Flesherton Advance, 10 Dec 1914, p. 8

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December 10 1914 3 T H E F L E S II E R T O N A D V AN C E BUSINESSCARDS O7 II. \VKUiHT. Tl. I.I OKi l .'. UcOUNALD '' H*rrlttr, Holicitor*. Ac. Office*. Grey I A HI.II'-< Block, Owon Bound. Stuinlartl Dank' JUolf,KI<Mberton. (Saturday*). w.H. Wright, I W. I'. I'ellord J'.,J. C. McUouaH, t.. I,. It. ! SOCIETIES AO U W meet! ou the lait Montla> in aoL uioutb, In tlieir louge room < l>tou' ball Pleibertou, at H I'.m. M. W., W. J. HelUmy ; BBC., 0. H. M..n-.ii. ID.. H. J, Kproule. Visiting brtbi*o iDYitud , PKINCK ARTHUK LODKB. No. Xfl.A.K.d A U.niMtiin tin Mmonic Wall. Aim trJK' lllock,Klohrton, every Friday on or before the lull u)ocn T. Klakoluy \V. M.; < 'tiaf.Munnlitw, Secre'.iuy pOL'RT.FLEhnEKTON. 903, I. 0. F. ireeUiu ' " Clayton'* block the taut Wtrineidav (veiling iiacb tnnntb. Vliitiui; Foresters heartily ' Icouic'C. K., O. llelUnu ; H. 8., <. Cairr.x; :i Bee , W. Huikio. t'leK pay duel to Via. Sec. before tho first av oi tbo uioutli. ."HOHEN KhlKNOS r:, -!.,!. .n Council ChoMii Friendi nieeti in Clay ton ' ball flrt nd third \Veduetday of etch month 8 |i. ni 1'ay MMMiuenti to the HxorJr oo or before ice But day of each uiontb. Cbief Councillor r . Hlakelev: Hrorder W. H. Hunt. RL'DD UATHK'.VS, Markdale, I.icennert aucMonMr lor the county ot IJrey. Oooi 1 .ervice at re*x.uable rate. Ualea cau be _adti t The Advance, o 09 MEDICAL DK CARTER W C I' A S Oct. Phyiiclan. Kurijecii etc Office and residence Peter it., Fleeherlou JP OTTEWELL Veterinary Surgeon iraduatej ol Ontario Veterinary College residence iBCond door noutb went on k*rr street. This itreet ruui outb Prcibyterlau Cbnrob. Made in Canada COLUMBIA RECORDS FOB DECEMBER ....Now On Sale.... Get Lists Now Emmy Destinn The famous diva <>f tin; Metropolitan < ) peni House contributes two operatic selections on a Double Disc J{cord $3.00 The Fox Trot Tho dance that 'tango." K fine Kwoixl. took the "go" from Double Disc Dance .$1.25 DENTISTRY Dr. E. C MURRAY L. 3. K . dental mirgroi honor graduate of Toronto Uuiveriit) and Hiyel College of Dental KurReons of Ontario. dai adiuUlniitcred for teeth extraction ClfliCe at rviidenco, Torouto Street. Fleiherton LECAL I UCAH. HANKY ft hKMSY-lUrrintera, *-> ik>llcitor.eic.-I. . l.uca*. K. C. : W. K. Kaney, K. f. : W. I). Hui>, II. A. (>llic*, Toronto. HOO-9 Tidor Hank Hlilp., phone ttatn 141 J; Markilalu l.ucai Klock. Phone -' A. Hraueli ottice at Oundalk open uvt-ry Katurdmy. BUSINESS CARDS The Night Before Christmas At last n really satisfactory Children's Kecord. Every owner of a disc instru- ment should get this fine iJoiiblc Disc Uecord and delight the kiddies 85c. And all the latest popular selections, including 'Along Came Kutli. ' Remember, the moat complete collection of the Songs the S< I singing have been recorded on Mir Christmas Gifts There ii a imiveinont on foot this year for fromelhiii 1 / Substantial for i 'lniMoi.1--, no* that, the German il ni-y ware is debarred (a it should hate lieen years KO). Just by way of suggest ion we would propose that you call in and e>-. ( aniine our stock of furniture suil- .ilili! for presents, which U un- usually full this year. For in- stance we have roukers for mother, easy chairs for fallier, beautiful pictures and frames for sister, liaiidsleiglis for little brother, little rocker", dulls bedn unrl wick- er chairs aud other things for little i-is'er something for everybody. Come in and see the latest thniL' in uolls beds uptl rockers. Then we h*ve the usual stock of all kinds of {Ntrlor, bedroom and lin. in:; rouili furniture M.-!.-. chiriK, odd piecec, secretaries Oh! there is too much to eniimetate. (,'oine in and j:o over our .stock yourself. Always happy to show goods and to demonstrate that our prices are as low as the lowest. We are p'.vpared {> furnisb flowers and floral designs for funeral", weddings, IT rucinl gathering-', having arranged with the Dale es- tate i't* Rrainpton to liundle their IniMiir-s here. W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER PHONE 23 R2 Flesherton - Ontario. COLUMBIA PATRIOTIC RECORDS Fun SM.K nv ! CUL1>OUOH It YOUNU Hanker* Markilale ueral banking buiiuem . Money loanet . reasonable ralet Call ou UK. | L On. Winii.KsAi.K OM.Y, hKo\i >f, sic .Sn-i'i.Y C' TollO.NTO Agents wanted when; not actively represented. DllcI'HAII., l.ti'Minu.l Auctioneer for .'the, County of Orey. Terum moderate aud ' tis'itciioD, 4tuarauttid. The arrauReuieute i n 1 latci of ulea can be made a*. THE ADTASCK I Dffice. Keiideuve and P.O., Ceylou, Telephone -onnectlon Dec. 6,07. WM. KAITTINU. Llceuied Auctloueer foi tbo eoUDileB of Urey and Biuico*. Variii and Htock ial< a npecialty. Term* moderate, (atiiilactiuii KiiarauU0d. Arrauxe- i>min toi niiiea may be made at the Advauce . Oil--. ! Central telei hone ofl>ce hevernbaui or b/adUiei<luic ma at Pevertliaui, Out. Our Clubbing Listj The following prices sre for strictly' Diil in advance niiliHi'ri|it ions only. Wei have no account^wah ot her papers . [ ,. Hlesherion Advance f I 10 Yo'iths Companion - 00 . :! 00 "If Kami Stock, Ktc. MAIL CONTRACT SKALBl) TENDERS it.ldrrss.-d to tlif I'ostiiuistei (Jt-neral, will l>e received at Ot'nwH until Noon, on FiiJ;y, the Hth .lunuary, I'.ll.'i, for the conveyiincc of His Mnjesiy's mails on i proposed con- liiict for four year.-, fcix times per week i-rtch \vy over Ki'vci'nliHui "<! (vi-i l,i.ly Hunk) Rural Mul Itoute. from the Font Matter General's pleasure next. Printed notices coiiUiniim further in- formation as to condition* "f uroiMMd Contruct may be seen ati'l blank forms of Tender may IK- obtained at lite I'ost ()tli,-i;sof KevprsliHin. bidv I', nil.. . n 1 at tlio OHice of the Post OHice Inspector at Tufuulu. Post < (ttict- luHpcc'iir'n Mrtuv, Toronto, Novcmlirr 2liih. I'.U4. A. SI'THKULAND, Pivt OHicu lippector 00 76 For Sale - y.-i,' li..i il.i.m \ nil fur sale at lot ' li'i, cull. II, ArteinrMit. | _> IK) has been instructed to sell by public auction at Lot 132,2 N.E.T.& S. R. AHTKMKSIA on Wednesday, Dec. 16th, 1914 i ,,., , ,, ... '.:<" ' ' fl>ll " wl "K N aluabV Articles, naiii.-ly: By Home, rWng fl JIMI-S K. It. , ' Hull For Service Kuxiiia. I'. II. |( f _ _ ] ' 'nru In uil K|IOI(|IOIII Imll, Knipi-rm , fir MTvin 1 i-ii lot Mi", W.T. S.I!.. i'M.i. Ti-iiiis ?l .'id fur '^'ivdi 1 -. s: 1 , (or thorough brad*. All Onm aervoal tnu-i bo p. ii>l for. I Mar. II. 'I'lii^'^, Pi'iipru-liir. liul I I'nr Service . A 'i.'i.li'i-ii Ani'ii , . ni ni .'!!, '.Mi < -iii . -^ i-.ii. Arii'in.'Mi i. TITIII^. .^I.OU if pniil ' . I..M. Nt.laii. PH. i. \\ . .). .M ,..,(.. M ,y I.'. Bull for Service Toronto World, daily Toronto Dily NOWH .... \Vmtkly I ilobit Mail-Kmpiru ... Kamily HcraM & 8tar. . Ti.roiito Star Farmer Sun . . Karmers Advoosta 1 .VI Bay Home, raring fl jr.irs olu, Hay Weekly Wit.iew BO Ume, 4 year* old, caniage, i;o<,d driver, Saturday Nil-lit. '.' 00 * Colt, nio 1 year old, heavy, Cow.il Home Jonri-.l !U|! yiMis old, coinii.g iii soon, (W, '.) yeais Poultry Iteviow 411, "W. uppnurf to U- in calf, Cow. years Itod ,'tiid (inn niaiM7.ini' !U |'' 1 '- Uppoid to be ill calf. Heifer, risinv .'t, wiili ca'f at font, _' Hi'ifi-iH, ii>mg ,'t. siippoM-d to he in calf. Heifer, rising '.'. supposed In (if in uilf, Sti-er, lisii.g '.' I yeur* old, Dull lising .1 years idd, n Sti'i'i.s, liHitig :.' yearn old, _ Spiing I'.-ilii--, about "ill Hens, huniher \\Hgon, il Top liiiL'i.'y, I'utter, It.iutt C.trt, '.' Si-l I. uhi Driui L' Sleiuhf, Lund Holler, - S.-t Sni.'le II u ness, S ( .| Dmibli 1 Drivini; II i-lii-s. Itiiguy I'.ile and Nrrk Yoke. (iilr Kobe, Goal K ibo, Lip UHU, an. I i.llil'l il I ll ." loo lUlllli'l'lllls to nirlllli.ll. j - Kfcrylhing Must Ho Sold. | S.I in ('..iiinii in',' :it 1 o'clock. l.i, All i,ui. of s . mi .ni iimo-i . Ciwh; nvii lli. I 'u mi U nionili.s' cred t will li MI> i'ii mi a.ipriiivd j.iml notes, i II || 'i .'".il, oil' i.il i-isli in lieu of noli ^. I \ IhiU.KV |>. M.1MIAII., I'roprii-tor, Auctioiirer. Bull for Service i .111. i. 1 1 Anm L'Hii bied lien ford bull (or service on lot l.'il. 'Jnd. \V. T. and !S. R., Al'teiui'sia Terms Sl.o< can 1 1 . -JOHN ADAMS, 1'rop. Pure lired liolstein Hull Channeling I'rincc Joe |!ied li.\ Clinnxt'liiiK I'ultcr Hiy on of Tiily Aljliekuik Princuis Jmpphioejf] I'll.- xii' '>( linllcr inakii'i; tti'iiin kno Ti'ini nf s.jivtcc J.|.."iO for^'iaile* pure lired. liKd. MDHllK A S( IN. I'lop-.., 'IH;KLI : OKI> Tin IH'I.I. TOR SI-KVICE pin-.- I. .of! ,t 171. ."id not. l -l'.:ri-il I ,'l\ I lli-ri't'.itd bull t'..t .1"! vir W.TS |{.. Arieiin'M'i. T.'ruis ^:I i' ir |.u. .' li'i'ili, Jl.."i( for .'I'lill'."-. All BOWS Ktl'VI*fl lllM.st lir Iciltl T. A .1. WATSON. in u I I (until. -I'll Imll, Alie.'.le. n f..i -! i i.'c en In! -".I, S.S. |..r '^lii.l.'.', I'm,' f'U <i In I'm r 1,1, .1 I ) \ H' '^. ( ^'ll I; . A n "iiu'-i.i T.'i'.n-i *l ,'n L, - >;: no. I'm 1 .! lin>.| 'r.imiKor'li <ii i In- M!I iv . bit . T. i ii >' I ..O Inr ill animal I'liist !), iiinl for. fuo.ir \V..I Bull For Service Thiii'iii^bbrtsd Sli'iriliiirn I'ull. " Mill cr'i li .vriinu," N.I ,-,'ilii.s, i,, i rrvii'i' on lol '.'7. cmi 14, \i'i.,i . 11 I.., fl.."ii) loi 'mnli-N, f.". for thmnuahbr. d. ' AI.KX. < Alt 111 I'll Kits. SUCCESS , i I ' . < >- II , i. k ...,. " :. ,1 ii'ir i u. ,i ntvilli ii!, T ' - , i '.ml i iitiuii . .. i ir II of ll. \. . ' for froo rntlot;ui* DOMIHIflN BUSINESS COLLEGE or.Ci.lk.Bi.i,ll r ,i,, w | l |, i r I , r i >n i, J. V lliirli.'ii. ll A . I'nncipal 41- Christmas Sailings Strayed Siruy-d from lot III!. 1-011. ]_'. AiU'iu 1-1 1 1 l i)i'>irod .-lerr, reil \\itlisome siinill lnle sp(.|~, di'lii.ined imd a !< w li I I,, HIM in Inr. In ,nl. ply in ; i" li'|i t Miilit car. II.IK lie.-M awiiy .in.'i 1 IM e -k in ( l.'l.il IT, Any inl'm ui'ii mn leading in lei-niciy will 1 1,. Mijtalily rewaried I'V o. I it) n L! r KNoTI', Tlioinlinrv. In I'liiiiU'Ctiini wil'i ill.' Olilisli'ias Miuliii^ti i.f (\niiiiliaii I', fil'r sti*iiiii!tlii|i " Mi^Mina'nii'," mill All ll lino Mi'am.shi|> ">can lin u i.ui, ' fnnn Went St. .b.Iin, lii'ii. !">, tint t'lniiliiii I'm'. lii- raihviiy will o|iernle it mlid I III uDgll HrmolH] iiuin |JI>M' I lif lir.st and K.'Cond r'ii8s i'i|iii|iuii'iit mill lunrli iniinli'i' oar. KMIV- ... I 1.1 '! |o . ,,, Moiid,iy, 1 1. ! U, In llio iiiwn-lii|i of Arteinei, in iliu [ uninintj diiec' to s'oHin-hi|i side. I'ur- I'ouniyif <iify, I'IOHIIOM of Ontitrio, j lioiil i K from m y C. I'.l!. nckel auenl, or c..iii|MiKi|l uf !,,U UBoiul Mil, i:..ii. -', , wrile M.G. Miniiby, I) Htriut Fi-wu t K. W T. ,V S. I! , mid |i.rl nf lut l.iO, [ .,, uiiii. -L . W.T. A S. II . cmi Strayed Property of the Late Roger McGill for Sale I ' line In the premie's ol' ill.' 'iliJei'- . .s.^ind on or iilioni Nov. 10, 0110 t\vo-| y ai-i.l.l Hirer. The oivniM 1 is rei|ilo<l 'd ' to piove propel 1 ! y, pay expenses at.d take il away. AI.KX. M.M1 LI.KN I,- 1.V.I, -1th con., Kli-shertoii P. O. Potatoes Wanted Car Loads of Good Potatoes Wanted Current Market Prices Paid. -M. SCULLY & CO., Fleshertcn. STEVENS Repeating Shotguns Tiie Stevens Hanunerless costs no niore thill same haninier guns. It has the celebrated STEVENS RECOIL UNLOCK providing safety against " hang-fires." HAMMERLESS SOLID BREECH Easy Take-Down 12 or 20 Gauge EVERY GUN GUARANTEED J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co. P. 0. >oi liOfld ChlcopM Kail*, Mas*. Ceylon's Busy Store NEW STOCK Stanlields' Unshrinkable Underwear, all sizes in three weight*. Woollen goocU blankets, nuclei-wear, so ks, hose, stock- ing legs by tht yard. Men's heavy, leather top rubbers, all sizes, 9 inch and 12 inch. Full assortment of sheep-skin lined coats for teamsters. Leading brands of crosscut saws. See our stock of driving nigs. The latest is the large plait shawl rug. Ladies' ready-to-wear coats. Something altogether new. .vieii's and boys' top coats and also heavy overcoats. We have nearly anything you want in either ready-made or tailor-made. Canned Corn, Peas and Tomatoes $1.00 a dozen Special Price on Sugar this week only HHighest Prices paid for butter and eggs,~ ZlCash or traded ; JAMES PATTISON & Co. &^^ ^ -i. . .i-^-:fc-^-.i--^- -L ^ - ;~ _ ^ ^ _ McTAVISH SLEIGHS WEAR WELL They built are uuui. iu give goon service, not only for one or two seasons, but manv. They not only look right but' they wear well. They do not fall to pieces after a feAv yeai-s use. Whatever your re- quirements are in the sleigh line there is a Me- Tavish Sleigh that will fill the bill and give you years of satisfaction. Leave your order with us at once and you will never regret it. D. McTavish - FLESHERTON, ONT Agent ^-'***r#i***** ************* iHARDWAREll An All Canadian Product For beauty, strength uul simplicity \ve (luilK-iijjt! c-oni'Kiri- sdii. Kxports pro- iioiuu-e the ' Canada 1>" l he best Through, out Steel Range on the Continent. Coal or Wood me in a. Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. Heaters FRANK W. DUNCAN Hardware Merchant ' ' Phone 30 r 2 FUKiSH HILTON, OX' Rod and Gun vivid . 1 .iroiitii flunk II -I ''ii n i'oiilriliiit>N n anoounl of n |io!ni l.enr hiinl in (lie r.'gli I>H to tlio l">i'( oinliei 1 is.sue of Rod and Lepard Roberts A very prtl'y wedding look pl (he ion ileueu ' Mr. und Mis.S ll To itli lin , ' )spre ;, on D)). l! an! at Mti'Mir.M.li M.i.ll.l. >'. Miivly Si., t,t. Went 'I'liroiito. Farm For Sale 1 00 itcri>M, .,,. I Iniildni ", Machinery ror Sale li II. P. (jiixolji e r u^ n , I'm,/ I'Unur, 1'2 ini'h Iwind Sr , K |* S, l.ill,e, Ii'ne Hill' o.'l itcllH, nlll in . 11 " mder. A,, ply CMKSIK1 X. LUXi\ lleiil BfeOtal'JT KMo'loihlftg tbtlllld r In ihu loft in hii I. MII nriir Ten* NOMI, H'HIII' > o'll.i. i mi Moiid.y inirniny with | u l.nii.'iii in hiit Inn.' Tim I i,l,l, i ln..k ,oi. l HO did (he ir. IP. the i . ,ili hniiin >lri. Inrli I'.iiiMiinipil tlir IMI u wiili all (lie teed, iinplonieirs, no. Tin* live |.ii'k alone .1 i,--. i. ,i SnnJay, Janmry o, ll IN I r Ml Si'l aside ni ily , ,1 -|n"i il iilerctf!"<iiiii IIIK) |irny*r mi .ii'b ill' r i'i.' It; i r i h in. I ..iii.'ii i n. e mi i . memory of thosu I. K.n falli n iii. i <li' Tii' -.1.0.' Sinidiy will be ob -..., in !,i'..[ lima n in llif MU o IIIMI- uer. ] 4VJIII I III , 'TJJI O f 1/ll l^ J'J. ** i. tJini HI ( mud", pui li-lieil HI iVoodnodk.i.i . . i. .i., ,, , ! then dmuhter, I'.tliel .lnr, wa tiiarii.'d O t., ny W. ,1. lajlor, Limited. "The ., , ,. , t ., ,, 3 ' toHi'iUdil I- i'i I'yn Lepard of Max.v.ll, Mi'iiini i f WiiiM Olti-r Lake" mils I lie . , .. ,,, - .,, , . liy I In: U 1 V. ilr. Plum s . tut; 111 ill', > t caii'ift nip thin led 10 a tronder-l . , i >i -u i ilnnu'y a'liri'il in i Mnu ."ilW dn"*, i i.im.- liy old' fill h.'ii . n ih.< woods liiiil .liiinny M. 1,1. i it. -|i..r-i,,.i-i "To i.' *,.|..|,,,iiv is It I i- 'in ,: i H biindlu lull 1.111,1 nli. in n. . ii i h ..n ini tin i ii i i'ii by In- ..1 iln y i i, i... MI i >> in. i iii-i ;> I;, iiiiiuil out! 1 10 I'loo'id"! I'ourH.? uf n u.- low. I'll.' 1 l> i i l> -.tili ipii 'Hi ii..iil IIIIMO iuter- ex'id 11 tin-- ' i ml ...iiii.i'ni of 1 10,111 ii ivIbgKUi'ii ' . O tier mticli* iii i- Hi'D nf outdoor lit,- from AtluiUii'. l 1'itfilir >n I 111 (i.tii mi o w lull , I itr I'M -i In ill' s;i'ii|v- in. in Iniiii.i i'i I li h.Tiimu 1 wiili all-ovor-'nc , ontA Ail U ro. m <>u tht* aim nt bin f.u li , t .lli,' MI 11 ot of tho mUdim mmv'i, | liyd l.y MIH. "18. 11 i |...ii. .oiii i ... . lin it'iiitt under d B I beautiful aie'i "f rvetsjive s Alter Ihi o ii'finoiiy thp IHI-^O niiiit) r . f fnindi |il i'M'1,1 , lt t'.inlll tn It li.uiliritill -ll|.|t,-| . The lni|i|iy IIHII iei'oi*il 'i lar.r niiin- 1 ber of u-ffiil nd pri-lly iii'sniis. \\ will in- Uc. f'th. id l.nii> at Mi.\<'ll -r-.-.a,- I il Flesherton Tin Shop- I have just plum I ou the shelves a full line of Tinware, Mickel \vaiv and Apuewaie lor domestic use. Call on me and <;et your supplies. , Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- in-rs. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipelining, iiu-linliu- pump work. Fnrnaeos installed. Agent for Claro liros. Ktiruaces. D. McKILLOP CHRI5TOE BLOCK FLESHERTON ONTARIO, il!

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