Flesherton Advance, 18 Feb 1915, p. 4

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>m 'I ' i uui iw » it r iwit»^«iiawp|p)<pw^|^^ I Fe1»ruaiv Is. 101 ; niE V h Â¥u S H i; 1{ r N ADVANCE ;l 1 H li /IcG^crton -\Duancc Librarian Wanted An Jn.\e|«ndent neweii»l«r. jmblUhe.l tveiy j Kleslioit.oi. I'ul.lic Lil.raiy ..i.en only Tliiimday at th*" i.fflce. t'lillumwood Street, ^ two hours |). lu. uud Ivin lu.uv.s in the Kl^sheiton. SuliHcripii'ii I'riee $1 iwronnimi whnn laidiiiftdv'Uice ;«il.")J «hi-ii not bo paiil \')i'ertiaiu|c raten on nppliiatioii. Circulation 1,100 wwkly A' U. T'lmrwtoii- K(Uli>r ^1 esherton -«v\/\/^ iiaptist Church Plu.ilf l:. -2 1!. ('. KciT. I'»>t< ">uiid«y Scliodl 10 a . 111. Neivioj at 11 i 111. lliliK' Study 111 Cfylt'ii »ii 'riiiir»d»y « .eiiiiij! «t ihc hdOiJ "f Mr. Hemphill. Fleshcrton Methodist Church lUi. .luiuis l)ud4.>'ii. [ustci. 1 1 I 111. Jill 1 7 I' 111. The iiiisSiii .SiiiiJ*y, 10 a. 111. Killowshiii Service. Monday evciiinj; Kinviilh Le.iyue at .s p. ni. M»rk Kveretif Wn^lit cloiir leader and < >ri(>iiiii>t. Osprey Council < »iprey C lUiio 1 iii.l al i' eveisliaiii on .•^ituiday, Feb. •;, uccoid'iii; tii .lOiourii- nient troni .1 111. II list. The iiiCiiiluT* were all jires. •111. .Minnies of !«.â- ,• meet- 'iig Wire lead itnd adoided. Cnniuuiii- cations. Hcconu'.s, etc., were received as folluwb : From the auditor.-', report on iiccounis of l'.»14 ; cm -.ty treasurer, re- ^.irding tax s-ilu of lot pint 4:!, con. ."! S. iii.l reijurdino arreais of tux.-s on I-.t 4. Yolk fctreet. K'jlviii : Imhc Trayno-. en- gineer, rep-orts on drain No. ','> with eer- tilii-ile for t7").'K.i in t 'vor of A.I-.Siii lli, beiiitr part payment >>:t contract; nl-o cer- liCicate in fiivor "f Th s. Sniiiiiii'i..s for •TiOu. .'!:'., part piyuient on i-onlriicl of ilruinmett ilit.:li; Munioipal >«ccount 8->*-7'>. a»se>»or'« snpi'lii-s iiiu"i<.iptl furii s and i-latioiiery ; evi'liiinr, \^â- ^dln•^dlly iiiid Satuulay. .XpplicitiiiiiH received up t" February •_'4th. Apply r.-x 111, Flesheitun. Siiluiy S20 ii your. No npi>licHiit necess- arily atci']itcd. Maxwell MiiK lierlhi McC'al'uiii hm returned homo fruiii Uesbiro, iicccpinpairid by her hLsier Mri". 8t« plieiis. The Wiiiiien'.s Ins-litule ate o li^lnating WKshiimliin'f. Iiirlliday on M'uiday even- ing', Feb. 2-2. in the Meihodi.-t Hall, Maxwell. A L'l <>d piogidin i.s being pre- pared, llefreshinents served by the ineiubeis. Everybody welcome. Mrc. Mc<,>uay has rflnriied homo after lUi extetidi-il vi^it with her daiiglitor iu SjlielLuriie. Mrs. ^»^l>lllâ- lle is visitii.o with frier.ds ill Fleshu.-toa this week. Dr. Arthur if C. Uinuwood as.^i.sted by Dr. K zfll and Dr. liiiile of FUBberlou operated on Mr. Mii^^e lu.vl week. Mi 8 Ituiiit.s IS iiur.sii'g him. Mi.ss Anderson â-ºpent Sunday with Miss Davis. D-'th line .school teacher. Ml. ('h«i-li-s Stephens iif L''llinj{Wood and Mr. Hob WhiteoaU. Feveishain, vih- ited at Ml. Maoec'.- on ."Niiiiday. The lirst of oui yonn^ intii lo offer their torvice fur their country from our tnidn: w«K Mr. Eul Ihcwi liJ^d who left this niornini; to drill iu ( veil Sound be- fore {join}; lo the front. The best aish- es of llii> vieiiiity follow him. Death of "Dime" Stewart Mr. M. K. Stewart, popnliily kno*n us " Dime " Stewart, died at the resi- dence of his sister. Mrs, H. H. O'Reilly of Oak ville, on Tuesday. Deceased was the younijer sou of the late F. C Stew- art, an OraiiReville incichHnt and one time representative of DufTerin county in the Ontario Leaislalure. Deceased, who WHS in his tHrd year, was clt'liand un.l jovial in his mannei and was exceed inyly [lopular wherever he went. He knew and viiis known by hIiii'SC every- body in Orangeville and the surrounding district, Deeeasid served with the Strathconii Morse during the South Afri- can war. He had the misfortune to get badly injured in the Horseshoe wreck in Siptember. )!X»7, and never recovered fully from the effects of hi- iiijuiies. Some yrar.s ago Mr. Stewart went west and eiiuaged in farming; and horse ranch iug. Hew. sail entl.usiastic horseman and an excellent julge of horses -Or- angeville Banner. SuS^iiii F. H. W. HICKUNG FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Portlaw Till' death of Mr*. Uubert McKcc, which iiecurn-il on \\ idne.-<d-<y of last week cisi a .'^ad !{1 um over this ciiinniun- ity. Deceu-ied hml ln-en in dt-liede hedth for considcrablo time. List suin- I mer she received trtntiiieiit at the Woild, ] (' 'llingwood hofpii il which appeared at and I the titiie to be helpful, but lung iriuiMv Dr. I h.id 'Ifveloped <iiid medicMl .skiII I'liU the Ro^xell, ace mnt ?-'4.lM». medic il attind- ' assiduous attention of husband and incj on Hainiily family; Co|l'ie.;«ond i fri< nds .vere unavaiJinji lo prolong bfe. Hospital, notice iiiiib-r Ho-ipiiul A.I tlMl Fred Leech, an ii.iii^ji'llt patient fr"in • »-prey, was bting m tiiit.iiiud chaigrablo ii> ( l.prey ; Loui^ Mooiu and othem pe- t.lio u-d to have a nl.itute lal or tli>i>ion formed al 4t)tli s.il'.rond on centre line; Thos. Saniinons and c Iheis preniited a .joiul |iellti(>ii liom Mi'laiclhoM and Osprey askin.; to lav.- llo- i .wnline ojiened eaitl of iliu Maxudl mad. ttrueis were i»Mied on tin- Treasurer to |)iiy Mun'x'ipil i.\Voil.l i!''JH.7ii acrounl, iiiiil ^I.!t7 for iiiini'tei's iiianiiigc registei ; A. L. Smith t7''l<l ani ?•.'."> OH, part p'lymoiit on contract for drain No. ">; Chas. Hey burn IjT. til', refund of laves charged ill eiror on lot 4, Voiill stiei-l, Kelvin; Tho.s. Stiiimons t^l.'iO, i>ail Contract on Uriiinmeti di'ch; Alex D-iug- las iti:t.()Oarid Ilobi. Heion $l::.(ll) as auditors, 9^ 01) of each to pe |iaid by the telephone (•jRieiii. t'ouncil adjourned to meet al Sing tmoiptoii on M luh <i*.h next. TUOS SCOTT, Cleik. Pupils' Recital iSupraiii I'KtxatAM I iano Dui-l Alpine Viole's MiHiuR L. .\rinsironf{ and L. Hunt Soprano Solo Abide With Mo Mol oj .Vliss Cliii I I.alimer Sopuiiio Solo All IiimIi liiilliiby iMi-H Ca'liHriiie liuriis Tenor Solo The Perfect Life Haitwell -loins Ml. (ieo. liiichanaii Soprano Sol-i Dieam Memoiiis Harlwell .Ioiuh MirH I.illitii AiiiHtronK , S .b» Teiiibr Little Flower lUsili .Mill Maylii-lli- Henderson I'lHiio S..|o Idilio Lack Mios lien«,' WiUon Alto Sob) Lullaby \ annah Mina Florence Thuiston Kojiraiii .So.o Sweet Miss Mary Neidliiiger Mink .\delaidi! (laudill .Soprano Solo VNlieii the Kye Coine Home Neviu Mis.s L»ura Arin»lrong .Soprano Kolo (^ueen of the Nig'il Tony ^Hiss Edna Fatten Piano Solo Waltz of :I4 No. W^ Chopin MiHs Lillian Hunt a .piano Solo III the Deep.?, O the Daisies Huwiey Miss /aida Lawlcr Soprano t^olo Fleading Kliinr Miss Ellon Switzar ^iopraiio Solo For all Ktoinity Mascherari'i MiM Iraus Wilson â- TSiiprttnu Solo The fiove liight of Your Eyes Hawley Misa Agnes Henderson Alto 8olo There's One to Guard and SaTB Ori-y Mia. U Wright 0»«s S.)Io My I.itt'o Woman 0.si>oi d Dr. Murray I'laiif) 'â- 'olo Feathur Dmoo Dmelh Mivs Laura AnnstronK SI.e possessed a kindly disposition Hhicli • on Iter ' iii.ti.V fii.'nd.-<. Shu was a dauglit-r of Mr and .Mi:-. Hill of Kiin- berley and Has thirty- live years old ibo diy if her decease. She leaies a little diugliler cif eighteen months and a lioy babr of a few weeks old. 5L'. McKi'-- Ims the sympathy of the whole eoinmiini ty ill hi* i.ttiictjoii. The funenil to Fhslieilon on Friday, conducted by Rev. A. McVicar, WIS l;irgely at'elidrd. .\nionu friends present from a di>l'»nc «elc. .Ml. I'.iliick Ml Kee and daughter, of Coilingwood; Mr. \V. T- .McK.e, To'iilil-'; Mr. .Ii-reniiali ThoinpNoii and dxu^hltr of I'ollingwood; Me.ssis. Hill â-  f Kiiiit'Crlej : Mr. iind Mis. Wihin-r Tin- ner and .Mr. and Mr-i. .\U\ t'irruthers, Kus;e:-:ia and Mrs. It. Malill, Siolt Sto Marie. Mr .loseph Hadgerow has li-'en criti- cally ill. The doctors in alieiulance hold out but sl'glii hope for recovery, aliln'iigh hiseoiiditioii seems slightly im- proved u'c-irdiiig to Init repoil. .Mrs. -) . NN . Ljoiis IS visiting her .sis- ters near Markdale. Port Law Ued Cross Society will give a skating party in the Taylor iinW on Wednesd.iy iii^ht of this week. Tiylor Hrns. verg goiUTously [I'aced the r.nk at till- free disposal of the suciety. 'I'ln- Holland tow III- hip tax collector might easily have been arrested one day leceir.ly for absconding with the funds o the township whii.li Ini had collected during his rouiiib'. In all In' e pllecled s line {tlllll or 8701) on this pailieiilar trip and when he leiuinod home he left his coil, ill which the iiioncy was de|ioHiteil, hanging over the back of tlui cutter in (he barnyard whuie u nniiilier of cuttle were loo.se, ami in his absence in niiiiiiHl chewed mid sw,illowt'd the pocket of his co.'d and aim tliii money. Our infoi luuiit could II t s.iy whether the anini al wns k lied to recover ihn inon.-y or no:. \b-ii font. Express. Kaiser Bill Vou hrive wearied Uod and [man, Kaiser Hill, with your military [ilan. Kaiser Hill: you Ihvc been a c(.u^tant thu- it, you have kept the nations wet with a cold and nervous sweat, Kaiser Bill. Vou have prayeJ with every breath. Kaiser Hill, for an avalanche of death, Kaiser Hill ; like a liju you h.wo roared, you have Hashed the thirsty sword, and all nrinkind you hive bored, Kiiser Hll. Vou have piiit.d for the day, Kai.ser Hill, when you might go forth and slay. Kaiser HiH ; you have kept the forges hot wheie the tools of death arc wiou;ihi. prating still of " me and Gott," K«iser Hill. Vou will for your folly weep. Kaiser Hill, when at hi.-t the war dogs sleep. Kaiser Hill : for the cities yon have burned, for the treaties you have spurned, when your lesson has been leirnel, Kai.ser Bill. Hy the God tint you iillend. Kaiser Hill, we'll pursue you to the e-id, K-ii.er li.U, and the sw- rd we U not release, -and wai thunders shall not cc-a: e till you kneel and liowl for pence, Kaiser Hil'. â€"Walt Mason. Washington's Birthday Parly The Father ««f lii« Count rv. Kiist in war, l''irsl ill peace, Fiist in the hearts of lii.s Countrymen. CORSETS FOR SPRING A well lilting and comfortable Corsctfis an indispensable article of dress. WitLoiit its aid tbe efforts of tbe be3t dressmakers and designers are nselets. The wearer must have comfort too, whether sittino, standing or walking: No other Corset embodies these necessary qualities better tban the !>. 4 A. Corset. Our new spring styles are ready for you iu all sizes from 18 to 3G waist, and in all prices from GO cents to $3.50 per pair. The style illustrated is No. 790. a very stylish and popular Corset, guaranteed not to rust or break. Price 82.50. NEW SPRING PRINTS The advance shipments of New Spring Prints are just coming iu â€" new designs and popular color? . Englisu Prints 12Ac. a yard. Crum's Standard 15c. Agency for Biuterick Patterns. Tlie ])eliiieator and Butterick's Quarterly on .sale. HIGHEST PRICE FOR BUTTER AND EGGS .. ^ l^i Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH , Uftico and Residence- 4(W !Hh St. Fast; Owen Sound, D'lt. Hounsâ€" to l-.'a.in., I.:i0 to 4.30 p.m. i to 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment. The Old Adage Hirib day I'arly the .Meilmdist Hall, Maxwell, on Monday evening. Feb. 2-iid. hall wo m-t h ive the pleasuie of tee- ing you' [. us t â-  ii.ake this occisioii a h^pp) TTTclconie lo our \Vashini;toii A' S He one. Intere-tting iiui»ic!d and literary p|o grHiiime. "^Tow please be on hand witliout fail. George Washiiiijtoii's memory slo nhl be revered. The proceeils wdlbegi\en to the It â- -> (.loss. Only come and \oil »i 1 have a il '- liyhtful time. "M ice dainty lunch will be served. A Busmess School I That mceessfiil hchool whose ;4radu.»tei o.!cupy pr..iiiinei.t po- sitions from the Ailant.o to the P-icihe, ri-ipens for tha FALL TKIIM S.^pleinber 1st, I'.tU Semi for free o.italog at once t-i COLLINGWOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. â-  Principal Colbiiuwo. d, Ontario. i The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating 'I'iie -sitiie is e<|uallv true of the , 1S»00 (iiavity Washer. Try one and l-.eeoiivineed tliat there is none liertfi-. CHEAP FARM FOR SALE .\dniission: Ye iidulis. Me. for each letter in the nam-.' (ie-irge Washing'on ; Ye children Je. for each letter. Y'ours in behalf of the Wdiueii's Lislitute. Mr-. HttU, I'res dent. Kverybody weU-ouie - Tins is an in -italion to all. J'-'KXJâ€" tuenly-foiir hundred dollars j |f will buy the wes't half of lot No. '.' and ^art of the North west quaiter of No. 1, all on the 4'li con. of Kuplirasia, contain- ing about I'J.J iicre.i. There is supposed 10 lieiiinely acrcH cle.-»reJ, thu balance good hardwood bush â€" mnple, lieecli and I HI elm. There is on the property a frame liiiu.se and kitchen, a frame barn, straw lio.ise with Rtone foundation under it, j Sj also wood shed, driving shod, pii; pen i U ,iiid hen house. There aio also twom- R chards on ihe farm urowing ditTerei-t j |j kinds of fruit â€" .apples, (x'ars, phiin«, ; PJ S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon l''till line lit' MeCorniiek Farm linplcnieuts. Binders, Miiwers, IJakes, Loat'ers, Drills, C iiltivatois. IMows. Ividin^' and Walking;, Harrows, Brantford Wind Mills, Pmr.|is. IMpin*:; ami Fittings of all kintls. Beattie'^ Hay Carriers, Hay borks, ISlings, Kilter Carriers, Koldiii},' Bath Tnbs, Frost Wiie and Fence. Cntters and Sleidis. A Call Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL & Agent, r r 8? T HE ONLY MAN X WHO SHOULD ^ ?? NOT ADVERTISE IS ^ THE MAN WHO HAS i| NOTHING TO OF- X FER IN THE WAY g OF SERVICE AND ^ SUCH A PERSON S a? IS A DEAD ONE- WHETHER HE KNOWS IT-OR NOT. Elbert Hubbard in Ihe Fra Durham . The dt-.-ilh of Thus. I'ollock â- Â«eciirreil at I'rol'in .Station im Kiiilay last mid the rcma ns weie taken here by train llu- H'tiiie night, for intenneut on S.itiirday at .Maple wood. He was a blacksiniih by trade, and cariied on bu^iins-i here nboul â- JO years ago. lie w as ,"i5 yeais ^of age, and unniarrio^l. A pub'ic reception will be hehl on Friday evening, Febmaiy lihli, in honor of Dr. ifaiiiieson, who wa-i recenih appointed to the .S|>eakership of llie On- tario Legisl'oive A.^'sembly. All adults ale invited and will be hcaitily welcom- ed. The meeting will he purely of n congiatn'atory natine. Tlie ptogrinn will coUNisI III r-hiirt addresHes and musi- cal .selections. The iiiee'.ing eoinmenci'S «t S o'clock, ill the town hall Last Seplniil'i r, when coming f r iin Toronto, Itobi. Laidlaw if the ^uhool nf I'rasii, al Science, lost a suitcase contain- i>ie Ills good clothing, a valiiible govorii- m 111 check and many other ait idea. A H arch failed to tiiid any trace of tha missing aiticles, but on fuinishing a bond the oliei|in) was pai.l later on. Nothing further wai beard of the suiicase till t\u> or thr '0 weeks H>;o, vhen the laiUay oonipany wrote him to say it w.is found. Il was takun oil', evidently by niistnliP, at MuuBt Forest, and reinaiiied there undiscovered. It hid been there foi alout four moiitliN. when il was In.ally ruluriicd to ihu owner, aii.l lliuie was nothing mifiHin,<. â€" Chronicle. Bull For Service Thoroughbr.d .Sh.irihoni liiill. " Hill- crest novernoi,' .No. fri4tiH, for service I on lot 27, con 14, Ai teir.csia. Tenna 91.50 tor grades, S:'. for Ihop-.i^hbredii. i' -ALEX. CARKl I'HKRS. eheriies ami gripes. This farm is well fenc»d with wire and patent fencinu'- '** n â€" free from f lost. It is also well *'*''''''"^ i n^^=„5^«-^-^--5fc»^ with water in nearly eveiy field. There | B S^i ' " - ^ * -- -"- is a neviT-failiiiu .ipriu'.; within 411 y.nds of Ihe In use This farm Is wiihin one mile of the thriving village of Kiinbeiley. Kor further pailieulirsapply to- .1 AMF.S STIAUT, Kimberley P. O. ISept Ceylon, Ont. H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont. Fashionable Tailoring; Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. â€" ALSOâ€" A lini; of Ready-Made Clothing* Which we out alterations in free of Flesherton Tin Shop- I have . I list plaeetl on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Niekelware and Agateware fordomestie use. Call on me and ^'et your supplies. Ill lis, lCavetrouohin<i, Stovepipes and Stove Fnrnish- Kepairiny ot'all kinds promptly attended to. we put cliaige, alterations in if reipiired. isop lMpeliltin^^ inclnilino; pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for C\niv, Fiirnaees. I I u u m Wvof Kindly look for a change in this space next week S. R. Henderson FLOUR and FEED WOOD CUTTING Vtw/.i Saw Wood Cutting with iieatiieHi! and iles|iat(li, Til) to (Ml eords per day. Also a (food .stitiw -cutting onitit. Satisfaetli n gnaianlewl. Leave yi m iiialiiK with the nnilerHlgiifd. blKltl -tiKO. ItRAC^KKNin liV, FivcrHhain D. McKlLLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON jfi ONTARIO. I i I I I The Durham Chronicle aays; ' \ a"' with a pair of mtiiral may cheeks and a couple of diiiipb s can get nearly any old thing she wants. HO tigniticant if tliP e litor of the (Jlironicic was rot a widower. Shelliurne Econo- mist. Tamworths tor Sale Botli Ki'X iii-arly ve»(l,v for breeibuf:. PricM rli!lit lornuk-kdiile. OKt». W. ROSS Uaxwell P O Pure Bred Holstcin Bull Cban](eiia(( Prince Joe llred by Changeling Itutter [ley on "nn" -"iV' 1'' i I of Tidy Abbekork I'rinces.s Josephine lliis might not .ound | ,j,,,^, ^^^,,,,^.^^ ,,^,„,.,, „„,,,|,„_, „,^i„ ,^'„^ Term of sorvice - >l.i)0 for grades, . pure bred. I OKO. MOOUK it SON.I'rop..., | Farm For Sale IIX) acres, 11 miles from Flesherton Good buildings, easy terms. â€"JOHN WRIGHT, Flesherton. HERtFORD BILL FOR SERVICE The undcrsiKned have a pure bietl Hereford bull ftr service on lot 171, 3rtl W'.T.S R., Artemesia. Terni8--$;! for pure bretls, $l.hO for Krades. All cows served must be iHiid tor. ~T. iV .1. WATSOM. 1 mar '4 * :-â- > » I'-'i < ! W i|>) >| i|l l ff«» l » , .â- ./-..JB..* in m ttiit^m

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