Flesherton Advance, 3 Dec 1914, p. 1

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TBUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRISCIPLEb NOT MEN.' ?OI 31 No. '2-2 Flesherton, Ont., Thursday, December '3 IQ14 W. H. TBDRSTON EDITOR aud PKO t . A Gift of Flour To the Belgians County Council gwsSOOO bays of Hour to Belgian Relief Fund. Feversham Items Intended for last week Good sleighing and nice winter weath- er. Mr. Jno. Legate, s conded by Dr. Hereby, moved; that owing to the very great suffering and hardships cf tho Bel- gian people during the present war, whiuh W3 brought about through 140 JuuJt of i ' theirs, and through the laliaiit fight put up by the soldiers of that country, we are, perhap?, enjoyine a peace to-day that we might not be otherwise, we therefore move that this county council contribute two thousand bags of Hour as a first contribution to the Itelgian Relief Fund. Curried unanimously by the council standing and singing the National Anthem. A sleih load from this village atten- ded the box social at No. 5 school on Friday evening last and repoit a good program aud lots of fun. Miss < , iiirnii; Kaiuing is home from vt'Jt. for some days, laid up with a "bad coM. I The above illuminating motion is the most important which came before the Cjuiity council at. their meeting this week thus far. The motiou wa.s laun- ched yesterday afternoon at the regular R 'ssionsof tho council and, as denoted waa earned without a dissenting voice. There is a little story attached to the gift of the county of Grey to the Bel- gians. Some of the council would have been much mure generous than the gift of Hour would indicate, tor though this gift will mean a cash contribution of five t> .six thousand dollars, the original motion that wis presented would have authorized the trxponditure of the sum of flO, COO for the same purpose, that is to say fur the purchase of Hour for Belgians. That the full sum of tea thousand dol- lars was not voted rents to the credit, or o-.herwise, of a number of the members of the council, who were shook uut of their accustomed phlegmatic bearing' by the mete mention of such a considerable gum of money. When Mr. Legate nude the mocion 01- Liually it contemplated giving ten thou- sand dol'avn ID be used for buying nour fur tbe Belgians, but a number of the councillors could not see it that way. Some even thought they bad done their pitrt when they had given three or four ban" of nrniii or potatoes. Tlut is they thought the farmer* of the country hud il'Jiie their pait. An aineiulinent w.is made to the motion that one thousand dollars be given, while some of the mem- bers favored no action being taken, and others that it be leftover for the Janu- ary session. The result all round was a compromise to two thousand bags of Hour. The gift will mean about three cents on the hundre.l dollars of taxation . an cl it should not mean a very great h-tidship to the people of the county to give that much. The rest of the business nf rile council for the session has been of ;t routine na- ture, chidly passing Accounts of one sort and another. The session will snd to- morrow forenoon, having lasted since last Monday evening. All the members have bien in attendance -Times. Miss Lyla Alexander spent the weekend with her friends, the Misses Short, on the twelfth linn. Mr. Josepn Sanderson of Oranuvalley is visitin? hu son, Samuel, on the twelfth line. Mr. Geo. Weldrick of Ravenna, spent a day with his brother, Fred, recently. Mr. John Kaitting and daughter, Ada, visited with the former's daughter, Mrs. Jrwin McKeown, at Duncan, on Sunday last. Reeve Thomson and Deputy Reeve Morrison are attending County Council in Owen .Sound this week. Mr. Chris Thomson is improving slow- ly but will be some lime before he will be able to get around again. The Lit. will give a concert on Friday night next. A good programe is being prepared. Admission 10 and 15c. This Week's Items The snow has all gone again and spring- like weather prevails. Miss Iva Mitchell of Flesheiton spent the week end with her cousin. Miss Ada Knitting. Mrs. Louis Pedlar and littlt son. of Rock Mills, are visiting fiiends in Kever- shani and vicinity. Mrs. John Hudson, sr.. is visiting her daughter, Mrs. <o. Hawton, on the 10th line. Mr. Ebert and family have ai rived in town from Port McXichol and will open up their store in the near future. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Ebert to our villagB. Mr. Elij*b Wright, je., w very ill at present. L)r. llosze.ll of Maxwell is in attendance and we hope to hesr of Mr. Wright's speedy recovery. Married In t'lesherton, on November 25, Mr. J. U. Lush of Feversham to Mrs. Kelly of Kelso, Now t hitario. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Lush hon vogugo through life. Fevorsham Literary Society gave ft concert in the school room on Friday evening last. A 'good programme 1 was rendered consisting of instrumental music, dialogues and drills. Proceeds fourteen dollars and .sixty cents. Eugenia Paragraphs Great work still going on with the con- struction plan, both dams are near completion and pipe line and pow( r houe are in progress. Miss Ettid Thompson of Flesherton is the guest of A. Williams. Mrs. Woodburn is the guest of Mrs. Fred Jamieson. Mrs. Ben Madill and children of Sault Marie are the guests, of the former's mother, Mrs. Meldrum. Mrs. A. ('amit hers is able to -be ar- ound again after being laid oft a few weeks with broken libs. visited Heathcote The mow hiving disappeared }>'.f>\viiu( is the order of the day. Miss Mabel Boycl ' f Kpping with her sister. Mrs. Keightu, tho early pit of Ihe wek. Mi\ mid Mrs. J. L. \\hits mid little eon, Jernkl. who have been visiting wi'h f fiends in Toronto and St. Catherines, have returned to their home here. A number of the pupilo of St. Au- gustus' Sunday school intend writing en the Demiery of tirey Sunday sshool ex- amination on Dec. I. Their Heathcote friends joiu in wishing iheui thu best of The sudden death on Friday last of Mrs. Fred Wickens af this village was a shock of sadness to all who knw her as she was a highly esteemed citizen, bom on the 10th line of Arteraeiia, and the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. (Jenoe of this place. Two years ago she was married to her now bereaved husband, Mr. Fred Wickens. They lived in Ivim- berley on the homestead for a year and then moved u to Eugenia. Death came in spite of all that human aid could do, as theie was no delay in securing Drs. aiul trained nursvs from ' (wen Sound waited on her in her last hours. When she fuund that all was in vaiu she i{avc her testimony of being ready to go and asked her friends "not to fret but to prepare to meet her in Heaven." The funeral took place on Sun Jay. The ser- vice in the Methodist church at 'J o'clock was well conducted by Mr. Jones, her pastor. Duett sung, in titled, ".Some- time we'll understand, " by Miss Virgie McMullen and Mrs. Truscolt. A large procession followed the remains to Mark- dale cemetery where they laid her at rest. Beautiful Moral offerings were sent in from the neighbors of Kugenia and also the Sth Line where she livnd in her girlhood days. The deepest sympathy of the community is now extended to the bereaved ftiend.*, a loving and de- voted husband, and an infant son :ight day-, old. ll> gular weekly prayer meeting will be dismissed for two weeks, but si-rvire will be as usual in the Methodise church. Prayer meeting will be as usual every week in the Presbyterian church. Maple Park Ceylon Clippings Mr. John Chislett ia spending a fort night with Gleiielg friend*. We are torry to jeport Messrs. D. D. McLaughlan and George Snell and Mrs. Saunders on the sick list. Dr. Lams of Priceville is in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Maynard, Markdsle.viE- ited with Mr. H. Bennett the past week. Miss Omelia, Toronto, is visiting with her brother, Mr. J. Omelia. Mr. and Mrs. T. Chislett and little grandson spent Sunday with South Line friends. Mr. Stuart, Kimberhy, tpjnt Sa'ur day in town Our school is preparing to give a con- cert on Dec. 10, in aid of the Patriotic fund. A large crowd is expected. Wedding bells .-ire nnging. Eighth Line Osprey Miss Viv.i Spencer has been in tbe nick list for some days, but we hope to hear of her recovery so< n. Quite a number of the young fo'ks of the Hth line attended the Literary society concert at Feversham an 1 all rep rt a good lime. Miss Lucy Brandon of Notcawa visited at John Campbell's. The Misses Kva and Kuth Spencer spent the week end at their parental home. Miss Julia Campbell has been on tbe sice list, but we are glad to say that she is recovering. Miss Margaret Spivule of Collingwood has been visiting in this vicinity for some time. T!i boys of this line report having had good luck at the shooting match at Fevurshani. Mr. and Mrs. C. Moii.ighan have moved up from Xotfaxa t.i the old LoiigheeJ f.irm. M'si Jennie Edwards entertained a number of her fiienJH on Saturday ev ;.'. Dundalk OR. Specialist in dlicases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office- 130 10th st. West, Owen Sound At the Itavere house, Markdale, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to a 12a.m Dundlk,lst Wednesday of each month.. Fleshcrton Planing And Chopping Mills Jewelry A Spendid Stock from which you may readiy make A Satisfactory Se- ection. We car- ry Photo Suppies. I am now prepared to do chopping avery day in the week except Sundays and every week in the year. Bring along your grists. Our sash and door factory is always at our disposal for anything you want in I our line planing, matching, etc. Floor I ing, sash and doors, and all house fur- j A A nishings supplied promptly and at i e.as- W. A. ACTIlStOIlff. onable rates, (iei estimates. Blakely and Henry Proprietors Febi:> i;j ly Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT FOR YOUR .... Christmas Cake and Pudding We have the Flour, Raisins, Currants, Peels. Spi'-es. Icinj; .Sugar and Orna- mental Trimmings. We have coming the finest, display of Fruit, Ixuts and Candies on tlie marker. AT THE FLESHERTON GROCERY W. BUSKIN *! '/Ik- sa '/1k- Shelburne again, sleigh- pent a We arc p'eised lo sec Mr. Victor Armstrong out again after his recent ac- cident when he was kicked by a horse while iwsiiting with the work at a neigh bur's. Mrc. Fleinphill f Thornbu.y visited with MM. Keigheu over Sunday. ' The Heath cole Branch of ihe Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. Sam- uel Davidson on Wednesday hst, when a very iiUercttiiisj ineu'.ing was held. \Vettie soiry to report that Mr. Gco. Mr. Sorry to see the snow all gone as we all enjoyed the jingle of th bells. Mr. and Mrs. 1) MeFmchnie s few days with the lat tor's brother the pist week. liorn To Mr. and Mrs.'Uobt.McKee, a sun . The Preslijlcrian Lidic.s' Aid met at the home of Mrs.Jas. Winters, Thursday, November 14, with a good attendance. Mr. and Mrs. W. Jamiescn, Mr. and Mrs. U. Young, Mr. and Mrs. C. Mc- Cutchcon and Miss Tressic, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hill. Muster Warren Morrison of Maxwell spent a few days with his gtandparenls Mr. and Mis. M Morrison. We are pleased t.i see Mrs. N. McCal- Imu able to lu out again aftur her recent illness. Mrs. Win. Wright and family have dur deepest sympathy in the loss uf a and hi her. East Mountain oi IDC ins apce<ly recovery. The A.Y.P.A. meUt ihe home of James Fleming on Piidny evening last. Juhn Welsh of Owou Sound visited his parents here. EdwarJ Fofsic is busy t the log business. A friendly gathering took pliicn at tho home of Mr. K. Mc.Mu.Hen, when a jolly lime was spent, Thompson Allen sold and delivered live heo4 of c.ittle, We 1 are pleased to 'note tli.it Miss Annie Allen has recovered from her recent illness. Mr. ami Mrs. Jas. and -Mr. Earl Chal- mers bad a very narrow escape from suffocation in their garage on Tuesday night. The garage is very tightly built. Mr. Chalmers alul Earl were taking the I ires oil' the car and had started the en- gine to heat the place up a little, not. thinking of the possible effect of tlu aaa from the exhaust. Luukily Mr. Chal- mers was ijot iittVcted as b;.dly as Mr'. Chalmers and Earl, and was abU to help them out when it dawned on him what was the matter, otherwise the chances are that there would ha\e been a tragedy to rep oit. Dr. Frank, dentil, of Oran;j; -ville, one ot life" best known and oldest resid- ents of (hu c.muly toivu, and t'athsr o' Ur. Frank, nf Shelburne, died at Orniig.-- ville on 'I'uesday following an attack i.f paralysis. Dr. and Mrs. Frank aiul Miss Eo id are HI Oiangeville to a'tfU 1 tl.e flllieritl. Max Wolfe, piddlar, who has made Sbelhurne iiis headquarters fur tevcraj years past, was a heavy loser Thursdy ni>rhl last, when some paityur patties unknown broke into the stable in which he lias been storhn.' his <>oods and ni.ide awav with a i|imtity of merchanji.se thai Mr. Wolfe, says was worth several hun- dred dollars. Wagon trucks were found leading from the stable, onto Victoria street over the C. P. K. tracks, but, this we umlorsland. was the only clue found. County Constable Marshall, of Ofiingc- ville, has been making "an inves'i<jation but no arrests have been madeasyit. Ou Monday, while pu'tii'g a poorer windmill on the roof of the bain of Mr. ;Wm. MuKflvey, Moio, Mr. N. C. Bcllerby, of Shelburne, fell off the roof while trying to get a rope in pines from the mast over lh edge of the roof, and struck the ground with such force that he dislocated one ankle and fract ijred thi othe-. Uobt. Sim, iigeil S- years died >it ihe ll.iinoof his Jaugh'er, Mrs, W. F.|Heml- ry, in town on Sunday morning. '1 bo lemains were taken to Arlhur Moi.d:iy morning fur hurial. Mrs. Uanbiiry re.U'hnl home from Iruli ma where she, Wiis called l;i see ber s in Harold, wh wan critic tlly ill. We are glud to leurn that llaroM i.s improv- ing nicely after a serums surgical oper' ation. Alexander Brown, RUBBERS! RUBBERS! Id resident in the Wari'liain district, .Hied at his hon e on the South line, Osprey, on Friday last, aged HS years. The funeral w;is held Monday afternoon to Mt /.ion Chinch ceme'ery. Rev. C. L. Ahl ot. of Dinulilk, coiiilueling '.be service. Mr. t!o. Koi;ai-tv, tin* wagon-maker h:vs purchard tlM Mellon properly r. Proton Sireet and lias converted the house into a workshop to which I.e. move.) last week. Mr. Alex. Aiiken bus ie- modeled his bl:i:ks:nilli shop into a but n and f I able* and Mr. Fogarty had to Iind n rw .|ii-irie s. Part of the building now used by Mr. Fogarly wai oecnpie 1 by tbelirbt piiiiling ollice in Unndalk i.i 1877 wln-n Mr. Jos. Townsend published The iluiJe bore. Herald. Tlio^e in need of Linbbei'S, ii^h Lace Leather Tops or Lou- Lace Tops or Rnhhei's \\irh- out Tops or if yon have old Leal h<T '"ops Ijrin^ them in and li'et new 'lottoms mi th'Mii. WIIRKE? WHY AT Thos. Clayton's FLESHERTON the After the busings meeting was over old: Mr=. Win. Hunilii-rlson's grandson, and youtn joined in games, He. Next j Mr. Gladison, Oregon, is visiting here at meeting 1. 1 l>o held ivt Mr. Mnwull's. present. On Tu-.sday, Mr. when drilliug a well in Proton, VMIS oiling Milton at. a Mr. llelleiby, Carson s tbe machine while it was in motion. Tli wind blew his Khei'pskm jacket into the ^curing and pullcii him in, iiii'iiiiii: his head severely before tin: machine, cjuld be st -ippod. Tbe cases htely tnteied agniust proprietors of the Middaugh and llalni h>*.eUhere for llie infractions of the Loca 1 Option A -it and which were Ji.s- missed by the Police Magistrate, are to come before the County Judge uti Friday of this we 'k. The government ha.s ap- pea'ed .igxinst the ju lament rendered and we pre-ume flu; whole proceedings ill he Ira versed again. Review. S. Tatc, J. I'., "n Satunlny morniiii! committed Samuel Moore to tho couuiy saol for a few months. Tiie unforLunnte youna man has no homo and is physically unable to piovide for himself, being afflicted with a form of para'yais, and at \\\* ow i request tlm above action was tak>;n. -Star and Vidotte. On account of nine cases of diptheria yyliich h-'VC broken out iu Chcsley, 'he public school has boen closed and every precaution is beinu taken by the health otticer to prevent the spread of the diseis. None of tbe cases have pi oven fatal, but no pains will be spared !o confine the disease lo it* present srniul applic- ation. No limit has been placed on the time thut the school will remain closed. * Christmas ^^ I Suitings ^ -Jnsl received ;i bunch of nobby new suit- i in^s and overcoatings, an iinniense choice 4- of newest patterns and at very reasonable 7T prices. Leave your order for a Christmas ^ suit now and have first choice. We aim to please everyone and we hit the bulls- eye every time- Call and look over our stock. S. J. BOWLER Sole Agent for the Hobberlin Tailoring. .

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