Flesherton Advance, 22 Apr 1915, p. 5

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April ±1, I9I.> THE F L E S 11 E R T OiS ADVANCE EsiaklisKed over 'Poriy -one Years THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA ASSETS OVER $48,000,000 The A, B, C of Banldng \f alue Your Mooey. I^aste and uo JLtravagance Bring Disaster We solicit your account in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL, H B H M^iuger. Branches aho at Durham and Harriatoo. ^Odds and Ends ARTICLES FOR SALE Car of fresh ceinent just arrived â€" F. H. VV. Dui.can, Kl. .sheuuji. Young Pig<) For Safe â€" Apply at Lot 35, CiiD. lO, Arteinesiii. R. O. Turner. Potaties For Saleâ€" Apply to W. J. Magee, Eugenia. E*!ys for Hatching â€" Silver GiinpiDe and Bulf Wyikiidotte, SI 50 per settinu of 13 eg!;*. â€" T. Bulnier, FUsheiton. C. p. R. Time Table. ! p , v ^ , „ ^u , . Court Vandcleur will celebrate at Trains leave Flesherton Station »si Vandeleur on Dominion Day. All meoi- 1 bers are la^aested to be present at the Going North next reuuHr meeting aa there i.s import- 7*-;!»-"'- 'V^^ *•"'•: act business to transact. Ala 4.27p.m. 9.18p.m. I The mails aro osed at Flesherton a.i | Division Court waa held here by Judge la:>t week. any impor- ! lance tried, that of R. J. Porter of Pro- ' ton agriost the e.tecutors of the Inte Frank Moore, damages for cattle eating , corn and turnips. Porter waa allowed •follows : Go ng South oUows: For the north at 10.40 a.ir.andvviddifiaia \Vednesd»y of 7 p.m. ; and the afterntwu mail conth as! _, , a*0 n'clocK For morning tr..in south There was only one case of â- mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. Hoosier Wau'on box, lit .my wagon, gitod second hand, for sale chi'ap.â€" J. E. Williams, Eurunta E;igs b'or Ualchiat; â€" Pure bred wbitu wyiiudottes. Tlicse aie freui Proctor's prizs bii-dj. fl.oO per set'ing of 13. Wm. Orr, Proton SUiir '. i' O. Myl5 Eggs for flaichiiig. â€" Thoroughbred Siiig'e Comb While Li'tihorusâ€" the hens that will every ega laying contest â€" 81.5(i per setting. Ernest Morgan, Eug>-nia. Eigs For Untching â€" Bred frura P. j Ross McVeigh â€" prize pen of Whi'e Wyandottes. Eggs per eettin^ of 15 at 50c. J as. FindUy, Markda!o. -â- w^:»^---.->, ^r:^^JS^JA.f:>.'. ..,â- -. .. ..-.-«--,-,j^-- ^j.....'-. /iiaW I Millinery Opening Season Before making your final selection you will do well to see our display of the latest styles. Everything new JSo old stock of either Hats or Trimniinfj.- and .-po them. BOYS' SPRING SUITS A large stock of Spring Suits for boys, $".0U to $7.50 per suit. Norfolk and straight Boys' Pants $1.-J.3 to $1.50. styles, selling at V VICINITY CHIPS There are X2 pupils Fle;>hettoii high school. Mrj. Manning of Brussels is risiting her ditmthter. Mrs. Fred Mathewson. Mi«8 K t^ LeOurd has taken a positiou I to .\ldcorn's store at Pticeviile. Mr. Wm. Hwiry hss purchased a new Fold auto. Mi-vi Miugiret H"uder4i>n of Torcnto 13 speodinit a m<tnth with her parents Mr. and Mrs. S. Her.derscn, here. Misses Lily Mutson and .\nuis Hamil- ton 4Te attendin<{ High Shcool in Flesh- «rbuu.â€" Markdde Standard. Mrs. Ful on of Woodstock was the guest uf her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Carter for a few days dating ibe past week. W. T. Peinber, the hair soods man, will be iti Floiiherion, Thursday, April iJi S;c' advertisement. Mr. D. Murphy of the suburbs hat purchased Mr. Ab. Stevt»ri'» cow her bob tailed cslf, chruuicleU in week & Advance. the roll of. From the Firing Line I Mrs. Wm Davis baj kindly loaned us the two following letters which she re- ceireil from her son, Tom, on the dring line U.'itlweek. Msrch 13, 1915. Duar mother â€" Received your le'ter this morning dated Feb. 16. We are going back into the trenches to-night; wo were in for 9 days, coming out last Tues day night. We have moved a few times since. Had a baib, clean underwear and DOW I am feeling fine. We strike some great places to sleep iu ihis country, some times in schools, pool rooms, barns and stables. Any old place .seems goud enough. We can always sleep. Our Canadian .\rtillery is raising caD» with the Germans to-day, but are getting no r«-p'y so far. The weither is Kitting iiuite spring like and the firniers have md j started seeding. Our Bi'taliou suffered last * few looses while they were in the tren- jchis. Only one man was killed in my Bull For Saleâ€" Pure Bred Durham, not registered, from extra good milker, | only (33. Joseph Buchanan, Meaford j Road. I For Sale â€" The residence and lot in town owned by the late Jine Corbett. Apply for particulars to Wm. Keyee, Ciirlteiton P. O., or W. L. Wright, Flesherton . For Sale or Rentâ€" A six roomed frame house with wood shed attached, four lots with stHble, well and good orchard, in Fle^herton. Apply to Mrs. W. J. White, Flesherton. E^g» For Hatcuing â€" Rose and single Comb K. I. tlods, both pens headed by prize birds. One dollar per setting, shipped t.i any address. W. H. Thurs- ton, Flesherton' Ont. Legal Blanks For Sale--R. J. Sproule kee^m constantly on hand and for sale cheap a full stock of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills and all other legal blanks. Any requiring such will lind it to their inter- est lo give him a call. For sale iheip and on easy tFrmf<, Lot 13, con. 11, Osprey, 110 seres. This is a first cla.ss farm and in a goc d state of caltivation. Good tank barn and new frame dwelling. Apply to K. J. Sproule Flesherton. S!r. Wihon, butcher, will erect an up- kO-dat9 ctniei.t abatti'ir according to , leaves nie O. K. ' thing. I have lots of every- As ever, Tom. terms are cash in advance as we have accounts with olliei m»ers. Anieetiugof the football enlhusiasU i """P^"?' »'«''" '"i"' ">""«'' th,5 head will be held in the P*rk H.use tonight I ""»» • "«" b""«f- Sometimes they (Wedaesda>)at 8 o'clock. Kverybody i »"""*''»'' ""f 'feuches, but tut olten 1 1 :vited to attend. i '•>*' '''''^' ^ """''• *'''> '^*^'" '*'>^'"*- , Our guns ate shaking th's oM baru this luoruiug, I am Hfraid it will <M down . . -n r s.)on. I am glad you are all well ss this goveniuieut epecihcations. 1. Lever has the contract, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert S.nith ard family of Msrkdale spent Sunday with Ihtf Intel's brother, Mr. W. J. Stowar^, Boyiie Farm. j â€" The Advance is asjcnt for nil the city â-  March "JOih, 11»1J papeis. See our clubbing li.st on j j^^^^^. „,othor- Received your leier. smother page. Uenew at onco. Our j ^,^ Earnios, last night, dated M.rch " , 2nd, and was glad to hear you were all I well. We are hivin;; tine weather here Cliorikt practice at Dr. Murray's on ' now, only yesterday there tras a heavy Wednesday evening. Five rehearsals | snow storm, but today it is all gone and only, until the conceit, Mky 21. We the sun is shining beautifully. We are â- eed every meuiber present, and every back in our billet again, after our period â- lember Deeds the practice from now ' iu th« trenches, which is sii old barn «iitil the 21st. I partly wrecked by shell liie. Our Can- adian artillery ie all around us, just tiring an ucc^siunal shot to let Ihem know we are still alive. The German artillery, it i seems, cannot find our guns, but ours I seldom miss a shot. Whan we were in I the trenches our guns stiirttd to t^hell their trenches, 3iX) yards fro-u us, you j could see sand bags Hying in all direct- ions and they were tiring from 1 t > 4 Mr. and Mr^. Alex. Stewart of Tee.s- j ,„i|ea. The range is directed by sir- •w.«ter epert a few days with Mr. and | p„(t. One day they slatted to shell our Mis. Alficu Harrison when en their w»y j trenches and I'll tell you I loek to ihe to their new borne in Owen Sound,whore jjug out like a ground bog. Xo mi was Mr. Stewart takes the position lately • i,ujt that day. Two rirtesweic broksn and vacated by Mr. Ashdown of that phce j one fellow had the front cut clean out of On Tuesday H.any A'ought was before ll.»gi8(ratc Ktinisou a charge of vagrancy, Tought has been hero about two weeks, aot working, though paying his way. His strange actions appuvully set people thinking. As njtbing could be proven •gainst Voiighr, the ca^e was didmissed- Markdalo Standard. ith the C. P, U. his great coat. It's just a game of chstico. The next fellow to me wai shot on a bridge when wc were going ip, so I slayed with him and bound up his wound and helued to curry hiiu to the dtessing station. He's only slightly wounded. uiidor- Tom. .\ gang of nieo started last week lo lay out the pole line from the power hou<e to Mount Forest, by way of Dui - ham. Th-s line follows the pipe line up thv' mountain, then through Eugenia and on to Hesherion and Durham to Mount ; To diy we get a balh and clean Foreit. The line will branch here and i '<"â- '"' l""' '>"« ^((^te it s needed. •ho run to Dundulk and Shclburne. , The Uwen Sound line will strike the g.avelamileand i.jusrter this side of ' ''•''• Carrutheis of Avening Mavkdale and follow the gravel to Owen j '>"""' "-'^"^^ ^"""^y Sound. The operation of planting the poles begins this week, these being all iu , pUce now from Eugenia to Flcsh«ton . | "^"^ ""I" ^'>« '=^^^^">'' ^'"^"''^ "»' "n^' I bring ihoin .sa.'ely home. In the murn- Tho city of Guelph has decided thai it j i„g ^g ii,tie toy, HaioM, years old, will not pay any more of the war tax j ^jn j^j^e him to school, lie up the lines, than it can help. Inatesd of mailing j ^^j Sandy will return. monthly accounts as in the past J.J, Carruthers of which from home about 4 o'clock iiig, and he will go to the has a ho can start in the eveu- ecliool yard. it will' have them delivered by messenger in or- der to .save one cent on each missive. Now, how does that strike the average Canadian ' To us it seems like a picay- une piece of business. No town outside Toronto has rec-^ived more attention from the governmeiii than Guelph, anJ to see it thus crawl in oidar to save a few doll- ars at the expense of the government is enough lo persuade ilie gcn'ornment to veinove tho prison Faiiii mid agricultural collego to soiiio place where ihe people have e.\hibited a litllo more patriotic iMUtiinetit than has ihe Royal City, To s'^ow her patrioliaui, Miss Dorothy tValker, the twelve-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jc>seph Walker, Meafurd, gave a miniature concert at li?r home on Fiiday afternoon and charged an sd mission fee of 5 cents. By lhn uicins she raised the sum of fcvunty cents which she turned over to the Patriotic Fund as a donation. The program rcnsisteJ ;>f songs, recitations, etc., and was con- tributed by her girl friends. This meth- od is au unique one and one to be coui- inendod in one of her lender years, - Express. WALL PAPERS We again draw your attention to the fact that we have one of the finest ranges of Wall Papers to be found in the county. ^o less than six books to choose from. A new additional stock for spring. Ihose who have papering to do will do well to see them before buying. We take pleasure in showingfthem. LACE CURTAINS 100 pair Lace Curtains selling at 50c., GOc., 75c., 85c.. $1.00 and $7.00 per pair. W. L. FLESHERTON, WRIGHT ONTARIO Our Clubbing List R j COLOUETTE MISCELUNEOUS Markdale Creamery .solicit the [wiron- age of all iheir old patrons, and altiO as many new ones as would wish to give us a trial f>.r the sia-'on of 1915. Listâ€" Between Toronto aud Syden- ham road an I 8:h L'ne, about March 30th, X bitkck h«i>d salchell, coulaining purse and articles if clothing.â€" Finder please coKiii.ur.ica'.c v>it!i A. Cjiucroii. Notice is hereby iriven that the .\gency for the Sydenham Mutual Fire Insurance Company, formerly held by the late W. G. Pickell. h-as been taken over by U, B. McLean, Priceville. R. R. No 2. P. Steinhart, Box 121, Ma<-kdale, pays highest prices in cash for poultry, pro- duce, hides, wool, rags, rubbers, horse hair, inm, etc. No trade Ship it or srud him a card. Save it all for him. War Price Cut Special Musical Offer .Vt the rate of J7-'H) foi : wenty lessons, two lessons per week, I will receive all new piano pupils during April, May and June, -M.\RK EVERETTE WRIGHT The following prices arn for strictly paid in advance sutiscriptions only. We ave no accounts with other papers, Klenherton .\dvaiice S t OU Yo'iths Companion 2 00 Toronto World, daily 3 00 Tonmto Daily News 2 00 Weekly Globe . 9« Mail-Empire 75 Family Herald & Sur 90. Toronto Star 2 W Farmer Sun iW Farmers Advoaat J 150 Weekly Wit.iese 90 Saturday Night 3 00 Hume Jourcai 9i) Poultry l{eview 40 Rod and Gun magazine !K/ 1 Feversham, Ont. Cos School Children's Eyes. Agent for the Cockshatt Plow u'.'a: } arm Impem • 1 Wagons, Buggies, Cut ters, Sleighs, and Gasoline Ens»ines, Melotte Cream Separ:»tors, Baker Wind Mills, I'uuips, Pipiug and Pipe Fittings always oh hand. Beally Bros', of Fergus, liirn Tracks, Litter Carriers and stable fittings. Cocksliutt and Frost it Word Repairs always oil h.iiul Fevcrsbam, Ontario. MASSEY HARRIS 1 IMPLEMENTS This famuus make of implements is well known all over the country and their own good work is the best recom- mendation they can receive. If you re.juire anything in the hue of Binders. Mowers, Seed Drills, Cultivators, Pulp- ers, Pl'>ws, Sleighs, Waggons, Cream Separatnrv. Harrows. R<dlers. Cutting Boxes, Ensilage Cutters, Gasoline en- gines. Sawing outfits, etc, give us a chiinee lo ciuote prices. John Wright, - Agent Flesherton N^^ XmH SP<iAS^ Cement Work Wanted ThA undersigned is prepared to do silo building aud concrete wotk. Ha<'e hal thirteen years experience aiul feel that I can give entire s.atisfaction. Have steel forms for silo and all o iifit necessary for all kinds of cement work. Can also attend to carp«nter work. THUS. BKNTHAM, 1 Ju'y KKsherlon. Field Crop Competition The directors of East (.ircy Agricul- tural S<K'iuty purpase holding a field oi-op coiiipetil ion this year, providing a suf- ficient number of coin(ii'titors can be .seeured, and it should not 1h- diiKeull when the iciviiitls are .so great. The eii>p chosen is white oiits. There must be not less, than ten competiti>rs and a fee t>f one dollar will bo charged for en'ry, wli.le the piix.es are big, being fiO, »1.-.. $12, 9W. »S, *l am! ft re- spectively In addition to above, the priaowinneix arc entitled to coin[.iett at the Toronto exhihition where prizes of fS, f", f'i anil ?4 an> given for sheaf exhibits anil $10, $9, $ti and $4 for two biishul.s of grain. Gi'veriunent judges will judge alt ci-ops. Sauiples of the pri/.ew inning grain to K- .shown at East Gi-cy fall fair Seipt. 28 and 2!>, Entries must Ixi handed in by May 20 to the secretary. W, Buskin, aceoiniiitnied by iho fee. The bo ad of directois a e leaving no stone milurneil to make the f.air this year a big >-ucce.ss. Limk nt your prize list and get ivady, or get oi e from the seeivtjvry. It is np to you to make the fair a Snece.-vs. .-Xiiy further infoniiation will be ehetrfnlly given by the secretary, or by the pre.Mdetit, C. Stewart. Many lives have been ruinea through neglected eyestraiii in childhood. The eyes of every child should be examined. We have made a special study of this branch of optics, andguarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong, DebentuTjes Issued tbr ' Short Term of i: I' (' (> ii: I' Liberal Commissions. Jouttit. I NEGOTIABLE latertsl Coupons PayaWt Italf-Yedrly L ASSETS : $7,480,339 A IheOrear we!.t Permanent LoanCompdng I6|l|| eo.Hin^St.West. Toronto |lllt W. J. Bellamy i*g*nt Christinas Gifts There is a moveineur on fi.ot this year fir something substnniiai for Christmas, now that the German tlimsy wiire is debarred ^as it should have been years ago). Just by way of suggestion we would propose that you call in and ex- amine our stock of furiiiluru suit- ble for presents, which i» un- usually full this year. Fv.'r in- stance we h.ive rockers for iiioiher. cs.sy chairs fir father, beauiiful pictures and frames for sister, haiidsleighs for little brother, little rockers, dolls beds and wick- er chairs aud other things for liUle sisterâ€" Something for eveiybody. Come in and see the latest tllini: ill doM,s beds aui rcckers. Then we have the usual .st. ck of all kinds of |>arlur, bedroom and dining room furnitureâ€" desks, baits, otld pieeec, secretariesâ€" (.>h! there is too much to euuineiate. Come in and go over our stock yourself, .\lways happy to show goods ,ind lo demoi's'iate that our prices are as low as the lowest. We are prepared to furnish Howeis and Horal designs for funeral-, weddings, or social ga''iering~, bavimi arranged » illi the l):i'e es- tate of Brampton to handle their business heie, Bu'ter Eggs, fi-e*ii i I I'oiatoes per bag 1 1 Gee.se. > nucks F..wl.,.. %/«.'»'%'%% %^'% %'^'%v%'-%'%^%^ Cbickrns WANTED A RELIABLE MAN i W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER PHONE 23 R2 Flesherton - Ontario. To soil HARDY CANADIAN GROWN STt^CK in FleshertAin and Grey Coanly. Start now at the best Sellinat Time. Send for list of SPRING OFFERINGS, and terms to Agents. Hauds< me free Stone & Wellington Fonthill Nurseries (Established 1837) TORONTO . ONTARIO iii[ Mum. Carehilly Corrected tacli Week Wheat $1 20 lo 1 25 Oats 60 to (U» Peas fl 25 to 1 2.5 Barley 75 to 7."> Uuekwheat 7'> to 75 Khiur $7 tSO to $8 aO Hay $15C0tol5lH> 28 to :<j . .. 18 to 18 ... 35 to ;*."> lltoll Utol-- 8lo » I Tiif «»vs 10 to Iu 14 to l.T laii. Flesherton Ii ANADIAN PAOIFIC For WINNIPEG AND VANCttl VEK leave Toronto 10.;K> p, m. daily .\t'ViiCtive Tours to PACIFIC CO^ST POINTS Tarticulttr fiiiin Can.idiau I'acitio Ticket .\gcut or wriie M. tl. Murphy, District raM«'iiger .\gent, cornet King and Youge Street.', Toronto, S. RAN CS. Agent, Ceykn. BULL FOR SERVICE The undersigned has a Pure Bred Slioi thorn Bull for SCI viee (n Lot 14t), Con. 2, S. W. T. iV. S. U , Arteniesia. Tuims$l.0O, .Ml cow.s Si'ned must iwid for by Isl March. I'.'lti, Isepi -H, Piper. Deering Implements,^ T HE ONLY MAN ^ WHO SHOULD |[ AND M NOT ADVERTISE IS ^ Gasoline Engines .Vll kinds of Deering Iiiipleuieuts. Parts always on hand .\gent for Barrie and Mt. Forest Cuttois.Biirber Buggies, Lou- den Litter Cbrrieis, Ha^ Tracks, Pedlar shingles and siding. These Implenioiits I'O'iuire uo recoinmeudatiou as they ate standard foods and rec^Minized as the best on the market. t ED. RUTHERFORD Proton Station 5S THE MAN WHO HAS NOTHING TO OF- FER IN THE WAY OF SERVICE-AND SUCH A PERSON IS A DEAD ONE- WHETHER HE KNOWS IT NOT. ORX Elbert Hubbard in the Fra X X M M ^^k^k;^xxkk^^k

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