Flesherton Advance, 3 Dec 1914, p. 5

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December y 1914 THE F L E S H E R T OX ADVANCE B THE : : . t .* : t ; -_ *- . . . . ' . . ESTAHJSMD 1ST8 OF CANADA TORONTO ' I 'HE business man who has A customers in various parts of Canada or elsewhere will find the services of this hank of invaluable assistance in collect- ing drafts, etc. , FLESHERTON BRANCH CEO. MITCHELL. BOH Mr C. P. R. Time Table. T<ro r udi%n prisoners i n Renfrew Coun Trains leave Fleshertoa Station as j 'T Jail at Pembroke murdered the turn- follows : | key, nearly killed the jailer.and escaped. Going Sooth Going North A patriotic concert will be held in the I'*!* " u> - ll -* l a " tn - : school house at Ceylon on Thursday, *.!< p.na. *. l_p. en. i ,. . . ... - m. ., . _. Dec. 10, for which an extra fine pro- The mails are osd at Flesherton BJ . . . ollows : For the north at 10.40 a.<n. and * nm ' ^'"g ^nagtd, to include a one 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south aa *t comedy entitled "Around at last." 3.40 o'clock. For morning train aouth See bills for full particulars. A colored troupe of jubilee singer* ap- pealed in the Methodist Church on Wed- nesday uight of hut week. As the affair was not advertised the audience was small, but the entertiinmeot wa.< pro- . mail close at 9 p.m. the previous er'g- * VICINITY CHIPS Remember the Bazaar in the town liall on Wednesday, Dec. 9. Miss Milly Henderson of Calgary visit- ed relatives here lait week. Mr. J . A. Boyd and SIU.s Mabel spent Sunday with friends in town . Mrs. W. W. Trimble ia spendias a fortnight with friends in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. 0. W Phillips spent Sunday with friends in Collingwood. nounced good by those who attended. Maxwell Methodise church will hold their anniversary service* on Sunday, Dec. , when Rev. J. S. G. Moors will preach at 11 a. HI. tod 7 p.m. The ann- ual fwl supper will be held on the foll- owing Monday evening, supper from 5 to 7, after which a choice program wilt be given in the church. We know that the root crop this year I was abnormally Urge and prolific, but it Please pay threshing amounts by Dec. | "4 *>r Mr. Guy Orr of the Toron- 3 and save interest M.Kerton.Maxweil. Buy your Chris'maa gifts at the Pres> by-en in Ladies' Aid Bazaar in the town hall on Wednesday, Dec 9. Division Court will be held here un Ihe list of case* is to Line to afford tion of the fact last demonstra- week when be brought in seven turnip* which tipped the tctlns collectively at )>5 pounds. These were certainly som* turnips and the editorial cow will live high for a couple of days m vw.iv Friday of this week. not extensive. _ . ^ *u keep abreast of tin times when , , . , , , I 7 u rea-1 the Weekly Sun of Toronto. Ling, SMB., t Mr. and Mrs. a. J. raul I ... . | It u a farmer s newspaper, md that a daughter, Margaret Elizabeth. A much appreciated Christmas gift for a small price at the Bazaar in the town hall Wednesday, Dec. 9. Our beautiful sleighing went away the newspaper, raeana, market report*, editorial*, special farming articles, special departments for all the family, "other people'.? opinions", where the readers may say their say and a countless list of bright features of fore part of last week, and since then j interest and importance t all farmers, our roads hpve been nothing to blow I Fifty-two weeks in the year 'he Sun is about by the wind. j on the job. Do you read in! When re- llev. Mr. Waugh of Dundalk occupied | newin* your subscription for this paper the Methodist pulpit morning nd even- j we will be pleased to take your sub- ins; on Sunday, preaching two highly I script ion for the Sun. appreciated sermons. Mr.Geo. Watson, Priceville, wishes! The contract for completion of the us to announce that he ha.s now got huj power house '" the * M *! llas beeQ Iet to chopping mill in order and is doin(! ;" Butlalo Hrm, The Advance Is informed. chopping every working d.y. ' U has uow b>;e " decided ''>' the <*"" sion that the pnwer must be turned on by The Best boys gave a shooting watch . ., . . ., c , rv* ' I April 1st next, and the first development tn town on r riday afternooon wheu som e ... . . c .,,,,,, _, f - , will only be for ">00 horsepower. There hfteen ducks and a dozen geese wer. 1 I is no movement as yet towards erecting captured by the experts. the power line to Owen Sound. The The Methodist Choir Concert assisted t Hy Unds are still busy puttirg in the by the best talent iu town will give their j hea j ^ danj and the drossed plank for concert on Wednesday evening, Dec. Hi. the bl({ tube lms bt;eil goin; . out f[U . lhe Keep date open for the muiicU treat of pist two or three week , The tube will be of wood to the brow of the mountain the season. The 1'iesbyterian cl.urch at Maxwell will hold their annual tea and entertain- ment on Tuesday, Due. 22. Tea from 5 to 7, good program after. I'sual pri- r-s. The high school Literary Society will meet on Friday next. Dec. 4- The sec- ond series of the war will be Austria, taken up by L. McPhail and M. Legate. A special program will be given. Ev- erybody welcon.o. A credit auction salw of farm stock, etc., will be held on lot 132, K. E. T. * and steel tubing from there to the powe house. The Advance had ;i pletfaut call on ' Saturday last from Mr. Kdyftr Bellamy ' of Saskatoon. Sask., who was on a short 'visit to his parents here. Mi. Bellamy has teen a resident of Saskatoon for six ] years aud has strong faith in the future prosperity of th.it western city. He says that with westerners there is strong movement at present of "back to tho l:>nd." The people have learned that they were existing on borrowed cnpital S. H., Artemewa, on Wednesday Dec. Ij ^ ^^ ^ mf>{ ^ ^^ 16, the property of Mr. J. A. Uolley. | ^ ^.^ ^ ^ Und .^ Mr See bi Is and advertisement in this issue. | Bel ,. i;uy ^ ^^^ ^ d ^ ^ ^ ^ D. McPhail, Auctioneer. j and ^^ methof , ;U]d u (h(? heaj ftnd Buy your Christmas presents at the (chief owner in a J'>U K stock company bazaar iven Oy the Ladies' Aid of I'hal- | wl) ; ch runs a | itt | e far , n of 35 Q acres in .mer's Fi-esbyterin church, Dec. !). i the GoO8e Like a; str j ct . The farm is Gifts at small prices for everybody. Home cooking for sale, also fruit and vegetables. Afternoon tea served. Oy- sters and ico cream served in the evening. Good uiusic. An employee of the Kugenia House, during the absence of Mr. P. Muushaw, uiven over to D,ixed farming but is prin- cipally devoted to raising grain. While crops were very poor this year owing to want of rainfall, the summer fallowed I u il -and the company had nothing but summer fallow -the yield of wheat was 2* bushels to the acre. On stubble land there was only a yield this year of from the proprietor, on his deer hunting trip this fall, inadvertently handed out some- I 2 to o bushels per aero ! Other years thing that did not come within the limit : the normal production on their firm was of the law, and as a consequence the ; 40 bushels wheat and 23 bushels flax, proprietor hud to put up a cool hundred To show the faith that some Americans and costs last week. The same thing havo in the county, Mr. Bellamy'says ha happened last hunt iug season and I'. M. has si Id this summer land in the same is thinking about cutting out the deer j district at $47 per acre, hunt. The officers of the Grand Lodge, A. V. and A. M., have inaugurated a movo- ment for Masonic relief for tho suffering Belgians with a contribution of one dollar per member from the entile mem- bership of the subordinate lodges in Ontario, which is now $57,000. Prince Arthur lodge at the regular meeting on Friday evening List ,pprv'Vi'.l of tho action of tho Grand Lodgo mid voted a contribution of $71, ( .i one dollar each from the entire membership of this lodge. The ick children's hospital, Toronto, was also reni'.T.ibered with the usual nul grant, Potatoes Wanted Two Car Loads of Good Potatoes Wanted Current Market Prices Paid. -M. SCULLY & CO., Flesherton. ^Odds and Ends ARTICLES FOR SALE Jersey cow and heifer cilf for sale W. A. Armstrong. A air load of cement just arrived. Sangitrr Hemphill, Ceylon. Butf Orpington cockerels for sale, from prize winning stock. J. Turner, Price- Tille P. O. or phone. Hearse fur Sale Rubber rired, ix>les orahaft, latest model, nearly aew.--M. Sidney, Lady Bank. For Sale 6 pure bred Oxford Don n ewe Units, three ram lambs; also 1 Shearling rm. C. H. Holly, R. R. No. 2, Flesherton. White Wyandotte, white Rook and Silver Carapine cockerels for sale, thor- oughbred stock : alto Bronze turkeys and KmU'en geese. Win. Reid, Price- viile P. O., lot 21-22. X. D. R. For Sale Cheap young driving mare about 950 pouadi, or would exchange for good driving hone about 11A) pouadi. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flean- ertoa. Jan. 22 For Sale A few egg vt in prime or- der, suitable for soft water tanks, or watering cattle. Alm> a <;ood, second hand set of double harness. M.Scully Co., Fleaherton, Out. For Quick Sale A niaa roomed frame and metal clad dwelling, good cellar and water, frame stabU and shad. Alia a vacant lot for aale. Possession givin at once. Silaa Shuak, ilesherton. Legal Blanks For Sale R. J. Sproule keeps constantly on hand and for sale cheap a full stock of Deed*. Mortgages, Wills and all other legal blanks. Any requiring such will find it to their, inter- est ta give him a call. For sale cheap aud on easy terms. Lot 13. cou. 11, Osprey, 1 LO term. This is a first class farm and in t good state of cultivation. Good bank barn and new frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Sproule Flesherton. For Sale Cheap and on easy ttrms comfortable frame dwelling in Flesher- ton ; good w-11 on premiws ; also Park lot of 4 acres in good state of cultivation with barn thereon. R. J. Sproule. Flesherton, Ont. Sept. 17 14 H. H. Miller of Hanover has for sale th"Thomss Butler" firm. Lot 5, con. ', and lots 4 und 5, con. 7, Artemesia; in all 220 acres more or less, with about 2UO acres cleared, with frame house with st.ino cellar and two good bank barns. The poperty it offered at a unreal bargain. MISCELLANEOUS Wanted large second hand box heat- ing stove, must be cheap and in reason- ably good condition. Apply to R. J. Sproul, Flesherton. Jsn.22 All old accounts to J. Jt, W. Boyd must be paid ac once to tave costs. J. & W. Boyd. Mai kdale The Durham Furniture Co. has cords of wood f(-r sale at lloc'-t Mills- Price 50c. per oord. Can be bought in larfie or small quantities. J. ( '. Dargav- el in charge. 1 Jan. 15. MUSIC STUDIO Mark Kverette Wright, organist and choir master of the Methodist church, Flesherton, teicher of piano, organ and voice. Mr. Wright holds credentials from conservatories of music where he has taught, also from eminent doctors and teachers in New England conserva- tory. Boston Metropolitan Conservatory of Music and Steinway Hall, New Yurk city. Both Mr. and Mrs. Wright are pen for concert engagements. aras^g-ra^lTiT/r/?-^^ HILL BRO5., ~ MARKDALE Men's Overcoats with Quilted or Curl Lining, Mar- mot Fur Collars, for $9.75 12 only Men's Fur Collared Coats with (juilted or tnrl licings, with Marmot Collars. The Manufactur- ers lose big money on these. Special $9.75 Mantle Cloths at Half Price This week we pat, on sale thirty pieces of Mantle Cloths in beavers. Curl Cloths. Tweeds aud Bouckle Cloths. Now is the time to make the Children then- winter Coats at little coat. SI .00 a yd. Manila cloths for 50c. $1 .75 a yd. Mantle Cloths for ST^c. fl.25 do 624c. 12.00 do S SI. SO do 75c. S2.25 do $1.25. Flannelette Remnants of Good Quality for lOc. a yd. 2000 yards Best Quality Flannelettes in lengths of 4 to 10 yards. Regular 12$c. and 15c. valne, for thi? week, per yard .". lOc Dress Goods at Half Price and Less Thia week we have gone through oar Dress Goods Stock, and picked oat .*!; odd lines in Tweeds, Serges, Broadcloths and Amazonp, nearly all colors represented. In the lot you will find goods fiom 73 cents t o $1.25 a yard. On sale this week for, per yard 48c. Rubbers! Rubbers! Rubbers! Men's 12 inch Leather Top, Heavy Rubbers for, per pair S3. 75 Men's 4 hole Snag Proof Rubbers for $2.48 Men's 1 Buckle Rubbers for SI. 35 Men's 1 Buckle Heavy Gum Orershoe. Twill Rubber, for SI. 98 Ladies Fine Quality Overshoes, all sizes, for $1.28 pr. This week, Ladies, you can bny the best quality Ladies' Overshoes in Button, the kind you pay 11.75 and S'2.00 for, per pair ~..*1.28 On Sale Thursday Morning Big Purchase of Men's and Boys' Overcoat* and Suits at Less than Half Price The Clothing was made by one of our best firms, but was damaged by water, and the Biggest Bargains you ever bought in Clothing are to be bought here Thursday uiuiulu^ *tlesa than half the regular price. Loys' and Men's Overcoats, all prices at less than half. Boys' and Men's Suits, all prices at less than half. Boys' aud Men's Odd Coats at less than half. This Clothing has been slightly damaged by water. Hardware Department la this department we carry a big stock, and we specially mention Coal and Wood Heater*. Coal Oil Stoves aud Ranges, of which we are showing a big stock at prices less than you usually pay. HILL BROS., MARKDALE Individual Instruction pennies V to enter any day it the ^ & OWEN SOl'XD. OST., . is recogni/ed :is the most thor- ough, practical Business School in Canada, pert Instructors. Our own three story College Build- Iing. Every < Graduate guaranteed a po- Get "ur success Look i C. A. FLEMING. F. C. A.. G- D. FLKMIXG Secretary. OWEN SOUND - ONTARIO Christmas Gifts 1 s __ i i C'hri.stiuas is c-"inin.r. What shall I send my frieii'l- a^ a token of friend- ship. Clot a (.ln/.cn or two photos. Just the thing your friends will appreciate most of all ami at the same time will prove inexpensive. Hawken will be glad to furnish the goods. (.'all earlv and avoid the inual Christmas rush. i R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. Agent for the Cockshutt Plow Cos Fu Line of Farm Impements Wagons, Buggies. Cutters. Sleighs, and Gasoline Engines, Melotto Cream Separators, Baker Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Pipe Fittings always on hand. Bealty Bros', of Fergus, Bam Trucks. Litter Carriers and stable lutings. Cockshutt aud Frost & Wood Repairs always on hand. Wareroom Wellingon Stree. Feversbam, j jpntarto. We Want Now A GOOD SALESMAN For evt-iy li'Hii ai:d district wlure we a not represented. Fruits are bringing high prices and -"iv tftock is in demftiul. MAKE BIG MONEY NOW by ing an agency. BEST TIME for vassing is duriu<; the Summer mouths. EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY Free equipment Exclusive territory Highest Commissions puid Write for full particulars. Stone & Wellington Fonthill Nnrscriew TORONTO - ONTARIO School Children's Eyes, W. A. HAWKEN PHOTO ARTIST FLESHERTON - ONTARIO Farm For Sale 111) .seres, 1.J miles from Flesheitcti. " .1 ImilJiiiKs, easy terms. .10HN WRIGHT, Flesherton. Many lives have been through neglected eyestr:ii:i in childhood. The eyes of every child should be examined. We have made a special study of this branch of optics, and guarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong:. in iminr Carefully Corrected Each Week When SI "> io 1 10 Oats 47 to 4^ Pe.w $1 13 to 1 15 Barley 53 to ,V> Buckwheat 35 to 55 Flour $i 00 to 9~ IMI Hny $1500 to 1500 What About THAT- J Butter. Eggs, fresh ..... Potatoes per bag . Geese .......... Ducks . . . . x , . . . Chickens Tui Keys 23 to 2o' :;o y> :;n 40 to 40 10 to 10 10 to 10 '.t tu 'I 10 to 10 l:< to l:< Baby Carriage Regular Price $5.00 to $14.00 Greatly Reduced NOW Verandah Chairs ! .w is tlie time to purchase \ >m Vrramlah Chairs, "ii salo f. r * $6.50 a Pair Nothing like them f"i Comfort. W. H. BUNT FURN1 11FE LEtER PHONE 23 R2 Flesherton Ontario. FlesHerton Tonsorial Parlors i We Aim to Oive Entire Satisfaction I LArNDUY Basket clones ! ninht, delivery Friday evening ^ CLK.VXING and DYEING \\\ ai-8 ' agents for Parker's Dye Works Clothes ] cleaned and JyoJ. feathers rejuvenated. T FISHER, - - PROPRIETOR (i ANADIAN P/vcinc Bull for Service Tamworths for Sale Hotl\ sex nenrly rualy tor brec.iiu^. l'i ici- right tor quick !. GKO. W. ROSS MixwoJl I' Thorouxhl'io'l ford bull lor service on lo 1 ;1M. .'. ' W. T. andS. R., Arlenx.'sis Toiin- tfl.j' -JOBN ADAMS, Winter Tours TO TIIK l.vM) OK SINSHINE AND SIMMER DAYS THE "CANADIAN" FAST TIME 15KTWEEX MONTREAL-TORONTO DETROIT-CHICAGO I'urtii ular froir. r:i:i.u!i:i . ^Pacific Ticket A^ent i-i v.ii:- M. I.. |M:irpliy. IH-trivt ami N 'nij> cortifi . S. RAN OS, Agent, Ceylon.

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