1014 THE J' L E S II K It TO N ADVANCE rn An iiiile|>endt!iit newspaper, |>ul<lilieii every .'jnraday at th* iifticc, CuljiiiKwiMid Street, ,l?ihert<m. Subscript!, m priif *1 iirr annum iii*n paid inailvtncr ;$!.'>' wlirn not -... paid *, l\ crti-.ii!>: rate* .11 application. Circulation 1.100 woekly W M. I'liurBttm- Keillor FI Baptist Church it C. KBIT, I'mlnr. 1 hne :*:> 11. - Sunday School II) a . in. S-i-rViCe Hi 11 :t in. Bible study on Thursday Ht the hi'ine of Mr*. Muir. Ccjlon. Fiesherton Methodist Church Itev. .1. tint's Dnil^-r. !,. piMor. S<in,Uy, December Kith, 1!14. 11 i in. and 7 p. m. The pastor Siin.'.-.y . 1(1 1. ID. Fellowship Service. Monday evening lv, i i. League at 1 p. m. Murk Kveretic *>.._' choir lender mid Tliere is a probability tint Canada has borne a larger share in the sue- ecAi of the allies in Europe, than any person is aware of. although her sous have not jet appwedoo the fighting line. \W wcic icininded the other day that a few yeais ago the ittissiau government offered u large prize for the best treatise uu certain kiuds of military tactics. Tliispri/e was won by Col. Geo, T. l>enisou of Toronto in competition with the world. The brilliant work of the ,." -: m army in Poland aud Gahcia prove that some- thing La- uihauced their lighting Dualities, since the Japanese war, and it is at least possible that their in- spiration Ins largely come through the work by a Canadian military man, and tor which they paid it handsome price. It would be a matter of pride to know this, and wi- liehevc thert is little doubt of it. Tlie Toronto World lias recently been publishing some powerful artic- les on Toronto I'niversity affairs and Las opened the c-)Ca of the country to some peculiar conditions then. The World cliaige.s that three German iprolessors on the staff are sympatlm- eis with the fathei land and hope foi the defeat of tin ullii-.-', and il has for gjiue time been demanding their dis- missal. The board ofgoveinors have seen fit, instead of complying with the demand, to give these foreigners leave of absence with full pay! We believe tlie country almost to a man will back the World in its demand and censure the board of directors for their weak- - lUK-ed attitude in the luailu. The- YYoild is vi ry much right wlu-u it savs: '-President Falconer and Sir Edmund Walker have done a grevioi a wi'jng to the juiith of Canada in con- senting to any attempt to compromise with (lowmighi iitil.orrc-ncp of the <M ilium crime. The stones of I .on- vain rist- in judgment against them. Perhaps \veha\i- lu-t the hearts of men, and it is light to compromise ;md pander to tlie sublimei wiclstdni . .-j and injustices of the world. Hut we cannot believe that the (eoplo o OnUno are so apathetic as to lot this tiling pa--. Samuel compromised with tin' unclean tiling ;unl the power pi. ed from i. in. W Hied n. Klijah to blast tin: iufamy of our false phophets. Our amiable Saiuiu -Is meicly com- promise.- with thorn and pay them to prophesy softl). Grafonolas Booming '1 lit- Advance is iiinniiu; H si-ms u dveiti*tttiiicnl> fin the Colombia timplin plume Cuiiipmiy, which is a large nianii f.Khnu.^ e.tlal'lif-liim-i t in Toronto. 'II,, work is done by Cm idi.tii workmen will 4 ' ,ii:,ili.ii ir.it.'iul and is pn'.i 'i v ii]\ wiutliy i.i pAlrnHaxe nn il,.,i scute, HH well ID on lh r in ,1 merit of the instru ini-nts turned out. The fuctory in i.v fiecdingly busy ,it the present time, inn it is found diltieult to keep up with th ..i ,lei in some in,' linn- i no doub that with the \stly improved in tnenU of today thii form of entertain ni'-ni i i .- "ihii' very popular through- <.nt the world. To I'.-.n out one of the ntateinents made nlxive we ipiote the |..lli/wiii telegium Kent to the factory liy their whoi*Mler, the Musical Supply Co.: "Outiiiio !'h nn booming, Music Supply <',>m|,,-iiiy's advertising cjtm|!ii>!n wiiiulurfully nuccen.sful. They are com- pletely Mild out of 87S.CO PHtiicinCiaf,.- nolas, ami oi her iii'-dels nru running >l,m-t iilan. You must in .1,.- In : shipments nl once, or they will Imve to ctll their traveller 1 * ,.|| the i...-. I, and ledmv ul\ , i tiding." Seed Grower*' Association Tin- Ti nili \iiiin il Kepoit of the Can- 11, linn Sci'il ("inwi-rs' Assoi-uli n, which ' now l.i-inj distributed. , nl um tint names , f the orlicers itnd iiipmheiM of (lie Atsoci*ti<in, together with it t-lwilii'd hat of those who are eiidvitUHiifng lo qualify fur lueinheiship There were'Jdi! individual itpplic it'.ons f ir membership diirii.!; llie you, wliile 54 senl centre,, bavin.' a n.cmhership of 414, weieestitli. lihed. The to'ftl uunibei of growers iinw ;tclivi-)y iffiluted with the Asuuei- itlioi. is 10.">4. The Direct III-'H report shows tbl dur- ms; the year I 1 '!:'. 1!'M a line of ;ution wax initHted win, S hids t.nr to revoluti- on i/e the wholei>eed growing liusii.ess itud ,'!,'. it on nn infinitely higher level. This action m.inife.Mted itself in the CM lbli>lnilg of wlwt is known us "Seed (irowin^ Centres." I'p to this time llii'se seed growers who were i perilling as nifiiibeis of the AttOMtion were wid- ely iMtlWvd, rendering it inipnicticable tn c i-iipenilo in itr.y >vity which might :---n the work of (itch ..ml at the mine i mi,- make it easier to supply large ipmnt- itie* of "Hegistered,, seed ;t "ivan puinlH. The Deptrtuient of Ajfi iculinre in d It erent Provinces assisted in the movement. Ontario, through I.er widdy-opiiMid District Representative' system, est tl>- lithed over tony centres. The lemitiu' ing centres were di-tribired over the other Provinces. Uofereiice it nr<de to , chinge in the Constitution making it postible to have :tll ri-gulnry .. . i.- - i seed centres accep- ted t- mt-inliors of the Awotiitiun. Heretofore, only individuals could becon e meniliers. Kiirthei latitude was also ^i.ti.ini in allowing n Centru to cho<t.s<> one or two of their number t<. produc 1'ie Klite Stock teed for piop-tgation by the Centre n ' . i of ii- i n ,ir_; e'tch in- dividunl i;r,iwer to produce his own Sunk See<'. The pvpei.x and ,uldresi>e printed li the leport constitute H valuable contrib- ution to the literature on Seed improve- ment. They deal with sucn subjects its: "The Production if Seed of Alfulfa in Canada", "The Kural School and Sei'd linproveiuent", "Field Crop Compel- it ons ", "Soil Man;ii.'einei t in lU-la'ion >o Yield and Duality in Seed", U rtinil- lies in Pin e Seed Pinp;i>j<iliuii", "I'otato Diseases' niid"The Seed Centre as a I'xsii of Supply of Registered Seed." Copies , f tli i* report are available at the Publication! I'.- u ' . Diputtncnl of A': 'll'-rn, Ottawa. Weekly Report Fiesherton High School Km in I Latin K Dinuivi.ll '.:, It Morion '., K Athr- i H(i, M Smiiri :i. K liuntlmm H'.', A WinursKl, I! McVicar 0, It Caswell H, W Lituner 7">, S Mnn.iy 74, M Acheson 7:i. It Williamson 7'- > , M Wright K Li'\erti<), M MiMidi'iH, W Williiini- -.011 M!, K Thiiraton 51, A Mitchell 4fi, Steffurt L'-', A Slew.-iil 17. Form - Cumpositii'ii I. Dudgeon lili, A G.tudin (15, II 5!c- L an I, 1 Laidlaw li:;, D Wilson li:!, K irMiMli li 1 .', ( \\ lute- tin, I. Muir ."irt. S Smalt ."'.">, F I'.trliamunt "'"', A Ache.son >J. M I.r-iit.- .".I, M Wint.-i-s fill, W irrso., Hi. I) M.-Mill.tn 4!l, K Caswell 4, r i.-<;.ini IT, it Shan. 17. w r.i 11- mi 47. FOI m '' l!ii'i--li Ilifttoiy I) McViiiir '.M, I! \\lule !HI, / li.'ii lliitin ^7, S II iivkin 7, i;DaviHl>. S Sprott H'.', M Mai-Arthur 7li, K Wiuhl 7."-, I.Mil'hail 71. A \\ri-ht 7:!, M lUyd 7^', M I.euali- 7-.'. K SpiMicer<i7, rjlealtie r.ii. I-' limit li'i, M KIIOX li:i, II Shniik (>'.', W iJnrhai ,-in (il, \\Scilli-yriH, C Dud- j-e.ni ."'(i, K Win I A. -i 41, V I'inley 41. I '.': Literature <J Whit.' |IH> 1.1 Kaitinij S(i, D Me- Vicar H."i, I. Dnii HI. '/. Hcntlmn (17, M l.-;.'tti' (>7, M McAiilmv liii, W Scilley liii, .M Jtoyd li:., S H.-twkinsii:!, T(lir(:t, L McPlmil 00, F Bunt 00, M Km \ Ti4, K \Vhiit.tker :>:.', K Wriht ;>!, V. Spenicr 51, A Wright 48. S SproM 47, C Du(?- KCOII l.'i. \V MncliitliHli -t.'i, II Shuiik 4 I' lieatlle .'i-'. Honor Rolls lleport of S. S. Ni>. li, Osprcy. fir Notemlier. Sr. 4 M Douglas. Jr. 4 ti Hdroyd, 1! Sluur. Sr. :t L Field*. F Hohii "-.hind, S McMullen. Jr :i S Iy.ard, S Sholt, K Hosvaid. Sr. '.' -LShoit, It Holroyd, 1 Ix-inl, S So well. Jr. 2 D I'oole, 1 Humbly, K dead, V Kobetta. 1st- W McMullen, M l'..ole,.I Thomp- son, D Howaid. rninei A 1? Short, V McKen/.ie, Holrojd. b-D UuliertK, E Poole, II McMullen, L Izard, C Shoit, V Howard. Present every day- M Douglas, ti Holroyd, S Short, S I/.ard. U Holroyd, L Shoil, Sbewel", V Koberts, V McKen /. e, K I'oole. G. DAVIH, Teacher. lleporl of S. S. No. Ill, Artentwiiit, for November. Sr. 4-\V Armstrong. \V McMastcr, K Hawkins, W Walker. Jr. 4 K Purvis, H Haney, X Will iams, M Park. Sr. :! M Huney. G Large, G Wilson Jr. :i--M Warner. Jr. a P Latirner, P ftlcMuater, K L^rge, 1 Hitney, M McKee. L \Vebcr, M Duckett Si. ( K Linton, A Pedl tr, M Fen wick, E Williani*. Jr 1 ()- U Williams, V (.i,iluni, C (irahain. (I.)-K Gins*. B HHwkings, It MiCmt ney. (e)- J Winner, F Urge. U Warner, L Mi< x uillan, M Webei, C Fenwick, E Webster. C Willums, I McKee, E Gra- ham. Average altt'lidalie* ">0. M. (i. MrMi I.I.KN. Teacher. Kepoit of S. S. No. I'. Aileiruvw, for the month of November. ."> -L Whitlakcr. Sr. 4 M SJpicer. W ilinck.-. M Butler, A Butier. Jr. I (1 MacArthur, J WliitUker. Sr. :t-G Ilincks, M Whitl.ker. Jr. . M 1 1 . .- i Jr. '.'II Hs/tid. I Hinck.-. Jr. '.' A K Whittuker, J II ./>id. Prim -r !' li.n, A Ilincks. Primer A (1 Hit/ard, T Hazard, C Ilincks. Present every day G MacAithur, M Whittaker, B Irwin. A. HMIIIO" , Teacher. H &^^. v ^."J^SrS^3^:^-^5^3.?^^ F. H. W. HIGKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Only Two Weeks Till Christinas DO YOUR SHOPPING NOW Don't ivait until il. last week, when everyone i* in a huiry, but make your selections NOW, wliile you have the bet choice of quick selling merchandise. Our Christmas assortment is now at the best. a I A FEW CHRISTMAS HINTS! . . . Tie to $4 00 ...*1.25 to ta.OO 75c to $5.00 85c tofl.25 Hockey Skates, all niws ........ . H-ickey Boots. ll siz-s Sweater CoaU, ;.U colors Wool Toipies and Aviation Jps ................................ Silk and Wool Motor Scarls . ............................................................ 50c to $l.riO Ladies' Kid Gloves, all lengths ............................................................ Jl.OO to $'2.:>(l Knitted Silk Neckwear ................................................................. 25c to $1,75 Men's Kid Gloves and Mitt* ............................................................ 75c to $2.50 Initial Handkerchiefs. Silk and f.inen .............. ......... ................. ............ 25c to 50c Kim v I.ivn and Linen flandkercdipfc .......................................................... 5c to 50c Ltce Collars and Fancy Neckwear .................................... .................. 25c to $1.75 Ladies' Wool Shawls ....................................... .............. ............. 50c to $3.00 Men's and Boyn' Fancy Suspenders .............. ............... . ........ ............... 10c to 50c Fancy Silk and Cashmere Hosiery ......................................... . ................ 50c to $1.20 Silic, N'-t and Uwn Waists .................................................... ; ........ $1.00 to $5.00 I .allies Fancy Slippers and Pumps ......................................................... $1 .50 to $ 2.7f> Fancy Linens. Tray Cloths, Towels, Centret, etc ............................................. 2Sc lo $l.7<i FANCY" CHINA A beautiful assortment of Fancy China, suitable for presents Cups and Saucers, Fanry I'l.it.-.-. Bon B<>n Dihen. Spoon Trays, ('r.-ain Pitcherii, Burry Dishes, SaUd Boirls; Biscuit Jais, etc., etc. Special Prices ........................................................................... lOc to $1.50 Our Grocery Dept. is Ready for Christmas [< EVERYTHING REASONABLY PRICED. Millinery Special for This Week We htve laid out two tables of Hats in our Show Itoom for 4i|)ecial selliiu. They are all new sliap^s and correct styles. TABLK Nl'MBKU 1 Hats usually sold froni t- " to $:!.5<> All at $1.95. TABLK M'MBEIi S Hts usually s ( .|d finin $;t.75to $0.50 All at .*::.:" Dr. J. Ralph Smith FOR A 30 DAYS' FREE TRIAL OSTEOPATH Office and Residence- 408 !th St. F,at.t Owen Sound, Out. Hours to 12 a.m., 1.30 to 4.:0 p.m. to 8 p.m. Other hums by appointment. Mr. J. K. Mi-Arthur and Mr. <i,-ur (retfXi Clifford, tveie found in Mon- day aftenio HI in the Utti-r's home, o ' . ilead, apparently from inhfll itiou of H is, as the stove dour* were found o| en. Mr liieu'.', liein^ an i-ldi'iley man and in failing heal! h i >f Inte, -A> bein^ looked after by his d.uijjhlei- and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. McArthur, the former's wife bjing abnnt for a few days ,m a visit. No slir was noticed mound the home und wln-ntlie neijililMiiir.s callud and ciuild y.-f no i-pspnnse, the door WHS forced in. Th utiiMitly .si^ht which tln-y witnessed was Mr. ami Mrs. McArthur in bud, the ti i in. -i ill-. nl u.,l tin* lalti-r almost, beyond aid. Cpstaira Mr. (ireun was found in Report <if S. S. No. T, Arte.ii e-ia for November, 4-- U Meads, F \Yilliitiiisuii. :' K Muir, .1 Dow, A I'uslow, It \Vat- tui-s, F (Mivur, E Scbell, A Cdchiift, R Muir, .1 Russell 2 S \Vbyle, \V MiicKen/ e, M <Jil- chrim, It J Tuiiu'i. A Dow. 1 F .1 Vttuse, F \Vhj-h-. T C'uriie, K Walters, K (Mixer, (i uliu-r. I'liinei A M Muir.M Parsh.w.P Dow. 1J-.) Mend?. C --C Cook. A Wbyte. K. Mi KINM>N, Teacln r. Business School! Of the 1900 N, That iiiccessful fchool whose graduates occupy prominer.t po- si' ions from the Atlant.c to the P-tciric. re-opens for the FALL TKUM September 1st, I'.'U Send fur free catalog at once tn COLLINGWOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. - Principal ColliiiKwund. Ontario. Apply to Gravity Washer S. Hemp hill, CHKAP FARM FOR SALH ?'J4(XI twenty-foul hundred dollars will buy the west half of Int N". '-' and p.irt of the North west ,|ii;ilter of Nu. 1, a I nn the 4-h con. of Kuphrasia, con'am- ii'4 .tboiil I'.'."' acres. Tlu-r.! in tie ninety acres cleaie.l. his room p.ully lying on his bud with the matin Iviirning. Ilia face mil liruait were badly blackened from tin- MimUe, wliile hi.-, hands were also buined. It is ijiiito evident finin tho position of Mr. <!ri'f,'4 th-ii he had HWki'in><l, nud beini< in a d/.ed cuiulitioi-, nltompted to liybt a lamp, -i.-. it was found broken in his room, and not beinu >blu to do so he foil on his bod. which was smin!deiin^ when foiiinl. Uep'.rt of S. S. .\n. 7. Kiipbruvin, for ciiilii'i 1 . ." -M C,,rntiel(l. Si. I (J UO^I-I.N. .Ir. II Ueckeil, (' Kimtt, II Dale. Sr. :: U \\hyte. .Ir. :i K (Silray, A Kimlt. II Mcl-'oini- ell. Si. '.' H lli.sk, M Itnrns, K IVluh. .Ir. '_' 1 (iilray, S t'lugston. l-ll Kisk, H McC.mnell.W ( 'luyst.m, N Knoi.t, C Uiak, S ll;iiiK->, S Pu-ckctt, K Petdi. Present every day S Ilitines, S 1'i-tk- rtt. I Ili-.-keti, (! Knntt, S Clli^lon, I (iili i)' M. M. Ill MIIKIISToNK, 'IV-aclHI. K.-piiit of S. S. N.I. U, Ospiey, fo r O.-tober. Sr. 4 -I) Podler, M Cameron. Sr. .'I P Sornuerger, A Mclutyre, W Pedlei'. Jr. .'I K Cameron, S KindUy. Jr. '2 \V Cameron, 11 Mclju.-iriie. Sr. 1 D Mclutyre, (i Pcdler.B Neill, .1 I) Mrl.iuiiirir.. I'rimor K Finrilay, C Cmnuron, ,) Thompson, N Pedlar. NOVEMHKH Sr. 4 - D Pedler, M Cameron. Si. !! P Sornberi;,'!, A Mclnlyie, \V Podler. ,lr. :i S Kill, Hay, K Cniiiern. Jr. L' \V C'ameron, II Mri/uairie. Sr. 1 D Mclnlyre, (1 Iv.lu-r, J D HdQuarrle. Piinier K Findlay, J Ih. :.ipnon. N I'idler, C i ' inn-inn. h V S. MIT, IIKI.I. 'IVaclier. is suppi sei' thu buliince _ .._ hardwood Lush -maple, lunch :nul ilm. There U on the property .-v frame h iiise and kitchen. frame IIHIH, straw liuisi- with utone foundittioii under it, ill.--,, wood shed, driving she:!, pit? pen j and hen housv. There are also tWOOf-l dnidson the farm urowiiiL- ditVerei-t . kinds of fruit - apples, pears, pluiii-, chenies ami urnpt-s. This farm is well j fenoil wiili wire and patent ftHWJng. Isj fren from frost. It is itlsy well w.iti'ied \\ilhwaterinnearlycvery ti,-ld. There i< it uuver-fitilinu prin within 4U yards of the liaise. Thin farm Is within one mile of the thriving village of Kindiorley. l-'oi further paiticuUv.s apply to--.IA.MKS STl'AHT. Kimlierley P. <>. Agent For :- Washing machines,folding bath tubs, windmills, pumps, pipings water tanks,Beatty water bowls, steel stalks and stanchions, litter Car- riers, hay carriers, slings, forks and tracking, McCormick Binders, mow'* ers, rake loaders, tedders, drills, cul> tivators, harrows, Chatham wagons, _. _ MOU II t wire. Satisfaction Guaranteed. H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham Ont. Fashionable Tailorint! Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. ALSO- 9 Take Your Hats Off A line WUich of Ready-Made we put Clothing alterations in if required. free of Imp SB r x 'S? Wu Imve been fortunate in securing another shipment of f refill poods at re- duced rules and will give our customers the benefit, ot the. reduction. All kinds of feed ami sevei^l kinds of flour to chillis* from. Alto Homo bargains- in Wu have purchased the stock of Inter-!, national Stock Food from Mi Fisher, You are nuikinu nn ney whon you .-ire feeding thi'liitcniKtionalSlrck Remedies-. We want your but 'IT and exi!> and will pay a little nn ro thin market price. S. R. Henderson FLOUR and FEE To These Clothes You'll take your hats ott to these clothes of refinement and quality. I have the nicest and best suitings on the market and the prices are no higher than the rest, Get a made-to-measure suit or overcoat for Christmas. I can supply you with them for prices ranging from $14.00 to Come in and look them over. T. C. BLAKELEY Sole Agent for the Semi-Ready Clothing Co., Montreal Standard Bank Bitch, FlesbcrtoM . : : r t i v .' i - - - - i vi