Flesherton Advance, 21 Jan 1915, p. 1

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/Ie0l)^rt<rn %hmnu. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PBINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' m 3i No. :12 Flesherton, Ont., Tliursday, January 21 lGlv> W, H THOBSTON 'â- â- "'^•'" aud FUO c W ode house Doings Too Latii Lf«>it WVek Pleaiant winter weaihiT is mucli en- joyeJ by all i»fcer tiie storiw of the past. Of course we must expect a change very auon. Stanley Wiley aud II V. Arllmr Caw- ley have returned to duiies in the yueen City. Mr. and Mra. Chailt.'~ Biocklebank of Duncan were the gueits of Mr. Bod Mrs. Jufeph Chirry the put week. i>chool reopened with Miss Wiley of Kiverdale atrain in charge. At the receut annual .school meeting Mr. Kd^r Don- nelly was elected trustee iu place of Mr. Juhn Buskin, who retired, having served the Board for the past twenty years. Mr. and Mrs. (Jeor»e Wrijjht of Van- lieleur were the gueKt.s of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Donnelly on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wiley are visiting (he former'.s parents, Mr. acd Mrs. John Wiley at Maxwell. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbcrt Arlley and liille daughter, Mirgaret, of Rocklyn< visited Mr. and .Mrs. C. B. AI>crcioiubie the first of the week. Miss Elsie McNevin has returned home after spending sor.ie mouths past with Mis. Fred Stuart, Kiuiberley. Misses Eva and E'hi Buskin had a pleaiant visit with fiiends at Flesherton the past week. A movement is on foot lo »ive a patii otic con'?ert iu (he near future. This Week's Items Rev. Marshall occupied the pulpit in New EngUnJ c)u Suuuay afternoon. Mr?. Erflgar Donnelly returned home from Toronto on Monday, where she •pent the past wrek wiih relatives and also to bid farewell to her brother. Bob, who leaves shortly for the war, having enlisted with the .tecond contingent .m au engineer. Mr. aud Mis. K. H. Wiley visited re- -ently with friends at Woodfonl. Miss Annie Cameron of Toronto is holidayiu;; with friends here, tlie guest ol her cousin, .lo.seidi Cherry, and finiily, Miss Edna Walker ><f Davidsun, Sask.. is a welcome visitor with old t-'ntaiio friends, a receut jjuest with one of her schoolmatea, Mrs. J. W. Wiley. Mrs. Charles Morwood c.f Meaford is the guest oj her son, Ernest, and wife. Mr. Tom (Jdrsy of Rocklyn was a caller iu our burg the past week. Mr. Aanm Birch left on Wednestlay on au extended business and pleasure trip. He will visit Florida aun [Ktints in the west aud will be absent two months at least. Mr. and Mrs. Ji.hn I'ickering if Sun- uidale are visiting i>Ul neighbors aud fiiends here fur a inontb or so. Miss Rena McNevin of Kimberley â- ip^nt the week end with friends here. Mrn. Thouias Hawkens aud daughter, Maude, of Eugenia, were the guests nf Mr and Mrs. Ernest Morwood Monday. Joe Wmd of Kimbi-rley was a caller in our burg the first of ihe week. Mr. and Mrs. (Jeorac Co.ulield 'if Kimberley wercxues'^ of Joseph Cherry- on Sunday. Kimberley Budget Everybody is getting ready for the Annual Pcultry Show iu the town hall ou January 27>h and 28th. Mr. and Mri. Wni. McKnight of Dun- c;m visited with the lalter's sister, Mrs. Jas. Fawcelt, recently. Mr. Geo. Mundl.", who was on a two week's visit with friends iu Uweu Sound, returned home one day labt week. While there he attended the wedding of his daughter, Jeunie, also bis nephew, Burney (lalbraith. Mr. Neil .Muijueen of Rob Roy visited at Tbos. Lewis' during the past week. Mr. Goidon Leslie, our popular public .schiMjl principal, took the topic in ti.e Epworih League ou Sunday evenine Iwt. His masterly address was listened to with interest by the lirge congrega- tion. Mr. Bridges sang a well rendered loto, Mr. Walters and eiater of Victoria were pleasant callers iu our burg on Saturday. Mr. Henry WaMace of Xi-nlindia, Sask., is renewing old ac4uaintauces iu this vicinity at present. Mr. Joseph Ferris visited friends in Ueaford on .Siiturday. .At the Liberal-ConservativeCouvention of North Grey held in Uwtu Sound on Monday last the following were appoint- ed Vice-Presideuts for Euphrasia: Jas. Murray, N. L Curry, S. J. .McKiii^ht, W. S. Erskine and Sjul Fawcett. At the last Dominiou redisiiibutiun of seats Euphrasia was moved into North Grey. We are soriy to lose two of our Ix-sl citizens, Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Stuart, who moved to Thornluiy 1-ist week. We wish then" coniinucd prosperity iu their new home ill Tluiubury. Kimberley s loes will be Thornbucy's gain. Mr. Jas. R. Fawcett is on a business irip to Heathcote and Clarksburj} at present. .\t the annual iiieeliU!; of Euphra.-ia District L. t). L. held at Rocklyn in Tuekday, January I'Jtb, ilie followiut; orticers were elected; W M, .1 .V Clarke: D M, J'ls Johnston: Chap, Jas .\ Lou;j- heed: R S, Robt Lawrence: F S, John Kirkpatnck; Trcas.. C G Devilt; D of C, J T Abercronibie; Lect, R Sparling and W Murray. Markdale Word was recoivptl by his relatives in Berkeley. Out., last week, that Pie. A. H. Comber, n member of the -If^th High- landers, l.">th Battalion, 1st Canadian Contingent, Salisbury IMains. died of pneumonia at Londun, En^laud,Jauuary 7th. Mr. Harry Sewcll, of Town Line, .Vr- temesia aud Euphiiisia.wlio had his ankle broken five weeks ago while skidding timber, was out to town on Satuiday for the first time since. Mr. T. M. Davidson, of Kiiphra.sia, delivered al Markdale ou Friday last fw' Mr. Robt. Ci.rrulh»rs a ten months tild calf which weiglieJ '•'«• lbs, and it never Hucked the cow either. Boat this who can. Singhampton Mr Fred Weir of Colliugwood spent a few days here last week. \\l are pleased to learn that Mrs Wiu. .^lurphy of the Blind Line is recoveriii!: from her recent illness. Born- To -Mr and Sirs Fred /i^ggil of the town hne, on Jan. 4, a daughter. Mr James Johnston visited with friends in Creemore over Sunday. Sunday school is ti be held in the Presbyterian Clnircli each Sunday after- noon at two o'clock. Service at three o'clock sharp. Kev.Mr.Dniiiiin of Maplo Valley will be in clurge of both. Our hockey bojs played their lirft game of I he sea.son on Friday evening, Jan {<, when tliey wout to Honey wood. The .score was 10 to I in favour of Sing- liainptou. Tht! ice was in splendid con- dition aud all eiijoyod the trip. i>wing to the illness of Mr Wilkin.soii, principal of otir publiu school, the senior room did not open tilt the ILtli. Miss Kate McCu'Iough of the t$th line is in charge of the junior rtwm, with a gooil attendance. Miss Mc'Jullough is not a stranger, havin; reeoivod her public school training here. .\ sleigh-load of V. P. ''. .\. members were to v" over to Madill's on Tluir.sday evening, 7th inst., to take p:«rt in a de- bate between Itageius and Singhampton, on "Resolved, that riches are conducive to happiness.'but owing to the stormy weather it was postponed till the 14tli. Of course, we e>pcet our own lads snd 'assies to return crowned with laurels. The subject for next Tuesday evening i«, "En:!Und, Mistress of the Seas." The Pic'byteriaii iiicml*rs h ive invit- de the Y . P. C. .V. to .an "at h(jme to be hci.l ikt Mrs Wm. Edwards, r.n (ho ^)wn line, oa Jau. 18. .\ good lime is j anticipated. Eugenia Paragraplis Mrs. Wm. Hyslop, Mrs. John Camp- bell and son, Victor, visited friends at Ceyl.ju recently. Miss Ruth Paul is visiting friends in Flesherton this week. Miss Edna Slack of Toronto, s;uest of Mrs. R. Plantt, rendered an effective solo, and assisted Mr. Jones with a duet at service on Sabbath evening. .Annual meeting of Presbyterian Ladies' Aid was held on Tuesday afternoon when the following otticers were appointed for the ensuing year:- Pres., Mrs. .\lex. Carruthers : Vice Pres., Mrs. Jake Williaius; -Jud V. P., Mrs. W. .Yrnistroug : Secy., Mi-is Louie Hislop ; Treas., Mrs. Francis Genoe ; auditors, Mrs. Tom McKee and Mrs. A. â- Smith. Books left talauce on hand for P.»U, f«it).d!». Miss Genoe of Flesherton i.s the guest of her sister, Miss Kate Jamieson. -V sleighing party dreve over to the rink at Flesherton on Friday evening, and another party to .Mr. Uairn's, Flesh- erton, both report a jolly time. The .Annual meeting of the Presby- terian Couttrcvatioii was held on Friday eveniu:; when a Urge number of luem- bei-s wei-e present. The pastor, Rev. McVicar, took the chair, and Mr. Alex. Carruthers was elected secretary for the meeting. Reports were then read. 1st - Managers report by the chairman, "ind - Ladies .Vid report by Mrs. F. Genoe. ;''id â€" Cradle report by Mrs. .\ . Carruth- om. 4ih- Secretary report of Sabbath school by Louie Uislop. Tirhâ€" Treas- urer's report of .Sabbath schi'ol by D Williams, liih Report I'f church by G Meldruin. .\ll reports w era well given aud found that the church aud all its branches were in Hourishini; condition. .\le\ (.'aineron was ic-clectcd as secy, aud .Mrs. Jake Williiiiii» ks orgauist. Ottiters of the Sabbalh school were left over to appointment by the seesiun. Tea was served in the basement by the ladies at the close of the meeting. Ptea«Hl to report Miss Beecroft iin- proving. One of our popular young men want- el to convey his Udy friend home to Flesherton, aud on turning the corner the cutter slewed and slivered the back otf, which allowed the young lady to slip uutltehind. Friends who were near to assist picveiiled serious injuries. A certain young lady came into the village to visit friends on Saturday. .\ gentleman frieii'' Jrove in, left his horse ill the shell all afteriiiMii until ten o clock iu the evening before he could tear him self away from her presence. •â- ^onie ladies from our sister village came in lieie on a snow-shoeing expe- dition oa Saturday afternoon, and a.^ the evening became dark they gladly accepted some of our brilliant young men to diive them home. Ceylon Clippings Mr. T. Fawcetr. of Hoakview, ne ir Parry Sound, spent the past week with -Mr. lieo Stuart. Mr. BIythe, of Belt, Montana, W:)s also a guest of Mr. ."stuait. Mr. David .Applcbiirg Irfi Thursday for P<»rry Sound. Mr. J. J. Pattison left l..^t week for Toronto. Walter Pattisou of Bidjeros is assisting his uncle iu the store here. Mr. and Mrs. Dalley left last week for their home in Lelhbridge. Mr. .Alex. McLeod and Miss W^iahiag- ton of Toronto .ire visitii:g with the former s mother, Mrs. McLeod. Miss McPhail spent over Sunday with her friend, Mrs. Roy Piper. R. Cook attended the funeral of Mis. Edge, (jlenelg, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. Ueitiphill spent a cjuple of days last week with Osprey friends. Mr. Geo. Suiart was in Toronto last weLk, retuining Saturday. .Mrs. Gibson, accLiiipanieil her brother, who has teen visitinu hvr, to Toronto, :tnd will visit with friends there for a time. .\t the close of the s'-rvice on Sabba h a collection was taken lo aid the Brlgixus. The oli'eriug amounted to i'7.0<>. Ml. Sargeant of Bi)ent the past we.'k visiting his brother, Edward, and family heie. UR. BURT 5peciali>r in dIsratLi ol ihe Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat Office-130 10th St. West, Owen Sound At the Revere house, Markdale, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to a 12a m Dundilk.lst Wed nesday of each month . Flesherton Planing And Chopping Mills Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. I am now prepared to do chopping eve.y day in the week except Sundays and every week in the year. Bring along [ yonrgrisi.s. j __^^^_^.^^__^_^_ Dur sa^ih and d<H>r factory is always at oaH^^^-^a^^^Bi^Baâ€" our disposal for 1111} thing you w,tnt in our line â€" planing, matching, ore. Fhior iui!, sash and doors, and all house fur- wf » * , nishings .supplied pr.miptlyind at leas W. A AriTlStrOnff unable rales. (Jet esiiniates. ®* Blakely and Henry! Proprietors Febl.'> l;{ ly Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT FISH I Fresh Trout an<l HeiiiDg. Salt Herring Iiy the tlozen or keg. Maxwell The ihiiw last week left our roads in a very icy condition. ijuiie a nniuber from here attended the meat supper held in Fcversham last week. Miss Ueilha .McC.illum is stayiiiji with her sister, Mrs, Stephens, at Desbcro. who has keen very ill. Mrs. Sandy Mc.Vrtliur visited with her mother in Mukdule last week. Mr. and Mrs. S.nn Wiley of Wode- house visited \vi:h the former's parents .Miss Siu.ill of Slielhurne spent a few d'lys with her cousin, .M .ss Ella Morri- son, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fenwick left for their h mie in the w-'st last week. .V <|uiet wedding took place at the home of Mr. and .Mrs. (.Jeorge Magee on Tuesday, when the latlei's siser, Miss Gertie Tupliu, aud Mr, Jiiit Smith were united in marriage by Rev. Phlmi-ster. Wo Wish the youni; couple all success iu hie. • Walkerton - Because Wm. Poll'ck, a farmer â-  f Kincardine township, sold a 'eiiu of hur> sea to a Paisley buyer after having prom- ised to .sell them t 1 him on Saturday last, .\ Ripley horse dciler lxH.'aine so incensed that he asa.aiil'ed him and gavebiiu a bad beating. The hor«e buyer later, without apiMsariug in couit |Mid a tine of $lC.<'t) and costs. It is said that Pollick s in- juries were such that it wa.s necess^ry for him to be taken to the Kincardine hos. pital. While engaged in running the small prets in this ottice on Friday morning bit, Ed. Bowman had the misfortune to have his riijht hand caught in the iiiaeh- me. Two of the cnveloia."- whteh Ed HUH running fell into the machinury and in endiMkvoring to recover them his hand was c.iught. Fortuna'ely the drive shaft of the press broke which slopjted the machine and prereiiled a more .serious accident. As it «»,•*, his hand war. bail'v s<|Uite/'.ed and he will be ofl' work for some time. On an inioimation laid ag^iiust him by license Inspector White, Mr. J. Becker of C.irrick appeared liefore Magistrate Tolton on Friday, charged with procur- ing li<|uor while on the prohibilary list. He was fonnd guilty and assessed $1 ".(•<( aud ^'s's. aiiiouutiiig in all to jfl.'i M. In giving evidence, Becker informed the coui( (hat he had secured his Injuor at .i Ncusladt hotel and althoiiuli (hat village Is out of his distiict, Mr. White is in- ve.stigating the ca.se iiiid a charge against the hotrlkeeper will probably he^laid .\s the license In.spec'or for that section of tirey resides in a distant part of the c mnty it is claimed that Ihe liotel-keei - ers in Neustndt and surrounding country pay little or no heed 10 the laws go\ ern- iiig the s»le of bovae. Telescope. .\n old s.tilor of the Great Likes [a-ss- od awiy at Toron'o, on Doc.20,iu his 8Ut year, iu the person of Captain Richard riie enact vote iin the L.xmI Dptioii j CurpLoy, brotliijr of thv Ift'.V" Capta;u Mr. John Norton, of WaUe:s FislU, lust two vahiablo fat cattle in a peculiai,- manner on Tuc«d:iy. He had sold them, and had them loaded lor delivery and wiui loading some other catti#wi auoibor i by-Hn in H.'i.mor(!i w-w ^2 (^r :\iii i» ' •'"'": '^-'urpliey, 0/ Melai.c t.on. Ho *fts The two l^;v.u srcrv' iM togo(H-1 iWwnsl. "nic by-k* •*Ai Ut l.y four- j b<.rn in the Isle of Man, and had been 4 lif'hs of * vote. On Tuosdav the ballote j sailor ever sin«« boyWid, Ton yesws of were gone over again but without .my j hi.-* j-ailin;; expctienoe wim ori the Atlan- chaiige and the result will not likely be tic an! the remamdei- â- Â« the Giest aflec'ed. I Lukes. Eeonotuiil. Mr. Bieuian, a Beutiuck farmer living near Crawford, left his hirtd man named Charles Becking at home last Friday while he went over lo soe hia fathcr-in- Uw who was ill. When he returned lioaie h« d scovcicU thai a suit case and A lull line of Fit Mir, Bnm, .Shorts, Feet^l, Flour, Barley Chop. ^i.-s Wheat, Biirlev, iJats and Hiickwhe.it boiigiht and .sold. I W. B U S K I N I S RUBBERS! RUBBERS! Those ill need of Kiililters. either High Laee Leather Tops or Low Lace Tops or Rubbers with- out Tops The Guilty Man Found On Thursday colUctor Kidd weni- up to Dr. Crows olhoo and collectrd ^l."! of arrears for water ratci aud Sl.tio for a water mo'i>r atl>«ched to -i wasliiiia ma- chine in bis house, luakiui Slti.tjr) in all. The tap iu Dr. t.'row"s olbee was inslalled before Mr. Kidd became a collector of water rates. On iioinination iiiglii Dr. Crow claimed to know a (auty who had not paid his watei rates for years, and of couiso, suUseiiucnt event.s have proven thit ho knew what he wis talking abimt. ' --Ch .i'ey En'erprise. â- C>: or if you have ol'! Leather . " Tops brinj^'them in ami get new bottoiii.-i on thoni. ' . WHEliKf AVUV Al" ' '' Thos. Clayton^s 8 FLESHERTON NEW SUITINGS I New Suitings just to hand â€" some of the iiobl>iest weaves to lie found any- wliere. Leave your order now for that new suit. You will never regret it. er »Dd one jumpod out of the raelt and brtike htA neck, and at the dame time the olhet WAS «trangl*d to dt'at.h in the aleigb. I $10 wcie missing. He caiue to Tlunovor ] to lodge H coxphiint, I u'' for private] I'^avins decided 11. it to pu.^h th' oa.se. j llie VVisvlon Kohi> in iiuthol'ity for the i stal^meut ihtl William and D&uiol Ash- croft of .Albemarle Tp. will pach recoivo three millirtn dollars as Uuirs of a Now Vo«k SstahS. Satisfaction guaranteed. Don't forget that we tlo eleaniug, pressing au<l repairing. Our prices are right and our workmanship ia the Qvery >»est. S. J. BOWLER " Sole Agent for the Hobberlin Tailoring. tI^

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