fkB\)txim %hvmu. TRUTB BEFORE FAVOR. " â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN. vol 31 No. 38 Flestierton, Ont., Tliursday, IVIarch -4 lOlo W. H THDRSTON ^'^^'Irw High School Pupils Entertain Friends The higU school At Home held in the aiiditcrium on Friday c-veniiig last was probably the most successful yet held. The hill was filUd to is fullest capacity with pjiient.s and friend.- t,f the pupile. The hall was ta.stily decorated with fligs, mottoes and .Japinesc lanterns. Around the room the fo 1 >\vinK apprap- iiate niottops were bung. "Cur Canada,' '•Our Allies," "Be r.ii'i.'h, ' "Your kiiif? and country need you," nnd "Britlania rules the waves." The il.uir was occu- piej by Mr. (Jleu Di.-is. president of l.ho Literary Society, who -^'ave a neat little niHiCt'h of welcome, ai,d altogether made a very satisfactory chairman. The program was almost wholly taken up with a mock trial, although there were a few uther numbers including a tine e\hi»)ition of club swingnig by Misses Minuie McArthur, Kuinia Whittaker, Shirley Murray, Floreuce Bunt and Eld» Karstedt, also a cliorus by the Glee Club, ••Bo Biilish. • The mcick triul created a lot of fun, tiut was too l(ing diawu out for the com- fort of the as-soinbiy. A (Jerman spy Kas on trial for attempting to blow up the armories at FleftKc'Aon, the Shirley M. gasoliu© liunth and the public works kt Eugenia. GItn Davi.s aced asjud^e, with D. McVicar ^prosecuting attorney, and Preston Beatlie for the |nisoner, Harvey [•{hunk. The pro.cedinij» were hrgely inipn'mptu, each side being un- aware of the other'.^ line of otfence and lief once, which ijave good scope f'"' » play of wil.s. In .several cases clever Willies from the witnesses ptodiici-d much mirth. Amoni; the best witnesses placed .« the stand were Oladya White, Kmina Whittaker, Harold McLean and Uelbert RittiMi. The jury found the prisoner Kuilty. During the evening diplomas to Hueoefsful pupils were aivcn out by M.vs.srs. John McMillan, .James Mc.Mull- en andUeorue Mitchell, accompanied by appropriate speeches. 'I'he ehum\»'lry room wai a ureal source of attraction to visitors during the even- ing. Here an iuiinetse .luantily of work by the pup.s, in writing, drawing, cruyou and water coh>is was on e.vliibit- ion and elicited much favorable coiiinifnt. At the doors live younii ladies, Misses Eld» Kiirstedt, liii Laidlaw, Muriel Legale, Ada .\cheson and Bessie Mc- Vicar, very neatly Jrossod us Red Cross nurses, took up a â- >enerou8 collection. These young ladies had the pleasure of handing over $U».2o to I lie Bed Crosj fund. After the program refreshments were served, ani at a late hour the large gathering dispersed. The Grey County Breed- er's Club is holding a sale of pure bred Shorthorn and Hereford bulls and heifers at Markdale on Wed., March 17th. Write Department of Agriculture, Markdale, for catalogues. Portlaw Mr. .Joseph Badgvrnw died on Satur- d.iy, Feb. 2(1, after an ilhies« nf fjur weeks with liver trouble, at tho curly age o(i)2 years. Decea-scd was married about eleven years ago to M'.ss Maggie Sliires, who died about four years ago. Four children of this luvun survive. Later ho married Miss ll"WBrd, by whom ho loaves one child. He was a man of sober »nd industrious habits, and respected by neighbors and aci|uaintances for his h|Uare dealin}; and obliging disposition. The funeral ti> .Ml. / ou oti the f.>lU)wiiig Moud ly rtas )arg>'. Rev. Mr. Jones utEciatine. Much syiupitthy is c^presHod for the^youog widow, who is left with a Utavv iliarge. The skating p<»rty al the Taylor rink ojfb ovening recently under the auspices /ot iLe R«d Cross S(x,-i«ty broujjit otit » Iarg« crowd of people who soemed to thoroughly enjoy themselves, and «ug- moii'ed the society'.i funds by a nice sum. .4ii.ither lirge b.ile of (goi>d.s was dvspii'cbed to heudipiarters last week. .Mrs. 3. h. \ViM,»l, Toi'ODlo. is vmiliiitf with her Aiater, Mis. Wni. Taylor, and btiotbcr, W.J. Uaoey. Mrs. S. Wuuchope of Bult)ii n visit- ing b»n- d:i.i>;hltr,Mr8. Lewis Bhoirdoan. W ode house Doings The March sunshine is shedding its Kimberley Budget Allen Wiekens, while while workirj? lays but a tinj^le of Jack Frost i& still j on the hydi^i pip,, line at Eugenia last keenly felt, wliich reminds ns tiiat , week received a nasty cut on top of the though we havo hail very raild weather the ai'jt, of tiie past week, we may expect to ^^y up for ii, the lion may make his appearance as this month wanes. Rev. .Vlavshall Jcliveied an excell eut disconrse in New F.ngland church Sunday afternoon. Jolin LawsDii has been laid up ilie past week with a severe attack of la gnppe, but is, we are pleased to say, on the mend. Tin; epidemic this season seems to take a hard grip, and accompanied by a type of tonsi litis or quinsy in many cases and our citizens have been sutteriug severely. Aa usual it is contagious to the e.^ - tent that it is going through the whole neighborhood. We hope it will soon pass ou. Edgar Donnelly has completed his contract at Walters Falls and return cd iiome ou Saturday, • Aaron Birch returned home Tues- day from his two months' holiday with friends at various points. Miss Naucy Wiley is home after spending the last couple of months with Mrs. Porter Beard; Vandeleur. Mr. and Mrs.-.lohii Pickering have returned to their home in oniinidalc after a pleasauf. months visit with friends hereabouts. .Mrs. Win. Irvine of Riverdaie is the guest of lier datigliter, Mrs. J. W. Wiley. Mrs. .loiin Wiley returned to her home at .Maxwell after spending the pa3t week with friends here. Mr- Willard Wiley speut tlie week end at Woodforil. His sister, Ellie, who liss been visiting relatives there the past fortnight, returned home with him. .Miss Elsie McNcviu has gone to Thornbury to si;eud some time. .Miss Plena McNeviii of Kimberley was the guest of Miss Ellu Huskiu over Saturday and Sunday . Mr. Jacob Lougiiead held his nuc tiou sale on Wed., l<"eb. 'll, A large crowd was pre.sent and good prices were realized. .Mr. and Mrs. Loug heed left Fuday for tiicii now home in Florida, acconipiiiiicd by their em- ployees, .Messis. Tom lUddic and Ted Russel, "iVe are sorry to lose them but wish them every prosperity in their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox of N'lndeleur will move in shortly, to whvim we extcud a cordial hand of welcome. Preparrtious and practising is about completed for the patriotic concert in \ew England church on Thursday of this week. .\n excellent program will be given, after which luuch •â- vill be served for an additional ^iuiall sum. head from a lever, which will necessitate his hying oft' work for a week or two. Kussell McMullen of Eugenia visiteil with his sister, Mrs. Jasper .Stuart, recently. .lames Ariustronc of the lOlli line, .Vrteiuesia, moved last week to the farm which he purchased from \Vm. Clark of ' he valley road north. The litter has moved into our burg." H. Meldruiu of Torontn visited at T. Lew;s' a few days.the past week. V'our Correspondent had a very pleas- ant visit with Sir. Fred Birch of Wode- honse on Thuisuay. Mr. Birch has easily the linest collection of Indian rel cs we ever saw -tomahawks, skinning knives, arrows, beads, pipes, and .some line pieces of pottery. These are about the only evidences that are left uf the noblo red man's snjuurn in these parts in the early days. Qoite a number attended ilio .lacjb Longhead jalo at Wodehouse on Wed- nesday last and say they never saw such a crowd al a sale in the county. .John Plewes is visiting this week with frieinls 111 Coliingwood. U. Stuart of Thiirnbury visited ft lends here recently. Mr. Julmstoa of BeaverdalH visited at M. K. Ilaiiimoiid's one day last week. We are Sony to report Mrs. William Ti otter on the .sick list, she having been very low for some time ; also Mr. and .Mrs. Ji'lin Hunter, but they are on the mend al present. Mis.s \\Me Walters visited Thornbury f. lends I few days the past wetk. R. I). l?:irruilier< took the topic in the Epwnrth League in .Sunday evening lab", the subject beini " Health, " which he handled in a very able manner. Eugenia Paragraphs <,)uite a winter set in Hg.'iin aftel the rain the [last week. The people of Eugenia havu sent a largo box of cloihiiig to the Belgians, anil also a liiix to the Red ( 'ross, and are busy litting up t < till two more next week. Mr. Fred (.Graham been laid up the past week with a l)ad cold. The Women's Institute had a very successful social in the hall on Thursday evening. Mr. .Ji.nes was elected eliair- man fut the entertainiut'iit. Music, both vocal and instrumental wis given, but on account of the very st iriny evening a number on the pro^rairimo were unable ti> lie present. .\ ijuarteito lendereil by Messrs. Large, Moon-, (""nrKUthers and WilliaiiH, a:.d solos by Messrs. Ein. Morgan, Hirry i'lunkot, I. Burns and SV. Large, weio bigldy applauded, for ihey were well rendered. A duet by Misses (i Simlli ami V McMuUen. and iiislrumeiitiil music by lia/.n- and Hetiton Carrutherf, accompanied by Miss M Can lUhers, w.i!> highly .ipproeiitod. Mr. Jni;es then Culled the numbers of the boxes, and ill got setlled and liad':.llieir lunch. The proceeds ainomiled to?tt|.."i.'^i. .Mi.s. A. 1). \\'a!l eniertaiued a number of young peopla in honor of her niece fioin Toronto, who is visiting wittir Mr. and I\Irs. Ijlusstll, of .*^ii.sU Feversham Items Ceylon Clippings MisK Lilly Muir of Uuudalk is visiting with her friend. Miss Effio Cbislctt. Fred Cliislctt, Shelburnc, spenl Sunday under 'he pareutul roof. jiobcrt Tuckeu ot Kingston liii- versity spent Sunday at the home of D. D. McPhail. Mrs. J. Snell, who has been vihii- ing her old neighbors here for tho past six weeks, returned to Markdale on Monday. Miss Lilly UaJley, who has been spending a w.?tk wilii Toioiito fiien.Is, retiurned liomo on Monday. NVe are sorry lo report .Mr. J. Mc DoiiAid ill again. Little Earl Wliito, who was takgji to Toi<0<\tp a woe!; ago, underwent aUH*-M*tencilion, who lived o'l the we.,t hulf operatio^irbaturdav and is doing 'us ,,f i„t vTcm. t, old suney, for over -H) well as can bo expected. ^.ar.s. died at the residence of his son, Xfrs. A>.^Hutiedge received a lei* gram c4i Saturday stating tiinlPlicr Ol^ tlie guests of Mts.vJaiiieii Lint Dundalk .Jtunes llanH*f'>lfoi"ner old resilient of son, ForbeS, ftho li-ves at IjuthbriJge, was at the poitiijafijcath. Victoria Comers (liitMided for hkst week) Miss Lirm Kobioson of Bethel visited lior cousin, Mrs. Milton Bainiou, a few days ia«fc week. Mr. Max. Bivnnon who bus recovered i Joseph llaiins, nriflin, Susk., nt the age of lOO years. .Magintrstes .Sinclair and Tiayiior lieiud a cat-e on MoiidaV night in which a charge of being intoA.caled was laid by Con- stable Scriminger ag-iinst two or three \ local men. In the opinion uf the tnagis- j'nroi the evi<ie.ico priKluced did not wariant a eunviution. L*«fyorf* Kline of Wa'kerton and MtBoimld of Owen i3onnd acted for defenea and prosecwHon leturui-'d to work at Mes.srs. John Tiioiiison .uid .laines Davidson spent a few days in the t^ueeii city last week. Will I\-rigo of Toronto spent tlio week end with friends here. Jas. nuckinghiini, who has spent the winter with friends here, left for lis home near Swift Current, Siisk. <ieo. Hale vi.sileil friends in Miiluiur recently. Fred TyUr is visiting with friends in Toronto. Mrs. It. V. Bulk is seriously ill al the home of her son, (jeorge, in Toronto. Mis-. Iturk is an old resident of I Isprcy and her niuiiy frii'iids Inipe for lioi speedy i-ecovei-y. Mrs. F. Tvler has ivtnriied from a visit with friends in Toronto. Mr. and ills. Moisoii and family of Colliir^wood s|Kmt Sunday with Mrs. Moiso IS mother. Mrs .l:is. M.-idden. on the 8tli line. Mrs. Fred Spolfortl 1i:ih i-ulurued from visiting her si.ster. Mis Hopper, .it. ( 'reenioii^ J. Kadlcy visited with Frid Spoll'oid recently. Will Coliptette liHs secured the jio.siiiou of .ipprentice in the ( Isprey Farmers Mill, lately vacated by Ira Ferigo. Bornâ€" Oil .Sunday, Fobrimry •.'8tli, to Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Conn, a son. We are sorry to report the siidden < h of Mrs. Alex W.itsoii (nee Miss Ktta Spotl'ord) on Tlmrsdiiy, I'Vbiuaiy IS, ;it lii-r liiime near Fiot Williioii. Mi-s. Wutsoii's many friends in tlii!- part iiioiini her <iuUleii demise. She leaves to mourn her loss a sorrowing husband and three small ehildren, three sisters and two brothers. Fred .Si'..>H'ord on ilio Hlh line is .i brother. The fiiner.d look place from the lioine of .Mrs. U. Spoll'ord of I'oit Arthur, on S:iiiirday. Febni.irv •-'01 ll. I>R. BURT Specialist In dlscasrs ol the Eye, Ear.Nose and Throat Office..l30 10th »t, West, Owen Sound j .\t the Il.;vero, Markdale, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to a 12a. m DumlHlk,lst Wednesday of each month . Fleshcrton Planing And Chopping Mills I am now prepared to do chopping every day in the week except Sundays and every week in the year. Bring along your grists. Our .sash and door factory is always at our dispossl fur anything you want in our line - planing, matching, eic. Floor int', sash and iloors, and all house fur- nishings supplied promptly .md at leas- oniitile rales, (lot estimates. Blakely and Henry Jewelry Proprietors Feblo i:i ly A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT ^i5^r? Me, t, ->'«. ^t«. â- ^It. Jl(. -i'/^ v»'{. vXW. .M<. ^I<. .J'«. M, â- ^'t, sl'«. ->'«• 0'«. Jsft, â- ^l/^Mf, .^J«. ^'.<;;J"i^!'s ^"i^'/i ?~/t^ '/i?'/i?"/i?'/iv'"''/i? W^^'/IV' '/i^-^lf^iP'/iP^iv"'/!*^^!? W^I?'W W"'!*" ''l*" 'tf^ •»l^ Clover Seed Will Be Dearer-- Why? ihe (Joverniuent li;is placed TK per cent.! duty uii all seeds imported. 1 litivc some Hist class .-^t'cd in ant! while it last.s will s^A\ at the old price. GET BUSY. m ^ I Watch Our Slate Hanging in ^ the Store .Soiiictliiiii!: special everyday. It will pay you. m # ^ ^ ^'i. i ivsp-.elively. [ .\ 0!)upleof men bioko iivo Re ve .Sin- clair's grain elevator one iiijjht roccnlly. his health, his Duad«.s. Mrs. (.'has. Moojo and danghtor. Mrs. , . â- i . i. \ i .% -, , , ,,.,', ' I It »9 evident they were m search of Itoir Heter Maudsely nud liitlo Thotnw Manil- i sely of Hawhestone, and Mis.Do.Savig'iy : which they lli.iught w».s stored lliern. They wero disappoiuled iti this however of Owen Sound, have bo<ju ...l.i:., .1 noticed, from hU plt«e, a lii(ht. ia the '''^1 elevator and ;;aias: over hoard tho men I latkiDg. Before he could uet help to in- Miss L. f^heuj-down low 401W We?r. vestiga'c ihe !>ird.s h.-ViJ flown. „ „ ., . , ., " "''^""^ "^ sod carried nothing aw.iy. Lmh:r Vort. Mr. ijico. Moore .•> and otlior relaLiv».s. |_..:..j ,. ,... »...,. i:_».. ;. .v.. Mr. Wm. Bfttton is at present •ion, Ned's, al Dreamlar.d. Vandeleur Happenings Lh grippe ih prevalent in this iieii;li- borhoitd. Miss Kva Harris of Kimberley visited friends in this vicinity a short time ago. Miss Leslie spent .Sunday with her mother, Mrs. J. 11. Leslie, .it Markdale. Mr. M. Benrd, hiviu); disposed of his saw mill at Duncan, is niovinu into the house recently occupied by .Mrs.Wyville. We weloome Mr. Beard and family back to our iieighborhood. Miss Ruby Lcnon of Walters Kails \v;i3 the t;uest of Mr. iind Mrs. .1. T. â- Jolinstiiii a short time ai(o. rdis. B. Munshaiv of Kngenia \isiled friends in tliis vicinity last weeU. Miss Klorc-nce Davis has ret 111 nud liouic after all extended visit with lier sister al St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs .1. 'I', doliiiatmi enterliiii. edjja n.iiiilii'r of their ne'{jhbors im Friday eveiilnn of lust week. Miss Heiin Davis is visitin;? fiieiids at St. Marys and other points. Mr. Will Veadel of Bocklyn spent the week end with lii.s loiisiii. Mi. (Jeo rrile'lnid. Maxwell .Marcli came in like <i Iiiiiib. Wp Iiope the old prophecy does not comc true aud t^o out like a lion. .Mrs. Ueatty of the lOtli liuo spent ft lew diivH with her mother, Mis. Loi)^', who hiis been hud up witii ta gnppe. '^v Miss Ida Osboiiio is rtttcuilnll; the uiillincry openings at Toronto tlii? WOl'lv . \Ve c\lriid our ayuipalliy to Mr. and .Vhs. Augtts Morri.soii 111 the loss of thoii" 11 1'liiit sou, born uii B'riday, Fohrtiajy i-'ii. Inlernient look place Snuday to the MetlioJisl- ectmtcry. .\ir. McPhail of Keiioia visited al VV. U. Ciuy's )n3t week. X load of onr yoting people l-ook 111 the social at ('. Winters' Wocliies- d.iy iiigliL Tho social held ituder the auspices of tlie Woraeu's luslitiite was a great success. The proceed.'? .iniamUcd to §20.00 in aid or the Red Cross b-nnd. Boruâ€" To Dr. itud MLiS. B^zell, u «011. Mrs. J, Koriou is laid up with an attack of Is grippe. I W. BUSKIN ja^ M. j,!/^ At*. v\<«. ^v, ^ir,Mi, ^t(, ^\t, 5XIJ, .jifc^w. ^'«, ^!&^'<. â- »'- Ji'VvV.^ <!^ ^'i ^"i;»'«. :>!'-::i!'i%. RUBBERS ! RUBBERS ! Those in need oi' lliibliers, eitlier High Lace Leather Tops or Low Lace Tops or liuhliers with- out Top.s .. ... ~' or ifyoii have old Leather ''.'op-s bring them in and get uew hottom.s on tlieni. 4l â- ,;â- 'â- WJlKUKf WHY \T Thos. Clayton^s FLESHERTON I NEW SUITINGS ^ ^ New Suitings justio handâ€" some of JT the nobbiest weaves to be found aiiy- j|s Vi'here. 4» Leave your order now for that new ?ii suit. Von Avijl never regret it. â-¼ -Satistaeiion guaranteed. if^ Don't forgot that we <lo eleauing, ^ pressing and repairing. Our prices 3; aro right and our workinanshtj) i.s the J Qvery best. ^v^/rfv\,</vy,^»iV.^%^^i,*Myyi S. J. BOWLER I Sole Agent for the Hobberiin Tailoring. ^ M ♦t''.*