Flesherton Advance, 6 May 1915, p. 5

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May 0, 19!.') THE FLESIIERTON ADVANCE Established over Forty-one \tans THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA ^ ^%. ASSETS OVER $48,000,000 The A, B,C of Banking ^Lbsolute Security 0est of Service Courteous Treatment m We solicit your account in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT FLESHERTUN BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL. Brmnche* also at Dtirluua and lliiiiiliMi Mr nailer. C. P. R. Time Table. leare Fleshercon Stktion You Try a want »d. in The Advance. I are always aure to get i;ood results. ' Mr. F.-ank Duncan, hardware *^°'"5,^°"''!ha8 installed a Bowser gasoline ll..^* a.m. ' capable of discharging and measuring 15 man, outfit Trains loliows : Going South 7.43 a. m. 4.27 p.m. 9.l8p. m The mails are osed at Flesherton aj ; gallons per minute. This will be a great •Hows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and : conrenieuce to automobile men. 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail sonth aa j ^„ eiecutor's sale of house, lot and 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. V VICINITY CHIPS -V ' eff ctf> of the late Mrs. Jane Corbett will , be held at her late residence, Flesherton, ^ im the 12th day of May. S^Ie at one o'clock. For furtber particulars see bills. Mr. K. Munsbaw spent a fe last week with friends iu Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. E. Storey of Toronto spent a few days wich Mr. and Mrs. John Fiynn aad other relatives htre. Bornâ€" At Forward, Sask., on April 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. Robt. PalUster, a daughter. Mr. Arnold Thurston of the Eihibi: tu>n camp at Toronto was home on a couple of d;iys' leave of absence this week. Saturday was the tirst fishmg day of the trout season, and thouj^h cold and dan-.p, a number of enthusiasts visited the streams and report fair success. .\t the annual Epworth Leaj;ue maM- iii<; held last week the following utiicers days 1 "*'â- * elected : Hon. Pres.. Rev. James Dudgeon ; Pres., Miss Florence Thurs- ton ; 1st V.P., Mias Clara Latimer ; 2Dd V P., Mrs. H. S. White ; 3rd V.P., Dr. Murray ; 4th V. P.. Mr. Mark Wilsun, jr.; Rec. Sec, Mr. Roy McAulay ; Cor. Sec., Miss E Switzer ; Treu., MLss 0. Henry ; Organists, Mr. Elmet Wright, Mus Edna Pat'on. I It is Slid that '.he best truut fishing in I this section is being utterly destroyed hy J the strangers who come among us in connection with the hydro development. Their tishing appears to be pncticallf all done on Sundays, too, when they liter- ally swarm on the Csbing grounds. It seems a pity that'this should be allowed. Important personages in connection w'lh Rev. Josepli Dudgeon of RosemouC, who has been the guest of his brother, : the hydro have sec a bad ex'tir.ple and Rev. James Dudgeon, preached in the Uhe sni»ller fry follow suit with enthus- Muthodist church on Sunday, morning | iasm while there appears to be none tu and e.cniiig, to large congregations. siy them n.iy. It wi;uld net be ditficult The Maxwell Women's Institute will tD j;t>t a few cjnvicrions and it is hoped hold their regular annual meeting on I that somebody will get busy and have a May 13th, 1915, at the home of Miss D. ; stop put to the Sunday tishing before Ferjiuson. AH members are requested \ the trout are utterly uiuihilated. t J be present. Visitors welcome. .\n accident occurred at the hydro The Advance is agent for all the city j works, Eugenia, laat week, which is pipers. See our clubbing list on | likely to delay matters considerably. another page, llenew at once. Our } This happened at the headi{ates. where terms are cash in advanct? as we have no i there is a "JO-foot cutting. The tilling accounts with other p;»uers. ! behind the gites proved too great a M nf p 1 1 « M _ <-•..„â-º,- .:.>:•. I P'essui^e for the large wccden pipe be- Mrs. McFadden of Mono Centre vistt- ' , , . . „,. . , ,, . .» J *f 1* 1 „. i neath and crushed It in. Ihf tntsbsp cd hf r p.irents, Mr. and Mrs. lV.>bert , .,,,,, f ,,. ,, 1 J 1 1 u _i *iu necessitate the shovelling out the '20- WiiUer, several days last week. Her .. . J . m# r>,_» _:.t. '"*'' ''11 once more ami repIiciuB the mother returned to Mono Centre with i . , v f- wooden w;th a strong cement pipe, and it is expected tlie work will occupy some her. MlB. Mich , W. E. Dyer of fort Huron. ! j,,^^.^ ^^„,,^^ ^^^ ^^^p,^^_^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^ IS visitir.« her sister. Mi-s. j ,^,,^ ^^^,,^^^^,^ ^^^. ^^^^^ ^,^._^ ,^_^^ ^^^ Joseph Blackburn. Mrs. (R-'v.) Ayers', ^„ .. , ,„,„â- ,, , ' . -L V ' t)ecn started, and will also leiiaire is »l.«o on her annual visit with, her I _, „.i , . . . , , I month; lo complete and make reudy daughter. three for Wounded at the Front r'he pressure, .so th.it soiiiotinie in August A cake social, under the auspicej of | ,^^,1^ be the earliest mumont ihit the the Red Cross workers, will be held in ,,^„er could be turned <in. the town hall on Saturday, May 8. .All interested will Kindly contribute. â€" Maud Richardson, President. Mrs. J. W. Armstrong returned from Toronto last SatunUy, where she has s|>ent the past three months. She was, accompanied by her diughter, Mrs. T. i Aikenhead, and grand daughter, Mrs. A. Keith. Mrs. U.uinah Pedlar of this place.who is 75 years of age, has knitted over fifty ) Mrs. E. E. Gamey Dead .\fter several years of illness, Mrs. E. E. Gamey died at the home of her j daughter, Mrs. E. G. Ford, 1193 East (Lincoln Street, P.irtland, Oregon, on About forty members of the Markdale (,,o n\oxwn% of April 8th. Epworth League visited the Hesheiton i ^^^^^^^ fy,,^,^, t^,„t pi^,,, f,.^„„ ,,„ Epwoith League on Monday evenicg of ,j„u„f,t^j.., residence on the following thi.-. week. Addresses were given by ^»tuid.iy afternoon at 2 o'clock to Mouut Rev. W. W. Wallace of Maikdale on | g^.^^^^ p, "The Surrendered Life." and Rev, Jos. Dudgeon of Rosemont on "Our Mot'o." Edmonton, Alberta ; Charles I'ark cemetery. Mrs, Gamey was i ti«> years of aiie, and leaves to mourn her 1 loss the following family : Eiuest Phill- The Markdale friends gave also some | j^^, ^j Edmonton, Alberta ; Charles H musical numbers and a were much appreciated. , ips. leading, which j phniip,, of XeUon, B. C At the close of Mrs. A. H. I -\ri!u», of Los Angeles ; Mrs. A. H. the program a siKial tmis was ciyoyed m , Knockie and Mra. E. 0. Ford of Port- the basement. I |„„j_ Oregon. Mrs. Gamey used to live near Maxwell, until she «ont to her j 'daughter's in Winnipeg. She was pre- ceded by her two sons, Wendel. who died last June, and an elder son, who died this winter in Portland, Oregon. Iler many friends regret her loss and The .Advance has received a letter ot complaint regarding the personal naturt of some of the news supplied by our Osprey Gravel Road correspondent, claim- ing that he has a "pick " at two or throe parlies and inserts spiteful items. The Advance tries to omit anything of that ^ the sorrowing family have the sympathy nature, but occasionally something pa.s3<!8 , of the peo ple of this district. the editorial pen that slioutd not se ! printed. We appeal to our correspond- Frank Inkster, of Red Deer Hill, ent to b9 more careful. I'ersonal foe'mgs \ Siisk., wa,s sentenced t" live years in the should never find vent in the columns of '• penitentiary on a charge of administering a newsj«per. » drug to procure an abortion. ^dds and Ends "V â- v -v â- â-¼â-  /v "V -^^-^ â- ^- '^ •yr'^ ARTICLES FOR SALE Car of fre.sh cement just arrived â€" F. H. W. Duiican, FUsheiion. \ Potatoes For Saleâ€" Apply to W. J. Magee. Eugenia. Hay For Sale â€" A iiuantity of first class timothy hay for sale, at Lot 40, South Line, .Artemesia. Jas. N. Pritchard. Ejfgs for Hatchingâ€" Silver Campine aiM Butf Wyandotte, 81 50 per setting uf 13 eggs.â€" T. Bulmer, FlesheJton. Hoosier Wa?on box, fit any wsgon, good second hand, for sale cheap. â€" J. E. NV'illiams, Eugenia. EsJgs For Hatching- Pure bred white wyandottes. These are frem Proctor'a prize birds. $1.50 per set'ing of 13. Wm. Orr, Proton Station P O. Myl5 E};g8 for Hatching. â€"Thoroughbred Siiig'e Comb White Le.;horn3â€" the hena that win every egg laying contest â€" f 1.50 per setting. Ernest Monran, Eugenia. Eiigs For Hatching- Bred frcm P. Roes McVeighâ€" prize pen of Whi'e Wyandotte*. Eggs per setting of 15 at 50c. Jas. Findlay, Markdale. ♦* New Spring Goods colors and stvles LADIES' BLOUSES-Snow Flake Voile, Silk Voile and Muslins, all cv*: Girlb' Middy Blouses. WomeD'.s Overall Aprons. Women's anil Children's Print Dresses. \ For Saleâ€" The residence and lot in town owned by the late J;ine Corbett. Apply for particulars to Wm. Keyes. Corbetton P. O., or W. L. Wright. Flesherton . Eeg8 For Hatchingâ€" Rose and single comb R. I. Reds, bcth pens headed by prize birds. One dollar per setting, shipped to any address. W. H. Thurs- ton, Flesherton' Ont. Legal Blanks For Saleâ€" R . J. Sproule keeps constantly on hand and for sale cheap a full stock of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills and all other legal blanks. .Any requiring such will find it to their inter- est to give him a call. For sale che ip and on easy trrms. Lot 13. cou. 11, Osprey, 110 acres. This is a Srst class farm and in a good state of cultivation. Good bank barn and new frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Sproule Flesherton. A large new stock of Whitewear. Newest thing in Crepes. Roman Stripe, Flowered ami Plain Colors. LADIES' COLLARSâ€" Kew styles in Ladies' Collars and Collar Setts. MEN'S STRAW AND FELT HATS-In latest styles, genuine Panamas, m from ^1.25 to $.3.CU. Felts from 75c. to $2.50. Men's and Boys' Caps 3« 50c. to$LOO. New Silk Auto Caps, li ounces in weight, for 75c. "(•♦ I % % % E- ^\ > 'a RENNIE'S SEEDSâ€" Potato Onions, Dutch Setts on hand. Oranges, Lemons and Bananas always in stock. Agents for Royal Purple Poultry and Stock Food and Calf Meal. W. L. WRIGHT FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO vj^.^ i » w w y w ' â-  â-  â-  â- â- Â»-»'â-  ' »'â- â-  v;f ^ * \ " Jt !! J»«tf;4g»BitglWA .* ' ' WL * Jt. " JWA " *»i^ ^ H »''-. ^» . » â-  â- Â» >a.V- MISCELUNEOUS Fishing s'rictly prohibited on lot 35-36. Con. 8, Artemesia. â€" A. Cameron. Fishing and Itespissing strictly pro- hibited on loc 27. Con. 7, Artemetia . Jas. Genoe. Arrivedâ€" Today, a car load of Dur- ham's Na'ional Portland Cementâ€" at a right price. F. G. Karstedc, Flesher- ton. Markdale Creamery solicit the pairoa- :vge <.f .-til their old patrons, and also as many new ones as would wish to giie us a trial for the season of 1915. Our Clubbing List R j COLQUETTE The following prices are for strictly paid in advance subscriptions only. We ave no accounts with other papers. Flesherton .\dvance t I 00 Yo-iths Companion 2 00| , , . Toronto World, daily 3 00 1 *»«"' 'O"" "« Toronto Daily Xews 2 00| Weekly Globe .... 9«' Mail-Empire 73 Family Herald Si Scar 90 ; Toronto Star 2 00 . Farmer Sun , . i)0 Farmers .\dvocat2 1 30 i Weekly Witoess 90, Saturday Night 3 00 Home Journal 90 ' Poultry Keview 40 Rod and Gun magazine 9C i Feversham, Ont. MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS In the terrihc battles fouuhl at Liuge- niarck and St. Julien, Bert Jauiiosou. son of Mrs. Jamieson of Flesherton, w«s reported seriously wounded. Later word received hy Mrs. Jaiuiesou says thiit her son is sutfering from the Germiu jl:is poisoning and that his condition is .seri- , , ,, ,,. , • .u ,""'»• He is in >'o. i hospital at pairs of socks for the soldier.* during the ,, , ' ,. T â-  I â-  â-  , ' Boulogne, past winter. Mrs. Jamieson has knitted j r> . o l- n :> c i *", . , „, 1 .1 .u . â-  Privates. K. Hurd of the Governor 4'J pairs. It will be seen by this that i ,, r o j i^ j i ,* . , , ,, (General s Body Guard, was aljo reported »t least a portion of our womenfolk are i , , , o . u i f i â- . , ... , , â-  . • ,. ,, wounded. Pruate Hurd is ason of John doing their bit towards kicking the Ger- u u i t "r . j ,. , , , „ J ,-, , • ! "• Hurd of Tor'iuto. and a nephew of man poecils out of France aud Belgium. I ,, ,, . t i.-- . , ,. . '^ " j Henry Hurd of Kimbeiley. He hss Dum'alk High School Iwseball team ' *'''"*'^ •""« »«>'' *»» '"'own by many, invaded this town on Monday night and ' ^Ve trust that b<th the bi>y3 mentioned defeated the students here in a game by ja^Jove will pull through. the score of 18-1'J. The game was very good at times, but the very unfare decis ion of the Duudalk I'mpire got the local bojs up in the air on several ivcasions. The boys are very anxious to get another try with a square umpire. Lost â€" Between Toronto and Syden- ham road :in 1 8.!i L a.-, a'ljut M.uch iiOth. I black hind s.achell, containing purse and articles (;f clothing. â€" Finder please coiumuaicate with A. Cameron. Notice is hereby I'iven that the .\gency for the Sydenham Mutual Fire Insurance Company, formerly held by the late W. G. Pickell, has been taken over by H. B. McLean. Priceville. R. R. Xo '-'. P. Steinhart. Box 121, Ma-kdale, pays highest prices in cash for poultry, pro- dtieo, hides, wool, rugs, rubliers, horse hair. iron, etc No trade. Ship it or send him a c*rd. Save it all for him. School CMldren's Eyes. Cocksfautt Plow Cos FuU Line of Farm Implements Wagons, Bufcgies, Cutters, Sleighs, and Gasoline EntKoes, Melotto Cream Separators. Baker Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Pipe Fittings always Oh hand. Beaity Bfo?". of Fergus. Barn Tracks, Litter Carriers and stable fittings. Cockshutt and Frost & Wood Repairs always nn hind. Feversbam, â€" Ontario. This famous make of implements is well known all over the country and their own good work is the best recom- mendation they can receive. If you require anything in the line of Binders, Mowers, Seed Drills, Cultivators, Pulp- ers, Pl.ws, Sleighs. Waggons, Cream Separators, Harrows. Rollers, Cutting Boxes, Ensilage Cutter*. G-agplipe ea- gmes, Sawing out6ts, etc, give us ft chanee to quote prices. John Wright, - Agent Flesherton I War Price Cut Special Musical Offer -At the rate of $7-00 foi twenty lesson*, two lessons per week, I will receive all new piano pupiU duriu;;; .April, May and June. â€"MARK EVERETTE WRIGHT Cement Work Wanted The undersigned is prepare«l to do silo building and concrete work. Have had thirteen years experience ;ina feel that I can give entire satisfaction. Have steel forms for silo and ail o iifit necessary for all kind.s of cement wurk. Can also attend to carpenter work. THOS. BENTHAM, 1 July Flesherton. '^MXM^Ms^ Many lives have been ruinec ' through neglected eyestrain ; in childhooa. The eyes of ' every child should be examined. We have made i a special study of this branch | of optics, and'guarantee j satisfaction. Consultation free. - Christmas Gifts ^ There is a mnveiuent on f 'ot this year for souiethin^ substantial for Christmas, now that the German llimsy ware is d.- barred (as it should have been years ago). Just by way of suggestiou we would propo^>e that you call in and ex- amine our stock of furniture suit- .tble for presents, which is un- usually full this year. For iu- stsnce we have rockers for mother, e»sy chairs fcr father, beautiful pictures and frames for sister, handsleiglis for little brother, little rockers, d<dls beds and wick- er chairs aud other things for little sister â€" something for everyhtidy. ^ Come in aud see the latest th'ng WANTED A RELIABLE MAN To sell HARDY CANADIAN fROWy STi>CK in Flesherton and Grey County. Start now at the best Selling Time. Send for list of SPRING OFFERINGS, and terms to Agents. Liberal Commissions. *outtit. Uandscuie free i StonR & Wellington Fonthill Nurseries (Established 1S37) W. A* Armstrong. 1 1 Debentures Issued for Mill Short Term oilleiiw 11 Homeseekers' Excursions To Western Canada Particular attention is directed to the remarkably low Ktaind Trip' FaiYs in connection with Homeseekers' E.icur- sioDS to Western Canada via CHna<li;<n Pacihc Railway. Tickets are on sale each Tuesday until October 2()th, inclusive, and are good to return withiu two months from date of sale. The C. P. R. oflers the finest ^Hissible equipment and fastest train service via one of the most scenic routes iu the world. It is the only line operating through standard aud tourist sleeping cars, also dining cars to Winnipeg and Vancouver. All equipment is owned and oi>erated by the C. P. R., affording the highest form ot etticiency. If such a trip is under consideration apply to any C. P. R. Agent for ful particulars or write M. O. Murphy D.l". A , Toronto, NEGOTIABLE lnlM^st Coiipoiis Payable Hdlf.YtjrIy . 1 k ASSETS: $7,480,339 .,il I he Great West Permanent LoanCompanii <6|||| ZO.Nm^St.Wcst. Toronto |||ll iu dolls beds and rockers. Then we have the usual st.'ck of all kinds of parlor, bedroom and ('dining room furniture â€" desks, J chairs, odd pieces, secretariesâ€" Oh! there is tmi much to enumeiate. Come in and go over our slock yourself. .\l»ays happy to show goods and to demopstrate that our prices are. as low as the lowest. We are prepared to furnish flowers Slid floral designs for ftiiieral", weddings, or »i>ci»l gn'heringx, haviust arnnged with the Dile es- tate of Brnnipton to handle their business here. W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER PHONE 23 R2 Flesherton - Ontario. J TORONTO - ONTARIO J IHl MlilKElS. Carefully Corrected Each Week Wheat $1 20 lo 1 l'5 •-'"•s CO to tW Pe<v« , tl 2.5 to 1 25 Barley 75 to 75 Buckwheat 75 to 75 Flour *7 «0 to $8 aO ;U«y $i500toi5oo W. J. BelUmy Ag«nt Butler. . Ettgs, fresii i Potatoes per bag. , Geese Ducks F..«l Chickens iTiitKevx 20 to 27 20 to 20 •\o to 35 11 to 11 11 to 1^ 8 to 9 10 to 10 U to l.> laiu Flesherton ANADIAN Paoific For WINNIPEG AND VANCOUVER leave Toronto 10.^)0 p. m. daily .\ltractive Tours to P-ACIFIC COAST POINTS Particular from Canadian 'Pacllio Ticket .\geut or write M. G. Murphy, District Paswnger Agent, ciirner King and Youfre Sti'wts, Toi-onto, S. RAN DS, A^ent, Ctjl, n. BILL FOR SERVICE The undersigned ha.* a Puio Bred Shorthorn Bull for service on Lot 146, C!>i>. 2, S. W. T. A S. R., Artemesiii. Terms Jl, CO. All cows soned must bo l>aid for by Isl March. 1!H6. Isept â€" U, Piper. m Oeering Implements^ T 5« AND Gasoline Parts .AH kinds of Deering Implements, always on hand. Agent for Barrie and Mt. Forest Cuttei8,B;irber Buggies, Lou- don Litter Carrieis, Hay Tr.icks, Podlar shingles and siding. These Implements rc'iuire no recoinmendatiim as they ate standard Boods and recognized .as the best on the market. HE ONLY MAN g WHO SHOULD H ^ NOT ADVERTISE IS ^ Engines 1 THEMANWHOHAS |£ ^ NOTHING TO OF- X ^ FER IN THE WAY S ^ OF SERVICE-AND ^ ED. RUTHERFORD Proton Station -SUCH A PERSON IS A DEAD ONEâ€" WHETHER HE KNOWS IT-OR NOT. Elbert Hubbard in the Fra

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