Maich 4 1915 THE FLESIIERTON ADVANCE 'e^SS" BUSINESSCARDS WH.WniQHT. TELFORD 4 MoDONALD ! Banrltter, Sotleitorn, &'o. Utnow, Qrey | * Bruct Illock.Owaa Hound. StamUrd »«nk Itlooli. Klonhurton, (8«tur<l»vii). W. H. Wrinlit. W. K i'eUord J' ..J. O. ModoDBll. U U H. Societies AO U W meatii ou the U>t Mooda) ID acb moutU, in their loojitt room cUytoD'ehall PlMQei'tOQ, »t 8 p.m. M. W., W. J. liulUiny ; Uoc., C. H. Man»h»w: in., U. J, 8i>roula. Vititiog brettuw loWled DRINCR ARTHUK LODGE. No. 333,A.F.« [^ K U, nieeta in tbt Uatouic taall. Arm •troait's Block, KleahertOQ, every Kridajr ou or before the loll mocn T. Blakeley W. M.; (^hM.Munibaw, Becretary. pOURTyLEHHEKTOS, 983. I. 0. F. meeteiD "CiaytoQ'sBloek theUat Wedneeday eveoinR •M'h mnntb. VUltinil Foraeters heartily cotiie'C. K., O. Bellauij ; It. 8 , O, Cairta n. Bee , W. Buskia. Fleaaa pay duet to Fir. Sec. before the tlrit ay of the month. CBOBBN FUIEN08â€" FleabertoD Council Choaen Frieodi moeta in Clayton'ahallftrat Dd third Weduetday of ekch mouth 8 p. ni fay aMiuAtmontt to tue Be<'order on orlMfore 1 toe tirat day ol e«cb month. Chief Councillor i . Blakelev: Baeordar W. H. Buut. Medical rVR CARTER If li C I' & ROnt.rbyaician. BurKecn etc 'Jffloe and reaideoeeâ€" I'eter it., Kleahertou DR. W. T. LITTLK. - _ Graduate of Toioato unlyeraity Medical rollAt;«. Iteudeaeeand OiHce at Hark Hoare. Fieeherton. i'houe 24 rJ. JP OTTEWELL Veteriuary Rarceoo Jradnata of Ontario Veterinary ColleKa raaidauca â€" aecond door aouth weatlon hary atraet. Thii itreet luua outb Wreabytariao Cbiucb. Dentistry llr. E. C MURRAY L. D. B, dental «orK»on !• houoi craduate of Toronto Univeraity and Ktya! College ol Dental HurRoona of Onttrio. Gaa adtuiiioiateved for teeth eXtrictiou Utnea at raaidaoca, Toronto Btreat. Flea::ertoa Legal KANBY & hKNKY-Bairlitera. - B. Lucaa, K. O. ; W. K, lUnay, K. ('. ; W. I). Henry, B. A. (JOicea, jTorooto, H06-0 Tiadora Bauk Blilg., plioue u:ain 1412; Markdalu Lucaa Block, I'hone 'J A. Branch olUca at Dundalk open every Saturday. I L'CAB, *-* rtolicitora,o)c.â€" I. Business Cards MCULLOUGII 4 YOUNO '^ Baukera Markdale > ' oaral banking builneai. MonayloanaS i raaaouatla rata* Call ou ui. DUcPHAIL, I.icenaaJ Anetlonear for the • County of Oiey, Terms moderate aud , tU action Kuarantred. The arraucemanta ' 1. 1 late* of aalea can he made a*. TiiR ADTtNCB oOice. Koaidauce aud I'.U., Ceylon, Telephone onnection. Dec. 0.07. WU. KAITTINtt, Licanaad Auctioneer foi | the vouatiHa of tirey and KImcoa. I Farm and Htock aalea a apecialty. Ternia I jiodorate. katiafactioii Riiaraotted. Arrange- ' uienta for datae mav be made at the Advance i jfllco. or ( 'entr&l tiilerhoue otKro lieverahaiji or by ad<lieaa}uK ma at Fivenbaiu. OnL , Ball For Service Ki.r sei-vico. -Ilaliii) Holly- Nn. ti4'J2. ' Aberdeen An-'iii", on iot ;i4, !Uli imiicuhs- . lull, Arteiin'si*. Tonus, ifl.W if piii.l I Ufore 1st Jan. HM.'i.- W. J, M i^ee. j May 15 . .,,â- , .:«,.^â- â- i• ( Bull for Service Pure bred slictrtlinrn hull, *Al»ei'Uecii | Kyvie -K,0CO~ for Hervicc on li>^ •.*'••, S..S. [ It.. Ai'teincMi'i. | TermH --$1.C0 for '^rmUM, I'lirj bred cows ?:; 00. ' Pure liiud TiiiimKu'.Ii lioir for "((.•ivicf ; in the »li jvB lot. t Terms SI ">'• f >r .ill aniraalft. Served iriii<t be piiil for. I .'ninkr â€" W..1. MendM i FlesHepton 4^ Tonsorialj '^^ Parlors | \Vc Aim lo liivo Kiiliii! .S itisfa';lion i I.AI'.N'DIIYâ€" Basket clohcs Mondiy iiij^lit, delivery Friiliiy eveniig OLKANIN'f; itn-l DYKIXi;â€" Wv «ie I ayenln for I'aiker's Uyi- \\ orkv - (.'lotlie.'- I di-anel and dyi-d, fi.'atlmrs rejuvtii iUd. j CURIOUS WAYS IN JAPAN. On« Thing In Pwtleular That Painad a Vlaitop Pmih Miaacuri. I knew before I got bero tbat Japan WM queer, bDt I bad no Idea that ererythins yr&B bockward. I can't get used to sitting on the floor and sleep- ing with a tomato can with a napklo aroimd It for a pUlow. Tbo easiest way to flgnrA out how tbo Japanese would do a thing la to tbink wbiit wouhl bo exactly backward in Mis- BourL When two Japanese meet the/ bow and bow, glrlng tbclr beads short jerks OS if trying to get salt wnter out of their eyes. When they separate they tip tbelr hats. When they come into a store they tip their b.nta. When they buy a ticket they tl|) tbelr bats. Their elbows are always bent toward their hats. Japanese ucrcr kiss. This pleasant pastime not yet been Imported Into cherry blossom land. It is only recently that a few of the Japanese have lea' .ted to shake hands. We travclciu arc boping that they will take up other great American institu- tions. Japanese look upon kissing as being low .-ind vulgar, believing tbat a few moments spent In bowing is mncb better. Tbo girls feel tliat way about it, tooâ€" they sa.v. When au ardent young Japanese Ruitor slips bis arm around the girl's waist and whispers into her Bbell-likc car that she Is the only woman who has ever nndcrstood him and when she looks up conQdIugty Into bis eyes end breathes "You aro so strongl" he does not clasp her to his bosom in au ecstasy of Joy nod plant a delirious kiss on her trembling lipsâ€" no. instead of that bo gets up and bows polite- ly and thanks her in a few courteous phrases. One cannot help feeling sorry for them when tlilnklng bow many pleas- ant evenings they miss. Trom ray limited expcrleucc I wouldn't give a good old fashioned Missouri kiss for ten minutes of hows.â€" Homer Croy in Leslie's. Raversing a Phonograph Record. A remarkably curious experiment may be performed with any ordinary phonograph. The sound box Is re- versed so tbat the needle slopes the other way, enabling the disk to be tnrncd backward by the finger being placed near the center. The effect produced is cxtreiucly astonishing. Vou hear the human voice singing songs backward; you boar the harmony of Wagner backwardâ€" plain English sounds nice n Chinese language. Tbo most remarkable effect Is perhaps to play a chime of bells in this reversed iiiauner. Tbo sound njshcs up and up, but there is never n single strike or clash of a bcll. The strike on the ear Is reversed and Is nothing but a sharp "ceKsatioa of Kouiid."â€" Strand Maga- A Scene Before tha Mirror. What the Jungle ladies of Africa lack til clothing they make up In hair adorn- ment Some styles arc pleasing, while others are voiy grotesque. Their hair combs are made of n very tough wood, and tlioy need ho tougli, for one of the femiiitiie ciistoiiis Is to put gnin all througli their liair to keep it In place. .V very strong comb is needed to get It apart, but tlie women coutrlve some- how to do It, and as time Is not money In Africa tlicy are never In a hurry. One Is not .suriiiiscd lo learn that some- times It takes a woman n week to have her linlr properly .nrranged.â€" Christian Ih'rnld. T FISHER, - proi'«ii;to« n« 1 oil cm wuc-it H'ly day »g ag :>t the M H X X OWKN .<.Ol NI), ONT , Iiidividuil lii!4tiu;lion. Ojt own tliiee story biiililiti;; ;iiui :tl »iiecea*fiil yeiirs oi o\ p iii'-nce. W^' Kx|ii*rt. iiiHliiu-ti'rs |n>Mliii.i; M the v«ry beat i-cau1t-(. ^M f-'iilalo^ne Free, S <-'. A. K1,KM1N(J, F. (.'. A., «W gl I'liiioipiil. ^ ^On. Kl,i;\IlN(i "^icivlary.^^ S OWENiSOIJNI) - ONTARIO J^r 60 YVAIir % n X Ceylon's r ^ '»=W^-r=!^ Busy Store New Spring Goods Our new spring goods are commenciDg to arrive. New Prints aiii\ Dress Goods, New Roots aud Blioes, New Clover and Orftss Seeds, Kennie's Fancy and No.Jl Seeds. Take some right out of the bag and examine it with the glass and be convinced there is no cleaner or better seeds on the market. This seed was bought at tlie closest price and will be gold accordingly. Get your seed before tlie war tax goes on it. Daigaiiia in every line of "onds. Groceriesâ€" Tomatoes, Cora and Peas 8 tins for 25o., Ileriin^', Pork and lieans 3 tins for >r)C.,ii largo packaRCS Washing Ammonia, al Sardines ;J tins for '25c., Extracts per bottle 5o. In Dry Goods we liave a bunch of remnants in'Drcss Goods, Flannelelts, Flannels, Prints, Heps, aud Coltnns. Vou can save lots of money in many lines if you just look through the good tilings we have for yon. HIGHEST PRICES ALWAYS P.UI) FOR PRODUCE Advertisoment A Defence of Pastor Russel To the Editor:â€" Would you kindly pi-rmit mc space in your columns for the fuKuwiiig defence of Pa«tor Russell ai d bis teaching'). Surely hamanity-«re in gre It need of such ;{0(id tidings as s conaineel iu the Good Newt Held Back An Entttithman Just across from Leu- don and in New Ymk, on Saturday stat- ed thst ih* Government is kee[i- ing hack a lot of cruod news of German air.shi(.'S dtscroy^d, of German !?ubm irine lioat* that nevrr came back tr> tell their story, and jf n^.- ,vs that the allies will be JAMES PATTISON & Co. Gspul. "Behold, I biinii you ylad joined by other countriea op a date that tidings of great joy which hhail be unto lias le n fixed. One .story i.s ihat a all people," Luke 2:10, with iU ainr, amall tank H^amer full of gasoline, rtyijig fiickncssfs, many dwtresses, wars, etc. the Xitrwesiiim t'^g, wag captured ofl' the And such a proD-.ise wri liiid held out to EnjIiBh coast. The German crew on mankind by all the holy luophetc, both board wa% ttken ott. iiid .in English crew in the Old Testament and in the New, put aboard. The boat that captur.-d the Acts :{:l'.»-2,"); Lsa 0.5: 17--'5; Rev. 21: 1 8. taiiki-r ^aiied a«a|r and It ft the latter And for ihin reign if and floatiiw about. In .-Cftfir mi'iutes a <>er- righteousiicss our Lord and Master man tuhiiwrino came to the .surface, and taught u» to hope and piay for '"that His ' seeins the tanker and the Norwegian will might be done on canh, even as it ia' rt<g still uji, ran to her for gasoline, done in heaven." Should we not le- .She was destroyed by a mine placed m joice that ibe scriptures seem to indie ite ' her tr.itt by the British .sailors on the thiit tboso diys .ire at handâ€" even at the j tanker. Stories of things like these are door. U is true that they ara usliere.? | not given out and the Germans, in con- ill »)> a "greit time of trouble aujh as | ae<iuencc get no e.vplanation of torixsdo never was" before or ever will be again, ; boat* of their* that are never lieird of Di.n. 12:1-4; P«a. 50::5 (i; Rev. 11:17-1«. ' a -ain. Flesherton High School . a^-,a^iA tfJiriiiTffg'i^Irs^'*'^---^-â€" r .« I*' IS HEADQUARTERS FOR Sleighs, Cutters, Cockthutt Implements, Melotte Cream Separators, Lister Gasoline Engines, Baled Hay and Straw I D. McTavish FLESHERTON, ONT Agent im %, w . ' t v. m : wm w â- ^•<^?S^ However, wc are assured that this time > of trouble U but to prepire the hearts of ' ^nr eckly Report uii/,1 fur the reign of peace and bles-sing, • w'iieii 'men shall beat their sirords in plow shares and their .spears into pruning ; huuk«, ai d learn war no more, Isa 2;2-4; ' and "when the knowledge of the Lord' sha'l co»er the earth as the wateis cover ' cbcll 7<>, F Thurston 70, A Winter.s (i9, the ureal deep" for all sh ill learn to | ••' Lever 119, E B»nlhain W), M Fleard kU'.w Him from the least unto the great- ^. 1' Mortoa 62,M Wnjht 02, li Moore est; innttad i.f the "gross darkness that [ ''-. M Smart fi2, B McVicar «0, W Lat- eovur.s the" as at the present time. ' i'"fr .">0, U Rutledge 5!). R Dingwall 58, Ita ] 1 :tt; 00:2; and when the desert shall K Caswell o7, M Colgan 5", O Heuder- E Parslot • Form 1 Art 7'>, M .^chesou 72, A. Mit- rejoice and Ijlotisoni a.s the rose: when the tniiKiii! i>f the dumb shall be un- »t'>|)ped, the jlind shall see and when none shall sny "I am sick," Isi 3:i-24; and .'J.'>th chapter. We are li» ing in the day when the plowman is overtaking the I lonui SclliMll. Honor Rolls Hull for Klesherlon R( »OXI 1 Trimble, , R ( M Field Aftermath. "Afrertnntb" Is :i persistently 111 nacd word. Hnrly .Tul.V Is the time of the "iuutli"â€" that Is, (ho (Irst mowing of the ii]c:ido\v. Tlio short grass with a Htiftlcleiioy of riiii will grow nyaln, .Tiid 1:1 tor win come (lie "second mow," or "iiftcrninth." 'I'lio iilirnso "The storm iinrt Its nfierni;itb" Kccttis n fa- vnrllu with Koiiio Riory writers, but It is ililllouit (o inidcrst:in(l how a storm cm have a second inowIoR. No Place For Letters, A Icnriicd yoiiiitr woiiniM of Itoston wiis Kpeiulins; Lor v;icntioii In n little cotiiiliy |>l!ife. To tlio locnl l)OoUs!io[) of llio vlllntco she wont one iiftcrnoon :ilid iiKide Unown her inenliil want:! to tbo clerk: "I ghotilil like the 'Letters of Jnne Welsh Carl.ilo.'" "I bcfr yotir patdon, tnlss," sahl the fltM'l,-, "but this .ilu't no poslolllco."â€" \ew Voik Globe. Ciiis.s 4- B Bunt, V Kioher Armstrong. Cl.\ss :! E Divis, K lliiyd, K Mc- Vicir, K Lever, (J Jlitchill, J Rcid, A>u, S McTavish, tJ Dud^eim, l' Shunk, .) SVilsim. Ri>().M2 Jr. :!- G Lever, H L-.timd, V Lever, I'. McLeod, R Lever, K Iticliardsai.. Sr. 2 J Wrijjht. V. K.'rtic, L I'.u-ikiu, II lioldliHvik, .1 Sl.ilf.ira. W Lever, It Truenim, jM McTavish, K Ottewell, 11 t'arrinijtirn, .1 llhuk, U Blakely, D lilac'k. .Ir. 2 • C MeTavi>li, 1! l!nyd..J Carrmg- iDii, • ) MatheWHon niid V Wilso;) equal, F M:u hews 111, ,1 Karstodl, L McMullon. RiiUM ;! !?r. 1 -A N irris, I) ColKan, t) Fisher, N Shunk, W Ciiriin'4t(in, M I)udij;eoii, L Cil-;!!, II W'yville, X fields, K Ferris, I i Lever, M Nuliii, K Tjuemun. .Ir l-D I'ishor. H .steward, L lllrtkcley, K Dudgeon, G Goklliiwk, A Teeter iiti.seut. I S S Xci 7, .\rtenieiiii. I 4 Frank \ViUi:im.sim, Hi.i.s Mends. pulilic •*^'" •' •'"'"' L>""> •'"•>» RusKell, Annie Gilchrist. i Jr ."( â€" Faniuhar O.iver, Allie I'arslow, I Beatrice Walters, Hiitiy Muir. .. »• . «•' 2-Sidie Whyte, Addie Dow. Mabel """• " ^^''S'"' " Gdchrist, Willie Maeken/.ie. U J Turner. 1â€" F.I Value, Klford »V,>iler<, Tom c urrie. F I'd V» hyte. C ladys • •liver I'art A .Mai )el I'arsl tw, I' I'ler l>i>w. I'arl H .b)e 1 Mods. ;. McK nnun, Teacher. IIS well Its i.f Love, and ihat all hope of a I'liccville .lunior Komn Sr :i Itela t.'luk. (jludjs Hincks, W McLean. •Jr .t LiSackell.R Carson, K.VIaol' nis. Sr 2-K MacDonald, G MacLean, K .MacLcan.A MaiLean, 1 Hincks.T Clark. Sri It ,\UolK)UKnll, K .MacLian F . i , ,^ ., T. ,, .. ... .iu«.iji«ii, 1 I teachers of Domonism MacDoiift'ill, K, 1) Xiohull, U MacLean. Primary LI .Suckett, N MacDo:i«.>ll, A lliiicks, .1 Kerris, N MauLei". M Car son, M Walsdii, (.' Ilinc'is. iMniary li-J MacMeekin.D .MatI.ea i. M. Liille. Te.uher. son 54, E Acheron .'>4, D Fatten 54, L Lever ."»i, A LeGtrd 62, R Williamson 41, C I'oiter 40, J Stewart 40, W Will- iamson 40. Form 2, Spelling V Fmlcy '.Hi, VV Harrison S>4, L Muir reipcr; the closing of the Gospel Ai« and •'•>. ^ Ivsrstedt iU, D Wilson 88, E Cas- the opening of the New Age. fhe ' WfcH 81, I Laidl.iw 78, G" ^Vhite 73, C Gospel church is alwut to enter into the Lever 70, R Sharp Ii7, Tl McLean tX>,. reslizHti"n of the hope held out to her M Wrinht 58, .\ Allen 08, A Achesun since our Lord'a announcement of it, ^^> ^^ I'attison 56, I' LeGurd KJ A Luke 12:;t! y2; 2 Tim. 2:12; Paa. 40: 14 Gaudin 4;!, F Parli*iiieot 27, M Winters and 14t) entire; Rev. 2; 2(»-27; Gen. 28: 24, A lirdham 0. l;j 14; Oal. ;!: l«-2;i. Well may the Form :', Latin Translation - 5t>., cdiiiccrated children of the Lord CJ While 43, M Boyd 41, l<' Buut 40, lejoi.-e as llu-y see these thins;? ci iniug S Sprott :t5, S IUwkiu.s :{C, D McVicar t.) i.:i>s, Luke 21:2."> 3C, .md of having a :{'). U Shunk 2!», E Wright 27. A Wright share 111 the First Resurrection. 1 Thtfss. 2r., T t »rr 24, .M Legate 2:t, P Bcattie 4:ir.: .".:1-HI: Rev. 20:11 Let thiwe wh.. J'.». have miinea the name of Christ put |on ' " ' ih« whole aruKir of (iod that they may' bj ubie to ."land in this evil d:iy. Matt.' 7:24-27; I Cor. :t:'.t 17; Jude 12. Bj ! our Ljid used tiie in figurative '>ge to >huw the utter desttuction of the wi fill niiiner many have made the mistake of taking them as lienil termsâ€" "ojiening His mouth in i«iab!es»nd dark .-ayingv," Rs^i. 78:2; Mark 12. 10 13. Si. Paul s»y8 lint "the wages of sin is death," Unmans <;:2;t; 2 Thess. 1:0. " consuming tire' not a |te.poiuiting lire aud "ii aiile to destroy t'l it soul iu Uehenna, ' the second death Matt. 10 28; Acts 3:2;i; Ezek. 18: 4-20; r.s.k. 145:20. Let u.s lake God at His tvord. Ho claiina for f peifect co-oi-diaatlon ill the four attribiit.-s if \ H.s c-liir.ic'.er perfect wisdom, peifeut I justice, love anl p^'tfect pow^r. '•He cannot deny Hiiiisell" or violate any o£ His attributes, 2 Tiui. 2:1;!. Booauso we tluM teach that God thus detn.instrdtes that Ue is a (iod of Justice X ^ rp HE ONLY MAN ?< 1 WHO SHOULD |[ NOT ADVERTISE IS ^ ^ THE MAN WHO HAS ^ y NOTHING TO OF- ^ ^ FER IN THE WAY y OF SERVICE AND ^ SUCH A PERSON ^ IS A DEAD ONE pWHETHER HE Se KNOWS IT-OR IS ^ NOT. ^ Elbert Hubbard in the Fra 5« ^ ^ X The Hohenzollerni. The fMiiiily ii.imo of the Geriunn cm- fioror Is irolionitollcrn. If the emperor were just n plflln man of the people Ills luinie would be William Jlohon- zolleru. The family beg.-iu to giiln po- lltloiil distinction iiboiit 1117, when Frcdcrl'k of Nuremberg became elec- tor of Hraudenbui'g. I.f S. .S. Ni .Viteiiiesiii, for â- •lated Anxiety. Mnid (knocking In the morning)â€" MAdaiM, l'v« forgotten wUotbcr you wnntc/l to be Tr.tkcd nt 7 ♦? a Mnd- ameâ€" What time Is It now? Maidâ€" Flght-Lnstlse BIntler. KADC Manhs DCSIONS CO^VRIOHT* Ac. To» ralnfwt. "Why aia yott (hroTr tip that Job I »ot you M collector for Joueir" "Why, hang It, I owed money to about all Iba men be sent nur to dtu.**. â€"Bo^top Tranucrlpt. Anrone SMdlat • sketab and dcMrlntl.-in msT ivfcklr uacarutif our oHnhin frM «lie ' inreDiiun W nmisnrtet tmit 1tm%, ' I'aMinW^ ictliur at: .'S.tvnwxuiit'*' miiUnt HAminrat on hn«nu ;«ner lot uvutmKpHtuiti, ruutth MttDU A Uu. I («otlr« _ _ _ larp^ lo loo Sciettific Jhnericati. A tiBBdaomaly iUaalnited weekly. Txirai'tl cir niladiut at_jaiy MitamiHc ii.iunit. Tannn ror rjuwAa. |:i.7f a rear, p<»i«xii |>r<jpal.t. boM l» H) r tn. WartlDtrlMi, II tl. r«atfi«r«d HI* Ntst. "Tntkt 4o 70ti tiitDlT of tM«t JlmaoD MTI W» airorc«d[ froro collttea." 'li hit Vnun I bet Sa's (ot th« all- iaenf.''->Ba1tlsior«i Amerlciin. Koporl Feluuary. Class 4-W On, It Class ;l, sr. - M Sharp, S Chard. Cl'iss ;i, jr. â€" M Caswell, .\ Mnore, Jrwin. Cl.iss a, ar. G .\kins, .\ Hrecii, Monro, I llreeii, G Irwiii. Class 2, jr. M Mo.uv, A llog.iilli. IVim.iiyl! W v\ hilo, MiMuilen. I'rimsry A M IIiim'ii, H Akiu'-, Simoioiis. M. li \Vii.M>><, Teaell' 1 Report February Sr. 4-M Doughis, (! II .Jr. 4 r. .Short, :$â€" L Field, S McMullon, F Uolli' ks< i)f S. S, No. (1, ilspi'i'y, for ilioyd. future life is !y >» resmrection from the dod, piovidcd througli the redenipt â- n that is ill l."lui-t .lesus, we are called Sec Luke 14:14: .lobn 5:28. 2!t; Acts 17:18 and 24:15; 1 Cor. 15:20 22, 2li, 52. The scriptures forewarn tt,s Unit theii! .shall bo teachers t Hcliing fur doctrines the comnirnd- iiiunta of men, Matt.l5:lt; li.4, 5; 8S:11, 12; 116:17; 146:2-4; !iO:;t; Eocl. !•; .'), 10; Matt. n-.lS. M head, S Short. « l/aid, L McMullon. Sr. 2 L SIior», I Izard, R Hohoyd, S 8 !well. V Itobert.', F llerivatioii of "Tfolley." A ourions stalcment appeared In Le Figaro of Varis regarrtinp the derivation of the word "trolley." which is said to he identical with the French sianj; v:cpression "troler" (to drag alonjt). Le Fijiaro assorts that the -word What could be phiii er. The comvso of ^'as lirst used by Herg:er. the Kroncli study of the noble Here ng should com- inventor, who inslalled the New ,â- ,,,,„. . . ^ork street mend Itself t > nil wise virs|ins, pioMut,' transmiiled all things and holding f«st Ihat which is bles. good, 1 Theis. 5:'>1, and thi.s wo nimiot I IVsirIng; to dlsiinpuish this svs- I lein from the accumulator driven Bystijm, liis cars being apparently j •â- dragRRd nlonR" hy ihe cables, Ber- car system with power through overhead ca- b'cb. a* ttAini «Bfi«t«rat Hal M tunt bat I'l'P 111 S. S. No 7, Euphn.'i* 5- M CiirntioUl. i sr.- G Roi(erii. 4 jr. I Beckett, 1! KiuiU. :l sr. R Whyle, I Smy. ;i jr.â€" A Knott, KGilifty,H McCounell. 2 sr.- 1 Gilray. R Risk, S Clugston, M BurwH, FPel^li, N Fetch. 2 jr Roy Risk, S Hnilies. H McCoP- Doll, N Kn.>tt, S Hwfci^it, C Risk, W Clu'jstim, K Retell. Pvoseiit evei-y day 11 MvConnull, narmaii McCouiii'll, I Gilmy Ro^cts. Jr. 2 Pool.'. Sr Thomson. Primer Hohoyd. n- El'o, ProJrtiit every day M l>on>4U», Holroyd S SlKirt. S I/,»rd, L Me.Mnllt 1 Ixard, 1! Holroyd, D R .barls. il. Davis, T.Hclmr. ger employed the word "troU-ars." reiuemhering that the Paris street venders were called "troleurs" be- cuuse they .Iriiiged alonK handcarts.' di> unless "ve exercise our own in lividual judgment and discrimination in te.sting teaching by the word of Cod, Heb. 0:11- 14; Phil. LSI, to. Strange as it may I s em, s:)me iiniiisters apparently thiuk Ifollingshead, D i '„^«^" '"I"'""';, ^"'\ *\'!"'^ '" ="'"^><i%' I Panlor Russell and his co-laborers by [ lj»v«>iMler Kaclit>t. I misropreifent*!i( II and even slandtfi. Wo' Fold a piece of .sheer, Swiss ttiuslin McMullen, Jj ^.^^,,^ ,.^,,,|„,, ,|,^.,„ i,,,,j f„ij,f„i„e.Ms to' *** ''>' " 'nph*-." to make an oblong 9 ...,,, , ,. , j by c inches. Mind with three-nuarter . I the truth has always biT.u«ht persecution i,,^,,, ,i,,pn,^.,. sjj,i„ ribbon, leaving I. Miorl, \ McKen/.ie, G . f,.,)in those wlio are worsted in argument' unbound a small opening al the I'ud 1 and confounded kiy teachinus tbat cannot <>' ""t" »"'t' ""l" about one and a 1 C.J-.. .1 c Tl half ouneea of lavender buds have be refuted; u,s..u.e.> the cuse of our Lord ^een put into the pad. Finish bind- ^j j and many of the Apostles and prophct.s, ' iitg, turn down the left hand ooruej „ j and even duwu to our day, | anfl catch with a how of the taven- ' der ribbon. Buy one and a ball L t us as teachers not forRCl the ; yards of ribbon. This sachet make* Golden Unit or the law of lovo and speak " daiuty gift aud Is Inexpenaive. j Keep It in a bureau drawer. 1 -M I'oole, W .\ 1) Roberts every day M I -M tluinberstone, Xaacher, 'Tara Leader On-! of our leiicheri on llio inililio school ».t>H' asked her cinsii one day last week to (<raw a map of the Britiah flag. AU the ctasi m;rlo the drawipg exce| t one liule chap who made no effort to do aa bo was told. The Hncher was incline I t ) conKuro the iioy t(U- di.sohcdicnoo but tirst a.skod him why ho tra.s not doiiig; tho d.'awiugnnd to wh<ch IIia hoy reid'el, '• I cm't draw Ibo British tlig with crav • K tJilriy, jons m«d« iu *lerm»ny.'' Needless to say the teacher e«cti»od tho little chap. «vil of Do man. Ilf?t,>cctfully suUmJtleJ, W.0.TAYU1K Cracow, aiana are Cracow, towards which the Rus- so steadily preuloir thetr 'Vh*^ .\dvaiio* in I papers. Si-e our 8«ent for all t\H> city f ^*>' V*i"*' ''\^". '**"""* Wariaw lb r clubbing lis! oil 1 ^^"1 »»l"<'», Of P**'^,!* Patriot*. \>i , another !-««. Renew at orce. Our ' "''^ ^»* »'*»'â- * \'?«f»P"»> ?f {'•• terms are oash in advance as we have no > r„''lS,"2; Jf"'; * At^f^wV^iirt^l aecouniH ».ih other w*w. . *? ^ "<«"».»ter Abbfr.^ wherein ile«| Shanties for Sale the generation* of Polish kings ami heroes, but il poaseaaea the moil •triklug patriotic inemorlal ia ttie I world. This Is the Kosoluskoberf, f ai; th- .\a.hursen C,>. KhftckK ,.t Eugeait. ! »»"'"' ^^2 '«*^ •»'«»»â- «'^<«* »• *»| ' ;ire tor aal.<, suitable for tiiany A i nJ«'«ttOry of KosclUSkO, Uttd foriOVd flf I K»od time to nniovo Uiemlwfore roads break 1 earth from eTery battlefield of T&- ! up. B«^jr«hl^. .Vp.'lv t.> 1*. Miiaahsw, i litnd. ' ^