<j-r . fc i ^fc ',. /ksh^rtxrn ^irtianc^^ "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." -" PRINCIPLEI* NOT MEN. ?0I 34 No. 46 Flesherton, Ont., Tliursday, May Q 191o / -X_ W. fl THCRSTONiT;?f?o r.DlTOB Kimberley Budget <^uiie a hei»y frust on Monday morn- ing which didn'L do very much damage in tiiia pirt. Mr. A. McAiiley of Bruce County visited diirios; the piist woek with his cousin, Mrs. Juc. Ilui.t.r. Mr. Robt . Thomps .n of SiuU Ste Marie, is renewing old aci|uaintances in this vicinity at pieseiit. Mr. H. LouEjheeJ a:.d Leonard Fa>T- cottof Duociin visiietl recently with the Utters parents, Mr. a d Mrs. Jas. M. Fawcett. Mr. Joieph Ferris, ,\. highly respecttd farmer of thii vicinity, hi.s purchased ihe St. (George's Hotel in rhornlniiy and will take possession on July 1. Mr. Ferris is a thorous>h teuipet'ancj man and DO doubt that he and hi« amiable wife irill make gold in that town. Mi.ss Elvie Bishop who has been attendin<; the Toronto University is vi.s- iting at lier parental home in our buij?. The following letter is from a f»rand- s:)n of Mr. Henry Ilurd of the valley road north, who is with the .'(rd Batt. "C" Co., Toronto Uegiiuent, 1st Brigade on-active service in France. France, March :«), l'.)l.-> Dear (JrandiKi and (jrandiua Hurd- Hope you are both well and that every- tbini{ i» < >. K . Well grandpa, war is a very iuterestins; game alright, even more ^o than a good ball itame. The life in the trench is not half bad, we live in our dugout.", and from time to time bring Ktraw \xt make our bed« more coiafurtable and also wooil to do a little odd cooking. We get very well ftd, also jjet our ra- tions of tobacco when not on «en'.ry duty. \Ve enjoy oui-selves with -i good smoke aiid tclhny yarns principally about the war, when all of a sudden you hear the <i«r:iian shells bursting. When they burst it forms an awful bunch of HyinK debris which is called shrapnel. When they splash the mud all over you it is not a very plea.sant sensation, :md bultet.s singing past ynu, Imt somehow or other we seem to gel u.sed to it. The w(ii>t part of it if when this awful .^tu(^ takes your own pals from out- of your own Co. It makes lis fellows feel very sad and we feel like killing every (Jcrman who exists. Yesterday the Bishop of London gave i.s a very tine patriotic speech, .\fter we cmne out <«f the tren- ches each time ujw, we get a (food hot bath and a complete change of under, wear <\hich we all look forward to and enjoy it veiy much. Well grandpa you will uo doubt like me to tell you a lot of news. I would like to toll you plenty of tales, hut imylhing worth while i would n*t l>eTkble to give you, on account of it not being ^Ilowed, another reason all oUK ay\\\ is cen<ored, but takt'; a bit of ad- »ice, do not take any notice -iif any news unless it is ottii.i«J, otherwise lake it for what you think it is woitb. For in- Ntince the Ton>nto dailies stated that only tweniy live men were left after a gallant charge. No doubt you read mi account of sa'ue. That would mean practically one thousaid casualtiesT The Canadian <ioveriimeiit should take hold iif all the dailies as the Uov'l has done in Kngl.ind. Well this is all 1 can think of . ht present, so will write agtin .soon. . Hoping this finds you all enjoying the l«»t of health, as this leaves lUJ at pres- ent. Your loving grandson, -G. H. K Uuid. Remonib'r n»e to all. Dundalk A c lUple of reprtsentalivea of I'astor â- Kussell held forth in the town hall on ' Fiiday, Sauirday »nd Sunday oveni igs , to small audiences, chiefly comp ised ..f youngsters, who were there to see the . pictures, • A veiv severe el.ctric storm passed over this district on Sunday afternoon and consiJor»ble damage wa.s done Dear lladjeros. <Jeo. Ingles had nine head of two-year-old cattle killed. They were ' standing i» the corn.rr of a tieU chise to Wro. Ingles' barn and all fell togetlur. Hobt. Stewnrt. ne.w Maple Valley, hst his barn and all the contents, including t brec c iws auu some young cattW. His seed ttrain, hay i»nd implements wei* also destroyed. He managed to got his wotkii'g horses out but had no time to 8>ve anything wise. The hail which ac- ooiyiJanied the inin broke severnl wm- drfWs aioind Badjer<i«. James Mcl^iesn't house on "he 14th con. of Proton was struck 1 y lightning bir very little daw »2e r«sul ed.~HemW. Priceville Jottings The ground worki^d up in tine shup^ before the rains came last week, bu*' not nearly so well sine '. Some fanners n it f.ir rroin here tin isheJ seeding duriu ; the month of April. Diedâ€" In TorontJ, April 24, Mr. Mc- Murchy, in his 63.'d year. Deceased h.id been in t'lo hospital fcr some time and underwent an operation to remove gall atones, and was doing well until other complications set in and caused his death. The body was brought here on the nigh', train and interment look place on the following Monday, .Apr 1 £6, in the Kom.in Oathjhc cemetery, Pomona. The Priceville .Agricultural Siciuty is otlering $7."> in seven priz )s for live a?re tieldj of white oats. .Any person within fifteen miles can compete by geitin'.^ an entry form from ll.p secretary and till in No. of lot, con. aiij ownship, and sign nt;me, then return to secretary before May 24. Mr. John White met with a se.i- ous accident a few daye ago. While workinii with a disc barrow he wot his foot very ba lly cut. Dr. Laue had to put in a nuiulier I'f stitches and it will be soir.e time before he can use his foot again. We are sorry to hear th»t Mr.Gruiidy, our new shoemaker, has lost two brothers within the last month, defending the empire at the front. Singhampton The Y. P. C. A. he'd their regular TueiJay night iiiee'ing in the Methodist Church. Miss May Cripps tisik ihe meeting. Minutes of the last meeting were read .-vnd adopted. An excellent pajier w.w aiven by Mrs. Re<lpatli The subject was "The Blessiig of Ser- vice." This |iaper was unusually good and should be Ijelpful to all. A lecita- tion by Mailer George Kwing was the next item. < hjr President has arranged to have Mr. .Stewart.teichor at lladjeros, uive IIS a talk on Enicland'a former wai-', as it was historical n glit. I am i-uie his talk wits instructive, and enlertsining. It to )k some of us bnck to our old days at English llistory. The gentleman is a very plea-sant fjpeaker, and certainly had Ills subject well in band. -A hearty vote of thanks was given the speaker at the close of h s i.ilk. Death has a^ain visited us, .-tiid aiioth- er of the old settler.", in the |>erson of Mrs. I'gpos McKay, w;is laid away to rest on Wednesday afterooou. Mis. Mc- Kay's maiden name wtn .Auness Schell, b'lrii in Markliair, where she lived un- til in irried to h-r late husband, Hugh McKay, who died about nine years ago. Thny Itved in Suunidale, and Knally imv ed up on the ICth of Notiawi.saga. Deat!i was not uiicxiiected, as she had been ill a lona time. She died at the home of her diughter, Mi-s. W. Chust- iiiit, of Uocksido. Three daughteis and three sons are still living ti> mourn their h)«:<. The funeral was well atleiuleil.foi- t li'.i bu.^y se vson of i he year . Messenger. Maxwell .Mr. Harry (iuy of Toronto I'liivcr- oity i3 lioiue for liis buliday?. Mi.;3 Dcssie Wright of Toioiilo lias returned to lier home. Mis.sps Morrison and .Anderson visited witb,Ulh Line friei:tls ou Sat- iiiday. Miss .Jessie Cameron visited with her sster, Mrs. W. H. Guy. The Young People's Iiiblc Class of the Methodist Sunday Scliool intend holdtiig an ice cveaiu social on the j 24th of .May. A good giogram is bfiiijg picpared. Particulars later. Miss May Cohinette spent Sunday at ber homo iu Feversliaui. Mrs. Fisher and Mrs. Charlie Mc - Eaobnie visited last week witli lier daughter, Mrs. Marshall Kertou. I Mrs. Marshall Monison visited With | her son iu llDpeville last week. i Mr. aud Mr^. Johnson of Duuiilk I visited with her daughter, M's Buck- | ingham, oue day last week. | Black hen's eggs are ipiite cornm. j place but duck's black eggs are a dif . - > ent story. Due of Mr. Luxton's ii. ,ji. J , wild ducks laid a o al black e^g \\&* â- week, sno' her one blaok with ^llecl(k-s ' and yet auochur iu the Mruson'« nc:v sh d« ''.Sji'isbury Mud." If vaiiety is ' tbe .sp ctf I'f lif ' this fowl Ivas aattly i» c'l'^nci- t'l 1 St *''l sh a record for kinjei xy. | - Mt. Forest Representative. Ceylon Clippings Eugenia Paragraphs G. Cdhnson w%s in Owen Sound la.st week oil Jury. Mrs. Hefferna:i and little c'aughter are guests at the McLaughlan house. Wm. White has purchased a new piano for his daughter, Miss Anna. J. Chislett has re'uined from visitii g Glenelg friends, and Ettie, who has been visiting her friend, Lilly Muir, Dundalk, has returned home. D. Muir has purchased an organ. Miss Nesst Collinson has gone on an ctteiideU visit to Toronto and Port Dal- hiusie friends. Miss Maggie Ferguson, Toronto, re- turned home Saturday . Dr. Brown, of Dornock, was called in consultation 'vith Dr. Little on Mrs. H. Piper last week. Mri. Piper is now be- lieved to be out of danger, Mr. Fied Chislett, Shelburna, spent a few days under the parental roof. .J. Ridley is putting in a new cement walk along the side of his house. Walkerton .Amos Vassel of K<nlough was fined $14 '*^ the other day for shooting tisb, Provincial (.'onstable Armstrong catch- ing him in tbe act. It is said that Vas.«c|l had been warned Ust year tsainst the practise, but his failure this year to heed the instructions proved a rather costly otdiuane. Mess^. John Bester ;uid Joseph Zet" telare each confined to the house with a broken leg, the tesult of a mishap i>ii Saturday morning Us", while attempting t) move Bt'sters house in the West W,«rd to the front part of his lot. The hou.sr, which IS a two storey rough cast dwelline, had been raised up on b'ocks, and someone, it seems, was jsckiiii it up (till higher on one end, when the blocks on the other side suddenly collapsed and cau.sed the house to fall on the legs of Boater and /etiel, who were pinned uiid-.'r the building, and who. it seems, were obliged to remain there nearly an hour before the re.scuing party could re- l :kse them. On being removed, /eltel w.as found to have sustained a compound fracture of his riijht leg, which was dis- coveiol broken in two places below the knee. Be-ler also sustained a painfu' break below the knee, and allliouuh Unh men are progrtssiiig favorably under the doctor's care, it will be some week.s be- fore their injur-;>l trotters are tit for ser- vice again. Jo.s.'pb Ellio't, Ihe Cipe Cruker rridian n ho so brutally beat hi.s wife, was »en tenced by Judge Klein <>ii Monday iiiorn- tna last to five mouths in the VValkeitim jail, and to receive s;x bishes from the cat o'-niiie-iai's on Mondiy next and six more lashes within tin days of the tei- mination of his seiitence. The puni»h- nieii', th.iuuh .severe, is nonj ',too great for the brutal nature of bis crime. Tiie eviJtiKe of Lis wife, Maj gie Elliott, slnnved I bat on the :Ud of April last, herhusloind came home about 11 o'clock at night under the influence uf liijuor, ai d j-oiiig to the bid where the lady had Iceii sleeping cfitnmencod kicking her in a iiiijht brutal manner on tl'e legs and loner parts of the body. ^He also struck heron the heat with hi.s fist, and when she manai^ed to ge clear of liim and ran out of th? l:ou.se, he fnllowel her out aud after kickiii ; and beatiir.^ her outside he throw her 'iick into th.> house. He then kicked her t.liree times near the abdionen as hard as he cold. She ran behind the table and ho Ihie* a jar of yeast at her and threatened to kill her. He then went into the kitchen and the liatloreil and biui>e.l woman opjned a window aod crawled ou' . ^lakin^ her way to a neighbors house she went to bed there, but h .-r husSaiid later followed after her, and goii'g up the stairs where sho was in bed, pulled her out of bed by the leg and tried to drag her down stairs, but, it Rceui', was prevented from doing so. She was in such a seriousi condition from this bmtal treatment that ten days after I'le Vieating she cimid hardly move in bed. Dr. Wiglo nf Wiarl:on, who attend- ed the la-ly, was a uiateii,il will e s at the trill. It also came out in evideece that Rllio't bid already boat .-n his wife fSt\ il (.iaies during thj wint.r. The pr'sv .1 A hv ia ali^ttt 1^ yea.is if «gp, )>Wa1ed .Milhy ti the criiiiO. ftuci received ' .' ntciice ai'h tint dCoi.iil silouCK to â- .liitacteiislic i.f the Indian. The wliipp j ug wi 1 take place in th > Wiilkeitoii jail and wi!. likely tie administered by a WaI m.iu.â€" Herald. Miises Tre.ssa and Klsii .Vruistrong c f Kleinburg w.re the guests of Miis .\ . Wilson. We are sorry to report Mrs. R. Plinlt Mrs. Wia. Wilscu and Mr. W. Walker very ill at present. Mr.s. Henry and son of Toronto, ar.d Mr. and Mrs. Pipher, visited friends here the past week. Ur. and Mrs. Rowbotliam have gone to the city to reside. Eugenia WHS '|uire honored with the presence of the -Arteinesia Council, wIm nut here ou Monday. Mr. T. R. MoKenzie was thj guest of Mrs. McMaster wn Monday. On Sundjy the far famed Eugenia falls was dry except .i siii;ill stream. No. 1 dam is prstty well filled. Tbe ^llst siJeroad and liRh line are chimed. A'egutation Ls rapidly prngresaing. We are pL-ascd to s.ie street c ira run- ning on our streets â€" an unexpected sight. Sorry it will not last. Mrs. McTavish of Flesherton si>ciit the pas: week « ii b her .Ntster, Mis. Williams. Durham .V bear is at krge iu Glenelg. iVhile plowing ju his newly leased f.i'in near Zioii last week, Mr. I>in Hc.Aulilfe per- ceived a large brirn en'et the field, gaz^ a few moments and disapjwar. Others it seeuLs have also noticed hiin. Last SUuixlay ni'^rning a severe shock greeted Mrs. Dan Mc.Arthur, north of town, when on entering the shed, she viewed their home buy, .loe Sewel, >u.«- pended by a rope. The young man had been with them a few months, wils a Barnado boy, and never had had a nuarrel or croBK ivorJ with any of the family. He had stepped nut into the shed before breakfast for a lail of water, and in not more than five minutes, not having re- turned, Mrs. McAithur opened the door. tn .see him hanginu by a rope used in hold up the pump handle, with legs lient to keep from touching the tliMir. Tbe tKiy was then growing black in the face, aid CHllin-; her sop, Stewart, they -luick- ly released him. Medical aid was .secur- ed liut it was four p. ni. before he re- gained cnusciousiiess or spoke. A r< p- lesentaiive from the h"me arrived on .Mondav and took the unfortunate by back to Toron'o, where he will be uiedi- cally exsmimd a.s to H.inily. The boy a.scribed no reason, nor can any motive for hi.s rash act be arrivcil at by the Mi- ArthurV, in fact, to the Infpeclor he de uied having ever used the rope fur tie purpose. He had wirli Iheiii a splendid home, and no irritation whatever was known of. The most fortumite ciicinn stance of the iill'iir « is the timely aiiivai oi Mrs. Mc Arthur before a tragedy had occurred as a few minutes more would duiiblless have been too liite. Mr. Jns. Firth is kindly a.ssisting in the firm work, >ioce the Imy s absence, during' Mr. McArthur's prolonged ilbiets.â€" He- view. Gravel Road, Osprey Owing 10 the favourable weather the furiiiers are getting along I'ue ivitii their seeding. We are >(lad to report thit Mr. J. Radley's hooe* MO able lo work :.i;ain after their sick spell . Mr«. Morrison ani Mrs. Mcliiljre visited Mrs. .A. Fiiidliy l.wst week. Our iieightioiirs aie glad to rep.ot th.it .Mr. Thomas Ileeley is coming t>ack to iiiiew old aciiuainianccs in this v c'uify. Mr. .Alex. Fiiidlny is shiwiy reo<iv,-i. ing after a severe ."bock from lighlnini; last Sunday. Mrc. II. Cameron visited her (..arcii «-, Mr. uhI Mrs. Sornberge- , la.st week. A number of our yoU"g hoys atlei.ded prayer meeting on the einhlh lin< , re- cently. While p'cking stones one dny last week, Mr. Wnlter Mai.shaU'R two sons noticed a gruuiii hog in a iiei<(bbi ring field i>erforming in a peculiar mai ner, tunning up *ui down the H. 11 as if being chased by something. Up"n iuve.>iigat- ing they discovered that it whs lui ning arvund triih f lU' tomato cm coni| "otely eoveriug its head. It ^.j^mi thd il e an- imal had been trying to get a drink out ofthec^nand had g- t caught lu it. Needles.s to»ay the boys hail no d lliculty in catching and killing the unlucky bea.st. â€" Teesvra'er News. OR. BURT Specialist in disease* ol the Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat OFFICE -i;W 10thst,We.st,Owon Sound At the Revere house, Markdale, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to a 12a. m Dundilk.ls Wednesday of each month.. Jew eiry H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT JAILOR j Feversham - Ont. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. â€" ALiSOâ€" i A ling of Ready-.Made Clothing Which we put alterations in free of I charge, if rojuired. ' Isep A Splendid Stock from whfch you may readily make A Satisfactory Ser lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Jeweler . FLESHERTON, - ONT <!«. .>i<. at, iiju v^'t â- itt, â- !?/, .^'«. .*'«. .Mt ^15. ^K. ^'t v>'«. j.'«. ji'^^is. <}t, i\o .a*, ^jy.^ Jft- -^'i ^'^-.^^ .j'^ ^?^i?^?^if'/i<>^i5^iv'^i?^i?'/i?iri?:j45^?^?^;5>/,<>->;^^;?^;f^i^'>is"-5'lif'5if^i?^i?^i? •if, •Tl^ '^ ^i? Mr, % ^iv ^& '/iF 9^ â- nF Do You Want Feed .»i«. I have a car of BfiMi and Shorts to arrive in a ^ few (Jays. .•' -K -. Feed for EverA'Uody. Flour for Everybody. ^ -,.1 ^^ All kind.-; (if Field and (.Jarden .Seeths. W. BUSKIN "><t» -xF •si? £>& <M- ^t- J^t^ •»(> JK, •»'(' .St*. .^'^^* < 'fc .»'«. JJ'^ .JJt *«. :»'fe \fci. g Drop in Women's Shoes I have about '2i pairs Ladies Low Shoes, sizes :5 to 4|, clearing at .')0c. a pair. Also some nice lines in Pumps, Col- onials and Patent Buttons, for Spring ami .SiinmiiT \V(>ar. '/:.â- ' ". Trunks and Suit Cases. lit'pairing as iisu.il. Thos. Clayton's FLESHERTON NEW SUITINGS 1 Xew Suitin<;s just to hand â€" some of ^ the nobbiest weaves to be found any- ?R where. ^^ Leave your order now for that new suit. You will never regret it. Satisfaction guaranteed. Don't forget that we do cleaning, pressing and repairing. Our prices ai*e right and our workmanship is the very best. / I S. J. BOWLER I «^ Sole Agent for the Hobberlin Tailoring. ^