.es :!, 4 A" I', Cloarina at .-JI.IHI. .,"1 r* A lot of children's low shoe- an.l pniiip,.-.;!f;irni^ at H(| cis. a pair. S If in nee-l .if a ij.jod trunk or suit t-i-ii., have a nice -iwortnient OT Intended fur Last Week. Noilly ll the farmers in this part, have completed Iwvei-.tin >. Mr. Cordon lladgeiow of Toronto visit- ed a lew days al Mr. \Vm. Davis'. Miss Klva I.ever left Ti.esdiy to re- sume, her duties in "Sunbeun Academy", at UuiiC-v '. Mr. and Mrs. MeNaliy. of Toronto, and Mrs. Wm. Pudl-ir of the Fourth Linu visittd with Mrs. Pedlar's daughter, Mr*. Emerson Wickent. Miss Leila McKeown returned to her home in Duncan after visiting a fort night with the Mis.st.s (. and I. Lei'er. Miss Winnie Scilley and Miss Alice Winters of Feversham are slaying with Mrs. A. Stewart, nd attendim.' high .School in town. Miss Audrea Linley of liuftalo called on her friend, Mi>s E. Lever, one even- ing last week. Mrs. Albert Stewart, accompanied 1 y her mother. Mis. Perigo of Feversham, left Tuesday to attend the Toronto Ex- hibition. Councillor lirown and sister, .Miss Hellii, v s.ted at Mr. Ferguson's, Ceylon, recently. i In Monday of last week little Miss j Olive M ii 'n-ttM'ii gave a quilting party to ht-r m-iny young friends. Our pho- tographer was i hero with her kotluk and took a picture of Uio young "unilters''. The Master in Chambers at < >syoode Hall ruled that German ci'i/.an.s h'td no Mat us in Canadian courts. Thos Clayton. You'll Want to Look Right SOME of these evenings you'll want to look "just ri^ht,' and yoii know as well ,-is we do, that there's nothing like ;i well-tailored lilue or black serge suit. They're right at night, The proper caper always ! Let us take your measure tor a llobberlin-niiwle. all wool serge. The kind that won't fade, or get rusty. To-day is the flay to order. $20.00. S.J. BOWLER Sole Agent for the Hobberlin Tailoring.