Flesherton Advance, 1 Oct 1914, p. 7

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nil wins or Cured by the Use of Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People There are two ways usually adop- ted in trying to cure indigestion or stomach trouble one, the wr-.mg way, by uwng purgatives and other drugs wliioh only act locally and which in the long nm cause more distress by weakening the whole system. The otter way and tho| right way is the Dr. Wil'Hams" man- ner of treatment-that is to nourish and build up the si/omoch by sup- plying plenty of new, rich, red blood. Give the stomach this much- needed supply of new blood and distress will disappear and etay banished forever. The new blood strengthens the nerves of the sto- mach and gives it the necessary power to digest food. Thousands bear witness to the value of the Dr. Williams' treatment through the blood. Among them is the Rev. P. D. Nowla.n, of Summerville, N.S., who says: "I certainly have great reason to recommend Dr. Williams/ Pink Pills, as they were the means of sa\ing my life. Till I reached the age of thirty I never knew what pain or sickness meant, but after that my stomach failed me and food of any kind caused untold distress. I became constipated and was forced to use injections daily. This went on for about two years ; I grew weaker and weaker; weight fell off from 1H5 to Itching, Burning, Irritated Scalp. Kept Awake at Night. Used Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Oint- ment. Now Head Is Well, One of the uiins 01 tlii' Ciinailinii i-u-Ui Art my 125 pounds ; I had a hacking cough and appeared to be going into a decline. GERMAN DIPLOMACY. Surprised She HUH No Friends In the World. The world does not know what was behind the important declara- tion of the Russian Czar when, to- ward the end of July, over the Ger- man parleyings, he declared, "We have had too much of this already." What he referred to, says the Bos- ton News Bureau, has never been printed. From financial interests which are so necessary to govern All this time I was being treated by | ment interests when war prepara the best doctors but without the least benefit. Night afte.r nig-ht I could get no sleep tho pain and agony was so severe. On consulta- tion the doctors decided I was suf- fering from cancer of tha stomach, and advised --S/R- ijpe.ra.lion as a means of saving my life. This I re- fused to undergo, and began to look forward to an early death. Just then a friend advised me bo try Dr. ___ Williams' Pink Pills. I Imd no faith | ^o annex Bosnia and Herzegovina. lions are at hand, we can now give the inside scene which was at the bottom of Russia's resentment against Germany. In 1908, when Russia was suffer- ing from demoralization following the war with Japan in 1904-05, Aus- tria, in violation of the' treaty with all the powers of Europe, proposed in any medicine and at fir.-t refused, but my friend was so persistent that finally I gave in and purchased) half a dozen boxes. By the time thess were gone I felt much stronger and the distress was not so severe. I cont'nued their use and each suc- ceeding box wrought a marked im- The Russian Prime Minister was seated at his desk one forenoon when the German Ambassador was announced. The request of the Ambassador was for an immediate response as to the position of Rus- ria should Austria annex Bosnia and Herzegovina. look nice again I Then my appetite How a Sick Woman Can Regain Health READ THIS VERY CAREFULLY. i "For years I was thin and delicate. I lost color and was easily tired; a yellow pallor, pimples and blotches on my face were not only mortifying to my feelings, but because I thought my skin would never grew despondent, failed. I grew very weak. Various remedies, pills, tonics and tablets I tried without permanent benefit. A visit to my sister put into my hands : a box of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. She j placed reliance upon them and now | that they have made me a well woman i I would not be without them whatever they might cost. I found Dr. Hamil- j ton's Pills by their mild yet searching I action very suitable to the delicate i character of a woman's nature. They ! never once griped me, yet they estab- lished regularity. My appetite grew keen my blood red and pure heavy rings under my eyes disappeared and to-day my skin is as clear and un- ; wrinkled as when I was a girl. Dr. i Hamilton's Pills did it all." 58 De Balaberry St., Quebec. Qua. ** About six years ago dandruff began to form on my scalp. At first I didn't notice It, but my hair began falling out gradually and It kept getting worse. Tho Itching and burning were so bod that I scratched and irritated my scalp. I was kept awake at night by the Irritation. "I used and OH, also a few other oils and they did no good. I then tried a sample of Cutinura Soap and Olnt* mcnt, washed my head with the Soap and warm water, and applied the Ointment. After the first time my hair stopped falling. I got one calce of Cuticura Soap and one box of Ointment. I continued using thorn for a few months and my head in now well." (Signed) Miss Myrtle Davis, June 3, 1914. Samples Free by Mail For pimples and blackheads the following Is a most effective and economical treat- ment: Gently smear the affected parts with Cuticura Ointment, on the end of the finger, but do not rub. Wash oft the Cuticura Ointment In live minutes with Cuticura Soap and hot water and continue bathing for some minutes. This treatment Is best on rising and retiring. At other tunes use Cuticura Soap freely for the toilet and bath, to assist in preventing Inflammation. Irri- tation and clogging of the pores, the com- mon cause of these distressing facial erup- tions. Sold by druggists and dealers everywhere. Liberal sample of each mailed free, with 32-p. Skin Book on the treatment of the skin and scalp. Address post-card rCutlcura, Dopt. D, Bucton, U. S. A." YOU .HE OF FIRE. Machine (iuiT.s Terrible Destruc- tion of Life. Many reports of the war in Eu- rope speak of the terribly destruct- ive fire of the machine guns, and in view of these events the following facts from the special war edition of the Scientific American are of unusual interest : With each regiment of infantry WHEAT AND FLO IK. Canadian Flour Mi IN Will Hun at Full Capacity. Orders from the Dominion and Ontario Governments for a aggre- gate of 1,250,000 barrels of flour are only th ^beginning of bhe increased demand <>.i the flour mills of Canada a.s a. result of the war. The mobilization of the armies of Europe will result in a large reduc- | tion in the acre-age sown to whe-a-t i in that continent. That reduction j in acreage a-nd consequent reduc- I tion in yield will greatly increase the demand for wheat a-nd flour From other producing countries. Canada will find a ready market fur all the wheat and flour she can ex- port during the war. The Hour mills of Canada will be kept busy grind- ing Canadian wheat into Canadian flour for export bo the Mother Coun- try at this time of trial. In the home market also there will be an increased demand for Hour. The tendency of man will be i to use more bread and other staple ! articles of food instead of some of the luxuries of the table. This will mean an increased consumption of flour. Thus it would appear that the 7,- 000 men who are working in the flour mills of Canada are assured of continued employment throughout the war. it is possible the number of employees in flour miUa will have to be increased, but even if an | increase should be un necessary, the 1 continued operation of this industry will mean the circulation of approx- imately four million dollars a year ! in wages to Canadian workmen. The child's delight. The picnicker's choice. Everybody'* favorite. POTTED MEATS- Full flavored and perfectly cooked make delicious sandwiches. fAS.Ita FOB SALE. E. W. D AWS'jAf, BUnoty Colbornu 8irwt> Toronto. IF YOU WAIST TO BUY OR Slil.L, . Fruit. Stock. Grain or Dairy Farm, write H. W. Dawson. Bi amp ton. or Cnlbornft SL. Toronto. K. W. DAWSON, Colborne St.. Toronto. FOB SALC. GUOU VVEliltLiT IN L1VETUV\.N LH 1'ork County. Stationery and lioo* business In ccnnectlon. Price only I4,UOO. Terms liberal. Wilson Publistt- \DK Company. '' Want Adelaide Street. Toronto. SEEO POTATOES. Nerviliiie Eds Neuralgia, Brliins Relief Instanth provenuMit in my condition, till by! The R ugs ; au p r i me Minister pro- the time I had taken a d>rwt>n boxes, teste< j tnat he must confer with his every paiu and ache had left me; assoc i utes an d the other signatories to the treaty ott Berlin. The German Ambassador replied in effect: "There is no time. It so my strength increased ; my weight was back where it was before I was ill ; I had a good appetite and was completely cured. In the years that have olapsed since I ut-'edi the Pills not a twinge of the trouble has re- Dr. Williams' Pink ier autumn directed by Pills are the grfit?=t medicine on earth, and I nei lose an oppor- 1 tiinitv Mi recomnifinling tnem. to other sufferers, for I feel that were it not for their use I would have been in mv grave long ago." What Dr. Williams' Pink Pills did for Rev. Mr. Nowlan they have done for thousaiuls of others and will do for you if ailing. They not only cure cases of stomach trouble, but rheumatism, partial paralysis, heart palpitation, St. Vitus dance, and all other troubles that have their origin in a bad condition of the blood and nerves. The Pills are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 50 ciits a box or six boxes for $2.50 fix>m The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, On-t. Government to remain at this office until I receive your answer, and to say to you that unless I have your assurance that Russia will remain neutral while Austria takes over Bosnia and Herzegovina, the German troops will immediately cross the Russian frontier. "All the time I am permitted to give you in which to make answer is 15 minutes." This has been the diplomacy of Germanv ; the diplomacy of force, and it now finds its expression in the 14-inch siege guns, which were never built for defences within Ger- many. And yet Germany expresses sur- prise that it aopears to have no friends throughout the world. The above straightforward letter there belongs a platoon or com- from Mrs. J. Y. Todd, wife of a well-; pany equipped with two or four ma- known miller In Rogersvllle. is proof ; c hi ne guns These machine guns sufficient that Dr. Hamilton's Pills ar e , ally fire the same ammunition a vi.f\nriri3i-fiil wnman'a mpHIHnp TTsfi B^* J -**J as is used for the rifle of the army, but fire it semi-automatically from clips or belts containing 30 to 250 a wonderful woman's no other pill but Dr. Hamilton's, 25c. per box. All dealers or The Catarrh- ozone Co., Kingston, Ontario. CANADIAN MADE LAMPS. Our on Factories Will Be Busy Account of tht- War. The tungsten and incandescent lamp industry in Canada will bene- fit through the industrial conditions created by the war. There have been large importations of tungsten and incandescent lamps from Conti- nental Europe into Canada, and these importations will be greatly curtailed, if not completely shut off, as a result of the war. This will result-indeed his resulted aJready in greatly increased demands upon the Canadian manufacturers of these articles. There are technical difficulties in the way of operating a double <; HUM A N-A MKRH A N SPKA KS. I n.ililr to I'nuVrstaiid I.-IHMIVI! of Kaiser's Cause. Mr. Otto Stunt/. \Vilkesbarre, Penn., writing to The New York Evening Post, says : "Being of German parentage. I sympathize with the Germans in the great struggle now in progress in Europe. But why so many Ger- mans in America so rabidly espouse the German cause when it repre- Hents all that most Germans left Germany to escape from, is more than I can see. >KW C.P.R. LINK. The new Lake Shore line of the C.P.R. has been used for pas- senger traffic- since June 29. A freight business is also being carried on. This new line gives practically a new route between Montreal and Toronto, and greatly facilitate* in handling the enormous traffic, pas- senger and freight, which passes through this territory, was commenced about rounds each. The most notable of these machine guns are the Hotehkiss (French) and Vickers (English), the former firing from clips containing cartridges, and the latter from belts containing 250 ridges. The rate of fire of 30 firing cart- these guns is about 400 to 500 shots per minute. These rifles are trans-ported either on light wheeled mounts or packed on mules or horses. Their prime object is to be able to take up a position and be able to deliver an overwhelming volume of fire where needed. No Remedy Like Old "Nerviline" to Cure Pain or Soreness. That terrible ache how you fairly reel with it that stabbing, burning neuralgia what misery it CQUSPH. Never mind, you don't have to suffer I'' --^-^ use Nerviline, it's a sure cure. Not an experiment, because nearly forty years of wonderful success has mail a name for Nerviline among the poo- pie of many different nations. "There is nothing speedier to end Neuralgic headache than old-time 'Nervilinn.' " writes Mr. G. ('. Dalgleish. from Ev- anston. "It. is so powerful and pene- trating that it seems to eat up any pain in a minute. My family couldn't get along without Nerviline. We al-. ways keep the 50c. family size bottle handy on the shelf, and use it to end chest colda, sore throat, coughs, ear- ache, toothache and pain in the back. My wife swears by Nerviline. for cramps its effect is astonishing and we believe it is better and speedier than any other household family ri>m- NEW BRUNSWICK SEED POTATOES.- On lux-ouiit of the wur. this fall will be Drohabiy the beat time to buy your seed potatoes far next year. Write me for price 1)<,1 of Varieties. C. Frad Kawoett. *~i)Ber Sackville. N.B. MISCELLANEOUS. CANCER, TUMoKS. LUMl'sj. *.lC.. Internal and external, cured w'tn- out pain by our home treatment, write us befcre too late. Pr. Bellman Medical Co. Limited rvnincwnort Ont ATENTS OF INVENTIONS PtQBON, PltiEON & DAVIS 7 St. Jamea St., - Montreal Write for Info niallun FACTORY] SALE... shift in a tungsten or incandescent lamp factory. The work is of a technical nature alnd it takes a new employe some considerable time to become adept at it. However, if the present demand upon the Canadian tungsten and incandescent laonp factories continues, as is likely to be the case, the training of addi- tional shifts for night work will be necessary. The Canadian manufacturers of tungsten and incandescent lamps had some problems to face in con- nection with the securing of certain raw material which has been coming from some of the countries in- volved in the war. It is understood a solution of these problems ha* been found, and there will be no serious inconvenience on this score. INFORMATION FOR 1NVKNTORS Messrs. Pigson, Pigeon & Davis, Patent Solicitors, Montreal, report that 82 Canadian Patents were issued for the week ending Septem- ber Hth. 1914, 58 of which were granted to Americans, 14 tu Can-a- dians, 9 to residents of Great Bri- tain and Colonies and 1 to residents of Foreign Countries. In the United States for the same week, 654 were issued, 7 of which were granted to Canadian Inventors. The Smart Stamp I'li-rk. Pompous La*ly Muyt I put thi- stamp on myself! Post Office Clerk Well, you ca-i if you like, but it's usual to put it . on the letter. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. a day The work two years ag. 'Moreover, as a consistent mem- ber of the German Reformed , Church, it seems to me hut a shade j J,;^ ,:,'. ;,, better than sacrilege for the Kaiser] _ o _ and entailed a cost of nearly twelve millions of dollars. That it will create new business is confi- dently believed ; but a consideration a&sociated with a , ien thereto< ; a the duplicat i on O f the tracks * ^ a t ., oser cornnuulic .. a ,. , to continually refer to U,d as beings between the two great centra 1 with him in this crusade ot murder and pillage. If the Kui-er is not responsible for this wur, he cer- tainly did nothing- to prevent it. One can hardjJil- believe that the venerable -Kranz Joef would have attacked Servia without tlu- saiic- >.f population in the Dominion. Complimentary. Ge-bhard von Blncher. the famous Prussian field marshal, had as sur- geon major of his army a man who of the German Kinperor. To was very tion me it seems as absurd to call upon God, the Prince of Peace, for aid in an avoidable war as it would be for a bank burglar to pray to the hoinelv. but extremely proud and vain. One day, Blucher entered the ,r<re,,n' tent and found him surgeon s standing before a looking-glass, ar- for power to mimier the night ranging his toilet and admiring himself generally. "Doi-tor, said I suppose that the watchman, blow open the safe, and make good his escape." Blucher. laughing, you are the luckiest man in Hard, Soff, or Bleeding? So matter wh.it kind or where located, j any mrn i promptly oured by Putnam'*] (lorn Eitriu-'or; bfiiiB purely vegetable It faiMW no pa' 1 '- Guaranlao with overy bottle of "Putnam'!'' ne no other. 2Sc. . all dealer*. When nie'-wbers of a family <|iinr rel a lot of truth leaks uut. rld '. with yourself, and you haven't a rival !" Willie - I'ncle, did you ever play Indian in v-our life f Uncle -In- deed, no! Why do you ask? Willie Because 1 saw a scalp on your bedroom table. Father's Day. At last father is to have dedicated to aim." "How shall we Celebrate it in a fitting manner ? ; ' "Suppose we refrain from asking h ; m for anv money on that -lav At Present Prices. Too. Young Housewife (to girl friend) Did you ask the butcher to send me a leg of lamb .' Girl Friend Yes, dear ; but he said he ha/d no legs of lamb, so told him to send you a leg of beef instead. t'm.stMl business c"niil., lions are forcing l.trce manufacturers to sacrifice stocks in order to krep th< ir mills running. *l"o the alert bu>er this reprc- lents an unprecedented opportunity to save money. The chances conio only once in a lone lime when they do coma it pays to act <|uirk. WALL BOARD Wail Board takes tbe place of ^-f Cents buth lath and plaster. It gives a finished wall without further decorating. Anybody can put it on. Now selliiirf at a speri.il JTXP. SAMPLE FREE. JlSf Jf * SJ) aBi ROOFING Cents Lowest prices on record. Genuine Asphalt Felt Koohntt 100 per cent, saturation, con- | 1OH tains no tar or paper. In full I ^f Sc|. Ft rolls of 103 square feel with nails anil cement. SAMPt-B FREE. BUILDING PAPER A great snap at this price f^S m Ccnti Full measure rolls 400 sq .feel Jf Knll in each. L'je it plentifully at K9nl *"" thispt.ce. SAMPLE FREE. Ws.Fl HAMILTON C? CANADA YOUR OWN DRUGGIST WILL TELL YOC Try llurine Eyo Kerned/ lor Kl. Weak, Watery Bye and Granulated Eyelids; Nu Smarting Juat Eye Com/uri. } Write, for Book of the Bye by mail Free. Murlne Bye Bamedj Co., Chicago. Mlnard'* Liniment lor sale everywhere. Tho Right Answer. The three young Borden children were visiting their Grandma Bor- den, and the occasion was one of great merriment for them. After a while it proved a trifle too noisy for grandma and she said reprov- ingly : "Good gracious, children, why ure you so noisy to-day I Can't you try and be a little more quiet You are making my head ache." "Now, grandma,' 1 said little six- year-old Dorothy, "you mustn't scold us. You see if it wasn't for us. you wouldn't be a grandma at II*. 7. ISSl'K 40- '14 Mlnard'fl Liniment Co.. Lim ; 'UMl. Getita. A customer of ours <-uri'd a very bad case of distemper in a valuable horse by the use of MINAKD'a LINIMENT. Yours truly. VILANDIE FRKHKS. Didn't Have It, Anyway. Servant (returned from errand) They don't keep it, mum. Mistress Don't keep what, Mary i S._\Vhat you told me to get, M. What was that i S. Dunno, mum. I forgot. Forcing a SatVijiiard. One- of the most seri-ous of mili- tary offences on active service one invariably punished by death is known as "forcing a safeguard." When an army is moving through an. enemy's country its cuinnrmder will often place sentries over the houses of well-disposed inhabitants to prevent their being looted or pil- laged by his own men. Interference, with such a "safeguard" is a mili tary crime f*ir which no "cxteniuit itig circumstances'' are ever reoog nixed. Reasons. The old gentleman's wife VM getting: into a carriage, and he neg- lected r.o assi.l her. "You are not so gallant, John, as when I was a girl." she exclaimed, in gentle rebuke. "No,'' was his ready response, "and you are not so buoyant aa when I was a boy !' Even if a man does lift his lid When he meets a woman he may not he her inferior. Enthusiasm is to a power is to a bullet. what Regularity o( the bowels is an absolute neces- ity for good health. Unless the waste matter from the food which collects there is got rid of at least once a day, it decays and poisons the whole body, causing biliousness, indi- gestion and sick headaches. Salts and other harsh mineral purgatives irritate the delicate lining of the bowels. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills entirely vegetable regulate the bowels effectively^ without weak- ening, sickening or griping. Use Dr. Morse's * Indian Root Pills Mlnard's Liniment Rtllevos Neuralgia. A Horse Laugh. Motorist ('blocked by load of hay) I say, there, pull out and let me by. . Farmer Oh, I dun no ez 1m in any hurry. Motorist (angrily)- -You seemed in a hurry to let that other fellow's carriage get past.. Farmer That's 'cause his horse wuz eatin' my hay. There ain't, no danger o' yew eatin' i, I reckon. Mlnard's Liniment Curei Burn!, Eto. These Honest, Time-Tried Ingredients are the bulwark of RAMSAY ; QUALITY In RAMSAY PAINT you get the most accurate and thorough oombinattdh of approved raw mater.iali. Muter painter* will tell you no better matmlalK exist. Your own good judgment will tell you that scientific machine mixing It uiperior to gaeat-work aud hand paddling." Specify Ramsay for your nrx' big'job and for the odd jobs you do yourself get the right Ramsay finish. Splendid service from the local Ramsay dealer or write the manufacturers. (j% A. RAMSAY & SON CO. (E.uwui!ed 1843) MONTREAL, Que.

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