Flesherton Advance, 3 Dec 1914, p. 8

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December 3 1914 THEFLESHERTONADVANCE BUSINESSCARDS WH. WH1GHT, T 1:1 .fOllli & MtDONALD Kti r ii.ti-i . Solicitors, 4c. UfflcM, Grey 1 1 * Drue* Illook, Owon Bound. Ktandkrd Hok | Klock. Klaslierton. (8turdvi<). W. H. Wright, i W. 1>. rolford J- ., J. C. MclionmH, L. u P. SOCIETIES AO O W meets ou the last Monday ID tcb mootb, ID their loago room Clayton's lisll Flesberton, at b p.ui M W, *'. J. ltllsmy ; Kec., C. H. Munsbaw; 1 D., K. J, Bproule. Vintiur brethisa lnlled PKINCK ARTHUR LODGE. No. S33.AK4 A M, mMts in tht Masonic ball. Arm troR s Block, Kleshertoo. every Kri.lsy on bvfore the fall mocn T. Itlskeley M.; W. Secretary. f OURT^FLEhHERTON, 995. I. 0. F. ueeUin ~ CUyton'i Hlook the lut Wednesday eveuinR cb month. Vinitint! Foresters heartily Icouie'C. K., U. Bellamy ; H. B., (>. <'irtJ, n. B., W. Uuikin. Pleat* ray duea to Kin. Bee. before the Brut fcv of tlio mouth. P ___ _ f| fHOHKN FK1ENOS Fleiberton Council * Cbonen Friend* merit in Clayton'hallnrit f. > he Herorder on or before tee nrst day of each uionth. Chief Councillor ~. Blakeler: Recorder \V. H. Bout. nd tblrd Wednesday of etch month ' assessment* to toe RUDD klATHE'.VB, Markdale, Licensed aueMoneer for the county of lirry. Goo<* Mrrvice at reaacnable ratek. 1 n>:. can be uade at Tbe Advance. oW MEDICAL DK CARTER HUP* 8 Ont.Pbyilclan. Burgeon etc Office and reiiduce Peter >t., Pleibertoo JP OTTEWKLL Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary ColleKe renideucn >cund door louth went;oD kry street. This itreet mns outb Praabyterian Cborob. DENTISTRY Dr. E. C MURRAY U D. R , dental surgeon ' bonos graduate of Toronto University acd Ks>yal College of Uentsl Rurgewns of Ontario, Cia aduisinistered for teetli extraction i at residence, Toroutg ()(, v l; t. KMSerton . Made In Canada COLUMBIA RECORDS TOR DECEMBER ....Now On Sale.... Get Lists Now Emmy Destinn The famous diva of the Metropolitan Opera House contributes two operatic selections on a Double Disc Record $3.00 The Fox Trot The dance that took the "go" from "tango." \ fine Double Disc Dance Record $1.25 The Night Before Christmas At last a really satisfactory Children's Record. Every owner of a disc instru- ment should get this line Double Disc Kecord and fleli^ht the kiddies 85c. And all the latest popular selections, including "Along Came Ktith." Remember, the moit complete collection of the Song> the Soldien are singing have been recorded on COLUMBIA PATRIOTIC RECORDS Fop SAI.I: KV LEGAL KASKY * bESUY-Btrrtatari, i citors ejc. 1. H. Lucas. K. C.; W. E. Kaney K C W. D. Heor) , U. A. Offleei, . roront'o, W6-9 TiaUors Hank TIliV.. lihoBe , u-ain J412; Uarkdale Lucan Hloek, 1'lione 2 A. : Kraucli odlce at Duuiialk open every Saturday. BUSINESS CARDS OK, WHOLESALE ONLY, FROM M, sir Sri-iM.Y Co., TORONTO Agents wanted where not actively represented. 12 CUL1X3UOH & YOUNO '' Bankers Markdale neral banking liuiui . Money loaned reasonable rates Call on u. Notice To Creditors ADMINISTRATORS XoTl'.'K of DMcPHAIL. l.iofii-u.l Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Terms moderate and tit 'action uaraDteed. Tlie arrangements n] Imtesdf sales can lie made a*. TnB ADTANCK office. Ktfsideuce aud P.O., Ceylou, Telephone -onnectlon. . Dec -- 7 - In the in:itter of the estate Mcliill, late of the Vill.ixe of Ceylon in thd County of Crey, in the Province (if Ontario, (ieiilleinan, deceMcd. Notice it hereby given Unit .11 pernons r, or' Central U-lerlioneon.ee Fevershaui ' |, ilv ill ' any cl.iiun atpUIWt the H ll(l by address! UK inn at Fsvershaui, Out. i i ,..? \| . who died on or ' , about the -'oth day of June, A.I). J'.14, For Sale ' ;l1 ''' '"i" iml l " " l ' lul l>y " <>sl l " t '" ;iltl '"' WM. KAITTINO. Licensed Auctioneer foi the counties: of (ircy aud Blmcoe. Fai m and Ktork sales a specialty. Terms mi derate, satinfactieu fjuarauUed. Arrange- I for dale* may be made at the Advance or CllEDIT Auction Sale i If Kami Stuck, Ktc. Tin 1 ruclt-rniyneil IIHS l>ei;ii instrui-tvd to sull iiy public auction at Lot 132.2N.E.T. & S. R. ARTEMESlA Wednesday, Dec. 16th, 1914 Tlic following ViiluiliV- Articles, namely: Notice to Creditors ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICK In the milter of the Estate of William John lla/,u.l, late of the Township of Artemesii in the County of tire I Farmer, deceased Notice U hereby given, pursuant to 1 "The TiiMtee Act", and amendments | thereto, that all creditor*) and others ; having claims against the estate of the I -.11-1 William John Hazard, who died on I or about the twenty-fifth day of April, I'M 1. ure required on or before the (Thirty-fifth dy of December 1914 to send by post prepaid or deliver to James L. McMullen, Ceylon, Out., the Admin- : ittrator of the estate of the said deceased, | their Christian and surname 1 !, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of U eir claims and the nature of the secur- ities, if any, held by them. And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the said Administra- tor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claim of which he shall then have notice, and that the said Administrator will not be liable for tho eaid assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received ! by him at the time of such distribution. | Dated the twenty-fifth d.y of Noveir- i ber, A. D., 1!I14. Wriht Telfurd & McDonald, Solicitors for James L. McWullen, Ad- ministrator. Honor Rolls Report of Fk'sherton Public School. Room 1 i 4 Uobs Trimble, Frank Bunt, Clarence I Fisher, Mable Field, Rene Cargo, We. I Armstrong, Harold Wright, M Kit-hard- ' s.ill. :'. lv McVicur, K Dav^, K UoyJ, G Dudgeon, li Mitchell, J ll-jiil, K Lever. S McTavish, I" Shunk, A Henderson, J , Wilson, K Kells. Koom 2 Jr :'. -K Field". II L-Gaid. V Lever, F I'iehardsou, < Lever, K Lever, It Mc- Leod. S|..;-_> L P.uskin, .1 Wiiglit, K Ferris, II <;<ddhawk, II ('arrinu'on, G Biakeley, .1 Stafford, W Lever, M McTavish, R Trueiuan, K OH* well. Jr. t C McT.-ivish, Mathewson, R Pxiytl, V \Vil8r>u, F Mathewson, J Kar- stedl, Nelson Kva'i, L McMullen. J Cai'rinj(ton. Room o Class 1 Sr. X Shur.k, D fnl^an, M Nuliii, L Cargo, M Dudyeoii < Fi-sher, K Fen is, A Xorris, II Wyvilli;, A Fields, E Trueman, 1 Lever, W C.urington. Class 1 Jr.- A Teeter, K Dudgeon, (i Ceylon's Busy Store NEW STOCK fitaufields' Unshrinkable Underwear, all sizes in three weighU. Woollen goocU, blankets, underwear, so ks, hose, stock- ing legs by the yard. Men's heavy, leather top rubbers, all sizes, 9 inch and 12 inch. Full assortment of sheep-skin lined coats for teamsters. Leading brands of crosscut saws. See onr stock of driving rugs. The latest is the large plait shawl mg. Ladies' ready-to-wear coats. Something altogether new. Aien's and boys' top coats and also heavy overcoats. We have nearly anything you want in either ready-made or tailor-made. Canned Corn, Peas and Tomatoes $1.00 a dozen Special Price on Sugar this week only _Highest Prices paid for butter and eggs,~ "Cash or trade.n I JAMES PATTISON & Co. >& *~-~ ^ --^ * -*i-^-^~ ~^- ^-^- . are i\ <iuire<l m rvuu nj |, ...-.* t ...| 'deliver t.. the undersiRned, Sol or or I Bay Hone, rimog (I ji-*rs o'd, Hay | * lil>> ' " * *cci B i, -. ^uui,.-..!., .. : heiem for Aieliilald Mc(!ll, the Ad- 1 Mare, 4 years old, carriage, good driver, | Goldhawlt, L) Ki.-hcr, It Srcwun, I. bull fur sitle at lot! minhirator '' ll '" estatunf tin- said iiiiiiisirntor of the enteteof tlie SKI > c, ' Uo-ji-r Mcijill, their names, nddroHtea ye.i 'nd full particulars in writing o their O id, - Colts, nsiiix 1 yesir old, heavy, C'ow, !j U| a keley. yeiis old, criming in soon, O'>v, ' yeuis I R u , Bull For Service 1'ure hred slimtliorn hull, -( (J f fv , Class 4, si .Mills sch..,,l for 2*, Coll. II, \l tl-llli Ml I-' It (JKN'oK ' nu full particular* in writing " !lr | old, auppoted to be in calf, Cow, 4 yearn , | "u claims before the Ihl day of December, . o | ( l l tuppustd to be in c.ilf, lloifer, lisiui' ! I!I14, att-i wln,!i tl-te 'lie M Archi- 1 3, w j t h Clllf ftt foot, 2 Heifeil, rising. 1 !.! I Uld McGill will pion-ed to distribute Uuppuced to be in calf, Heifer, riling 2,' the assets of tho eii'd. dec-ud _ Binfg uppoed to be Itt calf, Steer, rising :: Emperor, 'the persons entitled tlierelo, Inun^ re- ( ye,u old, liull li.sln;,' .1 years <>1J, 5 1 kinson, L Pirtridge,|F Bett. l-i;.-,:;7, f,r service .,11 l,,t ir,7, W.T. S.H.. uard only to ilic cliiinis .,f whirli lie .sliiil. sin.rs, rising _' yeiirs old, -' Spring 1 Aiteine.sm. Terms ?1 50 f,. r grides, f.1 1 then have had notice, *nd tint he will] Cnlvon, about W Het, Ltmrber "Wagon, .lh I Smith, S White, I. At- t,<r thoroughbred*. All onw ierreal mu^i be i>i<l for. Mar. II. '.ui^'i.-. Proprietor. Kull I or Service F..-I- sorioe. Aheidecn AliU'i' Jaron Holly No. ii42i. on l(,l ill, !'lh eon. ess- not bo liable for the said a-sets or any pail thereof lo any IK-IS, .n of \vhliW I'laini lie hliull nc.t then have received notu-. 1 . I-.T.'I ,tnei-ii SI. \V., S, i licit, ,1 for Archil-iilil M.-Cill. D.itnl til Tomnto this -'Mil day of (l.tul.T. 1!I4. ion, Arieincsi.i. Terms, sl.OO if piiid l,.-f,,r.- M .I.HI. 1HI.V-W. .). Mi-ee. May i: Bull for Service Our Clubbing List Thn following puces 'ire for strictly Guod Top Buggy, Cutter, lloatl C.irt, _' | Set I/uht Driviii" Sleinh", Luiul Kolier, .' Set Siii'/lu ILirncsN, Sol Doiilile Driving lUiiic-.s, 15ni;i;y l',,le and Nei-k Vuko, | (rilt Robe, Gout Kobe, Lip Una, and other ai t!cl?a too nuraoroui to tnention. Kvcrythin^' Mils' Me Sold. Sile to COIIIIIKIKV (it 1 o'clock. Terms All sums of 5>."i.(Ml and inuler, ciwh ; over thai uimnint 12 tnontliH* credit will Ii,- yiven mi Approved joint mites. li pel cent-, 'ill' for CIIN|I in lli'U of notes. .1. A. IIOU.KY, D. Mcl'HAIL, 1'ropnetor. Aiictioiieor. I) I! lack, C ) pii.l in advance subscription* only. tore brM horthorn hull, Aliei-deenj JluV( , I10HCCOU , 11H with other papers. Fyvie -,OiO for m.-tvice mi lot li'.i, S.S. It.. AitiMiie-iii. Terms II. .M> for ^rmlo. Pure liri-d ' cows *:! IXI. I'ure Iire*-Tiiiiwoi!li lion f'>r service on the al>i)vu lot. Terms $1.">0 for :ill animals. .Served mu*t be paid for. Kledherioti Adrnnce 9 I (l(l ^'n'jtlis Conipiiinon ....... Toronto World, daily Toronto Daily News Strayed Bull For Service ThornUjjhbre.il Sliurihnrii Hull. " Hill- civt (ioveruoi ," N'j. M."i4liH, for M-rxicu on lot {. con H, Allen. esiit. Tenus fl.rilMoi "iu'les, *:' for thovouxhhredi. -AI.KX. rv-KKITIIKKK. K..iily Meral.l A Si ar Toronto Siar Farmer .Sun . . ...... l''arme.rs Advucstf Weekly Wit.'.etc Siilni'clay Niht Hum.- .loinu-.l t'oiil'i-y Iteview ({ml and (inn inaua/int! Strayed from Jut IW, c,m. lu. AiU-in- ^ ei i 1 i wo yi-in old steer, red with some ''i siniill white spots, .lehoined ini'l a fuw white bairs in foi'i-lieail, piy nun ill lop ' uf right flir. lias lieen away HIUOB Iwl ' woi-k ill < >olol er, Any informiiti.'n le.-i'liii-^ '.HI Jr 4 P Portcous. Sr. :i .1 .Milne, L Park, Porteoiu, Jr .'! K I'.etts, 1, Smith Partridge .1 I'.lack. _' II Poileoin, M Bfttg. 1- M VNhilo, ,J Portc'.us, K Smi-h. (.' Butts. C- \V k ltlnck, S IJlackburn, J Poitcous. 15 t! Thompson, A I.aii'.;hlii, K White. A Ij Milue, I! Hawkins, F Ilaryvave, I) 1'oiteous. T. CM tun. Teai her. McTAVISH SLEIGHS WEAR WELL They aie built to give good service, not only for one or two seasons, but many. They not only look right but " they wear well. They do not fall to pieces after a few years use. AV hate ver your re- quirements are in the sleigh line there is a Mc- Tavish Sleigh that will fill the hill and give you years of satisfaction. Leave your order with us at once and you will never regret it. D. McTavish FLESHERTON, ONT Agent HARDWAREll An All * Canadian i Product X In reoovory will IK; suitalily rcwai\lcd by '.M C. KNoTT, Thoiiibiiiv. Strayed \ Uuiiort of S. S. No. ,S, Aiteme.iia, tor Novcmbi-r. Those imnked >\ith mi have luvii absent for lit least one exoin- inn' i<>n. Si I II Thoinpsuii, It Taylor, F White, M O.nnrield*, U White*, .li 4 1. I'edl ir, V McNally, I. IVdlai*. Sr "i L Thoin|>soii. Jr. :;~ll I'dell, D \V,,t?.iu*, J Wdkin- I8OII For beauty, strength xnd siniplii-irv Ve challenge L-oinpari- son. Experts pro- nounce the ''Canada P>" the best Through- % out Steel IJange on the Continent. Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. Coal or Wood Heaters FRANK W. DUNCAN Hardware Merchant : Fl^KSHKI^TONI, Phone 30 r 2 ONT Property of the Late Roger McGill for Sale In tho township "f Aitemesin, in the County of <>rpy. Province of Ontario, compose 1 of lots 1 4H Hiid 149, eon. _', S. W. T. A S. K., and p;irt of lot l.">0, mi. - *. W T. A S. It , contAininrr r>0 ere* mor or le>s AltCllllt M.I) M.I. II I .(i'.lMav. ty St., tf. West Toronto. Sealed Tenders Selod tendeiH, .Maiked, "Tender* for Hchool," Hill l) nircived Iiy till) lliidei- signed up :O novumher L'Ml.li, I!II4, for the purcliMo <f o'<l kclioid limliliuij in K. 8. No. 5, Ottprcy TI-IIIIH iitid MitionLin may be obtained ot aodlgnN'4 place, Hth con., Osprey. Any tender not nocoMAr.ly aocepti- 1 Uy Ol-lcr. W.M. l-ASVLKIt, Kiienu. P.O. . S. S. No. Ti, O.pivy. Cure Krcd Holstein i'.ull Lliiiiij'.i-liiit; I'rincc Joe Hred hy ChHiigelini! ISmti-r Uoy on if Tidy Abbektrk l'ii'i<u-s.s Joiephiuo flu- -^riiiilMct luitler iiiiikin Mrain kini Term of x-rvice Jl.TiO for nnleH. pun- lireil. tiKU. MDOUK.V SON. l'rop., HLHr.lORl) BILL IOR SERVICII Tho nndi'i'.tiye.eil hav- .t piuv I nod Hen-fold luill f'.r service mi lot 171, -'id \S .T.S It., Ai ienn!i. Terms <f:! for pure lireds, 8I..">0 for All C-OWN neived iiiuni li imiil --T. A .1. WATSON. I mm 14 l 'HIM- lo the premises nt llio niiui-r- i SI^MI il mi nr iilionl Nov. HI, mii< twn- y-iir-nlil meer. The owni'i is rei|iioatpd to prove property, [my expenses mid tku ,hir, 1 Ulikey. , I ,. u ,1 I, Primer i Lyons. Jr 1 < > \\ ilkinson, AI.KX. Me.Ml Id.F.N Lot I.Y.t, 4th con., Flesherton IV O. Machinery tor Sale ti II. P. (jitHoline Knijine, l!n//. I'Uner, i" meh Band Saw, Rip Saw, I .n'ln-, 1/nu< Shift ami li.'li ulll in "I rttnolog order. Apply I'llKS'lKU N. U >SO, Mil xwell M Pedlar, I! Churcotl. M Phillips. K. A. M \. KA\, Tertc Kcpmt uf S. S. No. It, Arteiuosiii, for Noveinbt-i . CIss4-K Hcst:!:(4, \V Orr 1:14. SoninrJi-M Sharp ;<SO, S Clmrd '.'04. Jr. Il-K Irwin 7S4, A M.uire U7'.', M tor Si. L' M Moore 71o, I P.iveu (MS, (i i Irwin niW, A Ilrcon WIS. O A kins M\ . 1'irt -' A Hoguith I'.'.S, M Moore 07. Piiumry I! M MoMullon, \V Whito. PiiuiaryA M Iliveii, M Ho^n-th. II 'Akins. House for Sale Death c/ime .suddenly nnd terribly to Mi David II, n. i, i ,ni. wifo "f Idtvid Hondcrson. M. IV, of Acton, on Friday. Shu wan maimed, it is umle-rsrond, in -lii!. iir.' n smidl rn or mat from ihu ba! cony of hoi homo fcnd in smnu un account- ,1.1,- m inner she ! ,-i !,. i biktunce, and fell he ivily In the L'loiiud bidii\\. '-h, - . W.IN alive whim (rule ml up by other mem- f ( llo w l,jto biic'< house, !l IQOIIM, iu On- li'isoflhe linUHuhidd ho hiard 'u-i ( of Cnhouri;, to be n:ild ronsoua'ily ; ruriMiii, Hiid c*rril int. i the IKHISH, but e !ei I lie l*i;!il an i ijic- ; a simp for ipiick she nover lenained CoU'oioUTOeSI and sft |,. died ill n fen' 1,1,111.:. , It - : n I. i- 1 . ! M. SIDKV, hor skull win fi-ir.turp.l. Lwly I'miik . IW II !!! II I IMI II 11 I Flesherton Tin Shoi 1 lifivojii-st pliu-od on the shelves a full line of Tinwart', Nickohvaiv and Agateware fordoinestic use. Call on me and jet your supplies. Kavetrou^liino;, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. IMpelitlini^, including pump work. Furnaces installwl. Agent for (.'lave Bros. 'urnacos. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON # ONTARIO,

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