Flesherton Advance, 10 Sep 1914, p. 5

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September 10 1914 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE :B THE ESTABLISHED OF CANADA KEEPING a bank account for "household expenses" and paying all bill* by cheque hat many advantages. It show* the balance on hand, the amount expended, provides receipts for every payment and does not require a luge deposit to begin with. TORONTO FLESHERTON BRANCH CEO. MITCHELL, Branrhei BBB i at Durham and Harratoa. Manager. C. P. R. Time Table. i Miss Ella Karstedt is visiting friend., In Toronto- Vernon McGirr, on of Mr. R. T. Mc- Trains leave Flesherton Station as " ows : Girr, who at one time kept liotel at Fev- Going South G 1 ', n i, N r , t 1 e '- h - " accidentally shoe in the 7.41! a. in. 11*1 a.m., ... ' ., . , j- _ m 9.12p. m. stomach by his uncle, n. J. McAleer, at The mails are osed at Flesheiton aj Hammond, Indiana. A party had been ollnws : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and uut bhooting and were "preparing to re- ' 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south as, turu home in their auto when the fatality 3.40 o'clock. For morning train "WWjoeeswwL Mr. McAleer'a gun had jitnm- mail close at 9 p.m. the previous ev g- . * _ ( ed in unloading and in manipulating it ^ ~ "" , the gun went oft'. At that moment the victim stepped out from in front of the car and received the full charge in his stomach. He was rushed to tlie hospital but his life could no: be preserved. Vernon (or "Teed,' as he was attie.'tionat* ely called) was a bright young lawyer of Haiuinond< of the firm of M(!Aleer Brot . East Mountain Ror. and Mrs. Schwalut and two chil- dren, Flora and Georgie, of Dundalk.alao Mi.vi Mildred Robinaon of Proton Sta- tion, spent h'jin Thursday until Saturday week with Mr. and Mra. W. J. Martin. VICINITY CHIPS Mr. Chas. Crossley of Toronto was howo for the week end. Mr. Bunt is in Toionto this week t attending the I'ndertaker's Convention. Mrs. J. Bowler is spending a week in Toronto. Mi.- Adda Wright of Beaverdile holidayed at her home. Dr. Ern. Armstrong, wife *nd child. ^ of Cobalt, are visiting ilaties here. Mr and Mrs. W. Mooce spent past week at Oulcotte, N. Y. He was 24 years of age. Vernon was a nephew of Mrs. Geo. Mitchell, of Flesh- erton. Constiuction work at the bitf Eugenia development is now in full swiiiij and the concrete is fast bein^ Uid on tha south end of tbe bis dam. This is known as No. 1 dam, being constructed by the Ambursen Hydraulic Co. No. '2 dam, a mile north, which the Hylands are erect- ing, has been at a comparative standstill for a week, tbe big steam shovel having been broken on i large boulder. It was sent to Owen Sound for repairs and was returned on Thursday of last wtek. . _. , - -I Operations are proceeding again there as MM Kindneof Blenheim is visiting, r * ] before. This Company has no difficulty the Mrs. Blackburn spent the past few days in Toronto. Miss L. Nicholion returned to Toronto last week after holidaying with her sister. with her aauhter, Mrs. H. S. White. in getting all the men they want, but n< Mrs. Colboroe and Master "^]oo. Witt ** opfaioa as to when Colborne of Goderich, are visitors at Mr. j the contMct wil| b(J eompleted . The BJjuJi nilaon 9. j Ambursen people hope to have their big Miss Lillian Armatrbnx is visiting in \ fa m completed by Christmas. Peterboro, Havelock and Belleville fora eville fora|- Baschke-Moffat A pelican is the latest attraction in the ornithological section of Owen Sound s | A very happy and pleasant event took Zoo. The bird cime from Moosejuw. ; place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. \V. Miss Annie Howard, who has been j 0. Moffal. Sth line, Osprey, ou \Vednes- holidayini? at her home heru for some j day, Sept. 3, when their eldest daughter, time, has returned home. ; Gertrude, was united in holy matrimony Mis. Long returned last week to takej to W - A - Blaschke of Blair. Ont. Tha charge of F. H. W. Hickling's millinery, ceremony wa peiforrued by Rev. J. and Miss Brown to F. G. Karatedt's. I Phimister in the presence of a few rela- The Fleshertou W. I. will put on a tiv * and f" 61 " 18 - Th bride carried W. I. patriotic concert on Sept. 30. announcement will be given. Further a the Mrs. Archie Sinclair and children are) i lives and bouquet of white roses and lily of valley. Mrs. Phimister played the wed- ! dinij march. After the'uauil congr.-vtula- visiting her parents here previous to go- ing to their new home t Priceville, where tions the guests sat down to a sumptuous wedding dinner. The brida received many useful presents, the groom's gift Mt.SmcburwiUbeC.P.R. agent. ; be i g a beautiful set of ;p e ian l.-m.b Sow Pig Strayed-From my premise?, | furg The bappy eou j, !e left on , h( . a{ . about August Sth, medium sized white, ternooll train en route t( , M us koka, where recently weaned a litter. Communicate . they will spend theil . honeymoon. They with R. Parks, Euxeni*. I wi n i, e at home to their frientlb after Misses Dell Thurstou and Elsie Wright, I October 5 at Preston, Ont. who are attending Model school in Han- over, spent a few days of the past week ;>t their homes here. Mr. Jos. Armstrong and family, who have been spending summer holidays here for some weeks, have returned to their home in Toronto. Mrs. John Speers | Mrs. John Speers, one of Osprey's old- I e>t pioneers, prssed awy at Feversham !on the 20th ult., in her 74th year. The ! was born in Co. Tyrone, Ireland, and Mrs. Honeywell of Seattle, \V ; i S h.,who; c . li)ietoC . umdawith her parents when has been visaing her sister, Mrs. \\ . A. |lU]c year , ()f age> settlln! , ttith theill in Armstrong, lett for her home on Thurs- , Rjng townsllipi whete ghe was married day. J to the late John Speers. After uniting Mr. and Mrs. Will McAiulan (neai her future with his they settled in Cteprey Miss Vera G*udm) of near Heathcute ' 5> years ag, on lot lt>, con. 12, where spent a few days.with friends lietc during they lived until eleven years ago. when the past week. , tln-y moved to Fevershan;. Mr. Speers T. A. Bliikelcy is insUl!iu S a uew died nine years ago last February. Since cho| per and therefore the chopping mill | l! ' 3 death Ml "<- ^l' eera ''* 1'ved with her will be closed on TuesU .y and Wednesday ' two d'>gh'ers, MaffgU and Mary, in Fe- of next week vershsni. Two sons survive John of Clarksbura and James of Feversham. The deceased lady was a member of the Methodist church, and the remains were Liid to rest beside her husband in the Buckingham burial ground, where also previously Miss Allie OUewell of Uspn-y . four children who died in infancy occupy Mrs. T. L. McCarthy and son Walter, i the fami i y pk , t Mrg _ Speers u gurvivod *ho have Wen visiting with her mother, , ,, y only ,, ne 8iatel ._ Mrs . Miller of White- Mrs. Jos. Kadley, and her sister, Mrs. - churi . h ; BlU ce county. Other sisters, Siuuwn, have returned to their home at ; Dotr deceasec i, Nve re Mrs. W,n. Klack- Hiagara Fulls, icoomptoied by Miss ( burn> Mrs ,j,,, )el t Henderson, Mrs. Gertie Stinsou. ; ,, Oseph Watson, Mrs. James Hemp- MM. T. Fisher has been in the ho.s[.it. ;|,ill. ,tll late of Artcnu-sia, and Mrs. 1, Toronto, fur tUe past lwv weeks, 'Win. Mullen. late '.-{ Rob where she underwuil en operation uver! One brother, Mr. Wm. Watson . f a week a^o. She is doin^ nicely Lut mesiisn, a'so deceased... will not tc homo fyr sunn- tine. Mr. Fisher waswiih lici- in TI.IH.HII.I, but llirued hulllii Friday last. The McUixlist chuir and 01 Mr. uiid Mrs. Ben llislop and little daughter of Thornbury were guests o Me. ami Mrs. J . I'. Oitewell fur a fe\v days last week. Mrs. Hislop was Hoy, Arte- ta : been dep^.ai,,. on Uimbev.n K for their winlei's worfente lu\e likely, to ^> idle. tlii> winter, in liiinl oiin.- been taken in charge, by Mr. M;uk l'.\ct- on tin- Mauii.'iiliu isalninst oertaii. ,. I . u:t . Wrijjhi, Couducka and Or-iui >l .'IM! nt > - -i .'-. U. Al! i.v.l, f, f,,r ties liavo Mrs. Kmiiia Tujjw Wiiitlil, So[irni:i. ti-en i-aii':.-lli-ii, ^^hi^ll niean.'' t|::il (!:, Soloist. Kvciy olli it \vil: l,e taUon to., Iinli.ius on.ik.-Miiiiii"iiliii. ." lu h;>\e ile- . iiu'ivo Hi;-* c'.ujt a li^t-l ela-> tJiottu c' oil 1 . peudd on this cl8Sf wock : i -,\i.-,'il New numbers are ..'liriUu. Tin-si- \e:irs, will lie pr let icul'y withcut w-i!,. ' .11 \M*li tojrin call at the studio ami and will p ^.-il>ly li.ive u> 1. e supported by hive voiee leslcd HS to tticit:IJCj-. L llto Nearly Buried Alive Mr. 3. T. McNaughton. of the firm of Perrett A HcNaughton, plumbers, steam and hot water fitters oE 7ft Nairn Ave., Toronto, cama Jnear loainj? his life by being buried in s drain 14 feet deep. The young man &* on his knees in the drain replacing a pipe, when, without a Moment's warning, the sides of the huge drain caved in. Two men who were digging a drain across the street noticed the accident and Crushed to the rescue. It took them over tive minutes before they got his head to the surface. A doc- tor w.i.-, immediately summoned. Had the youns[ man been buried s minute longer life would have been estiuctt a8 his lungs were on the [point of luisting from suffocation. Although the Tyounij man's lungs were badly bruised and ribs crushed he is doing as ^nicely as can be iipected. O. S. Sun. One of D. Smith's horses got out of tha field un to the railway on Friday night, and in attempting to oruss the culvert just above Smithdale, g'jt its feet fast between the timbers and tell over the side, in which very painful position it hung for about four hours, when it was found by Mack Gadway aa he was goinsf home. Had he uoc happened along as he did the animal would have died be- fore morning, and therd is no telling what miht have been the result if the early train had ran into it. Creemore Star. Lady Strathcona has given $50,000 to- wards the maintenance of the Strathcona Horse, raised by her father f ur the South African war, who will be sent, it is said, aa a unit with the 'Janadian expeditionary force. ONIONS We luvc a tine quality to offer. Present prices are 2c per Ib. in 100 pand lou. We have aLso a limited quantity of cabbage and- carrots. Telephone J.S. Bl'CHANAX Sheep Estray Strayed from my premised, lot 28, con. 14, Aneuiebi.i, %bout the middle of August, one ewa end lamb, ewe in tar crosa on right shoulder. Information thankfully received. Georue Oourley. ANADIAN PACIFIO Canadian National Exhibition TORONTO Fare and One Third daily until September llth., inclusive. Single Fare on Certain D^ts. Return Limic : Original starting point must be reached not later than Septem- ber 15, 191 4. WESTERN FAIR LONDON FARE AND ONE THIRD September 11-12-13-14 and H. SPECIAL EXCrriSIoN FARES Sepfember 15-16-17. Return Limit Monday September 21st, l'.U4. Particular* from (.'iaadiaa Pacific Agtats or 1 write M. G. MURPHY. D.P.4. C.P.Ry.. Toronto. Mark Everette Wright Teacher of Music Piano, Voice, Organ and Theory -Odds and Ends j ARTICLES FOR SALE Fo guick Sale A nine rwmed fratre and metal clad dwelling, good cellar and water, frame stable and shed. Also a acnt lot for sale. Possession ien t one's Silas Shunk, Fleshertou. Jersey cow and Leifers ciif for sale W, A. Armstrong. For Sale Cheap yuan* driving mire about ')50 pounds, or would exchange for good driving horse about 1100 pouods. Apply to R. J. Sproule. Flesli- erton. Jan. 22 Royal Household Flour Expected early next week a carload of Royal Household Flour and Feed ;it reasonably lowpricei. NJW is the time to buy at F. G. Ktrstedt'j, Flesherc-m. Legal Blanks For Sals R. J. Sproule keeps constantly on hand and for sale cheap a full atock of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills and all other leal blanks. Any requiring such will find* it to their inter- est to ;{ive him a call. For sale, very cheap, ea.-y terms,, new frame dwelling with two and * halfacrW bud sUbl- in Flenhertjn. "' R. J. Sppotiie. ~ Educated at Xew England i r -ry of Music, Boston Mass. and holds certificates from this iritiition fri-m the following eminent teachers. Piano Dr. Louis M;ias. Theory--Geo. W. Chad wick, composer of Vocal music. S'udent also of Metropol- itan Collide of music.New York Cily.and holds certificates from the followingteach- ers. : Voice Herbert Wilbur Green Pres. of Music Teachers' National Association of New York State, and editor of vocal music column in the Etude from time to time. Song Inlerpertation Dr. Griggs. lect- urer on the voice in Yale University. Pipe Organ R. HuutingtoH Woodman, the eminent Brooklyn Oigauist. Composition --Harry Rowe Shelley, the noted American composer of choir church music. Has also a cert ideate 'is a Leader of piano from Clsudo Cr.ttenden of Stcinway Hall, New York City. Mr. Wright w:vs Principal of Musical Department in Drake University, Des Moms, Town, a school numbering two thousand students, for five years. W:w principul of music Department cf Liinsdown school. Portage La Prairie, Miuiil'ibn, of which Dr. Franklin, a Gold Medalist of Totonto, was President, from whom Mr. Wright holds the best of reeiunmeiidationtf. Has also held po- sitions in other Conservatories of music, in Universities and Nornul Schools. He can prepare pupils for any examiir atiou in ,iuy cf thess brand. H.> Teaches a 4i year course in piano. I'.j year course in voice. Those desiring instructions, call at their curliest conveniences at liis studio in the house formerly occupied by Mr. Geo. Watson. THE NATIONS of EUROPE the cause and issue of THE GREAT WAR This is iin historical woik, I ut it is of more thrilling and vital interest than the mosr vivid fic'ion. The information it Contains is ni.t to I'e found in newspapers ii"i' in school histories. It gives the l.i>- tory of uuch of the great nations eii'ja^ed in fhe Kiirope.-m War, ami tolls of tlie deep underlying causes i f that war a well as Njth lli" hidden and apparent fw- c^9 which have ln?en at work there f T Kn- sale^clijeap^aud on easy 13, Wtt.il, Ouprey. 110 acres. , .This u, a first clasa farm and in a a""d st^te of culcivatiuo. Uoud tank barn and new frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Sproule Flesherton. For S.le A few egg vats in prime or- der, suitable for soft water tanks, or watering cattle. Also ;i uood, second handset of double harness. M.Scully Co.. Flesherton, Ont. MISCELLANEOUS Wanted large second hand Lux heat- ing stove, must be cheap and in reason- ;ibly EH. id condition. Apply to R. J. Sproule. Fleshertoii. Jsn.88 The Durham Furniture CD. has 1001) cords of wood f(,r sjile at Iloc'.c Mills Price 75c. per cord. Can be bought iii large or small quantities. J. < . Darimv- el iu char--. 1 'Jan. 15 The dislocation of business produced by any war is I ad enough; but iii tbe present case the number of warring nations is so great aa to most seriously affect even neutral nations mid other continents. Nim-coinliataots in Argentina f.-ice ruin from the stoppage of their wheat trade. Per-u declares n moratorium. China wil, miss her ginseng from the Viryiiii.-t mis., and iiius-. otherwise take medicine . Rub- ber tire- go scaring in price. Boots will do the .s:mio while shoemakers shoot each other and the commerce in hides is lult- ed. Children the year over will mis. their Nuremberg toys at Christina. The whole w..il,l is paying t l K . penalty for the war niadno-s whie.'i has smitten tlv peal nations of chilized Kurujie. The United .States is a neutral power, but its com- merce with Germany is dend, and its seu- i" iMotn.de with other nations lankly pandyxeJ, and it is estimated th:it it wilj btt in ta; irt" collections alone from $100 - 130kQCO,eOO. Thisi, oneof the results of putting over 17,000,000 men into tic Inisinoss of !;ili''r.- their fellows. And lh war has i is: o.l only a month! Wluit will haj.pen if, a-; Lord Kitchpner intiniaie.l i f.-w d;.y> ago, it shouM Ift.^t f. r :i year? i.tn. lii.ancial resiniuv-. thtir BUM and r . c _. , atiuii. In tel's the story of tln-ii iriti growth, the previous conflicts in \\Lit-Iii they have be.-ti endued, and i In- nice ntip.it hies 1 : ! ivi pmvd .- iin;>or- :;iiit B pirt in Kuiopaii hi^li vy. Tl. is wiir i- t!ie -n\-v. e. nvi.-isalk.il with ovcryiio " c* i r. Any pi-i^'ii " sKic' I \ . '. di-r fi-i h liniiiiv.,' ut~$: half uioi K , . U M.KI-.l;. \ NoitkB y. Ont. for - i'il .-' >tr unlay wi-Ji: . Tlie closins: cf i hits the t >wn rather hard. It omplryrd a L-'-'^d nuaihci-of HIPII niul w "I'lemli J emUnHpr of tlie ! ' rrfcru-il in hi pipov lo ceitnhi > 'l-..-i "" : ! tv! ::, : Mi it- wiv, -.: ~ ! .1;'. M.P.. l-..r^i- whipped the cdi'.'V. si: ' M.ij.>r S:im 1-diglics ; .ippina, and ro-i.-N the editor cf the J'.-n.-ml fi'i- h Fall Fair Dates A liat of the dates aa* been prepared by the Provincial Department of Agricul- ture, and iucliiden those in this district which are as follows : FLESH ERTON Withdrawn Feverslum Oct. 6. 7 Alliaton Oct. I, 2 Barrie Sept. 21-23 Beeton Oct. 5. 6 Bradford Sept. 23-25 Clarksburg Sept 22, 23 Coliingwo >d Sept. 23-2 Cookstown Sept. 29, 30, Oct. 1 Dundalk Oct. 8, 9 Eln.vale Oct. 5-7 Markdale Oct. 13, 14 Mealord Oct. 1, 2 Newmarket Oct. 88 Orilli* Sept. 17-19 Oro Sept. 15 Owen Sound Oct. 7-9 Rocklytt Oct. i>, 7 Shelburne Sept. 29, 30 Torr nt) (Cinaduin JTittonl). August 2!) September 14. Notice To Creditors In the nutter < : the estate if William Tiibot late of the Township of Arteraeaia in tha County of Grey, Firmer, deceased. Notice U hereliy given, pnisuant to Section 56 Chapter 121 ;5-4 George V, an Act Respecting the RevUion inJ Consol- idation.^ uf the Statutes of Ontario thereto, that all the creditors and others having claims j^nust the estite of the said William Talbot, who died on or about the 23th day of June, A. D. 19U. are required to tend by post prepaid or deliver to Mr. J. Lamon of the village of Dundalk. the Solicitor for the Administrator r the said estate of the said deceased, on cr before the 1-th day of September. 191-4 their Christian and jurn.-uues, addresses of and descriptions, the full particulars of claims, the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them. And further take notice that .:' .-r the said 12th day of September 1914 the undersigned Administrator will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereUshaving regard only to the damn* of which they shall then have notice. %od that the said Administrator will not lie liable for the said assets or any part thereof tj any person or per^uu.s of whose claim shall not have received notice -it the time of such distribu- tion. W. J. TALBOT AduUUUtri. ;.,,[. Tame!* Liin >>n Solicitor for the Administrator Dundalk this 13th day cf August FlesHeirton Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction Basket clones Monday night, delivery Friday eveniag CLEANING and DYEING- We are agents for Parkers Dye Works Clothes cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated. T* FISHER, - PROPRIETOR What About -THAT- Baby Carriage Regular Price $5.00 to $14.00 Greatly Reduced NOW Verandah Chairs ! Now !.> the time to purchase your Verandah ('hairs, "n sale fi.r $6.50 a Pair Nothing like them for Comfort. W. H. BUNT i DE LER PHONE 23 R2 Flesherton Ontario. Bull for Service Thoroughbred American bred Ilert ford bull lor service on lot 151, 2nd W. T. andS. R., Artemesia. Terms $1.50 catb. -JOBN ADAMS, Prop, Pure Bred Holstein Boll Changeling Prince Joe Bred by Changeling Butter Boy out of Tidy A bbekerk Princess Joiephino. The ^reateit butter making strain known. Term of service >1. 50 for grades, $5 pure bred. GKO. MOORE & SON. Propa., Farm For Sale IDO acres. 1J miles from Flesherton. Good building, easy terms. -JOHN WRIGHT, Flesherton. ^Individual Instruction permits afc to enter any duy nt ihe HEREFORD WU FOR SERVICE The undersigned buve i pure bred Hereford bull fur service ou lot 171. ;trd ' W.T.S.R., Artemesw. Terms S:t fur pure breds. 1-50 for grades. All cows served must be paid tor. T. & J. WATSON. 1 mar 14 Bull For Service III -rough bred Shorthorn Bull. " Hill creat Governor," No. 8544W, for service on lot :J7, con 14. Arterr.esia. Terms $1..~>0 lor grades, &! for thoroughbreds. -ALEX. CARRlTtfERS. OWEN SOUND. .t is recognize! as the most thor-' J ough, pruct'cal Business School ! f in Canada. 'Expert Instructors. 'Our own three story College Bui!d-5 ^Every Graduate guaranteed a po-* BILL FOR SERVICE The thoroughbred hurthorn bull Field Hudmll '.HHiDl will be for service on lot !"(>, T. S. R._ Artemesia. Terms ?1. Au JAS. ST1NSON, Prop. g Get our success book I C. A. FLEMING, F. C. A., p f Principal, iG'D. FLEMING Secretary. ', , OWEN SOIND - ONTARIO ^ Teacher Wanted Protestant Apply stating qualifications i -ind experiences. Silary Wx) per afluum. Dut.ies to commeiiei- 1st of September. Apply in W. (",. Jauiieson. Secy. -Treas. S. S. No. S, Artemesia. Maxwell P.O., R.R. No. ]. School Children's Eyes. )Y is'woRJCXSnTpif is PiiAsijg^ Many lives have been ruined through neglected eyestrain in childhood. The eyes of every child should be examined. We have made a special study of this branch of optics, and'guarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. We Want Now A GOOD SALESMAN Fur eveiy town and district where we ar not represented. Fruita are bringing liiyh prices unti nu si-iy stiit-k is in demand. M.VKK Bit! M(NKV NI >W by a!c in^.ui agency. I'.EST TIME forov. viissiii;; is din-ins; the Summer months. I-XTKIUENC'K NoT NECESSARY Flee e<|uipmenc Kxdusive tern Hitfhest Coi)imissioi;s paid \\ lite for full particulars. Sionp & Wellington Fonthill Nurseries TORONTO ONTARIO lit 11RIEIS. \viu-it i - Pea* Con-ected Each Wcr.l; ?! UM< i IB *1 I- to 1 I. 1 Hay. ............. i-'l."' t.-o tn li i l -n ui bag I- Al m J- 1 LJ '_''_' '< '_'' . i 1 . . K' I i ^ . R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham., Ont. Agent for the Cockshutt Plow Cos Full Line of Farm Implements. \\ :il.'ons. Busjgies L'l'J .Sleiuh?. ami r,:i.-,,Jii!e E.u'iues Melotte CixMin \Ti-i .M'l . 1'vr,. . ril'iru' ""i! I'ipe >'i:tii.i;- always ..!i hand. l!,';i:i\ I'-.'i '. of Fer^u^ ll.irii T. . . I.-'u-r Cnrtwrs ^V,-. J I\;i:ii' .:'[ *'ys . :, i Warerocm Wellingon Strec. Fcvcrsbam, Ontario*

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