Flesherton Advance, 14 Jan 1915, p. 4

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/ January U, 1015 ^HE FLESHEUrOK ADVANCE T H Km An iiidepoiident iuu>i):iicr, j)uUi»lie<l every .'jiirsday *t th*" ortin-, i'.)limffw<>od Strfet, <l;«hert<>n. .Subscription price i\ peranMuin l«en puiil in :i<lv«nce ;$l.6J « Inn not «" paid t, tvcrtisinK rules oil applicatii'H. Circulatiim < 1,100 weekly lar M. Thur«ton- Bdltor .~> 1 Walkerton Fl esherton-^^'Vv/T) B.aptist Church I;. (.'. Keir, I'mIvt. >uiiday School U) a . Istfrvice at 11 » in. I'llOllU Dundalk FlcsKcrton Methodist Church Rev. .laineH Dudgeon. pi««tur. f»«nliiy, .Unuiry 17, 15H.">. 11 a. 111. and 7 p. in. -The pastoi- SuiuUy. 10 a. 111. Fellowship Service. Monday eveiiinK Epwmili League ut >< p. lu. Mark Kverette Wright choir leader anil »)rg'»ui8t. Failures at Orangeville Three buaineNS firms tii town ceased psyineiit durinx the («st iwi. weeks. I >r- Hnueville BuiiurN) College, which up tot. short tunc a»{i) enjoyed a Urge s'.udetit attendance, aaiiaiied to Siieiid' K'hUcdcI ou Friday. .1 R. Harcus, jjrocer, did nol iiiike an aiwigniiieul, but haa closed his doors to future cu'oiiiers itnd it is believed creditors as well. .Vsaignnients are sometime* more .«evere ou the general public than on the individual intereMted, H4 liiss<!H are forced on h'mest citi/.ein who c^innol possibly uflord to bo relieved in suoli a manner. The assets of I'.ie Butinefs College ire very snmll while the liabililies ii-c fairly large, oKiiidering vrbat material the creditors had to look -to i'l order to be teciii|)ed. Tlirre iire tn;iny failures in the large centres just iit Mr. \\ iIHhdi FiiKlluy-oii if Walkerton has leoeivod wmd that fmi; of Inr iiephcB.s, who wore lightiiig in a Soottiah reuiiiient at the front, had hoen killed ouinglit on the liatlletield. Many fuiii- ihes in .Scotland are Injing ulniost de- ciiiiuteil liy (he w.<r, as the llo*er i>f Old S.:ijti I is about nil out on the thin red line liaitliiig for the cause of freedom .â- n\d ihe integrity of the empire. (icuige llainoH of (ireenock, who like many in VValkertoii and Uraiit, had been losiii<> chickeirS for soint'iiiie, became tired of the depred»ti<>iis on his feitlhered t1i>ck aii'i siispecliiig ceitain paities plae- ud Constable J. H. Armslronu on the tiail of the culprits. Takin<j up the scent I'ke a veritable Sherlock Holtncs the kii ;4lit of the baton soon I. ad fi>ur yiMiiii; iiKMi uiidor arrest, tivo of •.vhoni were sovs of a pniminent .Iiiftice of the Peace. On I eiug taken hefr^* .Mr. James Johiisloii, J. P., at Kmlough they were all lined handtomely ft>r the aititir. .AUhouuh Ihe t>iitario Hallway and Municiptl Board released Hisiit Town- â-ºhip from rebuilding the bridije near .\rchic McCurdy's farm and which had recently been destroyed by f.(M^.s, Mc- Cuidy en'ercd an .ictioii against Brant for JiUfMI for ihe depreii*iii>n of his Urm which lu! cluimed had dripped that am- ount in value through the h)ss of ihe bridge. His neighbor, Mr. John Butch- art, also cl.mi""l tint his "" leres had depreciated about 815 an :uie, or 8525 in all Tho Township therefore found itself confroi.ied with a toial clsiin of f 16;''" As a oon8ec|uence, the Orant Council and their solicitor, Mr. O. E. Klein, met the claimants aiiu their solicitor, Mr. D. Uobeiison, in W.ilkerlon on S.iturdsy liisl ;tiii| thresheil the nialter i ut. After Ixitli sides had g'dwn frothy with argu- ment, the contending forces came to a selileiiiciit by the T.iwi.ship paying Mc- Curdy ai.ii Kutclmrt fS^fi in full of all cUiiiis. Thus has i los old ordinance been taken i H'tbv stagn. present, bu*. there is no reason the smalt- er towusahould t)e articled, however,. .lie Mr. Fred Moore, who ai lived in eolla|MC assists very materially in forcing Walkeilouon Fridny iftir spending the anothei. j past year at his home in England, lind ii I rathei exciting experience in crctssing the ocean. Mr. Moore took pats^tge on the Coulter Bros bought eleven horses in Dundalk last week. There's a dog in Corbctton that chews toliacco likii a man. He Is {articular alK>ut the bi'iiid of weed at that. For the thiid time within tlirt.> months A. MonfBoir.eiy'a butcher sliniJ was Liok- eii into la«t Thursday night and meat stolen. Mr. Montgomery claims to know who the parties are and would gladly give them meat if I hey would call nod ask for it in the proper way. Magisiidtes' Court was held Thursday evening when a CJise was heard by Magifi- trates Sinclair and Traynor in which a churee was laid agaii.st Nii<8'ku Agnew and Bert Neitheicul of damaging pr.iper- cy in the Cul-j block. It appealed from the evidence that a door iini lock were broker, when the defendants were calling on Chas. Montgomery at his roonii over the Uni<m Bank tho niiihl before. A fine of 82 00 and costs was iiiipo.scd on each, and the damages were a.sscsseil at 812 35, which the defendants paid. At the ripe age of 90 years, Mrs. Wni. Neithei'cut, a pioneer of (his district, pissed peacefully to her reward on the morning of New Year's Diy. The de- ceased, who was one of the hiirdy early seitleiK, was born in County Cavan, Ire land, and came with her parents to Can- iidit in 1812 and lived in Tecumse town- ship up to the time of her marriage to tho Inlc Wm. Neithercut oL Otonahee, Peterboio County. They lived there for a few years, coming to Melancthon (i^i years ago. Mr. Neithercut passed away ii. 1887.--Herald. F. R W. HICKUNG FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Special Prices on Short Length Dress Goods During the sea.son'.s biisJf»e.sH we ha\e accnmolatetl a large nitmber of short ends of di-ess g^oods and suitings froro onr best selling jxiitterns. Those are not sufficient for foil suit lengths, but are just the very thing for separate skirts. Misses' Snits or Coats and Children's- Dresses. They ai-e tnstrked down to a fraetion of their original price to make a speetiy clearance. We need the room for new goods. t'ome and make an eai-ly selectionâ€" they won't last long, Remnafits Also Flannelettes, Wrapperettes, Prints, Ginghams, Shirting.-t, Cretons, Silks and Table Linens At Cleariivg Prices Horse Poisoned It setnia incredible that there should \ e such people on tho top of (Jod'a Iteauiiful etrtli, but the facts caiin»t bo gaimaycd. Steamship I'riiicipcllo, which carried a paity of members of the lint (-'anadian contingent invalided home from Satia- bury I'Isius. A couple of days out from Manchestei for Halifax the I'lincipcllo was hailed by r. Itritii<h cruiser iind order- On Mond-.y moiiiiim <f this wetk, the ed ti. halt. The pa'senger ^hi|) did not Hev. Mr. McBrien, j^istor of Thornbury Methodist Church, went out to the atablc sa usual to feed his hor^e. Keed waR place<l in the oat box, and after briaLfaat the uiliii--ter hitched up the liorbo and â- went out driving. He noticed that the animal had not pirtaken if his feed with his uHu.il avulity. but did not perceive anything much out of the way al the time j except that the hi>rse seemed to act stran- jgely. At noon however, when ho brouiiht the horse into the staUlH to feed him he chanced to notice a grceiii«li looking suIj- 8tance on the top of the feed the iinimil had left iiiilinisted st h s morniii'^ meat. Jiivetnga'.ion showed thin t.. be I'.iris <Jreen, which had eviden'ly been placed in the bottom ol the feed box mmieiime dunnn Sunday night. Wi- arc glad to know however that tliu horse i« likely to recover, although it is not likely III be tit for any work forwime little time. Had the animal taken a little more poison ihc result would, of course, have been f.ital beyond a doubt, as I'aris Ureeii it in^culiarly dangerous stuff. Some people attribute iho outrage to a <lis.;runt'ed Anti-L')cal Optionist, but wo caiiiio! understand why such k jierson ebuuld work his spite on a dumb animsl. ^Clarksburg Keview. How Editors Get Rich After a (treat deil of worry and study we hiiio at last figured out how so many «ountry editors ge' rich. Hero is tho secret of their huccosh. Theri is a child born in the neighborhood. The attending physician gels f 10. The edi- tor gives tho loud-lungod yo'.;igstcr a great aend-off and gets $0. It is chviht- «ned, and tho minister gels t.") und the «ditor gets too. It grows and marries. The editor publishes another long-winded Howery article and tells a dozen lies about the "beautiful and accomplished bride." The minister gets $10 and a piece of cakt . The editor gets fOOH and a re<|ue«t to carry the groom's subscription iiccuunt anotlvtr year. In the course of limo she dioi. The doctor gets $5 to <>U)0. The editor publishes a nol ice of deitli and an obiiuary two coluinns long, lodge resolu- tions, a lot of poetry and a card of thanks and gola ^I.OflO. N« wonder bo ninny country editors get rich. On Tuesday of last week, Edwari^, An- deiscij, lol 12, con 7, Mulinur, drnvo to Rusumgunl to see Dr. Uli.ir, and culled lit Manslield post office on the way home. A neighbor met iiiiii shortly afterwards niiting in the c.itter dead. Ho loaves a willow and one cliiM. Mis. /indersoii in n sister of Mrs. I'M. fiinyth, loth line, NoltawiiHigo. ||||«S^'. comply as speedily as was- ruiuired unl creat excitement was caused atxiard when the cruiser opened liie. Two guns rear- ed, but ippsreiilly only blanks intended as a warning. The (.a^senger boat still .nnved and an instant later u shell scream- ed across her bow. The I'riiicipello came to i lisit a.s <|uickly ui possible and after exchan.{iiig signals wpli the cruiser was permitted l<< pniceed <>n her voyage til Halifax. Tho expliisiiiii greatly â- ilarm- ed Mr. Mo'jre and many of the passeng- ers, who be'ieved that their ship had Hirui'k a tluating mine. Louis I'liiilo iif NN iarloi). wlin wa» re- lea'-ed the other day from tlie Walkertrni jiil, after serving thirty d^iys on a charge of being diunk and disorderly and re- sisting artest, 'claimed on securing his liberty, that he was doped siid that piior to his arre.'-t had lo^t control nf his liea-l. .Vcordiiig III I'laiite's story t.'urtis (irilhn of Wiarton met him on tho street there, and imtwithstaiiding lliat I'laiite told him he was on tho Indian list prodiicud two pint unities and gave him a drink. The stuir, Curtis clainifi, was niadu out of drugs and ha 1 n lil'lo tasle of whiskey. .\fler diinkiiig one of Ihe bottles Mid takiiiu two gnlp.s 3Ut of the other, I'lanlo loKt his head n '.d .stalled to cut up like a wild Inilian. High cniislalile Ward who arrested him itiol liniughl him to Walker- ton slatp'.l that he appeared to him as if he iiad dope of some kind as ho could not smoll li<|uor on him and I'lante seemed nut of his bend . Curtis (Irilliii, hoivever, claimed that thoro was nothing in the b( tile but liipmr, and as lie ad- mitted giving him biio/.e whmi he w.ts on the Indian i.i&t. he was brought to Walk- er'.on last Friday to serve thirty days for this ill'eiice. Cirilliii will also put in an .Kldiiiiiiial t weotynno days for using pi'iifiinu language.- Herald niul Tiiiiea. Rod and Gun January Rod and Gun in Canada pub- lished by \V. .1. Taylor, Limited, Publish- er, Woc.dstock, Ont., is out .-tnd is a [mr- ticularly attractive number. The cover cut, which represents a heaver family, WHH specially designed lo illustrate a story by H. Mortiiiur lUtten entitled "Ahinisk the^C'ity Maker," descriptive of the everyday life of a pirticulsrcnlony of beavers. Frank Hnughton cnntrihutes another Carl Krricsoii slory, "Onming- iiiuiik, " s dramatic account of the killing of a mu«k ox in the far North, which is characteri/.ed by the same ({Uaiot humor vTiiM HoUKhton's .story "His First I'olur Hear" in the December iaaue. It. .1. Friser wriles of "Four Sailors on the Trail" which describes a winter trip by dog te;mi from Cochrine to Rupert House. Other stories and articles there are and the regular departments to intetest the sportsman who iiiiiit perforce during tho winter months eontout hiniaelf, for the most |url, by reading of the experi- ences of others while sealed by his own fireside. m. dailly In aeconlance with the Municipal By Law tliis store closes at ()• p, excepting Wednesdays and Saturdays. Please shop early. ccv Dr. J. Ralph Smith FOR A .^0 DAYS' FREE TRIAL OSTEOPATH Office and Residence- 4«» tHh St. East Owen Sound, 0«»t. Hours-9 to 12 a.m., 1.30 to 4.30 p.m. to 8 p.m. tHher hours by appointment. A Business School That successful school whose graduates »>ccupy prominent po- sitions from tho AiUnt.c lo the I'.icilic, re-opcn» for the FALL TKRM .September 1st, 1W4 Semi for free catalog at once to COLLINGWOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. - Prldtlpal Collingwoiid, Ontario. '5%^"^"|"'^"""^"^^"^ ^ Of the 1900 Apply to Gravity Washer S. Hemphill, CHEAP FARM FOR SALE Maple Park Intended for Last Week We are ulad to report Miss Louise itiaok able lo be around after a soveru attack of the measles. Mr. Jas. Fenwick, of Weybuni, Saak., is spending a few monlhs with his parents heri. Mrs. A. Partridge and son, Klwood, spent Sunday with Mrs. .los. Allison. Mrs. Louis Hill has returned home iifrer spending the pait week with frionds in Sholburno. Mr. A. Morrison paid a flying visit to Miirkdiile the past week Mr. anil Mrs. (i. Warling spent Ne-v \'ears with the hitter's pnrentK, Mr. and 'VIis. .foa. Criift. Mr. Wm. Morriaon spen*: Sunday with {liendfl on (lie gravel. The Walkerton branch nf the Kneehtel Furniture Co. and the Canada Furniture Manufacturers have closed owing to tack of orders and gonersl dulluoas of trtde. They will prubably remain idle fur a week or two yet. l!i 111.' neighborhoiid of ."^OOO hogs have been killed within a radius uf eight miles of Chatham in an effort to stamp out the epidemic of the hog chnleia which was railing si strongly some veeka ago, but which is n iw considered under con- trol. CiuMlijy KiiterprisB relates the follow- ing : - In the last three verses of the r.ith Chapter of St. Mark, tho Master comiii- endeth the poor widow for her iiuich giv- ing. In Clioaley in the last week of V.Hi a little six year old boy who had live dul lai's in the savingn bank gave nil that he had 111 buy a barrel of tluiir for the Hel giaim ; and a barrel will keou two star- ving lielnianw alive all winter. The boys namu is liurdctts McNeel and we would a'<k all our exchaiigos to repeat the story of the SHcrilicc of a Chcsley boy who lias a heart that can feet for another's wne. Mrs. tlidin Byrnes, Mrn.Androw Buylo and Mrs. Ooo, Stalker had an e.xpenonce on electiiiii day that ihcy do not caic to liave rejieated. They were roturoinit from one of tho polling booths in a sleigh driven by Mr. lUlph Clark and when turning the corner of Fifth and Huron- tario street 1 tlio sleighs overt i rn d, throwing I lu>9ccupants out. All ibne wore iiioru or !eas injuruil, Mrs. UyrniS and Mrs. H^ylo both having ribs fract- ured and latter her head badly bruised, while Mrs. Stalker was bruisel and .shuk en up. Mrs. Ryriios and Mrs. Stalker weru luiiried hnme, wliilo Mrs. Hoyle waslaken to the (i. & M. Iliispital, All are doin« well.~Bullotin. ii[ Mimns. Carohilly Coneotod Each Week Wheal «1 15 to 1 If) Dats Kl tn 4tl Teas Jl 2r» to 1 Uo liarley (iOloGO lUiikwheat (10 lo (10 Flour »(â- > 20 to H7 (>() May »l5 00lo L"! 00 tlutter 2;! to '24 FggK, fresh .'h"> -m 'Xt Futatoes per bag fiO (o 5(> (leeso 11 to II I'Hcks 11 to 12 F.iftl S to 1» Chickens 10 to 1(1 TiKHeys 14 to 16 ii240<)â€" twenty-four hundred dollars - will liuy tho west half of lot No. 'J and pari of the North west jjuarter of No. 1, all (Ml the 4rh con. of Euphrasia, contain- ing ahout 125 acres. There is supposed to lie ninety acres cleared, tho balance guild liardwoiid bushâ€" maple, beech and elm. There is on the property a frame h'luse and kitchen, a frame ham, straw li..jse with stone foundation under it, al>.' wood shed, driving shod, pig pen and hen house. There are also two or cirirds on ihe farm trowing differer kinds of fruit-apples, ()ear8, plums, clinrries and grapes. This farm is well fenced with wire and patent fencing. Is frie from frost. It is also well watered with water in nearly every fifld. There is •! nover-faihng apriiii; within 4t» yards of tho loniBO This farm Is within oiio mile of the thriving village of Kiml>erley. Fur further piiticuUrs apply to â€" I AMKS S'llAKT, Kimbcrley P. (». iSept Agent For :- Washing machmes,foldtng bath tubs,windmills,pump5,piping5 water tanks.Beatty water bowls, steel stalks and stanchons, litter Car- riers, hay carriers, slings, forks and tracking, McCormick Binders, mow- ;iers, rake loaders, tedders, drills, cul- tivators, harrows, Chatham wagons, Mount Forest bugg^ies, and Frost wire. Satisfaction Guaranteed. H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Worlcmanship. -ALSOâ€" A line of Ready-Made Clothing Which wo put chatiic, alteration.s in if required. free of Isep We have been fiirtuna'o in securing another shipment of 'fresh goods at re- duced rates and will give our customnrs t'le benefit of tho reduction. All kinds of feed and several kinds of flour to c'looHo from. Al»o some harg;\in9 in gidceries. We have purcliased the stock of Inter- nutional Stook Food from Mr Fisher, You are malting money when you arc fou.ling thelnteniationalSU'ck Remedies. We want your liuf.er and oggfe and will pay a little â- inure than market price. S. R. Henderson FLOUR and FEED i Take Your Hats Off I WOOD CUTTING Ikzz .Saw Wiiiiil ("ntting witli neatness .iiiil de^liateh, oil tn lill eiinls |iii liny. A'so n Kiiiiil strnw-cutlinn oiiiHt. Siitisfai-tion gnuriinteeil. heave yi ur inilers with the iiiideiHiftinMl, l.raKi -tiKO. HR.\CK1;NIUT|!Y, Fi \er.'liiini FARM FOR SALB Lot 2, vol. 9. Osprey, 100 acres HO clovred : good huikliiigi), never failiiiL' I well, small orolrud, gi oil f.ino .Viiply |lo WM. LAWLdlt. Eugenia P.O. a? a? To These Clothes ^ You'U take your hats ott to those clothes of refinement and tiuality. I have tho nicest aud best suitings on the market antl the prices are no higher than the i-est. Ciet a niade-to-measure suit or overcoat for Ciiristinas. I can supply you with them for prico.s ranging from $14.00 to $iJu.OO. Come in and look them over, T. C. BLAKELEY if Sole Agent for the Semi-Ready [Clothing Co., ^ Montreal 9^ Standard Bank B1ocli» - Flcsherton ^ li^K ^^>i^l^^^^^^K^KKXKX^^S^^^X9 Taniworihs lor Sale Itotb 90X neatly ready tor brecrting. Piicei riBlit for quick j»lo^ W. ROSS Maxwell PO Farm For Sale 100 acres, 1] miles from Flesherton Good buildings, easy terms. â€"lOHN WRIGHT, Flesherton. Pure Bred Holstein Bull Changelitif* Prince Joe lived by ChiinijolinK I'litter f?oy ou of Tidy .Vbhekerk I'rincess .losephino Tho i^reatiiat hulter making strain kiio Term ofsjrvico â€" >1..50 for grades, pure bred. GKO. MOORE & SON.Props., bred 3rd HEREFORD BULL FOR SERVICE The uudoi'sijjned have a pure Ilorofiird buWfcr service on lot 171, W.T..S.1J., .^rtemesia. Tornis-j;5 for pure breds, JIl.oO for Blades*. All cows ferved must he paid b.r. â€" T. & J, WATSON. 1 mar ^4 ' i • . â-º » 1 1 i

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