THE FLESMEKTON ADVANCE BUSINESSCARDS W H.WRIGHT, TKl.PORD A McDONALD liarrister. SolicilorH, /te. Officea, <)r«v A HrucH Ijlock, Owon Houud. Htau<Urd Hank block. KlaBlierton.(Halur(iay>>l. W.H. Wrigbt, W. P. T«llordJr.,J. C. UcDonaM.f.. L,. M. LONG-LIVED JUDGES. Societies AO U W meet* ou the laat Monda; in a.:h luontli, In their loage room Claytoa''- ball Fleahertou, at 8 p.m. M. W., W. J. Uollamy ; Kec, C. H. Muaabaw: Ja., K. J, Si>roul». Vieltlae brotbriDlnTlted PBIltUB ABTHUK LODGE, No. !«a,A.F4 A M, loeeta in tbt Ifasonic ball. Arm ^trOBK'H Block, Kleaberton, overv Friday on or b«for« the (all mocu T. Ulakeley \V. M,; t'haa.Muoabaw, Secretary. POURTyiiEbHERTON, 99.1, I. 0. F. njeetiin ^Clayton'a Kloca tbelabt Weduendav eTouinf; each mouth. Visitiop Koreiiter» heartily coDiu'C. K , G. Uellaiiiy ; Jt. K., «i, t'»irr.« a. Bi'C . '.V. Hiiskiii. Fleaae pay due> to fie Sec. bulore the first â- T ol tb« uioutb. CHOSEN FhlF.NOSâ€" KlcBherlou Council Chosen Frirude niceta in Clayton ihall Brat ' rd third VSfdneaday ol each uionth 8 p. m i Fay axaexBiuentii to the Recorder on or before (oe Ant dayol each month. Chief Councillor ' -r. Olakelev: Recorder W. H. Buut. Medical f\R CARTER v U C P & B Ont, Pbyaician, Buruecn etc Ufflea and reaidanceâ€" Feter at., Fleaberton WT. LITTI-K, M. 11.- • tiraduate of Toronto I nivernity Medical ColleKO. Hesideoce and OOlce at Park Houte, Klaeherton. I'boneS'lr.i. fP OTTEWELL Veterinary Rargeon Jradaate ol Ontatio Veterinary College raaideuce â€" aacond door aouth weat.oo laary atreet. Tbia atreet rani outb Praatyterlau Chnrcb. OUR PRAYER God of our fatlieiB al. wlioi^c call We now before Thy footstool fall; Whose grace hath niuile our Empuc strong, TlirDugh love of rij^lit, and hate of wrong, In this dark hour \V(! pluad with Thee, I'or Britain's cause on land and sea. Not for the lust of war wo fight, 15ot for the triumph of the right; The strife we hale is on us thruii. Our aim.s are \nve, our cause is just: So strong in faitii v/c plead^with Tliee For Britain's cause on land and sea. If wounded in the dreadful fray, 13e Thou their comfort and their stay ; If dynij^, may they in their pain. Behold the Lamb for sinners slain ; In this dark hour we plead with Tliee, For Britain's sons ou land and soa. And soon, O Blessed Prince'of Peace, Biing iiijlhe day.= v/hou war shall cease. And men and brothers shall unite. To fill the world with love and light ; Meanwhile, '» Lord, we plcud with Thee, For Britain's cause on land and sea. â€" R. P. Downes Dentistry ..J Dr. E. C MURRAY U D. S., dental turgeoii honOiRraduato of Toronto Uniyemity and i Hiyal (olleRo ol Dt'utal BurKeona of Outario, Oaa aduiiaiiiiatered (or toeth extraction > OUtee at reaidence, Toronto btreet. FleahertOQ. Legal I LCAH. KANEY & hKNUV-Barrlatera. •-' Solicitor". OK.- 1. H. Lucaa, K. C. ; W. E. Kaney, K. C. ;W. 1). Henrv, ». .\. 0(Bce«. rorouto. WI6-U Tiadora Hank lilrlp.. phone D:ain lil'J: Markdale Lucaa Block. Phone 2 A. Branch oHice at Ouudalk open every Saturday. Business Cards I* UULLOUOR & yoi;nc} » Bankera Markdale uaral haukiDg buaineca. Money loaned raaaonable raiea Call ou UK. ^irr. :Pr. DUcPHAIL. Licensed Auctioneer for tba • County of Grey. Teriua moderate and tia 'action guaranteed. The arrangamenta u 1 latea of allee can be made a*. Thc Advancb office. Reaidence aud P.O., Ceylon, Telephone '^nnectlou. Dec. Oja. Symbol of Music WU. KAITTISO, Lieeoaed Auctioneer foi Ihv countiea of lirey and Bimooe. Farm auil Stock aalei a apecialty. Terma oiutlerate. >atiH(acticn Riiaraiitted. Arrange- uianta lor datea uiav be made at the Advance offler, or Ceutial telerhoue on;ce I'eTerabaui orbyaddreaaing ma at Feverabam, Oat, Bull For Service For ner»ice.-- Baron Holly-- No. ii4~'2. I Aberdeen An);u<, on lot ;)4, '.tili coiicprk- ion, ArteiiiesiH. TerniH. 81.00 if ti»iU before l«t .Ihu. ri1."».â€" W. J. Mnsiee. »Iay i.'i Rome, Jan. ti.â€".\ new ttriny aeropUne of remarkable ijower." has just been sue- ' ccssfully (ried out near Milan. It is a biplane, the invention «f an Itnliun en- ' ijinoi'r, 8i<{n<)r Cuproni, with wings iibotit ' 7<t feel from tip to tip. It is cijuippeil I wiili tliree inUepcMident rotary eii;tines, capable of di*velopiii|; .'{OO h( rse power. MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS ThiN faiii'iiis niiikc of iiiiplcineiitN is well known all over tliM cuintry and I their own uiiod work is the best recuni- of quality- Bull for Service Pure lu'tul shorthorn bull, .\l>erUcen | Kyvie- M.OOO- for service on lot •-*«, .S.S. IC, .4rteiiieMia. Terms %l.'A) for gritdus. Purj bred lowN 9:in(i. Pure breil Taiiiawor'.li lioi; for service I'll the abovu lot. Tuiiiis f l..'K) f ir all aiiiiiialN. Served niuat be pii<l for. baint â€" W. .1. Meads Columbia Grafonolas and records 10) MADE IN CANADA Bull For Service { Tl^l^ou^llbred Slionliorii Itull, " Hill- crest (Joveriior," No. rt."»4(W, for service i on lol "JT. con 14, Art,eii:esi». TennK ' H.'iO lor yvadc'H, ^:', for i|ioii>ii;^lil)red<. - AI.KX. (AKUl TIIKUS. FlesHei^tom ^f^ Tonsorial "^ Parlors We Aim to (Jivo Kiitiru S.-ttinfactiou LAINDKYâ€" liaxkct clones Mondny ninht, delivery Friday cvcni-iK CLEANING and UYEINf! - W\> are »};ents for Parker'.s Dye Works -UlotlieM olnani'd and dyed, featln'rs rejiiveimtiid. T riSHnR. - - I'ROPRIUTOR School Children's Eyes. R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. kient for the Cock.sliutt Plow Cos Fu Line of Farm Impementi. Wa'.{onH, IJiiijltii's, tinttois, .Sluit;li«, and (Ja'«ililie EniMnex, Mcloitu Crcrtin .Separatoin, Ilakcr Wind Mills, I'liiiipn, I'i|)iii;4 Rliil I'lpi' FillintH alwajs oil band lii'ulty l5ros'. of l''uij(iis, ikirn Tracks, Idlter Carriers and atable liMinuN. Cockhlinit and Frost iV Wocd Itt'imiri* alwiijN on hand. Wareroom -Wellingon Stree. Feversham, Ontario. Our Clubbing List Tli« foMowiii^ imci'i ivo for .strictly paid in iidvaiice .subsiniptioiiN only. We nve no aecount.s with oilier piipeif. Fli-alierlon .Advaiiic t I Oil Yo'illiH Coin|iaMioii J 0(1 Toidiilo World, daily .1 00 Toronto Diiily Niws '2 <X) Wâ„¢kly (;iobu !HI Mail-Eni|)iri) .... .... 7o Family Horald * fSrar OO Toronto Siar '.' 00 Fiinnor Sim !MI FanncrM .\ilvocntd ...... . . I oO Weekly VVit.iese !•() Siilin-day Nielli ;i 00 Home .Ioini>-,l <)') I'oiiltry IJeviuw 40 Rod and (inn iiixcaitiiiu '.Kl 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE nicndalion they ciii receive. If you re<|uire anything ill llie li:u of Hindois, Mowei'H, Sued Urills. Ciillivator.«. I'ulp- ers, I'low.s, Sleiylis, Wrisfyons, Creaiii Separatorii. ILirrowa. UollerN. Cutting; Boxes, RnHila<>e Ciitters, (iisoline on- nines, SawinK oiittits, etc , (>ivo us a clianeo to ifuute prices. John Wright, - Agent Flesherton TEACHING TECH.\OL0GY. Many lives have been ruinea through neglected eyestrain in childhood. The eyes of every child should be examined. We have made a special study of this branch of optics, and guarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. »Dc Marks OCSIONS Copyrights &c. >TiTono ppnrtlnff a ^krtrli and niB^ Vilt'lOr ii»''urinlii riiir oiMimm frt'O wlii-iliiT n' liiTPiOnn la prohalily piuoiitahlrt. C'niiiiiiitiili'n. noiifrirlcllrninailciillitl. HANDBOOK nii â- '•toiiU ten! fipa. oMoiit nirfltK-y r;)r HiM;nriii|f pateoiA. I'atonts takdn ihroiiirli Miinn Jt Cu. rccelre fj^erial nofk-r, wlttmuL c liarit o. In tho Scientific JItttcricdn. A hniiilsomely Uluslratml iriickly. I^aiiiest clr- culaiM.n ut any i"'leiiilll(M"iiriial. 'reriun (or Cniiniiit. ti.T.'i u r»ur imi'tntii! prepaid. i*(>ld h) all itewHttt W. A. Armstrong:, wifa «'«"•'«'*•' New York I'.dnioii(on's F.T]ierlnienl In an Old Car Burn Hears l-'nill. NorthwcBlern enlorprisc is pretty well summed up In the farthest iiortli technical school In Canada, which In located at Hdiiiontun. llu' farthest north point for a larg«> niiiiiber of things In civilizatiun. liiil latitude .'ifi does not explain tlio \alue of I his quite remarkable and sudden devel- opment of technical education. Schools hav»' always been lo the fore- front ill iliui part of the country. .Some of the I'arliest civic striiKKles in ICduionion were over schools in the days when •Dick" Secord, the fur- buyer, was an Kdmonton schoolniaa- ter. The latest variation on the theme Is the institution whi(;li teaches four hundred young folk in the two Kdniontoiis bow to grapple with modern problems iinhuni!i( ;i|'l'ed by merely acudeniic training. A year a»;o technical education In the capital of Alberta was in u crude, cxperinientul s!ugo, ready tor rapid expansion Into soiuethliiL; hot- ter. At tliat lime technics were taught in public and liiKh school rooms, which were all overcrowded. A new technical school was needed, also a new technical chief instructor. The latter was KOt from llie east. In the person of W. I,. Itichardson. n.A., tlien superintendent oi' r-anu il irainiiiK in Toronto. The form'' was secured at his reco..i'\ie dalion, in the use nf an old abandoned car barns, contalninK a lluor space nf 14,- IHIt square feet. Ten ibuusand dol- luin were spent In liltlnn up the barns. Twenty-live IhouMiind dollura was spi'ut in eiiulpmeni, incUidlng electric machinery, ten down-draft forges, live engine lathes, a sliaper, a milling ninchlue, a drill prcis. inor- tiser, jointer, variety and band saws, te speed lathes, a (lordon printiiiK press, a levei' [lapiT-ciittcr, wire stilcher, an assorlineni of type, paraphernalia for tlie cooklnn, dress- making and draiiijhting departments, science laboratory and acu(le!ii " â- „',â- strnclion. (.'Ivic and citizen • ; mb- iusin was al the liack of this big ex- penditure, which will probably hft ] dupllrated o.i the south Hide ut the I river until nneh time as a general new instltnio can hi' built to houno I all the e(|iiipnienl. Might private I citizens gave extension lectures In ! various phases of manufaclnrlng anil I biisinos;;, bucU rb I'ure .Milk supolv- ' .Modern HnuHe I'lannlnK. and How lo Make and Save Money. One firm presenieil the school witb a com" j plete engine, boiler and pump, for I the stationary engineering class, An- I oilier citizen donaled a line com- I pound microscope for the chemical ' department. j Most of this has been the splrilod evoiniion of six months. It Is all duo to the ronrarkahle Interest taken I by the citizens in educational mat- j lers which so far as technical educa- I lion goes Is controlled by a commtt- I tee of I lie Sohool Hoard. â€" Canadian foiirler. Ontario »;ercli Seems to Supply Cor». (lUioiis For Longevity. A 0U1 of the clubs much favored •f the legp.l fraternity, the illness which prompted the late S. H. Blake lo retire from private practice for a nine-year occupancy of the Bench, was being discussed, and the fact that he was then moved to take up firm work again, and so long con- tinued It in good health. Much in- teresting matter concerning the leeming wholesomeness of judicial life was evoked among the Iega( groups. Tlie great Canadian coun- sel and chancellor, recently called Rway, achieved the good age of 79. Judge Morgan, though billed for retiral from County Court activities l)y the generous age limit of 75, is only 76 and good for a long time at his Surrogate duties. Judges Mc- Laren and Garrow of the High Court ire 72 and 71, respectively. Chief Justice Meredith â€" whose amused eye upon recent provincial events would make a live newspaper picture, if enlarged, for judges have no politics, you know â€" Is 74 and capable of the best work of his life, as witness his burdensome task on the Workmen's Hompensation Act. Chief Justice R. M. Meredith, is 67, but looks a de- cade less. Chief Justice Falconbrldge !s a year older. In January next Sir William Mulock will be 71. Sir John Boyd, Chancellor of Ontario, is yet another proof that the Bench atmo- iphere really is a longevity tonic â€" being 77. Then there is Mr. Justice Britton â€" 81 upon his birthday next September â€" •'still going strong." In fact, long lives are not unusual In Ontario court annals. Further attestation to this becomes patent .'rom a casual glance through Os- joodo Hall records. Sir John Robin- ion, who lived 72 years, was for 3.1 /ears Chief Justice of Ontario. Sir Henry Strong was as long on the Bencfi as vice-chancellor, judge or :hief justice. Mr. Justice Gwynne, at the age of 88, had also served the like period. If Chief Justice Spragge'a judicial service were counted from his appointment as Master, June 2, 1837, until his decease, April 20, 1884, at 76, It would exceed the above by IX years. Chief Justice McLean was on the Bench from March, 1837, until 1868, and lived 7 4 years. Chief Justice Campbell also attained the same age, but only 18 of it was on the Bench. Chief Justice Draper lived 76 years and held Judicial office from 1847 till 1877. Sir John llagarty from 1856 until bis resignation in 1897 gave .service, and reached 82. Chief Jus- tice Armour presided In our courts from 1877 until his promotion to the Supreme Court. 1902, 25 years there- after. Senator (lowan, styled by the literary Davin, "one of the noblest and most interesting figures In our political life," served 41 years on the County Court Bench prior to that. Judge Wni. Klllott of Middle- sex County, who retired In 1904. iiad completed 35 years of honorable achievement. Perhaps fittingly after the recent "spirited" spell, the list may be closed with the late Hon. Sir Oliver Mowat. When he passed away April 19, 1903, he was 83 years old, and, since his call In Trinity term, 1841, had been a barrister, judge, or crown oltlcer for a period nearly equal to two ordinary generations. His history Is interwoven with that of Ontario's development. 11 ^ y if - â- ^Z^^^T-- -jy â- w ^.^^^f^-^ SPECIAL VALUES THIS WEEK AT Ceylon's Busy Store 1000 yds Ribbon at cxactl)' ualf price 100 yds Flannelette?, Printe aud SLirtingg in remnants 100 pairs Men's Woollen Socks at 260. 20 pairsjMcn's Woollen Mitts at 25c. 200 pounds Herbageum for animals •2000 ponndf? Lake Superior Herring and Trout SPORTING GOODS Rex Hockey Stiek.s Coc Salyerd.3 Special Hockey Sticks 40c Salyerds iicgtilar HockeySticks 20c Henry Boker's Dominion Skates $1.90' Henry liokcr'.s Hero Skates $1,40 Henry Boker's Improved Skater $1.40 Henry Boker's Advance Skates 95c Hockey Boots with extra luced lining, special, regular 83.00, for $2.30 Hockey Boots, boys' and ladies', special vahie ': 4 J A /VIES PATTISON & Co. .J m % 1 1 !â-º I ^*'-*''-'''*-*' 'â- '''^''^w'Jt. ^-r, »w>'^. .. , L'^?L\ •- .^-^ -^ -vy^-*, - - j y ^l-i. J.^.TlT. HEADQUARTERS FOR Sleighs, Cutters, Cockshutt Implements, Melotte Cream Separators, Lister Gasoline Engines, Baled Hay and Straw D. McTavish - - Agent FLESHERTON, ONT â- • n w " *''* * »i»w â- â- » »â- rvw^yrfw- Cold Comfort. There is a certain hotel up In British Columbia that has a reputa- tion for being reasonably cold. It is a frame structure, and the walls are thin and shaky. One morning dur- ing a blizzard two guests wno had been there the night before came out of their rooms on opposite sides of the ball. The first man said: "Wlii'w; I'm nearly frozen! I never was so cold in my life. I slept witb all my clothes on and everything *'\ke piled on me, bu: I'm frosted through!" 'Same here," said .lie other. "1 was on the windward side of this hut. '. ; .i on iny buffalo coat over my clothes, but I don't think I'll evor get warm." They went down to the hotel oSlce. There, huddled over the stove, was a stage driver who had lost his way and been out all night. His liatr anil whiakers were lumps of ice. Ills fur hat was frozen to his head, lie shivered and shook with the cold, though he was practically silting on he stove. He looked like a Iniiuan icicle. The two guests looked At him for a minute.. Then one of them asked : "Which room did you have, part- ner?" With thc very best Wishes OF THE SEASON I FRANK W. DUNCAN ^ Hardware Merchant I - I Phone 30 r 2 ^vj:-^^sa-v«.-s« vA-sa-\«-s«. sarvM sa-va^\«/\»^vj.-v«. vvv/^.. >., >.. ^ .\ Matter of Xerve. Artluir I'Mlis, the offlcia' execu- tioner, presided in a most calm and efficient manner at the taking-off of a young Italian murderer in Mont- real a few weeks ago, the execution takiuK place al .Montreal's fine new jail at Bordeaux, about seven miles from the city. An hour later, while standing on tho station platform awaiting the train, which would take hlin hack to the city, Ellis ob.served a man walk leisurely across the track while the incoming train was some fifty or sevenly-tlvu feel away. After walcliliig the pedestrian until as- sured tliat lie was out of danger. Ellis turned away with .something like u shudder, and exclaimed: "Hy Jove, that fellow has nerve! Now. I wouldn't dare do u tiling like thr.l!" Flesherton Tin ^hftn 1 have just, pluoeil on tlio .shelves a full line of m Tinware, Nickehvare ami Ajjjatewaie for iloniestic 8f u.-;e. Ciill on me ami ji;ei your supplies. I Kav(!ti'oii<ihin^', Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- '*? * |SS II Hepairini,' of all kinds prompth' attended to. Mi m 'I'oo >lucli Kor Quebec. The Sunday laws of the Province of Quebec are not nearly so strict as those nf Ontario, but Ihey have a limit, and this was reached when an enterprising .Montreal dealer In a. horizon subdivision announced an auction sale of live hundivd lots for Sundii.v aflcMuoon, prospective pur- chasers being transported to {\,e scene liy special train. Tht^ crowd was assembled, and llu; auction* er A'as lust stepping upon tliu b>ock when a telegram forbidding the sale was received from the .Assistant Al- torney-lieneral ol' the province, act- in, upon dlrevl orders from Sir I.Puier ti'.uiu. n t !i I t \i f l'i[ielittin{,', includin^i,' pump work. I Furnaees justulled. Agent ftir Clare JJros. id Furnaces. â- '*- D. McKILLOP i II CHRI5T0E BLOCK FLESHERTON j^ ONTARIO. I i ,rioiMn"«" •liaHiilOw:-^ â- â- ' HI II I.â€" .WW