March Ii)iy THE FLESHERTOiN' ADVANCE ». .' / EstablisKed over Porty-onfi Years THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA ASSETS OVER $48,000,000 The A, B, C of Banking Qet the Savings Habit. Highest Current Rates Allow- ed, and Interest Compounded Half- Yearly on Deposits. 175 We solicit your account in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT FLESHL.KTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL, H B H Mpnager. Bronchos aba at Ourliam and Harrutao. ^ Odds and Ends ARTICLES FOR SALE I Carload uf Corn for sale â€" Blakelt-jt & I Henry, Fli-slier on." â- ^^^r .^Tlm^^WUr^^J^ "^ '^'' "V "V' ^r" "^ -V '*/' -r- ^-V "-V . 'V T- -*^ ^ â- ^" "T- 'T' â-¼-"-»/ ^^ Trains foltows : Ooing South 7.43 a. m. 4 27i<.m. The iiiitils are C. p. R. Time Table. leave Fleshercun Station as 'Jiiing Norrh tl :u 11.111. 9.l8iJ. ni. John Murphy of the Otb Con., Proton, lost u valuHble bluud colt in 11 peculiar uiinner on Monday. ft bile driviat; to Dandnlk the animal stumbled in a pitch h'lle and fell on it* shoulder, ko badly i>ma«hini( the bone tb»t il htd tu be put osed at Fl-*' eiton aj â- out of its misery. Sted liMiWy fur siile, ?1 00 per hunhel, also hilled hay, Kuarauletd good. â€" A. bealtie- SeeU barley, 0. A. C. Xo. 21, and o«t« for sale. â€" Fred Spoflord, R. R. Jio. 1, Eugenia. O.A.C N... 21 Barley. 31.00 per bush; Joseph Buchanan, Meaford Road, t'leoh- ericn P.O. For Sale Cheap â€" younsi driving imre about 950 poumlB, or would exchange for good drivini( horse about 1100 pounds. â€" Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flefib- erton. Jan. 22 - ollows : For the north a< lU 40 Tp.m. ; and the afternoon umil «intl' as 3.40 n'clocic For uiornmg tr'in anut.'i mtil close at 9 p. in. 'he i.r.vious ev'g. ^VICINI TY CHIPS It retiUy looks likf sp'ing. Grippe is losing its i{r<p. Sugtr making. The season of mud. The last hockey scrap haa bren pulled <ff. Mr. Fred Karstedt spent Sunday with friends ill Toronto Mrs. W. A. Arin.striiOi! and Miss The Irish concert given by the Ladies' Aid iif the Methr>dlat church Wednesday evening of this week included an address on tlie war by Rev .Waugh of Dundalk, who xlso occupied the chaiv. Prince Arthur Lodge A. F. and A. M. iave their annual "At Home" in the auditorium of the high scho d on Friday evening, when between eighty and a bund'ed membera and their friends were present. .\ nw*t enjoyable even- ing was the lesult. Ba'.<er Guldhawk oat--red tu the inner man and a piograni, w^th Bro. M. K. Richardson in the chair, was rendered, consist itig of niii.sic, siuging, etc.. after which {games were in- dulged in. In Fli'sherton the movers du not wait fi<r the Hrst of May as in ihe cities, but ) Cake it when they can net a house. Legal Blanks For Sale â€" R. J. Sproule keeps constantly on hand and for sal« cheap a full stock of Deeds, Mortj!a«es, Wids and all othjr legal blanks. Any requirina such will find it to their inter- est 10 give him a call. For sale cheip and on easy trrms. Lot 13, con. 11. Osprey. HO acres. This is a first class farm and in a good state of cultivation. Good bank harn &nd new frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Sproule Flesherton. Laura are in the city this week Mr. R. Irwin of Noith Bay is visitiuj^ Ttiere has been a lot of .shuffling around here. Mr. Irwin, wbc has b»en cuntined t > his bed with a severe attack of pneu. monia, is able to te arou id agiin. Mr. Emerson BolUiuy of ibo third contingent, who [â- ^ dri'ling at OwenSound. gl«ent S.iturday V. hU home here. We understand thit Mr. Uoi.ry hai. purchased T. Blakeley's interest in the planing and fliopping mill. Mr. BlafteUy will still be employed in the ra II. . Walter Kerton has receivMd the con- traclTof carrying the mail over '.he Flenhertonâ€" Fevofshiim route His slulies commenced on Monday last. The estimated value in money an^ kind donated by Canada for ihe Belgian ftelief Fund, up tu Feb. '>, amounted to » 1, 740, 000. Mrs. T. .\. Migee and t*o children of Priceville spent the week end wit'i her mother, Mrs. H. C. LeOard, who has keen very ill the past week . Mrs. Duwdlo from iieir Perth is visit- i«g her mother, Mr». John Whi'e, "'n'Se j yogjjg.. fu„ lealth has been very poor during the winter. Mrs. J . W. Mills, and dauuhter. Mar *&ret, who have been s^onding some Months wi»h her mother, Mrs. James tSullivan, bus left fur her now home in Montreal. Woodliridge has bepil unable to dis - poce of their hydro debentures which kear 5 per cent, interest. Tiie council will a>k the Railway Board to allow them to raise the rate to u,\ per cent. The Coopers, father and son, who were •barged with grain robberies, were sen- the paot win'er and this weeK sees four or five families changing domivile. T. Kisher, barlier, ia laking the Stewart icsidcnce viKated last week by R. Moore; B. Wchon will occupy the .\ndrow Ben- ham residence; Thos. Fisher, whp has occupied the Baptiist Chapel residence has moved to his farm at Rock Mi'ls, laud R. Poneous is takiiiit the place vac'tted by him. To the Editor of The Advance; â€" We noticed an item in the Priceville correspondence last week in rexards to a hockey game played there some lime auo. Now to begin with wo think it enough for a player to drive six miles to play and oblige ibe boys without having Ills playing criticized in the papers. If Priceville had such a star with theu% in Swinton Park please tell us why Swinton Park Won the game, whereas when Swin- ton Park came back to Priceville they did not get a goal. Now if i.ll the Priceville hockey boys live in Priceville, why did they not play the uame that was to be p'ayed last Saturday afternoon. ~ A Hiwh school entrance oxamiuatioos, accoiding to a ilnii' table just issued by the depiirtmcnt of education will com- 1 inence on June 21, continuing until June 2:i. The public school graduation exiin- inatioi.s which, when pas-ied, entitle the RtuJent of a fifth form class in the country ."chiK-l to a certificate uf graduation, will beiinonJune ll>, and cootrnuc until June 23. The gradu.ites of fifth form classes, which are tiiught only in country schools, often are adinittedinto the sec- ond and even third year forms in tho colloifiate institutes '.hroughout the teaced, the former to three years iu Kingston p^'nitcnliaiy and the latter to eicihteeii mouths in the Cei<tr»l prison. Mr. Stanley Ball, Hanover, son of t'ei M. P. fop Siju'h Crey, who it attached to the medical corps of the Bed CroM, Rnd will go to tho front, spent Saturday aHd Sunday lioro. Reeve MoKen/ie and Messrs. Grtbani, .Cameron and the Clerk are iu Toronto interviewing the tivernnient on matters periaiuini; to the Township of .Vrtemesia, a.xplained elsewhere in this issue. Mr. Carl Walker, Cor some years an province. It is expected that the num- ber writing on examinatiuns this year will be fewtr than usual. High school .-xiininations co.mueMce .luiio ".• and finish on June SO. Waller-Ottewell At the residence of the bride'.s pareut.s Osprcv, by R'JV. J. 4''himister, on Wed- nesd.iy, March 10, Caroline Henrietta Ottewell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Phil ip (Htewoll, to Robert George \V;,ller, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert W.iller •mployee of this oftioe, has [iiirchased the Uillsburg Beaver and took possessii.n a week ago. We hope tho Beaver pelt will prove a money maker for Carl. Mr. Will Crossloy, who hai been cletk- ilg with a big department store in Jaw, Sask., for some time, returned home htst week. The firm wai> forced to assign aid threw a great many htnds out of •Mployment. Mr, Gordon Kellar returned to his home in Toronto on Kriday, after spend- ing a few days with his wife who has been confined to her Ijcd for the past two months at her parental home here, and is still unable lo leluru to ber home in tlio city. The Red Cross supplies seal from Flesherton up to the present time, aie as follow: 14(> pair seeks, 32 scarfs. Oo hospital shirts, 10 pillow.'*, 3S d.iy shirts, 4 bath robes, 4 balaclava caps, fi pair- pyjamas, 10 piir.i wristlets, \) cholcr^i bells, ,')4 diz.'ii bondages, 2 doZ'.-ji wash eloths and » bunch uf cotton dresaings Anyone wishing to heir in the work cm got material from UissMtud Richardson. Presi.k'iit. For Sale â€" Cheap and on easy terms â€" comfortable frame dwelling; in Flesher- ton ; koikI well on premises ; also Park lot of 4 acres in uood stat* of cultivation wi'h barn thereon. R. J. Sproule, Flesherton, Ont. Sept. 17 14 MISCELUNEOUS Wanted â€" large second hand box heat- ing s'ove, must be cheap and in reason- atily Bood coudiiiou.â€" Apply to R.J. Sproule, Flesherton. Jsn.22 Notice is hereby i:iven that the Agency for the Sydenham Mutual Fire Insurance Company, formerly held t,y the late W. G. Pickell, has been taken over by H. B. McLean, Priceville, R. R. No 2. Clover and Timothy Seeds â€" Wh will have ori our Hoor a coniplele stock of seeds, including mammoth, common red. alsike, alfalfa clovers and timothy seeds aMhe lowest ruluiK price. F. G. K'lr- stedt. Ihe Public School Literary Society uf S. S No. 14. Usprey. (Gravel Road), pur(ioses holding a concert on April Ist, 1915, in the rchool room, commencing at 8 o'chiL'k. Everyone is invited to be preseiTt. Admission 10c. Millinery Openings â€" Miss McQueen will hive on display at our Mil:inery Parlors on Friday and Saturday of this week, March 19th and 20tb, her entire stock of 'he most np-io-date head wear ever exhibited. You are kii dly invited to Come and see them. F G. Karstedt. MUSIC STUDIO Mark Everette VVriiiht, organist and choir master of thfl Methodmi". church, Flesherton, tujcher ot piano, orgau anil voice. Mr. WriL'ht holds credentials from conservatoi ies uf music where he has tau.;ht, also from eminent doctors and teachers in New England conserva- tory, Boston Metropoli'aii Conservatory of Music and Steinw.iy Hall, New York city. Both Mr. and Mrs. Wright are open fur concert eugagemeata. I of Heaherton. Spring Assizes The Sprini; Assizes wore held in Owen Sound last week and resulted as follows : Jntoph H unlet of Durham, accused of manslaughter in connection vvith the shooting of Kdg'ir Lawrence, while the two men were hunting last fall, was ac- quitted . Iu the case Re.v v. Thedorf, for asiwiuU and robbery, tho Gniud Jury returned a verdict of " no bill." Robert Knolls of tiriorsville was found guilty of manslaughter in the shooting of Joseph Ferry last Hallowe'en, while the latter and a number of others were en- gaged in tho evening's pranks. JThe Judge .sentenced Knolls to fifteen nios. in Prison. In tho rape ca»e between paities in Meaford, the Grand Jury brought in H verdict of " No bill." The ca»o of Finlay v. .Vgnew for libel was postponed on account i>f illness of important witnesses, and the case Mc.VI - lister V. Owen Sound (ieneral Hospital, an uctiun for damage^, was settled out of ooutt.â€" Advertiier. NEW SPRING GOODS HAVE ARRIVED Silks, Dress Goods, Muslins, Etc. Special in all colors of sillcs at 85c. per yard, '.Hi inches wide. Art Mii.slins and Fancy Sateens, a dozen different colore tochDose from, price 10 to 25c. per yard. Special b'ancy Curtain .VliisHn, pleated edge, 10c per yard. Stanton's Wall Papers Beautiful designs for parlor, dining room, bed room or den, 80 to 40c per dsuble roll. Come and see them â€" two books of samples. Rennies' and Ferrys' Seeds A large stock of tield and Garden Sicds. Fancy China To sell at greatly reduced prices. Fancy Bread and Butter Plates $1.25 per doz. Fancy Berry Setts $1.25 sett. Fancy 5 piece Table Setts ^1.00 sett. Fancy Celery Dishes 20c each. Hand Painted Celery Dishes ;j.')c each. Hand Painted Berry Setts at $2.00 A great many more of these articles to be .*old out below cost. Canned Goods--Corn, Peas, Pumpkin, Tomat»)es, 3 for 25c, W. L. FLESHERTON, WRIGHT ONTARIO Our Clubbing List R j COLQUETTE The following prices are for strictly paid iu sdvance subscriptions ouly. We ave no aecouuts with other papers. Klesherion .\dvancu 9 1 00 Youths Companion 2 OO ; Toronto World, daily .'i 00 TorouU) Daily News 2 00 • Weekly Globe 90' Mail- Empire ... . .... 75 Family Herald & Star 90 Toronto Star 2 tH) Farmer Sun . . 00 j Farmers Advocate 1 50 ' Weekly Wit.ies* 90 1 Saturday Ni«ht 3 00 j Home Journsi 90 Poultry Review 40 ' Rod and Gun magazine iH) I Feversham, Oht. Cos Sclool CMMren's Eyes. Agent for the Cockshutt Plow u ^ 13 > arm Impem • t Wagons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, and Gasoline EniNues, Meloito Crcjm Sej^aiatois, Baker Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Pipe F.ttinus always oh hand BeaUy Bros', of Fergus, Burn Tracks, Litter Carriers and stable fittinus. Cockshutt and Frost & Wo.d Repairs always on hand. Wareroom â€" Wellingon Street Feversham, - Ontario. MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS This famous make of implements is well known all over the country and their own itood work is tho best recom- mendation they can receive. If you rpt|uire anythinii in the line of Binders, Mowerw, See«l Drtllc, Cultiva'or', Pulp- ers, Plows, Sleighs, Wasgons, Cream Separators, Harrows, Rollers, Cutting Boxes, Ensilage Gutters, Gasoline en- gines, Sawini; uutfits, etc., give us a chunee tu (|Uote prices. John Wright, - Agent Flesherton Mortgage Sale I'nder and by virtue of the power "f sale contained lu two certain mortgages, which will be proditced at the t oie of sale, the.'o will be offered for la'e by public auction on Saturdiy, March 27lh, 191."), at the hour of I :}() p. m., at Mc- Laughlin's hotel, Ceylon (Flesherton Station) in the County of Grey, by Mr. Duuiiald McPhtil auctioneer, the follow- ing property, namely; All and singular those certain parcels or tracts of land ami [ireiniscs situated lyini! and being in liiu Township of Ar- temisia in the County of Grey, and known and described as follows: â€" Firstly, lots iiuiiiber< twontysix. tweniy-.Hcveii and tvvcuty-oight 111 tho Second Rmnre or Concoa.'iou ninlh of the Durham Road in yaid Towiishni of Arlemesia, nntt .sec- ondly, lot number ivveiityeight in thi- First Ranue or Concession north of slid Durham Road in the said Township of .\r'emesia. Erieted thereon is a goid frame dwell- ing 11' use. brick veneered, one and a half storifs high with kitelion and wood shed ; a bank barn 52 feet in width by (iO feet in length, with 2') feet i)osts, with vood stiiiie f^undntion and stabling un- derneath the barn, and is in good repair. There is a good implement shed, and also '» go id hoa pen. There, is also good Wilier at the home. The farm is fairly well fenced and in a good state of culti- vation. TERMSâ€" Ten per cent, of the pur- chase money to be paid in ca.«h at tho time of sale, and the bnlaiieo if the pur- i chase money to be paid within thirty days from the date of ;>ale, with six per cent, interest. The property will bo sold subject to ft reserved bid For further [Ktrticulars and conditions of sale apply to JOHN DOIGL.VS, 1275 <.,>ueen .St. West, Toronto, Solicitor for the Mortgagee. Dated at Torouto Ihi.s Ninth day of March, 1915. Cement Work Wanted jVlany lives have been ruineo through neglected eyestrain in childhood. The eyes of everv child should be examined. We have made a special studv of this branch of optics, andguarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. W. A. Afmstrong:. J Debentures issued for Mill Short Terfr of YearHll NEGOTL^BLE Inttrest Coupons Payable Half-Ywrly '1 L ASSETS J $7,480,339 il i The ^.l»>.llc^;;;^llca is preparcl lo tlo silo building and conoictc work. Ha>e had thirteen years exi>crioiice anil feel I can give entire s.i'isf.iclion. Have steel i forms for silo and all o 11 lit neces-ary for I all kinds of cement work. Can also attend to carpentir woik. THOS. Bl'.NTUAM, 1 July Fleaherton. The Great West Permanent loan Compang >S|||| ZO.Hin^St.West. Toronto |||ll W.J.Bellamy iftg«nt lau' Fesherton ANADIAN PAOIFIO Improved Service TORONTO MONTREAL OTTAWA Via "Lake Ontario Shore Line" Fast lime !o Whitby, lishawa, Etort'- manville. Port Hope, Cobourg, Belleville, Trenton, etc. I'articular finni CanailiiOi Pacitio 'rieket .\gout or write .M. <!. Murpb.v, District PnsseiiRcr -Vgent, curnei King aiul Youge Streets, Toronto, S. RANDS , Agent, Ctyl. n. Christmas Gifts \ Then' is a movement on foot this year for coinehin/ substaniial for Ch'iHiinas, now that tho German riiui.iy ware is debarred (as it should have been years ai{o) Just by way of suggestion we would propose that you call in and ex- amine our stock of furniture suit- able for present!', which is un- usually full this year. For in- stance w« have riM-'kers for moiher, easy chairs for father, benuiiful pictures and frames for sister, haiidsteigliK fur little brother, little rockers, dolla beds and wick- er chairs and other things for little inter â€" something for everybody. omc in and see the latest thin:; in dolls beds and rockers. Then we have the nsual st -ck of all kinds of parlor, bedroom and dining room furniture â€"ilciks, chiiits, odd pieces, secretariesâ€" Oh! there is too miieli to eniiiiieiate. Come in and i!o over our .slock yourself. .\Uvays happy to ahow i;ood.saiiil to deini'Psrnice tlmt our prices are as lovv as the lowest. Wo are pvepared ti furnish tlovvers iiiid IKail designs for funerals, weddings, or mcial ga'liorings, liavinij arranged with the es- i,ato of Brampton to IraniUe their business here. W. H. BUNT i URNITURE DEALER • 'PHONE 23 R2 5 Flesherton - Ontario. Columbia Grafonoias Columbia Records And Supplies FOR SALE Columbia records fit disc machine any The latest patriotic records j in stock. Come in and hear some of them if you are interested. The Advance Office S WANTED A RELIABLE MAN To sell llAKDY CANADLAN GROWN J ST(>CK III Flesherton and Grey County. Start now at the best Selling Time. Send for list of SPRING »)FFKRINGS, and terms lo Agents. Deering Implements Liberal Commissions. j ;outtit. Hands(>ino fro* .AND Gasoline Engines StonR & Wellington Fonthill Nurseries (Established 18:^7) TORONTO - X)N^ .\U kinds of Deering Impleniont.s. Parts | always on hand. A^ont for Barrie and; .Mt. Forest Cutlois,B;kiber Buggies, Lou- , Carellllly den Litter C^rrieis, Hay Tracks. Pedlar HE MflRKHS. Corrected E»oh Week Wheat $1 20 lo 1 25 Oats tiO to (W shingles and siding. These linplenieiits | pe.w. $1 2."> to 1 26 »,e I Barley 75 to 75 I Buckwheat 7 j to 7r> ''^ "''' ', u lour *~ 20 to $8 5(1 I Hay nr> 00 tt' ii> og vC'iuire no lecomincndatiou as they sli^idard goods and recigni/.i'd best on the market. 1 Butler i Eggs, fresii I Potatoes per bag. ED ii R.UTHERFORD '^"''"' Proton Station (Fowl j Chick ens, jTutKBys . 2d to :S 17 to 17 :'>d to .' 11 to 11 1 1 tl- 12 Sto ft 10 to 10 14 to 15