Flesherton Advance, 13 May 1915, p. 7

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SISRM OF THE IDSITANIA Fastest Ocean Liner in the World Sent to Bottom by Oerman Pirates More than thirteen hundred lives were lost when the Cunard liner Lusitania was torpedoed without warning off Old Head of Kinsale, Ireland, by a German submarine Friday afternoon, sink- ing within thirty-five minutes. Out of a total number of 2,104 persons aboard, passengers and crew, with over 200 Canadians and 189 United States citizens, between 800 and 900 are reported ashore at Queenstown, Kinsale, Galley Head and Clonakilty, but a late bulletin received by the Cunard Company in New York from a chief steward expressed his belief that no more than 500 or 600 were saved. Among the survivors it is reported, are many wounded, who have been taken to the naval hospital at Queenstown, thus estab- lishing that the explosion must have been terrific, or there was a second interior explosion. Loss of Life Enormous. The very latest bulletins received enumerate so few survivors that it is feared that more than 1,300 have perii^hed. Out of the 2,104 passengers and crew aboard the ship, 1,254 passen- gers and 850 crew, there is definite uiiformation concerning less than 700 of them, and even the uncon- firmed reports oi rescues at vari- ous ports add very few more to the list. The latest buUetin comes from Queenstown by way of Liverpool tiirough the Cunard Company. It re*ds : "Queenstown wires that the Stormcock is landing about 160 passengers and crew. It is re- ported by the Admiralty that the trawlers Dock and Indian Empire have about 200 ; the tug Flying Fish 100 ; three torpedo boats have 45 living and four dead. "We ar<j putting these up at the different hotels and boarding houses." London, May 7, 5 p.m. â€" The Lusitania was sunk at 2.33 this afternoon o£E Old Head Kinsale by a torpedo. Assistance has been sent to her. Queenstown, May T. â€" The Cu- D»rd Line steamer haiS been tor- pedoed and sunk. The Lusitania sailed last Satur- day from New York. C'uaard Gures Text of Ti'lrgram. New York, May 7. â€" The Cunard Line gve out the following cable- gram received from Liverpool ; "Lands End wireless reported distress calls made by Lusitania, as follows : "'Come at once; big list, posi- tion ten miles south Kinsale.' Sub- sequently received telegram from Queenstown that all small craft in harbor dispatched to assistance." The f>ccond message read : "Queenstown. --Old Head Kinsale wire begins, "About 20 b<^iats of all sorts belonging to Lusitania are iu vicinity where sunk." Before the Lusitania sailed some nervousness was caused because of the publication in the papers of an â- dvertisement warning intending travellers that a state of war exist- ed between Germany and Great Britain and her allies; that the tone of war includes the waters •djaccnt to the Britis-h Isles; that in accordance with notice given by the German Government vessels flying the flag of Great Britain are liable to destruction in those wa- ters and that travellers sailing in tite war z<ine on siKips of Great Britain or her allies do so at their own risk. This advertisement was •igncd, "Imperial German Em- hassy." Xliis warning apparently did not cause many cancellations, for the â- hip sailed with a very full passen- ger list. â- " Charles P. Sumner, general Agent of the Cunard Line, was ait the pier, and in a statement made then, said that the voyage of the Lusitania would not be attended by any risk whatever, a^s the liner had a speed of twenty-five and a half knots, and was provided with unusual watertight bulkheads. In commenting on the report of the torj>edoi.ng of the Lusitania, marine men pointed out that in their opinion the Lusitania could nat be sunk by a single torpedo. The Lusitania carritxl Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt, Elbert Hub- bard, Charles Frohnmn, and other well-known people. Just before the steamer sailed away many of the passengers received telegrams from a mysterious source warning them not to make the v<.)yage as something was going to happen to the big liner. The Lusitania was coannmnded by Captain W. T. Turner, Hoyal Na- val Reserve, and Staff Captain J. C. Anderscin ia his as.'sistant. tin boerd wore a number of British re- . servists going back to join the colors and representatives of many Ajnerican and Canadian firms who deal in war materials. The Lusitania carried a crew of about 700 and 1,300 passengers. This included 200 passengers who were taken aboard from an Anchor Line steamer which was com- mandeered by the British Admir- alty Hit Without Warning. There is no doubt that she was bit without warning. Liverpool shipping men have announced that Captain Turner would not think of stopping for any German submar- ine, but would rely on his speed the moment he saw a periscope in sight. It would only be by chance that a torpedo would strike home unless tliere were a number of the undersea boats in line, each of which would discharge a torpedo in her path. None could stop her, none could keep up with her. Therefore, it is believed to-night that there was a great loss of life. A message received from Queens- town by the Cunard Company 6 ays : "Chief Steward Jones thinks about 500 to 600 saved. This in- cludes passengers and crew. In the meantime tlie injured and the dead are taking up all our atten- tion." Sent Only One Mirihss. After the early afternoon report of the Lusitania nothing was heard officially at any of the wireless sta- tions until shortly after 2 o'clock, when the wireless operator at Land's End, Ireland, caught this hurriedly: "Come at once. Big list ; position ten miles south of Kinsale." That was all that ever came out of the sliip so far as can be learned. It would not have been sufficient to have blown up the boilers to stop the wireless, for the emer- gency batteries were there to work with Something snapped the whole thing out. The word from Land's End w^as out to the world in an- otiier two miuut>es. Every port of the Irish coast w,ts notified and pass^ the word along. Men on ihe jump from Watcrford clear down to Cape Clear rushed into small boats and large boats and dashed out to sea. Old Head of Kinsale was the next to send a little word. A marine observer there with powerful glass- es made out the big ship ten miles out, listed to one side almost on the point of turning over. There was. only a brief flash of this, and then cajuo the word, "She has gone" As a matter <>f fact, it is estimated the Lusitania was hit around 2.15 o'clock and was under water by 2.45. Lloyds offlxjijally places the time as that. Then the observer made out the small boats on the spot left when the big ship vanished. The Cunard Liner Lusitania, Sunk by the Germans. peoples that we make unmistakably manifest that we share their indig- nation, loathing and contempt for the assassins who sneak under the water to wage a campaign of mur- der against unarmed defenceless passenger ships, merchant vessels and fishing trawlers, and we pro- mise them that, so far as in us lies, the deaths of these American citi- zens shall be avenged." SURVIVORS TELL OF THEIR ESCAPE word from every point of the Irish coast fails to bring any reassuring tidings. It is now definitely established t;hat tliere were 1,917 persons aboard the ship when the German submarine smashed two torpedoes into her starboard side, literally tearinjg two great sections of Iver hull in pieces. There were 290 first- cabin passeuigens. Only 79 of these have been reported alive. There were 599 in tlie second cabin, and the survivors' list so far reaches only 100. There were 361 persons in the third class, and there were 667 in the crew. MAKEIIIPOBTMTIDMCES Joffre's Forces Report Gainsâ€" Sir John French Chronicles Attacks by tiis First Army A despatch from Paris says : Im- portant French advances in Alsace were recorded by the War Office in Saturday's official communique. The forces which for some time have been gradually working their way toward Metzeral, an important cen- tre. Some ten miles east of the lihine, pushed forward for a dis- tance of one kilometre over a front 1.500 kilometres in length. The progress made was along the banks of the River Feclit. French trot>ps have made impor- tant gains south of Carency. Two and in .some cases three lines of German trenches w^re taken over a front of four and a half miles. The German fortifications at these places were verj- heavy, and the re- sistance, while futile, was very bit^ ter. British foeces reoovcred on Sat- urday the lane of trenches lost on Friday to the Germans ocn Hill 60, according to a report from Field Marshal Sir John French. Field Marshal French sent the following report of tli« operations on the western line : "Tlie enemy continued his at- tacks east of Ypres, and made fur- ther attacks, which have all been repulsed with heavj- losses. Our line there is tirmly established. Our first- army attaeked the enemy's Ijne between Bois Grenier and Fes- tube rt, and gain>?d ground south ajid east toward Fromelles. Th« fighting in this area continues. "Our airmen made succeajful afc- fracks on the St. .\ndre railway junction north of Lille and on the eanaJ bridge at Dok. Fumes, Her- lies, Illiese, Marqueliee and La Bassee were aJso bombed." Says 200 Amrricnn.s Dead. New York, Saturday, May 8.â€" More than 200 .\mericans are among the dead in the Lusitania disaster, according to a London cable to the Tribune, whose cor- resp<indent places the total loss -yt life at from 900 to 1,400, the latter estimate by First Officer Jones. It is supposed there were 400 Ameri- cans on board. The Daily Mail in an 'Editorial says of the sinking of the Lusitania and the loss of life : "It was not an act of war; it was a case of ^eer cowardly murder. To the American people who suf- fered this felons' blow equally with ourselves we address no words of impertinent counsel, but we do venture to offer to them from the bottom of our hearts a message of profoundest sympathy. It is at such times as these essenti.ol by the kirship of the English-speaking BOTHA KEEPS ON ADVANCIIIJ I A de»pat<'Ji f i>&m Cnp« Town says : "Oen Botha has occupied tihe im- portant railway junction of Karibib â- knd other stations (Germian South w«*t Africa). He expects to occupy 'WiiL4huk very soon. Large quanti- tiee of roUijiiE stock, including se- i^-f^Jt^.'^&^ifi^ ven locomotives, were taken at Karibib. "The town was oocupie<t after a forced march of 3D milies over a waterless waste, under conditions of heat, tihipst and hunger which caliWd for the greatest resolution and grit." I'alks With Toronto and Ontario People Saved B'rom the Luviituuia. A deispatch from London says : Stories of Canadian survivors are reiaohing London. Frank Hook, an ll-year-old boy passenger on the Lusitania, was re- turning to England from Toronto with his father and sister. He was pitched overboard as the boat went down and suffered a broken leg by striking a piece of wreckage. Tlie boy .sank, but came up again and clutched an upturned boat. He be- I caime separated from his father, w-ho did not know the boy was aldve until he found h:m in a hospital in Queenstown. Mrs. I.iihden's Experience. Mrs. Rose Lohden and her daugh- ter, of Toronto, survivors of the Lusitania di.saster, tell a pathetic etory concerning two English wo- men who were rescued by the boat, iu which the Lohdens left the . steamer. ! One Woman had buried her baby at sea. The other, with an infant held tightly to her brca.«it. on being taken from the sea into the boat, looked for a nKniont at the child's face, and then said: "Let mc bury my baby," at tlw same time plac- 1 ing the body in the water. Vincente Ega.na, a young Spa^- : iard, saved innumerable women,, Mrs. Lohden says, before the ship went down. He carried them to boats and, standing beside Cap^ tain Turner, went down with the steamer," beJug later picked up in the water. i Mrs. Lohden ;ays she saw a peris- i cope between 200 and 300 yards dis- tant from the Lusitania. She had no idea what it was, and asked a steward. The latter replied: "My God. a submarine." Alnioist im- mediately tlie explo.'^ion lLft?d the j ship, Parents Lost. Sons Saved. Eric and William Ctardner, aged 1(5 and 11 respectively, of Toronto, paswengers on the Lusitania. were saved, but their parents. Mr. and i Mrs. Jameis Gardner, were lost. ' according to news reccivetl by the Cunard Line here. The family w.-ts t^n its way to New Zealand. The Cunard officials said they were anx- ious to hear from relatives of the boys, to whom they would be sent. Mrs. Gardner fainted when the tor- pedo struck, a.nd went down with the nhip. The elder st>n, who st-LK>d by his mother, went down with tlie !*hip, but came to the surface, where he was hauled into a boat in which his father was Iving uncon- scious from shock and chill. The father died smm afterwards, a.nd the boy, belieiving himself alone in the world, wai^ taken to Queens- town, where he found his younger brother alive. They are at a hotel near Euston Station, the younger suffering from exhaustion. It is thought they wiill return to Can- ada, where they have relatives. Lost Mother and Babe. Thirty survivors of the Lusitania arrived at P'uston Station, Londo.u, Sunday evening. .Vmong them was Mrs. F. C. Stevens, of Montreal, wife of a wounded' army officer juist over from Flnindersi. She cou.ld not believe that tlioai* she looked for were not among the 30 until she had spoken with every oiu? of bhenv. She waits word of her mother atid her is-monthvs-old baby the mother was bringing to London. Prominent Uoad. Tlie body of Charles Frohnian, the New York theatrical pnnliKvr, has been identified in the teanp^)r- ary morgue at the Qtieenstown Town Hall, and it is practically certain tliwt among the, other well- kinown ppifmn-i to perish were .Al- fred Gwyiim> Vam le.rbilt, Charles Klein, the playwright; I)r, F. S. Pea.r>st>n, Justus Miles Forma.n, aublror and pliay w right, and Mr and Mrs. l-'lb^rt Hubbartl. It ha.s been imp<T«sibV to find tiii.\<».- Ix-dies amodig tlte 1200 iu QuectUAtowa, but SMYRNA CCT OFF FROM STRAITS British Aviator Drops Bombs on Punderiua Bridge, Destroy- ing It. A despatch from London says : Desperate fighting is in progress on the Gallipoli Peninsula. The Turks have been reinforced by a division, and the allies are now endeavoring to prevent this force from joining the other bodies of Turkish troops. The losses on botli sides are heavy. The allies at other points on the Peninsula are strongly es- tablished, and are advancing slow- ly but steadily, overcoming tho Turkish resistance everywhere. A despatch to the E.xchange Tele- graph from Athens says that as a result of the destruction of the Paaiderma bridge by a British avia- tor communication between Smyr- na and the Dardanelles is inter- rupted, and that both the move- ment of Turkish troops and the transport of supplies from the in- terior of .\sia Minor have been ren- dered difficult. The Turks, considerably rein- forced, attacked the allies' camp at Krithia, but were repulsed, leaving 1.5(X) dead, according to advices from Mitylene. Krithia is about three miles up the Galliiwli Peninsula from Seda-el-Bahr at the Tip, and is an interior pv>int. The allies have advanced into the interior, the despatch says, and now occupy positions of great stra- tegifc importance. A report from Tenedos sa>-8 that British warships continued their bombardment of Turkii^h ptksitions in the Dardanelles, and also of Smyrua. MARKETS OF IH: WJiILD FASSENDER SHIP SUNK RY PIRATES Danish Steamer Was On Her Way From Copenhagen for China. A despatch from London says : The Danish steamer Cathay, 2,t)00 net tons, from Copenhagen for Chinese ports, was either mined or torpedoed late last night in the North Sea. She went down iu 20 minutes. Her passengers and the members of her crew, totalling t3 persons, took to the small b<iats and all were landed safely at Rams- gate. The trawler Str.atton, of Grims- by, was sunk in the North Sea by the gunfire of a German submarine. The crew was taken on board the submarine, and later landed at Hartlepool in a small boat. \ The schooner F/arl of l..athani; was sunk by a German submarine; off Kinsale, on the Irish coast. The crew was pennitted to take to the small b<iats, and was rescued by a trawler. The submarine fired nuie sheila at the sch«.K>ner before she sank , The British steam.ship Harpalyce, under charter to the .\merican Bel- gian Relief Com.inittee, which was sunk by a German submarine in the North Sea the early part of April, was torpedtHxl within '23 miles of the Dutch coast, according to a re- port made to the British .\duiir»lty after an investigation which was confined chiefly to an examination of the members of the crew of the steamer, for the reason fliat no [vart of tho ship remained afloat. The report assorts that the Har- palyce, at the time slie was attack ed, flew the I'og of the Relief Com- mission a,iid thiat she had al.so largo sheets bearing the na.n;o of the com- mission stretched along her side.-i. Tl>e report ptiints out p.irticularl.v that it has been proved that the Harpalyce was not within the war »Niie wlien she was sent to the bot- tom. REPORTS FROM THE LtAOINC TRADE CENTRES OF AMERICA Breadstuffs. Toronto. May 10. -Flour-Manitobo fimt pat«nt« quoted at $8.10, in iut« b:ig«; sec- ond patoiits. »7.60; atrong baiere , $?.â- Â«). Ontario wheat flour. 90 per cent, patenta. quoted n *6.40 to *6.«. lieabourd, and al W.40 to $6.60. Toronto freight. Wheat M.tnltoba So. 1 Northern quot- ed at $1.70 1-2; No 2 at $1,68. and -No. J at $1.66. Ontario vhcat ia nominal at $1.S0 for No. 2 at outride points. Oata-Ont.irio quoitnl at 60c, outuide. and at 63c. Toronto. Wostern Canada No. 2 quoted at 67 1-ac. and No. J at 65i;. c.i.f.. Bay pons. Burli-y-The market ia nominal. Good malt ing grades. 73 to 75c. outside. Byeâ€" Tho marltet is dull at $1 to $1.05. outside. Peasâ€" The market is quiet, with No. 1 quoted at $1.55 to $1.65. outside. Corn -No, 2 new American quoted at 82c. c.i.f,. Bay ports, and No. 3 at 81 l-2c. Bay ports. Buckwheat No. 2 quoted at 80 to SZc, outside Brar and shortsâ€" Bran ia quo:ed at $27 a ton. sliorts at $29 to $30 Rolled oata-Cu- lots, per bas of 90 lbs.. •3.40. Country Produce, Butterâ€" Choice dairy, 24 to 26c; inferior. 2t to 13c; creamery printu. 32 to 34c; do. solids. 29 to 30c. Eggs- The market m steady, w.th «ale« at 22c per doien, in case lots. Beans The market is quiet at $3.15 for prime, and $3.20 to $3.25 for hand-picked. Poultry Chickens, drtviied, 18 to 20c; ducks, drPMii-d, 15 to 17c: fowl, 13 to 15c: turke>-s. dremed. 20 to 21c, Cheese The market is quiet, with new quoted at 17 l-2e for large, and at 17 3-4o for twins. Old quoted at 19 to 19 l-4c. Potatoes- Ontario, 60 to 65c per bag. out of store, and 60c in car lotu. New Bruus- wicks, car lota. 60c per bag. Provisions. Bacon -In .g clc«r. 13 3-4 i,i IV por lb. in case lots. Uams Medium, 17 to 17 1-ac; do., heavy. 14 1-2 to 15u; rolls, M to 14 l-2c; breakfast bacon, 18 to 20c; bacJis, 21 to 2ac : boneleiu ba^'ks. 23c, Lardâ€" The market ia quiet, with prices •toady; pure lard. tul)s. 11 3-4 to 12c: do, pajis, 12 to 12 \-2c. Compound, tuba, 9 >4 to lOc; do., pails, 10 to 10 l-4c. Balid Hay and Straw, Straw in quoted at $7 50 to S8 a ton in car lot Uoliverii^ on ti-ack here. Hay-No. 1 hay ia quoted at $17 to $17.50: No. 2 at $14.50 to $15.50. and No. 3 at $12 to $13. Business In Manlrsal. Montreal, May 10. -Corn. .Vmer;caii No. i yellow, 83 to 34c. Outs. Canadian weal- ern. No, 3, 67 l-3c: extra No. 1 feed. 66 t-3c; No. 2 local white, 67c; No. 3 do.. 66c; No. 4 do.. 65c. B.Tr!ey, malting. 88 to 90c. Flour Sfan. Spring wheat paionte. firsta. $8.20; do., seconds. $7 70; „tri>ng bakena , $7.50; Winter patents, choice. $7.90; straight rollora. $7,40 to $7.50. do.. ba«>i, $3.50 to $3,60. KoIIed oats, barrels, $7 to $7.15; do., bags. 90 lbs.. $3.40 to $3.50 Bran. $26. Shorts. $28. Middlings. $33 to $34. Mouillic. $35 to $38. Bay. No 2. per ton. car lots, $18 to $19.50. Cheese, finest westernn, 17 1-4 to 17 l-2c; do., eiiaterns. 16 3-4 to 17c. Butte.-, choicest creamery. 30 to 30 l-2c; seconds. 29 1-2 to 29 3-4c. Eggs. freah. 22 to 23c; selei-tiyl. 24 to 25«'; So. 2 •took, 21e. Potatoes, per bag. car lots. 4Sc. Dresaed hogu. abattoir killed. 13 to 13 l-2c. Pork, heavy Canada short ini«8. bible., 35 to 45 piecea, *28; short > ul b.ick. bbls,, 45 to 55 pieces., $27.50. Lard, com- pound, tierces, 375 lbs,. 9 l-2c ; wood paila, 20 Iba. net, 10c; pure, tierces, 375 lbs., U l-Zc: pure, wih-4 pails, 20 Iba. net, 12c. United States Markets. Minneapolis. May 10. -Wheat- -So. 1 hard. $1,64 1-4; No. 1 Northern, $1,59 3-4 to $1.63 3-4; No, 2 Northern. $1.55 3-» to $1,60 3-1; July. $1..S3 bid. Corn -No. 3 yel- low, 72 3-4 to 73 1-Jc. Oats- No. 3 white. 53 to 53 !-2o. Flour and bran unchanged. Duluth, May 10. -Wheat- No. 1 bard, $1.M 5-8: .No. 1 Northern. $1.53 5-8: No. t Northern, $1.56 5^ to $1.59 5-8; July, $1.58 3-8. Linseed. $1.99 1-4; July. $2.01 34. New Tork. May !0.-F!our steady Bjr« flour steady. Hay strong; No. 1. $1.22 l-t; No. 2. $1.17 1-2 to $1.20; No. 3, $1 05 to $1.!0; shipping 90c to $1. Hops quiet. Hides dull. Leather firm. Live Stock Markets. Toronto. May 10,â€" Butohi-rs oattlOk choice. $7,60 to $8.35; do., good. $7.10 Ut $7,40; do, mediiun, $6.75 to $7; do, com. mon. $6.10 to $6.50; butchera' bulls, choice, $6.25 to $7.25: do., good bulls. $6.40 to $6; do., rough bulls. $4.60 to $5.75; butchers' c-owo. choice, 86.25 to $7; do., medium. $5.25 to $6; do., common, $4.60 to $5; feeders, good, $6.40 to $7,25; do., rougb bulls. $5 to $5.50: stoi-kera, 700 to l.OOC lbs., $6 to $7.25; cuniiera and cutters, S3. 75 to $5: milkers, choice, each. $60 to $9Q: do,, common and medium, eaob, $35 to $45; springcnB. $50 to $75: light ewes, $7 to $8.50; do., heavy. $5 to $6.30; do., bucks, $3.50 to $4.50; yearling lambs, $< to $10; spring lan.ba. $8 to $11,50. Montreal. May 10.â€" There were no choice steers on the market, but sa'.ca of good steers were made at $7.75 to $8, fair, at ! $7 to $7,50, and the lower grades ut 9t ; to $6.75. while butchers' cowa brought I from $4 to $7. and bul'u from $4 to $7.50 , per cwt. .\ feature of the small meat ' trade was the weaker feeling in tho mat* J ket for calves, owing to the liberal aai>> plies comini; fomard, and prices deolin- ' ed, but at th? reduction the demand «aa good, and an :totive trade was done at ' from $1 iJO to $9 p.ach, a« to sise and quiU- : itj". Tho demand for Spring lamba wa« : fair at $4 to $8 i .icb, and old sheep sold I at $6.25 to $5.50 per cwt The tone of the mnrlict for hogs was firm, with a steady demand. aiKl sales nf xelectnd lots w»r« made at $9.25 to $9.50. and heavy-iveight ! at $9 per cwt., weighed off cars Plenty of India Wheat To Supply Britain A de'-pntch from London says: The British Government hoped, said the Marquis of Crewe in th« I House of [yords, that the exporta- ' ble margin of wheat from India 1 would bo sulKci'.'nt to prevent any- thing like a panic or a rise in th« j price of wheat for tho current yeai j in this cotintrj'. Government interferenc~e with lh« export of wheat from India, the .s}>eaker said, «;is due to the beliel j that unless i'.ine strong action wer« . t<,> be taken a .serious position I would be created in India owing to I the high prices to which the wheat was advancing. I The Government was prepared, the Marquis concluded, to take as I much wheat from India as it could I get in view of what the pries ol wheat was likely to be in this coun- try. IT OF IIDCB Temporary Success Can Do No Morj Than Djla> the Russian .Advance Into Hunj^ary .â- \ despatch from London stvys : The battle now progressinjJt bet veen the Vistula and the Carpathians is thus described by the correo-pon- dtnt of the Daily Mail at Petro- grod : "For the moment nia&.se-s ot Ger- man and .\u.strian troops who for some weeks past have been oonoen- trating at Cracow have, by mere weight and superiority of numbers, force<l the Russians along t^lie Dun- ajec to draw back. The oj«»rations in this region begiwi a week ago when an Au.stri«ui force approached the Bi.ila River south of Tarnow. .\t first tJiey were held in dieck, but soon German reinforcements arrived, including many first line troiip.s net before used in the Car- pathians. Xt the .same time at Rra-snow, on tlw upi>er Vistula, a very vigorous offensive began. Six times the Russian positions were attacked and eaeh time the enemy was driven off. Finally, the enemy being greatly wcaken<'d, a battalion (if Kussjans was ordered Ut charge. and did so with complete success, a whole regiment of Landwehr tnxips being put out of action and 400 survivors beitig nwule pris^uiers. "Thieu cainie the inoveuiekut ol the enemy for w]:ijh these attacks lu'.d been preparatory. .\ very large force of Germans crossed tihe Duna- jec and under cover <if a heavy and concerted artillery lire uituie an ad- vance. No sooner had they isiaaned tdie right bank, however, than they were stojiped by the fire of the Rus- sian gunners. Orders were theoi sent to the Rus~sians to retire on their strong second line defences, and this was done aft^^r a fierce en- gageiinent in w hioh the enemy's l<>f»es were very heavy. "In connt'otion with this nic-vo- nient ether attacks were made by German and .\ustriaji for<<N< on the Nida, south of fjohuohno. and in the G-orli(;e district. The first, ven- ture failed, all attempts to cross (he Nida being repulsed and th« enemy being driven back on the left bank, wliith he lutd occupied for s<iin* time. .Vt Gorlice the advance was more s?rious. The objeet of the Get-mans here is to compel th« Russian armies in Vh" Carpathians to retreat by thrratening their Hiia of communications. "No anxiety regarding the result is fel't here, and it is not believed that the new .\ustro-German offen- oive can do more than delay tho liuasiau advauoe intg Hungary," /fe g,-,kifiiAlt.

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