Jannarv 21, 101 5 ^HE I/LESll E I{ ^0^' A D V A N C E II i-> /Icoljcrtoa '^^uancic An indei>emlent newiii>ai'<;r, publisheii ever) iiiriiday at th*" otficf, f'ollingwood Street, -sherttm. Subscription prici' Jl iK-raiuniiii ih-n |>»id in advance ;i>l.f>J wlicii iml fi" puid tvertlsinsr ratus ^n appliration. Circulation l.lWO wrekly A' H. lliuistDii- KUItur '^lesherton-^.vvi'^ Baptist Church 1.' c. Kt-rr, iiuior. I'lidiii' ;{;{ U. - Sunday School lO a . in. Seivico at 1 1 a in. Itiblo study Tlii.i'idiy iviiiiiiL( hull e of Ml-. Ittind, C-yli'i). at' th.' THE PREACHER IS COMING IJev. 1 I!. Di'aii. "'IIH r.f Tmiiiilus greatest pie.iiluTs, will l.i>lJ a mtiim -if jaee'ii>i;« m Klishfilon lii'!;inipili;! Moll- tUy, Jai) :.'.">. Till' tii.-l wfek'« inoeliii^s will III- li.-Ul III (111- M.-tli<di«l church. Dr. K. H. HeiidiTsi.i). iic* if T'Tonto, Wfites : " It IS H laie piivilcL'c lli*t the peoj'le of Fleslicitoii uml v ciiiity wil hii-.o of licHi-iiiK oire cf the lifst lUblc teatllf rs and prc-icluT.s >f tn-ilny. Tlmt-i- who wil! heal- his tirsf addie-ss will In- anxiojs to luar cvci-y aildrcss he has llic i>riviKv;e of iiiviiu. ' The nin;itig will be conduced by J'rif VViii;ht, who is grepar'Aj f.ji 'Clil music for tlie occiitioii, S..iig service every evening at 7 4'">. Mr. 1> lUl'.s firs* woi'k'N i,u''ject9 Hie : Monday iiii;!it- The (Jiisjh-I, what it is tiid what it can ()i>. Tuesday niulit -Your phi.toxrapli hh Ji-.iwn by the D.vine .Arnst. Wediiemlay ivijht - The law ami in liiiiiiiitiuns. Thursday nixM â€" ^Vorks, their place ill the Chri.-tiiii. Friday SalvitioM and Kewards. A Red Cross Appeal »0 (ieriiinl .<t hjis>, Toronto, .lamiaiv l."!, I'.'U Mr. W . II. Thurston, K litor '•-Advance", Fleshcrton. Ont. Dear .Sir:-- N<< doubt yim will Im- Mirpriscd to hcar froin me, but I am u-ritii.g to ii.sk a favor of you which Iain sum you will be only t lo ^lail to )/raiit , Since my visit to FleHJierlon last fall, ] h.ive iMii'ome a nicmlier of the Toronto lloiiie Guards, and a nieniber of the lljlltli King's Own lte<>iiiieiit of Gimrds. ^l om uo.kly luiraile last ni;.!ht »e were :idUrcssu<l by I)r Ibowiie r.anRdoiK-. whi^ has lN.-en on (he tirin<( line in Viaiice in char^fc of theliospilal work of the French army. lie is ni;iking an apiH'iil for supplies of any kind that c.ili be used ill till' hospitals in the wiiy of elothin;.', bedililio or bandaycH. Tlusi- inetl not mece.ssiirily la- new jioinh. by my ineaiis, but any old caat oH' chitliiii(r, wliether IkhiIh or any article of i-lotliini( which hiis Itecn cast aside would be nralefiilly re- â- ceived. .\ commiitee has been foiiued, ciiiisisl- iiiK of imr colonel and other olHccrH, who lire today wuitin;; upon the Board on •Control to enileaN our to have thi- Mayor jti'oclaini a "pareol d.-iy" when clothiiii; ;ind supplies of this nature can bt gather- oil lo";ctliei and shipped to Frnnue. I iiiioht slate th.nt the liosjiitals of >iorthern Franco aie catering to the wanla of not only the French H<ddiel-s, bill to Hrilish ami I5el((iali sid<li«'i-s m wi'll. The conditions there, as stuted by l)i. Ilrowne Ijaiisdone, are .ippalliiii!. He has tiled cases whrc two or time hundied men are lyiiiK wiiiiiideil in one hospital with no more lliaii (i'l bhiiikets available for use. Hiddicrs are dyili),' for the want of antisceplic bandiines ami other iiei;i'Hsaiios to carry imi IIk; w(,rk of H hoipUal I, myself, aiu unable lo make all ex- planation of Iho atlaiis that exist there. No doubt, you have learned a o( od dial â- iif the |Hisitiiiii lliere lioiii peru-al of llie â- daily paper*. The speech of Dr. Browne Laiisilowno last iii;{hl, however, broiiRliI )l â- to IIS the need for nei'essiiiy aclion ii ediilily. I am rei|iiehtinj|( thai you put this uiatler liefore Ihe people ot Kleshei-ton and iiacortaiii if a follection â- of llic above nieli'ioned artii-les can he oblaiiied and packid and shippeil lo Toroiilo. I am salistied lli'd I can ob- tain froe I riiisport at ion of Ihusii kiioiIh over fheC.l'.H. Tliu Khipiiiinl should be consiKncil lo <'i)l. W. T Stowarl. lOiMh KoKiiiiiiil, KiiiK's 0«n (luai-ds, tta VVellin((lon St K It iiumIiI la* possible to olilain nu|ipliuMof this kind hi a plnco like F'hmherlon easier than ill a city like â- Ton lit o, where there are continual ih'- .liianda for articles of I his kind. I iiiiKhl stale that the Halviition .'Vniiy nnd other e.liarilabht iiiHlitutioi.K are cmtinually collect iiiK ait.icloa of IhiN •natiii-e for diHtribiilioii. In ci>nH(*i|iieiice it. ia hardiir to obtain arliclea, I am one of those who are not Natisllud to nit in idlenoHN while olliura iiru risking their livoH in the defeiico of our eounlry. While I am prohibited by ciroiiniHtaiii'es •from lakiiiK a more active part, I wish lo iinioliorate their poHition hh far as poHHilile. I kntiW no other way in which I can lat of more nssiHtance. Trtlstin^ you will i^ive tliia mailer your careful coiisiderat ion, if I am not ask'iiK loo much of yoii, 1 bej} to remiiin, Youi-M very truly, it. K. FIKIil) Heathcote Lust Week's Items Mrs. Fred Snell of Majiielil tiiiil little (laiiglitcr, {"'.velyn, are visiting witli tlip foriiiors parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hobcrl Aiinstrong, here. ritased to licar that Mrs. James Gaidiior is improving. Mr. (.itorije Swaiinell lias taken the contract of carelahiiij; of tlio Ucatljcote school for the coiuino year. h'orry to hear that Mr. William C.uiclit-liaiik of ItocU Haven, Sask., who is visiiiiii,' fiiiiulh licro, ill witii iiiilaiiifttion. Wo wish for hi.*; speedy recover}. Dr. McKce and brother in-law, .Mr. Areliic McDonald, have returned to their home lieic after their Xnias lioliduy.-;. Mrs. McKee who i.s ill was not able to retuiii. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Howson have retiiriie-1 to their home here after vijiting with friends in Lirasiipton. Mr. .lames tJardnev tool; a sleigli loatl of \oiiiii,' people to the I!cd Giant Skatiiif; liiiil; at Thornbiny on Sat- urday evening last and all report a most cnjoyalile time. Hev. Mr. and Mrs. YDiing and fam ily spent the latter pail of . :e week with .Mr. and .Mrs. Frank Fisher at Fairmonnt. .Miss liert Doyd who has been visit ing with her sister, .Mrs. Feighen, has rotiirned to lier home at Epping. J. II. Gardner, general inercliaiit, tool; a business trip to Mt'aford the early part of the week. We notice that Roy called on friends in Heathcote Ireiiuently. Pleased to hear that .Mrs. G. H. Cniickshaiik is improving. Mr. and .Mis. Harold Vickers visit cd wiih tiic latter's aunt, Mrs. T. H. .McCoiiiiell over Sunday. Sorrv to reiiort that .Mrs. Milne is ill. .Mr. Alien Hoy d has iustallcd the Municipal telephone. Mi.~. Kdwiii r.oyd is on the sick list. A iimnber from here attended the bo.\ social at Fuirmoiml on Friday evening. IMeased to hear that Mr?. William llutch::'.soii is improving after several months illness. Mr. .luliii .Myles from '.he north is visiting with his brother, James A. .Myles of KeathcoU'. Miss Feighen of Thoriilnny is visit ing with her coiism, Mrs. 'J'. S. llutchinsoii Mr. Walter Korke visited with h's imcle, Mr. W. II.Horke of Thornbury the latter part of the week. Mr. Luther Julian who has spent the past year 111 Kincaid, has rotuin od to his home here. Tor- with this 'I'liis Wick's Items Mis.- 'rryphenia lireadnur of Itocklyn visited with her cousin, Mioa KUiu Gard- ner last Wi'ek. Mr. and Mrs. Fr«d Hutchinson enter- tained a number i f their relatives and friends on Tiicsiliy eveniny last. l>r.McKue toik u bimincKs liip to onto Isst week. Miss F.lsie (lurdiier is /isitin^ friend* in Toronto and llauiihoii week. Mr. anil Mrs. Husworth who have been visiting «l theirparciil.il home hero rel uriied li tluir home, Toronto, acuoni- phliied b) the litter'rt iiiullier, Mr8. D. Shri^-ley. Mr. 1'lieiiias Hopkins uf Moose Jaw, who is visiliiii,' at Uiicklyn, and Mr.*. William Sparhni;, nenr llia'hcoti- culled on ,1. U. (ini'diivr and family. McMuUen-Anderson Till- home of Mr. ami Mis. David Mu .Mullen of Ki versliam w.is the scene of a very pnlly wedding ml .Ian. l;l, when tlieir eldot daii}(hler, Kvelyn J., and William .\. .•Vnderson of Clie»ley were united in I he holy bonds of malrinioiy. The liiiilc. iiillred in while silk and bri- dal veil with a wreath of or.inge bloa- Hi-iiis, eiilered the parlor (Ui ihu arm of her father while the wedding inarch wan beiii'< rendured by Mi-h. It, Madill -if Saiilt .Siti Maiiu. The marrioge eere- iiiony was porfornied by Uev. .1. F. I'i. Morris of .Singhaiupton in the preaeiiou of a Kieat iiiinilior of fiioiids and ndu- liieH. The groom's gift to the hrida was a bo^iiiiiful pearl aunliursi, and lo the orgaiiixt a peirl broouh. The many other huaiitiful preaentH ruoeivod by the htidu waa an i'hii|uent token of the high eHtnoin in which she was held. Anionu Ihu trienda prcaent from a dintitncu were : Mra. Fri'd Jatfrey and dauxhier, Helen, of Totoutii ; Mr. and Mra. .â- Xndera.io of t'healey ; Misa StelK and Mr Wilfred McKitchurii of Claikihuig ; and Mri II. Madill, Hiiult Ste Marie. Mr. and Mra. .Vnilemoii, after speiidini; a week among rebiiivi'H here, wdl be at home lo their friei lis in ('hesley on Jan. L'l. We join III wishing the iiowly wedded couple a long, happy a- d pruN|ieri>u« mivtriindnial oaleer. Lyons â€"Wiley An interesting and lery happy event took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Wiicy on Wednesday evening, January (>, at (i o'cloeV, when their sec- ond dauglitor, .-Vniiie, was united in marriage to .Mr. Wesley Lyo-iaof M.»rk- dale. Uev. Mr. Mar*hall of Kockiyn conducted the ceremony in the presence of (.oiiie sixty invited gue8ts--relativeg 1 and intiiii-ite friendi of the contracting partifs. Tlio bride Wore a dainiy gown of tan broclH satin-de-dieiic, while the bridesmaid. Miss \'era Link tree, was dressed in a simi far costuaie. Mr, Jas. Wiley, brother of the bride, supported the urooni, and Mis. W. T. Wiley, sister in law of the bride, played the weddiug march. .\f:er th^ ceremony and usual congratulations a fiumptuous weddinn su[iper WHS seived and ihc evening then spent ill .nusic, fanes and social ii.ter- course. The happy couolo will reside on the KioiMii's faim near Markdale, known as the Coleman homestead: and llie very best wishes of a lirge ciicle of friends go with I hem. Thise wlio attended the weddini: from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. (Juiiitoii, SVulleis Falls ; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Lyons, Onawa ; Mr. aud .Mrs. Will Lyons, Markaway ; Mr. John Wihy and daughter, Mary, Maxwell ; Miss Nancy McAfee, Meafold ; Mr. .Albert Spaul and mother, Thornbury ; Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Clugst-n, Uocklyn ; Mr. and Mrs. McKeiinet, Mrs Thomas llr.iwn and daughter, Iriula. Miss Carry Lyons and Mr, McKennct, Markdalc When Britain Wins â- Turkey Goes Sppaking at the Mansion House on Lord Mayor's day, Mr. .Asi|uitli in re- viewing ihe international situation, dwe't specially on relations vilh Tuikey. In re'iitinj; ilie circunistaiioes which plactd the Turks among our enemies in this war he said : My Lord Maym-, I wish to make it clear not only lo my fellow-countrymen, | hut to the out.side wiiih), that this is not I our doing. Ii i* in spite of our hojie and 1 etforiK, anil attainst our «ill (cheers). It I is not llie Turkish people ; it is theO to | man (iovernment 'hit has drawn the sword, and I do not hes tste to predict that it will perish by the sword. It is they and not we who have rung the death- knell of the Otinnmn Dominion, not | only in Kutopc, but in Asia. With this I disapiwarance as a coinjuering and de- : v.isialing casU' will disapiiear, as I hope I and lielieve. the bliyhl which for nener- I stions past hss withered some of the fairest rceiuns of the cirih. These words of Hrilain's I'reniier were not spoken with piophetir intent, nor are they in any way related to prophei-y in the popidar mind : and yet when Itrit- aiii reiiliy.es her anticipations ii; this aw- ful w.ir.nii outcome will be more momen- tous than ihut which free' I he oppressed subject of ihe Suit ill, and which nl the same time will eid that loiii; period in which "Jeiusalein sh'ill be troddei: under the foot of the (Jenti'es " IVrhapn no iil leranee of tlm p.'riod is more pieiiinnt with inclining than these words of the great flateaniail who holds the helm in the greatest crisis nf Itritaiu's h'.s'ory. R H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Special Prices on Short Length Dress Goods During the season's l>usine.s.s we lla^ e accnnnilatetl a large number of short eiul.s of (h"e.s.s goods and .suitings from our best selling patterns. These are not sufficient for full suit lengths, but are Just the very thing for separate skirts, Mis.ses" Suits or Coats antl Childieu's l)>'esses. They are marked down to a fraction of their original price to make a .speedy clearance. We need the room for new g Come and make an early selection â€" they wont last long. >. goodi Remnants Also Kliinnelettes, Wrapperettes, Prints. Gingham; Silks and Table Linens Shirtinirs. Oretons, At Clearing Prices 1 In accordance with the ^lunicipal By Law this store closes at 6 p, excepting Wednesdays and Saturdays. Please shop early. m. daily Dr. J. Ralph SmithiFOR A 3O DAYS' FREE TRIAL OSTEOPATH Office and Residence- 4tW <>th St. Kast Owen Sound, O'lt. HiMii-s-9 to 12 a.m , l.M lo 4.:W p.m. to « p.m. Other hours by appointment. â- ^asfl n A Business Schoo That successful school whose graduates occupy prominei.t po. sitions from the .Vilant.o lo the INcilic, re-opens for the KAI.I. TKRM .â- ^ pteniber Hi, 1U14 Send for free catalog at once to COLLINGWOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. - Principal . , Collingwo.id, (liitario. |ri| Of the 1900 Apply to Gravity Washer S. Hemphill, CHEAP FARM FOR SALE Agent For :- Washing machines,folding bath tubs,windmills,pump5, pipings water tanks, Beatty water bowls, llehind Ihe dark war cloud* (Jnd is ri|ieniiif' His (wn ':.ifh\ purpnses, mid by the World's li.ivniliiiy p:iiin briiiijinij neur the birth the new "iMy of Oi'd.'' In tlieae d'lys hstiol msy well look up, for her delivi'ieiico is coiuiiijj iie.ir. The ('hristisn loo in the midst of kurround- iim (jlooiii iliieeriis Ihiouijli 'lu' iiit;ht of sorrow (lie coni-iimmiktioii of hopes in the Rppeariiiice of the IXiy Sti\r, iind the riling Iotiiiis of the Sun of ISij;hteou«:ness. Abeiidy .lfwi«li feet onlniimber those of the Turk i'l the si reels of the Holy Ciiy, mill when Ihe eiiimifip.ition of llmt hind of .>\iiriiliKinio C'nvenunt frmr. the riili«ofthe Moslem Inlces phice, Isrnel will iiol lull/ stiiy iiwjiy from the possess- ion of her eoveimnt riyhls. Hriuin is (ikIiI in.; Ill vindioiiie her hnnor iii coni.- ee'ioii ttilli A "semp ot piipei" thai hear* her nmiie and her otlicinl seal. There mo III her written iii-rnenionis wliieli beiir Ihe N.iiiie and seiileil with a dirine oath which iiiiiy liA viiulioiiied nt the «iinie tiiiip. The uprisiuo of Isruel is lo synehron- i/.o with the downf'ill of the Turk, and Ihe Second .-Vilvent of the world'* nlisoi.t Kinii will follow very (poedily. >i;.'40() â€" twenty-four hundred dolliirs | H iil buy the west half of lot N'o. '.' and j part of the North west i|uarter of No. 1, | all on the 4'h con. of Kuphrasia, con'ain- IX'^rlf ::r-ciIS ira^n^i: steel stalks and stanchons, litter Car- Uiiod hardw-o.id bushâ€" maple, beech BllJ I elm. '1 here is on the property a fr<iine : l:i:^::T!th"':S;''.!rutr:m;:!;i^!.tracking, McCormick Binders, mow. nis . wood shed, drivini; shod, pii! pen j and hen house. Tlieie a:o also two or-' ell lids on ihe farm erowing ditl'erei . , , ^-^ t a * tills If fruit -ippu^ tears, i'1".»«m 1 1 vators, harfows, Chathatti wagons, eheriiesand Kr*pes. II11.1 farm is well | ^r-« ..* . j» r* a. fenced wil h wire and p«iontfenci,i« i:;!iviount Forest buggies, and rrost friK from frost. It is also well watered, ^ ^CT » „ith ««''-v';''?'!>,i:7'>:,.til!4o?rds' wire. Satisfaction Guaranteed. 1 1 a never-failini! spriim witliin 40 j.»iiis of the le use This farm is wiihiii one _ ___ mile of the ihrivinR villaj-eof Kiiiiluirley. Hoi further pailicuhrs apply to-.IAMKS sri'.Mtl, Kimberley P. O. ISept riers, hay carriers, slings, forks and .tracking, McCormick Binders, mow- '-" ers, rake loaders, tedders, drills, cul> H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Fevershjun - Ont. Fashionable TallorinjJ Seasonable Goods, first class Worliinanship. .\l.Sl) A ling or Ready-Made Clothinti Wtiiih we put alterations in free of â- .•halite, if required. lsei> IS r ^ Take Your Hats Off R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. Agent for the Cockshutt Plow Cos Fu Line of Farm Impementi.- W«i{on», lUiKKius, Cutters, Slolgha, nnd Oiisidine GniMnea, Melotto ('reani .Sepiiratois, Halter Wind Mills, Tump'', I'ipin^ nnd I'ipe Fittiugs nlwsys Oh hand. Ucstty Itri*'. of Koi-KUH, Hani Tracks, Iii' lor ('arriers and stable I1llini.'s. Cockshutt and Frost iV Woi'd Kepairs always on han' Wareroomâ€"Wallingon Strdrt. FtDersbam, Ontario, We have been fortunate in !>ecurinx nnnlher shipment of freiili Roods at re- iliici'd intes aud will yive our cu-toiners t lie belief it of the reduction. All kinds if feed and several kinds of flour lo ihoos.i from. AI«o some btirgaius in ;>roeerie8. • We have purchssed the stock of Inrer- niti-'iml Stock Food from Mr Fisher, Yiiu are makinif uvney when you iiro foodiuK tlielnleniationslSlock Ilemedies. W« want your hut' er aud eK^s and will piy a little more than m-irket prico. S. R. Henderson FLOUR and FEED WOOD CUTTING llil/./. .Smv Wood f'utthiK with lii'atiiOHIi and des|ii»tih, iV> to lUl eonln (lei liny. \Ihi> a kkihI utrnw eiittiiiK oiittlt. ^ittinfaotion (("'"'"â- â- '''kiI. Ijcavn v> ill ordois with the iiiHh'r»ii!iieil. t.Iuli; -tiKO, ItlLvrKKNUlKV. Vi vel-stiani FAKM I'OR SALE Ijot 2, coll. !•, Iksprey, cleared ; Rood l'ui!dini;-<, well, »m»ll orchird, «i od lo WM. Kugo.ii«r.<». UK) acres (<0 never f^iilini! firm .V|>ply I.AWl.ttlt, y r y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y. To These Clothes ^ r y Yiuill lake your hats t)tttotht»so dotlu's of rt'tiiioinent ami iiirility. I have tht^ nk-est ami best snitiiii;son tho market antl the prices arc no higher than the rest. Ciet a inadeto-niei'suro suit or overeoat for Christmas. I can supply you with thiMH for prues rangiuj,' from $l4.tH) to !f:jr».l)(). Conte in ami look lliein over. T. C. BLAKELEY Sole Agent for the Semi-Ready [Clothing Co., Montreal y I y y standard Bank Block, Fl«sb<rton Tamworths lor Sale Both ••! uwirly vfKly tor br»MlHK. IMco rldtit for quick «U^ ^. ^^^^^ „^^,,„ ,. „ Fann For Sale llK) »or«8, U roikv* trom FlNh»rU>n Good buildinRs, easy terms. â€" lOHN WRiOttT, FlMKertoo... Pnre Bred Holsteln Bull Chaii{(eHn{! Prince Joe HEREFORD BULL FOR SERVICE The undersit;ue«l have a pure Urotl Hied by OhsnBeling Butter Boy on Hereford bull fur .service ou lot 171, Srtl of Tidy .-Vbbekerk 1'riuces.s >1osephino W.T.S It., .\rtemesis. The ureatest butter mjkiio-' »tr»iii km. ^Vrms $;5 far pure breds. 11.50 for leim ofx.Mvice >1 .10 for Hiade". «,-a,i(,^,. All cow.s s,>vv»d must Im, imid i > i pure bred. 0F,O. MOOKKv* ^t>N.Piop!... for. 1 umi T. & J. WAl^ON. '4