1 I '.IN i THE J'LES 1M O N A 1> V A N C E An ill '. -iifint-i.t i i. j ,iMi-li-Ml t-M-ry - l.iy ul th'' I'i , C..i!ii.i.-v.....il Street, (toll. Sll!-"t:|,ti..!l | .-111111111 it'll ji:i.-l :<-..!. v -.-1 -i :\ In 11 lint --" paid ' ; Ivvrti-iiiit.' iat>-> mi :tp|iliV:tti"ii. Circulation 1.1UO wrekly. \fj H. Tlmi-fiU/ii- JSdlloJ- baptist Church I! C. K -,r !'n!or. I'M -ne '''' U. -' > :ci.|ay Si-iin-.'. 1O H . in. - ice at 1 1 i in. - . ji".-! ]' . 1 -A ill-; I',,, .11,1." JUiltt study fit (Vyh.u t!iH No Ontario Mourns Her Premier i School Children's Eyes, Fleshcrton Methodist Church Rev. James Dudgeon, p.s'.'ir. Jsuniay (M. J. I1U*. Jl a. in. the | a-- : Mfr p. in. K'.H. tii'D. \Vau.*h. of Dumhdk IM a. in. F,'llows'n|. Seivi e. evening Kpwmlh League at p. IB. Consecration Service. k^' 1 Mark Kveretti- Wright el "ir leader and prayer meeting tlii* wei-k. A Political Dog >f Police Mtfdull of .n-eville atl'.nirer of Aired.i!e u-rriers mid so of "Larry," a good specimen of the breed owned hy Judjje Mi-('iirthy, but he usually nrik. v Ins home with the Chief, who cmi tell some inten sting Moiii-- of the do^'s ru^icity. M .i-l.;ill Utes id .1 une morning last week the dog Mine to hia door nhout 7.:X) o'clock nd Mai.shall Haid to him: ]' 1. uiy. whut (re you doing 'here when there are so tnkiiy drunks down street !" The doi! n'uited <-tl t once >ind half ,-tu >H>UR Intel wiis- seen pulling m intoxicateil IIIHII hy the cuff Ot liii iMt sle-eve towards the lock-up The Chief alo.i tel!s ahout a in -. up he got into with live 'rniups lute one evenin; it the C. 1'. H. depot. He tried to .inert the trainpKitiid put them in the lock-up, but they piti-hcd into him aud hint him ii\vn when the. dim went at tin-in and tore thai cioihes into rili- bons In levs than hve minute.-, the Chief mid Ijrry woie driviui; the five trauii K like H Hock of slieep to the lock- up. The chief says I ha dog takes ipiiti' an interest in polities. If jrivm a news piper and I- M that it i the <t!oh" IT Buinvr he will ti-:ir it into piece*. If t'il-1 that it is the Mail and Kmpiie,Nen> Wnrhl in Tvlv^r-tm he will t.-ike the great CHI cre of it and take it home without py ilehiy. Shelburne Free 1'refs. Singhampton Ksvs. Munis unit (truck of the Metho dist Chuich Htunded the district ineetinu; held in Tinonto on Tuesday <>t last week. The c.ill extended to Rev. Miiyhee of T"iulo hy the Pres'iyterian congregntion of the Mn|ili. \ alley and Singnninpton elm 't-lies IMS liet-n declined. Mi. aiul Mrs. llectnr MoOibbon have returned fnun their wedding lii| and are iinv. citmfortably settled in their new ji me near Maple N'alley. At the retjulur ineelin^ ot the union Tnuiig I'ltoplf's Astociation winch wa> Jiel J on Tuesday i.-venniK in the Metho- diH' '^..urch, an inteiesiinjj de)>ate wus on *'VVhether the (ieniians re ju.slilied in bi irunm on the present war. Mi 'Wilkinson and Rev. Itrock did their l>est lo uphold the (ieiinan". wlnlt! lieva Morris anil Sleniin did their I.est to lucck out any prop^ fruni under any &n IL hi- in t i'. i nf the ( lei mans hring- ID^ "ii this war. Ml. John Macilon.'ild Ins moved fiom OOi . il! i."- hi Mr. Mm. -ii farm on the green bush siileroad. Miss CUrk of < (m has ( iken ch.i of tl north tiiwnline i-ciiool. On I'ridiiyjii.-' vth le diivint' t" t'o lln^tvi.o 1 Mr. and Mrs. A. Mc(iililn n B.'-I with a serious accident on the lOtb line. When near .laidine's sideroad tlio nor*** bronme frightened by a pii-sinj' traction engine and holteil. Mr. Mctiii- bon did his he.it to stop them, but un- fi'itunately some of the liarnees gave way, releasing I hem from the denuuial. And permiltini! them t* pull him over thu dahlihu.iiil. About the tuniu liinu the I ii.'i..' watt broken, cauiiii{ the wag on to upset ind Mi MoOibboO to be thrown ou'. Hoth were seriously in jureJ, hut were fortunate in escaping with i heir lives. Mr. and Mrs. McCarthy Hell spent Kunday with friends here. The Urniars are active on the aihne tendri oil them and are nn-n- i.-nn.' ih -n acreage of fall wheat to such an e.xtenl that it is expected that the record will lia reached this yi-ar. Some have pruct- icjilly trehle:! und i|ii;nli upled their aver- ij" of thu just ten or fifteen yearn. S i James Whitney, Piem'or n: Out ;ii-ii'. die.l rit liis lioinc ill Ti/ronto oil Knday !.is; . I.'eiittMiaia-t'oloiiel Honorable Sir James 1'1-iiy Whitney, Kt., K C.M.G., L L.I) , D.C.I. , K.C., I'rime Minister of ihe Piiniiice of tlntario, I'arudit, since I'.tO.'i, and leader of the Conservative pally in tin- Provincial House since IH'.tTi, wjs horn in NVilliainsburi;, Utnidas (''iinty, Untjrio, in iHl.'i, being a s.on of Kichitid Li-et Whitney and CUrissn Jane Kairinaii, bis wife, and a descendant of I 'niied Kitipi.-e Loyalist stock. James Whitney spent the enr'y hiiy- houd of his life on a farm in the To<vi:ship of (Itm-ihriidk, in the County of Stormont on the St. Lawrence front, wheie his p rents moved a few years after hi birth. He was educated in the loc-il I'uMic school and at the historic Cornwall (iram- mar schoid. He began the study of law in the oil of the late John Sandfield Macdnimkl, Premier of the old Piovince of Canada before Confederation, and the lir.st Provincial Premier of Ontario after Confederation. Mr. Whitney was called to the liar in IXT'i md bewail the i'l-.ct'ceof his pro- fession at Morrihlurg. In ISrili he con- tested Uundnsjor the se.U in the Ontari < HoUKe, but was defea'eil hy tie Sinoll iiiiji'fity <.f 'J.">. The auici'ssful candidate was unseated at the end of the session and in the bye. election which ensued on Januaiy ::lst, I8MH, Whitney was elected to the Legislature for the fir.-t time hy a MII| uiiy of _'*. three more than his op- ponent had been accredited with pre- vioinly. From th.it time onward he Iris reprisen'ed hn home constituency in the L '(iolaluie, <> period of some twenty-six years. In Apiil, IX'.'ti, Mr. Whitney, on tlie letirtMiifiit of Mr. Marten, was chosen leader of the pnty. then in opposition. Many lives have been ruined through neglected eyestniin in childhood. The eyes of every child should be examined. We have nade a special study of lliis branch of optics, and" guarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong:. HE mm Carefully \\heat ... Oats . Corrected Barley P>uiti-r. . . . . K<4ys, I'reMi . Potatoes per Geese I>ucks . Kach Week . fcl 15 to 1 15 40 to 40 ..SI 12 to 1 12 55 to r>r> .$!: (M) to 15 00 25 -.o 25 1 (Hi to 1 00 Chickens. TuiKey* . 12 to 1 i:> tc l 11 10 1 1:5 to 1 l! to 20 Sheardown Wauchope The home if Mr. at il Mis. S. \\ :mc- hope. Lloydtiiwi), 'Int., wns ihe BO6I18 of a pretty wrildinx nn \\ Vdnesday, Sept. !llh, :il 2.110 o'clock, \vlu-n (lie inirringt' w:i s'lli'iiini/Hil liriMi-fii llu-ir il lu^lilci 1 , (jrnci! Mitbrl, and Mi. L"'i Slu-arilown i if Proton Siiitioii, Out . llev. T. 1C. White, of Kleinl;tii;_;,nx.sis- ted hy Kov. Mr. lirydmi of Lahkuy, and Mr. Wilson ,.f ninioii, performed thu ceiuiii'iny. Tlie living rooiu v. . - prelljly deciiratfi with ferns and ii.-lers, an I lie- weddini; pirtjr Itoud during the cereniuiiy under a while inurriiiuo hell suspended fioin n i-vi-rijreen arch. To the strains of the wedding march friini Lolit-ngiiii, played hy Mi. K. Wes- ley Khinli-s, I hi- hridr riiterrd, leaning! on the iii in of her father. She wire a die.--* of white silk embroidered orapf,and a veil of silk embroidered net. cuiLilit up with orange kiltnuODU, and rarried a l><iii<|uel (if roM-s anil lily of thu valley. Mi.s Lyiliu SliL-iirdown, sister uf the bridegroom, acted as liiijphinaid. Mi worn a beautiful gown of piilest pink silk with an <>vetdre.s of slmdnw luce and tritiiiuii'({s nf pink satin rosebuds, and ciuiieil a lioiii|iiet ot pink msoa. Mr. D. Arthur \\ m. !. -n.- acted as lies! man, and liltle Krieibi I'orritl cousin of the bride, w:if= (lower !>irl and was pieltlly divssid in white. Thu liridpgfQomVl yift to the bride wan a necklace .set with pearls, to thu brides- maid n pi-ail siiii'iurst, In the boat mini a [w|r ot guld Guff links, to Mr. Rhodes n pearl tie |iin, anil t the llowor i;irl n I/old biiicelet. After the ceremony iilout seventy-live -.nr-,1. partook t a dainty wedding hre<tk- fast, ami later the happy couple left for a short I lip lo Toronto and Niagara Kails till! bride travelling in a tailored suit of navy blue serve um) small liliick velvet hit with while mount. Mr. ami Mrs. Sheardown will reside (it 1'iotiin. ierinany's capital will see ''the fjrent- xt >h"iV in) earth" whi-n the Kiitinh lion, the Russian hear, the French ra^K-, thi' Huyal itciijfil tiger, the Canadian heaver, nnd the Australian l>an<>aroo meet to di'< ipline the PIII^HIII b:id that lisisidi^. graced the nien({e.rio hy ii'^u'l.!!^ in Field Day Sports The. pulilic and hij-h school lield diy sports were pulled oft on Friday nfcer- noon last, when a laie number of cili- /.ens attended at the aviiciiltural grounds to participate in the fun. There were a large number of event* and the result* were as follows: ITBL1C SCHOOL KVKXTS Sack Rare O. Illakely. I'. SliunH. N. Shunk. 50 yard dash, (sirls Hind under Louie Cargo, Ellu McMullen. Delia Fishet. "iO yard d-sh, boys M and under W. Curiington, Keg. lloyd, N. Shank. :i-leged race Uena t':ir;o an I F. Kichardson. 75 yard dash, Itoys under li H- Carrington, S. McTavish, K. Davis. 7."> y.ltd dash, boys over 12- K. I'nlloll, E. Lever, S. McTavish. .VI yard daith, girls ur.der 12 K. Mc- Vicai, M. McT:ivish, K. Field. 5(1 yard dash, girls over 12 K. K. Kichardson, J. Reid. Hoot race I'. Shunk, H. I'arringt C. McTavish. Donkey Kacc Kr.mk liuiu and John Caningtun. llliill SCHOOL t;ii;l.s Walking Uice-M. Knox, F. Hunt, A. (iaiidin. Hicycle race A. Wiigh', V. Finley, M. Knox. Ni,il race M. MacArihur, V. Fm'ey, M. Wiiuht. Throwini; bill M. MacArthnr, K. Whiltaker, M. Knox. To yard dash, si.-- L. Muii, K. Whit laker, A. (iaiidin. jl) yard nice, jr. 1!. McVicar, M. Aehesnn, .S. Murray. Form III Special K. WhitMkei. M. Knox, V. Finley, Form 11 Special L. Muii, A. (iau n, M. Legate. Form I Special II. McViear, O. lion derson, M. Heard. Tny of War l''onn III, Form 1 :ind II Ueliy raci! L. Mtlir, A. li.iidin- -in. M. Knox, K. Whittuker, M. MucAithui ind O. lleiidersi.n. Individual winners F.. Whiilaker 1'J M. MacArthur 11. iinni SCHOOL HOYS .'. u.tle -K. Wri-ilil, M. Legate. T.O..T. Uelay race, .'. miles K. Wright, M Legate and T. On, I). McVicur, C. Or aud U. I'atton. ItHI yd. dash, Sr.- U.McVic'U.M. [., ate, T. 0,-r. lliijli Jump 1). McVU-ar, K. WrisJit T. Orr. Hop, liti-p mid jump E. VViyht, l> McViear, P. li.aity. llr.iiid jump I). McViear, T. On, V Wright. Kuiuuitj jump T. Oir, D. Mi-Vcn K. Wriaht. lltoycle race T. Chard, K. Wright O. Hnchanaii. Sack nice W. Pattison, T. Orr, H Shunk. Donkey race I). MeVicar, and W Huehnniin, K. Wright and M. Lag .te, P lienttie, F. Thurafpn. ino yd. dash, jr. D. IM'nn, W. I'.it tibuii, H. Shunk. Need la lace D. McVicir and K.Whit taker, T. Orr aud M. MacAithur, F.Bun mid II. Cari-ingtun. Imliviiual winner- 1). \l \ir\r L'l. Sheiift' Kndncott of ()raii<;c\ ille has in, lest* than three sons in tlu 1 l>i_' inilit-iry ciiinp it Vitleartier. (Jeor^e nn.l lloiii- las, rifting young I n-ine.'s men in Van- couver, volunteered with the Ilii'ish Columbia coiitingent. ltdph a yomi^cr son, is a meinhpr of Ihe (>Ktngeville roii- liiiu'ert <.f Iheliii.h. Farm to Rent l...ts U and 4J, !tid raiiije K. T. S. |{ Ai'Tim^i'i, 10l),-K're, ?,"> rl,.-iied, i;, i orrhar.l, brick home, a. >od i u: building well watenil. Would rent for term \ yeais. Ap| 1\ in 'l Out 14 'l. Sl.NCLx;;:. M...!.i'rti.n F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Fresh Arrivals of New Fall Goods l.udies' tall C'o;it> I'-'ress and Suit Lengths Silks and Velvet New Fall Shoes Fancy Ribbons Men's find Boys' Suits Coat sweaters Felt Hats Fall Neckwear Fall footwear Our Millinery Department is complete with the season's latest novelties glad to have yen come in at any time you're sure of satisfaction. Fancy China and Glasswear Some beautiful patterns just unpactced.just right for presents HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH )ffiee and Residtfiiee-4J8 lth St. Kast Owen Snund, Out. Hours to 12a.m., 1.30 l-> 4.) p.m. o 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment. FOR A 30 DAYS' FREE TRIAL Of the 1900 Business School successful ichool whose i occupy pr.aiiinei.t po- si 1 ions from the AiUnt.c to the Picilio, rc-opin for tlu- FALL TKRM September 1st, l'.M4 Serd for free catalcnt at once to COLLINGWOOI) BUSINESS COLLEGE n, T. E. Hawkins. - Principal " 'lin-wO'd. Oiitari,'. Apply to Gravity Washer S. Hemphill, Tamworths for Sale Both tex neaily ronly for breeiliup. I'lieei .. ,, CHUAP FARM FOR SALE ?240H tweniy-foui hundred dollars will buy the west half of lot No. - and I |mrt of the North west quarter of No. 1, all on the 4'h eon. of 'Kuphrasia, con'ain- IIIL; about -l^."' acres. There is supposed | to lie ninety acres cleared, the bounce- ood hardwood bush maple, beech nnd j elm. 'I here is on the property a frame hiiu.se and kitchen, a frame barn, straw hi. i-..' with .torn' |..i,iiii iii iii under it, al.-" wii>d shed, driving shoJ, pig pen mid hen house. There are also twoor- ch'irds on the farm urowing diU'erei-tj kinds of fruit- apples, pears, plums,' cherries and gripes. This farm is well I fenctd wiih wire and pitent fencing. Is fren from frast. It is ulso well watered I with water in i. early eveiy tield. There | is n uever-fftilinn apring within 4I> y.irds j ot the h' use This farm is within oiiei mile of the thriving village of Kimberley. I For further pditicnlirs apply to- .JAMKS STl'AHT. Kimberlvy P. O. ISept Agent For :- Washing machines,folding bath tubs^vindmills^umps^ipings water tanks, Beatty water bowls, steel stalks and stanchons, litter Car- riers, hay carriers, slings, forks and tracking, McCormick Binders, mow- ers, rake loaders, tedders, drills, cul- tivators, harro\vs,Chatham wagons, Mount Forest buggies, and Frost wire. Satisfaction Guaranteed. H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham Ont. l : asliionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. --ALSO A Iin6 of Ready-Made Clothing Which we put alterations in free of if required. Isep FRESH STOCK! \Vt> art> placing -i hirge shipment of Hour uiul tVrit this week, Uo <>!d und new nuts in stock. Fresh eruci-ties, fresh harrt'l of vinegnr at old ptiee. We lire asjeuts for the famous (Jerraid Huiiitxiniui p'ltno. Call nnd see our sample. W want a m>od horae p>rt payment on piano. Ocoi second hiind in stock. S. R. Henderson FLOUR and FEED The Right Suit .... For the Right Season Your next suir will be a fall or winter suit, and if you want anything in A Tailored or Semi-Ready Suit, it will be to your advantage to leave your order with. C. BLAKELEY Sole Agent for the Semi-Ready Clothing Standard Bank Block, Fksherton ' Sheep Estray 1,4 L'H, c> n. Strny^d from my 14,AiU'UH->i,-i,'ih .ut, tt. oiu- tweriid lui h, ewe l.-.s t.-xr cn.ss ri-ht sh< u'd.T. liiform;itii,n- thankfully received, t'toorj-e Gour!i<y, Eugoniii I'.O. Steer Estray Cni9 to the premises of the undersign- ed about the middle of June one 2-year- Farm For Sale Lot 17 - 1H, first range N. D. H., Oa II H3 acres, 90 cleared, balance hard- August, ! 'd steer. The owner is rei|ue(ed toi wood bush. OooJ buildings, brick house, '' prove propel ty, pay expenses and take| 9 'nall orchard. Will be sold cm easy M "~y the same away. | terms. A baig.tiii, NVho will pick it " D. KDUKRT.S, Lady lUi:k, up.' Ed. Hillock, Prop . 1'roton station, K R. No. 2. 1 Julytf