Flesherton Advance, 17 Sep 1914, p. 5

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September 17 1914 THE F L E S H E R T ON A D V A N C E , B THE OF CANADA "HE business man who has * customers in various parts of Canada or elsewhere will find the services of this bank of invaluable assistance in collect- TORONTO **** FLESHERTON BRANCH CEO. MITCHELL, C. P. R. Tine Table. A meeting is being held here to-night (Wednesday) at which Mr. James of the Trains leae Fleaherton Station as j Hydro Electric will be present to liscuta olio ws : , the necesaary steps to be taken in order Going South Going North to secure power, methods to ba adopted, 7.43 a. m. 11.41 a.m. j probable cost of installation, etc. It ia 4-17 p.m. 9 - 12p> "' ; hoped that every ratepayer will be The mails are osed at Fleaherton aj ._,. ollows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and ' P re 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail aouth aaj Mr. Seo. Watson removed his family 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south i to Pricewille last week, where he will mail close at 9 p.m. the previous ev'g- : fun tfce Mfml]1 which he purebred \^ t ' winter from Mr. McLaod. We are ^_<^BHBB^BKHiBii^^^Mv^t sorry to lose the family as cit : zn* here, w^r tl If* I HI TV PUIPQ ^^ i but trust the change will work for 'heir ^L VlvlNlll vnirOW 1 j financial prosperity. Prof. Wright haa ^^.^^^^^^''^^ j taken Mr. Watson's residence, his family Thanksgiving Day will be Monday October 12th. Misses Zilla and Ethel Trimble and Master Bobs .-pent last week in the city, . ,, .. ... Mr.J.B. LiW.euce of Milton ba. taken a position with R. J. Sproule. teacher.' convention will ' luving arrived I.-t week. Artemesia Council East Grey The Council of the Township of Art- IL- u met at the Town Hall on Monday ie 7th day of September, 1914. The lembers were all present, the K-.-eve in . tha ch;ir. The minutes of last sesaioa be held in Flesherton on Oct. 8 and !. j wefe r(jmd and gjgned ^ {ollowing Heavy ftost last week cut down much , communications were read : Lucas * Co., of the tender vegetation in this section, j re Robert Graham; J. A. Beard, account The great German war machine ap- i for repairs to plow, $7.75; A. D. McLeod. pears to have slipped a cog since coming j account as inspector on Pricevilln bridge, ! -*.">.;. t:; : C. H. Munshaw, account for damages to automobile on ItK) kideroad; The Reeve, report of expenditure on tha Valley Road; Stratford Bridge Co., re Priceville Bridge. to France. Osprey fall fair ha not been post- poned. It will be held Oct. 6 and 7. Look out for the bills. Mr. \\. Buskin and family motored to Guelph Sunday to viait bis brother there, j Bylaw 785, to appoint ;tn arbitrator n-turninjj on Monday. j between this township und the village of , ^ ru.rmUr ona in ' Flesherton, in lieu of C. C James re- The " zoose step is a popular 01 but they have now i 'gned, was introduced and passed its sever.-il readings. J. B. Tbibndeiu was the appointee. the Gertuin army learned a new one the side step. All the important war news of the past week will be found on our inside pastes Graham Aldcorn That the Reave The Advance gives a service in this re- j an ^ j, r Cameron be paid four dollars gnrd second to no country weekly. eac h for services :n committee re devia- tion on townline Artemesia and Osprey, Dr. Ern. Armstrong, wife and child, who have been visiting here for the pistjtwo days each locating and surveying fortnight., returned Tuesday to their j road. -Carried . home at Cobalt. Aldjorn Cameron That the Reeve s Married On |Weduesdy, Sept. !>th, / report of work on Valley tUid at the Metropolitan Church, Toronto, by : amounting to f 101.25 be received nsd he the Rev. J. W. Atkeua, Irene M. Leitch j be paid flO.10 commission oa the to Fred A. Chard, both of Toronto. , amount. Carried. Auy farmer desiring a smart young j Brown Aldcorn That accounts for Englishman for the winter at very small i gra\ el, certified by overseers, be paid: waxes should eomiuhnicue with The , John Carson $5.!K), Thomas Atkmsuci Advance. |*8. 50. Carried. Mrs. T. Fisher, who underwent an j Aldcorn Cameron- -That Mr. A. D, operation for tumor in Toronto recently, j McLeoU'a account of $56.43 f^r oversee- continues to improve, and it is hoped i ing building of cement abutments of she will be able to return home in a j Priceville bridge, lighting Unteru. water- week or so. '"- abutments and telephone mes-siiies Mr. John Gibson of town has just I be paid. Carried. completed the carpenter woik on a 7J | Cameron Aldcorn That the account foot busenient stable for J. Stinsou of | O f Messrs. Lucas, Rney A Henry of the Torui.to line. Mr. Stinson i de- j $75.00 f or | e gai services re the Georgian lighted with the job. i Bay Power Co. and Hydro Electric Died At Ceylou en Saturdy,Sept.l2, j p ower Commission transfer be paid. Miss Lizzie Sargent, daughter of Mr. , Carried. Edward Sargent, aged 24 years. The j Calneron funeral took place to Fleaherton cemetery j ^ George , on Tuesday afternoon. | wa , ks io Eu ia be id and , he !vmount Mrs. Hugh Waters of the O.D.K. P- j moo be pald t() E sed away on Saturday, tiling behmd . , sMut<) ubor of 19U _ Csrried little family of three children, the youngest only h'ur year <>f age. Mr. Waters is the recipient of much sym- pathy in his sad berervement. Mrs. H. S. White gave an afternoon tea taut Frulay to about twenty-nve Aldcorn _ Tbat the account Brown Graham Tint John Hoard's account of $7.75 for refairs to water plow br p;ud. Aldcoru Cameron That iu reference to the letter of Messrs. Lucas & Co. re- ladies in .honor of her mother, Mrs. i garding the deviation of road through Kindrie of Blenheim. The afternoon ** 22 and 23. concession 12. this Coun- was much enjoyed with the mildest of 1, while not admitting any liability in . music- .ml fancy work . the matter, without prejudice are willing Comparatively few people attended the I to pay Mr. Graham 5100.00 for bud for Toronto exhibition this year from this , road allowance over said lots.-Carried. part. No doubt the late harvest and I Brown --Cameron That the Reeve be war conditions had something to do with | authorized to call a public meeting at the this, but the raising of rates by the rail- j Town Hall, for the purpose of discussion way was, we believe, the greatest factor ! and receiving subscription* to the in keeping the people at home. Patriotic Fund. Carried. The following officers of the hi^h school literary society have beeu ap- 1 ointed : President, Harvey Shunk ; Tic* Pieaideut, Reubeu Cargo; Sec.- Treaa., Glwn Davis ; Reporter, Frank Council adjourned. Tliur.ston : Editor, Elmer Wright : Com- mittee, M. Lagate, Lottie Muir, Flor- ence Bunt, Glenn Davis. At the Mathoditt aervicea oa Sunday Voters' List, 1914 Notice ia hereby given that a Cuurt will be held, pursuant to the Ontario Voter's List Act, by his Honour, the Judge of the County Court in tha County of Grey, at tha Town Hall, in the Village of Fleaherton, on Monday, the 2dth day Prof. Wright presided at the organ and ! September, 1914, at the hour of five M i. 4 j .v u t \ o clock in the afternoon, to hear and Mrs. * right aswated the cho.r for the determine eomptainU of errors and first time. She favored the audience vith a sole at both morning and evening oraiaaiona in tha Voter's Liat of the Municipality of the Township of Arte- services ami created a most favorable roesu* fot 1914 !,..> l>ated thia loth day of September, Impression. She has a one soprano voice in\t and was liateued to with much pleasure by larg^ audieucea. Mr. andj Mrs. | Wright certainly add much to the musi W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk of Artemesia. oal of the service <uid are an Irail Walker, a former resident of Owen portion acquisition of which much larger field j Saund and student at the Owen Sound WT^JSSi W<> trU3t th -7 i Collegiate Inatitute. wa, fatally shot o. will fand their residence among us .mite' ... . '. aatisfaciory from both a nrawcial and a September first, while hunt.ng near aocial point of view. | Calgary. How Pig Strayed From my premises about August 4th, medium .sized white, recently weaned a litter. Communicate with R. Parks, Eugenia. "ONIONS We have a fine quality to offer. Pieaenc pricea are 2c per Ib. in 100 pund lota. Wa have abo a limited quantity of cabbage and canota. folephene -JJS. BUCHANAN Mark Everette Wright Teacher of Music Pioa, Voice, Or jn Theory MTC'jffiasasSK W Educated at New England Conser- vatory of Music, Boston Uuaa. and holds certificates from this institution from the following eminent teachers. Piano Dr. Louis Maaa. Theory Geo. W. Chadirick, composer of Vocal music. Studant also of Metropol- itan College of muaic,Naw Yark City.and holds certificates from the following teach- ers. : Voice Herbert Wilbur Greaa Pres. of Music Teachers' National Association of New York State, and editor of vocal music column in tha Etude from time to time. Sooq; Interpertation Dr. Griggs, lect- urer on the voice in Yale University. Pipe Organ R.Huutmgtoo Woodman, the eminent Brooklyn Organist. Composition Hany Row* Shelley, the noted American composer of choir church music. Has also a certificate -is a Leader of piano from Claude Cr trended of Steinway Hall, New York City. Mr. Wright was Principal of Musical Department in Drake University, Des Moms, Iowa, a school numbering two thousand students, for &va yean. Was principal of music Department cf Liosdown school. Portage La Prairie, Manitoba, of which Dr. Franklin, a Gold Medalist of Toronto, was President, from whom Mr. Wright holds the best of recommendations. Has also held po- sitions in other Conservatories of music, in Universities and Norm*! Schools. He can prepare pupils tor any examin- ation in any of these branches Teaches a 4i year course in piano, :U year course | iu voice. Those desiring instructions, call at their earliest convenience* ,it his studio in the house formerly occupied by Mr. Geo. Watson. a f> a s VT \n | 'i? >3 ,> I a ^ HILL BROS., MARKDALE Millinery Opening Special Opening and Showing of New Fall and Winter Millinery and New Fail Goods in all lines. Millinery Opening Days FRIDAY and SATURDAY, SEPT. 18th and lath. The Ladies of Markdale and Surrounding Country arc cordially invittd w attend on Opening Days and inspect our showing of New Styles in Fall and Wmter Millinery. Miaa Smith, who ia in charge of this department, cornea highly recommended from one of the best firms in the country, and we are sure onr exhibit in this department will more than pleaae you. Sainembe'r the opening days - Sept . 13 and 19. OUR NEW FALL GOODS Coming to Hand Daily I THE NEW MANTLES ARE HERE For Ladies, Miaaea and Children We i.- allowing t very Ur-^e and complete r-a . u-.i our stock includes all the lata atylea -*uch w Cape Coat 4, the Set-ia Sleeve ud the plainer Tailored styles iu t .'.*> tiaw clnths.and the prices rang* from $3.30 ra f-25.00 Inapect ouc Mantle !>....-: -a whan you ir for that new coat. Special Soap in Men's Fall and Winter Underwear 10 doaen Man's Heavy All Wool PUin, All Wool Unshrinkable lines in tha lot. Many of the beat mikes are represented and in the lot ,tw 8Dc, 1.00 *ad til haat. Special this week per ararment,lJ9e. lQ du/.eu Men's Underwear. 50, tiO *ad 73c. lines. l a this lot dome ure slightly soiled, but the price ' nearly half. 33,. New Lines of Ladies' and Children'j Underwear New Linea of Fall Dress Goods New Line of Silks New Lines of Coraetd m all late models New Lines of CarpeU and Linoleums New Clothing for Men and Boya . HARDWARE DEPARTMENT The New Styles in Wall Papers are to hand. Now that the evenings are getting cold you will need a HEATER V.'j are showing i big assortment, and the prices will met!t with your approval HILL BROS., - HARKDALE Odds and Ends ARTICLES FOR SALE Young pig* for sale. f u ur weeks old. W. Paton. Telephone. Jersey cow and heifers cUf for s-k W. A. Armstrons;. School CMWren's Eyes.: Fur sale, very cheap, e i-.y term.-, ne-.v frame dwelling wirh tw.> and \ half ;icres Und stable in Fleshertjn. Apply t > R. J. Sproule', Flesherton. For Sale Cheip youn^ driving mire aUoul %0 pounds, or wuald exchange for good driving- hore about 11 W pounds. Apply to R. J. Sproul*. Flesh- erton. Jin. '2-2 R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham. Ont. Agent for the Cockshutt Plow Cos Full Line of Farm Implement* Koyal Household Flour Expected early next week a carload of Royal Household Flour and Feed -U reasonably low prices. Njw is the time ro buy at F. G. K'trsti-dr'ii, Fleshert-in. For Sfa'.e A few egg vits in prime or- der, suitable for soft water tanks, or watering cattle. Also a '*ool, second hand set of double harness. M.Scully Co., Flesherton, Ont. For Quick Sale A nine roomed frame and metal clad dwe'ling, sjond cellar and witter, frame stable and shed. AUo a viiciiut lot for sale. Possession aiven at once. Silas Shunk. Fl/shertcu. Many lives have been mine:; through neglected eyestnii.i in chfldhooa. The eyes of every child should be examined. We have made a special study of this branch of optics, and guarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong:. THE mm , and G:ksoline Endues. Melotte Cream -Separ.' Riker Wind Mills. P-JU::.-. Fi: i::^ aud Fi^e F.cina;-. .u* .y- oti hand. Beatty Brus'. of Fergus, Barn Trick*. Litter Carriers and stable fittings. C'-.-kshutt and Frost & W U ..J Rtf['Hirs ilwiy^ ti hand. Wareroom Wellingon Stree. Frsham, Ontario. i Legal Blanks For Sale R. J. Sproule keeps constantly on hand and for sale cheap a full stock of Deeii,<. Mortgages, Wills and all other lethal blanks. Any requiring such will tind it to their inter- est to give him a call. For sale cheap and on easy terms, Lot 13, cnu. 11, Osprey, 1 10 acres. This is a tirst class farm and in a good state of cultivation. Good Lank b.iru and new frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Sproule Flesherton. For Sale Cheap and on esy ttrras comfortable frame dwelling in Fleher- ton ; aood well ou premises ; also Park lot of 4 acres in good state of cultivation with barn thereon, R. J. Sproule. Flesherton, Ont. Sept. 17 14 MISCELLANEOUS II inul Lost Black and tin hound bitch about Aug. 13. Five dollars re- ward. Jasper Stuart, Kim barley. Lost About Sept. 4th, l-yr. eld steer, dark red, with white spota. thick horns. W. J. Boyd, Fleherton. [ Carefully Wheat Oats Corrected Week Each ,91 15 ic 1 13 40 to 40 __ . $1 12 to I 12 ! Barley. 35 to 5J5 i Hay 1 15 00 t 15 00 Bufw..: 22 to 32 Eggs, fresh 8J W SB Potatoes per bag L W to 1 00 Geese. . 12 to U Ducks 15 to 15 Fjj> l U to U Chickens'.". ' :! t l ;? TutKeys 18 to 20 We Want Now A GOOD SALESMAN FT every town and district wh ete we ar not represented. Frui'.a are bringing high prices and ; -. >, i-y stock is iu demand. MAKE BIG MONEY N 'W by & ing .in ajency . BEST TIME for vassir^ i^ Jurinsj the Summer montha. i EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY : equipment territory Hiahest Coaiaiisaions i.nd Write K>r full p;rt;eu!:irs. Stone & Wellington What About -THAT- Baby Carriage Regular Price $5.0O to $14.00 Greatly Reduced NOW Verandah Chairs ! N"W i.- the tine t- purch:i.-e y.-ur Verandah Chairs, -m s;ilc f.. r $6.50 a Pair >" 'ihinu' like fheiii f -r I'.mifort. W. H. BUNT FJlNlTU.i; DE LER PHONE 23 R2 Flesherton - Ontario. Foothill Nurseries Flesherton Tonsorial Parlors e Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction LAUNDRY Basket clones Monday iaht, delivery Friday TORONTO ONTARIO ^Individual Instruction permits y to enter ny day at ihi Wanted large second hand box heat- ing stove, must be cheap and in reason- ably good condition. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Fleaherton. Jsn.22 The Durham Furniture Co. haa 1000 corda of wtxx) fi.r sale at Rock Mills. Price 75c. per cord. Can be bought in liuve or unall quantities. J. 0. Dargav-- al in charge. 1 Jan. 15. Card of Thanks The husband and sisters and bmthera of the late Mrs. Hugh Wtters wish to express their sincere r<ttitude to the neighbors and friends who no kindly ex- tended their help and sympathy iu their bereavement and sorrow. OWEN SOUND. ONT, X is recognised *s thf most thor-^% ouah practical Business School *^ in Canada. Instructors. own three story Ci-llege Build og. ?Every Griduats guaranteed a po-J ition. i Gat our mcciws book , C. A. FLEMING. F. C. A., Principal. D. FLEMING ecretary. OWEN 901'ND - ONTARIO Fall Fair Dates A list of the dales haa bee:i prepared > by the Provincial Depurtment uf A^ricul- ture. and iucludes those in this district [ which are is follows : FLESHERTON .......... Withdrawn Fevershum .................. Oct. 6, 7 Alliston ................... ,Oct. 1, 2 Barrie .................. Sept. SI -23 Beaton ...................... Oct. 5.6 Bradford ................... Sept. 2J-25 Clarksburg ................ Sept 23. 2tt Cvlliugwood ..... ......... Sept. 2;'- -t> Cookstown .......... Sept. 2ft. 30, Oct. 1 Dundalk ...................... Oct. 3. 9 Farm For Sa! 100 icres, I [ miles from Fleshertou. Good buildings, easy terms. JOHN WRIGHT, Fleshertoo. CLEANING and DYEING- We rs i agents for Parker's Dye Works Clothes cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated. T" FISHER. __ - PROPRIETOR BILL FOR SERVICE The thorounhbred shorthorn bull , Field Marib.*!!'- 90iH will be for ! service on lot 170, T. S. R. Artemesia I Terms $1. ! Aug JA3. STINSON, Prop. t>ct. 5-7 Markdale ................ Oct. 13. 14 Mealord .................. ,.C>ct. 1, 2 Newmarket ................. Oct. tt 8 Ovilii* ................ Sept. 17-1 Owen S und ................. Oct. 7-9 Rock'ya ..................... Oct. 6, 7 Shelbirt ................ Sept. 29, W Toronto Canadian National), A.uu>- 29 September 14. HEREFORD BILL FOR SERVICE The undersigned have a pure bred Hereford bull fur service ou lot 171. 3rd W.T.S.R.. Artemesia. Terms *3 for pure breds, |1.30 for arade>. All cows served must be paid tor T. & J. WATSON. I mar 14 Pare Bred Holstein Bull Changeling Prince Joe Bred by Changeling Butter Boy out of Tidy Abbekerk Princess Josephine. The greatest butter making strain known. Term of service %1. 50 for grades, 15 purp bred. GKt>. MOORE & SON, Prop*.,

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