Flesherton Advance, 6 May 1915, p. 4

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May 6 101.-) niE F L E S II K -^-^ rO N ADVANCE /lccil)crton -itVj^i^icc '^*^^^"«^'^^'"* ^° ^""*^* Ar. independent iu'W*i>i>t»-r. pnlilialicil fvory TimrMlay at tli" otfiiT, Cnlhngw.xid Slroet, VI .-iherton. S\ib«iri-ipli"ii |iri< e ^l ix-r niiimtn wlit-ii iMiid in advuiif ;S1.'>J when nut t" i>au1 ,\ Iverlisinc rali-tf "U :i|iiilii'»ti<'i'. Cirviilution l.lOOwckly >V M. rhitrntoii- Kdltcir '^ 1 esh erton -^-^w/^) Baptist Church The Heroes of Langemarck II. C. KciT, l'»»li.r. rimiu- -Sunday Scliool li> :t . ni. >jerrice at 11 :k in- If. 2 Flesherton Methodist Church Iluv. James Dudncdii, pastin . Jl ». m. and 7 |>. ni.â€" Tl^o |astoi- Sunday. 10 a. ni. FcUoirhhip Service. Muaday evening Epworlli League at 8 p. m. MarV ET«retif Wriglit choir leader and Organist. , WIPE THEM OFF THE EARTH The list of sutTocaliug gases by the Germans lia& aroused the fight- ing blood of the Bntisli nation as Las nothing else in this warâ€" not cveu the ravisluug of Belgium,â€" and is likely to have fir reaching con- soiniences. The British army is not going to Sjubmit tanaely to as- phyxiation, and the wind docs not always bfcw from the German ticncL- es. It has u habit of changii g its direction. While it is not likely :hat the .Mlies will lower themselves to the position of beasts and coramcu murderers, there isuo doubt whatever that reprisals will be taken by the men, probably not under orders of then snporiors. lu a battle, when an emeuy asks foi- quarter, it rests <.niirely with the ordinary combul- ants whether such quarter shall be given. Throughout this war it has never been refused. Now, however, sufficient cause hi? been given to complete the grim tragedy wherever opportunity ofTers, and the German vipers will be more severely dealt with m future by the rank and file than tlioy have been in the past. Canadians, ef^ptcially, have occas ion to wage a meitiless war ayaiiisi the Hun, and they will do so. Ben- limcnml or humanitarian considera ticnjs slioiild no lunger restrain their arms from the woik ol annihila- tion of a foe beyond the pale ofcon- eideratioii. Munlerers, boasts and inhumau caricatures of mankind tiit-y should be wiped off the face of the earth from Kai.-or to Kultur, in order to make room for a free air un.l fVcf growth of christian brotherhood, iin. -contaminated by the beer soaked foetid breath of these emissaries of -Hiitan. ill the past the Allies have enter^ •lainud a certain uiiiount ofsjmpathy ivith the German tank and fili>, be- lieving that they were in a sense lighting under compulsion. Their acta tliioughoul this war have shown this sympathy to have born misplaced. The rank and lile of the Ocrman urmies have proved theiusolves to be (juito as inhninan as their biutal niaateiB, »nd hereafter the Allies need have no more compunction in annihi- faling lliein, individually or collectiv- ely, than they would in destroying a nest of serpents or stamping out a liestilenco. War Tax on Cheques, Etc. Uci'ler- of t|ic iiewspapers and follow- cji.s i)f llie couiNt' of ihe ».ir imii't li>nv *'i» hnvi- iK'Coiiie convinced thai ilieeilii- stt ion i>i'UH's mure and iitorc illttlll^e and criticiil diiy by dny. Great Itiilain i.s Facud not a'.oiiu l>y nutnidd eneuiiuii, but liy 1 ilidi tr<•ul)U•^^ iiti.l l«y luck "f llio«e iinim'i..''C iiitt'iiiiil lesuuicPb in the iiiatter i>f fiHiii |)rodui'(it>ii that (icrniany und Au.'-'.i'ia-HuuKitry pos.sBi'S. She cminol feed hensflf, and ia couipelled to rely larjiely on i.ther countiies fir a supply of ilib necesKiiries of life. In suili cawe the duty of her cliildreu is distnictly plain, ll IS nuteirurthy of her enemies that they are not only thoroughly united hu', Ihat I lify are enduiiiij; with what forcilude they possess ibo rigid niilitaiy enfuiceun-iilii that arc placed upon them for the cuiiservatiun both of food and luaterial. Every uiau, woman and child, fioiu the Kaiser down, have been put on ratiouK. The idea is three -fold, to •(uard against any possible emergencies, to mis- lead the foe into over-confidence and by thoroughness to bring »uch pressure to bear as will batten the final decision. Br.tani is i<ui-aulni; the 8ani>; course. She h\s not yat found it necessary to place he,- {.opulatio:! individu.«lly on bhort rations, but she his found it de.siiable to take over munition factories in order to ensure supplies that iiicau either life or death to the nation. Meantime, Gcr> many hy cowardly sulirnarine assiuisina- tion IS endeavoring to .starve her people and iriii>le her resouites. Willi Huch a ttate of aftairs exitteiit it is li-trdly necessarv lu PxpUiu to stay-at- home Cinadianli how lie.st thi-y can ful- fill tlieir niaiiifeat duly and show the burden bearers how cunipletely thty possess their symp;ilhy. but llio bugle b'ast has its rallying power in peace as in war. Tu all llio peop e. and to firiii- ers, breedcis and settler.s in pariicul.ir, the Patriotism and Production movement thai is in progress is bi'.>4Â¥ini» its bi>yle, or, in other'word.4, carryiiii; its ineHsuiiu. Its object is to arouse all and sundry ti the part they are called on to play. Thtt part does not of nccea-sity mean hauler work nor it, creased acreage; lut it di cs imply In order to secure increased and improved production, \»y which alone cultivat(ir') of the soil can contribute to- wards the credit ol the country and em- pire, the greatest care in the selection of seed, in the bieedin){ of livu-stock and in tC'.inoiiiy of the land. Let's Hang The Kaiser We fay hear! heai ! to Ihu following which appeared in lieck'.s Weekly of last week : With the peraonal gtief of these Le- rcavcd Canadians who havo to nionin a liiisbund, ason, a fither or a lover, the public has no light to concern it.self. 'I'lie profouiidest sympathy at such a moment, is that which is inoit silent, liut apart from the irresistible - aruui.sh of personal all", ction, there should be no i;rlef or hiuiuniatioii over the sudden cut- ting off of '.hesc Klorions lives. Thara is not a single hero of this terrible campaign of whom it is not truu that he, bcii i> dead, yet Kpeaketh. There is not one of them who, if his life had been prolonged for another forty years, could have done one-tenth as much for Canada, for civili- /.alion, for all that makes life ^reat and noblu upon this earth, as ho did in those brief moments of sacrifice on the blood- stained fields of Kelgiuni. There is no waste in a death like this. These men have baptized with their blood a nation which was in urgent need of such a con- secration, and which will sbaw itself worthy of it. Without sacritice theie is no true worship; without shedding of blood there is no remission. A nation is not aware that it has ideals until it has p:ii I in the laying down of life for the cherishing of th> III. The men who died at Vprcs died that Canada might live and C.itjada will live to do credit to them. Tliey died as they would have desirtd to die. liiNtead of mourning over their dra'h, Canadi'tns should hold a solemn service of pra'se and rejoicing, and thank Gild that He hats made us not nnworthy of our forffai hers. â€" Beck's Weekly. R H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Penman' High Grade Hosiery for Men & Women Plain or Kibbed Cashmere, Lisle Thread and Cotton in Black,. White and Tau. Silk Ho&iery in Black, White and Tan. Children's .sizes in Black, Cream, Tan, Blue and Cardinal. Prices from 15c. to $i.2.'> per pair. Executors' Notice To Creditors III the in.'ittcr of the estate of Richard Sniitt", liilc of the Township of Ar- lemeii, in the County of Grey, in the Province of Ontario, farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to Ue- vised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter I'il, Section .'>t>, that all [lersons hiiviiij; any claims against the estate of the -ibovu named Richard .Smith, who died on or uboiit the IHIi day of October, A. D. 1!I14, are rei|uirtd on or before the 1st day of June, 11I1.T. to »end by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersijjned e>ecuiorB, ' their names, addrcssesand full particulars of their claims, and the nature of t'le si'curity, if any. hi;!d by them, duly ver.lied. And take notice, that after the said Istday of .Inno ItHa, the aforesaid e.\- ncutois will proceed to di^'tributo the assets of the faid deceased anion;} the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to ilie claims of which they slmll ihrn have had no' ice, and the said exec- utors will not he liable for the a«seis of the eslate,or any part thereof to any per- sons of whose claim notico has not been received by the executors at tlio tune of such disiributioii. PenmanV High Grade Underwear Men't Combination Suits, all sizes; Men's Balbriggan Underwear; Men's Porous Knit Garments; Men's Natural Wool L^nderwear. All prices from 50c. up. All sizes from 3-t to 44. New Specialties in the Millinery Department again this week. HIGHEST PRICE FOR BUTTER AND EGGS fA Dr. J. Ralph Smith | OSTEOPATH I Office and Residence- 4t>8 !>th St. East! Owen Sound, Out. \ Hoursâ€" to 12 a.m., l.IJO to 4.:10 p.m. ' to 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment. The Old Adage fMiipiiiie.s lnvin^ been received in le- ^ard to poslu^e .stsii.ps beinu uaed for the prepayment of war duties on bank chcfpies, bills of exeh«ni<p, ] romis-sory not,«H, express money oiduin, pioirietary or patent medicines porfuiniry, wines, or champagne; as well as upon letters and {intttonrdF, postal nutea and pose ollice money orders, notice \h hcrel>y Riven that this use of poatni^e ftamps is in strict accordance with the pioviaions if the special War Revenue Act, l'.tir>, which provides Ihat posls((o slanipi may le iiaed in lieu of Inland Revenue War Stain[>s in fiilfihnenl and diacharge of any r iiiuiremeiit under ihu Act that adhesive «tamp8 bo allixed. The public is nl liberty at all times to rso posta«o stamps for any purpose for vhioh Inhiiid Revenue War Stamps may bo used, but it is espfCially provided in The proper termination of this war is the execution of Kai-er Wilhehu and the execution or life iniprii^ouinent of the Crown I'rince and probably uf a number of other iiieinhers of (he Imperial family anil the .Junker aristocracy. It may l)e dillicuU lo brill,' about, but this should be tli<? aim mid object of all the Allies' operations. The soft-hearted huiiianll- arianisni which during the last few cent- uries his ab,soKed person d rnhrs from r>siioiisil)ility for the (•riniot which ibey have coiiiniitted in w ir is nut based upon Chiistianity or justice. It is the result iiiiiiiily of the uKtcnsivc inter-inarriago of the reigning tainilie.'s, which has oivon ineiy royal personate a ,set of relatives and defenders in every country in Kur- ope. This iuler-matriaue syste-ii. we may confidently believe, is now dead. The progress of democracy and the Ki-owth of national conscionsnesH will hcnoefoiih ninke it, impossible fir a nation such as the British to view with eiiuaniuiity the lyiiiK up of its monarchy with an en- tHn)(lin){ web of "alliances" which are pnwerless to prevent w.irfira and efVoct- ive only to prevent jiistice hein^ done U|'oii those who made tho war. Till) coiisiilutiiin of (idriiiany is »'uch as to m iUv. the Kaiser, by divine riKht, personally responsible for hia oimnlry'H iielioii ill preeipit'iting the most murder- ous war in hiHloiy, and that ronponsiliili ly cm bo pureed only by bhiod Nor is the niero declarin){ of war tliH limit of responsibility resting on the Kaixor; he, and he alone, is ihu person on wliom reds the blame for the assiiKsinaliiiii of iiniiimod and heltilesH civiliiiiis by his Soldiers on land iind his Hulniiariiius ai sell. Ill the case ol tbu submarines th> re are the ctearvs' nnd most direct orders from hoadipinrlcrs, wliich the oflirers on board could nut disobey wlthiiut treason til their s-overeign lord. It is not tlie captains who must be hnnRed; it is one "higher up." Ill some kind ol a stupor Oeormi < -le- mon', a middlo-saed porter of Ibo Rut ler House, llrautfoid, allowed h s feet li RQt into the door (f I he lintel furnace .Saturday iiiKhl, and burn «(> bally that it will be neeessHry to ainpulato at least one of them. The most uilholievabb' part of (ho incident in thai the unfortnii' tho Aot that Inland Ucvenue War Stamps ' ate man did n it teem to ojiporionoo pain, are not to be used on letters, pi stcarda, and the discovery was made by the un*n postal notes or |iosf ollice money orders, a^er of the hole), who was attracted to fhe qnly stiMtips allowed on Ihiao 1 ein« the basomont by the sinoll of burninn ordinary p'"ta;{e tbunps oi postafjo flesh. Mnnmer Kiikpatiiek loiiiid Clo utamps upon wh'cli tho words "War ^ mont •ittiiiR usUep in tho chair, with Tax" have been printed. | his feot in the fire nnd burnini;, ( .lOlIN 1J()1.\ND, Maikdale, Ontaii- I'KTKR Ml .NSIlAW, Eugenia Falls Dnturi.i, Kxecutoia. By Rrowning & Wallace, their Solic tors lierein, lUtiil at T..ionto this 'J'.Hh day .1 Marcb, A. 1). l!tl."> A Business That successful sclioid whose graduate,! occupy proniiner.t po- sitions from the Ailant.c to tho R.icihc, re-opens for the FALL TERM S pterober 1st, 1914 Sei'd for free catalog at once to COLLINGWOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. • CollingwOMd. Ontario. Principal u -J Inferior Lightning Rods Again 1 wish to warn the farmers of Ontario ag-tiii-it inferior lightning rods. One of the same coiiijianies that bimcood the f*riiicrs with iron centred rods last year ia reported to be selling tho same rod again this year. Watch out f^ir them. There is no dilVimlty in spotting thcve rods. The outside covering is a tirn sheet of copper. Inside of the copper i-* a strip of galvani/.ed steel or iron om' half inch wide .mil I wo (.'alvanized steel or iron wires about Ni>. If. Tho copper sheath is twisted'arouiid the strip .md wires giving the rod a cornuated appeal - ance. The steel or ir m will rust out in from five to ten years. For phologriph of what happened to a rod of this kind i>i loss than eight yeirs, see Figure 'M, Bullotiii 2'2'.>, which may be had by wri'- inj the Deparliiieiit of Agriculture, m Toronto. An Illinois lirm is circninring the Irmle and others advocating the "Mast' Lightning Rod System. They declare Ihat twisted ciblos are positively dancei • nus, claiming tlioy act like "choke-coil?, ' ilist tubes only should be used, that iii- Niiliitors must be used, etc. For con- cent rated essence of error those circiilais surpass anylhing eNu 1 have seen. Beware of the man with the iron- centred rod .tiid the man who claims tint twisted cables ore dangerous. This Depart mont will be glad to be inforniod regarding the operations of either. Win. II. Day, Department of Physics, O. A. C. (iuelpli. The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating Ttie same is equally true of the 1900 Gravity Washer. Try one and he convinced that there is none better. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon PUBLIC NOTICE The Ilydro-Eleotim rower Conimis- Nion are closinu the 10th Con, Id ween Lot '28. Con. II, and the lUUh sideroad. .\lso tho ;iOth kideroad, belween the IDih Con. and tho Blind Line, between Iho Oih and 10th Cons. Fences have been put aoro.ss Ihij ronds at these points, and any tiers in remov- ing auoh feiicex, and continuing to travel iho sections of the road wh eh are s'ated above as being closed, do so at their own risk. A. D. >VATTS, Uesuhi-t Engineer. CHEAP FARM FOR SALE ?240l) â€" twenty-four hundred dollars- will buy tbe west half of h>t No. '_' and part of tbe North west ((Uarter if N". 1, | all on the 4'h con. of Euphrasia, contain- 1 ing about 125 acres. There is supp sed i to lie ninety acres cle.-ired, iIih bihiiice | good hardwood busb â€" maple, beech and. elm. '1 here is on the property a fr.iino ^ house and kitchen, a frame barn, straw ho.ise with stone foundation under it, ! also wood shed, driving slieJ, piiipenj and hen house. There are also two or- chards on the farm mowing differei>t| kinds of fruit-apples, pears, plums,; cheriies and yrapes. This farm is well I fenctd wiih wire mid patent fi-ncing. Is, free from frost. It is also well watered with water in nearly e\eiy tidd. There is a nover-failin2 spriiia within 4tl y.>rd« of tho house. This farm is wiihin one mile of the thriving village of Ktmbeiley. . For further patticulm-s apply to â€" I AMKS STl'ART, Kimberley I*. <>. ISept Full line of McC'ormick Farm Implements, Binders, Mowers, K.iUes, Loadei-s, Drills, Lnltivatois, Plows, Hiding iiiitl Walking, Harrows. IJrantford Wind Mills, rimips. Piping and Fit-tings of all kinds, IkMttie Hay C'arricrs, Hay torks, ISlings, Filter Carriers, Folding Bath Tubs, F'rost Wire and Fence, Cutters and Sleighs. A Call Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. gj CuiruvigB â- .^ HEREFORD BULL FOR (SERVICE The under.tigned have a pure bred , ^ _ Hereford iiull for service on lot 171, 3id ||!^| W.T.S.U., Arteniesia. | jjjj Termsâ€" $;! for pure bnds, $l..'>0 for orades. All cows served must be raid tor. -T. A- J. W.\TS01S. 1 nt \r ', m Flesherton Tin Shop m I have jiist placetl on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelwaie and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Property For Sale Part lot 151, eon. '2. N. K. T. .^ S. H. containini: 2.S), seies, about I mile from Flesherton. There is a good frame bouse and stable mul the property is well^ fenced and watered. A[iply to .losuph A. Letiird, Flesherton or on the proper ly- Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipehtting, inchuling pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent lor Clare Furnaces. Bros. Hull For Service F'-r service.^Haron Holly- No. i'A22. Aberdeen Angus, on lot ;'4, Otii concess- ion, Artemesia. Terms, ijil.OO if paid before let, Ian. l!ll.'>.- W. J. Miijee. May I.'. Dissolution of Partnership Notice la hereby given that tho partner- ship heretofore susisting between us, the undersigned, as inanufacturorN of build- ini; material, also grain choiipi is, in tho Village of Fle.sherton, ir, the C.iunty of (!rey, has this iliy been dissidved by iiiuuhI consent. All .lebts owing to the said partnership, are to bo paid to the aforesaid Win. I. Hon-y at Flesherton, and all claims against the .said partner- ship are to be presented to the said Wm. 1. Henry, by whom tho .same will bo nettled. Dated at Flc.«hertm, this KMh day of April, 1915. Thos. A. niakoly. Wm. I. Henry. I D. McKILLOP I CHRISTOE BLOCK i FLESHERTON jm ONTARIO. g -Jt! ! » Stock tor Sale A eouplo ot livooil «.â- Â«â- â€¢<. 1 lU I kfUivo and 1 Taiiiwortb tor »»U>. Tei m^ to suit l>iii:cliaB«i'. OKI). W. lUKSK, Maxwell V. t). FlesKei^ton #^ Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to (live Entire Sittiafactiuu LAl'XDUVâ€" B.iskot closes Mond«y Chanjjelinjj Prince Joe "'«''*• '•«'''^'^fv Friday eveniig lircd by Changeling l>iitler Uoy out of Tidy .\bbckerk I'rineess Josephine The greatest butter making strain known CLEANING and DYEINO - WV are Term of s.^vviooâ€" 11.60 for grades, US agents for IV.rker's Dye Works â€" Clothes for pure bred. j cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated tlKO. MOORK* SI )N. Props., 'T FISHER, - « PROPRIETOR Pure Bred Holstein Bull

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