Flesherton Advance, 14 Jan 1915, p. 1

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II I iLi-. i i » LiJI- "' J ^ J I' . I ' .uu i j ' i jtt ' i.« > uji;j-^»uu n ii iiw>t,i » /ksh^ttun %\siis(iXiU. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" *• PBINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' ?0I 34 No 31 Flesh.erton, Ont., Tliursday, Janufciry 14 l©ir> W. fl THURSTON ''":!^2^o Kimberley Budget Intended fi>i- List week Beautiful calm weather at present, and everybody busy Uyiii;; in a supply of wood. Mr. Wm. Hainu.ou 1 loft on Friday Lut for St. Catharines, where he will wield the bltie lieecb in >i sehnol in that {art. Miss Lottie and Myitli^tiurt of Po- wjssan, arc vi'icioc; fhu^MlRi our burg »! present. Vour corre«pondent visiteil recently rilh frieiids ia ColliMr;ai>od. la com. pany with two of that town's (>rominent busineoi men we went the rounds "f the different |>ouItry yards. .Such a whole Kuuled lot of poultry euihusiaKtics we never .saw before. They seemeil t j be chuck full and running over with chick- enology. We'll give them ilie Irishman's toast. '"May they live to eat the hen that scritches over their grave." Mr. Jas. BIythe of Great Falls, Mon- tana, L'. S. A., is visiting at Jas. Stuart's at present. Misses Mary and Lizzie Welsh of &ist MouiUain visited at Wm. Harris's on Thursday List. Messrs. Dell Brown of Fairmouni.and E. Brown of Meaford, vi.sited one Jay last week at Mrs. T. J. Reid's. Tbo annual schi>oI nieetin'; i>f S. S. No. .â- (, was held in the school on Wednesday foremxin la»t. i>n motion, Mr. D. W*l- lv.-e was elrcted cbairinan. and Saul Fawcett Secretary of ineetini;. Mr. Rotledge Stafford, the retiring trastee, was re-elected by sfcUn-.ati.-n. Tliat .Mr. Stafford as trustee can bll the uill ti> the last gap goes witlumi sayiug. Mr. Wm. Fawcett of Maxwell vi>i(ed friends in our burg during; the (Kist week. Mr. John McGowan and daughter May, of Durban), virited (lieuds in our burg on Monday. Master Haddcn Hutchinson who has been visiting friends in DundalK, return- ed hoaie on Monday, his cousin. His* Gladys McMillan accompanied him. Mr. Marshall of Sliolburnc accompan- ied by Mis.s Millie McMulleo of Kugeuia visited with the Ulcers »ister, Mrs. Jiis. per Stuart, on Monday. Eugenia Paragraphs Held Over La.st Week. I Messrs. Focster, (Jainis and Magee I spent the holiday in Toronto.' I .Misuses Hildk aud Caruea Williams I spent the holiday with their cousin, Mit.s .Xaianda Stewart, of Flesberton. Miss Vera Loucks of Flesberton is the guest of Mrs. Evans. Mr. and Mrs. J jhn Mat;ee of Vande- leur visited friends here leceiitly. Little Hilda Williams 4|Ierta:iied thjiteen of her sjirl friends on ^Iflnes- d*y afternoou and celebrated her sixth AHiiivers.iry. .\ number of youni; peopU met at the home uf Mis.s E. Latimer on Thursday evening and with merriraent. they bid farenell to I'.tl* and "jreeted the Xcw Year with love and kisses. Mrs. Wm. Walker, sr., and Miss Irene bive gone to Credit Forks to live. We arc sorry to lose them and also others wbc are about to leave on account of the flow of ths Beaver over their Uiud. Mrs. Frank Thoni[)son has gone to live with her Uiughter. Mrs. Usbjrne, for the winter and h*s tented her furnished home to Mr. and Mrs. Evans. We are sorry to report Mis* Beecroft very ill again. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Genoa, visited their daughter, Mrs. Teeter, at Vande- leur. .\ load of }oung people from Vande- leur joined a load of Eugenia younn folks aud drove over to Mr. Marshall Beard's aud spent a very pleasant even- ing on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Williams are re- aidins; in one ut Tout Fenwick's resideu- cts here t^>dite a number of the restdeai* <>!' the .\mbuisen Co. are moving out but all re-^ret the time cauie for them tn leave as they enjoyed the life with us althouuli sc bhort. Eugcuia geneially holds a fascmation. Singhampton Mrs. I'arks and children of Suskatuon are visiting at Rockside ^before iiuiug to Elmvale for the winter. Mr. Wni. Bailey, Miss Emily Bailey and sister of Shriij'ey, uccouii>auicd by Mrs. Thos. Kedpath of Ncttawa, speiii New Year's with friends heiV. Owing to the wealiier the New Year's concert in H imiliou's Hall, uiven by the Ladies' .-Vid of th^ .Methodist Chmxh, was not so well attended as expected, but a ajtleudid program was provided and grcitly eiijoyetl by :»I1 fortui ato enuui{h to lie presrnt. Instead of holding the regular uieulius; uu Tuesday •.•veujiit;. the V.l'.C.A. met at tho himie ot Mrs. A. Branch on Thurs- day and spent a plea.sani social evenini:, and after refreshments had been partaken of, adjourned to St. Paul's .\nglican t'huich and watched the old year out :ind welcomed the New Yen- in. The Y. P. C. .^. meets every Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. The uteinbetship fee is only twenlylive cents. Young and ild -^re cutdially invited to cooie and are assured of \ piolilable evcnins. Mrs. S. E. He<tp>»th and family weio amoi\.( ih iSd who attended the uoldeii weddini' anuiversiwy of Mr. an 1 Mrs. U. Ketlpath >>t Nottawa on Dec. 'i\ti. IJev. Mr. Mortis has returned ufier (ponding > very pleasant visit with friends in Toronto. A iiumlier from here a'teiuUd the I'hristmas tree liiven by the Methodist Suiidiiy school in t>len Huron on Tues- (liy, Dec. '-y.\\. The program wis] pro- vided entirely by the children, who do serve uroat credit. I.inich was .served in the basement. Mi. William Johnston niitde a splendid Sunt» CI aus and roniem- K'red every oive. .K«v. Mr. Brock made a veiy pfhcicnt cliairmiui. No charge was made. \>ut over fS was taken in col- Kc'.i',>!i, niis Week's Items Mrs. Thompson is visiting her sister, Mrs. I-iwreiice of Kioilieiley. Miss Walker of Creemore is the guest of her aunt. Miss Beecroft. whu is still in a critical condiiloo. Mr. K. Ddan s(vnt the p.ist week end with friends at Fleshertun. Mrs. Walker, of Kimberley, i> the guest of Miss Bjeoroft. Miss Ella Lawrence of Kimberley is visit iig, with Miss Ida Thomiison here. Miss Vera Loucks of Flesberton de- ligh'ed the Piesbyteriaii congregation with a t>eautiful s<ilo on SablMth morn- ing. Mr. Tutor h»s ni )ved up agaiu to bis residence in town. Miss Nellie Wickens of Kimberley is the s{uest of Miss E. Litiiiier. Mr. and Mrs. .Andrew Giahtni and three children from the west are s{>eud- iug » couple of montlit with friends here. They all look hale and heatty. Priceviile Jottings Fevers ham Items The people have been enjoying tine mild we*tber of late. The Priceviile .\;;ricuUural Society intend holding the annual meeting on Thursilay, Jan. L'l, »l 1 o'clock p.m. .\ g(K>d itttendance of the members thai afieriuKMi to discus-s important ijuestions or make necessary chsnges might bo a iH'iie'Jl to the society. .\ndrew Pinkeitoii is the muiagcrof an open air rink on the mill pond, which ^.-onis ti give exercise atd amu.seinont to a luimbor of people in village aii.l Uis^rict around. Two strangers in female garb have been holding meetings in the building known as Kiunss Hall, and i;o person th*t we have seen soeins to know under wh.at auspices thivse perjoiis aie working, and now in war timo, when various di.sguises are often useil, it might be well for our poliao trustees bi investigate and make a public report. There is an abundauce of stovewood on the ma'ket this winter and al reduced prices. A i|uaiitity of s.xwloKs are Lcing Jvliv erod at the station yards, the balaace ol ! former contract with Durhtiu Fttiniturc Co. we tindevstaivl. Mis. H. McGowan of Riveoua has re- turned home after spending two week^ with her sister, Mrs. F. Sayers, and other friend.'; in this aeighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Wideman have sold out their business here and moved to t'larksbarg. Mr. and Mrs. R. Brackenbury have returned to their home in Bracebcidge after spending the holiday with friends here. Mr and Mrs. Mills of the Ugliness Woikers have become residents here. We welcome them to our village. Mr. and Mrs. John Paul speut the holiday with their daughter, Mrs. N. Battersby in Owen Sound. -Mis. Lightfoot, of Turontu. has re- iiirnedhome after sijenditi^ the New Year with he.- sister, Mrs. E. C. Himiuel. Mr. Harry Heathcote is able to be out igain after a couple of weoks i.n the sick li.st. The caruiva! in the skati:ig nuk here on Fiidiy evening last drew a g-joJcrjwd. The prize winners were; Ladies' costume, L .\lexiioder; gent's costume, »I Field; lady skater, \» Kaitting: gent skater, T Diind; skatiug couple in costume, L .VIeX'tuder.aod H ttsbjrne; girl skater under 14 ye<irs, R Brackenbury: boy skater under 14 years, E iJsborne: clown. M Conron: fat woman, K Tuplin: fat man, F Long; worst skater ou ice. It Whiteoak: 1 mile open race, H Phillips. Eighth Line Osprey Intended For Ltst Week Mr. and Mrs. J. Lindsay and family and Mrs. M. B<>wes sjK'nt New Years in Duueetlin. MLss Jennie Edwards visited Ust week with friends at Dunttoon. Mr. Thomas Bowes ;uiil diughttr, .Annie, of Sask., are renewing old act|uaintance8 here. Miss Ethel Conn is visiting in Colling- wo»)d. Mr. T. Edwards ..t CImiv<1o and lady friend. Miss E. Macphersuo, of Toronto, spent Sunday with the former's granu- molher. Mrs. M. Bowes. Viva and Nellie .Sj>encer spent their holidays with Stflla knd Myrtle Morri- son. Mr. P. Burton calietl on friends here recently. Mr. Kenny of Duiida!k visiletl with Mr. J. Ferris. This Week s Iccius Mr. Allan Campbell ut' Nottuwn visited his biotlier here. Mr. Scriber of Monut Forest lias beeu engaged as teaclier for this torm. Mr. J. KUiott lias rctavucd from Ilia visit a' .Midland. Mrs. T. MoD&gb:ui visited with .Miss K. McKenidie. Ml'. .\. Daiid and .Misses Uuth aud Eva Speucer visited at .Mr. .-V . .Mc lutyres of Mclutyie. Mrs. Crosby Lad the misfoi tune to fall aud break a uiimbei' ot' her ribs. X'r. H. J.Neil purposes speudiug the wiutcv at the sauituiiuiu lu Mns- koka. J. Ferns and J. llowaid are busy mrving the former tioiu lure lo ii place near Thorubiuy. Mr. aud .Mrs. McDougall have gone tj Owen Sotuid for a trip, â- Miss J. Mc.\rthiir has eome to spend the wiuter mouths with her sister, Mrs. W. Thouisou. Ceylon Clippings Miss Ness Collinsun is visiting •>«en Sound friends. Mr. .A. Whittiker moved his family into Mr. Stewart's house, lately \;4ca-ed by .Mrs. Muir. Mr. J. ChLslett his moved into Mis. Cicely's residence, and Mr. Jid-y H^zirJ into J. Chislett's residence. Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Uviley of Toront > were guests at James Radley's during the p.ist week. Mr. Sinclair speut the past week in Toronto, returning Saturday. Mr. T. Gilchrist, Mrs. S Raud, aud Slisses Lena and Muriel Legtite have le.:n on the .sick li.<t but are improving. Mrs. E F'rnest of Sackett's Corner spent a few days of the past week wiih her daugh'er, Mrs. Saunders. The latter has umved her h juseh>dd eri'ects to her mother's, wheie ^he will remain foe some time. I Mr. aud Mrs. Daily of L<!thbiid.!e are visiting w'.th the la'.ter a mother, SJrs. .A. Rutl.-dge. Mrs. McMdhiy ha.s returned to Guelph to resume 'ner studies. John and Percy Hemphill and sister. Miss Myrtle, speni the tirst of the week at Mr. D. McKenzie at Feversham. Mr, Ellis of Kimberley visirol with bis uucie, Mr. tleorge Stewart, the first of the Week . Mr. and Mrs. John Cook and little daughter, Muriel, of Milestone, Sask., spent the lirst of the wee!t with the former s uncle. R. Cook. DI?. BURT .Specialist in disvasva o( ihe Eye, Ear.Nose and Throat OfHce-130 lOtiist. West, Owen Sound Ac the Revere house, Markdale, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to a 12'i. m Dundilk.Lsc Wednesday Df each month . Jewelry Fleshcrton Planing - And Chopping Mills I am now prepared to do chopping every day in the week except Sundays and every week in the year. Bring along your grists. Our sash and door factory is always it our disposal for anything you w^nt in our lineâ€" planing, matcbio);, etc. Floor ing, sash and doi>r», and all hou.se fur- nishings supplied promptly and at leas- onab!e rates. Get estimates. Blakely and Henry Proprietors Febl.-> 13 ly A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT ..>'/, o", o", ^<t. <". J''- -."'ii"'i: '..5 '/.? '.,c^ '/i'5 '/I? '/ixs '/(^ '<!«• â-  FISH m m m m m Fr. â- ill Trout ami Henini: In HeiriniT. â- Salt •" S"ii"i. the <!«)zen or keg. "hi- A full line of Flour. Bran, Short."*. Feed. Flour. Rirley Chop. East Mountain We are astain treated tu some beauti- ful weather. Pleised to report Mr. Geo. Gorley re- covering ;tfter 111* teeent illneM. Miss Mary tiumberstone of Epping speut the week end at her parental hoiiie here. Mr. Clia.-*. and the Misses Nettie and Elsie Martin .tttfudeti a dance at the home of Mr. Marshall l>itird, townUiie, iHi Tu«.sday eveniiiic last, tnd r(|M>rr an excellent time. Mr. Fred Cully of Duncan wa.-. » visitor at Mr. Welsh'" on Sunday. .Misji l.ulu Goricy ut Markdale is holi- dayiu}; at her home here at present. Mrr Frank .Mich al of Duncan was en- gHijod wurkiii); with Mr. Clias. Martin J«St week. Miss Mary Welsh left recently to vis:t friends at Diton. Mr. Uii.ssell Lever of Flesberton and his >ister. Miss Elva, were callers at Mr. John Martin's oi. Sundav last. Wheat. Tijirlev. (>at.s aiul liuckwheat bought ami soUl. W. BUSKIN mmi^^im^^^^mmmm^im^^t^^^^^tH'^ Portlaw lU'catlies tiievo a uiau with soul so dead, iNot lutiud those parts 1 think) Who uover to his '.viic lialli said "We II hitch the team to-ui,s[nt aud hoad For Taylor's skating link". Mf. John \V. McKec is the ucw sdiool trustee uppointedat ihc annual tueoliiig. X'r. Tliomas Phillijis ititdeiwor.t i It successful snii;;ical operatiuu lust { i« wit. Wc are glad to hear that he is doing as ^\\\ as cau be ex.p<H'lctl. Mr. William ILdden of N.»tl*wa w n a erod at the station yards, the balaace ol i '" " % ' . '\ ". '"" .,'' ''^" *â- . . wjlcomo visitor in ..urburK).st week. former contract with Durham Fuiniturc J^'': ,^ ""ifj'l" ^^»,^'- ihomas VisU- « -ru ICo weuiuWrstuvl ed with ins danghlor, Mrs. Archie Our sioiiial storek-opvi, Mr. Thom»s p'^- '**""^'"'^''"' '• 'fisher. neppcnUivll. has had .m addition made | G. W.Tiyon spool several days duiiusj | -j^j;^, y^t^^^^ Wilson visited with to hi< home, which a.Uls greatly to its ; Christmas week with friends in Deli'oif, j friends at Hadieros api-oarance. i Mich.J j,^^^^.^ j^^^;^^ ^^^^^ ^,^^^^^^^^ ,,^^^,^_ Rev. Brnck visited friends in Kock- } Several cats of oaitU and ho^s wore <>rfoid »t Man sticldvisiicd \^i;Li Mr, q}d* this 'veek. shipped fivni this staiioo last week. ' James Coiufivld. Heathcote luieuded for Li^t Week Mr. Isaac Ma.vweP, who has sjwnt the past yi-ar in Kiucaad, returned ho;ue for the winter. Sorry t"> report Mr. l-'red Hutcbiiiton on the .'•â- iek list. The English church congregation in- tend hiddiiiK a neck lie s^^icial some time ne.vt nioiitli. W.itch for further p;iiticu- lurs. Mr. H.«old Reekie, who lias bc^M vi,sitici>.{ at his iwroiital home here, turneil to his houie in Brandon. Mr. and Mrs. M. Neil arevisitinj^ with Mr. and Mis. William Ciuipbell. I Mr. and Mis. John Dales aiidd>u;;hter BUie, have returne<l to tbeir home in Uodwiiis;. Mis.s Jean Milne of Toronto is visiting at hor [wirental home hero. M ss l'>erti Boyd of Eppiii'^ is visitin-j with her sister, Mrs. Edward Tiosjehen. Mr. Vuv'itfe Milne visited with friends ill Thorubury last week. Miss Minnie Dales, who has been con- tine<l to her In-d for the pa.st luomh, is able to be aiouiid ai;iin. Mr. and Mrs. t!!oon!0 I><x>k of Hartney, I .S;i.sk., who liavo been visiting w!th I friends hen\ .-kro now visi'ins with ftionds I ill liamilton. I ^s'tf)" 'i' report ihU Mi's. Jas. Gatduot I is ill 1 Mr. J. W. Ij.Meh of Meaford, who is ! attending l'mvoi"*ity at Toronto, cidled ' on friends her« last week. Mis,s .lossie !• iviir is vi-itin^ with Inn- •sister, Mrs. W. K. Devins, of Thorubury, last week. S RUBBERS! RUBBERS! S Tho<e in nee<l of Ilubliers;. either Iliijh Lace Leather Tops or Low Lace Tops or Kubliers with- out Top?? ot if you \, ^ ' have old Leather ' Tops briiii: them in aiul «;et new '>ottoiiis ow them. WIIFKK' WHY AT Thos. Clayton's FLESHERTON * NEW SUITINGS | New Suitings just to hand â€" some of ^ the nobbiest weaves to be toun«l any- ^ where. 4^ Leave your ortler now for that new ^ suit. You will uevor regret Satisfaction iruanuiteed* It. IVmt forget that we ilo eleaniug. pressing ami repairing. Our prices are right aud our workmanship is the . [[very best. S. J. BOWLER Sole Agent for the Hobberlia Tailoring.

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