Flesherton Advance, 10 Dec 1914, p. 5

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December 10 1914 THE F L E S H E R T ON A D V A N C E 4. t t I .' F CAM At) A A VINGS depotited in thl bank draw the highest current rate of intest. Withdra waJj ol part or the whole amount may be made when- ever d eared without delay. TORONTO _ FLESHERTON BRANCH CEO. MITCHELL, BOB M, n ., er . Branehei aba mt Durfiun ud Hmrrufcm. C. P. R. Time Table. leave Fleaherton Station as > Mi - - Maud Richardson has left some water-colour sketches of Fleaherton and vicinity at the office of Dr. E. K. Rich- Going North * r< * 80 "' "05 Spadina ave. t<> be sold for Society. Toronto Trains follows : Going South 7.43 a. in. 11.41 a.m. Hie benefit of the Red Cross 4 - 17 P- m - M2p. m. ' Old Fleshertonians residing in The mails are osed ac Fleaherton aj re iavited tc call and see them, ollows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon miil south as An extensive credit auction sale of 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south , hrm stock and implements will le held mail close at 9 p.m. the previous ev'g- on lot 38, coo. 5, Artemesia, on Thurs- day, December IT, the property of Mr. TZHZZH^7^!r!!^!!!^ ' W - H - Heinphill. Sale at the uiual i hour and on the usual terms. D. Mc- ; Phail. auctioneer. Cards, programs, etc., have been iasued ' for the grand musical evening to be held i in the Methodist church a the evening j of Wednesday, Dec. 1>. The program ^Odds and Ends ARTICLES FOR SALE Jeney cow and heifer W. A. Armstrong. calf f.ir s*le A <Mir I., id of cttnent just Sangstrr Hcmphill, Ceylon. arrived. Buff Orpington cockerels for sale, from prize winning stock. J. Turner, Price- ville P. O. or phone. Hearse for Sale Rubber tired, poles or shaft, latest model, nearly new.- -M. Sidney, Lady Bunk. White Wyandotte, white Rork and Silver Campine ct-ckerels for sale, thor- ouzhbred atock ; aUn Bronze turkeys and Embc'en geese. Win. Reid, Price- viileP. 0., lot 21-22. N'. D. R. For Sale Cheap young drinnj! mare about 950 pounds, or would exchange for good driving horae about 1100 pounds.- Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesh- erton. Jan. 22 For Site A few egg vats in prime or- der, suitable for soft water tanks, or watering cattle. Also a good, second I hand set of double harness. M.Scully Co., Flesherton, Ont. if VICINITY CHIPS Mr. anil Mrs. this week. MiasOldhani of ihe high nchool staff will conaiat of choruses, .juartattea, Trios, visited the Queen City on Saturday, duets and solos. See cards and programs Don't furget the high .!>---< concert in for fall particulars. the Methodist church ou Wednesday About forty young people drove out to 'evening Dec. 16. j the home of Mr. and Mra. John Parker Division Court on Friday last was of j on the west back line Wednesday even- very short duratiun, only two cases being . ing ol last week, taking along with th-in *>n the docket, and both weie adjourned, j a lot of thing* suitable for a newly married A 11 members of W.I. who wish to s ^"P' 6 to ^gin housekeeping with. The susbcribe for the Home Jeurnal kindly j ev e n >ns "as niuch enjoyed by those hand money in by Dec. .'.<! 1914 All ye Chriscnus shoppers, read W. H. Bunt's advertisement in this issue. He has something especially interesting to otfer this year. The Ambursen C<>. will complete their contract on the big dam at Eugenia this w.-elj ami imminence to reniure their machinery next week. Mr. Joseph Duncan has purchued the For Quick Sale A nine roomed frame and metal clad dwelling, <ro<xi cellar and water, frame stable and shed. Also a vacant lot for sale. Possession given at once. Silas Shunk. FUeherton. Legal Blanks For sale R. J. Sproule keeps constantly on band and for sale cheap a full stock of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills and all other legal blanks. Any requiring such will rind it to their inter- est to give him a call. For sale cheap and on easy terms. Lot 13, cou. 11, Osprey, 110 acres. Thin is a cr.it class farm and in a good atate of cultivation. Good bank barn &nd new frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Sproule Flesherton. present. The hoat and hostess are popu- lar with mil and have a host of friends who wish them all joys possible. A scrub huut took place here on Thursday last with Messrs. J. Bowler and Allie Best >s captains. The Utter ai ht roller*. *.so to iJ.U: do., bi o 12.75 Kullrd oaw. bureto. 16. b5; won by lone odds. The game secured*?*. M it*. Si. 15. Bran 135. Shortt M itidl ' HKM 530 MnuUH** t^? -/< *' almost entirely of rabbits, " "'""' *" r(1 "" For Sale Cheap and on easy terms comfortable frame dwelling in Flenher- tou ; good well on premi>es ; Uo Park lot of 4 acres in good state of cultivation with barn thereon. R. J. Sproule, Flesherton, Ont. Sept. 17 14 w. 73 :o 7V OK. I'ani.l'.an West- i o. L 62c; No. 3. 56o; So. 2 local ' Me; N.,. 3 local whit*. Sic; So. 4 t. 7 to 78c. Floiir. Man. Spring | HILL BROS., = MARKDALE Men's Overcoats with Quilted or Curl Lining, Mar- mot Fur Collars, for $9.75 12 only Meu'g Fur Collared Coats with quilted or curl linings, witli Marmot Collars. The .Manufactur- ers lose big money on these. Special 19.75 Mantle Cloths at Half Price This week we putou sale thirty pieces of Mantle Cloths in beavers. Curl Cloths, Tweeds and Bouckle Cloths. Now is the time to make the Children their winter Coats at little cost. 81 .00 a yd. Mantle cloths for 50e. 81 .75 a yd. Mantle Cloths for 87$c. $1.25 do 62Ac. $2.00 do 11.00- $1.50 do 75c. $2.25 do SI. 25. Flannelette Remnants of Good Quality for lOc. a yd. 2000 yards Best Quality Flannelettes in lengths of 4 to 10 yards. Regular 12* this week, per yard ..................................... . and lac. value, for 10c * 5M; do C o-wa. week which appear to be unusually plentiful this fall. Mr. EJ. Best succeeded in . capturing a very Urge coon. At niht residence and three lots oil Collmgwood . , ., J ... .. in losing side paid for a dandy fowl street owned by Mr. Geo. \Vton, who ., . ... ,/ ... , supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. recently removed to Pnceville. The very popular Bridal Chorus from Cantata, Cowena' >; Roe Maiden" will bv the closing number at the Methodist choir concert. Best. Considerable merriment is being en- joyed around town at the expense of one i of the popular young ladies. After | washing her clothing on Monday and Another batch ot turkeys anil ducks i pladii',' them on the clothes line to dry, were disposed of by ;he shooting m;ttch she wa surprised on looking out the route in town on Friday. The fowl were window to see several meu chasing :\ cow supplied by Mr. Charley Best. . around the street with ceitiin parts of The whole clu-istian world is now pre- her clothing 3ver its head. The cow paring for thi? scrap with turkey. Hos- had ^i>t them fastened on her horns and tilities will commence a few days before i '!'* gentlemen in an effort to save the clothing created much amusement for the Why do statesmen revl tha Weekly , Sun of Toronto f Because it is a paper | with a reputation that is unquestioned. I It is (he farmers business paper, and is farmers' interests all the time. Portlaw Red floss Society will hold a patriotic concert in the public schocl on Friday eveiiintt, December 11. for which a good program has la-en pret>arej. Mr. Hurt ley I^inrence of Kimberley had about an inch Uken off one fore- finger by H buzz saw on Friday U.-i. came out to town ami bail it dressed. Communion service was held in Presbyterian church on Sunday, when four new member* united with the church and one was icceived by certificate. The Presbyterian churi/li of Maxwell will give u fowl suppei Mid entertainment on Tuesday, December L'-nJ. Ti-.ti.orv- ed from 5 to 7. Good program ufter. Admission adults i5c . children I.V. Mr. Milc'ilm Mcl> r iM will luve He < -^ s '^ e ' "ven, from its inuket reports, which are acknowledged to be tho lest in the Dominion, it is a paper of weight- I Vim should have it come to your home ' every week. All through the long win- j ter evenings it will furnish a wealth of interesting reading maleri.il i-f * thor- oughly reliable character. This paper IMS .-.pccial dubbins? arrangements with i the Sun. Let us have your renewal and add i lie Sun to your list of papers for 191B. MISCELLANEOUS Wanted large second hand box heat- itu stove, must he cheap and in reason- ably good condition. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Fleaherton. Jsn.22 All old accounts to J. A. W . Boyd must be paid at once to save costs. J. & W. Buyd, Maikdale. The Durham Furniture Co. has 1000 cords of wood fr-r sale at Uoc'.c Mills. Price 50c. per cord. Can be bought in larce or amall quantities. J. < '. Dargav- el in charge. i J ;i u. 10. Dress Goods at Half Price and Less This week we have gone tlirougli our Dress Goods Stock, aud picked out all odd lines m Tweeds, Serges, Broadcloths and Amazon?, nearly all colors represented. In the lot you will find goo3a from 75 cents to $1.25 a yard. Ou sale this week for, per yard ~ ..48c. Rubbers! Rubbers! Rubbers! Men's 12 inch Leather Top, Heavy Rubbers for, per pair $8.75 Men's 4 hole Snag Proof Rubbers for ,, .f2.48 Men's 1 Buckle Rubbers for $1.35 Men's 1 Buckle Heavy Gum Overshoe, Twill Rubber, for $1.98 Ladies Fine Quality Overshoes, all sizes, for $1.28 pr. This week, Ladies, you can buy the best quality Ladies' Overshoes in Button, the kind you pay $1.75 and $2.00 for, per pair " $1.28 On Sale Thursday Morning Big Purchase of Men's and Boys' Overcoats and Suits at Less than Half Price The Clothing was made by one of our best firms, but was damaged by water, and the Biggest Bargains you ever bought in Clothing are tn be bought here Thursday morning at less than half the regular price. boys' aud Men's Overcoats, all prices at less than half. Boys' and Men's Snits, all prices at less than half. Boys' aud Men's Odd Coats at less than half. This Clothiug Las been slightly damaged by water. Hardware Department la this department we carry a big stock, and we specially mention Coal and Wood Heaters, Coal Oil Stoves aud Ranges, of which we are showing a big stock at prices less than you usually pay. HILL BROS., MARKDALE =jr^s//^=//: * WINTER TERM OPEN'S ^a January 4th. t!'13. 2 Y :it ''" ~ STUDIO M;irk L'verette Wruht, orniiuist and choir ni.ister of the Methodist church, Flesherton. tetcher uf piano, urgan and voice. Mr. Wriiiht hold* credentials fro-ii conservatories of music where he h.-is taught, also from eminent doctors and teachers in New England conserva- tory. Boston Metropolitan Conservatory of Music and Steinw,iy H:ill, New York city. Both Mr. ,-ind Mrs. Wright are open for concert engagements. OWEN SOUND, oXT., Christmas Gifts At the ;innuM meelina; of Cluliuers chanjeoftheskHtin^ rink this winter, j Chlirch Ladies Aid last week the f.. 11- :e-nmkin.a! process us (>wini , omcers were re - e lecteil and will start the soon as weather will permit. He hopes to have lianas in operation bef-.re Christ- mas> the en , uing year . Hon. President Mrs A. s . v.nDusen : President, Mrs. D. Mc- Tavish : Vice Pre.-., Mrs. Price Teeter : Do not fil tn hi-ar the beautiful dipsy Sec Tre.-xs. Mrs Jos. Blackburn: Visiting Chorus taken from the Opera, Balfe*' , Com. .Mrs. J.L.McMulleu,Mrs. A. Hurri- "Boheniiaii Girl," the npeii:n.!{ vncul son, Mrs. J. Radley. The treas's report nuinl>er at the choir concert. Resei veil , showed J57 members on ihe roll and tho seat tickets for sale -it store. The. "Legend of the -Chimes' 1 from de Kowens' Opera, It jbinhood "and Oh ! Hear Mo" from Dindts 1 operettu"l'ul ine the Belle of Saratoga." Ihese two numbers are worth the price of aJmii-s- ion at the choir concert on the IGlh. Hichardsons' druur ; finances in a prosperous condition, there beinji on hand in special furd ^!US and in general fund $133. The ladies resolv- ed to improve the church with pulpit furniture. At the quarterly commun- ion service of the church on Friday evening five new members were received, one Vy certificate and four young men of the congregation on profession of fnith. There was a large attendance of com. niunicauts at the Sacrament of tha at the home of ; Lord's Supper on Sunday, members are re- The Maxwell Womens Institute will .hold their regular monthly meeting on Dec . 10, at a . 'M p. m. Mrs. W. H. (jiUy. All uiouiucia aru re- i tiuested to be present. Visitors Wei- j Tlle citizens of Tara and Arran Town- come. sh'P W 'U tender Hon. W. H. Hearst, ! Ontario's new Premier, a complimentary On Friday evening of last week a very i v. .... n ^ i >n . * ' banquet at the Queen s Hotel, Tara, on pleasant time was spent at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Thompson, Rock Mills, where the Rock vale choir met to say farewell to the latter's sister, Miss Jennie Roy, who, in company with her nio'her, left on Tuesday for >ui extended visit r,o friends in New Jersey. A couple of weeks ago five cases of liquor, addressed to Charles Maxwell at this station were sei/.ej by the officials. Magistrate McMullen held a sesnion on Monday but neither the cousigi.ee or his represantive put in an appeal auce and the liijoor was oouhscsteJ. Friday evening, December 18th. The Hon. Mr. Hearst is an old Arran boy, having been born in the township on February 15, 1304, a son of Mr. and Mrs. William Hearst, wln> were early pioneers of Bruce County. His parents retired from farming. anJ moved to Tari. and the present Premier received his prim- ary education in the Public School there. The selection of Hon. Mr. Hearst as successor to tho late Sir Jam ^ Whitney is an honor in which the Township of Arran, tho Village of Tara.and the Coun- ty of Biuce feel proud. R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. Agent for the Cockshutt Plow Cos Fu Line of Farm Impementi. Wagons, Buscgies, Cutters, .Sleigh, ai.d Gasoline Endues, Melo'te- Cream .Sep.irntors. Baker Wind Mills. Pumps. Piping and Pipe Fittings always on hand. Beatty Bros', of Fergus Burn Tracks, Litter Curriers and stable fittings. Cockshutt and Frost \- Wood Repairs always nn hand. Wareroam Wellingon Stree. Fcvtrsbam, Ontario, We Want Now A GOOD SALESMAN For ev eiy (own rd distiict where wea not represented. Fruita are bringing high prices and st-ry stock ia in demand. MAKE BIG MONEY NOW by ing an agency. BEST TIME for vassing is during the Summer months. EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY Free equipment Exclusive territory Hisihest Commissions paid Write for full particulars. Stone & Wellington Fonthill Nurseries TORONTO - ONTARIO House for Sale ' >ui> white brick house, !> rooms, in the town . : Cobourg, to be old reasonably ; electric light and gasi : a snap for c|uick ale. -M. SIDEY, Lady Bank. ue telU )vu why ( he^^ %gToronto "Globe said: "It is the%g %jiforemc>t Business School in (li>-^rf ^ Dominion." Write fur it. ^^ J C. A. FLEMING, F. C. A.. ? Sv Principal. x S^G- D FLEMING Secretary.^ g OWEN SOLND - ONTARIO ^ School Children's Eyes. I I Christmas is coming. What shall I my friemU a- a token of friend- ship, (.let a ilo/.en or two photos. Just the thin^ your friends will appreciate most of all and at the same time will prove inexpensive. Hawken will he glad to furnish the goods. C'all earlv and avoid the usual Christmas rush. W. A. HAWKEN PHOTO ARTIST FLESHERTON - ONTARIO Many lives have been mineo through neglected eyestrnin in childhood. The eyes of every child should be examined. We have made a special study of this branch of optics, and guarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong. IHE mini Carefully Corrected Each Week Whe.-it ?1 10 lo I 10 Oats 47 to 48 Peas SI I.', to 1 lf> Barley 55 to 55 Buckwheat 56 to 55 Flour ,...SK> (M) to $7 no Hy tl500tol500 Notice to Creditors ADM 1 N LSTKATt >U'S.Xi "TICK lu the uiHtler uf Cu- Kstuti- i-f ^Villiaui Jului Hiifttril, late of the Township uf Artemesia in the County i>f tirey. Farmer. Jeceiued. Notice is hereby ^iven, pursuant to "The Tiu.stee Act", nnd amendments thereto, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of ilio FlesHerton Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfacti. n LAl'NDKV Basket cl...-e-< ! ni^ht. delivi-ry Friday evening CLEANING and DYEING \W are agents for Parker's Dye WorksClothes cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated. T FISHER, Butter. E^gs, fresh Potatoes per bag. Geese Pucks Fo*l Chickens 23 to 23 30 -.o 30 Id to 40 10 to 10 10 to 10 '.' to 9 10 to 10 i:: to U Tamworths for Sale Hotli Rex nearly ready for breeding. Pi icea li^Lt tor quick sftlv. W. nt'SS MaxweU l> U j or about the twenty-fifth day of April, ! I'.'U, are required on or before tlie ; Thirty -lirst day of December I'.IU to 1 send by post prepaid or deliver to James L. McMullen, Ceylon, Out., the Admin- istrator of the estate of the said df ce;ised, their Christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims and the nature of the secur- ities, if any, held by them. And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the said Administra- ! tor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased amoiii; the parties entitled ! thereto, having regard only to the claim i'f which he shall then hive iniiice, and that the said Administrator will not be liable for the said ass-t> <>r any part thereof to any person or persi-n* of whose 1 claim notice shall not have been received by him at tho timu of such distribution Dated tin- twenty-fifth diy . -f N"\eir- bcr, A. D.. 1914. Wright Telford A M.I'oiiakl, i Solicitors for James L. McMulleu, Acl- i ruit iiliator. ""^t, :S..^A-.v -^ -^ ' PROPRIETOR ANADIAN PACIFIC Winter Tours TU THK LAND DK SUNSHINE AND SIMMER DAYS THE "CANADIAN" FAST TIMK I5KTWEEN MONTREAL-TORONTO " DETROIT-CHICAGO l':u ticiu:>r from Canadi.i i fTacitic TioUi-t Aitriit "i write M. '.. ;>i--pliy. l>i>tri.-t l';i.-i Mirer A(!rnv. cni>-i Kitiji and Youg4 stifi-ts. Toronto.; >3. HANDS, Agent, Ceylon.

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