Flesherton Advance, 10 Dec 1914, p. 6

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A Beautiful and Useful V ' Sold at the Best Stores AvfiJSmtiMittti. L ^ Waterman Comply, Umlud. Montri Money Makes Money ; Or, A Strange Stipulation. i !l U'Ti i: IX ntiiiued . The nrit dav at rchearaal Mr Ham- mord looked very keenly at MUw Hinclatr. He had one or two new n.nigt. to try over, nnd he -ang very badly. no b'ldly that on one rf3<:n Kn'd wp-ced p-ilpably. With un angrv xweop of h* hand h jiickxl up the i-ong from the piano. "I dint think I 11 trouble yon any more. M SiK'nir. I,.- - ; i.l "We aro evidently not in sympathy." KnUI got up and pullwl down her veil with Ii unit- tli it trembled a little. Mr Hammond had gone a way from tie piano, and now h.i.l ..line ha'-k igain. ' Look hire." he ttmd. "Why c'on't you ar right out y.Mi th'nk I m a rotten bad linger ' Th? tolor Bamcd into Kind* face, and on the spur of the mnn "t -be IMrwered "I vr 11 if it HI 1 make you ning any bet- ter." He .1 .red nt her lm...t iiKTi-duloiwIy for i ironic oir<- *f the little company who wa:* not a.ware of the fact th:it Mr. II num.. n.! wa rw- Itarding her with r"i!iie'hin more than or- dinary intereH. Some tune* the, idea suggested it iclf to Manon Laurie to teaie the other girl, but she wan very practical and always stop- ped herself In time; and behind Enid's back nhe wan her etauncheBt upholder. Kor strange aw it wan to realiie.. thore wa% no doubt that Knid wa absolutely inno- cent of pomvning any attraction other than her inu-ical knowledge for thin very i important younic man. And co the week** j wont by and the end of the tour w:< coming into sight : the end when tho little company of artMtn would t*parate and go their different wayn. And what way wa Knid Bryant to go? That won the queetion wliich confronted and < H.riwued her. To return to Canada does make the bread and butter taste gocd V T is when you spread it out on bread or pancakes, fruit or porridge, that you notice most the sweetness and perfect purity of REDPATH Extra Granulated Sugar. Buy it in the 2 and 5-lb. Sealed Cartons, or in the 10, 20, 50 or 100-lb. Cloth Bags, and you'll get the genuine ^ffitffiffi* absolutely clean, ju& as it left the refinery 83 CANADA SUGAR REFINING CO., LIMITED, "Caged" in Case of Bursting: Testing a Big Briiish (inn. Our illustration shows how big guns are tested. The cage in the centre is of hvavy rails in layers, to stop fragments flying in case tho gun hursts. The rail-screen on the left prevents fragments doing harm in the re-ar. Proof-charges are 25 per cent, above service! charges. In the foreground (left) is the firing-butt for the testing- party firing wit!) an electric wire, shown hy the dotted line. INFLUENZA Catarrhal Fever Pink Eye, Ship:>i. g Fever, Epizootic And aJl dieeatw of the horee affecting h: throat, speedily cured; oolte and honsea in the name stable kept Irom naving tihem by uinz Spohn's Distemper and Cough Compound, 3 to i dofi-j often cures; one bottl guaranteed to euro one . .1'- SH'I- for brood IU.M-I,--. haby <i'i. utallione. all ages aiul con- dition*. Most skillful e/eientinc compound. Any drugir HI. 8POHN MEDICAL CO., Coshen, In i U.S.A. THE COLORS OF THE FLAG. oeived no answer to hi* letter to Knid, Mr. Plt-yuel! l..v aim- honestly troubled. lie journeyed on. e asain to the little flat - -_ ft- -- ,,,, . j iw jwui livy fu .nice aKH 1 II lo Hie lllur ||L wan imp<.ible. When nbe had marriel , ),, Hybil Jacktion lived, but again -with she had cut he> .m.lf away from her aunt j no ,,!,. M , M ja^o,, w:ls (lut . and he HI in-: ...in ... ,....... .. . w ho was her only known relative, and ].[-* from thi> imri^r rf th<> fl-ii thai her in; then he ,.,id in a ,-hoked ,,, th( . ,,. of Uie governor (who had j }^,j 52! e^ awaV and th , *". '" t !S?' a J '" "f_ nd :"f.. hl : r , .?.? Er?J : lk f her coming Wk. icro waj no Mr. Pleydell "But I am not going to remember," he BHid to himself. 'There in nothing one can't do if one putts one'* back into it. | and I am going to learn to forget, to for- | get entirely and absolutely." He had made a stipulation with Mr. Pley- | dell that all I. in '.n m..- abould be dealt | with by the senior paj-tner of the firm. Ihirk yon. and m an '"-'ant th" j ji n< j, 'had I "written i charmingly wliun Knid ; wdu^'ha'Ve' vc'r'v niuch liked to have ~ met re a iTition came to Kind of what .she had ha< | thrown up her niiwical career, the! Kni(li hul he Mlirank a Jitt | e fron) r<>m i n g jy. i -*~ ; v. K ' rl kl ' r " f l , hat J 'V K ' nad lowt a rrl<ln<1: ; in conta<-t with Julian Bryant. Thin wa care very much alxmt Ter.derien. lie bf Oh. BMOM, plelne. eht .-aid: < s ] moreover, she did not -want to go away ! , onu .tliing that could not be avoided, how- j loniw to a claw of man with which "Perhape 1 oughtn't to speak o frank- ." he had aid. "but the truth i* I don' . . cr;..- 1 onlv . die in fun." " " ,' -.nun tiling tnat coolO not tie avoided, now- I from hiigland. It wan tJie place where i.- | CV(>r aml om . PV( , I11I1B about a weok after - - had known he,r great napplDCM, and on*" i Julian H viit to ih W-II.IMI'.H Mr Plev- took up r.11 h. n,u,i, -and In-gan Upp,ng | wa , b ,. und by thn HW eeteet ties of -enti- < J le U ,' I "V;,,':nd , l lm ,.| waVking u k<-P a d! n it into th" han..o:iie leather cane he car- m ,.. lt . , ,. OU ntry when- *he had met . , ,,,,, u ^ K n l l u . , h . . I don t lik.- y.nir fun." he an.<we.r<xl lie ii mi i l!i" han.-ouie leather cane he car- ml ., lt ( t n ,, country when- ulie had t ' the man fhc had lovtvl Nevertheletw. nh- ; i .. . which I 1 unn Knid felt a litilo forry for him; be wa ,,.,., ,,, rr ,|,ly about her futnre. I KStai MarnVk 1, "d b," live Tery yourg. and she Celt that ..he had hurt ; Vull | (H ,k dreadfully ill." Manon Laurio ' him. After all. he was not quite to blamn aid to her one> day. "but really how can ner eiigairrinent with Mr. Bryant in the Thu two men met with apparent i ppv< * M. >, - r- .1 .1 ill lie] .ilir* .1 .1 > .uu.iruxjii 1,1 n, i . , .. i.-. IM. one t.>'d h:m tl,e truth, and then bi. well working in Mich hot weather }">?<* though Mr. I'leydell felt w.th a little ping at her heart nhe remem a ,,j vvl ||, B i lo h little result .'t I am quite bored M'inoii Ixiurie '. wordii what would kappen? A Ii p <-kid up h .. hat and glove*. be "Mr. Haramor.d 1 ' He luri.cd. ' Pleane don t v >. V.V miii-t try thow ^'Hig*<." * I nm rot going to let you p'ay for me any more.' he said doggedly "I know quit;- well yc u are making fun of me I ho whole t:me Well, you <-an do that to enmi'liody ei^e. Voti t*han t do it to me." "Voull g't me into no end of bother." lid Knid. ' V.I31 hardly concern* me." olmerved Mr Hammond i-vlTly. ' But if I i-.iy I ni irrv. rcallv sorry" Thi- ball w.-* fir.pty. Had anyone ol tho th<- . \n n |irn-ent Kind could not haye plra'lid in t Ii - way. It hurt her UM it wa< bu! the anger of th young man carried to inn Ii :hn w-ii. threatening in it. ' Wh-it* the ue of snving you 'n> xorry. tl->l non t belli me losing, will !' lle bait nulli-l R Ii Klovin. and he put down IIH hat. and *lxk. ' V n kiio* I ; in noi qute UN h an a>*^ you think I am. M- Sine) air. Kyor firce you came I Inive eeen tlnngH differ- mlv. and I know you n.mi'ly ca-it t-k tnv ingine Now tllai'f the honiMt Iriltll. ,1 s i ni led. ' After all. what il-xv my o|iinion nla'ti-r. Mr Hamnioiid - I am mi'v a student, and fUudet'ir art- proverbially rtii'k up. and think they kn >w more than anybody etiw.'' 'You're 1:0 >t udeiit ." Hiiul !)< nioml Ham- nionil "Y<iure an art Bt ! When you play I feel he pai:i'"! for all et|irr c-i vt- I.lim < "all lifted up." hi- naid. 'i'hen ho t.1: ilglK'd hi ihouldM*. *Of roiinn, I know in-rfc-tlv well why you didn't play tact night It wan hccjii.-e Komelioily told you I K.I-. II-I'OIM Well. I am jealoim, but not in that wav! I want to do big thing*' m>fC)f. but I don't want to top other people doing tin-in. I imkr to M :tw l.aur.ii thii. morning. I told her that you were to go b.i.-k into (he tirogramme." Some I-.-IIH mine Into Knidw eyiw. and now -he f-li truly orr> for having hurt Ir.i feelingo. Thank you. Mr. llantmond." he iiaid. "Tht w:m very good of you. Now won't you let IIH go over these wongH again." He :.....! by tin- pi.ino. looking at hr, each week when I have to go into the question of finance with Hammond, but he ham I Brumbled onct-. and awkward, unl while tbe lawyer tryini' to frame $ome worde in w approach the nubjcct which MJ b havci bin heart. Julian Ilryant eel him yon to thank lor that, my dear! You j earn., have done him no nd of good, not only I Klad u, ee you again, K with bin iiiBing but with himnclf. and yet dell h said, for apart from you arc not over kind to him. arc you? At thai Enid Bushed quickly. Hhe cer- tainly not too amiable to Mr Ham that there are many muttertt whicn 1 am anxioiw to diwcuM with you, there M eorae- thing I want to cay to you, and that mond, but then he wn afraid of nhowinK h ' >>* tha -l *" W '"." ot 1 al any " mc him too miKih kindiir*.; although now I P"ak to roe .-.bout all that happened be- she really likixl him. He wa w> young, fon- my illn.iw I remember that I en- and li.ul MI. b kindly impulteti. and then I trusted yon with a very important tak. .well, flbe W:IH only hnin:in, and it wan very pleasant to have ttomeone to think alKiut her. take trouble for her. and gen- erally want to care for her. HUH, intui- tively he felt there wn safety and wix- dom too in the attitude Hhe uiainluiiu-d. frowned slightly. . . Well, now 1 relievo you of this. The die ii cattt. and 1 itui not going to look back- wftfds! He Hpoke so hardly, with such a grim note In !-.- vn.ee. Uiat the other man It became th diatom now for Mu< I. an rie ami Knid to travel from town to town and he spoke coldly in Mr. Hammond's car. and thesi- journeyrt I There wan a 1 tor the niont part through beautiful conn try carried an unconnciou* healing Knid. "An you please. Mr. llryunl.' he aid. rewtraint between them lifter that, naturajly; hut it wore olT to by deirrri't-, and they liilkii'ir quite eauly One hot. ktuffy night Mr. Ilamni.nid thniiitih dinner. briniKliI a dfliehtful invitation to the two found and pleut^untly girl*. I nay. you know. I vi> got an aunt who The point ol busin win. h Mr. Bryant . hud to diwiws with hi. lawyer were chief- ly concerned with InvwtmonU and other live* about thirty milew from hero, and t detail* of In* property. ,-hc Inn written and aokod me to t:iy a! "\ou have irude a itr.'at tinny changen weekend with her. I naid I would if he ' lien*," Mr Pliydel Mid, looking about would include you two in the invitation, him; "but it wn- i.-ilwayn a very .harming anil she has replied, faying (hat din- will! lioum-. and Mr* Her nook had great knottl- . your invitationn." little note. . He gave them each a mich like t<aid Bryant, with liin faint ini!e. Mih Laiirie atveuled without henilalion, "I undrrwtand t.hat thw houi.e i full of nt Kind dn-w back ' troiixurc*. Lady Kllen Qroopir aiul Home "I am awfully Horry." she aid; "but I ! oilier friends wero dining -ivilh tne here a have lo go to London thi i night or tw,i ago. and they were full <i( admirntion for the china and the picture!; think I week-end." Mr. lliunnioi,d' diappointment proncium-ed that when they were alone to' for myself. 1 know v\ry little about tuoin M, in. .n Laurie went Rtmight to the point. " thing*, and cttrv !<- he added with nigh. Kind, you are unkind t.i that hoy!" he Mr. Pl.>ydell looked at him said. "Why won't you go? IB it bec:iue harply. and without a, frown of your cloth P My dear, you alwayi look to . glimiwe of tho Jul'an Hry.int this time He *eemed xweot no matter what you wear. Of oour:ie. ' ' whom he had been brought in con- if you won't go. 1 can't. IKi change your tact 110 atrangely a few month* before, mind It will do iw good to leep in nicoll" Ih-it moment be almost uesured him- ! hi-d and huvo Home good food. Touring < elf thnt the man wu playing a part, and we tour i deadly biittinewi. Now. dear j ho iindi-rHtood that t.he part wan a painfiU "I Hha.ll child, you inut go to |>leae me." That ret tied the queHtion, and at the end of tlin week they found themxclvei motor- and h . epi i r.-ian wnH "Oh. what * the use?" he raid, never t.ing. f-h ill I?" Khe nn.^werrd bun prompt.ly. "Of . "in.-.', you would fling if you would work. To do big th'.ng* we all haie- to J j, (lll ,e if only Hhe" could bury lierttiOl work Y-iii have a .harming voice, and j ,,, ,.!, t , u j el ( . rner of tln> enrt.h you only want a little help. May I nhow , ,},_ | 1(IW | K . U utiful life might slill be! yon .b it I me in '' one to play. The 4'onvciAiition reverted after thin. and W.IH kept t.rictly to huxinoHX topi. ing txi a .-harming old r.x-tory, mwtling ! and after ifr. Pleydell had gone Julian among the tree*, and mirrounded by the I Bryant walked r<wtlefily through the mont Vaiitifnl countiy. many charming room* of hie houno. A great yearning creipl into Knid T.ry- " w.m thinking of what Lady r.llii ant'n heart aH they me noar to IhiH ; Crimper had niild to him Jut before lii< , had left tJie night of the dinner. "lt' a duck of a boiwe, Mr. Bryant !" phe hiul dec.lared. "I don't think I have never could pull." Mr. Pleydell had looked at him sharply. and tren had quietly agreed to what he propofod. I -ilwnv* ci.-l for Mr* Marnock," he work t the o h'e with y you havo care." llr. Playdefl Uiounht about ir.m a g.xxl deal a* lie walked homeward, and once again he had a enee of anger againit hw partner for the precipitate way in which he had acted. "I don't believe thi* man i* ia,ppy. ' he aid to himeelf. "H will be interesting to watch the development of thin bi'einesH It certainly is a curiou* .state of affairu." (To be continued J A vv llri-riiit. He was u new recruit, nnd the firs.t day of pjirade lie was mustered tip aloiiK with a ha tcli of uther re- cruits to do drill. "Attention," thundered the sergeant. "Shoul- der arms ' about turn !" The whole lot of men had performed their drill satisfactorily with the exception of otic, who had not mov- ed n -nuscle. The sergeant was mad with rage, and going up to the new recruit, caught him by the neelc and shook him, asking if he was deaf. "No, sir," came the answer. "Then why the dickens didn't you turn when I shouted rightabout turn?" "Please, sir, I'm left-handed." Unless you try .v u W 'H never know what you can do. The CVergyman "Your husband says ho always feels so refreshed af ter one of my sermons." Mrs. Pews (absently) "Yes, a good sleep does refresh one, you know !' "Half the world," said H-.-nry , ! "Thei'r'hoVtilHrt^'rwit'ed" them" warmly" liud ! e'er wwii anything more charming, but it 1) runmuint l "J s on the wrong SCCnt He iiau.nl an iiwlam. and then he aid [ g rl ,,.ioui.ly. and embraced her ni.pheiw. ol [Ml J" " ompty. Its the kind of ; _,, uphatically. 'Rather!' And he went to , w |,om he WB evidently very fond. j hoiuw that wimtn a DMtN*f, MM laughed, i m the l>ursuit 01 llll-]>pllie.S.s. tihink it consists in having and got- ting, and in being served by others*. It consists in giving and in serving others." Belfast hits suffered severely o-'i account of the war, and ui.-i'iy of the j big MtaMfafanrata Imd to ]>ut tl-.r'ir eniphati.-ully. Kalher! And he went to ll:e ch-iir where hin caso raited, and brought the inn*ic hack. Kn.d M.I-IT an hour over one nong, nhow- tn" him IIM in r' ik.f. and Hugget-ing w'li-re hi- .-on'.l u.e h* voice to tile Inwt it.lv i nt age Kho fliinu her elf into tbe work with all whom he WB evidently very fond. .In -i in time for tea,' hc . .n.l. an.l nhe led the way a. i ,< t>b lawn. Her husband, the grey-haired ri^-tor, wa .-liatting with tall man who h i.i his - , - back to them an they approached. ttWi "d nhe was horrified lewt he AM he heard hi* ho.-MiW* voice thi^ man : have misunderstood thin spwb. Don't be hurl, hut it' xiriiply loo pretty und .iweet jiwl for ono man ulona " Hhe .had xpoken unite lightly, hut had colored quickly n the wonl* had left her might turned'. ^'ind'j'iB.'rfor'airinMaiiV l-inid Vt'ry". ; I ini|il.v can't picture "poor old Mr. i in n*Ui "^i j !ii *' ".: . her heart, nnd they iKilh foil that the nrwt I .,, f t ttl ,,i H till and her heart contracted 1 Murin>.-k in BUOD a bonne. of ri.dly; and Uien MM had Ii i.i had been imwt (Uoceufol. Id do von know no mueh?' ennnired Mr II. i. union. I. a* they got up to go. "You UK-HI very young, and yel you are o aw- fully c'ever I IIIVK only my iniifiic to live for," Knid iwwen-l him. hardly . HIK-IOU* of how uch w.i. i-onf.T-MMl in the wor.l They left the hall Ingethrr. and he middenly with an exquisite nenmition joy nnd nan ininided. for it seemed her thut *he wa* face' to face with her ! into hi iiuaband! The next iiintant, however, saiw .her in intake; though there wati a she take her home. she a.lded liui- n him her I il nkipiii-d I notori'iir, which was waiting to I e luid givon to ' Hlim huml in farcwelj. and ha What is the blue in our flag, toys? The waves of the bound. ess sea. Where our vessels nde in their tame- J less pride. And the feet of the winds are free; From the sun and smiles of the joral Isles To the ice of the south and north, With dauntless trjad through tem- pests dread The guardian ships go forth. What Is the white on our flag, boys? The honor of our land. Which burns In our sight like a bea con light. And stands while the hills shall stand. Yes, dearer than fame 13 our hind's . great name, And we fight wherever we be, * For the mothers and wives that pray for the lives Of the brave hearts over the sea. What is the red on the flag, boys? 'TIs the blood of our heroes slain On the burning sands, In the wild waste lands, And the froth of the purple main; And it cries to God from th" crimson sod And the crest of the waves out- rolled. That he send us men to fight a,~aiu As our father.: fought of old. We'll stand by the dear old flag. boys. Whatever be said or done; Though the shots como fust, as we face the blast, And the foe be ten to one Though our only reward be thj thrust of the sword, And a bullet in heart or 'jrain. What matters one gone If the flag floats on, And Britain be lord of the main. Al'STRlA I'lMSHUl). Vienna Full of Wounded Mm In- vasion of Cholera anil Dysentery. When Austria so arrogantly made- her demands upon S*rvia, late in July, the world regarded her as a great Power wrongfullv attempting to coerce a weaker niatk>n. She was confident, of course, of her ability ti> compel Servis to her way of thinking, irrespective of the rights of the c-asse. She thought she could repeat the coup by which she ob- tained possession of Bosnia and Herzegovina a few years before. Now he is stricken to the point of exhaitsituin. A cx>rresponderot at Rome sends a graphic description of the disaster that has overtaken her. Vienna is literally a great hos- piuil. Barracks, school houses, theatres, offices, the museum and the rotunda of the famous Prater 1'ark are all in use for the care of the wounded. C'holera and dysen- In- rU'W lilt "I III If I il nv i I "' *-" ... . . I t U ' noiiiiced likencm. tins man wim older than win 1 . <|lS1 "'- v ' K '""'- s Julian; moreover, he^h:..! an empty coat J[S U JSa?H? II L*S t Hleeve pinned acro.n his breawt. He wan introduced an I'olonel Dawnoy, " nc and pntty.j ^.rfc,,,,,,,, V)n j,] w) , rt tinj. 9 . The pros- j tery. the former in mild but the ' latlor in fatal form, have invaded ..t.-il. gainxt her will, on escorting her i 1||1() nim.^t immediately he took hiw leaM iKldenlv. un I. to her very minleM lodging. The tic h-ir.lly. At. he went. MrH. Urmhani. their hil- Utcr In -he afternoon, when Knid wa ,,,, ,,,,' little about iiim. rioting with cloned eyc after vainly try- ing to rend, the dingy maid of the bonne brought in a bunket of lovely rimes to if to nlmt out a vmion. nt he had hunched a lit' mow t radt- esptH-uill.v in UK* engineering the city. The t<' understand public tho is beginning Failure of t-hc Itocausc son. it is usually so dry. my Lessons Come Easier IF the child has a big, generous light to study by. The lamp saves eye strain. It is kero- sene light at its best clear, mellow, and unflickering. The RA YO does not smoke or smell. It is easy to light, easy to clean, and easy to re- wick. The RAYO costs little, but you cannot get a better lamp at any price, Made in Canada ROY A1.ITF OIL if <>t for all ..e. THE IMPERIAL OIL CO.. LwitJ T.,o.!. QMWc H.i.i.t St. J.i. Win!,* V.. campaign. There are no evidences of "patriotic passion, sympathy or enthusiasm." The empire is on the ragged edge of catastrophe. Its dissolution would be the natural outcome of its latest and most dis- astrous military experiment. Willie- Paw, why is an after-din- ner speech called a toast t Paw He is Much a Hplendid man," *he and did *ueh wonderful thing* i .Honlh African war. Poor fellow, he tin which wan attached Mr. Hammoiid' card - ;| n . ;l< ||,ill y wounded. You pec In .In I for .1 few MI. .ir. nt i (in beauty of the flower* dc'ighled her, then he reini-ni hcri.l with u pain when .Inliaii hud went her rovcn for t.he flri.1 lime, and thin brought hack other ineinorie*. looked pale and ouieter tlinii ilHinil ..._ .!. v.-n .1...* ami liven ai an .inn, no there IH no more him." I'm* up near hero, docxn't he?" queried Mr. lluininond ho ban nettled down IIH a fnrnn> , Buy British-made Roofing-Hot Foreign-Made exprewM-il nmim-nicnt j ,i riwh:im W|M ;1 | iUl u when Him went down io the luill that night. Hhe> had! heard front Manon Lau- rie wit.h regard In her Holm, hut had ent ^ written menage raying that .-In- did not winh to pluy for u night or two Mr. H imni'i'i.l.e now Hong went Hplendid- ly, and MutH LnTiric to Knid. "Why. h* in actually Hinging de<'ently tonigbt! What hn happmied? We.ll. if we have a few morft nu<X'c'_.HCfl like to- night we ohall IN- i-.ili- for a little whil." slu- Itiii.iiiH.I through a few barn of the v.iiiK ahe wan going to ing, and itn-n hn nlghed. "Only, you know, Hammond won't .ti.-k on likn thin uiiieh longor. He wanto to ling In London, and of coiirae bn'll do It One can do anything with money. "Oh, how I hate money!" Knid Hrya.nl able g about *ix milra away, in *weete,.t. nnaintiHl lion,-e irn. If you would euro about it, u < will In these strenuous days do not send your money to foreign countries circulate It AT HOME, where your crops are sold, and o nnd ace him to-morrow afternoon, mid wnr , re your money will pome buck to you and your family. Our "Hcdcllffe" Corrugated Iron is British through and through mined, HMMMI Laurie "VnTid '.'hatted briskly melUid. rolled, galvanl/.ed and corrugated within the Empire. We could use foreign-made Keystone sheets if we wished, but we and cnjoyini? hernelf; but Mr ! prefer to buy wltfiln the Empire, and so should you. Our thirty-year reputation for square dealing is behind every one of the famous about "Uetlellffo" Hrltlsh-nwde Galvanized Sheets which you will get If you buy from us. And our prices are as low or lower than sheets Mice. .Sinclair. Hhe found her very pretty, , ,1.,. Ttni lr ,H utoi.>u but very delict.Mookin B . ,,,| there wan V*.<1 I" the United btatos. . a Tiilint.. in liei nprMwofl whirh hurt her to gee. CI1APTKR X Tenderlen heard of .lull in nryant'H vmit to i In- of Wiltshire, with the nrratii-t <ilr.plea*lir<*. Hi- W11H roiMM'ioiw it! being hotly jeitloiih, and lu< lelt. too, a *t-r iHi.l o bitterly and HO palonately thatitjiiii renentment creep into hi the other looked at her in *nm nurpriw. "Well. I don't know enough about It to hate It." ehe naid with n Uugh. Gradually Knid began to take a real in- terest in her rehearaaln with Mr. Ham- mond. Hhe never definitely uggnted teaching him. but In. wai her pupil never- tin- lenn, and he wan far lc*3 difficult to teach thau 0ho had imagined. Hhe had Lksnk>-.l him very quietly for hi* race*, bat .'"Jut an quietly had anked liini not to *eiid her any more, nnd though tlii'V met dally and worked together r- oiwly. Mr. Hammond found hlmitelf in.; a mueh a utra-nger at the end of a fort- eight M he had been at the beginning. ?rfcs Kr'iJ VTelf wa* the only one whore Lady KlU-n Croopcr wa:i lie had already been of the gri>atc:it ni'r- ( vice to her >n, a matter of fuel she would not II.IM- been able to go on without hum. and ye' nhr bad never brought ali.m! an Invitation for him from the lin. h, of Wiltuhlre! ORDER NOW Our Prices To-day Are : 28 Gauge $3.60 per 100 square feet 26 Gauge $3.80 per 100 square feet ORDER NOW Freight prepaid to any station in Old Ontario. Terms: cash with the order. Special prices to other sections of Canada on application. We can also xupply Corrugated Ridge Cap, etc., to nt wr sheets. You save money and get a vastly better article. Buy "Hedcltffe" Corrugated iron to-day at our special cut prices. Very special reduced prices are also being quoted for "Metallic" Sldlig 'ThlV'will lout turn our young; frimid'rt (Hock or Brick-face patterns) and "Metallic" Htoel Celling and Wall Plates beautiful and durable. Correspondence invited, head," he naid to himnelf; "but, if h(* We will gladly help you with your barn plans. Let us hear from you about your requirement*. The METAUrfR ROOFING Co., Ltd, M ' nu f " t " w> '^ ihen- shull trr.it- me to any nonaenne. Home plain speaking." The question of Julian Ilryant threat ened to be irntauiiK In more wii.vn than . .MI- . for with the return of Mr. ' . to tin- offlco. Mr. 'IVuderti'ii wan upon to (to throiiRvh *oniB annoy inu uieiitu The fMt being that, when he leydell ^1 ' j King and Dufferln 9ti.. Toronto GalvauUod "East- lake" 3tel Sulnglet and "Iledcllfle" Hrl- tfch made Corrugat- |d Iron mak Staunch, time-proot barn.

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