Flesherton Advance, 25 Feb 1915, p. 5

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February 25, 1915 THE F L E S H E R T OiV ADVANCE N~.^^. I i EsteMUiMd Ovsr Fertr Yâ€"r: THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Statement of Affairs on 31st Jannarf, 1915. Condensed from Government Report, UABIUTIES Capital paid up Roerre Fund and Undi' vided Pro&U Noto m Circulatioa • Dcpoiiu • . Due to Bank* â- â€¢ , Acceptaacea . • - $ 3.ooaooo.oo 4,051.140.63 2.697.203.00 38.136.428.72 770,161.34 25.306.66 )40,6diL24OJ5 RESOURCES Guh - • . . Due bf Bank) • . Coift. aod otiier Bond* • Govt. Depont (or Qrcu- liiioa Fund • . jCall and thott data Loan* Aaett immediately avail* able • - . . Loant and DitcoUDts Bank Premise! (FreeboU) Acceptancet per contra Other Aueti • « $ 4386,360.20 l,97Z628.28 2,415,635.78 150,000.00 3.091.543.84 16,016.166.10 31.426,115.42 1,134.429 65 25,306.66 80.220 .52 $48,682,240.35 if^YICI ^^ NITY CHIPS C. p. R. Time Table. | p,.^f. \Vn«hf8 recirul, held at the Trains leave Flesherton Station as 'â- "-'"'l'*"'^^ ^^ Mr. W. A. Armstron<r, Fri- ' follows : day evening last, was attended by about Going South Oding North fif'y friends of the pupils, who were 7.43 a. 111. 11.41 a.m. 'there by special invitation. The (ro- 4.17 p.m. 9.12p. m. , gj^,,, ^^^ ,no3ily composed of vocal nuiii The maik arc osed at f le»l.erton a. | be„, with a few piano soloa and duet.. oHows : For the north at 10.40 a.ii'.and ! ,, â-  j â-  1 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail sonth asl '^l' Present cnjuyed tha evening very 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south , niuch. mail close nt 9 p. m. the previoaa ev'g. J jhe ne* war taxes will be paid with- -~^â€" ^^^â€"â€" ^â€" ^^â- ^â€" â€" ^^^^~^^ out much murmuring, but there is one I little thing that is botheiinj; us. Afier it IS all over anl things are aquiriag ariund once noru, will our author.ties reduce the taxes to normal, or will they look around fur new johs for iieedy full- owers to eat up the Hurplu<i '. If we felt (|nite secure on 'his point it would be much aasiei to take the medicine. Observe the law. A citizen of thu town was lined last week for allowing his horses to run at large in contraven- tion of the b)Uw dealinj} with such matters. A byUw dealinn with 8tock running at large ha.s been in existence for .-tome lime, but dithculty was found 'in the luhtler of impounding the animain and all of lu.-t year it. w«s practically a dead letter. The first, thinii ihe new council did this year was to y:u*» a new bylaw making it po^ssible to tine without impounding, and Constable H.»lej has al- ready begun putting it in force The Councillo;.'- have no desire to see citizens lined, but they are determined lo carry out the de.-iires of the msjority of the ratepiyers in ihi,s in-itler and think the people sliuu'd respect the law without refor: to harsh i.ieasurcs. And in ihis th-y are right. Mrs Morrow of Winnipeg is visi'ing at Mr. James P.itton's. Mrs. R. Murray and babe of Niagara Falls are guests of Mrs. D. MoTavish. Miss EUie Wright, teacher in Osprey, â- apcnt Sunday with her laotlier here. Misj Muriel McTavish spent the past week in Markdale. A. S. Thuiston of the Toronto Weekly Sun, spent a few days the p:t8t week with his parents here. Mr. Russell Lever, wh ) h^s been vis ^.iu;^ l.ii pareats here, returned nu Mon- i\y to his home in the West. Mrs. S. T. Henry and two little sons of Nancon, AlU., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Henry during the past wes-k. Mr. Harry Rus.-xll and wife of Fleming, !tf»n., are visiting the former's brother, Mr. J^iiifS Russell, Uock Mills. Mis.ofs Eva and Ella Buskin and friend of Wt'debouse visited friends here Satur-j '"»'<'":« 't necessary t day and Sunday. The Reeve and Councillor Wilson are in Toronto this week a'teudiiig a hydro electric railway convention. Mr. Robert Fawcett of Toronto, who had been visiting friends a', Kiinbeiley, gave The Adwanco a cill on Thursday last. Lostâ€" Between Flei-hert u and the Power House in the 'Valley. ;in open face .' watch, 17 Jewel Hamdon movement with Dickie case. 0. B. Wclton, Flealierton. Mr. R. I'orteou.s, who has recently gold his farm at Rock Mills, has lea.sed the residence at the Bap'itt chapel, and will move to town this sprint:. Mr. T. Fisher will return to hit farm. ^ Odds and Ends ARTICLES FOR SALE H juse for Sale or Rentâ€" Kiame in Flthherton. Apply to Mrs. White, Fleshtrton. O.A.C. No. 21 Barley, tl.IOper bush; also small quentity aood clean timothy seed, 84.50 per bush. Josepli Buchanan, Meaford Road, Flesherton P.O. Two thoroughbred Kostein Heifers rising two for sale â€" both registered. One hundred each takes thm. A. Har- rison, Flesherton. For Sale Cheap â€" young driving mare about 950 pounds, or would exchange for good driving horse about IIW pouoda.â€" Apply to R. J. .Sproule, Flesli- erton. Jan. 22 Legal Blanks For Saleâ€" R . J. Sproule keeps constantly on hand and for sale cheap a full stock of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills and all other legal blanks. Any requiring such will find it to their inter- est to give him a call. For sale che kp and on easy tf rms, Lot 13, con. 11, Osprey, 110 acres. This is a first class farm and in a good state of cultivation. Good bank b<-trn and new frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Sproule Flesherton, Fi>r Sale â€" Cheap and on easy terms â€" comfortable frame dwelling in Flesher- ton ; good woU on premises ; also Park lot of 4 acres in good state of cultivation with barn thereon. R. .f. Sproule, Flesherton, Ont. Sept. 17 14 Everything Going Smoothly More Bargains to be given Men's Sheep Skin Coats, regular $6.50 1'or Men's Mackinaw Coats, regular $6.50 for Men's Long Black Coats, fur collar, regular $IS.OO for $4.50 $4.50 $14.95 Heathcote Mi-J. James Boyd of Epping, who has lieen lihiting with her daughter, Mrs-, EdwurJ Fiegehen, re'urned to her hi'ine this week. Mi.ss Florence Gardner visited with her cousin. Misi Elsie Gardner, over Sunday. The E;p»orlli League h;id a Valentin;.' party iu the town hall ou Thur.sday even- ing I'lst, when nil excellent prugran, wi.s given by the young people. Miss Reeves of Barrie 8ang"When Jack comes back," I and was much appreciated I y the audi- { ence. The Advance IS empowered to offer! .j„„es Caniplin h.is commenced mov. the daily and Sunday Wo.ld until July , ^,, „^ ^., ^^^ ^,,,_^^. ^^ ^^^ ^^.^^ j._^^_ 1, for the small sum of one dollar. Sub- scriptions taken at this ottice. This is strictly cash in advance. The regular monthly meeting of the ' MISCELLANEOUS Specials this week â€" Uoyal Household Flour ?M 00 per barrel. Best Granulated Sugar 87.00 per cwt. V. G. Karstedt. Now is a good time to get some good dry sawdust, suitable for beddiug or ice packing, BHsy to get at. Come and take | it away. G' W. Graham, Euneniii. L'ntil further untXH we are prepared to sell highest grade National Light Coal Oil at 20c a it^Hon, 1 or 5 gallons, F. G. Karstedt. Having installed a weigh scale, I will grind at i>c. per hundred, weiali in and out. Grinding every lenal working d,ay. -G. A WATSON, Priceville. Wanted â€" large second hand box heat- ing stove, must he cheap and in reason- ably pood condition.â€" Apply to R. ,J. Sproule, Flesherton. ,fgn.22 Notice is hereby iriven that the Agency for the Sydenham Mutual Fire Insurance Company, furmerlj- held by the late W. G. Pickell, has been taken over by H. B. McLean, I'riceville. R. R. No 2. The Eugen'a Wumen's Institute will hii'd a bt<x soc:al on Thursday evening of this weekâ€" piirio ic â€" in (he ( iranifu hal'. Everybody cuint to hear the program, buy a box and get your fortune told and cup read. Admission 25c, ladies wnh bu.tes fiee. Ladies' Coats, a few left, at greatly reduced prices Women's Flannelette Gowns, regular $1.00 for 75c. Regular $1.50 for $ 1.00 Men's and Boys' Sweaters, a few left to sell at same as last week's bargain prices Ladies' Kimona Cloth in :J different colors to sell for 88 and 20c. a yd. Odds and ends in Dress Goods selling below cost. Only a few left. Come and see them before they all go. Ladies' Ties 1'h\ each; Cords 1 5c.. a choict; of cC'lors. Litly Collars, were 75 and 50c., for 25c. GROCERIES British Columbia Salmon, He, :» tins Pumpkin, Tomatoes, Peas, Corn for 25c. 5 boxes Matches for 20c. 3 lb. Spanish Onions 10c. CASM OR PRODUCE W. L. WRIGHT ^ FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO ^i ^ Our Clubbing List The following prices are for strictly paid in advance subscriptions only. We ave no accounts with otlier papers. Flesherton Advance t I 00 Youths Companion ^.. .. 2 00 Toronto World, daily 3 00 Toronto Daily News 2 00 Weekly Globe 90 Mail-Empire 75 Family Herald & Star 90 Toronto Star 2 00 Farmer Sun iW Farmers Advocst3 1 50 Weekly Witnese 90 Satiii-day Night 3 OO Home JouruJ 'W Poultry Review 40 Rod and Gun magazine % School Children's Eyes, R, J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. Agent for the Cockshutt Plow Cos u 'J.na >.' arm Impem t t Wagons, Buggies. Cutters, Sleighs, and Gasoline En;^nes, Melotto Cream .Separators. Baker Wind Mills. Pumps, Piping and Pipe Fittings always on hand. Beaity Bros', of Fergus, Barn Tracks, Litter Carriers and stable fittings. Cockshutt and Frost & VVocd Repairs always on hand. Wareroom â€" -Wellingoi Street Fevcrsbattit â€" Ontario* MASSEY HARRIS I IMPLEMENTS I I-. This famous make of implements i;. wellknunn all over the ccmntry and their own good work is the best recom- mendation they can receive. If you rr.|uire anythinu in the line of Binders. Mowers, Seed Drills, Cultivatnr.s, Pulp ers, Plow.s, Sleighs, Waijgonp, Cream ."^epnrators. Harrows. Rollers. Cutting Bo.vies, Ensilage Cutters, Gasoline en- gines. Sawing outfiUs, etc , give us a chance to <iui)te prices. John Wright, - Agent Flesherton Julian is W. I. will be held in the High School on Wednesday, March 3r'I. at 2 :'0 p. ni. Papers will be given on Cmadian auth- ors and their works by Mrs. Thurston ; ^^^^ exception of getting wet and Mrs. K. Wright. Pleased to hear Mr. Luther J improving. William Breadner, while walking airo.'s the river, h.ad the misfortune of stepping on a thin piece tf ice and going through, bu; was fortunasc enough to ccape any serious inconveliierjce with MUMC STUDIO Mark Everette Wrijht, orgiiuiwt and choir ni.'ust:)r of the Methodist church, Fleshertnn, teicher of piano, organ and voic^. Mr. Wright holds credenti.ils from conservatoties of music where he has tau,;ht, also from emineni doctors and teachers in New England cuiLsc^rva- tory. Boston Metropolitan Conservatory of Music and Steinway Hall, New York city. Both Mr. and Mrs. Wright are opoD fur concert entfagcinents. We Welcome Mr. and Mis. Samce' Reeve McTavish received a telegram | Goinlfellow to our village. from Petoskey, Mich., recently, announc- ing the death of his brother, Ale.t. The derteaaed gentleman was known in Flesh- erton, he having visited here eight or pine years ago. Colds; are epidemic. The whide Ad- vance statt' has been under the weather I ; for a Week pist, and work has been accomplishi d ^undcr ditiicullies. The wild weather appears to be the cause of auch sickness. The war has at hast done one blessed We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Leslie Hewson is ill. but hope for her speudy recovery. Mr. CSeorge Greet) spent a few days last week with friends in Markdale. Plcisod tu hear thit Mis. Lougheett is improving. Sorry to report that Mrs. George Ree- kie is ill. Her many friends join in wiahins for her speedy recovery. Mr. and Mis. James Rorke aod si.ii Harold who have baon visiting at the thing for Canada- it has nipped in the , , , , â-  . ,^t . f . .• I r ..L u 1 ' parental home hero for th> past few bud that fantastic scheme cf the heelers , " , , ... ., ,, ,, ,. ' munths, veiuriied to iheir home near and contractors, the Georgian Bay ship i „ 1 1.- -L L 1 L ^ .â-  . Brandon, canal. It it had but come lu time to > head off the G. T. P. R., it would ha»c j Mr. James Gardner imd d»ugliter. been doubly benefiviil. I Florence, »isited with the forme's sister „ „ J • 1 I • • 1. 1 'Mrs. T.J. Best iu Flesherton over Sur- On Friday evening last a junior hockey ; team from Markdale crossed sticks wit'i i '^' b'le juniorj here in a friendly game. M'^s McDonald of Lucknow who has The Flesherton boys played a good bean visiting with her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) steady game, and after Markdale had j McKee, returned home on Monday bst. scored the first goal, steadied down and j Mi.ss Elsie Gardner returned to her were never headed again, the g.ime ended j home hero on Monday last after the 7-2 iu Flesherton's favor. L. Burnside ^ absence of the past month, visiting with of Markdale acted as referee in a veiy ' friend.s in Toronto and Hamilton. impartial manner. This is four games' Ploased to see Mrs. Beer out agsin, these boys have played this winter, and „^^ j, gj^^.^,^,^^ ^^^ ,^^^^ ^^^^ ^.^.^^ have won two each. : .^^ ^j,,^ ^^.^^^^ ;_, ,p^^^^j^ j,,^ ^^^ l„,^^ The soft we.ither of the p.ui week liasi n,„„th^ returned to her home on Mcndny Bpoiled the ice hiirvjst, and many are be- ' [^j; ginning to feel Jvery much afraid ; that ihey will not be able to get; Mr. Ilsrry Knolls, who was sent up in their usual supply. For a wh de v.eek : fur trial lor tht murder cf Joseph Ferry now we have been having unsoHSonably ! at CirlersviUo on Halloween night last mild weather, auch as might be expected fall, will come up ftr hearing ftt the in April, and if a freez-.- up does not Spring Assizes at Owen Sound ,ih( ut come s urn the roads will be alino.st i n- | March 9tH. Hi^ counsel. Messrs. Wright, passable while the ice crop will hwc of Owen Sound, and G. (i. Albcty are melted away. It looks bad at the p.-esenl i wociting on the case and much new evi- time for iced drinks ne.\t summer. dence will be taken at the trial. Many lives have been ruinea through neglected eyestraiiT ; in childhood. The eyes of every child should be examined. We have made a special study of this branch of optics, and guarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong:. SP«^ doni Debentures Issued for Mil |$iiortTermof%arrll NEGOTIABLE Interest Coupons Payable Half.Viurh' L ASSETS : $7,480,339 1 The lightest, neatest, speediest and most com- fortable of all skates are Automobile Skates. They are used by nearly all amateur and profes- sional champion hockey teamsâ€" and they wouldn't use them unless they were the best. Call in. Ask to see Automo- bile Skates, and we'll give you a dandy Hockey Guide for the Season 1914-15. Skates „ FOR SALE BY FRANK W. DUNCAN Hardware Merchant Phone 30 r 2 ! Flesherton Ihe Oredi West Permanent Loan Compdny 'S|||| ;0. Kind St. West. Toronto ||||l W. J. Bellamy, Agent laiL Flesherton ii ANADIAN PACIFIC Christmas Gifts Thero is a movement (m fi.ot tInV year for soiiielhini; .'-ubstaniial for Christinas, now that the German liuusy vvare is d<' barred (as it should have been years ago) Junt by way of suggoation we would propose that you call in and ex- aiiiine our stock of furniture suit- ,iiile for presents, which is Un- usually full this year. For in- stance we have rockers fcr mother, es.^y chairs for father, beautiful pictures and frames for sister. liHiidsleighs for little brother. - little rockers, dolls bed.s and wick- W er chairs aud other things for little sister â€" something for everybody. Come in and see the latest thuvj in dolls beds and rockers. Then we have the usual stock of all kinds of parlor, bedroom and dining room furniture -desks, cliaii.-i, odd pieces, secretariesâ€" Oli! there is too much to enmnoiate. t.'uiiie in and go over our sluck yourself. .Vhvnys h.ippy tn show uoods and to demorstiate Ihnt our prices are as low .as the lowest. We are prepared to fiunish flowers iiiid tloial designs for funerals, weddings, or social ga'lierings, havimi arranged with the Dile os- i:iti3 i;f Br.-impton to handle ilieir business here. i W. H. BUNT URNITURE DEALER PHONE 23 R2 Flesherton - Ontario. Col I mb ia Grafonolas Columbia Records And Supplies FOR SALE I Columbia records fit any j disc machine jThe latest patriotic records in stock. Com in and h ar some of 1 m if you are intrestd. The Advance Office WANTED A RELIABLE MAN To sell HARDY CANADIAN GROWN STOCK in Flesherton and Grey County. Start now at the best Selling Time. Send for list of SPRING OFFERINGS. I and terms to Agents. 1 Liberal Commissions. Handsome free ! outfit. > > Deering Implements! S*°"« ^„^^"'"9*o" *' * l<onthill Nurseries (Established 1837) TORONTO - ONTARIO AND Gasoline Engines Improved Service TORONTO MONTREAL OTTAWA Via "Lake Ontario Shore Line" Fast time to Whitl y, Osliawa. Boiv- manville, I'ort Hope, Cobouig, Belleville, Trenton, etc, Varticniav from Caiiadiau Tacifie Ticket .\gfiit or write M. I J. .Mnrpliy. IJI»tricl I'asscnger Agent, cdiiiii Kind "'"' Viiuk'<- Stit'et.s Toronto. S. RANDS, Agent, Ceylon. iH[ unm. All kinds of Deering Implements. Parts always on hand. Agent for Barrie and Mt. Forest Cutims.Barber Buggies, Lon- Caretully Corrected Bach Week don Litter Carrieis, Hay Tracks, Pedlar j^Jj^'/ / / ' â- .â- .â- .â- .â- .â- â- .â- ..â- .â- .'.â- .â- . *^ ^''uo'to 60 shingles and siding. These Implements ! Peas, tl 2ft to 1 2tt re.(uire no recommendation as t hey arc ^ ^'^^J,i,;;j ' y ' ' ' ' ' ' {-, [^ ir' standard euods and recognized as the Flour 87 20 to fS 50 , ,, . , I Hay .floOOtoloOO best on the market. j.... : Butter. I Kggs, fresii Potatoes per ' Geese ED. RUTHERFORD fS'..; , Chicktns... Proton Station TuiKeys ... bag. . 24 to -5 M -o 2ti Oto 50 1 1 to 11 1 1 to 12 8 to '.* JO to 10 14 to 15

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