Flesherton Advance, 1 Oct 1914, p. 5

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' October 1 1014 THE. FLESH E K T OX A D V A X C E ; E THE ESTABLISHED ia/3 F CAM ABA SAVINGS deposited in this bank draw the highest current rate of interest. Withdrawals of part or the whole amount may be made when- ever desired without delay. u TORONTO FLESHERTON BRANCH CEO. MITCHELL, HEH Branches also at Durham and Harris ton.. Manager. C. P. R. Time Table. Mrs. Mark Everette Wright will re- ceive on Tuesday, October fith, l'.U4, Trains leave Flesherton Station s , from 3,30 to ti in the afternoon, and from \ 8 to 10 in the evening, and after that ihe Goinj; North .. 1141 hrst and third Wednesday in each month. '.'.12p.m. The ladies and gentlemen are cordially invited. Mr. and Mrs. John Weber, who have ollows : Goin^ South 7.43 n. m. 4.1" p.m. The mails arc osed at Flesherton a* ollows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p m ; and the afternoon mail south as b w , f fa 3.40 o clock. Fr morning tram south \ returned on Friday. Mr. \\ eber says the trip was a delightful one, and he wig much impressed with the country, i and especially with the farming commun- ity, who, in the face of present year difficulties, are cheerful, determined and ! optimistic of the future. The cities are more des|>ondent. Our sister town of Dundalk has been negotiating with the Pine River Power it Company for electric power. iail close at 9 p.m. the previous ev'g- VICINITY CHIPS Mr. Leslie Broofcs of Toronto vihited friends here. Captaiu Penrsull, of Colliugwood h . * ' : i ' J ' been spending a few days with his cousin, i " r K !! ' " D I The company ijuotes a price of $40 per Mr. Fred MacT.vish, accompanied by , horsepower . It miaht be advib . lU( , for his sister, Mi. Muriel, u-.olored to Tor- j Dunda | k to go a Hule slow< in view of onto on Sunday. j t | le fttct t(wt Flesherton has just received Miss Pell Thuistoo "I the Hanover ' a revised estimate of the cost for power model school spe<it Ihe week end at her', by the Hydro commission. The tiguie parental home lierc. ' submitted to us last week on a 50-horse- Mihs Oldlmni of thu high school 3taff ; power basis was $25.28. On 100-horse- apent the week nd with friends in i power it would be less. And this is for Hanover. | a 24-hour service. Would Duudalk be A. S. Thureton of the Toronto Weekly justified in tieing up for ten or twenty Sun is spending * fortnight at the parent- y e! t" 9M contract when hydro power al home here. CUM. and Albert Stuart, T. Sled J. Lever and W. Buskin motored over to Collingwood Friday and took in the fair. | is so near them? That Ua question they ' will have so decide. There is one thing cure about this hydro business, and that is that thosv who come .1! n.; after the debentures are ;-.n i otf will MayJamieson uud her fiiend, : ridicul( , ubly cm ,, lp powri>l . ( , md , Wood, have returned to their ' positions at Mont Clair, after spending ii month with thc former's mother here. About 5<t young people's! tended .1 corn roast at Flesher's Pond on Monday even- ing where a very pleasant time was en- joved by all present. We hope to uee a good turnout at the East Grey S. S. Convention in the Pres- byterian Church to-diy (Thursday). A good program has been prepared. Mr. Hicks of St. Catherines ha been cngaijed V-y Mr. Guldhuwk to assist in the local bakery, owing to the o.'errush of w->rk for the season. have a .1! also Leeder- Fisher A pretty wedding took place at six o'clock on Tuesday, 22nd inist., at the home of Mr. Thomas Fisher, Flesherton, when Ethel Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Fisher, was married to Mr. Stanley Newton Leeder, of London, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Leeder of Mount Forest. The ceremony was 'performed by the Unv. R. C. Ken. Mi> Edna Fisher played thu wedding march while the Mr. and Mrs. W. Trimble announce | i n .jj B enlel . e d tho drawing room ou tho the engagement of their daughter, Ethe' j arll , O f ] lul . father and took her place be- Biinkerville, to Mr. W. Taylor Hodg.son I 8 j de ,], e ,j,. oom beneath a beautiful arch of Owen Sound. The wedding to take o f ma pi e leaves and roses. She was place very ijuieily in October. gowned in duchess satin, trimmed with The Maxwell Women's Institute will ' shadow lace and caught up with rose hold their meeting at the home of Mrs. j "uds, and carried n bo,,uet of bridal J. Ho** on October 8th, 1914. All i roses. to be present, i The groom's gift to the briiie was a necklace of platinum set with pcula and members are re|iK'sted Visitors welcome. Mr. II. D. Brown of Krampton spent sapphire?, and to thu organise a pearl .. i brooch. Among the presents from the a few days of tho past week with friends i . , i guests, which were many and costly, was here. Mr. Brown taught in the high - school here a couple of years ago and is now taking an Art course in Toronto University. a silver tea service and a cabinet of silver. | The guests from a distance were: Mr. I and Mrs. James Leeder, Mr. mid Mrs. Miss Comrie Masteu Brown, elocution- > Jftme8 McPheraon, Mrs. Blackburn and ist, has beeu engaged for the teachers i j,,,,^,^^ j elln y, ,,u O f Mount Forest, convention concert to be held n i and Mr- j. L> MBcDullald of A |, on . the Auditorium of tho hiuh school on the ; , Mrs. James Leeder sang '<> Promise evening of Thursday, October . A good [ program is attired. Gipsy Simou Smith, evangelist, soloist and author, recently from London, Eng- land, ia uomiug to Salem Methodist church (Piiceville circuit) Oct. 4th to 9th. Services will be as follows : Sun- day at 2. 15(< p.m. and week nights at 7.30p.m. Oon't miss hearing him' The Kasc Orcy Teachers' Institute Convention will bo held in Flesherton High School on October 8 and 9. Miss Comrie Masteu- Brown, elocutionist, has Me." Supper was served in the dining room, after which the bride changed her wedd- ing gown for a travelling suit of navy- blue with hat to match . The happy couple will spend their honeymoon al Mount Forest. Upon their return thoy will reside at London, Ont. A case that has created quite a sen- sation in town has been settled by the been engaged for the concert in the Keinhardt Silvador Brewery Limited Auditorium of the High School on the | f orw , u .,ij n g c h e ck for $219 to cover tine first niaht of the couvention. She will be I impO8e d on them for illegal li.|Uor sell- assibted by other talant. The following douators to the parsonage fund are acknowledged by the ladies of the Methodist Church: Mr. Robt. Wil- cock, Buffalo; Mrs. Edaar, Shallow Lake; Mrs. W. Campaign, Chicago; Mrs. W. ing through a local agent in Meaford some six weeks or two months ngo. The case was tried here by Magistrate John- ston, who after summing up the evidence inflicted a fine cf $200 for infractions of the Local Option by-law. The case was Heard, Inistiogcf Mrs. J. Blakely, Cor- immediately appealed by tho Company feotton; Mr. Stanley Thurston, Toronto; j and after trying their best to quash the W. Sanderson, III. Amount raised | decision, came to the conclusion that ! the only satisfactory way of settling th case was to pay tho fine, which diey did ou .^ l The ca . se h , s 1)een ,,* )08t , ^ ftnd ^ oaused ^ ^ ^ Mr. to- date $97.40. Messrs. W W. Trimble W. I, Wright, A. S. Thurston and ye i editor attended the Durham fair on Friday last, The weather wa. ..od and the fair was j Cou , t ._ M efor* Express. very su.-cessful. There ws a magniti- ; cent lot of exhibits in every line, with | An exchange SSJD that in a few years the exception of poultry, which was con- ! all he ploughing will be done with autos guicuous Vy its entire absence. We know by girls in high-heeled U.ots, silk -t > L k- of no better fair in the county th in that ings and lace skirls to drive thorn. Then of Durham, and we have >.iti most of the pr.iblcm will be to keep the y. ung .then,. j men away from the farm. Odds and Ends ARTICLES FOR SALE Janoy coiv and h.-ifer c:ilf f-ir s-ile W. A. Armstrong. Colt for S:ile He. ivy draught, ii>i:i'_' three years old. II Wafers, Pricevilld; A cur load of cuinent ju.st itrrivtd. r Hi-iuphill, Ceylon.' ONIONS Ful- -Sale A ipjitnUty i.f No. 1 local cedar shingles at reasonable prices. F. , Flesherton. For <^uick Sale A nine roomed framt nnd metal clad dwelling, :<ood cellar and water, frame stable nd shed. Also a VHCHUI lot fur bale. Possession given at "'ice. Silu* Shunk, Fleshertoii. Mure fi.r Sale Good work male in pood-ooudilion. Will sell cheap. Apply- to F. Jamiesui), Euyenia. Sow For Sil.- FL.ITOVV Oct. J. \V . .1. Martin, Jut L'!, c..n. 14. Artemesiii. Beaver Vitllfy Telephone. For sale, very cheap, easy term*, m-\v frame dwelling with two and t half acii'.s land stable in Fleshert jn. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. For Sale Cheap youua driving mare ahciul ')50 pounds, or would exchange for ijood driving dorse about 11UO pounds. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesli. urton. J an . 22 Koyal Household Flour Expected early next week a carload of Il.iyal Household Flour and Feed at reasonably low prices, \jwi.sthetime to buy at F. G. Km-dtedt 1 !), Flesherc-m. For Sale A few egg vat.s in prime or- der, suitable for g-jft water tanks, or watering cattle. Also a s-ood, second hand set of double harness. M.Scully Co., Flesherton, Out. Legal Blanks For Sale R. J. Sproule keeps constantly on hand and for sale cheap a full stock of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills and all other leal blanks. Any requiring such will find it to their inter- est to give him a call. For sale cheap and on easy terms, Lot 13, con. 11, Osprey, 110 acres. This is a first class farm and in a good state of cultivation. Good Lank barn and n>*w frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Spr.mle Flesherton. For Sule- (.'heap and on etsy ttrms comfortable frame dwelling in Flesher- ton ; aood woll on premises ; also Park lot of 4 aores in good state of cultivation wrh barn thereon. H. .1. Spruule. Flesliertou, Ont. Sept. 17 14 LOST AND FOUND Found About the middle of August, a leather hilter. A. Cameron, Eugenia. Hound Lost Black and tan hound bitch about Aug. 15. Five dollars re- ward. Jasper Stuart, Kimberley. Lost About Sept. 4th, 1-yr. old steer, dark red, wiih white spots, thick horns. W. J. Boyd, Flcsherton. Purse Lost - While driving through Plesherlrn on \Voil.. s.?pt. I'>. r'iiuici please leave it at this i. trice and receive reward. Lo.sl On Tuesday. Sept. 22, !at Cey- Ion, Flesherton or between, two five dollar bills. Finder will be rewarded by leaving at. this otHce. 'Lost Ladies black lenther handlmg, with silver mountings, between Nth line and Toronto gravel. Finder please leave at this office. Sow P'g Strayed From my premises about August 8th, medium sized white, recently weaned a litter. Communicate with R. Parks, Euuenii. Hound Strayed From Flcsherton. last March, black and white hound. Five dollars reward will be paid, (!eo. Stuart, Ceylon P. O. Lost Between I'nion School Eu- phra.sia and Aitemcsia and Eugenia, a man's overcoat black cloth with fur collar. Finder please le-ive at this ortice or at Eugenia poalotKce. Lost-Un Monday, September 21st,brown suit CHSU, containing clothinn am' purse, be- ! ween Flvsherton and two miles west of Dtuulalk. Finder please leave at I his (rice or send to Mr. Hugh Baiid, Mark dale, Ont. MISCELLANEOUS Wanted large socond hand box heat- inu stove, must' be cheap and in reason- ably Rood condition. Apply to K. J. Sproule, Flosherton. Jsn.i'2 Tho Durham Furniture Co. has 1000 cords of wood fi.r sale at Roclt Mills. Price "Sc. per cord. Can be bought in larce or small '[nantilies. J. (.). Dargav- el in charge. 1 Jan. 1">. MAIL CONTRACT SKAI.KK TKNDKUS adilressed to the I'ost master General, will be received ut Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the (i;h N.ov. 1!I14, for the conveyance of His Miijetity's Miiil.s on n proposed Contract for four yeiir.s six tilne.s per week each way Flutheiton No. 1 and Ru.ral Route, from the Po.stmnstbr General's Pleasure ni-xt. Prinud notices containing further information AH to conditions of proposed Contract may be seen :uid blank forms of Tender m^y bo obtained at the Pnj-t Offices of Fleoherto.i, Fevcraham. MaxweJI, Rock Mills :\nd ;>t the Otlice of tho Post Olh'ce Inspector at Toronto. Post Ottice Inspector's Office, Toronto. Septenbttr 23rd, r.>u. A. svrHKUI.AN'D Pot OlHce Ii spector. I, !, l. ling. TBH Mi' ovi-r. A few c.r;ot< f >l one tvnt a pound. Telephone -j: S. Ill i ' I! AN AN and small ni.es fur pick- JILT pound for !(.!' II *5r Indindul lostrucHmi pi-unit? y. n ^* ; to enter any tiny at the OWKX SOUND, ONT., is recognixed as the most llu: u^h. piaeticil Bii'-iiie.r- ' Canada. IiiMructors. i >r own three story College a-ing Every Graduate guaranteed u p - Get our success book i C. A. FLEMING, F. C. A.. Principal. Secretary. - ONTARIO G ' D FI -' OWEN SOUND Dundalk To Mrs. W. Ditlt'in, of Dundalk, cumes t!ie honor of winning first prize t lorou- to Exhibition on Irish lace collar. Third prize on needle woik medallions was alto won by her. Mr. James Maxwell of Melancthon, who li.-i.s been staying in town a few weeks, decided to take a trip to the Wes' and last week left for Saskatchewan to visit his son Harry. The old gentleman, although in his -'7 ! 'i year, is active enough, both mentally and physically ir.-ivd the '^rent distance unaccompanied. A man who was a through passenger on the express northbound Monday night had a close call from death or serious Injury at tho depot in Duudalk. He was under the ii.Hucnce of liquor and get off unto : lie platform when the train pulled in. When the train was Etatttng up MEUIl he attempted to get aboard and fell over some luggage and between the platform and the moving cats. The brakesman quickly grabbed him out of hi.s perilous position and caught the li't::d rail of the rear coach. The train by this time had goud speed up and did not stop for i s unfortunate passenger who was bound for Owdii Sound. Chief Scriminger to.ik charge of the man and gave him lodging in the lockup. Next morning lie started for the north on f ml. Herald. Drowned at Owen Sound A very sad drowning accident happen- ed Moiiclny evening, when Miss Jea:t Sheppard Young, daughter of Mr. and Mis. Kbenexer Young, lost her life while bathing in Wriglr's mill pond on the Potl.twntamie Hiver. Mis* Younu. wh'i was i student il the Collegiate Institute, had rctiuih'd to her home, near Nicol '> mill, ul'iT four o'clock, in company with two young girls named Evans ; and i - tho duy was hot someoiu 1 proposed tlia; they go in for a swim. The three girls had been there only a short time, when Miss Young, diving oft' the Innk, went down and did not re-appear. The other girls rushed off for help, and soon a largo number were on the spot. But it w;\s getting dark, and there were many !^s in tbo pond, so it wan impossible to lo- cate the body. It was dually decided to open the dam and drain i IV tho water; and when this had been done the body was found. Dr. A. L. Danard and smut- men of the St. John Ambulance Briu'"'' 1 tiii-d for about three hours to induce res- pi rni ion, but it was useless, a.s she had been in tho water .ibout three hours. It w is thought that lu'i death was tin- result of a cramp or heart failure caused by the shock of tho cold water when she was overheated. She was an expert an. I liiver. The Barrels and Lugs of STEVEN S Double and Single Barrel SHOTGUNS specially one pioco. Made of SlWWCtSI wht'ro Compare ut any whore near the. our QMUTY ihrouihouU Shotgun hows thc fflfiiou* tine of Steven* F>p.\ii>rs rioulilei Sin- clr*. K you cannot obtain Sl'KVKNS from your ikMlcr-Iri us know, and we uilt nhip direct, <*. [ires* |irtf|wiJ, ujwn roci-ipt of C.iuiloj; I'rKC. J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL COMPANY * f, 0. Bo SOOS, CHICOPEE FALLS. MASS. THIS World = Wide War has created demand for newspapers unprecedented in history. The fact tliut Canada i.s in n st;ite i>f war aionir with tho mother country and their Allies a^ain.^t the combined forces of German^, and Austria and the luither fact tL.t Canadian t roojis are now on the tiring line, will have the effect of increasing utir interest m the struggle. The ADNAXCF. clubbed with The Toronto Morning World will la- mailed to subscribers from now to the l.sr (if January. 101 1}, lur $:;..*)(). Think of it! A morning daily paper and a weekly paper l.~> months for only $3.50. Tak advantage of this special offer at once as we are ob- liged to reserve the right to withdraw it without not the ramifications of the war may cause a very rapid in<-r<>A in the cost uj white paper, which will mean ;i un-h h price for your newspaper. SUBSCRIBE NOW R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. Agent for the Cockshutt Plow Cos Full Line of Farm Implement*. Wagons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, and Gasoline Engines, Melotto Cream Separators, Baker Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Pipe Fittings always oh hand. Beatly Bros', of Fergus, Barn Tracks, Litter Carriers and stable fittings. Cuckshutt and Frost & Wood Repairs always on hand. Wareroom Wellingon Stree. Fevtrsham, Ontario. We Want Now A GOOD SALESMAN For every town and district where we ar not represented. Fruits are bringing high piicfs and sfi-y -lock is in demand. MAKK UK? MONEY NOW by ak ing an agency . BEST TIME for ( vatwing i.- durini: the Summer months. KXPKLUENCE NOT NECESSARY Free equipment Exclusive ti-rritory Hiyhes-t Commissions , i.'i Write for full particular-. What About ^ -THAT- Baby Carriage Regular Price $5.00 to $14.00 Greatly Reduced NOW Verandah Chairs ! Now is the time to purchase yur Verandah ''hair*, on sale fi.r $6.50 a Pair Nothing like them for C W. H. BUNT FJ.lMirj.lS DE LER 'PHONE 23 R2 Flesherton - Ontario. Stone & Wellington Konthill Nurseries Flesherton. Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction 4 LAUNDRY Bukat clo.>es Monday nii(Ut, delivery Friday evening. TORONTO CLEANING and DYEING \V e are ayents for Parker's Dye Works Clothes ONTARIO cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated. Fall Fair Dates T FISHER, - PROPRIETOR BULL FOR SERVICE The thoroughbred shorthorn bull I Field Mat-hall '.NMi'.U will be for A list of the dates has been prepared I service on lot 17'i. T. S. R. Artemeaia by the Provincial Department of Agricul- Terms $1 . .IAS. STINSON, Prop. tare, and includes those in this district which are as follows ;- FLESHKKTON Withdrawn Kovt-rMmm " ct " ' HHRF.FORI) BULL FOR SERVICE \lli*-toll ^ ^^ . 1 . - . , t .(i-)-- 1 The undersigned have a pure bred Bme ; I Hereford bull for service on lot 171, :!rd Beeton "<-' r> - '"' \\' T.S.K., Artemesia. Bradford Sept. j:;--J.') j T,M ms -*:! tor pine broils. gl.:,0 for r'aiksbui ' Sept 22, 2H arde>. All i-'-w.s -Mvpil :r.ust Im ii;iid Cullhtgwo.d.. Sept.2:^ ' V- * -'. WATSON. rooUstown Sept. .*. : :'.<, 'ct. r Dundulk Oct -"- ; ' Kli:.v.ile ' >Lt : '-~ Pure Bred Holstein Bull Markdale Changeling Prince Joe Mc-atord 0| Bred by Chani-lini/ Uutter Boy ou Newmarket ' H | of Tidy Alibekerk Princess Jou-phinu or'lfft Sept. 17- Ifrj The greMt butter making rtwin kao I fa Ovr,i.S>und "Ct. 7-9 shell i m- Sept. 2, :> Toronto C;inaJi:iu Nutii-nnl). August i!t September 14. ANADIAN PACIFIC , Term of service $1.50 for gnuo>, piit-i- l)rod. I;K(>. MOORE & SON, Props., ii Colonist Fares (One-Way Second Class) From stations in I >nt-tiio to certain points in Alberta, British Columbia, California, Montana, Oregon, Washington, Arizona Idaho, etc. Sop!. 'Jl until i Vt. S ulftrs from Ceiuaaiaii t'aciSc ASUU-- or M. (.. Ml itl'UV. r.i'. \. C.V.U.V., Toronto. S. HA^OS, Aijeiit, C.-yh n. Bull for Service Thoroughbred American bred Uert ford bull tor service on lot I.M. I'M.'. W. T. andS. R., Arteinesia Terms 81.50 cavil . --JOBN ADAMS, Proy, Pig Strayed Strayed from my premises on Sept. ~, one young white sow ttb iut I ye.-n- old. Nevor had young pigs. Infurinalion ad to its whereabouts thankfully received, -R. OS HORN Ii, Eu^onia Po. , __ Farm For Sale I'M) acres, 1| miles from Fleshorton, : Good buiklinijs, easy terms, -JOHN WRIGHT. Flesherton. Heifer Strayed Sti-hj-ed from my premises, !, out Sept. 10. a s|i,itti>,l lu'ifi-r. Finder kindly iiiiiiu!iicri' with D. t.KNoK, Eii SO i,i. k {. o.

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