Flesherton Advance, 21 Jan 1915, p. 5

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<3ft> Ui January -Jl, Iftl.'i THE FLESHERTOX ADVANCE i i i ESTAMUeHED IS73 TORONTO FLESHERTON rr is an advaoUge someiune* to keep a bank account in tKe oaoses o( two penoos, so that either ooe may make withdrawals. Such an account is cafied a " jomt accounL~ We shall b« pleased to (umoh par- ticulan. •J* GEO. MTTCHELL, BCD Branches also at DuriiAm «a<l Harriatoa. BRANCH Mrnagert ^ Odds and Ends > ARTICLES FOR SALE j Three juong Shortiioru buUoclia (ur saleâ€" Geo. Burk. Eu^saia I'.U..teIeplioue ' I .\ 'iatntlty of good cedar rail* cnr sde. ' App'y to R- Pur»is, Eoscenia P O. i For Saleâ€" Fine thoroa<^hored white . I ^jir!«lotte cnckereLj and hens. Ke-^ j ! (SiartiD) Strain. Apply J. A. Leece, ! Prictfville. j For Stile Cheip â€" yoan* dri»ina inire [ I aboui ')oO pcaadd. or would exchiUi;4e : for gootl drivinai horse about ll'» ' 1 pouada.â€" Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesti- ; i e«oa. ' Jiti. 22 I Trains •follows : Going Soath 7.4.'$ a. m. 4.17 p.m. The miuLs are C. p. R. Time Table. leave Fleaherton Station as Uichard Hoy wis up before Magis- trates UcMuUenand UcTaviah on Tue«- dajr afterno<}n en a chari;e of aeUinj; Leg-al Blanks For saleâ€" R. J. Sproule j keeps constantly on hard and for siUe i cheap a full stock of Deeds. Mortgages, i Wills and all other legal bUn^. Any | reqatring such will find it Co their inter- i esst ro sive him a call. > Going North . l:«l"o' »'"i *" tioed f IW.OO and costs 11.41 a.iu. or three oioDths io jtil. y.l2p. m. osed at Flesheiton a^ The Advance has taken the agency for cultivition. For the north at 10.40 a.a-. and Columbia Gr^fcnolas and recrds which I ^^"""^ 'IweHuJiJ- , . , , . ' Flesherton. It you d) nvt know For sale ch<»ip and on easy Ci=mis, Loc 13. o>u. U, <>»prey. UO acres. Thl'i is ; a first class farm and in a good scace of Good Lank bam and new ' oUow 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon in*il south as ^^ j^^.. Qja^lung, 3.40 o'clocK For ui^rniog train south Apply to R. J. Sprjule mail close at 9 p.m. the (^'revious ev'g tlie musical luaury £>rovid»d by the C lumbia Gr'tfoiiola, call in aud hear record played. A The folio* ing are acknowledged as ' contiibutors to the parsvinaj^e fund by | the Lidies' A'J of the Me'hodist church: ; Uer. J. S. I. Wilscn, Haileybury; Mrs. I jjGe^i. Stewart, Ceylon: anJ Lloyd Fetch, i 'Saskatchewan. Total to dat^ tb.^.13. j The young people of (he Ep worth | I League i;«thered at the p.trsOQage on I Monday and had a aelijihtful e renins ' I with K^mes, miutic, etc. Luadieon waa : served Ii aas soci d eveoion in the I Mis. Thurston visited at Walter* Falls. Le^^^^ ^j ^ ^u innovation the young | •the latter part of the week people went to tho parsonute instead of | Miss Kindree of Winchester is the ; meeCin;; in their accttsComed place. VICINITY CHIPS Mr. R. Walters of Thornbury caller on Mond«y. Mr. UarmuD Hales visitrd friends in j Toronto over Sunday. Miss .Andrews >>f Uorningt Millalsaj gaeat of Mrs. W. J. Bella ny. Foc Sale â€" Cheap and on eajy ttnns â€" comfortable frame dweilini: in Flesher- : tou : aood W'jU on premiies : also I^irk i lot cf 4 acres io itoud stat« of cuItiTation ' wi'h baru thereon. R. J. Sproule. ' Flesherton, Got. Sept. 17 U NiSCELLA.NEOlS I Grinding every day â- \t PriceviUe. ! Crista zround while you do your thopc- | in<. Geo Wat«oo. [ I Logs Wanted ac Proton Station â€" The | highest prices paid tor all kinds uf hud- i Wood l.HSs. teletiraph pole^ ties and I posts â€" R. XeiUoo. PKbllc Notice An armful of ftCOLUMBIAt Records! 1 makes an evening . full of pleasure, i There is a mntemenc on foot this ytiar fir something substantial for Christmas, now th.-iC the German ri uisy ware isdrbaiTcdtas it should bive been years aj^o) Jut: by way of su;rj«atioa we would pro^joie that you c^iU in and ex- amine our stock of furuilure -jiiit- •ible for presents, which is uu- :-;i".yfuIl this year. For in- . , • we have rijckers for mother. ca.-y chairs t\r father. beauM'al pictareci ;vud fraaaes for siiiter. Uaudslcigfas iuc litda brother, little rockets, dnlia b«b and wick- . er chairs ind ntWtt kUsga fcr little sLsrer â€" somechiiiK for o»erybocy. Come in and see t&e lataat tliim in dulls beds and rockers. Tbeii we have the osoal stock <<f all kinds of parlor, bedroom and dining r>joiu furuittireâ€" desks, chairs, 'jdd pieces, ii rirlTiiifl Ob ' there Ls too much to etRuaiK:ue. Come in and ao over our stock yourself. Always hiippy to show Z'liids and t > demoostrate that our prices are its low as the lowest. We are prepared to tiiruish doweis ind doi-il designs for funetali, •eddinsis. i.r s<3cia! ^thering*. Iiavtnsj arranged with the Dtvle es- ' kte cf Br-jmpton to handle their business here. W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER PHONE 23 R2 i Flesherton ♦ Ontario. '[ Xuttce is hereby ^iven that a bflaw was paMcd by tke Conned of the VBUa^e of FteshettoQ en the thirtieth day of Xov'ember, 1914, :l> provide for the isue of Debentures to the amount of fOoOD.tXJ for the purpose of providinK a plant t-c the distribution of e'ectric power to be j supplied by the Hydro Elecrne Commia- sioa of Chitario. and that such bylaw was registDced in ihe Re^txy C'tbce of the R«(tat(arifMi Division oi Sonth Grey, an the 2bcdar of December, I9U. Any motion to 'J uish or set aside the same or any part there 'f mac>t be made within three months arcrr the first put- lieation '.>f this ci<jnce. ind cauovt be â- ade thereafter. 2>ued this iWi day of DMcmher, l»lt. W. H. THl RSTOX. WANTED A RELIABLE MAN To sell iLvRDV CAXAE>fcA>' GROW N STCKTK m Flesherton and Giey Coanty. Start o»w at the best Seliin;; Time. Send for list of SPRING <.>FFERIN'.:s. and terms to Aj^ints. Liberal Commissaians. outfit. Haadsume free •JE. i^uest of her sister. Mrs. U. S. White. Mrs. O. H. Munshaw and Mrs. R Moore »enj i<i Toronto for last week Rev. W. Gaudin ..f Winxlford and Wanted â€" lanje second hand box heat- ' in^ stove, must be cheap and in reason- i ably good coudition.â€" .\pply to R. J. About dfly from here attended the j i?proule. Flesherton. Jsn.jg Wedues- i MADE I N CA NADA Deering Implements AXD Gasoline Engines School CMldren's Eyes. Stonft & Wellington FooUiill Sarsenet ('¥»taMished l>o7 TORONTO ONTARIO f J.I hockey match at Markdale on a few days I day ni^ht when Markdale and O«eo ] , Sound battled for supremacy in a Jua- jior O. U. A. fixture. Markdale again little s.^n. Murray, called on friends here â-  ,„„ ^j,^ ^^^^. .^^^ ^-^^ ^^ ^.^ ^^-^^ last week. Mr. Tom Fawcett of B akvtew. Parry Sound District, visited friends heie last w^: xst^iiMx^m 7-3. which ^ives theui a lead of six .; for two games in a do,]ble schedule. I week. Rev. James Dudgeon ami Rev. J Leece of PriceviUe exchanged pulpit* on Sunday f.-r both services. | ^""•a'-y to «»vey condolence to Mrs, „ 1 »i , J i-. 1 J 1 J*»»C8 Stinsoti, a member of the Sv-cje'y Mr. aod Mrs. .Vudrew Grahtm and ' ' S children frv-m the West, spetit the week end with Mr. and Mrs Hammond. mu5k: STUDIO Mark Everette Wriibt, or^inist and choir master of tha Methodist chitfch, Flesherton. teacher of piano, or^an and .^lr Wrtj{ht holds credentials ;.:;. i; >«.'.. icories of music whe.e he has taught, also frooi eminent doctors and tcttchors in New Eajiand c msjrta- 1 siandird soods and tory. Bi^ton Metropolitan Conservatory .-Vt the monthly meeting ias: »e«k of j^ I the Ladies' .\ij of Chalmec's Church, a j of Mttsic and Steinway Hall, New York resolution was adopted instructing the j "'^ Both Mr. and Mrs. Wnght are open tor concert ensntgements. ; in her bereavement by the desth of her mother, Mrs. Kadley, who va^ an active ! worker in the LadieH' .\id. Tb? .special service advertised in this | week's paper will K- under the auspices I A meetiusnf the Woman"* Institute of the Methodist and Bap'i«t churches. | will b«> held in high school ou Tuesday, Ever)-body welcome. j January ^th, at S p.m. Mis. Panooa Miss Nelly U.'ndersoo, late of Fetituj. i »'•' '♦^'ir'^ss 'he lailiea or. "Women in who has beeu spending a month with her. Industry and Literature", lu the evec- sister -Mrs Wright of Warehsm. called on j ing there wll be a joint meeting with tho old friends in town last week . [ Fatmerj' lustilute lu the towu hail aW Dt. Burt, specialist is disease* of the " *^ P" "'â- â€¢ •''*'" **'* P»"oos «>» sP'^'k eye. ea'. m«e and throat, will be at the "" "^>'*' Inherit abce'. Muusbaw House, Fleshert"n. f.'r consul- ... â-  ,. ,. , , _. , . , â€"1.- .A ttlegram aarived here .Moiid,»y from tation. Wediifs'iay, Janmrv :.'7. hves .i- • i. . t - ». , . ,â-  , I n innipeg anuouncuii the death ot Mr. tested and glasses supplieit. n i. i .. ,i ».- .• • '^ ^' Richard feJlar. No pattioulais are to Mrs. Ben Madill and chitdion of Sault hand. The family moved a'e>t nine or Ste Mane, who have Wen vi>!tius{ her ten years sgo and have been doing a mother. Mrs. Meldrum. spent a few days' (irosperous business in Wuiuiivjj The last wect with Mr. and Mr>.H««h Ham- deceased leaves a wife ami lao ^rown up mond. west of Ceylon. 'diuKhters, who have the most profound The late Mrs. Coldwell CitJ^n was , ^.vmpathy of many friends hete. Mr. one of the earliest D'oneers'f t lis town- I'cdKr was a brother if Witliaui and pioneers < •hip. We are reminded that It was in the year ]8.%4 that she vaine into this, at that tune wiMernos<. The Maxwell Women's Institute will hold their regular monthly meeting on Thursday, Jmuary 2U', instead of January 14th, at liie homi" of Mis. H. Down, llatheiton. t.>ut. KverylxHly come to the .-kati'ig paity given by the Mijusionary dejmitmeut e( tho Kpwprth League on Friday niijht at 8 .VcWk. Baud in attenlanco. Ad- mission 25c. non-skaters .-tud children 15, lunch included. An error occurred in the auuouuce- mont of Rev, I. R. Dean's coming in hut week-H issue. One of tha special ad- ' P^'>'^^' » friendly game '»ith a similar dreases announced should have been ^"i"-"*' '" M«W«1^ on Saturday ifter.io n •• The Bible aud Science." not " Thei'**' *n^^ ttinmicil the ueishWring *iu.d Bible and Siiiueis. ' Notice to Public Owing to the increase in the price' of dour and otber material, I am reluctant- ly forced to raise the price of bread to H:. per Urse loaf. R. H. GDLDHAWK Fieshertcu Bakery. Card of Thanks I desire to tender thank) to AU kinds of Deering Implements. ParO . ft|\any Ih'eS hlVe been tTlineC? through neglected eyestrain in childhood- The eyes of every child should be exarnined. We have made a special study of this branch of optics, and'guanintee satisfaction. Consultation free. alwa;. > on band. Agent for Barrie and Mt. Forest Cutteis, Briber Bu^es, Lon- don Litter C«rrieis» Hay Track*. Pedlar shingles and siding. These Implements ret^uire no recommendation as they are â- il a.s the best on the market. m Mum. C*ntaHj Corrected Ea^b Weta Wheat 51 -tJ to 1 A Cars 4«)to4'> Peai* tl *> to 1 2S Barley t»to(iO Buckwheat ; " tW to 60 Flour tS S5 to t? ti*' Hay ..♦I»«0tol5 00 Butter SkoS4 E(C^, f resii 39'^V Potatoes per bat; 50 to 50 Geese lltoU Ducks lltoie F^«l Sto » Cfcick<n» lOtolO I Twxaeya 14 to 15 ED. RUTHERFORD Proton Station W. A. Armstrong:. (i ANADIAN PACIFie Artemesia Council Tho uewly elected Council of the Town^uip o( Artemesia for the ye^u 1915, Tiz: T. R. McKtnaie, Reeve. Wai. Ald- cotn, J. I. Graham. Fred Brown and I -Vlex. Camer-'o, CouncilUrs, met at the I town h;dt on Monday. January lltb. frien^B ! 1915. and after each of said members bad who so kindly asi>isted my ui.>ther during subscricei and made the nece»«ary her last iUue.-i\ »l-o tor kind.:ess ren- dered to individual members of the fam- ily dttrim; their trouble. -Mr*. JAS. 8TINS«>X Samurl Pedlar of .\rteniesia. .\ Toiont'i ifeapatch uys: â€" U ii. L R. | Lucas, attorney- iteiieral, announces that he has stvertd his connection with two K'gal firms iu view if hti app'intiuenC as attoriiey-sseneral. Tfci'>e Arms ate Lucas. Kauey A: Henry. o{ Markdale.aud Miller. Kaney. Lucas Jt Hules. of '''opin- io. Mr. Lucas says th it he feels his whole time will be taken up with the ad- uduistratioii of hi* de;>.irtn:eut. He does not feci it would be just to himself or the govemiuent Io retam any legal connections. .\ juvenile hockey teaui from here Dundalk George Bailey, sr., the veteran t'«.tt' master at Shris:fey, has been critically ill declarations of odioe and (Qualifications took their seats. The minutes of Decem- ber session, li>14, were read and con- firmed. The fallowing coiamunications were rtad: Beaver Valley Telephone Co. asking c<.>uucil permission to place poles on highways; D McTavish, account fcr repairs for rvvad (trailer. $o.tK>; W H Thurston, account f.r print. ni;, $ot>.50, A P McLeod. C W Bellatuv and S GU- Patriotism auid Production The first -Vgvicultural C' fercnce will I be held in the lecture room >.f the Wiu'er I Txi: l>aild:iig, t->tt*wa. on Wednesday. I January :?Jth, at l.O*.) o'clock. j The C'aference will le presided over ; by Honour jbu' J as. Duff, Micisttr of ; Agriculture for Outario, and will U; »d- • dte>sed by the Honourable Martin I Butrelt. Minister of .\<iicultun' lor : for Canada. Ttie discussi.>n will le led by Duncan .Xndersoc. t-MUia, Out., and and Robr. Milter. StcuffvOlc. C^u'. The cooferen-v is held under the dir- ' rction of the Dominion Depi^tmcut of .Vgcicu!ture, in co operation with the Provincial Departuieut .>f .V^riculture, ! and is the first of a series which «re Lciin irransed for throusout Canada, to explain ! and discuss conditions in counties where New Train Service TORONTO-MONTREAL OTTAWA Via "Lake C>ot»rio Shore Line'' Fast l-me to »^hi»wa. Port Hope. Cobounj. Belleville. Trenton, etc. Particniar from Cauadia > '1*acitic Ticivrt .X^jesc or write M. G. Murfby. IHatrk^ PtawBcvr .\j(vne. curatr Kiaj; au>l Voo^' Tjronto." S. RANDS. .Agent. Ceylon. SO YSARS* EXPERIENCE with pneu'uonia at the home of friends [ bjrt ap^Jicd for the oflioe of assessor; J j !»»• st»;ck and agricultnnd production in Ni.»ttawasa«i. wheie he was visiting. Ross Robert»^>n. askins: itrant to Sick «ill be affected by the war. .Vt last rep<rt he was iiiipcoving. Coulter Bti>s. bought seventeen horses here la.<>i wi-ek. The buyers for the army were also here ou Thursday but on ac- count of the tough day there were not many horses i.'dered. They purchased two. .\kout i>.oL>a.m Tuesdty last the cot- tage on Victoria avenue occupied by .V. Garber caujht tire from the kitchen stoKC. The brigade rvs^vuded i.]uickly to ihi! fire bell aud in twenty luitiutes tne blase was under control sfiei a hard fight. The hous ', which is owned by Thomas Mill*, jr . Children's Hospital, Bylaws No. 1, to | Much valuable iiiformatiou has been ' â-  appoint assessor, No 3 to appoint audi i aiUected, wuh the vie-v of presenting to ' tors; No ^, to appoint locil board of farmers and bcstue-^ men the nevessity htalth; No 4. to appoint high school , i>f extending our agricultural prxnluction t'u*c<;No 5. to appoint trustee for ' in order, through the development of our ' Markdale high schivl; No 0, to appciut i o»u resiurcjs. to take advantage uf thf i sheep inspcctcrs; No r, 'o permit The i opp'rtutiy of establishing an exren ive i Beaver VaJloy Telephone Co. to ereet , exf.">rt trade and. at the same time, to ' poles and wiies on roads of this Muni- discharge our duty to the Empire by pro- ! ci(.>ality were introduced, read and passed. ! viding a m^re adeviuate supply of fiitd ; Iradc Marks Ocsio.'HS CO^YfMCHTS 4c. AoTQiM MnJlnc ajleccti »na Jv»r"rt:'r vf )wlcalv atmvtaMa wwoimjdivu frtxf wi.H.i<^r &-- tawwnUoa lBti«ba»lyMliM!C^>«l.'' rnmunic*. tloasKrMtlTCDCiMMit&niMOaOlM •ja evmu •WdC f-««. i>{<le«c AfKQcr tx â- vwxtnwpacwics. P'i:r-i;i.> taavQ cH-'.-uvH Maaa a vix nKvlve HKivl 'wtwt. wt ttcuc ctiamw Ba ttM C I'uerouâ€" .Xldcorn â€" Thit I'Hivid White be refunded {LiXidi-iC tax of 1»14» hi» Jc>g having die<l. â€" Carried. Brown-â€" . xldcorn â€" That the account of i was oonjidtraWy dam, I W H Thurston of $30.tV for printing lAst week wo said th.at four Flesherton young men had enlisted for the front. Tha count should be five, Mv. Fved Lever, son of .Mr. W. J. Lever. Laving enlisted in the West. He also went over with the first continsient. While returning froiu the hockey [to the tunc of t>-4. 'I'he game was U.>th fast and strenuous and tho boys deserve ci-edit for the clean h<.>ckfy they played, not a single penalty bting doa!t out on either side. II. McCauley -actevl as referee iu » veiy iun.>aiti.al luaiuier. The return game will be playeii here tonight. I ,- [(Wednesdav) when a (^KH^ game is ex- retuining tr.m tiie n^ci^ey i ^,^.j^ .Admission Io c.nts. Skating match at Markdale la*t week a prominent j ^^^,. ,^^ „,,j^.^ .pj,^ following wore the i h^ has had" heart young Flesherton lady, accompanuni by pi^^j^p,, j,u,^r^. w. t^ddhawk. 0. a young Markdale gentlemai.. «'»''<''^«'y ivttcn. H. LeGard. R. Cargo. T. Cir, escaped ii^jury on the sm"""*^ bere. t)n j. ^^^^^^^ ^^^^ y w.ij^ht. turning the ix>aner at a fast gait, the horae, cutter and occupants luineil turtle. Luckily a load of young l«H'pl» , "), "'^' , .». - n .- .»- ; w c v i. . . , afternoon at tho ripe old aie ot 8» vtars. , sen. Simc >e cvunty. whorv he was had just stopped on the corner and were: w i i . i • c • j . i. i» , . . . . , - ». J Sbc ItavtfS behind an a^eil aud luhiu 1 ned a few yeaw later. Mr. aud *ble to lend a helping nana. > , i V. , , "^ r J> t .«»,»â- .«, ;^|so two d;»«ghters and four partner. The Royal Scarlet I'hspler of Ai(o- 1 sons, viz. Mrs. Sauudeisou, who has mesia District wet in theit bill in Flesh- ' bevn caring for her ag^Hl parents ; Mrs. •rtou on Thurwlay. Jan. 14. for the pur- 1 >"i*nk Thompson. Port law : John ou the bome. He was bom in County Down, I Mrs. John Brown, Sv , (vassett away \ Ireland, in ISotJsnci canu to C''anada at 'â-  at her home in Flesherton ou Monday i 30 years of age, settl ing first iu Tecum- ' â- ~ ..V «j; -Seri» he was mar> ' ried a few years later. Mr. aud Mis. ! Reddick with their family moved (» Pro- pose of electing their officeis for the cn- auinK-year< The foUowidg wer\- elocte^l : W C ill C, Win Sharp ; K C in C. F .\ York ; C Chap. Jik* BUkeley : C Sciil>e. Glenn Davis ; C Treas. H Puer ; M at A, KdGibaon; 1st L?ci. Will lV»vis ; 2nd Loct, WinGibsoi ; 1st Con. John Uales ; and Coo, Ge.> Sno'l Cairns* homestead near Flesherton, William .at Stayner, lie»>rgo at BtavU'otd aud Andrew at Saskatoon. The funeral tot-k place to Proton. The deceased was a man who Flesherton ceuieteiy on VVe\lne«day »f- , was well known m his c 'miuuuity as a »erni.K>u, The de^'eased laily was for man of iiigh chai-actcr. He was a meui- years a ineinWr of tho Pn sUylecian j bir of the Methtdisl chui-ch at luistioge, chuich. She was one ot the early jiio- | anvl also Wlongtd to the Orange soi-iety, tn- 'all who knew Uer. tinauciat statement and nomination bills be paid. Carried. Grahamâ€" Caiueronâ€" That |1 Tt* le re- funded Samuel Gilbert, ta.\vs on his business assessment of l'J14, he having been assessed for his business in errv>r. â€" Carried. Cameron â€" Brownâ€" That the account of D McTavish cf 9^.60 for repaiis to ri.>ad grader bo jiaid. â€" Carrirtl. Caiutfionâ€" .Xldcvruâ€" That this Council gvaiit $10.00 in aid of tho Sick Children's hi-apita!. Cartisd. Brown -^ Cameron -That this Council subecril>e for »ix copies of the Municipal World for the use of its members and the clerk. Carried. C.ameton .\ldc>'rnâ€" Th»t having ea- ton ;« years ago- Besides the age* ! »'»»'><^* <b« treasurer » surety, find the widow, one -on .and three d:«ughteis »ur^ i *♦•"* ' ' consist of a bond of the London .ive, namely ; Willam S. on the home ; <â- '*»«>â- Â»Â»>'«»* Company for >4000.W with stead ; Mrs. W, Acheson. Mrs. Xhu.uaa ; F*"'""" l^i^ l^' ^'"^•^"""ber liUo. and Ludlow and M-s. Samuel Sherson. all t.t \ *»*'" " »"«bc'<tut. Carried. Brownâ€" Graham -The the regular aged but not destroyed. The furniture of Mr. Garber stiriered in removal fiom water aud smoke. The owner had insur- ance on the building. The hand of death came suddenly up>.'n Mr. John Reddick at his home near l^rotou Station on Tues<.lty evening. He was in the kcc of reaching up to a shelf I when the hea»' stopped and he drv>p^ied 'â-  to the lloor, pa^s^ng away imuiediately. , weeknees for s«.>mo time and although quite advanced in years was stUI able for light duliec: in the i stuti's fv)r the sustenance of its army acd its people. Farmers arc urged to Ic pres- ent iu large numbers to participate in thus conference. It is their privilege as citizens of this LX>mtnion to render a very etfective service to the Mother Country during the cv-miug y'.-ar. What IS to vloue and how to do it will be fully jiscu.s«d at the ('Htawa meeting;. No Elxtremist Tlie following shows what the ultra- Grit editor of the Mt. Forest Confeder- ate thinks of the new speaker : ! Ths present editor i»f the Confederate I AVASSE Y has alivady extended his congratula'ions ' to Hon. David Jamieson that is t'> be. | Scieniific JMcricatie I atun.'i^'iEt'y ^ustntvil «v»a>T. L*nwot CU-- roiati- u ct Mixy scututiilc .H.-artiAl. l'f*rmj» foc OiuiiS'1.1, t!.^ * rear pvMeanv prvpiru,!. SvM bi Our Clubbing List The follvwing prices are tor *:rictiy paid iu advance subscriptions only. We ave no accounts with otber papers. Flesherton .-Vdvaiice ... Youths Com(viuiou Torv>nto World, daily . . Tiironto Chiily News ... Weekly Globe Mail- Empire ... Family Herald Jt Scar. Toronto Star Farmer Sun Farmers Adrocata ..... Weekly Wit.i«« Saturday Nij{ht Home Journal Poultry Review Rod and Gun magaaine. ...f 1 oo . . . 3 Ol» ... .•« 00 :: <X» . .. S« .... T5 90 ... .00 . . 90 . . I 50 ... 90 .... S OO .... 90 .... 40 .... 90 HARRIS IMPLEMENTS We have ple.isure iu publishing this week j a letter frv>in the first etlitor payin*' the i same tribu'e froui the stand^Huut (>f an i old scho«.<l-iaate, neighbor and friend. ', This famous make of implements is IHirMned hands briige a space of near- T*"^"^'"" *'/ 'T '''t "V""''^ '*"*' , " , . , XI w- . . u I their own giHjd work IS the best revom- ly halt a centu-y. Mr Stovel, no doubt, • .^endation they cau receive. If you lightly ascribe* Dr. Jamiesou's success to i require anything in the line of Binders. hi-«sH»diousne»i> and i£wd bblical home Mowers, Seed Drills, CuUivaiors Pulp- We do not" «Lsh to o»-e.do the \ *"• *''""'' f "MJ^*" ^'****'"*' '^''"**^" Separators. tlirn<«s. Koilers. Cuttiittj^ Bv>\«s, Ensilage Cuttern. Ga.so!tne en- 1 U, Gto neers and was \ cry highly esteemed by I The funei-al t(H>k place to l>uii<lilk c« ' etwy.-Hctatd. meetings of this Ci-uncil will be held on the fiist MoHtUy ol each month during the jejr etit-ept the mouth of IXcembvr which meeting will l<e on the )5th if said month. Canicd. Council a )jouritcd. teaming â- natter of praise, bat we might just sug- gest that some of the amiable i.)ualiti«s of the uiembev for Sv>uth Grey are due to hi.s early l<rit training Though Mr. S'.ovel playfully calls kis frieni » dyed- in-tbe-w'.'ol Tory, Dr. Jamicsoo, we think . ba.-« not gone to the e.xtreoies in Torttsiu of many perverts to that political laitb. gtnes. ^awlUi: outtils, chanee to nuote prices. etc. , give as a John Wright, - Agent Flesherton

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