Flesherton Advance, 18 Mar 1915, p. 1

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% fk%\\txiiiXi !^^t>ttna♦ '^TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' 701 31 No. 40 Flesherton, Ont., Tliursday, March 18 lOlo W, H THURSTON '1°"'?h< aud rltO Feversham Items Fine spring like weather. Tbe robins have made their appear- B!ice again. Some of the farmer.? have started syrup making. Mra. .)aF. Browiilee of Raveuua i3 viaiting witli Mrs. JoLn Hudsou, sr. Mr?. Akx. David.-on is visitiug lior 'laagliter, Mrs. -loliii Siouteuburg, in Collingwood. Mr, and Mrs. E. C. Hainmcll and family spent Suuilay with tlie former's annt, Mrs. Tompkin.-;, at. biiigbamp- toti. Mr. and 3hs. Fiaul; Stephens of blughampton spent Sunday with -Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Colqucttr. Miss May Parsons of Eugenia spent the week end with Miss Reta Osborne. Mr. Bert Osborne and sister. Ueta, visited friends in Colh'ngwood this week. Mrs. C. H. Eberts spcut a few days last week in Toronto. Ml?. -Jduies Douglas is very ill at resent. We liope to hear of her epeedy recovery. Elijah Wright is under the Dr's. *3re and is seriously ill. Wo hope he ni«y 8f eedily reeover. Singhampton The frienL-t nf 5Irs. Win. ilurpli)' will W pIcM^l t'> I em- 1 llut .she i.s lecnveriug ftoii her vuceiit illoo-H. Willimi KIlio: t is not so nell as l.ia iritiiy f I lends wnultl vi\s\\. With. Taylor hnu goiu? to Turoiito to >pund :i few weeks i\i;b bis biother, Caldwell T«yl..i-. i^Hiilo ii iiuinbur aitaiided thu Ku!;li«h Church Guili! at the home < f Mis. Geo. E««iii^, March 2, aui lepoit a sucsetstul meeting, Jose Giiluii of Ulen Hur>>u iii>\i'il to the Hedpath fiiriii on the j;reeu huxh sidcroad. We Hi<Ii Mr. tiohni every succi ss hi his now viiiluu'. The Preshyteriati Ladies' Aid met i t 'fl.e hom« of Mrs' L. McLoan on Tue«- day, March '_', wlieti i|uito ji miiiiberweie present. Tlia preaideiit, Mrs. I!uii>, ijpened (lie ii>urtiii>.', and after the min- utes of the t^ruNious iiiect'.Ti!; had lieen retd, :i (|uilt was tinit^hed ro be added to M bale M'b'ch wu.s tent to tbe HelKi-'ti)!* next day. Afier a busy afiernoini all laCdownloa toiiiptiog liiiicheoii pre- |>arc<l by ihebosies^, niter which one of the must enj<)y:ible :inU iatetv!<rin^ iii'-etiogs uf tbe sMksou wis brought t« a 'f'oK* with prayer audi be siugiog of the National .\ntheiii. The othcer* for 1!)14 were re-eletted for ti.e comiiw leriii and are pLkiiDin^ for a hiiHy time. The iiexi meeting is tu be lietd nt the huinu of Mrs. A. Buie on Mait-b 2.">, when a good meeting i» antiui|>a ed. Miss Isobell Z.'Kil', accoiopjiiied by Iter cousin, Mim Cuiili-, of Cu'biigauud, Kpeiit li wnk end Wilb tbo foniier'» p irents. Walkerton A local wag, who (iiiiie limping; to a ^ town doctor this weel<, told the physi- cian he was ii*flicte<l wit'i tbo foot and mouth dise.i.te. Hul when the doctor proceeded '« examine him, the la'imit expUined th.\t he_hud t(>nio hume drunk the iiij;hi before, and th;kt i*ifcy had met him at the head of the staitB and after )awiiio him s».'Veiely liaU kicked biiii doirn the stops. The diielor thereupon iuforined him that he certainly had » sotiouj for'U of "'fiH/t and utuulh " di8 e.wo t )cootfiul with. ,V mm with none too savory a rcpu- ttition Ims been piittiiit! up :i holler about the publicity we uave liuHt week to an ii.- decent asaault trial at Walkerton, and Mtyt thai bis tiller feieltn^j* liave teen wounded by such plain talV. When you tiud « uuii whi>Ko ftfeliitj^H are always iMiwh'nr, you tiiid • f<x>t or a v.usghI. "^iKi^oie "feelit );^'' u umU uwds, thu WaKcns" bo lia.s. S^wii^ of tbo aieniiest «.-o«Ddf\>ls that ever h». :»'hed the a'r i-ither iimide or â- 'ii'viJo the (Hiiitnii'l^ry f.tvs htd more fe«lii<g^ tb:vii they knew mb.'t lo do with. Wht>n yi»« hear » pteaebut s«t r>itbf ')o»n to cb>«e ((uirters Oil •l>i>k>>y and ;ulu'te4y just, watch llie old tnKikJ^ aud tdaolv^ua^l-d.s W the Hudi- ♦ l»co ge' oa their dii;tily »iid evidcucv th'sr & wpproTal of the |>reiu;hor'a "uu- laodeaiy ' l-y wjUiriy Mit. Some |vop'o have atioiit as iiiikIi o*«> fof p!ain VtXit n<«a kMck>»i»aU ludi'ii lKi-« for a [Mpek- Eugenia Paragraphs We are liaviug very nice spring weather at present. Mi,« Millie McMulleii and brother, Russell, spent the week end with friends at -Meaford. The yoiiug ladies of this vicinity regret very much that Ben Carruthers was called to the west again so suddenly, but will be looking forward to his return visit soon again. Miss Virgie McMuIleu has gont to assist in the millinery at F. T. Hill's, Markdalr. Jlisa Edna V\'illiam3 has ic'.nnied home hoiu her visit, with fiiends in Toronto. Mrs. F. T. Carr has gone to visit her si&ier in Belleville. Miss Muriel MacTuvish visited her cousin. Miss A. Williams, tbe past week. Mr. C Iloy has purchased Mr. Elmer's bungalow and has moved it into Mrs. Clirr's lot uc.tt to the post office. Mr. and .Mrs. A. MacDonald o*' Ceylon visited tbe latter's uncle, Jlr. II. Cairns, the past week. Mr of Durham is llie guest of his daughter, Mrs. Fred uiass. Tlio monthly meeting of the O. W.I. will meet on .April 7th at the" heme of ^Irs. E. .A. 'jraiiam. The ladies have another large box of clothing ready for the relief fnud, and also one for the Red Cross. They are making a memorial ipiilt for the Canadian llnS'pital. Quite a numbfr of cur people are suffering from la grippe. Dad colds are prcvaleut eTerywlierc. Mrs. W. C. Pedlar and sons, Harry and Samuel, of Toronto, are visitiug friends here. Mrs. .John .viagee of Vaudeleur spent the past week with friends hert. Mr. and Mis. Mooie have gone to the city on a visit. Miss Delia Magee of Vaudeleur is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Munshaw. Miss M. Cooty is the guest of Mis. J. v., Williams. Kimberley Budget Snow nearly all gone iu the valley. Mr. Harry Ball of T.:,ronto is renew- ing (iM ac.|uain'ances iu this vicinity at present. We are pleased lo repoit Master Ivan hewis on the mend after hi.s retent ill- ness . Mr. Saul Fdwcett attended the Mark- dale F*ir Directors' oyster supper on Friday evenin<^ la.st at the R'^vere house, Mark dale, where mine host Kelly bad a spread that would tickle the palate of a king. Tbo directins are a jolly 1 uncli and enlivened the evening's fun with a larije number of witty atorics. lladden Hutchinson purchased a valu- able hound fruui Chiis. Martin of East Mountain recently. Mi.ss Ma.Tiie Weber of Markdale xisit- ed with her brother, David, one day last wteW. Keeve Miller and Councillor Cook were callerH in our hur» on Saturday la.st. Sfr. Oeorjte Huichiiiijon and Ma.sier Milton are viniting f>>ends in Dundalk nt present. .\ sleigh load from our burg attended the dance nt the Lome House, Kocklvn, on Friday evening la.st and nil report hav- i iui; speut a very pleasant time. Mr. Will. Htrbotile of East Muui.taiu lot.l a valuable h I'.s^? on Tuesday last. It seen.s that wi.en ^oin/ down the rock on the .side road noith east of our burs; with a lo«il of lo'is that both sleij^bs and team went urcr the etubankinent break- in<4 two ie{f9 on one borae which bad to he killed- This part of the .siderond has been m eyesore for many yrars and this accident should .stir the council up to do soiiicthin){ toward') repairing same Heathcote Ceylon Clippings Mr. Alex. McRae paid a* business trip to Toronto on Friday last. Mr. .Speers of Feversham wits a v >itor at S. HeniphiU's last week. Mr. \V. Piitliaoii who has been aa.sist- ':a2 his uncle in the .store for soiuctinie left for Owen Sound. We arc sorry to repoit Mr. Arcliie Ferguson on the sick Hat. Mi*8 Myrtle Hemphill has te'urned from a week's visit with Vandeleur f I ieud.s. Mr. Paltiso : of Meli-.iyre s;jeut the 1st of llie week with his uncle, Jas Paltison, here. Mr. I\llis, Kinilierhy, speut over Sun- day with his uncle, Mr. Geo. Si.:wjrt. Mr. Cecil Legate left Thurr.diiy last for London where he will leave in a few d'iys with his bride for his hou a in the We,t. Mr. Fred Chialett, Slielbu-.ne, spent .Sunday niider the parental roof. Alisses Ella Wliittaker and KlHe Cliis- K'lt left Tuesday to spent a week with Durham friends. .Mr. I'leorge Stewart attentled the fuii e al of hiii broher-iii-law. )[r .lohiisloii. at Tbornbury on Thursday lift. .Mrs. Stew!«rr, who had been al ihi bed side of her brother, returned home with Mr. .Stewait. Our litble study was luld at (be home of Mr. D. Whittaker on Stone Line on Thursday evening' l«.<i», when over o\) people were [iresent. and a very profit- able eveniun Wiw spent. Mr. and Mis. Sealey visiteil with the latter's brother, Mr. T. Chisle'.r, who was ill laat week. Poitlaw tl: Od^feluii s. ." .,( We We are soriy to heat tiiat Mrs. II. (latduer is ill with la grippe hope for her speedy recovery. A number from here attended the dacce held by Ucorge Carry, at the liorue House, Rocklyu, and report a most enjoyable time. .Ml. and Mrs. Robert James of Dun- can moved to Mr. .1. K. Kerr's farm near Heathcote last week. Pleased to see Mr. Richard Green out again . Mr. Wm. \cadell of Rocklyu called on friends here la.st week. A uumber from here attemled tbe dance at Mr. Bath's, Redwing, where amost Liijoyable evcuing was si>eut by all. iVo arc so'.'iy to learn that Mr. Clarence Cruicksbank is ill. .Mr. Ernest Beet hud the misfortune of getting his foot badly bruised while assisting -Mr. -Joseph Conn lo store away ice. Inspector UttlV of Meafjrd called en our public school this weclc. Mr. Harold Viewers invited a iium her of his friends to the new home of Mr, Robert James on Friday evening to welcome .Mr. and Mrs. .lames to onr neighborhood. .A pleisant tven- iug was spent in dancing, etc. .Miss .Amelia Wilier of Rocklyu is visiiiug with Rev. aud .Mrs, \oiiug this week. Too Late for Lv-t SVeek Mrs. Itohert Hill underwent two criti- cal 0|ierrflions in CoUingwood hospital list we«.k. N\'e nre .^hid tu heir that .she is domg as well ai can be expected, al- though it will be iieeessary for her to re- Main iu bo^pital for s >uie time. JaiiK.-s Hopps has boen moving some this etfecls to tlio Thompson farm, bouubt last fall h\r*. VV. <i. .lamieson sptnt some days visirii).^ her sister, Mrs. Conron, Dundalk. Mr. uitd Mis. Geo. J. Chipman have removed to the Holley farm, east lack line, recently purchast d. J. U. Watson, wife and family, have taken putressiim of tbe fariu recently bought from Mr. Chapronn. Harry Arnott has been "eitiin; ma- terial on the ground for a new residence. M. C.Hirou of Dundalk visited lat week with friends in this put. Our bockeu.sls wei.t cut to Proton Sta'ion last Saluiday aud had a frietidly game wilb the teiiu of thai pl^c â- , in which oiiv boys came oil' seci.'nd be*t. (ieneral O.ippe has bee i holdiii-^ tku fori hero lately. Some have been lyina low on tbo defensive, while the rc*t of the popula'iim are busily engaged trying to .Irive hiiu out by a steady bmu ad- oieiit witji sjiMjt-r, pain kilkr and other hot ^h t Victoria Corners The nieiiibers of the Len^jue spent a pie liiant evening at Mr. K. \\r:io(»on's last Friday and are iiivitei to Mr. Jas, Patterson's for Tuesday evening of this w. ek. Mr. and Mrs. U. H. Monro .spent a few dajs with the former's par.-nts, Mr Geo. Moore, previous to their Itavin^ for their ue« home in Newbury. Miss Miru'iret Watson, of DLlroit. visited a few d.ijj wi'h her aunt, Mrs. tieorgc ftlooie and other fritnd.s. MifH Kinma Robinson visited her .sister, Mrs. Milton B\nnon. DR. BURT 5pe<:ialist in dlscuei ol tbe Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat Office-130 10th St. West, Owen Sound At the Rovere house, "Markdale, 2n>l Thursday each month from 8 to a 12a. m Dundnlk.l.st Wednesday of each month . Flesherton Planing , And Chopping Mills I am now prepared to do chopping every day in the week except Sundays! and every week in the year. Brinj; hIod'^ • your grists. tJur Siish and door factory is always at . our disposal for ;cn) thiutf jou wart in our line â€" planing, matchiu}:, ere. Floor insr. stish and dooi-s, and all hou.se fur- nishings sup[died promptly and at leas- onablu rales. Get estimates. Blakely and Henry Proprietors Kebl.-. 1.! ly Jew eiry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT Maxwell Mis.s Lily Bealtie, lOih hue, is viait- inx w.th her grandmother, Mis. Long. Mr. and Mr.". Pickerius; and faini y of Collingwon<] have t>ecti vi.«itin5 at Mr. Wm. Scutl's. Miss .\anie Guy sjmmi' a few diiys U.st week with her aunt in McIn^yrfl. ' Uhv. Mr. aud Mrs. Phiiuuslrr attend- | (h1 the latter's cuu-^iu's funeral al P>r>ul- I forJ la.st week. We are gbtd lo see Mr. >U^oe a-bK> to Va' afiuiid »g.»in afl«r bi-s iKne-ss. , MvM Lia (V^bornc rs h'>aie froui Toroii- ! til. Vandeieur Happenings Mrs. Clark, returned Missionary from PaUsttne. si>eiit a few days with her couniii, Mrs. J. I. Uv.ibaiii, recently. S<muel SViuhiu <>f HoUaod Centre vLsiU'd bis hh'thrjr, (leo. VVarliug, on Wtdiie.stliy. Arch e Winterburn iiid si«ter. Vera, vi.-i(ed iheirsiftlor, Mr«. 0\*f. Holley, the hejiniiinji of the weik. Mrs. lie,!. Wrinht ba.s returned boiuc itfiiir F(>eiidin,; ihe p.i.si couple of weeks »i h her lirolhur in Toronto, nlm is very il". We *ie wiriy tv lejjort Mis. U. IWard tery ill with an atttck of appendiciti*. Mrs ./. J. Mef>ee spout the p;tst week wi'b frteuiis at lMM(«u>a Owen Sound Mr. William Bea'oii, ihc well known clerk of the township of Derby, has re- signed bis oHice, the resignation lakin<; eifect hist Saturday . .Mr. Beaton is i.nc of tbe otdi;8t towrship c'erks in the Proxiiice, havinK b«ld otticc well unti 00 years, and was df.servedly popular with (II eU.sses. Mr. Bea'ou is succeedeJ by Mr. W. IL Hilts of Kil.syth. Kx-ehief of Police Mc.Aiiley p.isn-d away a' the (ieiieial Hospital al six o'clock tins morning. Tlie ex-chief wa* acting as a specinl constable at the As.v iz s on TttKS>liiy aflornooii and shortly a'lir they had opened he was seized with a ]>\ralyt:c stroke tallini< from his chaii to tbe llo r. It is just a year a?<o on the 2:5rd oflbis uionlU since the chief was first s'ricken. and althoU!{h I e remained in oHice nnlil ibe 1st of .November ol last year, he never t jlly recovered from the itl'ectsof the hrsi .stroke. He was on I eiiu stricken Tuesday removed to the h mpit.a', where ho roinained uncon- (teiout nutil tbe ond. .Vdvertiser. Post Office Closed The people artiiind Bank s P.<), in the township of Oollin^wood appear to have struck ujion evil days in thu way of iirnil delivery. l>n March I the post olHoe was cb sed, and now tlnise not ininied- iate.'y sefvid by the rural i»iail service, havu lo walk from two lo throe initea to jjet their leUeis or papers, R«veDna le'0< the ncfwest pout office. This is cided hardship and should 'â-ºÂ« rometlied by the postal aiilhotilies at once. The | siuab stdary uf t"»0.0<> paid the postnus- ! tor, i» iiotbinjf; at all put a«iiiist the in- i convonienoo » b"r.;o and intellis-ent cl;uvt : of foaiiiers aio put to. Iu this day of , (iiicR oe»?paloh in every walk of life, the ' g We Can't Be Beat For J g Quality, Price and Choice g w. Jli'uiiie.s X.\X ('loviH-.-^. .Steel Bfiirgs, Lion Bran<1. ^ Keiths jvnil White's >Limniotli. (.'oiii. Reil. Alsik*^. ^ .iikI Timothy Seet I. Also Ontario ijrown Alfalfa. ^ l)ro|) in ami see onr o;oo.l.'>. j^ Oieliixnl (Jniss. Fla.v Seetl, Kape. Huniiarlan, # 31illet. Maii<:le. l>eet. Turnip, CaiTot antl a fn!l ^ line ot (Janlen See<ls. ^ A full line i)f Flour. Unm. Shorts. Corn ('h<;p. W IJarlev ('ho[), Yk'Q{\ VUmv. Liu.><eeil Meal, Oil Cake, V Molasses M(>al. (Jraiii an<l Stock Foo<l. W. BUSKIN â- tlV 1"- 0M. ,»!«. ,»!«. J.le. ^It. vMl. v«<. •Sft- •*'«. -M. vM«. Al{. ^15. ^Vi, .iH, Jl/, ^V,^</,<^M ^ytJ^i ^^'kSYi it i RUBBERS! RUBBERS! Those in need of Kul)l)ers, eklier Hi-fh Lace Leather Top.s or Low Laee Tops i>r Kubl)ers w ith- out Tops or if you have oM Leather ""ops lirin^them iii.ind ;;t't new Iwttoms ou them. wiiFUKf WHY .vr Thos- Clayton^s FLESHERTON NEW SUITINGS "New Suitings just to hainl â€" some of the nobhiost \veave.s to be found any- where. Leave your order now for that new suit. Vot« will never regret it. Satisfaction gnaraniepJ. cleaning, Mi's. J. MidUlebi-o of Owvn Sound on tlMOCCAviun of I.er ^veuiy ui^ith w^dU- .lofan M. LviKb, Altiston, was taken I: Iforie j-iil to await t^rial ot» .•> charge of assault n|/on Mr». Riwhaid Davi.s of j fiirnicr shonld not tie handiciippsd in any | AUibtou. .\a-oidtnx lohor etory he en- ' way or shot out frotn the rout of tbe | t»'(!>d Ikor h.oMio, jjv-.Mied her ly ibe | «.o Id by intiUuent mail service. Tlie c-4 tir, and whe-n Jeu tour ibt.'vi liowUnj- i iiji nnniversiry. bid a picc uf ber own Hki. ut ib» t inod'Kiy b^wi:: sb eked you | wt^adinj; c ike which wm tiaked tw^-ity- miy MSt Hvured lb%» th<>*r hide, nt least, is H')! »• th'ck a« their houik. Ucr;dd. eijihlyciUs ttjio. She cldtnal ftt*h i-nd tasty irsiver. ihr<^'. imh) drtitfe ber out with Mveu tiUMil' ehi'dt'Mi into iho cuUl, tbut cbildiCD having tu walk tame di^tanct in iLe'r' I to Im; as j liaiv fevt t> a ni iifbbot's, Lyuuh iIrmi broke wiikhjHsand s»u.k}bid fnrni'uo. inucii.'ipa^ cotijeil of the toKhsbip shoulfi I Kvt bu.<fy tud puss II KtrtHi)> resolutin ; lictivdeaininjj; the elosinji of the post utlieo : at ll.ink(>, iukI ii»k-u;t f^r its re insUt e- j nieivt. BnUM-pii.se. i Don't foigvt that we do pressing and rep.4iiring. Our prices are nglit and our worknuinshi|,< i.s the verv l>e*t. S. J. BOWLER Sole Agent for th« HobberKn Taikiring. f i^

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