Flesherton Advance, 17 Sep 1914, p. 4

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Septemlwr 17 1ft 14 THE FLESH E ^rON ADVANCE TU K c&berton. An Independent drwupaiM-r, publUhed every mrsday t th 1 " office, CulUnffWood Street, "hrrt.in. Subscription price $1 |*rannnni irn pidindvnnce ;$l.6J wheti " " I 1 "" 1 '. Ivcrthinff rtrs n applicatinn. OirenlMloo 1,100 vi-.-I.lv. MV M. Xtiurwtoii- Kditor Flesherton-wv/T) Baptist Church ft C. Kerr, Pastor. Plu.no ":' R. 5f Sunday School !' a . < Service at 11 a in. B*v. James Currie will preach licit Syndiy Bible study ou Thursday at H p.m. at the hn:nvi>f Mr Rand, Ceylon. Flesherton Methodist Church Rev. James Dudgeon, pastor. Sunday Sept. 2O, 1U. 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Service as usual. Pastor will pleach at both service-. .Sainl.v. 10 . in. (";tM Meeting Mark Kveret:* Wright choir leadei and Qrgnnist. Moady evening Kpwurth I.eiyue a 8 p. m. War News in Brief. SATl'KDAY It ia officially announced frjin Pui* th.,t the German centre hat bren driven back. On the left the advance bin con- tinued ninth into M ii !! and in the direct* Ion of Soishun* sod Compiegne, the line advancing froni :{."> to 40 miles. The tier- roans in their retreat left behind a con- siderable quantity of nupflicp, wounded nd prisoners. The French have betn on the offensive itlont; almoct the entire line. The K'. - admit that their ad- vance gu ud has been foreed to retire to n new defensive position to meet an attack by a large (iinnab army which has juat arrived from the \\"et. In <! icia they report the c-iptuir of two towns Suczawa and Hain't, which -tie lifty miles ,iutli of Czernowitz The C< swtcks have capturel Kritmpol, f'>ny miles south of Lemberg, and have made a number of prisoneis and seized considerable stares Oernrtns ^are withdrawing their force from Northern Belgium and the troops that have been operating in this vicinity r being hurried smith. The lk'!itns Are attack ing them and inflicting heavy losses. The (ieiman lines according to rep >rls are in daiuer <>f utids agtinst them by lielgiun uud British tn>,ps. A rejxitl fiom I<ou\,.in >.i)>lh-it theCH'hed- ral there was destroyed liy tire, Lul thut thu City ll.ill -;- saved because the lire went out after having burned the -. ill,,! in. ; around the Uiildilitf. A despatch from K .tterdum says that all the barren on the Hlnne have I eeil O inverted into liospiuU for seiioin eases so that only the slightly wounded limy I e the people of the towns. lid Uii-.i.M in Galici.i. Whan they rert n-akinj ' rleprie effoit to con- BUT ii,- in the vicinity of Kuwit K'.ni. > hey were citu^hl between rivers, and unable t > protect tbeir waorn trains or i. in . l. i' artillery in a maishy country, hey were cut ctf from biiup'ies of all ciiij-i. and .1 .< now completely surround- d. TliD Kritish Government is momen- tarily etpecting the news tli.it this rem- nant of Ki ui, c .1 .-,), h't army will be prisoners of die Cztr. It is eKtimatetl ih'it the \u-i i MM i:"ii.-i il . were unable to withdraw 180,000 men after the disss- terb at l\i . i.ik and Tomaszow. It is sid thut the Kussiaiis in the last two days have taken 60,00) priuaers, in- cluding 1,1*10 om'cors, an I .-in immense {nantiry i ainmunitioti and military store* have also fallen into the hands of the 1'v-i .i ii . The s trrender of General* > -a Auffcnberg aod Oenkle will hve two in mediate results. The way will be open for the great Kussun itrmy to ad- vance towards Breslau, and from there to Berlin, and ulso for an independent fores of It-, IIM and Servians to join forces for an auv.-tnce u|K>n Budapest and Vienna. Tl'KSDAY The German ui'mtes seem to have halt- ed in their retreat before tha allies' offen- sive, taking up positions along a front of prepared defences extending on the north li.tn'. of the Ainne River and north w .-,- of Rheims. Their extreme right, however, continues to retire, as does that p*rt of the centre between the Argonn* and the Meuse River. j . The Gertntn ibteution is supposed to be to offer a de- termined rally around the fortresses of of Loon, La Fere and Uheims. The Germans alto continue their attack upon the f,.rtres of Verdun, and Berlin official repoit.t claim that the outer defences have ftlan. According to the Paris lepottn, however, the allies have driven back the force* envel p'o< Verdun ou the south d.-, Troyon, which wits under bombard- ment, having l>e*n relieved. Two hundred and eighty thouiand \.i ;!!' i were taken prisoners by the Kussitr.s in seventeen days of tiglitini; Love's Dream Was Ended MONDAY (ieneial .lorl're, Commander-in-chief of the Fionch forces', in a telegram to the Minister "f W.tr. cav* that the French victory appears inure ai;d more Complete. *'E>erywliere the enemy is in n-treitl, abandoning pi Uonvn, wnundetl and stores." In it further statement lie ys that the (Jernutli army is listenin be- fore the French left, having evinit.-d AmieiiH, ,ul falling back ea.slwuiil be- tween .Soittons unit Rheims. In the centre the Merman* still hold the smith end of the forest of A'-gonne, but west of this they have retired northward from V/esle, and are milking iri attempt tode- jend the Mnrne to the south-east of 3tlieiiiis. i hiihe right wini{ the Oer- :MI ui- who were alutig the Muerthe are in tetreat lieyond St. Ui and I.uni'Ville. nl the Frer.ch Imvii veoccupieil Draon 1'Eupe Kacc.tral, Noineny and .several other towiw uloii!( the (ierman bonier. The Germans uiu evidently making H Jieioic elfort to retain Khointw, for with itg loss to the French their connnuiiica tiood for nmntuniiion and HUpplien by w*y of Kast ! nun and Ltl&tmburg would be cut off. A lame Belgian army, under Kuu Allwrt, h defeated the Germans with conmderable low at Termonde, Ghent and Lierre. The effect of this has been to drive the Germans in the district .11, .iin.l Antwerp south towards Brussels. It is naid that German forces have been cleared out of a territory 15 miles south <if Antwerp. The purpose of most of these movement* in Delgiuin has lieon to cut off thu flerman communiciition with the Gerintn front in France, and too to check the sending of treops to the French battle front. Tin Belgian HUCCBIS- H, it in olai.nina, hnve lieen largely in- ntrumenUl in effecting lx>th of the*) suirpoeeH. The reports from St. Petersburg, Rome nd Paris ny that the Russian victories of the |st few days have utterly over- whelmed thep >wer of the Austrian army in Gali -i;i, and that the oniii* illations of tho armies of Qeoeta's von Auffenlwrji nd Denkle onnt long be averted These two armies have baen thattered b^ Lute's yuii!> ilreuni cduie to a sudden title for Mrs. Louise Parker ttud her j.ii in. r.. H mn named Tebbuit, this week, whoii the Mron arm i f the IHW butted in ,-ind tore the two hearts tlut hcnt as ,,ne MUllder, The story of their little li'Ve .ttftir read.* like a roinanci*, except the ending, the scent) .if which was laid in the P .lice Court on Tuesday :',:->' - : , the inagiititiite let thetvrain go on tuipendeJ sentence for one yo-ir on agreeing to never see each other again. The tale d ite- back to uaie time ago when Ti'bbnlt lir.-,t arrived in town. He had formerly been a friend of Paiker, tin; woman's husband, lu-fm-e the Utter mov- ed to Owen Hound, and when Tebbuit anivi-d he met by , 1. ,n. one day hi fnrmer t'r.en.', who invited him I , bi.- houst.- :in I intrcduced him to hit wife as i.ti old fiiiM.d would (In. Thing* went al 114 smoothly for some time at.d Tebb- utt was a frei|uont visitor at the Parker home, fina'ly going there to board. Then tin- -;..ri, of love which luul t>een kilidled between the la ly of the house and tin- iH.aider Ix-^an to burn, the Intel evident- ly forgetting the old injunction to "Love thy neighbor M thyself but leave bin wife at, tie." At any rate, the couple disippetied one tine Jl ,\ and the desert- ed husbaiul finally located them in Hc|> worth where they had gone ' reside. He t,i. .i.'lii the wit'.' of his bosom I.., k to his ho ne agiun but it WHS not for long, f..r on Saturday last, the Udy ami her livor took tho train for Markd-tln. in their exit, they Irtd purloined a trunk and seme articles belonging to Parker and the result wts a charge of theft against them. They wen- in rested in Marliilale iiml I ronght back to Owen Sound by P. C. Carson on Saturday evening. On Tuesday they appeared before the nngittntt 'ii' were nlloweil to go on suspended sentence *on promis- ing to have nothing to do with each other hereafter. Thui ended love' dream. O. S. Sun. Creemore Mr. Morphet, of the Dutch Settlement, Oh line, was driving home from C'olling- wood on Slu day with hit wife n<? daughteis, when his team took fright near Nottawa and run away. The ladies were thrown out nod very badly injured, one of them in fact I eing so seriously hurt that her life wvidespaire.il of. . Win. Ilankin, 4lh line, NotUwa-aga, met wit,h a serious arciuent ou Tuesday of last week. He was shingling the straw house, when his feet slipped and he slid down the roof and fell a distance of 'M feel from tli eave to the ground. He was rendered unconscious and laid there for some lime. When he recovered and made hU way to the In. ma, he found his shoulder was broken and he wim very badly shaken up inside. The dector got him trimmed up and started oil the wiy toward recovery. Star. St. Helena for the Kaiser What will the nations do with Kinperor William? We af,ume that he will be defeated in this war. As he ii the chief culprit. h<? must receive some personal punishment. I/ke Napoleon, he is man whom it it unsjfe to leave at large. There is i.othing in the International Code thut would warrant bis execution. There is, however, au admirable preced- ent for dealing with him. It would be a striking sci of justice to confine him on the Hand of St. Helrtrt.where N-ipoleon Bon ipuite ended his days. It would be tantamount to a dclarution to th w.-rld hu 1 this is the place where tyrants ul" timately go. There would b* something to stiiku the imagination in u sentence like this, and it n about the only place where this min could be allowed to live. II an,; disposed of William I! ofGer in ii, \. the Kmpire should be turned into a republic or a limited monarchy as dem- ociutic as Britain. Then it would be for tha people to decide the i|Uestion of war. Then there would lie no war. The men whohavebeendr.igied from tlu factories, ihe otlitvs, and stores ot Germany to give their lives in order that the ambition , f tl.e"Einper(ir might !>* rmtli/ed would not h>ve gone to war if their consent had been it necessity preliminary. One thing is certain, that at the close of this war there sh,,uhl I. Mime inter- national authority vested wi'li power to prevent liosiilitirs between nations, or to bring such an enormous weight upon the otl'endmg nation that <|>ikk and adequate punishment would be given to tlint coun- try which p-ovoked the war. In other words, the fust t-tep the nations of the world should take is to l.i in ; into being i a tribunal which none would control, suflic ently powerful t.> prevent war, aii'l so just tint any and every international dinpilte could lie settlei' upon an eqiilt- .ilile basis. Kxchani^e. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Fall Millinery Open i / jUL&r -)*/<?- , ' s J W.dntday, September Uth, 1914 And Following days We beg to announce our Fall Millinery opening and cord- ially invite your inspection of the latest novelties on view in our spacious show room. Miss E. Long is again in charge this season, and all aiders entrusted to her will have prompt and capable atten- tion at reasonable prices. Look through our range of New Fall Coats It will be a pleasure to show you. White our present stock lasts.we shall make no advance in price of Bulk Japan, Balk Black, Salada. Red Rose or Lipton Package Teas. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Office and Residence- 468 Oth St. Kast Owen Sound, Out. Hours-9 to 12 a.m., 1.80 to 4.30 p.m. to 8ji.m. Other hours by appointment. A Business School That siiccewiful ichool whoe (graduate* occupy proniiner.t po- sitions from the Ailant.c to the I'acilio, re -opens for the KAI.I. TKKM September 1, 11M4 Semi for free catalog ui once to COLUNGWOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. - Principal Coll<ngwod, Ontario. FOR A 30 DAYS' FREE TRIAL Of the 1900 Apply to Gravity Washer S. Hemphiil, Agent 'Cut This Out" Tamworths for Sale llotli win nearly r<ly tor breMtiuy. rltht tor quick 1'iicet Dundalk Mr. T. F. Loikh.trt left on Tuesday on u busiuea-s trip to the West, expecting to visit Weyburn, Calgary and Kdinon ton. N. C. (Joutts, the castle dealer, sohl through audit naer McPhail, about forty head of young stock 10 the farmers here on Tlmi-.il iy Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Egan and family moved to Toronto thn week to reside Dundalk will miss thoaa uood citizens Mr. James Lamon has rented their resi deuce on main street and with hit daughter, Mr.s. Welch, is moving thereto thin week. At the western suburbs of hnu.i-tlk <.i Thursday aftornoon the frame house be longing to John Gordon and occupied by H mill 1 u Irwin and .family was tottll destroyed by fire, supposed to have origi nated from stove pipns. There wsa n one t the premises when the fire sUrte< aa both Mr. and Mr*. Irwin were at neighbor's. We learn thnt the bulk , the furniture was saved. Tha home ani contents were partially insured. Herald On another page oi ^thlf i'-Mie of the Ad vane,- is nil advertisement with the itUive heading. While the advei'iser's name is withheld, cur leaders are assured that the lirm is absolutely reliable and will keep their o d. Kditor. As a result of n case of rabies, the larriaton Knaid ul' Health on Friday nlered all dogs in town to be nw/.led i destroyed. A few weeks ago a strange ollio dog was noticed at larne, showing videnca of In-ing mail, and several dogs were bitten by the collie, which h.ts sincn isappeare'l. Two of the dogs ihnt were litten huve ili'-d. A week ago one of hese dogs bit n the hiuid, Samuel, the ix yoar old sun of Mr. It. J. Henry, of Umiltoii, who was holid.iyiiig here with lis "i in, 1(. u, -ui The --I ii,,lt.ii II.M , Dr. M. Hemy, cauterized tin- wound, which ho considered a slight one, but b id lean! nothing als-ut the dot; being mill. The dog died three duys afterwanl". The lK,-Hl Medical Orhivr ; Health, sent he head to Toronto for examination aiul lie was notiliud by the Provincial I ealth tiithorities that Ihe doi; ! i I boen nttlict- el with rubies, and it w;is suggested as "a l.reoiiution that the child l i e at once snir In Toronto for n three weeks' Pasteur H.- ii ,11, -Hi He w:t ttken to Toronto. Ml. Forest Confederate. CHEAP FARM FOR SALE 1^400 twenty-four bundled dollars will buy the west half of lot No. :.' and part uf Ihe North west c|U:ilter of NIL 1, all ou the 4th con. of Kuphrasia, con'ain- ing .ibout I'-T- acres. There is supp-sed to'lH! ninety acres cleared, tin balance Hood hardwood bush maple, beech nd elm. There is on the property a frame j h'Hise and kitchen, a frame Urn, straw hojse with utoiie foundation under it, also wood shed, driving shed, pi({ pen tnd hen house. There are also two or- 1 chtrds on the farm growing different kinds of fruit-apples, pears, plum", cherries and urnpes. This farm is well enc*d wiih wire and patent fencing. Is 're from frost. It is also well watered] with water in nearly every field. There s a nover-fiiilintf upring within 40 yards )f the h.'iise This farm is within one mile of the thriving village ->f Kimbfrley. For further paiticulivs apply to-.IAMKS STl'AlU, Kimberley P. >. ISept This is a Fish Story lames Itynn ol Toronto, trolling at I ; n 1 1". is reported to have caught a mas- kinonge eight feet four inches long, weigh ing '208 p., Pig Strayed Strayed from my premises on Si pt. 7, one young white sow about 1 year old. Nuver hid young pigs. Information an to its whereabouts tharikfnl'y received. R. O8BORNE. Kugenia Po. For :- Washing machines. folding bath tubs, \vindmi!ls,pump$, pipings water ta nks,Beatty water bowls, steel stalks and stanchons, litter Car- riers, hay carriers, slings, forks and tracking, McCormick Binders, mow- ers, rake loaders, tedders, drills, cul- tivators,harrows,Chatham wagons, Mount Forest buggies, and Frost wire. Satisfaction Guaranteed. H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. ALSO A line of Ready-Made Clothing Which we put alteration* tn in-,- of we put alterations in ohari<B, if required. Isep FRESH STOCK! We are pUoing :t litrne shipment of Hniir .mil feed this week, also old and new d.-iis in stock. Fresh IM-M|I barrel of vinegar at oldpiice. NN'e art) agents for the famous Oerrard HoinlKman p : ano. Call and are our sample. W want a good horse at part payment on piano. Good second hand in atock. S. R. Henderson FLOUR and FEED Sheep Estray Sii-.iv ,M| from my premises, lot _*, con. I I, , >l'Miit tKe middle of August, one ewe and Inntb, ewe h%s tar cross on i i^lit shutilder. Information thankfully reci'ived. George Gourley, Kugenia P.O. The Right Suit .... .... For the Right Season Your next suit will be a fall or winter suit, and it you want anything in A Tailored or Semi-Ready Suit, it will be to your advantage to leave your order with. C. BLAKELEY Sole Agent for the Semi-Ready Clothing Standard Bank Block, Steer Estray Came to the premises of the undersign- ed nbout the middle of June one 2-year- old .steer. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take the same w-ty. D. ROBKHTS, Lady Bank. Farm For Sale Lot 17 18, first ruoge N. D. R., (.) prey 100 acres, 90 cleared, balance hard- wood bush. Good buildins,biick housa. small orchard. Will terms. A bargain. ho sold on easy Who will pick it P' Kd. Hillook, Prop., Proton station. R. R. no. 2. 1 Julytf

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