Flesherton Advance, 13 May 1915, p. 5

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May in, 191.3 THE r L E S H E R T ON ADVANCE Established over Forty-one \fears THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA ASSETS OVER $48,000,000 The A,B,C of Banking Deposit Your Savings Reg- ularly Every Dollar Earns Interest J^'"0'*> Date of Deposit m We solicit your account in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT FLESHERTUN CEO. MITCHELL, B D B Branches alto at Durham and HarrUton. ^ Odds and Ends ARTICLES FOR SALE BRANCH Mfoager* C. P. R. Time Table. leave Flesherton Station as Mr. Allan'Keith of Toronto visited over Sunday with relatives liwro. He was accompanied hoiiie l)y his wife, who O^'^K North ; hds spent the past week with hei grand- mother, Mrs. J. W. Armstrong. Car (if fre.sh cement just iirrived- H. W. Duncan, Flfisbeitun. Potatoes For Sale- Magee, Eugenia. -Apply to \V. Train.s follows : Goiug South 7.43 a.m. ll.:S4 a. in 4.27 p.m. 9.18p. m. The mails arc osed at Flesherton aj I The Maxwell Women's Institute will ollows: Forthenorthatia40 a.m.and^^,jt,,^j^ j^^ ^^^^^j ^^^jj ^^ 7 p.nj. ; and the afternoon mail sonth rvi ° . .i. u c «• i^ 3.40 o'clock For morning train south ! May IMh, VJU, at the home of Misa D- mail close at 9 p. ra. the previous ev'g. | Ferguson. All memtjcrs are te<juested ___^^_^____^____^__^^_^^__ • to be present. Visitors welcome. Hay For Saleâ€" A quantity of first class timothy hay for H»Ie, at Lot 40, South Line, .\rteuiehia. Jas. N. Prilchard. Etsgs for Hatchingâ€" Silver Campine and Burt" Wyandotte, SI 50 per setting! ')f 13 eggs. -T. bulmer, Flesheiton. Hoosier \V,i?on box. 6t any wagon, good second hand, for sale cheap. â€" J. E, Williams, Euucnia. For Sale â€" A good bicycle, in first class repair, will be sold ctieap. Thos. Chard, Flesherton . Ki<gs For Hutching â€" Pure bred white wyandottes. These are frem Proctor's pri/.e bird.4. $1.50 per set'ing of 111. Wro. t>rr. Proton Station P 0. Myl5 Eggs for Halchiii^.â€" Thoroughbred I Siiig'e Comb While Leghornsâ€" the hens that win every egn laying contest â€" $1.50 per setting. Ernest Morsan, Eugenia. V VICINITY CHIPS An executor's sale of house, lot and ett"Cts of the late Mrt. Jane Corbett will be held at her late residence, Flesherton. on the 12th day of May. S^le at ona o'clock. For further particulars s«e D. Wright and family. Duodalk, spent , ^^^^^^ Saturday in town. | Dr. and Mrs. Webster of Toronto j Tl^'s '« caterpillar yeir and if the in- motored up Saturday and spent Sunday j "'cts are not looked af-er immense dam- here. I »'•!* will be done. We noticed one Dr. (Jttewell has purchased a and can row enlarge hia veterinary practice. Mrs. P. Holman returned to her home here latt week after spending the winter with her daughter ne,»r Markdale. Mr. Will Goldhawk l.ft Merlin, where be has secured a good position as hrlper in a large bakery. Mrs. C. McTavish and little daughter of Kegina are the guests of Mrs. D. Mc- Tavish and will remain for .some time. ! Miss Lilian .Armstrong returned home i on Sa*urdey, after a months' visit with ^ friends in Toronto. Mr. Ma'.c ilm McIXmald left Wodnes- dny to put in the summer lire ranging in | Northern t)iitario. | "Ride of the Elves,'' a ladies' iiuartette. I and "Cold Water Song,'' a male quartette [ t' -J ... orchard at Kimberlcy last week where Ford car i ' I every tree had its half dozen colonies of j the vermin. .A thorouah application of I the torch only wiil save the situation. ', Felix Mendelssohn composed (he two [great oratorios "St. Paul" and "Elijah." Monday for I ^* ^'*'^ '" '**'â-  ***'^ '^"^ >'**'''• *'''''' "' I the very zenith of his powers. Short as j his career was he left a great number of ' magnificent works which entitles him to I a p'ace among the Titans of Music. i R. N. Henderson announces the en- gagement of his only daughter, Maude Violet, to Mr. Leslie Stafford, formerly of Brat'leboro, Vermont, the marriage to take place very i|iiielly, .Iun» 2, in Aui(ustine church, owiiii; to a recent bereavement^ in the family.- Winnipeg paper. The .Annual Meeting of the Ladies' are two bewitching, sparkling numbers at ; Aid wiis held in the Methodist Church on the Meudelssohn concert. [ Tuesday of last week when a report of Mrs. A. Carter of Toronto was visit- ; '^e yeais work was given. $343.53 nu her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. "^re raised diirinj the year, and $163.53 M. Murphy, here last week, the former j "''â- "e expended, leaving a balance in the of whom is very ill. '"'"'' "^ 11*0.00. The otticers were el- ected as follows :â€" Pres.. Mrs. W. Boyd; ' 1st Vise Pres., Mrs. Clinton : 2nd V.P., .IMrs. Robt. Richardson; Rec.-Sec.,Mis. E. Wickens; As<. Sec, Mrn. Goldhawk; nUs Mas^gie Best relumed home from Toronto list week. She was accompanied by her coujin, Mr. J. Duncan, who spent a few days visiting relatives here. The Ladits' .Aid of the Methodist church, Flesherton, will hold a Garden Party on June 8th, l'.tl5, on the Agri- cultural grounds. Full particulars later. Mes.sis. J. Cairns and Will and Mis'ies Hill and House, of Meiford, motored over to Eugenia and Flesherton, on Sunday, calling on the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cairns. The East Grey Fall Fair Committee has engage! James Fax and his concert ti'uup fur the evening of the fall fair -concert. This troup of foui should bring a bumper house. The 13ih PsaLn, sung at the Provin- ci 1 Musical Festival iwo years ago in Regiiia, will be given as the 2nd part of the program, after opening with an organ selection by Mrs. White at the Mendels- sohn concert. The sinking of the Lusitania'.last week, by which lltOO lives were snuffed out, including 2()0 babies, by the Germar s, hris added one more debt to the long list which will have to be settled by the Kaiser when the hour of retribution arrive*. The beautiful chorus "How Lovely are the Messengers" opens, and the bright and lively Baycaroole chorus "On the Sea'' closes the first part of the program at the Mend elssohii concert on "Tuesday evetilng, May 18th. Sunday last was observed as Mothers' Day in the churches here. The Presby- terian and Methodist chuiches were decorated with white flowers and the congregations also wore the emblem. In the Methodist church the evening ser- mon was appropriate to the occasion, as was also the music. The erection of the hydro line from the power house to Flesherton is pro- ceeding iiuite fast and is nearly complel ed and ready for the wire. The polos erect- ed through the town are fine samples of B. C. cedar, 00 and 155 foot and will be rather an ornament than otherwise to the streets. Ihe poles will be up nearly to Pricoville this week. Two very popular and well known pieces by lovers of Mendellschn nuisic the duet for 1st and 2nd sopranos, "I waited for tlw Lord" from the "Hymn of Praise" and the trio for Ist and 2nd soprano and alto "Lift Thine Eyes" â- froir. the [oratoria "Elijah" will bo sung at the Mendelsaoliu concert. Trea', Mis. Wm. .Hoore; P,irsonai4e Comniiltef. Mrs. G. Mi'chell and Mrs, W. Bellamy. A Mr. Grummett of Maxwell runs a . motorcycle, tin Thursday l,»»t he was .. K' travelling a good piece of rt>ad and lot his machine out to a 40-mile clip. Now it so happened that a big pig took it into his head to cross the road in front of the iiiachine. There was a collision and the nir was crarkfd for a mile around with pig s<|ueals. The animal was struck in the nerk and bowled over. Mr. Grum- met described an aeroplane stunt for something under three rods iind the wheel tuok about » dozen somersaults. The machine and the pig were the only things damaged, if you don't take human dignity into acjonnt. The following officers were elected for the Woman's Missionary Society of the Methodist Church:â€" Pres., Mrs. Thur- ston; V ce. Pros., Mrs. Clinton and Mrs. Buhner; Uec.-Sec. Mrs. Mitchell; Cor.. S.'C, Mrs. Armstrong; Tre«s.. Mrs. ll.H. Wright; Organist, Mrs. H. S. White; Supt. of Christian Stewardship, Mrs. R. Bentham. Mrs. Jas. Dudgeon was elec- ted to attend the Branch Met ting, which will be held in Dunn Avenue Ckurch, Toroiito.on June 1st, 2n(l and 3rd, Mrs John Wright being the alternate. 1 The baseball enthusiasts held a meeting ou Thursday night last for the purpose of electing othcers and discussing other necessary business. There is a good bunch of young players here, who, with a little practise, can play good baseball. Any person having one (.f the baseball su'ts are requested to turn the sime over to any of the ofhcers. The following are the officers for the ensuing year: Pres,, H. S. White; Sec.-Treas., G. McTavish; Manager, R. G. Holland; Committee, J. A. LeGard, T. Chard and U. McAuley. .\t the annual meeting of the W. T. held in the High School last week the following ofhcers were elected:â€" Pres., Mrs. K. H. Wright; V. P., Mrs. Rich- ard.sou, Sec.-Treas., Mrs. A. Hawken; District, Director, Mrs. .\. Stewart; Or- ganist, Mrs. E. Wickens; Auditors, Mrs. Trimble, Mrs. McVicar; BusinoM Com., Mesdames Hickling, Henry, R. Best, A Stewart; Delettates to Distiict Meeting v/hich is to be hold in Clarksburgâ€" Pres. and Sec. elect, Mrs. R. Bes^, Mrs. Tuur- ston and Mrs. .\. Stewart. The lady delegate from the dep»rtn>ent will ad- dress the In.ititute on June 9. Eigs For Hutchiug â€" Bred from P Ross McVeighâ€" prize pen of Whi- Wyandottes. Eggs per setting of 15 u 50c. Jas. Findlay, Markdale. For Sale or Rent â€" Store and dwelling lately occupied by D. W. Wideman, in Fevetshani. Will sell or rent cheap, and on easy terms, if sold. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. Ont. For Sale â€" The residence and lot in town owned by the lale J-ine Corbett. -Apply for particulars to Wm. Keyes, Corbetton P. U., or VV. L. Wright, Flesherton . E?gp For Hatchina â€" Rose and single comb R. I. Aeds, bcth pens headed by prize birds. One dollar per setting, shipped t.> any address. W. H. Thurs- ton, Flesherlou' Ont. Legal Blanks For Sale â€" R. .7. Sproule keeps constantly on hand and for sale cheap a full stock of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills and all other legal blanks. Any ret^uiring such will tind it to their inter- est to give him a call. For sale cheip and on easy tfrms. Lot 13, con. 11. Osprey, 110 acres. This is a first class farm and in a good state of cultivation. Good Lank ham and new frame dwelling. Apply to K. J. Sproule Flesherton MISCELLANEOUS Fishing strictly prohibited on lot 35-3li, Con. 8, Arteniesia. â€" A. Cameron. Fishing and tie^passing strictly pro- hibited on lot 24, con. 7, Artemesia. Jas. Gciioe, Arrived â€" Tiidav, a haiii s Nu i^ii.il I'orii right price, F. G-. ton. car load of Dur- and Ciiiieut â€" :.t <t Karatedt, Flesher- Markdale Creamoiy solicit the patron- age if 'ill llieir old patrons and ulbo as miny n-w ones as would wish to give us a trial for the aia.^on of 1915. List â€" Between Toronto and .'>yden- ham road anil 8th L nc, about Match .'iOth, I blick hind .s.itchcll, coulainiiiK purse and articles if clothing. â€" Finder please coimnunicate with A. C.imeron. Notice is hereby iTiven that the Agency for the Sydenham Mutual Fire losurance Company, formerly held by the late W. G. Pickell, has been taken over by U, B. McLean, Priceville. R. R. No. 2. P. Steinhart, Box 121, Ma<-kdale, pays highest prices in cash for poultry, pro- duce, hides, wool, vans, rubliera. horse hair, iron, i-tc No tnwle. .Ship it or send him a c.ird. Save it all for tiim. War Price Cut Special Musical Offer At the rate of 87 00 foi twenty lessons, two lessons per week, I will receive all new piano pupiU during .April. May and June. â€"MARK EVERETTE WRIGHT Cement Work Wanted Tho undersigned is prepared to do silo building and concrete work. Ha'-e had thirteen years experience and feel that I can give entire satisfaction. Have steel forms for silo and ail o itHt necessary for all kinds of cement work. Can also attend to carpenter work. THOS. BENTHAM. 1 July Flesherton. PUBLICNOTICE The Hydro-Electfic Power Commis- sion are closing the lOih Con. between Lot 28, Con. II. and the 30th sideroad. .Vlso the 30tli sideri ad, belt»een the lOih Con. and the Blind Line, between the Itth and 10th Con.^. Fences have been put across the roads at these points, nud any person remov- ing such fence.', and continuing to travel the sections of the road which are s'ated above a.s being closed, do so at their own liak. A, D, A'ATTS, Resident Engineer The Adv,ince is agent for all the city papers. See our clubbing list on another page. |{,-new nl once. Our terms arc cash in advance as we have no accounts wilh other papers. •tUMm'' â- â-¼â- â€¢â-¼â- .'*' ^»' "^ ^r .-r- â- â-¼â-  .-sr -*.' "^ -'»â-  -"r- -â-¼â€¢-»• -»i â- â-¼â-  :)tr- V -^r .-v. '^'''^^'r,. '^^ "^ -r. -r-.'^..'^ -^-"-VrV O New Spring Goods LADIES' BLOUSES colors and styles. Girls' Middy Blouses. Wonien'.s Overall Apron.s. -Snow Flake Voile, Silk Voile and Mu.slins, all Women's and Children'.^ Print Dresses. A laree new stock of Whitewear. Newest thing in Crepes, Roinaii Stripe, Flowered and Plain Colors. LADIES' COLLARSâ€" New styles in Ladies' Collars and Collar Setts. MEN'S STRAW AND FELT HATSâ€" In latest styles, genuine Panamas, from $ I. "J.") to $.5.00. Felts from 75c. to$2..')0. Men's and Boys' Caps .â- )0c. to $LrK). New Silk Auto Caps, U ounces in weight, for 75c. RENNIE'S SEEDSâ€" Potato Onions, Dutch Setts on hand. Oranges, Lemons and Bananas always in stock. Agents for Royal Purple Poultry and Stock Food and Calf Meal. I w: L. FLESHERTON, WRIGHT ONTARIO ^vj^ <. * . ' '- " V ' A " ..^ " 'P. ' . '" f.-^IVJ^T.' * '! ; j^ * ^%^ ' .-' r " â- 'â-  -"> !' .^" ' ..V.>^ * ,.'- '' . â-  . â-  tAi ' . ' J". - A " A " A « iH w^ â€" â-  '• i. w»iwi>j,^' Our Clubbing List R J COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. The following prices are for strictly paid in advance subscriptions only. We ave no accounts with other papers. Flesherton Advance S 1 00 Yo'jths Companion 2 00 . ^ . , ^. _ , . ^^ Toronto World, daily 3 00 i *««"* '»'' "*^ Cockshutt Toronto Daily News 2 tW | Weekly Globe . 9ft ' Mail-Empire 75 FamUy Herald & Star 90 Toronto Star 2 00 ! Farmer Sun W Farmers Advooata 1 50 i Weekly Wit.iese 90 Saturday Ninht 3 00 j Home Journ:U 90 â-  Poultry Review 4t* Rod and Gun magazine 9 '^ MASSEY HARRIS ' IMPLEMENTS School Children's Eyes. Plow Cos Full Line of Farm Implements Wagons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, and Gasoline Eni^iues, Melolto Cream Sepanitors, Baker Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Pipe Fittings always on hand. Beatty Bros', of Fergus, Barn Tracks, Litter Carriers and .stable fittings. Cockshutt and Frost & Wood Repairs always on hand. Feversham, Ontario. This famous make of implements is well known all over the country and their own good work is the best recom- mendatiun they can receive. If you re.iuire anything in the line of Binder.'^. Mowers, Seed Drills. Cultivators, Pulp- ers, Pliws, Sleighs, Waagonii, (.'ream Separators, Uiiriows, Rollers, Cutting Bo.xes, Ensilage Cutters, Gasoline en- gines. Sawing outfits, etc , give us a clianee to iiuote prices. John Wright, - Agent Flesherton Many lives have been ruineO | through neglected eyestrain , in childhood. The eyes of ! every child should be examined. We have made a special study of this branch of optics, and'guarantee i satisfaction. I Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong. Debentures F'jsue'l for 'Jll Short Term oHifawj NEGOTIABLE t Interest Coupons Cayable Helf-Ycdriy ASSETS : $7,480,339 , The dreai West Permanent I can Company tS|||| ZO.Nin^St.West Toronto ||||( W. J. Bellamy ^g«nt lau. Flesherton Christmas Gifts There is a movc'inenr on fiot this year for somelbing substantial for Christmas, now that the German flimsy ware is debarred (as it should have been years ago) Just by way of suggestion W(J would nropose that you call in and ex- amine ourstcck of furuilure suit- able for present!", ubich is un- usually full this year. F>jr in- stance we have rockers for mother. essy chain fi;r father, beautiful pictures and frames for sister, liaiidsleiglis for little brother, little rockers, dolls beds and wick- er chairs and other thing's for little sister â€" something for everybody. Come in and see the latest thini; in dolls beds and rockers, Then we have the usual stock of all kinds of parlor, bedroom and dining room furnitureâ€" desks, chairs, odd pieces, secretariesâ€" Oh! there is too much to enumeMte. Come in and go over our slock yourself, .\lways happy to show goods and to demonsirace thst our prices are as low m the lowest. We are prepared to furnish flowers and floral designs for funerals, weddings, or tocinl gathering", Imviojj; arranged with thv P-\'v e^i- late cf Bill 111 pion to hanJle tlieir business here. W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER PHONE 23 R2 Flesherton - Ontario. WANTED A RELIABLE MAN To sell HARDY CANADIAN GKOWX STOCK in Flesherton and Grey County. Start now at the bist Selling Time. Send for list of SPRING OFFERINGS, I and terms to .Agents. Liberal Commissions. Jouttit. Handsome free } Stone & Wellington Fonthill Nurseries (Established 1837) TORONTO - ONTARIO MIRHTS. Carefully Corrected Each Week Wheat 91 20 lo 1 25 <-'»'» t)0 toliO P"*" tl 25 to 1 25 Barley 7510 75 Bui'kwhest 75 to 75 fi"!our., *7 «0 tofS 30 Hay floOOtcloOO Butter..,. , 25 to 2(5 Eggs, fresh 20 to »» Potatoes per bag ;{5 to 35 Oeese 11 to 11 Ducks 11 toli F.'*l 8to d Chickens 10 to It/ TllrupVM J4 tJI l.'i ANADIAN P/VCIFIC For WINNIPEG AND VANCOUVER leave Toronto 10.;!0 p, m. daily Attractive Tours to PACIFIC COAST POINTS Particular from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agent or write M. (1. Murphy, District PassenRcr Agent, corner King and VouRe Streets, Toi-nnto. S. RAN DS. Agent, Ceylon. BULL FOR SERVICE Tlio undersigned has a Pure Bred Shorthorn Bull for service on Lot l-tli, Con. 2, S. W. T. \- S. U., Artemesia. Terms $1.00. .Ml cows scived mu.st be paid for by 1st March, l!)l(i. Isept â€" H. Piper. Decfing Implements Ig HE ONLY MAN ^ AND Gasoline Engine All kinds of Dcering Implements. Parts always on hand. Agent for Barrie and Mt. Forest Cutteis, Barber Buggies, Lou- den Litter Cfcrrieis, Hay Tracks, Pedlar shingles and siding. These Implements refiuire no recoinmendation as they aie Standard eoods and recognized as the best on the market. ED. RUTHERFORD Proton Station T 1 WHO SHOULD IJ ^ NOT ADVERTISE IS ^ ^ OF SERVICE-AND ^ H -SUCH A PERSON ^ 5!{ IS A DEAD ONEâ€" ^ ^WHETHER HeS ^ KNOWS IT-OR 1 S NOT. H ^ Elbert Hubbard ^ ^ in the Fra ^ THE MAN WHO HAS NOTHING TO OF- FER IN THE WAY SERVICE SUCH A PERSON

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