Flesherton Advance, 1 Oct 1914, p. 1

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. ' "TRUTH BEFORE FAVUH." PRI.SCIPLEb NOT MEN.' 701 :U No. 14 Flesherton, Ont., Thursday, October 1 1014 W. H TEDRSTON Kimberley Budget' Intend*! fm 1 L;t-.t \Vei-k V ;) warm dry weatlier at ptvsi-nt. l>y the malicious lies I hat are I'iit.-d in this aoi^hhiirln'od \vj feo: Miri- that liail Ananias lived in mod- ern li.ues his f-ime asa prev.-irwror wmi'd h ivij faded into insignificnti-.-e. Mr. Davidson of Clarks' ur,' acrom paniel by Miss H;i!tie Li.uvilneJ, visited Mr. und Mrs. Jnu. Kawct-tt . f tin.- Tiav- eller's Hume recuilly. Mi 1 , ind Mrs. Quo. S:u;i:t ititl children of C.-ylnn vi-ited at Mr. Jus. Stmn'> i>-.ie cJuy last werk. Mr. and Mr". Allt-n WatkinS visited Tv^ .rktlale friend} on Tuesday. 'jtts a number from thin locality atU-nle] the Holiness Worker's ctu.p nrnjetinx on Sunday last at Clarksburg. ilr.Jus. R. FaitcHt is visiting this *w?e'.i with tViecdi in Clarksburg and Cc'Hini{wl. While in the latter place he will iitteiid the Gr jit N^rthnn Ex Wj think it is h'jjh "time a gossiping sii'ty should be ortani^e 1 in our burg, Wrfcjuld n-ime H ;:"'"l muni duxeu t off 111 J tat that w-ull niiike tine THKLATKMUS. HltiH WAITERS. i son Win. Jays the ; "foul-gun Mond-ty. MM. M. U. Hammond and v nittid Meat >fd friends a few pa--' WCUK. '.V.S. MiJdlebin. M.P.of "wen Sound, accompanied by Mr. Cameron, M. L. A. of the same place, motoivl Over to i ur jiieilay l.-is'- wc-k, relun.iug the Mr. J. K. C' ,1'bttt "f DuiiJalk visited ieniisinnur bu-^oii Kriduy and Satin* Walkerton Alfred Schfter, the 14-ytar-uld on of IgiiHti Schefter, here, broke his collar t-. ne on Friday lust hy being thrown on M -itone in a f i iendly wrestle ith his bruthec. Cvttii'u chureh-jpiefH iii the Kaat Ward wlio re donatifa gener- >uly towuidn i.>>i.ss;on |.) convert the heathen are xiv- imjde'moimtratioiisDf theiir own christi.tn- \'.y by tliniwiiig sculJmg water on their nuighlwis' dot. List year th practise became so icencral there that "as bald as nti east ward dog" became :i clang phrase iri town, nhow ing how the liair fell out of thecurs th.-it tho li'it water went on. Xftcr uiving t heir anus severd months t-st, the wilt i-r tlirowers Hit; again Innlier- in^ up tlit-ir Kfiip bones liy heaving the >., .iliim lirniid .m thubncks of ihecaninef, Is uis Kim>lc-dler's hound being tbe Intent victim i'f their scathing atteiition. Hetliio lluck, a local youth, who is blHking his fat-e und posing as .the African dndger at the vanrius Kail Fairs iri 'hinH'C'iou, ott'efinu two cinurs to any- one ho ran hit the ni'.;er, ciun'e to gr.ef &i the \Valkertou (xhibition hist wtek. when Wilfifd n.niiu hva'v t-tl lia'lthit liuiimed liin> uudi-r tht- oje. Haut-k ftkinle.il from the blow, and .jrnpued like , liagiif cnal on the ((round, where he re- in i ndi'd the crowd of 1'iiclo Tom in the last scene cefore|the interment. When he later wine to and discovered thai he hud made J15.SH on the day's proceedings, he concluded that lie hadn't altnyether Kurteri'd in vain. A stiunge dog hailing protably from th vicinity of Harriston, where an epi- demic of rabies has broken out among the canine*, invaded \Vlkrtun nn Fri- day last and laokled Night-watchman Swanst<in'sc.t' 4 ^ ( which it bit severely ...ii the juvr. It tlR*" disuppeared as n-\,tivi.m*ly it ctf f Walkerton collie ftoihii. Eugenia Paragraphs The y.inn |>eople of the village held a corn roast on Friday evening and had a very pleasant time. Mr. and Mr*. D. AlcTavisli, Mr. 11. Brown Bnimptoii and Mrs. C. D. Stewart of To.onto were the quests of Mrs. Jacob Williams. i.,iuite it number from heiu attended the ','ollii aw >nd fair Frii'ay. MeHsrx. <iror^e Williams ind Stanley Campbell spent the week end. in Toronto Miss Macrnne has returned home to the city afier sp->iidmg a few weeks here. Mrs. < llnisteid has j-oue to the city or. a visit. Mr. mid Mrs. T^ger vi.ited with friend- in Ceylon recently. ' Mr. Wesley Cooey and Miss lihnt Williams niiitured ovvr to I'roton to usit recently. Mr. Will Hrauilfot Mark Ule i -Peng g- ed wih the Hydro Co. here. Mr. iVynii of the Hydro Co. had the inisfi.rtu:ie tn miss the C. P. U. on S.it mil iy an I w.,s obli<>ed to motor t i Tor- onto in ord.-r < fu'lil a [reviom en- Cement Great ru!i both coming uii.l ^" n'4 tu Eugeni-t every day. tin-i.t h-a-lway ny, ill" emiNii uctioii work is being made, which U expected t h completed in December. No. '.' dam has a railway running, iviiich we nuvii thought now running, w'nich \vd n^vci- would hi- :n K'lgenia, efj'r ; nlly til l!lo l)u>h Portlaw Born At Ma-nui, Sits*., on Salut- Jay the l-ih nsl., to Mi. an 1 Mrs. Kd- ward Watson, a son, ttulley Melvin. Mr. Ja.ues Honps has purchased the corner tarin from Mrs. Thoiupson ol L'lialsworth, and expeuts to take poss- ession soon. Mr. Krn < 'Neil of Toronto is enyajed with Mr. \Vin. Taylor, Centre Line. Mr. W. H. Hempl ill 1ms sold his line fiirm to Mr. K. 1'lanU of Kugeuia. We will be glad to welcome Mr. IMantt am family to our midst, but nope that Mr rleiiiphill may det-idu to tiny a-^ain am remain in our neighborhooj. Thu wouk tix matters just r.jil t. Miss McKay, I. acher in our school visited over Sunday at her home in <>vei .Sound. aiuloi.v'thi-v.uxh all * tb f lh '" <iuth antics of a real IU1M1 v> W ode house Doings A heavy frost on Sunday night, but the air is warming nghi,and (jive* prom- isi- of some morv tine warm days. Nearly all tho ctini is harvested in this vk-i.iity an I ijuite a number are now taking up their potatoes whiJi are a ^ooil crop. Apples are a sjood utiality, but not very plentifu 1 . Mr. tieo. Hutchinson of KimberUy took charge of the service in nw Ens- laud church Sunday afu rncnn, and gave us a much appreciated adJross. taking for his text M'iti.2^-'.'l. ''Ueiider llierar fore uuto Caesar the ihitig*" that aiu Jasn'c, and unto tjod tho things that re (jod's. " Mrs. Hiitclrnson and little muuhter attendi/d the service. U. Wilcock of Fleoherton was a visit- mi Sunday with J.ltnskiti .111. i family, ind assisted the choir 'in the afternoon servic.- in New England church. ' >nr annual Anniversary Hau'st Home Services will take place mf Suh'Tay, ' >ot. . I. The fid'owins; evening "Tliaiiks vii^" a cold met supper will he serv- ed in the basement of the chuich, after which a good programme is pninr.sed. ..in and linii-.: your friends. S. ( iiire .S'uait i.f Ki.nlwrley visited recently with his old friend, Fied Birch. Andy Manaiuy of lieaverdale was in this n.-i-^hliorhool tho pa?t >veek cutt- ing einilas;e. ' Mr. Ribt. Irwin and lady frieuii, Miss Jaiu-r Leopard of Rivei-dale visited with tile t. Miner's .sister, Mrs. J. W. Wiley. Misses Klsie and IVemt McNevin of Iviui'ieiley sptnt tho week en.l with frien Is here. Mr. aud Miss \VooJ uf Coring visited Mr. aiil Mrs Jan. Ivnkpatrick and fun- ily over .Sunday. Albert and Frank B-iwes returned to their home in S rathnairii the past week iftet spendiiH' the summer with their ^i-andf-ither, Mr. Bitch. Miss Vera Lanktree of Vat.deleur call- ed on frieuds here lust week. B-ru At I'-ilgaty Alta., Sept. 15, to Mr. and Airs. K. N. liy (nee Annie TliKW, formerly of this place) a dmtihler, Kv* Jean. John I'ickeiing'* ait^iion sale ill tvke |>lace this Thursday, < >jt 1st. The .ld lioite po*er is auaiii iniikinu the round UII.IIIK its shareholders and though it M'i'ios -i.iinrwli.it of the ohUn times, it is still doit))/ g -od work, and is heartily enjoyed by the old thresher hands who hive c'.urxe of it. DR. Specialist In ,.| i be Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office- 13010th .t. West, Owen Soiwd At the Revere house, Markdale, 2nd Thursday eaeh muinh from ,- i,. a IL':I m Dund-lk,lst We.dui-.sdny of each month.. Jewelry Heathcote tl.e East Mountain We are sorry to report Mr. .SniMt-t on the sick list. He was over taken by i stroke which disablod his nrm and leg. Mr. T.eslie Chard rcnewm! aci|iiaint in.-. - in th-,9 part lately. Mr. and Mrs. Klwarl Har'ii.tt o Lady Baufc visited ai lieo. Hrhottli' who wrf culled to the rescue, r.-cently. hN gun imd started in search Anothor C.TII rot t-aik place at the f theSwaustou (log. But the latter : home of Mrs. John Welsh. Several from vamied. aml h " fc ilh * r 1>ee " wl> nor ! Kasl M " unU '"- Kimberley and Hocklyn heard "Uiiice. Tim ueiieittl nptniou is i attended . There H as no corn roasted, th*t,aci.wle<l int<m.e secluded place but those pretent ej)ji.-yed themselves and didin ;i it. As uo futther out- otherwise and a very ple-sant |tinw was break f the malady have been reported, spent. the limil-ilos: some has subsided and 110 , Harry Thompson and Hugh Smith are t Ins Miinv-.- in no* fearctl. ' htisy at present drawing Ions to Beatds and Tima*. i mill. ^_^ .. Unitd w.rk wis iloue in style by Mr. McMullen nncl the incn of his l>eat. >Villiiu (iilzean, Cutting corn and corn roasts are order of the day in our pait. Su A-ugUK'.i.m- church intu-id having a t'owl supper in the mar fntuic. IHrs. Kerr, vho has been visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Samuel Kerr, for the past mini Ii. h is retuine 1 lo her home in Brainpton. \Ve congratulate tlie Heathe-itc Wmn nn'B [nstituti- fi<r wiimini! tirst PIIXA; ii the cooking exhibit at the- t'laikslmii fair. Mr. Jol.n Pi alt. of Toronto is here preparing his e vapor nor for thi< season's work. Robert Cainplin ant Kli*s Hardnei have returned to their homes here aftil s 1-i.ilni'; i he ]...' iiii-n'h in the west. 5Irs. Jos. Lt(iard, who has been visit in-.' her daug'iter, Mrs. Uich.rd (in en, for thepisl m. 'iitli. has letiuned to her home in Toronto. MIM Alda Oieen. of Thoriilimy, visiting her aunt, Mrs. W. Mi ne. Mr. George Kcckie has closed h sawmill for this season and has now turn ed his Attention to brrl nuking. Mr. Matthew Kllis has mived into .'. L. White's house. Mr. MacU'inald and little son, Aichie. of L'lcknow drove over to Heithcole on Saturday to visit wilh his daughter, Mrs, (Dr.) McKec. C.UTAIN CiAVAN Captain Cowan of the Salvation Army it Fi-versliam has jus! returned after a wo week*' pl-iiNaiit and ii.toreslinu visit n'l.uwa. The I .'apt am is highly in- rested in military work, liavinu served ive ye-irs in tbe (Juveriior lietleiik I'sFoot il , and expects lo 'oave with the uext contingunt of si-ldien tn aut in tho capacity of chaplain. While in Ottawa 10 was privileged l<> hold a meeting at Rocklilli) rille lange of 'ho i/uick Firing liri-,-ade, containing 1'JO ortii-ers and men, where ho saw maiiy interesting tiling!-. among them being Hve motor trucks c"ii- veying ten yuna which tire 4'l ) shots per liuutu each. The hospital ainlnilaneu is a liciiutiful Awhile i-namel motor trui-k buaring the Red ' n>.-s emblem, and all their f<|iiii>incnt is -il a very high order. He 1ml tin; pleasure -if ineet.:n a couple of soldiers from V il i 'artier who were rcturnii:g on a shut leave of abseiict;. Tlit-y uMMiit^d every! him; satisfactory isv camp, but the Mild. " Milter consider ahly Ip'iii c ild ami il<im;>ne(s, live iin-n having died invu Sutiduy from tin cause. . Cap'ain Ci wan says then: are 'i great nnnib r of uiieiiip'"ycd in '>:ta*H. hut a gieat many r f ihein are et'listmy f"r 'i vie*. HIIU goiiiy lo the fi-i-nt. Fleshcrton Planing 'And Chopping Mills I am now prepared to do "chopping every day in Ihe week except Sundays and every weuk in the year. Bring H|.HI- your grists. Our sash and door fctory is always at your disposal t.ir any! hini! yon w-tnt in ur line- planing, .matching, e'e. Fluor it.', sash and duors, and all house fur- ishings supplied promptly and at ieas- nable raios. (!i-t estimnles. T. Blakeley, Prop. 7 M.'i l:J ly Vandeleur Happenings Misa Ma y I.' - I Toronto visited her father, Mr. \V. 11. Luve, and her sister Kin. i. at J. H. H . . v -. the neek in t MI- last. M r. Love accompanied his daughter mi her reluru lo the city, und will remain for somu time. (iiain thiehing, cutting corn and till- ing s.los is keeping tlie farmers in tins vicinity busy these days. Mr. rk-u. UncliHii'in has returned It the city to resume his duties at the I'm- vi-i>ity after spending the pml muirli with hi father and sister here. Messers. t>eo. Shannon, -I. J. Mctiee l.i!-. Buchanan and (>eo. Warliiig havi each built np-l i-tUte -in..- for the accum modation oi their corn crop. Mr. K Cullis is aUo uieparin.; ;<i r-ui.il mle this fail. XV c are pleased to iipoit Mrs. Neel> recovering after a never-. 1 attack of ple isy . l-ihn Welsh ut K ist Mountain is a busy man these days mutiiiu atonu will his machine fur th f-irmeis in tins vicin Ly. John is a hus iler. Ruv. Unlit. 1', it.-lia d xmi i.imily left on Tuesday for their return trip lo Win ni,wg, S ifs Mary Pritcliaiil aceompaniec them. Mr. SiJo '.V (!i!be.-t ai d lamily leturn- ed to Wiarton on M<m 'ay fter spend- ini! some time with Mrs. Gilbert's par- ents of this place. A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Sup plies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler 1 LESHERTON, ONT ^^^ You Can Get Any quantity of Sugar, Tea, Flour and Feed, At the Fleslierron Grocery. W. BUSKIN L. HOT WEATHER SHOES As I have some lines of summer shoes to clear out at reduced prices. U'l.in,.,, .v |',,teiif pump* atul I'.it,-nl und with h-jckli- I'll. .*'- i'ti|,>n'al Women's U--n^--I:t 'Kfi. ds with .! and t eyul.l". -i.-- - ::, t A 4 ! . Clearina at Sl.iNI. A lot .if ulnldren's I.'W shoes nd pnmp.fe'eai mi; at >ti ds. a pair. l< in nee-l of a L'-'oil rruiik m- suit i-ve,wc hnvi- H i.ice isnnilment mi hand. Thos Clayton. Bruce Hci^ T, K. 1 1. viutjin Soul haaip-on, was uii I f<> trnil iVi.a chiirue div We are pleased to hve Miss Jennie ..f erim- ! iloon 1>aoU ' icni " HT Sui.Iight. ir.ally. >'."!' 'if M J- 1K " tl Otadyn S"' Ai.u'.wn, daughter oi Mr- A. S An.hi-- ' Mr. K '"- vi-.it e.l y U t at. Mr. lluinhi'i- A youilKiuan. whose home is in Mil on, wiii. iri* JUR" retomel fnun K-iuliti', says the authuritieH urc uot allowing <dd to leave the country! Passi-na- rs mi his -lu -i before sailing were compelled ' ex- change thoir gold for the now British paper money . Americans were served tho same a* anyone else. lu an Kmjlish . town a (Miner who witnts a man lor the ! h irvest will approach a policeman who select? One uf the IUIIIIO-OUH m; .; i\ rk \, on o in the streets, and ordms h in : iii'i the fill nier. Refusal memis a te. in ,n jail for ri.|'.is!ng work when orfcrud. Ceylo i Mr. and Mrs Stanley Muir. Htinovcr, are visitinn wi'h the former's mother, Mrs Muir, hen;. Weare corry to repo t. Mrs. K. Sar gout unite ill with pleuriny: also her little urHiid-daughter is ill with pneu- monia. Miss l.i'y Muir is on the sivk bt, under the care of Di. Lane, t'riceville. Mr. Frank Cullim-on has returned from a month's visit with f. lends at Dundas, Fort Dalhous c and Toronto. Mr Aut:n McMulipn, Ti-ronto. is spending s cuup.'e .il we.-ks under the parental roof. Mr. Wulcher, Pui.dtlk, spent tirst of ' week at Mrs. Muir'n. Mrs. J. Snell, M ikdalt-, in r-.newing HC>|Uaint uici-s hnre, Mr. Yoiniis, of , i in t-own j tlni> week au-1 a guor nt Mr. I'. <'ni>- 'lll S Angus \\Iiriilii .!.! in Du- ham fair !>: wrek. Youll Want to Look Right SOMK ot these evenings you'll w;nit to - look " just right," and yon know us well ,-is we <lo, that there's nothing liko a well-tailored bine ur black serge suit. They're right at night, The proper eiptr always ! Let us take your measure Cor a Hohlterlin-made. all wool serge. The kind that won't lade, or getru.stv. To-day is the flay to order. $20.00. S.J. BOWLER Sole Agent for the Hobberlin Tailoring.

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