â- t I /k0[)ertxrn %hmnu. truth: before favor." â€" " PRIA^ClPLEb NOT MEN. vol 31 No. 44 Fle^tierton, Ont., Tliursciay, April 22 IQlo W, H THURSTON »T.7pko ) it f Ceylon Clippings Last Week's Hems Mrs. J. Patliso.i spenl :i Uv tiays of the past wetk iii Toronto. Mr. and Miss Bowers of ijlielburne hive been vititofs at Jlr. K. Siir^ents. Mr. Percy McLeod li :t for Toronto Silurd^y. Miss Culemun \vh ' li:ii been vi.sitliij frwnds here the pint we.k left Saturday fer her home in Owen S uiid. Mr. L. Ruiledge left lo si>o!id » few i^ays in Toronto on Monday. Mr. Will St-ew»rt, Guelpli, called on his brother here Monday. Miss Nesaa Collinson cntertiiined ;i lew friends Friduy evening in h^nor of her guest, Mis-s H. Colcuiau. Mr. Pattison held llieir Millinery opening on Sa'urd-ty, when a very pretty di.spLiy of hats was .shown. Mr, James McMulleii liad the luisfov- tone on Monday while forking hay lo ran the fork into the middle of his foot. We hope nothin<( seriously will result. Mr. J. H. Cushnie left Saturday fur Toronto aflet -spending a week with his fim ly here. Singhampton Quite a number attended the service in the Methodist Church on Sunday evening and enjoyed the sern.ou by the pastor, Re\, Mr. Morri<, on "Helping to Bear the Cmss of Chri.st." On April the 25th a lepresentative of the Dominion Alliiiuce Associiitiou will address ihe cjngregstioii. K\'eryoue shouM take advantage of the op{X)rtunity to hear him. Born â€" Oo M^trch Oih, tti Mr. and Mr*. David L<M):b«ed, a daught-er. Miss Millie .Jenkins of Toronto oam<) up last we»;k lo vi«it her (in«nd-pi»reuts, Mr. and Mrs. Llliott. Misse* Irene and Nellie Lindsay spent Ust FriJay with friends here. Born- On April 4h, t> Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Nett', a sun. The social eveniuj xiveu by ihe Y. P. I'. .4, was well attended and all report a ({OoH tln>e. The nieelinj^s thii month are being held in the .Methtdis-. Church. Everyone, youni{ and oli, ate invited to att«Bd. Walkerton A whip known as "The Cat-O'-Nine- Tails " has been iustalUd in the Sheriffs Ortice here.and it is scheduled 1 1 be used in Walkerton foi- the lirst time on an Indian from near Wiirton, who will be whipped for t>e'itlnj; h!» wife. .\s the Shertif will lot likely do the lashinir him- self, lie will protMtbly dulegtie the job to a Walkerton oonstablo, .iiid us all the sleuths here are rtgnUr g^illunts in the defense of women, they can l)e c lunted lipou lo ab'y avenge the l-tdy's wrougi<. The wife boating habit is liecoining siioh a serious lueuaco that iiiagistiales every- where are being urged to apply the lasli to the guilty culprits, and it is probable that the whip at the Sheriff's othce will h»ve more todvi with eo;ivortini a cer- tain Class of .sin' en than all the homilies from the local pulpits could hope to acconipii.sh in a score of years. .\ Greenock farmer wlm load in a iiiag«/.in« about a Unip bargain otIV-rcd by Hii American tirni, H'mt igi't oO to the Vai> keu concern ou the understanding, it seems, that the lamp was to be laid down here for that sum. Huw^vcr oii it 4 arriv- al in Walkerton last week he was horri- fied to lind Ih.'lt: thcio u-as a duty of $1.&0 on i*, which he reluctantly p:tid, but his feelings received another serious jar, when notili«d that there was .S<ic. express charges still due on it. This seemed too much of a "l.'ike-in" for the farmer, so the agriculturalist refused to take the Ump. with the result that it is Eow lying in the express ortice here, with t\e enraged farmer wishing that bo had forgotten to answer that ad., and that he was once more in close touch with his departed coin. If (he lamp isn't c'aim- ed within a certain |ieriod it will be sold l^y auction to cover e)tpres.s chargc.s. - Her«ld. .T«s A. Watt, of Salem, has just put through probably the biggest deal in Shorthorns that h;ks ever taken ptitce in Oaiutds. Mr. Watt jiurch.ised from .Mr. H. L Fuimert of W innipeg^^is celebra- ted Khorthoin herd of about (^ hevd, ii:- cluding the fatuous 17000 bull, «'Oain- fuixl Mari^uis, " Batteryman Hanley Writes Again The following interesting letter has been received by Mr. W. Hanley of the post ottict department, Ottawa, fioni one of his two sons at the front : In France, March 21.- here we are again, happy and dirty. Hsven't had a bsth s'nce we c»iue iutc this country. This War is autting nionotono-js, at least cut end of it is in this corner, although it must be great sport to be an airman with the anti-air craft shells breaking iu the air, usually from tne hundred ysrds to two miles away from the machine. It is altogether safe, for I have seeu forty shells breaking around one machine with- out effict. A German biplane pissed so low over my head at the observing sta- tion yesterday that I could see the cros- ses on his planes. They are used for scouting only. Mr. Hohenzolerii was in Lille a couple of days ago and may have heen respou- sible for the very elaborate dissertati' n on Hate which was published for tliu benefit of the Hon .soldiery in the Lille War Gaiette. It was a flowery, eloquent article, cleverly written, but ridiculous in its purport. ^"God punish Rnglaiid,'' was its text. The pap^r was founJ on the dead body of a German killed at Neuve Chapelle iind^was read out lo us on parade this nioiuing. By the way, we were in that battle for we gave them about about one hundred rounds as a counter attraction. This is totally ditfcrent from luy idea of war, as I thought it un the plains. There was no necessi'y for that eitreme measure to toughen 11 >. This also ap- plies to the infantry. Shortly after we arrived in France the weather improved. It has rained to day for the first time in weeks,-althoutih we hive had some cold days and a couple of snow storms. We left for the tiring line about the 1st of March, from where we occupied for a few days an old camping ground about two feet deep in mud. We had a blind- ing ffltow s'orui when we shifted, but now ir in like .luiie weather, and we have been in action nearly every diy .since. The country is so Hat that there is no drainage and likely to be extremely un- healthy. Obsetvations are made with dilhculty. 1 just arrived l»ick from the obbervation place where I was on the telephone with another and an utticer. but bayond the continuous sniping aud a few high explosives close, nothing un- usual happen!!. The chap who wrote home ''Dear Mothsr, I am in charge of the picquet to-night' in less liable at this liine tu noti.:e the weight of such stupendous re spouaibilities as being X. 0. O. of ihe pici|U0t at Devizes. No I'hlans charge amongst our guns and we go up to with- in 20 yards of the tiring line nnarine. ,. I haven't worn my bandolier since 1 came up. This is one of the luuny conditions ot inoderu w ir. Four or live "fjittle Willies, " high ex plosive l.'i'pouiiders, l'j||l clone to ii.s to- day, but failed to explode. We dig them up, pile the powdi'r in the load and watch the tire woiks. It was strictly forbidden st Petiwawa to handle these slii'ils but here they indicate the range ••y their fuse or are objects of curiosity. Nomerons high •'>plo.sive "coal boxes" wander in, but there has been 1:0 one killed. One fellow in the 41 h Battery had his eye taken out by a slirnpnel bull- et, 1 »aw Clarence (a brother) in FIciir U.kix yesteiday and slipped him a |><>uiid. He will have a chince to spend it there, a'though the pricps are ridiculous. He lost his hat in the trenches and wears a balaclava and has got two hole* ihrougli his .serge sleeve above the (dhow, 0110 where a bullet went in and one where it came out. Went lhr>ugh his underwear. Ho said he bad vlBions of Leicester Lounge, as { of an inch more and it would have l>eeii,Eiigland to roouperate. .\t the observation station the other diy a bullet came into the riKiiii and kuocked the dust off the wall into our tea, spoiling it, which is the closest war has been brought hoioe to me siiif-e 1 started campaigning in Flanders. The ook is busy now picking shrapnel bull- ets out of a tree at his cooli hou^e where a "Weary Willie'' happened tu explode this morning, but if we cannot defend ourselves against this mob >>f hoo'igans we're not Hritish. Fevers ham Items The farmers are bnsy 011 the laud this week. Tha Rev. Morris of Siughauiptou preached an iuteresting scrmou to the Metuodist congregatiou here ou Siiuday njoruiug last, having ex- changed pulpitii with iicv. Phiinister ol Maxwell. Pi . Ostcn of Toiouto v.ill give a discomse here uext Sunday moruiug iu t!ie iuterests of the Dominion Alliance. Rev. Muir of ToionLo will be here in the afternoon to take charge of the Presbytcnan service. Lieutenant South has come to our village as otlicer of the Salvation Armv for liic summer. Mis.^ Hemphill ol Flesheiton is visiting her cousins, the Misses Speer, of this village. Mr. Thompson of Michigan is vi.-;it- iug his daughter, Mrs. E. C. Hammel. Miss Maud Davidson and friend spent Sunday iu Collingwood with the former's sister. Mrs. J. Stouten- burg. Cliarles and Fred Weldnek visited their brother, George, near Ravenna, last week. We are sorry to hear of George's serious illness. Mr. John Do.iglas, 31-., is seriously ill at the home of his sou, James, on the I2ih line. &IJSS Leila .Moffat's many friends are glad to hear that she is recover- iug from her recent illuess-. The roads are getting into good condition again and the honk honk of the autos aie heard once again m the land. Victoria Comers Last Week's Items Mrs, Mo.row, of Beeloii, was a visitor at hvr sistei's, Mrs. Jas. Ik'-t, and tier brother's, Messrs. Stinmm. Miss Dot. Stevens visited her sister, Mrs. Brewster. Mis. Moutgoiaery and children of Duuda'lc were visitors at H. H. 'Jallaugh- er's a ivH days. We are sorry to rejHUl Mr. Jones ill Willi pleurisy. Mis. Ludlow has returned Inmie after attending I lie funeral of her mother. Mrs ' Buhner of Klesherton visited Mrs. Htard recently. This Week's It«Biii' Dr. Little w«s again called to see Mr, Newton Bannou, who had a [relapse, but we are plea.sed to reiKjrt he is improving at present. Spring has come without much rain. Maple synip has not biriii abundant this year. Mrs. Geo. Moure is visiiiug lier daugh- to»', Mrs. Win. Tall'ot, whose b-.kby has been teiy sick with pneuinonra, but is rewjveriug nicely at present. Mr. Bciilhhin spoke »l Inistiogj on Sundty in place of Mr. Jones, who is stiff on the sick 1 st. Owen Sound Gusiave Ciip>key ol Hi-pworth, wlu- was convicted before Judge Klein in Walkerton on Thursday of last week of reee;ving stolen goods, knowing them lo h.kve been stolen, was let go on suspend- ed sentence, after reociviug a ssvere re- |Miiiiand from the Judge. The li'tle two ye«r-old daughter of Mr. Nathaniel Ogg was the victim of .1 iia.sty accident last wt«k when she fell and broke htr thigh. The cliiM climbed up on a platform at the rear of the house, which is used for hanging clothes on Ihe clothes reel, and fell fi-om the top of the platform to the ground, a distance of about eight feet. Tlio lii'it line under the new liquor Liccti.-ie Act .Vmendiueul was imposed in the police court when Wm. Pitts i f the Patterson HoU'^o was fined if'MO and cosLs, f >r keep'iig liquor for sa'e. Pitts pleadcii guilly and d>d not put up any defence. 'I he line was the rc-snlt of a spi/.iiru made by t'ottstable Carson on Weduesday ercning, of between eighty and ninety bottles of whiskey, in a bh«d at the rear of the Patterson House. The j cargo of "juice"' was just being un|>Ht'ked I when the constable opened tbed'Hir and j walked in, tnti'rriipting the pr<>c«ediuga. Gravel Road, Osprey We are liaving very nice spring weather. The maple syrup makers of tliis vicinity have had very small returns for tlieir labors. E. C. Pedlar had a heavy loss iu his dock last week. D. Caiiieioii and lady friend spent over Sundiiy with his grandpareu'3, Mr, and Mis. H. Soruberger. The burly Scotchman from the hill won ont all right with the little Euglishuidu in -ilic hay coutcit on Friday. H. J. Ntill and 11. II. West took a business trip to Collingwoud ou Saturday . Miss P. Baker of Toronto brought QiJc^ ol her patients to spend tho summer willi A. .Morrison. J. liadley spent a day ld=t week with Fred bpolfoid, on the ^th liue. Mr. A. Sorubtrgor and family stil continue iu the stock auil wood business. < >wing to the del'tat of Jack Johnson 00011 hides arc not in much dem:ind now, DR. BXJRX 5peciiilit( in diaistcs u( Ihts Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat I IFFICE - l.W lOih st, \\\^i,-)\va\ Sound i At the Revere house, Markdale, 2nd Thursday each luoufh from 8 to a 12a. m DiinJilk.ls Wednesday cif each month.. Jew eiry H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT J.AILOR Feversham - Ont. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. â€" ALSOâ€" A line of Ready-iMade Clothing Which wo put alterations iu free of ;haige, if reiiuired. Isep Stop Jewing The Farnier A citizen of one of our Ciiudiaii towns the jther day in ordering a fafui product â€" maple syrup by the way- grumbled Jt the price proposed. I'his is aliout as fur as farmers can go â€" un-rely to suggmt what they ought to get. The fanner is tjld the price of what he has to .sell, ind some one else dictates what he must psy ' for what he buys. Lately, to keep down the cost of living, it was seriously pro- poseJ that the Government regulate ihe price of f,uiii products. '"Buy fooU cheap, »ell goo Is dear, "and have the liovuriiment to back yi-u up.' That is the Sir Jui^o McBore idea. The banker ti.tes the rale of interest the Isriner is lo receive on his modest savings de|>osit, and what lie is to pay (about double) for a loan. The farmer is told what he may have, as per the other man's iiicasure- in^ii', for his tiiiibcr, but the cooper li.xes the price of apple l>.irrels, and a con- tiJciitial prici: li>t to agents determines what he shall pjy for waifiis or biiidei>. He bonu>cs a lot of transcontinental li'tes and then with smne moderatim: by the Uailwi.y ConimiH.siori, lo the support of which he cinitributes, ilie irallic in ini>- gcrs decide what he shall pay f <r tl.e privilege of ridiiu on th>i cars, or how much will be left for hini mil of hit hogs or wheat when m.irkeled. He is SMVcd the trouble of hgviiii^ out Ihe price ot .sugar b'^etK f. u. b., and hi« kiinl hearted grocer deoignates what lie can have fer his basket of egus, and how many pounds of ^Hnulated sugar he will be poriniited by Somebody in .Montreal to allow him to carry home for a dolUr. lie may haw bni'l a sugir sli nity ivii.li bo:»rds at tin- regulation lumber yard pi ice, and in- stalle I an expei.si.'e maple syinp pl.';nt, bnrntd up much valuaSlu wood, paid h k land ta.\ and a libt-ral wage for hired help contributing his own lalx r gratis t >iled ill ihe »iiow and wet of March, lapping, gsllieriitg aii<l Miaituiig sip, boibn^, seiural times all night long, per- haps win.liiiK up with pneuiii mia or a bad dose of the "gri{i|iL.- ' and htve no apodl from the diictor's l>ill or the cor- ncr-ding s'oie prcsciipiion; then h.iiil his up-to Inland Ksvenue Standard syrup teu miles to town in cans which the tin- smith, actiii.' as d stributor for the bi^ and judiciously nourished factory, w..s allowed to iL'ail al "so much a piece " â€" Imt for him lo want so much per gallon for the syrup, "oh dear nic! inU the .sap iiadu't gone up iu price. It ran out of tlio trees jmt th« .sane as last year." Why should he uiidfrt;iko to |iur the pi ice higher, indeed' The war taxis won da'' Hiiiount to much, and it only look a lii'le whJe to strain and clarify the syiup. Certainly he had always de- luereJ it nice and in tEoud measure right at the do pt io previ.ius yeats, but, oh luy! what a j .dl to hue the uuu froii) the woods talking about the cost of prc- du.:lion, and saying what ha ought to h vo Tor thing'-: .\dioeate. Try a want ad. in The Advance. Vou •re alw.^8 sure to get good result!. .\ charge of keeping ti<|Uor for sale was I laid and Pitts wxs Kned the three hundred odd. --Sun. Mr. Gcirg« Bedford ol Elinwood lias i vcned a trap which is iMtcntcd and styl«d "Yha lludford IJuinano Tr^p." It is designed l^ kill all animalt iustaLt- ly and is cotis\<[uenily more huuur.e ihii> allowing animals to sufl'er a liugeriug c'latS by the old fa.shioncd traps which btvo hitherto been in asr. We uuder- •'.And that 'hese tra|M will be iiianuCact- ii'cd by the Fisher Machinery >. of Hanover. A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, • ONT â- >â- "- -V' .^*- â- '"' >•"'"-• -st â- >'«• â- »"- •»''• -Ht -'''<• •i'f- !!«• ^'' •*"' -"*â- di& •*"' "ilfedSfe •*"' ^fe^-l&4^^ik '/1 5 "/(f w ^ ^ -/!«â- w= ^i;? '/.f w= ^ ^v' 7i? w '/A~ W ^ '/i? Do You Want Feed ^ I have .icui- of nnin iin.I Shorts to arrive in a ^ few (lavs. W m Feetl ior Evtiybotly. Hour tor Kvervbotly, All kiiuls of Field au<l Garden Seetls. W. BUSKIN /K^i.^'' -J"' vvtt .M5. ..vt^iv .M!. vM'.. .^l/, .}»!. jjt<. vV«.:jJ!. -^''':}'!•^!^lâ- 4!fea'«•;^'4:^'<:•^'iiIfc^!fe%^ <»l«. i RUBBERS! RUBBERS! % Those in need of Kn.bbers, either IIii;h Lace Leather Top.s or Low Lace Tops or liultbers with- ' out Tops or if you have old Leather Tops Idling them in and i;et new Inntonis on them. WHERF/ \V1LV XV Thos. Clayton's FLESHERTON • â- /v.' sa.-\a-Na-v*.- v sa--sJ.-vJ.- ^J.-N«/sJ.'sJ--Nav sa sa. -j -sa-Mi-v va.- sa.. fc.;. NEW SUITINGS | New Suitings just to hand â€" .•^onie of ^ the nobbiest Aveaves to be found any- w where. 'F Leave your order now for that new .suit. You wi" Satisfaet ion nuaranteet never regret it. Don't forget that wo tU) cleaning, pressing ami repairing. Our price.s ai*p right ami our workmanship is the very best. «V/>V'*V*V*^/>'*V' S. J. BOWLER I Sole Agent for the Hobberlin Tailoring. m ^