Flesherton Advance, 10 Dec 1914, p. 3

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V * fiHEUHiTIC MISER! Can Only Be Cured Through the ] Blooi Liniments of No Use In no disease does the blood be- come thin so rapidly as in rheuma- tism. Not only oes it become thin Jbut it is loaded with impurities .rheumatic poisons. Without the proper treatment these poisoas in- crease, the inflamed joints swell and Ihe patient becomes a cripple. There are a number of methods of treating rheumatism, most of them fciraing to keep down the rheumatic poisons until nature can build up Jhe blood sufficiently to overcome them. But unfavorable conditions of cold or dampness may give the ^disease the advantage and a relapse or renewed attack follows. . Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale ^People build up the blood and en- 'able it to cast out the rheumatic poisons with the natural secretions ,of the body. Thousands have tried ,this treatment with the most bene- 'ficial results. That every sufferer 'who does not try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is neglecting the most helpful '.means of recovery is shown by the 'following statement. Mrs. Emelin .'Smith, St. Jerome, Que., says: "I was attacked with what the doctor isaid was inflammatory rheumatism. Tlhe joints of my hands, fet and ''limbs were badly swollen, and ] /suffered the most excruciating pain. .Notwithstanding medical treatment ..the trouble became so bad that I could not go about. My appetite " began to fail me and I was growing . physically weak. A neighbor who , had been benefited by Dr. Wil- ; iiams' Pink Pills advised me to try " them and I decided to do so. In ' the course of a few weeks I noted some improvement, and my appetite : began to return. Then the swell- ing in my joints began to disap- j pear, and it was not long until 1 1 was perfectly cured and I have had , no return of the trouble." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all dealers in medicine or will be | sent by mail at 50 cents a box or j six boxes for S5.50 by writing direct j ' to The Dr. Williams' Medicine C'o . Bruckville. Ont. NAI'OI.KOVS MAXIM'S. A 1'Vw Striking Sentence* by the (ireat Corsicnii. The sight of a battlefield after the fight is enough to inspire princes with a love of peace and a horror of war. Intelligence has rights before force. Force without intelligence is nothing. To a father who loses his child- ren victory has no charms. W hen the heart spe-aks glory is itself an illusion. Tents are unhealthy; it is much better for the soldier to bivouc in the open air. for then he can build a fire and sleep with warm feet. Tents are only necessary for general officers, who are obliged to read and consult their maps. The fate of war is to be exalted in the morning, and low enough at nisvht. There is but one step from triumph to ruin. It is in time of difficulty that great men and great nations dis- play all the energy of their char- acter, and become an object of ad miration to posterity. Valor and a love of glory are an 'instinct with the French, a sort of sixth sense. How many times in the heat of battles I have stopped to look at my young con-scripts throwing themselves into the thick of the fight for the first time, honor ami courage coming from their very pores. Military bravery has nothing in common with civil courage. Indecision and anarchy in lead- ers lead to weakness and anarchy in results. SPENDS MILLIONS ON SPIKS. Most Effective Part of (iermany'M War Machine. The author of "The German Army from Witliin,'' who signs himself "A British Officer Who Has Served In It," has little that is complimentary to say of the Kaiser. Tine war veterans of the army, when they drank to the coming of ''The Day' 1 that has now dawned, at the same time prayed that their War Lord would keep out of it. "When Germany goes to war." they said, ''we hope that He will not lead us. We want to win." "He" is always given the dignity of a capi- tal. But "He" is measured at his true value as a military genius by the men who make war their life's work. At manoeuvres, when the Kaiser commands, there is gener- ally muddle and confusion. And the leader of tine opposing side, we are told, is very unwise if he come* out victorious ! Of piquant interest are the chap- ters dealing with the Secret Ser- vice the most complex and most perfectly organized part of the great war machine. Germany, we are told, spends a minimum of 730,000 a year on her spies. These parasites are of all nationalities and of both sexes. The wiages range from 10 to 20 a month, with spe- cial pay for special work. But. true to the essentials of jack-boot bureaucracy, there are spies set to watch the spies. "The minor swarms of servants of the War Lord," says the author, "are men of no country, no belief, no morals, and no means of support." It is a sentence heavily charged with significance. Women play an active part in this subterranean scheme that was to be expected. "High in the hier- archy of spies is the international courtesau." "In Berlin they have regular meeting places, one of which is so well known that I may without in- discretion name it : the Blumen- sale." Farmers, laborers, bank clerks! waiters and especially waitresses. All these guises and many more are adopted by the parasites who are yet minor cogs in the great ma- chine. "Every German of any ability is an unofficial spy," is the author's sweeping assertion. How a Sick Woman Caii Regain Health READ THIS VERY CAREFULLY. OF ECZE1 "For years I was thin and delicate, ' I lost color and was easily tired; a; yellow pallor, pimples and blotches on my face were not on.., mortifying to my feelings, but because I thought my skin would never look nice again I grew despondent. Then my appetite failed. I grew very weak. Various : remedies, pills, tonics and tablets 1 1 tried without permanent benefit. A j visit to my sister put into my hands ] a box of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. She placed reliance upon them aad now that they have mad,e me a well woman : I would not be without them whatever j they might cost. I found Dr. Hamil- : ton's Pills by their mild yet searching j action very suitable to the delicate j character of a woman's nature. They ! never once griped me, yet they estab- : lished regularity. My appetite grew ( keen my blood red and pure heavy rings under my eyes disappeared, and to-day my skin is as clear and un- ' wrinkled as when I was a girl. Dr. Hamilton's Pills did it all." The above straightforward letter from Mrs. J. .Y. Todd, wife of a well- known miller in Rogersville, Is proof ' sufficient that Dr. Hamilton's Pills are a wonderful woman's medicine. Use no other pill but Dr. Hamilton's, 25c. per box. All dealers or The Catarrh ozone Co., Kingston, Ontario. -* Pleurisy Pains " Chest Colds Cured ! NERVILINE HAS NEVER FAILED TO CURE. Don't suffer! NerviHne Is your relief. Nervillne just rubbed on, lots of it, will ease that drawn, tight feeling over your ribs, will destroy the pain, will have you smiling and happy in no time. "1 caught cold last week while mo- toring," writes P. T. Mallery, from Linden. "My chest was full of conges- tion, my throat was mighty sore, and I had the fiercest stitch In my side you could imagine. As a boy I was accustomed to have my mother use NerviHne for all our minor ailments, and remembering what confidence she had In Nervlline, I sent out for a bot- tle at once. Between noon, and eight o'clock I had a whole bottle rubbed on, and then got into a perspiration under the blankets. This drove the Nervillne in good and deep, and I woke up next morning fresh as a dol- lar and absolutely cured. Nervlline is now always part of my travelling kit, and I will never be without H." The large 50c. family size bottle is' the most economical, or you can easily ! get the -'".-. trial size from any dealer. A LITKY FIND FOR THF. I'.IMl. A discovery which may mean much to the Province of Ontario has been made at Caledonia Spriags, na/me!y that the waters of one of the four . springs is strongly radio-act ivt- . A recent visitor, who had hitherto] gone for his cure to the Austrian resort at Bodgastein. was prevent-! ed this year by the war. and tried' the Canadian spring. He was struck; by the similarity of the waters, which, on test, was found to be due to the presence of radium. The last official analysis was made in 1903. before the ramifications of; radium were fully recognized, but Professor Rutta-n, of McGill, has been commissioned to make a new complete analysis. The value of a genuine radium spring in Europe is calculated bo average from two to : three million dollars, owing to the number of invalid* who are attract- ed to such a spring. 4. INFORMATION FOR INVENTORS Messrs. Pigeon. Pigeon i Davis, patent solicitors, Montreal, report that 142 Canadian patents were issued for the week ending Nov. 17th. 1914. 97 of which were granted to Americans, 25 to Canadians, 10 to residents of Great Britain and Colonies, and 10 to residents of foreign countries. Of the Canadians who received patents, 13 were residents of On- tario, 5 of Quebec. 2 of Alberta. -J of New Brunswick. 1 of Nova Scotia, 1 of Sask:itch'wan. and 1 of British Colutabi*. Begin on Child's Face. Spread all Over Head. Pimples Would Fes- ter and Break Like Boib. Cuti- cura Soap and Ointment Healed, Elrose, Sank. " My little boy had erzoma when he was about a week old. It began on his race and spread all over his head. U wa In pimples and they would foster and break like little boils all over his bead, but were Uko rash on hi < foce. Tils eczema wan very Itching and tha burning was intense: It made him so restliud ho could srarrely sleep. " I tried several ointments and salves an 1 they seemed to do very little good so I tried Cuticura Soap and ointment after :m had been ii-k about a month. When I us?J Cuticura Soap and a few applications of the Cuticura Ointment I noticed such a difference. Ho was ablo to sleep and hu faco began to get a new skin on it. I kept on using them for threo months, and two cakes of Cuticura Soap and threo boxes of Cuticura Ointment cured him." (Signed) lira. A. F. Thayer, July 1J, 191-1. Samples Free by Mail Cutirura Soap and Ointment do so much for pimples, blackheads, red. rough and oily skins. Itching, scaly scalps, dry. thin and falling hair, chapped hands and ghapelest calls, that It U almost criminal hut to use them. They do even mura for skin-tor- tured infants and children. Although sold by dealers throughout the world, a liberal ampio of each will be mailed free, wliti 82-p. Skin Book. Address post-card "CuU- cura. Uept. D. Boston. V. S. V. ' Faint Traces. "Is the water you get at \v.ur boarding ii.vjse pur-. 1 I" "X.i. we frequently find traces of coffee ,T.:d jther substances in it." PKARL.s OKTRCTH. T .?re h riw booi lik-j ih? Bible in s iH-structibilky. Rev. Dr. Chapman. I <i j th'nk Che t'-ne ha* come, r.es- ing we have a itin =t.-r of War. A:"-n wi- ;:h /u'-i !"v> i Minister of Peaoe. Ladv Bar!,'.. X .!)'.'. can be r:~ii wVi ^ets mo- ny - iiuins at the c : ' '' - t~-an an-.! suffer: ;frs of P" >r-l-^ Mrs. A. Ma kerly. 'a-.d has given 7m:<''i f> the Wi r! ; . but her beo'. gif's have b. the :iv>n and women : he has -.?-, to new la I! -i. D'-rljy Th? finest :': : ii5 in the w_r!d is .'biedlv a b?autiful n' ' one -f ' ' i: ' - 1-rful thing'; about c'"arE - ,er a i i the : :.': :d :.-: th'it th? tii-.'y arc expended up T - !':?rs the m-'.ro tlie giver bec.-mes 'jrd. Sir Hsnrv J.r.es. French's "it. A new story . i I"i-k: M i -sh i! Sir J-. hn Fremh w:n recently tuld by an officer who served with him in the Soutii Afrk-an War. A younsj officer who was a'. '.ached to Genera! French's staff, being fresh to actual warfare, was ver\ fkU"t\ . aud was always imacir.ing a sudden attack by the B-->t-rs. wliome he always re- ferred t.' a< "B<>re* ' ' General French on more than one occasion gently corrected his pronunciation. but without permanent effect. At last an occasion came when th- y^unir officer approached the ::-''' era! t-.j report that h could mak- out throueh his glasses at i- f.ver.ty "Fores" hidden behi.'id the rocks above the camp. T.. ]<. you say ' inquired the general "Yes, sir. ' Bores.' Ca:i I do any thin/, sir:' "Yes. don't add t<> tiiei!!." was tiw rep'y. Delicate! T flavoured BgUy concen tratecl. WHY WORRY ! Choose your variety and ask yonr grocer for "Clark's". P ATENTS OF INVENTION'S PICJEON. PICEON DAVIS 7U St. James St.. - Montreal WciU tor Inia iiuuuo F- BOILERS- New j:M ^evond-hand. for heating and power purposes. \Vau*r K'.umw. TANKS AND SMOKE STACKS. A Riti- on the Way. -..^'d Rogers I haven't had a ' bite for nearly a week. mum. Sympathetic Lady - You poor man ' Have patience a few weeks longer and vou'll get frost-bitten BLED TO DEATH Tr.od to trim u wir: w.:h .1 - si-ver.xl a.n artery The only .ir. < rt- :- "Putuuc'a." wbicb remorcs wnri.i, , -jr::.- callouatn in oni' day I.i^.t ,m P!rn.i:u'i- ru and W^rt KX:.:I. or, - tie be-:. 2:<- a: a!l dealers. Engineer! and S:i.pbuildtr. Sore Granulated Eyelids, Eyei inrtame-i by expo- sure to San , Dost and W In i quickly relieved by Morlnt EyeVraiedy. No Smarting, just Eye Comfort. At Your Drureiit'i 50c per Bottle. Marine > SalvinTubes25c. ForUtokof theEyefreeask Druggist* or Undue Eye Bemedy Co., f "I think that- women ought to have the ballot. " "Do they really want it!' "They must want it. Some of them are working s - ardently ?>r .suffrage that thev are nayini ab- solutely no attention to <ir---- Bl SY DOITOU rs Ovorluoks a I'oiut. The phvs-ician is stioh a busy man that he KMWvtiBM overlooks a valu- able point to which his attention rn,y be called by an intellisreii't pa- tient who is a thinker. "About a year ago my attention was called to Grape-Nuts by one of in\ patients." a physician writes. "At the time my own health was bad and I was pretty well run down, but I saw at once that the Jneories behind Gra-pe-Nuts were sound and that if -the food was all that was claimed, it was a perfect food. "So I commenced to use Grape- Nuts with cream twice a day, and in a short time I began to improve in every way and I am now much stronger, feel better and weigh more tnan ever before in my life. "I know that aid of this good is due to Grape-Nuts, and I am firmly convinced that the claims made for tJie Pood are true. "I have recommended, and. stiH recommend, Grape-Nuts to a great many of pay patients with splendid results, and in some cases "the im- provememt of patients on this fine food has been wonderful. "As a general food, Grape-Nuts stands alone." "There's a Rev *o,n." Name given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. Look in pkgs, for tihe famous lit tie book, "Th Road to WeUville." i*r r*a in. t>uv itur- A nm ant app*rt tram tint* to tlm*. Th art true, and lull ! Kyman THE DADDY OF THEM ALL. There's a hearty stout old party lives beyond the Northern Sea, About as rough, about as tough, as a party well can be; Strong nerved, well preserved, and liaiuly with his hands. With muscle for a tussle to enforce what he commands. He's big and bold, a trifle old, his habit somewhat full; Recording fame inscribes his name as Old John Bull. Rough John, tough John, bluff John Bull, The man that carried his burden, the man that has the pull. His heart Is full of kindness, with never a drop of gall, For old John Bull is the daddy of them all. There's many a lad to call him dad, and take the old man's part; To swell his might, to share his fight and cheer his loving heart, To bear his flag from cliff to crag and thunder on the foe; Ten thousand sons to man his guns when the echoing bugles blow. From every land, from every strand, they come to the father's call, For old John Bull Is the daddy of them all. The waves that roll from pole to pole still bear him on his way. From, the purple gleams of morning's beams to the golden close of day; The heaving seas, the freshening breeze speed on his freighted ships, The roar that fills the startled hills leaps from his cannon's lips. The flags that fly to the bending sky are with his glory full; They tell the fame and spell the uame of old John Bull. Rough John, tough John, bJutf John Bull, With both fet getting there and both hands full. Where'er the march of Empire thun- ders his martial footsteps fall, For old John Bull Is the daddy of them all. A. T. Freed. Birds the \Vorsl (Jluttons. Bird* are ani-'iiu: the largest eat- ers of all the animal kingdom. Some birds consume two and one- half times their weight of food in twenty-four hours. The heron, which has a light weight of four pound* in spite of its size, is a striking example. One was lately caught whioh had just swallowed two troivt of one and one-half and two pounds. Wild pigeons are among the foremost eater*, and they make a most copious repast when- ever an abundance of food is found.* Thus a single pigeon picked up 1.000 grains of wheat in one day. Mlnaid'i Llnlmont Cum Olphthtria. What He Wanted. Captain Can't you do something for that seasick passenger, doctor? Doctor No, he wants too much. Captain Why, what does he want '? Doctor He wants the earth. Mlnard'i Liniment Cures Colds, Ao. "Oh, Bobbie. Bobbie." said the aunt, reproachfully, "why is it you never remember to say 'Thank you?'' "1 expect it's 'cause I don't get things given to me often enough to practice." answered the voting diplomat. It is sometimes almost as hard to j meet a bill as it is to keep out of its way. Warlike Mistress Don't you think, James, you would like to join Lord Kitchener's army? Peaceful Footman Thank you. mum. but I don't see as 'ow I'd be bettering myself. War's for them as likes it, which I never did. I n l> h-.i-.Hi i Am |ti t ;i 1 i DM . De Carve "I performed a very- distasteful operation this morn- ing." Ue Bolus Indeed '. Waal was it?.' De Carve "A wealthy patient made me cut something off his bill. I waj ourod of lernblo lumbago by JUNAKDS HMMEST. REV. WM. BROWN I v.ie cured of a bad case of earache by MINAUDS L1NIMK.NT MHrf. S. K.U'LItAi'N. I ifu cured of sene :.ve lung by UIN.VKD'S LINIMENT MRS. S. UA.STKKS. er (the subject being tree?) 1 N .;;. \vh-> can luni,' th.' pill" that has the !. invest a::d sharpest . eJ Bright P.<v "I can. miss; th- porcu] \ i - - i a fell A who ex : i b j turned d ! ev-ry t! IK- he turns up Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are made according to a formula in use nearly a century ago among the Indijr.s, and learned from them by Dr. Morse. Though repeated at- tempts have been made, by physi- cians and chemists, it has been found impossible to improve the formula or the pills. Dr. Morse'* Indian Root Pills are a household remedy through- out the world for Constipation and all Kidney and Liver troubles. They act promptly and effectively, and Cleanse the System FROM FACTORY DIRECT TO YOU. HOUSE PAINTS $1.25 GAL No Middleman's profit. HeivuUw Mixed Paint* hat) e*rnl a repu- tation for reliability. Compc**d of i,ho bMt maieria-'n. Work* cjaily. hold" '< lustre and color lonor than th r*gula." It. 00 Paints. WUl not crack. Witr or ARM PAINTS Cuarntd 75c. gal. Sold in S gal. cam. Writs to-dav for color cards. Guaran- teed BAliBiact'Ctn or money refndMl. MAC. WILLIAMS COMPANY, 121 N. Slmoo* St., Toronto. There's fl\oney in fTa/le G owe !'. r worth iti m-ghj m Bold no* '.h;:i adult en:o. of pare M.ip.u Syrup arv bif.rs !>- to tlignt Of he ti-'TernniiMi:'* "<?w i>roi<-'i ivo :eeUt.o:l. K:'.rn-erd wUl bo o'lro of itetutig (': . T Uie genu- ine art.cif. To -.". the best re- -11 t. ': -u; | ' <u '*-" nM our "Champion" Lvipor-itor. Li UB krow how rn.iny trecw you '--IP and *-. ' ' '>a parUoulMi ai to co.= t. A.- Wr u> f.-r frt>o boo- .-i THE GRIM* M. : C. CO.. LIMITED SI Wel ington St.. Montreal, Qua. Will Ycu Help liie Hospital for Sick Children, ihs Great Provincial Charity ? ED. 'li. A Sonso of Fitness. "Wonder what makes Pounder, the famous pianist, wear his hair so | long " "Well, he's been lionised > much. I suppose he feels that a ' inane is the proper thing." A WARM WINTER. June we.-vthor prevails in California, tlv ideal watering place, reached comfortably and conreniently by the Chicago and North Western By. Four splendid trains daily from the new Passenger Terminal. Chicaeo. The Overland Limited fasUwt, train to San Francisco: the Lou Angvlng Limited, threo day* to Land of .Sunshine, the famoue San Franci*oo Limited .t. r 1 the California Mail. Bates illustrated m.u'.er on f.ilifevniii and the 1915 Exposition* :vnd lull p.%nticu- lar on application to B. H Bennett. <;<!] ral Agent. 46 Yonge Street. Toronto. Out. 1- -i u nd Belgian Husband. A Glasgow lady, who had placed her house at the disposal of the Belgian refugees received amongst her guests a woman whose husband. a Belgian sn'.dier had been lost sight of since the beginning of the war. The lady suggested that a visit should be paid to t>he wounded sol- diers at Stobhill Hospital. Glas- gow. This was carried out a day <.<r two ago. Great was the surprise and jov of the Belgian woman to find her husband amongst those un- der treatment. Mlnard liniment Cures Cargtt In Cowi Machinery For gate F.ngine. shafting, bcltinp. pull-ys. etc from large net -n I'-T sale. Wheoiook engine, is by :-J. compete with cylinder frame, tly wheel, bear ings. etc.. all in good ooixi bi n Shafting from one inch to three incite-^. ' pulleys thirty inches to fifty inches, bolting six inches to twche inches. Will sell entire or in part. NO Rl.VSO> I.VKl.K OFKKR KKFISKI). S. Frank Wilson & Sons, 73 Adelaide Street West, Toronto A Thoushtful M;in. "Poor Jim vas always such a con side rate hujkand. mum." "CoujMdfrSe! Wiiy, the brut. 1 used to Beat you." "Tru:\ nr.iTii: bat he never hit m-> vui-iv th? marks could be seen bv the iifigh'ixjrs, rayoi." ttlnard's Linlmunt Cure. OllUmptr. Brace Up! Take TURNER'S FAMOUS INVALID Sold Ewyht by PeopU bo know Th Tumtr Co. Limited TonMto I. f < H. W OAW30N, Ninety Coltaorne Street, Toronto. II- YOT WANT TO BTY OR HULL A Kr; u. Mork. liru<n or Dairy t.;rm. write- H W. Dtw*(in. Br.impton. or 90 Col- boriu- St.. T.iroato. H. W. DAWSOM, Colborna S?.. Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. CA.NC.EU. TOIdllj. LLilPs. KTC-. ic'erual *i;d exteruxi. curtsi witii- out cai.i bv our h ".i<- ireauovnt. Wrii* oe before '.jo '.* D.-. Brr.mia Ul.c4 Co.. limited. Co'!ini*ood. Ont IH'ur Mr. Kil ' : Thanks (or ;!K- privih-g-- of appeal- ing through your columns un behalf of tlu- Hospi'.af for 3:ek ChiMrcu. The lU-s;>ita; lakfs e-ar' of sick and de- fortneii children, not only in Toronto, but iu the Province, outside of the city. Tins coining year, of all thv years in the Hospital's hU:ory. has a more serious outlook, as r.'g.irds fuiids for maintenance, llian any year that haa pa.ssed its culeiiiiar. So many calls are b.'ing made on the pursed of the generous people of To- ronto and Ontario, to help the soldiers of the Empire, that as 1 make my daily ruunds through the wards of th Hospital, and see the suffering chil- dren in our cots and jeus, tlie thought strikes me as to whether the people will as of old. with all the demands made npou them, answer our appeal and help to maintain the institution that is lighting in the never-ending battle with disease and death, in its endeavor to save the stricken little ones iu th-e child-life of Ontario. Last year there were 394 in-patient* inmi ^1 ! ' plai-es outside of Toronto, and in the past P.vcnty years there have be*-u 7.000 from places in the rruviiK-i' other than Toronto. U costs us $2.:!4 pvr pr.iient per day for maintenaiice. Tho municipalities pay for patfents $1 per patient per day: th<- Government allows 20 cents per ratieut per day. so. deducting $! ,.'J from $L'.:U, it leaves the Hospital with $1.14 to pay out of subscriptions it jvo'ivi's from th-e people of Toronto ami the Province. The shortu.t:" ;.i.<t year ran to $1S. Since 1SSO about l.OOrt cases of oiub feet, bow legs and knock kneos have been treated, and of these 900 'i.id perfect correction Nearly all these were from different parts of th-e Pro- vince outside of the city of Toronto. Kemejnlvr that >-\ ry year is a war year lth the Hospital; every day is a di(p of battle; -every minute the Honpit:il iir,, is moru'v. not for its own ?ake. but foe the children's sake. The Hospital is th.> battle-Kround where the Annie* of Life have grappled with th-e Hosts of Heath, and the life or (loath of thousands of little children is the issue that is settled in that w;r. Will you let th Hospital be driven from th<> field of Its battle to save the lives of rttle children for the lack of money you can give and never miss? Kvery dollar may prove itself a drea'duoiight in the battle agninut death, a flagship in the fleet that fights for the. JJtw of tittlp children. Hcmerofcer that the door of the Hos- pital's mercy is the door of hope, and your dollar, kind reader, may be the, key that opeif-s the door for some- bodv'8 child. Will you ?ttd ^ dot'ar. or more I 1 you can. to Douglas Davidson, Secre- tary-Treasurer, or J. ROSS ROBERTSON Chairman of the Board of Trustee^ Toronto. < 1 . rs for vj i (uitutr.'itor. S. RAM)S. .Vgcut, Ceytctu

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