Flesherton Advance, 18 Feb 1915, p. 1

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^kB\)ction %Hanct. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PBINClPLEb NOT MEN.' 701 3t No. M Flestierton, Ont., Tliursday, February IS IQir* W. H TBURSTON '=°''^°» &ad PhO Ceylon Clippings Mr.D. Coleman of Ow«n Sound visited the past week at Mr. CoUiiisoii'a. Mr. John Cuok, Milestone, Saslt., sjieut a couple uf Jays last week with his :^ncle here. Mrs. Driukwaiei- au'j three children, visitors at Mr. Oeo. Stewart 'i, left on Friday for Toronto. .Mis.s Nessi Colliusoii enteiUined * numlwr of her friends u> a cinl fariy on Thursday aveniag in honor of her guest, Mr. D. C-)leiiian. We are pleased to report Mr. J. Mo- Uonild improved after ^i week of illness. Miss EUh Warlin-,', Vandeleiir, is \ i.sit iiiK her uncle, Mr. S. Hemphill. Mist Flor»Campl)cll visited at .Mr. A. Stewart* and Mr. W. WiU-ock s during the pa-t week. Mr. .1. B. Ej<an of Toronto was in town M'JDdky. Mr. Kred I'hiilett, Shelburne, spent . ver Sunday under his parental nof. Mr. Cecil Legate i» viji-.ing his inothei t.iie, prior t> leaving with his bride for his home at Cadogan, Al'a. Walkcrton Will. Louther, a fai in laborer of Greeu- oik. diopi>ed dead . n Monday of last week as he was entering ihe bush to cut *„.KloiiMr. Joi. Carle|-8 Iirin near KniiiakiUen . »ho were married Fevers ham Items Eugenia Paragraphs^ 5pcci..i.,'i„ .......^To Eye, Ear.Nose and Throat Office- 130 J 9th »t. West, Ovfen Sound At the Revere house, Markdale, 2nd Thursday eacli month from 8 to a 12a m Dund-ilk,l.-,t Wednesday uf each month . air. and Mrs. Pickering and two child- '• ren of C'ollingwood are vi.sitina at Mr. ! Fred Spotfotd's on the Eiijluh liiie. ! Mr. Chas. Stephen of Collingwood spent Sunday at Gen. Whiteoak's. IMi.s.s .Vrleuu Buckini;hani spent Sun- day with Mrs. John Brown of Kob Roy. Ifr. and Mrs. Harry Heathcote visited over Sunday with Mr and .Mrs. Chris Thi)iiis;;n on the 10th line. Mr. C. H. Ejerts was on a business trip lo Toronto last week. Miss Kcta and Mister Eiiiei.son Os- borne spent List week with friends in A{r.s. P. Muushaw is vieiting friends at Vandeleur. The many frieud.s of Miss Eva Jamie- sou ure glad to wuico iie iier hone from her long visit in Western Oii'ario. Mr. McLaren of Sas'i is the guu&c uf Mr. J. Iv . Jaiuieson. Mr. aiid Mr.s. RiniUttt eiilertiiined a iitiinlier of young people at their liiune one day recently. We aie sorry to lejrii tint Miss Duck- e-i is atiill sick and in a precarious con- ; dition. I A loid of Eugenia s|x)its drove The Late Henry Bird over r, II- J i to Port Lvw and surprised Wilfred ;iud Collingwood. - ' Wesley Plantt on .Monday uveniii'.'. Mrs. Har.y Hor.on and children have . ^he ladies of th. parly look A young couple recently and walked from here to MiUl- may last week on a wedding tiip had a rather unpleasant expeiience, when on reaching her deslinalion the bride dis cjvrred th»t three of her UHja ha.l been frown. The old adage about true b.ve never cunuinn smoothly seeni.s l,. tind fulfiUmint in this case. An Knuluh family who some time ago came lo town was discovered by i>uttie» in such ;» destitute alate that no fo.nl had been in the houie f )r three days ;pii'>r to the find. The husband was out of w..rk. and the mother who was willing to hire out or late in washing, had been unable lo lind employment, and thus starvation was Ihreaeniii^ the s'.iicken f unily when thoir pili*ble cuidilion was diicovercd and relief furnished, liesides aid from iiuiiieroiis |>riv.ite sources, the home was theteupou furni.-hea with tbiur. buttir and other food by ihc Town t'luiucil. There was "ot only a sciiruiiy of food, it K6tfins, but also a sad doticiency in warm rlothinn for the. fan.ily. As the 1 uly had two brothers killed in the war; boih i.f whom left large f.imilies m dfstiiule rilcumstancos in Kmjlaiid, the sacrifices that some hcniui are making for the cause is en.mgh to .sbamesome la.v payais whoaie mowlingat tbe patriotic -rai.ts certain ii.uuicipal cuuiiciU are making Cnnstabie Ez:a I'.rings took the horsc- llii.-f, Johi. L'ji.suio, who was tc captund and lodged ill the WMkerlon ja\l iif»cr escapinu fioio foiistable Mills, n<ar Djbliiiig on, to the Sauoei-n June in "ii Saturday, where lie handed '.he prisoner over to a Toronto policeinan, who con- ductei bim to the Central, wheie be »ill serve a jcir tor llll.f^. When diaries .\KKniglit, a^ed TO, a former sboeinikor of IVit Elgui, came to the House of Uofogo here on Friday last to be admitted us ar. inmate, Ki-i.^r Wiles was tlabberia«ted at what ho supposed \va.s the impel sonation of a dead man, for on the rfeords "f the Uriue House of Hefuge, Choi.-; McKii glu, ;in old shoemaker of I'oit Elgin, h id died in the House in 18;)»i, the year th» institu- tion was opened, and who Mr. VN iles now supixjwd wastouebiiig the b irp in â- ooaiiiotitiou witli Li/.irus and those other good ol 1 itouls, whose iidveraitios here insured them a pbiorf liereaflcr in the choir of the just. Knowing there- fore that Charles was de.i'l and gone to his rew*i-d, Kevpor W ilos apprinod the stranger that a man of the same uanio from the smne place and of the same occupation, had gone before hiin, and was List week The Herald brieriy noted the death of Henry Uird, which occurred at his home on the IGth con., Proton, in Sund ly, Jan. .'tlst, at the ripe age of !*.'! years. The deceased had been a resi- dent of the township for upwards of 45 years, comiig hero with hi.s wife from England and taking up farming. Mr. Bird was u man of the highest character and enjoyed the conlidence and respect of all uho knew him. If he is a true type ui the British soldier the Em- pire has no rca.son lo fear ks downf.ill. He was of strong i>hybi<|ue as his many year.s gave evidence, w.is of soldierly bearing, biiuhl inloUeet and a like.ible man to inePt in business nr social chat. At I I yge cf 18 years he left his native county of .Suffolk and enlisted in the 44th •r East Es.seit Kegiaie.-.t in which bis time of service nils »l>oiil II y«ars, be- ginning in the sprin-/ of bOl. These were troublous years and the "44 h" had ill share of lighting. Mr. [?irj served with his regiment his lirst three years at Gibraltar, then at Malta for a few niun'hs. It was at this time that Ku.ssia WHS trying to crush Turkey, whieh led to tlio Crimean cair,piign. Britain lunicd in to help the Sultan. Corpiral Bud, as he was no* finked, came through llial^ awful stuiiiylc ill the Iwtlles of Alma, Balaklava, liikennnii and the lietje of Seba.stop.ll. These .lefeals for Kus-ia brongtit peace and the forces were re- leased from that i|uarler. The 44' h got orders lo move to Midrif, lndi:i, after a year ou home service in Kimland in 1H,">7. The Indian mutiny u piircd that, rcin- forccmeuts be sent Lo aeveral Presiden- cie.4. Ouriiia the years It^ md 18.")9 the regiment lemaiiied on garrison duly at Madras and hare Mr. Bird war married to Ann Laughlm, the daughter of a soldier in the same reuinient . Trouble in China broke out in IHIW and Mr. Biid's regiment was oi e that was select- ed for IliHt cainiiamii i" which the Kiench and I'.ii'i.-h, as in the Ciiniea, were allies. Tbo Chinese ottered very stubborn re- sistance lul were oveiconie after several ei.gagi iiientf. Pence was pr-iclainied a^ theeiil of 1^'<V.>, but the regi iieiit re. maiued at Hong Kony for about a year. It was « Hong Kong ih it Corporal 15iu' procured his discharge, hi.-i pnnhmeut bin,' marked "Conduct very good." Mr. Ibnl won two Ciinie.in medals and ijiie f,.r China, also ihiee clasji^. For .">:! yiars be drew an annual pension. Afii r leii.aiiiing a few yca.s in Emjlaiid Ml. and Mrs Bud camo to Canada. Mis. r.inl, who is now Ifft to nioniii the loss of liev life pirlner, liss the sympathy of all in the connoiiiiity. The funeral was held on Thursday afit-rnooii to the La'ter Diy Saints Cciik'- te:y, E iler .liUncs McLean olticialing.â€" - Dmdalk lleiald. - , J possession returned to the former's p.irental home j „f j,,^ ,,^„.,^. f.„. ,„^. ^,^,,i„„ ^„, ^p,.,^.,, after a three week's visit wun friends in • ,^ d,^i„fy iu„,.heon. and enterl.-.ined the CoUinitwood and .Singhampton. '. ..,,_;,,. . . .. i i = 'â-  cowd with i^anu-s e c. , ana came home Mr. J. R. Lush spent a few days with happy to know that Wiltied and We.sley friends in .Stayner last week. ' ,„aae such good hos's. Mr. and Mrs. U. J. Cohiuctte visited i with Mr and Mrs. Frank Stephens, S.ii^haniptou, hist week. S.ituid.ty and Sunday were very mild and the thaw settled the .snow cunoider- 1 alily. Fine winter weath-_>r is on deck j tigaiii. i I I mory, I Arrested at Tobermory One of the memliers of the detachment f the second contingent which is on ;uard at the wireleis station ai Tober- i.eir Wiarton, V. J. Piper, by . name, was arrested at Tobermory on Vandeleur Happenings! WelneMUy on a charge ..f fraud and WIS j taken to Londmi, (hit., by a military es I cort lo face the charges against him, Mrs. Marshall Bearl win. wa.s a highly I there. Pipers arrest followed the dis- respected resident of this neiijhhorhood , tppeniauce of swords and other mibt iry for nisiiy yens, died it the home of her | articles which he is idleged to have seem- daughter. Mi-s. .Mercer, at Owen Sound, ed by fraudulent means from the homes on Sui.diy of last week, aged 74 yuirs of London soldiers who have left for the The remains wore brouijht to Ihe home , front. The case was first brought to the of her son. Poiter, on Moiidiy, from | attention of the London police when which the funeral look place the follow- soma of the wives of the soldiers who int da) to M.irkdale cmetery, the Uev. . have left on active service, reported that H. A. I'halen officiating. » man had called at their homes and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Warling spent llio, asked for the military -i^tic'es their hus- week end with friends at Holland Cectrc. ' l>ands had left beliiud. The wives turn- Mrs. Geo. Wiight left onrrhuii,'ay|for' *"^ "''" 'â- ''^''" '"'^''""'l'^ miliury ertects, loi-onto to attend the funeral of her ai*. \ "'"'•â- '' ^^"y <'>"»!il»t «<^'« ^"'"B t" •'« 'W«'l tcr, Mrs. McMaiter. I »'â-  » c-harity show , t in failure tu receive Ml w< .L > •• f' , them back, they became suspicious and rs. .^ 11108 fcinith uf Miafoid speitj ' the pa.sl week with her |iiirents, Mr. andi Mrs. Sam tJilbert. Fleshcrton Planing And Chopping Mills I am now prepared to do chopping; every day in the week except Sundays and every week in the year. Brin-j along . your grists. Our s.ish and d.ior factory is always at â-  our disposal fur ;i 11 J thinj; you want in J our lineâ€" pl.iiiiug, matching, etc. FInor ing, .sash and doors, ,ind all house fur- nishings supplied jir ptiy and at leas- onuble rates. (Jet estimates. Blakely and Henry Proprietors Kebl.-| l.i ly Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, . ONT W^ /.i- '/,«• '/,«• '/.<• '/li- '/!<• W W '/)«• '/.«•-/;??/,«:-/.<: -/If '/,?'/,P -/i?%%'„i:-/;v-?is:'/,?^<: '/.,^ I Clover Seed Will Be ft % Dearer-Why? Mr. Kd. Wilcox has purchased .lacob Lougheeds farm on the 7'.h Con., Euph- ra.sia, and will take pm^ie-Mion about the tirst of March. Mr. ijeo. Summers has purcha.sed 'he farm occupied st preset t by Mr. Wdjox We arc pleased lo rep irl .Mrs. S. Gil- bert able to be about again after her re- cent illnes.s. Victoria Corners .Miss Wallace of Flesherton is visitintj at Mrs, W. ir. Heard'ir for a few days. Miss \ . Corbett v. sited her s sler.Mis. Lockliardt. Mr. Will. Patton is on the sick lin . Or. Little of F!o»h.-rtm, and his brother of Owea Somnl. vi.-ileJ their uncle, Mr. Ccn. Moore. complained totliu nolicu. The ptdice, on a descript'ou furnished them by the women, suspecle 1 Pipei . Liter, strmmei evidence was seeiiic.l against liini and the milit,iry authorities were n<'.tilied. I'lpcr was otdered ly the military men to return to London for duty but he failed to do so. .\n escort was then sent to Tobermory for bini and he was arresteil and taken bick to Lon- don. Pipi r's story to the police wag to the eli't'ct that he had been told by some of the ollieers lo latliei m the goods and In- had acted accordingly. He stated posi- tively that he dill mn kir.w what had be- 1 couic of the iiiilitaiy ou'lits he secured. The detect iv.-s after the prisoner had j tolvi his siory. paid his former residi n,;e a visit, ai.d from inl'oitnaiion they le- ceivnl tli-re, they sneu-edeil in recov-r- ini; the goods whieh I'ijier is charijed wiili lakinn by fraudulent means. 11,- iiuy be iricd by court martial. â- ^ Patriotism and Production ^ Agricultural Conference tc Piivato Victor Cobb, the bad man of the Toronto Highlander!', is again captur- ed. He lias been arrested at Smithauip- t(in, iiiasiiueiadiug as Lieut. Jellerson and given throe moulbs in jail. He is wanted by Scothind Vaid on S'.-veial charges of false pretence Cobli is an Aiuoricau. who immediately prior t. en- listing iu the iirsl coulmgeut. lived fur a , time in Hanover, Oi.t. ; This is what the editor of tbo Kiiicai- j informed l>y the aged visitor (hat be was diue Reporter found, and bis experience I a son of Charlei the First, and that as he I is not a single one by any mews: "It's bad followed hi* fither in name, place tunny how the buy at homo itame is Mid profession, he would completo the I preached by lome merchants and tliey TuilrT till' Douiiniiiit I)<>pai'timM»t, of Aijrii-iiltim' ii! .'O-ojR'iMtioii with the Ontario Departtiu'iit of Airrifiilrmc. will liolifld in the MARKDALE ARMOURIES at Markdale on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24th 3 p. m. - "The duty and the Opportunity of the Canadian Farmer" (it) III roliitioii to firm fio|is. \. II. (! Smitli. Mew IhiuilHii-ii-, Pnvsitimit W .ttfiloo I'uuutv Buai'<l of .A-'ric-nlture li) 111 relation to Monteiili, iStiallord. live stock. â€" Hon. Nelson AJiiyut' Funis will pcositU' chapter by pa.ssing the roiunii.t of his days in the same way auJ under the SHinn ViM>( as his lii'e lamonted sire. Like tlio si»<M.k in Haudet oUimiti^. that he HMK hi'- fat hers i(li<st. solJi3|bLc-><iner at the P.'or Hotwe seemclUBI^'.'pir- itiiiii of one who had •;ott^S»li..f,>y,.. â€" ILrdl. generally tell ihijir tnlu to Oio uewsp per ; in in. RiO'-'Htly one of thc«»-j lu.^n w.is giving us his views on p,oplc who de It ; tint of towB. Wc poiiitod o;it to him ! tha' bis printing h id rho apiie.irance of b.ing kii out-of-'own procluct. It was true. He had lnuight in Moufrcnl. The suViject .sitddtmly obar.gcfl. " 7.30 p.'m. In aildition to tlic abovf •^peakei'.s M. K. Kichard.'^on, ox-\l. I'.. Ho.«hcrtf)u. antl otheis will a'lih'css the meet tii<;. .MaytJi Funis will pco- siide. Musiciil piograui. GOD SAVE TIIK KING nocaii.se the Govoniiuent has pliicetl 7.1 [lei increast' duty on all seed.s imported.' 1 .some first class .see<i in and wliilo it la.>its will at the ohi piict>. GET BUSY. cent, have ^ill '/I? Watch Our Slate Hanging in f the Store .Something' special every dav. It will pay you. W. BUSKIN rt^2J&i'!^i"<:i^"ia%^'<: v^!fea«'j^l'.. -"'.< ^f(. ^>', v"',. .>'<. vM«. -fi. -^"^ <<(, ^'f. .>'«. .>"> •»'<• v\f^ >^a S RUBBERS! RUBBERS! Tluxe ill need uf Unbhers, eitlier Ilijj:li Lace Leatlici- Tops or Low Lace Tops or liuliheis « itli (jut Tops or if you have old Leatliec ""ops briiiLC them in ami get new bottoms on them. WIIKi;!".' W IIV AT Thos. Clayton^s FLESHERTON 41 I NEW SUITINGS I ^ New Suitin;;s just to hand â€" .some of ^ ^ ^ the HobViie.sL weaves to be touutl aiiv- JK HN where. ?l^ Leave your tu'dei suit. You will Satisfaction gnaiameed. now for that new never regret it. Don't forget that we do eloaniiiir, ^ pressioii and repairiiii;. Ciiir prices x arw right and our workmanship is the J Qvery best, ^ S.J. BOWLER I ^ Sole Agent for the Hobberlin Tailoring. 4^

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