Flesherton Advance, 13 May 1915, p. 1

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. '^ '• fkshttton %Hanu. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" •• PRl5:iPLEl3 NOT MEN.* -5f ?0l 34 No. 47 Flestierton, Ont., Tliursdav, Xlav 13 IGlo W. H IEGBSTON,^°""°'* , UMtfKO Kimberley Budget Moai all the farmers iu this part are nearly tlirongh settling. The recent wet spell delayed opcritions Bomewhat. Mr. Walter Barritt. who was on th« Hydro Electric siivey at Port Elgin last summer, left on Monday to resi.ime work in tb;- vicinity of that town. Jas- B. Fawcett is visitirg this week with friends in Klesherton. Mrs. Leonard Lati;aer and daugh- ter, Etta, of Eugeuii, visited friends in onr burg on Satuiday. Editor Thurston of The .\Jvance and two sous. Sta'.ilty and Frank: also Mr. Wos. Buskiu motorei owr from Fleshcriou one day last week and spent a few hours tishiug in the old Beaver. The following is the amount raised by the Kimberley Methodist church for the Conference year, ending May 1st, 1915: .-Vnxiliary iG^J-2, Mission Band SS.98, Sunday School $57.22. Epworth League 828.48, Trustee Boaid $112. 1)U, For Missions $49.50, Pastor's Salary S244.(X). Total S5G!>.- 8-.. Joseph Weber of Flcsherton was a pleasant caller in our burg on Mon diy last. lie was on his way to Heathc}t8, where he will do some pruning for the farmers iu that vicinity. Harold Ellis of Kocklyu visited friends in this vicinity recently. Geo. Hutehiusou occupied the {lul- pit in the Rocklyn Methodist charr;h on Sunday morning last and preach- ed an excellent sermon to a tarje coogregalion. R. l. Stuart of Thorubury visited fiiends in our burg during the past week. Creemore NVhen J. .\. ^loCaU; bad his hoi>e (a!e in Oollingwjod recently he thouvht he ould »ave a few dollars hj acting a.s auctioneer himself. Deteotive Beaitl- *)ej, Barre, howf vor, i;<)t »u hi^ li"iil auU had hiiii ch«rKeJ with m iii!'v*ct:i>n I'f the coui.ty. It >.iist Mi. McCuke HW Hnd costs. Win. Sinythe, Oleu Huruu, ooiilriUui- ed a barrel of Hour lo the Belisian fund U.st f:il!, Hiid oaclose<l a citrd with his address. Tht> other day he receired a letter fr>ni Prirate Wui. Beard, of Beddington, :>uri'< , Kn^land, mechanical transport .\. S. i'. gratefully .tc'iiDowl- ei^lgins; the receipt of the fe'ir. â€" Star. Hatheiton i?eediui.', >.'ardei)in^ and bo is> c'oan<tix are tie order of the day. We are please I to see Mr.Hu^h Young and Mr. 0, Wiu'.er able to be out again after a pro'-onued illness. Sorry to learn of illuess of Mi«-s H. Ciilles. Her many fi-ie\<d* a ill lii» plea.-ie<l to hear of â- Â» S|»eedy reeovery. .Miss (Mtve ^Viidson, Centre hiio, spent a weak aith her cousin, .Mi-.s Kth el tiiummiit. Bornâ€" <Ki .\pi;l2?>, to Mi. ami >li^ R. t>ee!ey, Singhatuptnn, :i dm^hte'. Mi^.< Ktliel *iruiutiiitt rcturiio^l lo Tor- • I'ltu Monday to rofO'iio Iter fiuiiior p - siti'-n. Mr. Hinl Mrs. .lame; W iutors mid httlo s >", lt>liliie, Sjiei.t ihe week end with the foriiiei'.s .>ii-i'or. Mis. K. Seeley, S;ayncr, who has been very ill for .some time, but who wc are please<l to know is improvini;. Mrs. MoLrt-an liiM s >u K. i f Mclutyie. visited with her d'^uuhter. Mis. J. S. tV'inters, oni day Ksl week. M'.ss ^'alO{iv• >'ci«»ait ot HainiUon, is vititinx with her sisters, Mrs. I. Ornrnm- itt and Mrs. J. Boatty. Mr. H. Guy, me lied »t ide if. Tor a. fc>, i» visaing at his pucnxl hom^. Max- W.-1I . Mr. and Vitj. » >, Bellerlvy and litt'e daughter, motored up from Sh»rJburu« R id spent the weKk end at their p^orei al ttonw, Mmwell. Mr. JohKton aod ton, Lee, luntored up from t^i-iinihies crossing and were Mxximpaiiied hy Mr. anil Mrc >IcDi»«ei, ant sin, Norin»n, ot T.iiMiito ; al o M t, Heatherinjttoii of Oilgaiy, and spent the week end with thi>':r «un\ Mia. .1. Cn>in- bie, and were tSe quests of Mr. and Mrs. O. Wiiiteis, Mr. and Mrs. .\lbeit Row and hiile aon, Charli<», were callers at H. E>own'a r oantly. Eugenia Paragraphs Fishing isifuite prevalent around litre these dnys. Mrs, Truso tt and wn, and Mi:i.s Mc- Heathcote Last Week's Items The Flcathco'e Branch of tbe Women's Institute met ar tbe home of Mrs. James Gardner on Wednesday, April 28 b. A Mullen visited ^ends i:i Me;if..;-d re- I very intere'^cm^ inettiuff wa.o chronicled. cently. X c >mpany uf jounn people motcred over to Duncan to vis't friends the past we<.k. Mr. aud Mrs. Charles .Saunders -.tnd Mr. aoJ Mrs. ' ilmsteid >4 W siters Falls motored over to Mrs. L. Latimer's the past we' k. MissPetil and Lottie Williams of T Tint) are visiting friends bete at pres- e:it. Master .\ithur WiUiaais cf Toronto is the ijuest of bis uncle, Mr. R. Campbell. Miss Nellie Wiokens of Kimberley is visiting wirh her sister. Mrs. Weher. Mr. and Jlrs. Wm. Hill of Markdale cdled on friends here Mo :d<iy Mr. Jack Vai-ret visited friends iu Markdale recently. The Women s Inttitute hare linished a tnemoriil '[uitt for the Red Cross, $17. lit), with sheets aud other things which they .are sending to the base hospital in Fr-ince. They are also packin-^ another box of ololhiu:> for the BeUians. Singhampton Wears gild to report that Mrs. .V. NetTis improving after her recent iiloesa. 'Misj Mamie Hammill is visiting her aunl, Mrs. Wiibaiu Tompkins, at Rock- side. Mrs Charles Miller of Rockside is able to be around ai^aiu after htr lecent illness. We hope to soon see Mrs. Robert Taylor able to be out a);aut after her attack of rbetiuiatism. Mrs. John .Martin of Toronto is visit- ing her daughter, Mrs. M. Murphy, of the Pine Tree sideruad. Miss Nellie Tayl u- of Regiiia, who is Next meetiir'4 to be hcid in tbe villat-e hall od May 12th. Tbe members are reijurs'ed t > be present to appoint oHi-:ers for the comiii-^ year. Tbe .\. V. P. A. held their inoulh'y meetiugat the home of Mrs. Feigehen ou Thursday evening cf la^r weeir. The Methodist Ep«otth League held a cake and scon S4^a.'iat on Tuesday evening liisf. A very pleasant evening was spent, the proceeds going t) the Red Cross Society. We are sorry to repuir thai Mr. Eilwin Boyd is ill. Miss Ferguson of Kimberley is vi-iting with her aunt, Sirs. James Reekie. Mrs. Hew^ill and daughter, .lean, ar^. viai'ing »ith friends at Duncan. Miss Bov tir of Thornbury spent tbe *oek end with her sister. Mis. J. K \X lisoii, here. George Wellman of Blan'yre visited with Mr. and ili-s. W.n. C.impbell over SuHd.ay. Miss Kaake of Thorubury is visiting w-th her sister, Mrs. Hartley Fasrcrtt. Mr. L'lckhart. of Lockh.irt A" Mc- Dowell, the Meatoisl Ford giuage men, delivered to Mr. J. H. Gardner, an u(- to-d.-ite touriuK ou . Mr. J. E. Rchards of Dund.dk called on J. H. Gardner and family l.isi week. Mr. Richards and Mr. Gardner were both fo.mer iiieichants of the village of Rotk. lyn. This Week's Items S:etliB;: and bouse cl.-auing nearly tinisbed. Miss Florei'Ce Gaiduer spent S«tur. day and Sunday with her friends in Me., ford. Mrs. Fe-gehen visitetl with her sister. visiting her ^istelâ- , Mrs. Neil .McKinnoii, ! .\|is. Kcir, of Duncin over Sunday is improving oioly with the in*iKorating luountitin air. Tlie many friends of Dr. McFadden weie pleased to welcome him to our buig this werk. Tbe Dr. moved to Toronto .about a year ago and is meetine with success. The home of Mr. Alex. Muiuhy on the Tenth Line was destroyed by Bre. The l>uildin>r, betu:; of frame. »as soon consume*!, despi'e the efforts of Mr. Mitrpliy and tlie neiuhixsrs wto gath- ered. .•V nuuiber from here attended the con- cert at Molntyre bU er the auspices of the Y. P. C. A. llie chi.f item was a play, entitled "Wee Mc<!re.<or Going to War," which was », II presented. All rj(X>it a g<Mid time at the "»co;ch Coi- ners.'' The loci I bta ich ot the Wonien's In- stitute will meet at tlic borne of Mis. S i-a I TayUir oi Thuisday, May 13lh. This will be a busu est metting and all the meinbeis are a.-'>ed !o be present ind brinj ilieir fiie ids. Due af ternotw l^ist week between thir- ty and for y of the villagers met by in- viration in Mr. 'Jiorgj Kwinit'a sugar bush to enjoy a taTy pull. The weather was ideal, ttie wihhIs dry :>«id fragrant \vi:h spring tt>i«eis, while tbe taffy was all that could be desired. .\ represent aiii-e o' the Hydio-Kleo- tric calle 1 on several m our I usiiiess men la.si week to ascer:ai>i tbe amount of freight, etc., haudle.l in < ur vil iige year- ly and said that it wis within the pw.si- Our !.«c*l butcher, .Mr. K li.s. of It.K-k- iyn, was <iaite a weL-ome cater in our burt; oil ^turday U.st. We lie pleased to hear thiic Mr. Rob- ert Muriay's arm is improvin:;. The Coaimuuily was plunged into i;rief on Thursilay lant when it laecame kii mil that Mr. Kdwin B.>yd, a I>i.:hly respected farmer of this p.ait, bad pis-sed away. Dr. t'reasy kiiiily assistetl Re». Mr. Kenip in holding .services in th-^ ih'ce cliorches iismely. Duncan, B«thel, and Heatlicote. Miss .McCaiiii of Fairmouii' visiteil with U-v. and Mrs. You.ig ovet i>und!>> . Mi>s Ferguson of Kimberley is a«s si- i>.g ill d'l'iies'io duties at ihi home '<i Dr. .McKee. R.'v. Mr. Voung ou Sunday evening l«-t »p ike I'll the Bis'iops ascens on .ippunl f r ihe in .ssioi s <>f CanaJioi churc'ios. Next Sunday, D V , i siMciit sor.n 'U «i I be uiven o-i ascension, autt the colt- oc ii.i » will be taken up in l»ehalf of the uii.%sions. S->me years sgo ibe whole of tliat pail ol Cillidi iiiL'ltided in the aie.1 kimun as the North West Territories »a« u>def pnihibilion. The oldj.pridiibilory la>r, however, a'lowed iIk- briiiieing in of liipior under s^a-c'al peruiits issued by (loveriiiiient otHci'<l.*. When the YuVon Council wa< cimstilutrd by '.he D. minion P-itii'iiuent itiat body is«.iied i>eimitsor wha' wele F<|uivaleiit ihertt" f>>r Ihe bitilies tha' a line might lun firm Fles- i (,r,„.^ „g i„ „f li,,uoi going int . that put hortcn via t^inghamptou. Glen Hunm to j .,.,!„. ,rrri-..iiis. Now a li.,uor dealer Collingwood. Surely this is the twen 1^ ihe Yukon claims thv this excise duty tieth century. I'Tie Y. P. C. A. met as usual ou Tuesday eveniui;, I'ev. TitK-k baviug charge, Thev are preparing to have a c^iiicert on May 18tb, wheu a number of out talented young people will present a j .) McKeruan. a young lad of alx.i t U play, entitled "Farm Life." This will be | saninici-s, whose home is in lUrrie, tiKik was unlawful and has euteied an ac'ion to lol'ect from the tSoveromeot the nioiiry uni.l by him a« excise dutiiii; twilve yeirs. His bill aiujuiits lo abott a million dollars. interestiu' > iid ejiertaiuin: and will a iiotii>it t > leave home on .M >u()ay last. Feversham Items The farmers aie pretcy well through secJiiig and the tirst of tie giain that was sown is np and mak- ing rapid growth. Misses LyIaaudFraucie .Xlexam^er have retmued heme from Tort ilc- NicLo! where tliey had been visiting with tiieir uncle, T. U. Pciigo. Mr. D. McOoviiu aud i'iss Bu- chanan of Ravecna visitel with the formers uccle, Mr. FicJ Weldtick on Stmday. Messrs. CLas. and Fred Weldrick attended the funeral of their brother tjeorge to the Thornbury cemetery ou Thursday last. Mr.Chas. Barber of L.-npre??. .\ltJ. is renewing old aC'iaaiuiauces here at present. A large coucoursi o^ i)€ople gath- ered at the fnneral of the late Mi.«. Ben Barbel and li:iL' dangLierof Em- pres?, .\lta.. on Wednesday last fi"Oin Mi-8. Barber's Other's home ou the HlL line to the Providence cemetery. where the mother and little daughter were laid side by side in their last resting place. The sad circamstac ces being that they weie both drow- ned iu the river which they had to cross to reach their nearest to»u. by the horsej backing the wagon in which they were sitting, off the ferry boat, ou whicti they were (nossing, into the riTer. Mrs. Barber was the eldest daughter cf .Mr. Wm. Conn. Sr.. just south of this village. Mr. and Mrs. Barber moved ont West to Alb<'rta three years ago. They were both raised in this vicinity where thev were well known. Much sympathy is expressed for the surrowiu'.; hnsband who had bctli bis wife and ouly child taken fiom him at tlie same |(ime. aud also for the son owing father, brothers and sister. c'aim aiteuiion fiom the beginning to He lauded iu CoUingwood. where he got the end. Sevaral other selections wilt [ hold of a b cy.le and i-ame Iwck as fai as also be provide^l. Further patticulars ; ,s;t,vner. In the meantime Chief Cdeiin will be given later j |,^j j,,^,, nutnitd uf the ix-cur. nco by the â-  ' I boy's parents. About o 30 Sir. Glenn .\ Cba-ham man who has just return- discovered iht lad ceHuiug into town on a ed from the W'est, says thetet aiM utaiiy bicycU with a 22 ritle st rappee) to it. tirmei-s th^re who wish they had stayed » The Iw was held and hi.s father nitided i'lOntaiio. Well, Ontario h«» no ob- ; aod who i-anie u;< rues<hiy n<Min arrd took j«ctiei:i to I base p'od'gd stHiK returning. I his waiieleiing boy hoinc. This looks like Tie-y can "c-'iue lusck" nhanever they | « cas« of reading a dime novel and actir^{ have uuly repeil'ed. thereoa â€"Sun. Durham The total .isse.ssed valuation i.f Duibaui is ^!t!,HO, an increase of ^,5nl over last year. The popula'ioii. accordiug lo the assessor's ns>ures, is I,7tl,°!, an increase of T'i for the year. The gn>wlh is not very rapid, but it is gratifying to know we are doiii'.; e .'en as veil as we ate. To be honest about it, we didn't expect our popuUtiiin w ts doiuf more than holdini: IIS own. .V despatch to thi dady press from New l,i»kear'l says oi « foinier resident of Durham: "Wi:h ctp and inittei s still • •u, tbe laidy of Frank Darby was f.iund tioating ainoii'.: Ihe lo^s on ihe W'abi river here oy the Rev. Me-ssr--. l'ri(uhart and Riker. The body wts interred on tfu«d.n' aflcrio on. lie had hvtd alone in I house by the river Ijaiik ami |. st winter fell into a w-iter bole while gelling 1 iiail uf water. • )n Monday ii'ght the council by their vote refuMSl to sancti'oi an agreciU'Oiit made se>nie time ago 'lei ween a coinmiUee' appe'intetl by theluseUts and .Ml. Nor in til Mcliityre. pioprieior of the existii.i: eleetric li'^l.t p'.ai.t. We »ie told that tbe committee app"iiiteel hail Ix'eu suth- oriz.d to negoiiit ! with Mr .McIut.M« with'u a cert.a II s)iecitied liinit. The couiiuiiiee, iu gt (hI faith, iutervieocd Mr. Melniyre and mad-.- an ari'sngenieiit thai was even Ix'tterihan the council bail pi'ovoaed. They accordingly had an agreement drawn \.i\> and »igne«l, by which fi'r a c 'U-ideiatlon of !?;f!jlH) Jlr. Mcli'tvre was lo nive up |os.sessi.'ii of that pertion of his plant iu.side ilie town limits. >''o far. so geiod, anel oveiyone who heard of t e aarei'ineut ihoug'u the ma'.ter would lie delinitely aiiel amicably settled by the council ratifyiug the terms. T<ndeis h.ave'U'en reoe.vcd for viiiou.s depikitineutsof the vo.-k in th) erecti-m of a new High school, and according to the idvertisenient thev should ht^ve been e>peued la^t Thursday. Tie Board was apparen'ly in ti>o big a huiry and e-allee) isit tenders bcfetre the plans weie spprov «d by tbe tducatioa Department. Pre- vieHis to the lime for opening them word came fioin tUe ete^xutiuent that certain features were not satisfaotoi^ aud that the front appeaiiiiK<v if the buildinj; wa-s very eMmmoi-p'aee, and weMi'd n >t rank up to the staudai'd- Fur. her, the size v>f the beildtn; was n-'t sufficient t:) pro vielc for any future- increase of poj uu- lion. In short, the plans may be vaid t > be e iiideutued, «Hel the trustees never oi-euisl ihe tenders, Ciire>nic!o. OR. BURX 5pecialist la (li»Lases of ifca Eye. Ear.Nose and Throat oFFICE-LJi)lOthst,West,'JweuSoo:.d At the Rfivere house. Maikd;ile, 2ud Thursd.iy each monrh from S to a 13a ro Dandalk.Is Wednesday of each month . J ew eiry He ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont. A Splendid Stock from which you may readily mzike A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Jeweler Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. â€" ALSOâ€" A line uf Ready-MaJe Clothing: Which we put ahei-atiuns in free ofi :haii2e, if re<]^uir«d. â-  !•=*? FLESHERTON, - ONT <". ^if, A't. <*!.^^ v^«. jse. 0% .»K. ^o^jo^ijjkM. ,M£. .•«. <M. ..<*&^!b^ £^SikSlkS^^^i^ m m 2 Conipton.s Eiirl\ . White Cap. Wisconsin Xo. 7. X ^ North Deikora. Imp. Ltaiiiini:. Cii-\nr KiijilaiH'. ^ ^ Goltlen <;iow. m SEED CORN m • Manj;le, 5jiit;ar Manirle. Siijrar Bt'er. Tin nip. Carrtir. Kape. Milh'tt. Iluiigariaii. Somo Timothv aiul (,'lover Soe<l vet. i W. B U S K I N I 'Ji*^ O^if, ^u, jtt. j>r^ J", ^'', j", .;'>, ^<(. yrl/, j't. jjf. yMt. jjtc ^Xf. vM{. .W. .S fc 4«fc JIfc Jia Jfc . jlc jfe Wm 'Bw-^l^ -rtf^o'- '/,.- - ,v- -/i," 'ni- <lf 'lif 'OC- -lis- -TW •>!«• -w 'nf Tl*- 'ii^^lVWFw •5«5^'*' r^ S Drop in Women's Shoes I have ahotit 24 pairs Ladies" Low i>hocs, .sizes:) ti» 4^. th-arinirat ."iH.\ a pair. Also -souie nice lines in rmi\p.s. Col- onials ami Patent Huttons, tor Sprin«j and .'Snmiiier wtMr. Tiuiiks and Suit I'asos. • . lJo[iainni: as usual. Thos. Clayton^s § FLESHERTON NEW SUITINGS Now Siiitings just lo handâ€" some of the nobhiest weaves to he found any- where. Leave your order now for that new suit. Vou will never regret it. 8<^tisfattiou guaranteed. IX^tit foi*get that we do eleaning, pressing and repairing. Our prices are right and our workmanship is the very best. S. J. BOWLER Sole Agent for the Hobl e lin Tailcn'np. ^

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