Flesherton Advance, 1 Oct 1914, p. 8

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^October 1 1014 THE F L E S H E K T N A D V AX C E , ! BUSINESSCARDS COWED THE CHINESE. | KEFPING UP STANDARD! The "Foreign Devil" Used a College How the Canadian Government Pro- WH. \\liH3llT. TF.LKOKn A MCDONALD Y ell at a Battle Cry. te cU the Consumer of Foods. Hfcrrteler, H-lllfitorit. ,Vc. Ooiceii. irev * r.,- . u jiff o (ton MI. s-iuiiiarii n:ik On bonrd u luuncb on wblcli I was Aa the Canadian Government needs ^V-^X l : ?''' l v^*"'"'>"^''* ai " DK up the *"&* rlvcr were jibe co-operation of the house-keepers _ _ about thirty Chinese soldiers of such a rngnniulllu appearance us to excite my SOCIETIES suspicions, but fortunately without lo tbora a varie( y * aids In the per- formance of their duties. Of count?, mi" i be the ultimate value of the food; but i-s measures to see that t vlgii deTiFVas "doing here". "NOW. V' he consumer shall get what she pays Ss&at^m "ad >""" '''"'.' nd oiling the varl- Jft, ^ wl " lt lhe ' l "" r * < Take, for example, the common ..oin modify of butter. There is butter Before rjjffbtfall I drew the blinds of and butter; and in sonic degree there IT FLKMII-KTOS. MK. i. o. V. irwrtelt the deckhouse nml, quickly iisseinbling will probably always be butler and : Q-a Block the lant \s-.iii.--.iii'. [,* tlu> gnu, slipped In :i loaded belt. I butler. Hut the variety of the arti- l?'0.^ei'aun ju'" 6 '''"' now tol(1 ""-' Kcnt. who was white 'clc that is sold under 'that name is iv.'Yiuekiii. . with fear, lo (ell these fellows that this u t so wl( le now us it once was, and U ,,.y ,i u to t'lD.Sc "foreign devil" "beli-ii- , ra/,V and also ln;l - v conceivably be more strictly lim- ited in future. At one time in this DKINCB AKTHUH I \ M, uieetd in tin Manoii s itioek.r'leiauorion. ver>- Kri.Uy on (, UK p.,|-t s of my sample machine gun r* the tull niocn T. Illuk -li-y \\ . M. . -.Mumliaw.8ettry. The Maple Leaf. In <1:.\ - nf yre from lirituin'H !iorc, i Wo'fe the daanUww liero .amc, Ami planted tirin llritanuiii's tln-j. On Canada's f lir iluiii.iin. Here may it v, ,i\ >-, mn lions), i>ur piiilc, Anil ji lined in Imr tonellier, I 'I he Tlii>tle, Sli inirock, Unse ciilwinc Tl e M;i|i!i- Irt-iif fur over! OHonu Tin- M.'|il>- Leaf, mir finlilcin iii 1.1, Tin- M.-tjili' l/i'.if I'm fvci! (iil tve mir Kill'/, anil lleavi-ii I I. ^~ The M.ijilr I,i-af Imevei'. Al I 1 iiii>i>n>toii lleiglit> and I.innly s Lnn, Our luavr f.-illu-iv. siile liy .-id", For I'li-i-doin, hiiincs, an>l loved ones biin Mil" (verv tierce, nml is a sort of . - ; t , , . - _ U , W. H. Hunt It-iVl-.-i- - 1 wbii-li was Hie handiest wnrcry I could be left in butter has been carefully think of at the moment. limited. The present limit is sixteen ... Markdaln, i.i.n.-.-i Whether it was lln> information im- per cent.; and it is probable that .,., i., r ipe county 1 ',,IiIf J iJ? h. parted by the agent. Chen, the shots or tu 's limit may be reduced. Thirdly, a OL'DD HATHK'VS. ow" Mr.nicAl, the Yule cheer I cannot say. but nil law was i'assed only last session io : hands , i-uwded to the oilier end of the g hiWt lbv ,^ of "W*^ butter. launch :! remained at n respectful lh ' 8 YY b , UU f r T , T re-worked and freshened up by distance until Nanchang was reached, QK O^R^go,,, rhy.id.n. Surgeon etc to the groat iiuiuselneut of tl.e Chinese Office eofl reeiiieuce-i'eter at., Fleibertou captain and engineer, who. however, ft OTTKWELL Veterinary Burgeon 3raduate ot Ontario Veterinary re . deuce aicond door noutli kjy ttreet. Thii atreet roul l-rettyterian Choreli. had deemed it good policy to allow UP jumping water into it. In .some in- stances It had been found to contain i'orty per cent, of water; but by a .law in the Act the guilty parties DKNTISTRY MURRAY I D B , denUl iirs)n ml D bot,o. uraduat. of Toronto Uoiverit> an, Koya! Coll(!* of Di-otal SiirRi-oiwol Oulaiio. teeth extraction Stri LECAL the passengers to settle their ownjescaped. Of course, nobody wants to .ii-' MI.-- without Interference. This 'oay thirty cents a pound for water. Incident is pleasant to remember, but! Before butter could be denned and nt the time 1 wns badly scared.-Kroral' 18 variety limited it was necessary "Drumming Revolutionary China." by thal tnere n ul<l ' a large number Bartlett G. Yung, in World's Work * "^"MoH te ts of samples made. 1 hen these testa were carefully com- pared, and from them a standard was ORIGIN OF BANK CHECKS. Ptek** out. In a similar way. stan i dards have been set for a number of Dense London Fogs. It Is Said, Fored; otlier food8 ' These Include flour, Their Introduction. ""' aUl meat extract-, lard, milk, and . .. it-ream, und Ice cream, maple pro- It Is claimed that the business world ,i,,,., .v which tli-y owes (lie idea of the bank check to ^UCAS. HANKY \ ,^. S ,"h~r" r w C 'l'' nothing else than London's fogs. (l (s lBey" C K < "''!': w~.''l>! ' lie?"' '. ii. A'.'""""-"! These fogs are sometimes ,,f sm -|i a'to se ducts, fresh and fermented fruit juices, and olive and other salad oils. 'o, n. y Tid<r. Hank trar.t CAKUS YOUSO DMcl' now an offence against the law sell these articles unless they come nS*! < ' L '" S ">' """ "'e pedestrian can see butlup to the standard; and the Govern a few feet ahead of him. Something inenl has Inspectors ou the watch for over a hundred years :..-.i. it is said, violations of the law. It is also pos- Ibe attacks of thieves and highway- sible for private parties to start pro- men in Ibu Kritisli c.-ipital upon | 1 au|t; 8eculloniJ - l)llt for tn 's purpose It is messengers and tradesmen ..in beller to 'onsult with the Inspectors, through the streets lo settle their bills , H >' lts law8 and b >' lts inspectors became s,, frciiucnt in times of lieavyi 111 " Government seeks to ensure thai us seriously lo interfere with the luct of I.ondi.n's business. , Kan| , QUaM(v a|u| llollr , BUlug pow . It was easy fur the thief to ainlmsb ,, r KuiKlamen'lul to the protection of his victim, club him intii insensibility.l the public against false balances la . Ucrnie.l Anc'.loner for thi rob him and then disappear Into the'the inspection of weights and mea- .Vanti-ert Ttr TnV "r^njiuie'i'tf "'"fk.v atmosphere, with little Ilkell- dures by Ihe Inland Revenue Uepart- _ ilencan b made a*, THE ADTASCI lmn.1 of iipprebeiision or IdentiliciitioD inenl. Kvery scale sold must bear Keaidence auil >'.(>.. Ceylon. Telepuont or j| iat | )lls sersby would witness the the stamp of the Government in- :*p" commission of tlie crime or be of auy:spector, und all scales used In shops assistance In the chase. are all< o subject to re-Inspection The protection as to quality and limn I>|IM,.-III come through the food dards. Kolh these points are t CULU3UGH T,i*l tankinii l>uiui . Money loaned rJkC'rjaOle raic> Call on u. Kinnly slmul ami nol Ami I ! lose deiir lauintaini'il, \\V >Hi-ai- In yield tin-in in v<:i-! Our \\ati-li\viii-il i-vi-r IIIMI..- iliall lie, Tl.e Ma)i|i l.etf f.ii i-ver. Tin- M-ipIe Leaf, our i nilili- u il-.-.u-. T..,- Ma;!,- L-.-,f for i-xi'i'! (ml .-..\i- our Kiny. ami lli-avi-n liii-ss Tin- Maple Keiif for fvi-i ! Our fair Dimiininii mm i-xti-iu!s Kloin t'a|i K.-u-e to Noii'ka Snuiiil; ftliiy |M';ice for e\ er In- mir lit, And |ileiitcoiis stun- almund: Ami may tliost: lit-sof IOM- I,, . m Which di-conl i-Hiinot sever. Anil tloin islitji-ci'iiii i-r h'n-i >|i 'Hi's In line, Tin- .Mapli- Li-.if fi>r ever'. ' 'It'll U-< The Maple Leaf, mr i-in'-lt in ihfir, I In- Maple I.eaf fur ever! Ami nourish ^reeii o'er Kreeilmn's I ionic. The Ma]>le I,e;if for ever. On im,". Kn^land's far-fxmi-d 1. n-l Mny kind Heaven sweetly smile; ii",l Idess Old Boutland ever un'i-e, And Irelands Kinerald Isle! Tlien swell the sunj;, bo'h loud ami lng, I Till luck- ami forest i|iiivcr, <ioil >ave ulli- Killjr, allll Iliavell lil The .M|.le Leaf fm CUT! Clioru* '\\ir- .Maple Leaf, oiu i inl.li m ill ar, Tin- .Maple Leaf fur i-Vel ! i. il site our l\i:e.-. anil II .r. i u lilt ss Tlie Maple I.eaf for ever. liless KAITTIS.i. L,r.,,.e<l Auctioneer to, '" '"** circumstances (be coiiuti'-n of tirey ami bluic-Hi. trndesuien and others set their wits , K. riu a-i htock ..... a >$*'.*"* working, with the result Unit I lie bank "L" , ' sodTaie atilctu'ii Kuarantteil. ArraiiK .itakt-n Into ronsideratlou in arrlvlOK o^tn-tk lor ilaiea ina% b uiaiV at Hi" Advunct che<-k wi;s devised for Ibe payment ofi . i u r,l -ntraltlerlionon;ce or tyadilmniriK ui at tuveriliniu. Out. Bull For Service debts. Soon the highwaymen found that a few pieces of paper were lill the, booty they were likely to get from a, "holdup" of even a wealthy trades-, gtan ,, ard|J ' he I'hillp Klakeway, chap- liiln < f l tin* f' i L' ' ' 1 1 1 l i 1 1 ^ < 1 1 1 1 r i- 1 1 1 Pure lu-Hil hliniiliorn bull, Knipernr, ninn. Accordingly the activities of tlio J. ., . mi.i ui m i37. I* ..... -r ..n 1..I I'jT. W.T. S... daylight robbers 'S-HM, came to an end. ,"," ' W hUe 8U? ifner" Oceanic, is Arum,- .. 1.-r,.,s*l ,.0f.,r yr.il.H. *.. but Ihe convenience of Ibe bank el.ecU boum , for ,,, M() a( . rt , a farm n ^ f far thoroui-hbred-t. ; proved no great that it survived not Kdmouion. central Alberta, sajs a -AJI (flWs cniMl muM be p;ti I fur. only in I.oiidnn. but was adopted fnlted Slad-s journal. ' | ;ir H.QntgK, Proprietor, (lironRbOtll the clvili/.ed woild.-\VnsU- Me Is accompanied by Major H. 0. IllgtOll M: Bull l : or Service Fcr eivi e. lliion Holly NO. lirodle. tormerly of Ihe Kighth Hus- cars. The chaplain says he acquired the military spirit by heredity, so he calls himself a "soldier burn." Uefore he ln-came chaplain he was u Raw Spongei. To persons who know sponges only Any,,., on :,,t M. Mi cuncesH. ""'V .''l'1'.-ar ready for sale and use ,.,, , a M ,, !lUl ., ex regiment ion. Artem-sM. Terms. *I.<JO if puid ""-' :"'i"""l "* ' <'uies from the sea and ha( , H( . en B ,. rvl ,, H , Iml | a hfore lit ,Jn. I'.H.Y- \V. J. .Miiuee. would be unrecognlxable. It is a solid -i intend." the > haplain sutd, "to May 15 Icoklng. rather slimy, fleshy body. v- put on , U y farm nfteen or twenty rjlng In color from light grayish yel- God-fearing (Englishmen, who while low tbriiiigb a range of brownx to operating the land and sbarlnx the black and In form It Is cup shaped, proceeds of their toll will establish a Alt, registered Yorkshire li-mr, AN s|iberoid:il or cake sbaped. m-cnrding la >' church communlly there. After a competence BUAK I MI/ SKRVICIi ie^isl'|-e.| Vniksliirr b'i M.>1. T L l HENRY IIOLVAN to the s pw'U.. Itn'age or the envlroir- tht '- v liavt> * A 40, Con. 4. AitniicM.-t. I'm 'l.i* tfOmar Bull for Service ment In which it grew. In general. In ''',/' *"' T'"'' "\ , <>th *' r ,P lai ' e8 . ' Alberla. each preaching lo his nplgh- n PI iea ranee und consistency and Ihe ^^ , he , of t ., ir .,, am| of >ork manner In which it cuts with n knife, j , lope lllut , Oieend of live years on a living sheep's wool sponge Is not tin- lnt , ( arm ,| ley w m ne rea dy to be- like a piece of beef liver perforated tome lay missionaries." with Iniles and ciinals The sponge of The chaplain hopes thai a sorl of I'm i- bred .!niiilii-rii bull. Ali-.-ili-i n Ibe markets Is merely the skeleton, the endless chain of misslonarl' 1 " niv be Fjvie-htMiU fm i-i MV i In 1 L".l, S S "ii|ipurtiiiu' framcuurk which gives started in Alberta by his plan. It., Attrini'Hi*. tienglli and form tu the soft, gelatl- Trrrn il.."i< f.M- j{ ml . I'm. 1 ln-i'i U'" ls tissue of the living animal. f :} u<. ervie. Imaginary Whya of Celibacy. 1'iilice .Mii^islratc Kutlu-i fm.l of olid buine sei.t 1*0 veak-iiiindrd w. men, MI-.M-S K!i/iitelh Louis,- Cnli-y and Jure fmiley, Ut Onaxwill UO Friday I'l-t f,n i -il. keeping. They in- iiUini ."id ami I 4S yearr, IUK| eclivvly, ami one of them cm t ilk u little, Imt the other is n mute .11:1! an ii io'. They liuiv lived for y CHI. s in Mel.inclli'ni t'lwiuliip mid a> their I iniither iii-d i. i --ntly tliere wua no me fi look .iiiii i lieui mid i'n\ wi ro not cupiide irfcB'iiig for tlieiiiM-U es. Tnoy will i I:M nt'o the Idiotic A-y'inn a! 1 Oi i 1 1 in . Ki ee Press . Two lull,, six yen r .,|,1 Ilinlia,,, I lU, ( Illiiiu McKHil-iiie in.i .liilliay Abriiliain received ijiiite iiscxrv UK) meek in llit- lutli I'M f.illn-i'N giir.ige. Tney column ' pliidd '.ikin,' tlic cur nut fi'i 1 ,i spin nml I set to work to *tai-t it.. The f irmor | c .M. i i.l it up and li.nl r H-iih to sjnin'.; | mi', with y-imline turneil full on, eiit'ii c ! iunnii!4 mpiJly, e'c., except tliut ll.i-y , did not know how t-i pull buck tl.e da t- , 1114 lever. Tlius mslciid ol d.iOiini; ; I ,.!,; n i In 1 i.i. it i-iiiinn, i ,.-,, ti I urn up lhe J>KMI|IIIC till the cylinder mih ijiiite lioi, Hiid Hineke seen coining nut ot thv gatnye f roill the In use. Nut ku. un:,j how to s'.ut it ell' one l.ul run to llie lure alii! Shell Al,i.ihnm came u|> :iml Ml he unto t lent. It trail sometime bo. t'oio i lie i .u i-,, o!i , I iluttn bill it w. is none i lie wur e >ifri i. llevii w. Wn* Dr. JnliiiKiin lU-shful? On the eve of leaving London for Canada Mrs. Hrooke, who wrote "The Curious how ivbeu a m:in remuins a History of Kmlly Montague," Ihe llrst Pure bicl TiinitwoF'll lina f >l on lhe ab ve lot . Ternn $I.-V( fm ill a liniih. Snrvud biicbelur people will speculate concern- " ove l wrillen In Canada, gave a fare- mii't be |> -nl for. wel1 l' arl >'- Hanna' 1 More. * b " in(f ""' Johnson Farm for Sale Ing bis celibate state: "Well, he has bud an nnforlnnale af- , , . Dr. Johnson was oblli(eil to .ea>v ,'il, some.imeoi-ii.lier. No,nans,,t- ( . at . lv ,.- ( ,, pltr ,ed af.e, tractive as be has gone tbls long with- wlslllllt .. , ,,.. , lealth alll , , lir .,. out ii tender memory to accouipauy ,,, ne H shortly after a servant whls- L-it I'M " l.'l-. K.i Ftnok Line. AH lii">." pi'red to Mrs. lirooke thai a gentle- mifsiH c-iiit.-i miiy I. '.'i :u-i-H.: i,. .i-\ nil Of n woninn: ,,,.,, .,.- walling below (o speak to clearcil, .">', iiiil^i* limn Kl sln-Mmi. tin- "l-'unuy she never mnrrled. Now. her. Itunning downstairs, the fair from Muk I.:. (;...H| iiivhmil. II.HI.IV Ton'd think she'd bu nltractive lo the ni>volivt found the xeiierable lexlco- lum n'iH o'liei biiildiii({*; >iiick f mi ineu. wouldn't you':" New York Sun. grap'ier. "Ma.lam," said he pondei- ously, I s a nl lor you downxtith s (but well Wiiterud, i{mid Wt-ll. Minimi', i-t, Apply i. n |n i-.iii-.-- I.. - .l3 ill A. Hulley 1 JIIIIM M|4 Our Clubbing List T!IB following prici's nre for strict Ij piii:l in ndvunce NuhscriptiiuiK only. \\ i huve no iivcounts with otliei pnpvt*. Klehhcrton Ailvnncp $ I OH Youths Coni|iaiiioii 'J 1)0 Toronto World, dnily :i Of Toronto Duilv News 1 .">() \\Vukly Globe !Mt Mail-Kinpire .... .... 7-"i Family Herald & 8tr !'(l Toronto Smr I .Ml Fanner Sun '.Ml Faimsrs Advocate 1 ,'iO Wtekly Wit,.ies IKi SHlnrrlav Nii:ht .... "IKI llonii 1 Joiirr-'l !HI I'l.nl'l-. lieview 40 KOI! 1,1,1 (inn I.I..--.I ii.i !'0 Good Ntwt For Pap*. Bull For Service "Wei IV" "When I promise lo marry hltn do j-oii want lilm to cvine nnd ask your ciinsenl '" \ might klsn you, which I did not < hoose lo do before so much com- pany." >llnrted Acrots Ito.vler. Because two deer swam from the Canadian to the American side near 'No. not my ronsent. but I would K , 1()11 a tans , e hai n ,, u itod. .l Sh irihi.ni Dull. " Hill- like to bnve him trot In and tell mu the! whlt . h w m .involve upon Ihe game ' cret fl.ivimior,' 'No M."i4iiJJ. for t.uiviuc on lot '^7, con 14. ^iti-ii.csiii. Terms- 91.**<Mo|- v'l'iili'". >i fur i|n.|..ll-_'lilir, il -ALKX. ( AltlM TIIKItS. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE news. I sort of fuel like I needed protectors of Jefferson County and up." Houston Post. Protector C. M. Stearns of Swcketti Harbor lo decide. Graves, Ihe keep- Suddenly Tired. ' er of the Calloup Island li(hthour.u, "flood gracious, what a sight you noticed the animals swimming In re: What have you been dalngV ' a * t> Onirlo. They swam nine milt I ':.- barber bud just lathered me. when some one mine In nnd told him ii-tii won the big prlzu In a and came from Duck Island which Is lottery and he retired at once." I 1 '!!*- Hlulter. ,,, 1 . 1 . rv , 1 thre wlth MARK* DESIGNS 'VRIGHT Ac AnTonfi venillnf a Rkrt fh and dpicrlptl.in m.* qalcktr aii-eri niu unr I-I.IMI, ..i free whether ar tuvfeiilVin I. t^riibahlf pAtni.M, ('.ininiunlrA- iluiiiitrictlrronodeutUI. HANDBOOK on I'aionu ant free. ulriMt atencr fur nwurinf patents. Patanla taken uraub Munn * Co. receln eyVlji M<l, It h.iul oi.rcti. U> Hie Scientific flmcrican. A runrl^.nnUf Ulurtratod nf rT iHnet -^.7. year ('iuiM(llun fatnult. Applications for patents In Canada Hard Luck. should be addressed to the Coinruls- Mard luck Is when n mnn who does yloner of Talents, Ottawa. The appll- n-'i like oysters ents one for pollteneM, i-ntlon MionM contain an aflldavlt C'?r- illsrovers a $100 penrl and (hen kevpi 'Ifylnic that the applicant Is the In- on i-ntliiK them Indeflnltely to Bud an- ventor of the article, and *Htln other Chicago News. lorth bis Canadian domicile, as ell as a iletalled^apnciflcatlon of his in- Men had not a h^er to l^ln, not n ayllubled artlonlntlon. They had It ,, le Tne fee . . re: _Full for 18 v ._. The fe r: Full for iVr.% "" to """"^""d tb y ra a lt-C^ years. $60; partial for 12 yer. f prepaio. (-..i.i L, lyl*. tl .,__ partlitl for six yar, MO, . IHI. iCo ta OBNk Ot f n . WaatliiKlun. I -. C. Not In l-'orce Vel. As consideralile mlsunderstandlne ; IIP . arisen as to the new nattTraliza- 1 in, act, U, i 1 State Department at Ot- tawa Is Issuing a special circular on the Subject directing attention to the fact that the new law is not now In 1 effect but will be only on January 1st next, while with respect to people living here at present and up to tun Orst nf the year, the old law will apply for three years yet. Hereto- fore naturalization was granted In court by judges, t'nder the new law the judges will certify as tcKllie evi- dence of qualification, wl lie the cer- tificate of naiiii aii/iiiiin will In- ,t- aued by the Secretary of State. Ceylon's Busy Store ('or tlic next two weeks we Kill offer big redactions m men'. , and women's underwear, also in hosiery. Men's Balbngam underwear, reg. 503, for 35j. Ladies' vests, regular 15c. for lie. Ladies' hose, regular ISc. for lie. AJen'a fancy sox lor only )9c. Big reduction in men's hata. We have our fall and winter supply of men's caps in. Something new and nil'ty. We also have a gojd .supply of winter ni-'lerwear, n uJing StaulleKl's famous branJa, rod, blue and black. Table in boots and shoea. We are prepared for the wet weather knee hoots, and from that down, in as near waterproof as you can get. Just arrived, a large assortment of men's fulcloth tweed and worsted pants. Girl Wanted for general house work. Right away. This week if possible. JAMES PATTISON&CO. f 4 Farm Implements ASK US Wlicii you want int'oniiation regarding any article of farni machinery that yon are thinking of adding fr> your equipment. Remember we are agent tor the Mas.sey-Harris and Cockshutt lines, and they, as yon know, include nearly everything the farmer needs. WE'RE MERE TO SERVE YOU- PLEASE GIVE us THE CHANCE D. McTavish - - Agent FLESHERTON, ONT r \\ HARDWARE ! Ladies' Hardware Come in and sec The Pincy Iligli speed wash- er. It saves the hard work of wash day. Men's Hardware Uuy ft hall satfty hoist. They make lifting ;isy .lust the tiling around the farm. Ask for circular, We get you anything in hardware if not in stock. Frank W. Duncan FJ.ICSHKl^TON, ONT II Flesherton Tin Shoi 1 have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tiinvar*', Nickel ware and Agatewaie for domestic use. ('all on me and got your supplies. f, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish Uopuirinjj ofall Uinds promptly all en<lc{ fo. 1'ipetitling, including pump work. Furnac-es installed. .\^:nt for Furnaces. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE FLESHERTON .OCK ONTARIO.

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